コード例 #1
ファイル: magnetak_plot.py プロジェクト: dodger487/MIST
def SubPlotFeature(runData, axarr):
  magData = np.array(runData['magnetometer'])
  magData = magData - magData[0,:] # normalize based on the first row
  # magData = magData - magData[-1,:] # normalize based on the last value
  magDomain = magData[:,0] # first index is time, second is accuracy
  X = magData[:,2]
  Y = magData[:,3]
  Z = magData[:,4]
  mag = np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2 + Z**2)
  magDomain = magDomain - magDomain[0] # put in same timescale

  X = magnetak_util.scale(X)
  Y = magnetak_util.scale(Y)
  Z = magnetak_util.scale(Z)
  mag = magnetak_util.scale(mag)

  row = 0 if len(runData['labels']) > 0 else 1
  axarr[row, 0].plot(magDomain, X, alpha=0.2)
  axarr[row, 1].plot(magDomain, Y, alpha=0.2)
  axarr[row, 2].plot(magDomain, Z, alpha=0.2)
  axarr[row, 3].plot(magDomain, mag, alpha=0.2)

  if row == 0:
    axarr[row, 0].set_ylabel('True Positive')
    axarr[row, 0].set_title('X')
    axarr[row, 1].set_title('Y')
    axarr[row, 2].set_title('Z')
    axarr[row, 3].set_title('Magnitude')
    axarr[row, 0].set_ylabel('True Negative')
    axarr[row, 0].set_ylim(axarr[0, 0].get_ylim())
    axarr[row, 1].set_ylim(axarr[0, 1].get_ylim())
    axarr[row, 2].set_ylim(axarr[0, 2].get_ylim())
    axarr[row, 3].set_ylim(axarr[0, 3].get_ylim())
コード例 #2
ファイル: magnetak_ml.py プロジェクト: dodger487/MIST
  def SumOfDifferences(self, domain, axis, template):
    domain = np.array(domain)
    domain = domain - domain[0]
    axis = magnetak_util.scale(axis)

    distances = [abs(data - template(t)) for data, t in zip(axis, domain) if t < self.window_size]
    return sum(distances) / len(distances)
コード例 #3
ファイル: magnetak_ml.py プロジェクト: dodger487/MIST
 def CosineSimilarity(self, domain, axis, template):
   domain = np.array(domain)
   domain = domain - domain[0]
   axis = magnetak_util.scale(axis)
   otherVect = [template(t) for t in domain if t < self.window_size]
   distance = scipy.spatial.distance.cosine(axis, otherVect)
   return distance
コード例 #4
ファイル: magnetak_plot.py プロジェクト: dodger487/MIST
def PlotInterpolatedSnips(runDataList):
  fcns = []
  for runData in runDataList:
    if len(runData['labels']) == 0:

    magData = np.array(runData['magnetometer'])
    magData = magData - magData[0,:] # normalize data based on first row
    # magData = magData - magData[-1,:] # normalize data based on last row
    magDomain = magData[:,0] # first index is time, second is accuracy
    X = magData[:,2]
    Y = magData[:,3]
    Z = magData[:,4]
    mag = np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2 + Z**2)
    magDomain = magDomain - magDomain[0] # put in same timescale

    mag = magnetak_util.scale(mag)

    fcns.append(scipy.interpolate.interp1d(magDomain, mag, kind='cubic'))
    pl.plot(magDomain, mag, alpha=0.2)

  numFcns = float(len(fcns))
  BigF = lambda x: sum([f(x) for f in fcns]) / numFcns
  newX = range(0,450000000,1000000)
  newY = [BigF(x) for x in newX]
  pl.plot(newX, newY, color='red')
コード例 #5
ファイル: magnetak_ml.py プロジェクト: dodger487/MIST
 def CosineSimilarity(self, domain, axis, template):
   domain = np.array(domain)
   domain = domain - domain[0]
   axis = magnetak_util.scale(axis)
   otherVect = [template(t) for t in domain if t < self.window_size]
   distance = scipy.spatial.distance.cosine(axis, otherVect)
   # features = [f if not np.isnan(f) else 0 for f in features]
   # return features
   return distance if not np.isnan(distance) else 0
コード例 #6
ファイル: magnetak_ml.py プロジェクト: dodger487/MIST
  def featurize(self, data):
    """This method should take in magnetometer data and output a feature vector"""
    segment_time_ns = self.segment_time * 1e6 # convert to nanoseconds
    window_size = segment_time_ns * 2

    data = np.array(data)
    domain = data[:,0] # first index is time, second is accuracy
    # magData = magData[ domain < domain[0] + self.window_size ]

    segment1 = data[(domain <= domain[0] + segment_time_ns)]
    segment2 = data[(domain > domain[0] + segment_time_ns) & (domain <= domain[0] + window_size)]
    if len(segment1) == 0 or len(segment2) == 0:
      return np.array([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0])

    S0 = segment2[-1, 2:5]
    offsets1 = segment1[:, 2:5] - S0
    offsets2 = segment2[:, 2:5] - S0
    norms1 = [np.linalg.norm(row) for row in offsets1]
    norms2 = [np.linalg.norm(row) for row in offsets2]

    window = data[(domain <= domain[0] + window_size)]
    window = window - window[0,:]
    norms_scaled = [np.linalg.norm(row[2:5]) for row in window]
    # X = window[:,2]
    # Y = window[:,3]
    # Z = window[:,4]
    # magnitudes = np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2 + Z**2)
    scaled_magnitudes = np.array(magnetak_util.scale(norms_scaled))
    scaled_segment1 = np.array(scaled_magnitudes[(window[:,0] < segment_time_ns)])
    scaled_segment2 = np.array(scaled_magnitudes[(window[:,0] > segment_time_ns) & (window[:,0] <= window_size)])

    # print len(norms1), len(norms2)
    # print len(scaled_segment1), len(scaled_segment2)

    return np.array([
