def shutdown(TheInterface): TheInterfaceMainName = ethernet_filename = "ifcfg-" + TheInterfaceMainName ethernet_file_object = File(ethernet_filename, NETWORK_CONF_PATH) if not ethernet_file_object.Existed(): return False for line in ethernet_file_object.Read().split("\n"): match ='^iface\s+(\S+)\s+inet', line) if match: TheInterfaceName = ethernet_object = NetworkInterface(TheInterfaceName) ethernet_object.ifDown() ethernet_object.Down() return True
def setNetworkConfigurationOf(TheInterface): if not TheInterface.status: return False TheInterfaceMainName = IPv4AddressList = TheInterface.ipv4address.split(",") IPv4AddressCounter = 0 ConfigurationsText = "" for eachIpv4Address in IPv4AddressList: isVirtual = False if IPv4AddressCounter > 0: TheInterfaceName = TheInterfaceMainName + ( ":" + (str(IPv4AddressCounter - 1))) isVirtual = True else: TheInterfaceName = TheInterfaceMainName ipv4address_with_cidr = eachIpv4Address.split("/") if TheInterface.status: ConfigurationsText += "auto " + TheInterfaceName + "\n" ConfigurationsText += "iface " + TheInterfaceName + " inet " if TheInterface.dhcp: ConfigurationsText += "dhcp\n" else: ConfigurationsText += "static\n" ConfigurationsText += "\taddress " + ipv4address_with_cidr[0] + "\n" if len(ipv4address_with_cidr) > 1: ConfigurationsText += "\tnetmask " + ipv4address_with_cidr[ 1] + "\n" else: ConfigurationsText += "\tnetmask 24\n" if not isVirtual: if TheInterface.gateway != "": ConfigurationsText += "\tgateway " + TheInterface.gateway + "\n" if not isVirtual: if TheInterface.mtu != "1500": ConfigurationsText += "\tmtu " + TheInterface.mtu + "\n" if TheInterface.manual_dns: nameservers = TheInterface.dnsserver.replace(",", " ") ConfigurationsText += "\tdns-nameservers " + nameservers ConfigurationsText += "\n" ConfigurationsText += "\n" IPv4AddressCounter += 1 ethernet_filename = "ifcfg-" + TheInterfaceMainName ethernet_file_object = File(ethernet_filename, NETWORK_CONF_PATH) return ethernet_file_object.Write(ConfigurationsText)
def setPermanentRouteTable(TheRoutes): route_conf_main = File(ROUTE_CONF_FILE, ROUTE_CONF_PATH) route_conf_main.Remove() if len(TheRoutes) < 1: return False ConfigurationsText = "#!/bin/sh\n" for eachRoute in TheRoutes: if eachRoute.status: Ipv4List = eachRoute.ipv4address.split(",") for eachIpv4Address in Ipv4List: ConfigurationsText += "route add " ConfigurationsText += " -net " + eachIpv4Address ConfigurationsText += " gw " + eachRoute.gateway if eachRoute.interface != "": ConfigurationsText += " dev " + eachRoute.interface if eachRoute.metric != 0: ConfigurationsText += " metric " + str(eachRoute.metric) ConfigurationsText += " || true \n" route_conf_main.Write(ConfigurationsText) route_conf_main.MakeExec()
def reconstructIpsecConfurations(): ipsec_conf_main = File(IPSEC_ETC_CONF, IPSEC_PREFIX) ipsec_secrets_main = File(IPSEC_SECRETS, IPSEC_PREFIX) IPSEC_MainConfigurationsText = """config setup uniqueids="no" strictcrlpolicy="no" conn %default mobike="no" keyingtries="%forever" leftsendcert="always" #forceencaps="yes"\n\n """ IPSEC_MainSecretsText = "" tunnels = Tunnel.objects.all() for eachTunnel in tunnels: requested_profile = Profile.objects.get(name=eachTunnel.profile) IPSEC_MainConfigurationsText += setVpnTunnelConfigurationOf( eachTunnel, requested_profile) IPSEC_MainSecretsText += setVpnTunnelSecretOf(eachTunnel) ipsec_conf_main.Write(IPSEC_MainConfigurationsText) ipsec_secrets_main.Write(IPSEC_MainSecretsText)
def removeNetworkConfigurationOf(TheInterface): TheInterfaceMainName = ethernet_filename = "ifcfg-" + TheInterfaceMainName ethernet_file_object = File(ethernet_filename, NETWORK_CONF_PATH) ethernet_file_object.Remove()
ROUTE_CONF_PATH = '/etc/network/if-up.d/' route_conf_object = Directory(ROUTE_CONF_PATH) if not route_conf_object.Existed(): route_conf_object.Make() # IPSec VPN IPSEC_KEYDB = "/etc/ipsec.d/" ipsec_keydb_object = Directory(IPSEC_KEYDB) if not ipsec_keydb_object.Existed(): ipsec_keydb_object.Make() # FILES NETWORK_CONF_MAIN = '/etc/network/' NETWORK_CONF_IFACE = 'interfaces' ethernet_conf_main = File(NETWORK_CONF_IFACE, NETWORK_CONF_MAIN) MainConfigurationsText = """# interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8) auto lo iface lo inet loopback source /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-* """ ethernet_conf_main.Write(MainConfigurationsText) ROUTE_CONF_FILE = 'routes' route_conf_main = File(ROUTE_CONF_FILE, ROUTE_CONF_PATH) if route_conf_main.Existed(): route_conf_main.MakeExec() # python begins the file section python = '/usr/bin/python'