コード例 #1
ファイル: item.py プロジェクト: bomcon123456/Onboard_Project
def create_item(body_params):
    Create an item
    :param body_params:
    :bodyparam title: Title of the item
    :bodyparam description: Description of the item
    :bodyparam category_id: Identifier of the category to which this item will belong

    :raise ValidationError 400: if form is messed up
    :raise DuplicatedEntity 400: If try to create an existed object.
    :raise BadRequest 400: if the body mimetype is not JSON
    :raise Unauthorized 401: If not login
    :raise NotFound 404: If category_id is not valid
    :return: the created item
    if CategoryModel.find_by_id(body_params['category_id']) is None:
        raise NotFound(error_message='Category with this id doesn\'t exist.')
    if ItemModel.query.filter_by(title=body_params['title']).first():
        raise DuplicatedEntity(error_message='Item with this title exists.')

    body_params['creator_id'] = get_jwt_identity()
    item = ItemModel(**body_params)

    return create_data_response(item_schema.dump(item))
コード例 #2
def delete_category(category_id):
    Delete the category with id
    :param category_id: ID of the category we want to delete

    :raise Unauthorized 401: If user is not login-ed
    :raise Forbidden 403: if user try to update other user's category
    :raise Not Found 404: If category with that id doesn't exist
    :return: 204 response
    category = CategoryModel.find_by_id(category_id)
    if category is None:
        raise NotFound(error_message='Category with this id doesn\'t exist.')

    creator_id = get_jwt_identity()
    if creator_id != category.creator_id:
        raise Forbidden(
            error_message='You can\'t delete other users\'s category')

        ItemModel.category_id ==
        category_id).delete()  # delete all items in this category

    return Response(status=StatusCodeEnum.NO_CONTENT)
コード例 #3
ファイル: item.py プロジェクト: bomcon123456/Onboard_Project
def update_item(item_id, body_params):
    Update the item with id
    :param item_id: ID of the item we want to update
    :param body_params:
    :bodyparam title: Title of the item
    :bodyparam description: Description of the item

    :raise ValidationError 400: if form is messed up
    :raise DuplicatedEntity 400: if there is a item with the title.
    :raise BadRequest 400: if the body mimetype is not JSON
    :raise Unauthorized 401: If not login
    :raise Forbidden 403: If user tries to delete other user's items
    :raise NotFound 404: If category_id is not valid or item with id is not valid
    :return: the updated item
    category_id = body_params.get('category_id')
    # After SchemaValidation, category_id is either None or a number, None will pass through this test
    if category_id and CategoryModel.find_by_id(category_id) is None:
        raise NotFound(error_message='Category with this id doesn\'t exist.')

    item = ItemModel.find_by_id(item_id)
    if item is None:
        raise NotFound(error_message='Item with this id doesn\'t exist.')
    if item.creator_id != get_jwt_identity():
        raise Forbidden(error_message='You can\'t update other users\'s item')

    title = body_params.get('title')
    description = body_params.get('description')
    if title:
        if ItemModel.query.filter_by(title=title).first():
            raise DuplicatedEntity(error_message='Item with this title has already existed.')
        item.title = title
    if description:
        item.description = description
    if category_id:
        item.category_id = category_id

    return create_data_response(item_schema.dump(item))
コード例 #4
ファイル: item.py プロジェクト: bomcon123456/Onboard_Project
def get_item(item_id):
    Get the item with id
    :param item_id: id of the category

    :raise Not Found 404: If item with that id doesn't exist
    :return: Item with that id
    item = ItemModel.find_by_id(item_id)
    if item is None:
        raise NotFound(error_message='Item with this id doesn\'t exist.')

    return create_data_response(item_schema.dump(item))
コード例 #5
def get_category(category_id):
    Get the category by id
    :param category_id: id of the category want to get

    :raise Not Found 404: If category with that id doesn't exist
    :return: Category with that id
    category = CategoryModel.find_by_id(category_id)
    if category is None:
        raise NotFound(error_message='Category with this id doesn\'t exist.')

    return create_data_response(category_schema.dump(category))
コード例 #6
ファイル: item.py プロジェクト: bomcon123456/Onboard_Project
def delete_item(item_id):
    Delete the item with id
    :param item_id: ID of the item we want to delete

    :raise Unauthorized 401: If not login
    :raise Forbidden 403: If user tries to delete other user's items
    :raise Not Found 404: If item with that id doesn't exist
    :return: 204 response
    item = ItemModel.find_by_id(item_id)
    if item is None:
        raise NotFound(error_message='Item with this id doesn\'t exist.')
    if item.creator_id != get_jwt_identity():
        raise Forbidden(error_message='You can\'t delete other users\'s item')

    return Response(status=StatusCodeEnum.NO_CONTENT)
コード例 #7
def update_category(category_id, body_params):
    Update the category with id
    :param category_id: ID of the category we want to update
    :param body_params:
    :bodyparam title: Title of the category
    :bodyparam description: Description of the category

    :raise ValidationError 400: if form is messed up
    :raise DuplicatedEntity 400: if there is a category with the title
    :raise BadRequest 400: if the body mimetype is not JSON
    :raise Unauthorized 401: If user is not login-ed
    :raise Forbidden 403: if user try to update other user's category
    :raise Not Found 404: If category with that id doesn't exist
    :return: the updated category
    category = CategoryModel.find_by_id(category_id)
    if category is None:
        raise NotFound(error_message='Category with this id doesn\'t exist.')

    creator_id = get_jwt_identity()
    if creator_id != category.creator_id:
        raise Forbidden(
            error_message='You can\'t update other users\'s category')

    title = body_params.get('title')
    description = body_params.get('description')
    if title:
        if CategoryModel.query.filter_by(title=title).first():
            raise DuplicatedEntity(
                error_message='There is already a category with this title.')
        category.title = title
    if description:
        category.description = description

    return create_data_response(category_schema.dump(category))