コード例 #1
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: aronasorman/ka-lite-central
def splat_handler(request, splat):
    slugs = filter(lambda x: x, splat.split("/"))
    current_node = topic_tools.get_topic_tree()
    while current_node:
        match = [ch for ch in (current_node.get('children') or []) if request.path.startswith(ch["path"])]
        if len(match) > 1:  # can only happen for leaf nodes (only when one node is blank?)
            match = [m for m in match if request.path == m["path"]]
        if not match:
            raise Http404
        current_node = match[0]
        if request.path == current_node["path"]:

    if current_node["kind"] == "Topic":
        return topic_handler(request, cached_nodes={"topic": current_node})
    elif current_node["kind"] == "Video":
        prev, next = get_neighbor_nodes(current_node, neighbor_kind=current_node["kind"])
        return video_handler(request, cached_nodes={"video": current_node, "prev": prev, "next": next})
    elif current_node["kind"] == "Exercise":
        cached_nodes = topic_tools.get_related_videos(current_node, limit_to_available=False)
        cached_nodes["exercise"] = current_node
        cached_nodes["prev"], cached_nodes["next"] = get_neighbor_nodes(current_node, neighbor_kind=current_node['kind'])
        return exercise_handler(request, cached_nodes=cached_nodes)
        raise Http404
コード例 #2
ファイル: api_views.py プロジェクト: AbhiUnni/ka-lite
def get_annotated_topic_tree(request, lang_code=None):
    call_command("videoscan")  # Could potentially be very slow, blocking request... but at least it's via an API request!

    lang_code = lang_code or request.language      # Get annotations for the current language.
    statusdict = dict(VideoFile.objects.values_list("youtube_id", "percent_complete"))

    return JsonResponse(annotate_topic_tree(get_topic_tree(), statusdict=statusdict, lang_code=lang_code))
コード例 #3
 def preload_global_data():
     if not settings.CENTRAL_SERVER:
         logging.info("Preloading topic data.")
         from main.topic_tools import get_topic_tree
         from updates import stamp_availability_on_topic
コード例 #4
def get_annotated_topic_tree(request, lang_code=None):
    )  # Could potentially be very slow, blocking request... but at least it's via an API request!

    lang_code = lang_code or request.language  # Get annotations for the current language.
    statusdict = dict(
        VideoFile.objects.values_list("youtube_id", "percent_complete"))

    return JsonResponse(
コード例 #5
def invalidate_all_pages_related_to_video(video_id=None):
    """Given a video file, recurse backwards up the hierarchy and invalidate all pages.
    Also include video pages and related exercise pages.

    # Expire all video files and related paths
    video_paths = topic_tools.get_video_page_paths(video_id=video_id)
    exercise_paths = topic_tools.get_exercise_page_paths(video_id=video_id)
    leaf_paths = set(video_paths).union(set(exercise_paths))

    for leaf_path in leaf_paths:
        all_paths = generate_all_paths(path=leaf_path, base_path=topic_tools.get_topic_tree()['path'])
        for path in filter(has_cache_key, all_paths):  # start at the root
コード例 #6
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: aronasorman/ka-lite-central
    def refresh_topic_cache_wrapper_fn(request, cached_nodes={}, force=False, *args, **kwargs):
        Centralized logic for how to refresh the topic cache, for each type of object.

        When the object is desired to be used, this code runs to refresh data,
        balancing between correctness and efficiency.
        if not cached_nodes:
            cached_nodes = {"topics": topic_tools.get_topic_tree()}

        def has_computed_urls(node):
            return "subtitles" in node.get("availability", {}).get("en", {})

        for node in cached_nodes.values():
            if not node:
            has_children = bool(node.get("children"))

            # Propertes not yet marked
            if node["kind"] == "Video":
                if force or not has_computed_urls(node):
                    recount_videos_and_invalidate_parents(get_parent(node), force=True, stamp_urls=True)

            elif node["kind"] == "Exercise":
                for video in topic_tools.get_related_videos(exercise=node).values():
                    if not has_computed_urls(node):
                        stamp_availability_on_video(video, force=True)  # will be done by force below

            elif node["kind"] == "Topic":
                bottom_layer_topic =  "Topic" not in node["contains"]
                # always run do_video_counts_need_update_question_mark(), to make sure the (internal) counts stay up to date.
                force = do_video_counts_need_update_question_mark() or force or bottom_layer_topic

        return handler(request, *args, **kwargs)
コード例 #7
 def preload_global_data():
     if not settings.CENTRAL_SERVER:
         logging.info("Preloading topic data.")
         from main.topic_tools import get_topic_tree
         from updates import stamp_availability_on_topic
         stamp_availability_on_topic(get_topic_tree(), force=True, stamp_urls=True)
コード例 #8
from main import settings
import main.topic_tools as T


def fn_from_videopath(path):
    if path.startswith("/"):
        path = path[1:]
    if path.endswith("/"):
        path = path[:-1]
    path = path.replace("/", ":")
    return path

videos = T.get_topic_videos(topic_id=T.get_topic_tree()['id'])
for v in videos:
    files = glob(os.path.join("..", "content", v['youtube_id']) + "*")
    for f in files:
        base, ext = os.path.splitext(f)
        linkdst = os.path.basename(f)
        linkname = os.path.join("..", "content",
                                fn_from_videopath(v['path']) + ext)
        #print "ln -s %s %s" % (linkdst,linkname)
        if os.path.islink(linkname):
        if os.path.exists(linkname):
                "WARNING: Refusing to overwrite non-symlink: %s\n" % linkname)
        os.symlink(linkdst, linkname)
コード例 #9
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: aronasorman/ka-lite-central
def student_view_context(request, xaxis="pct_mastery", yaxis="ex:attempts"):
    Context done separately, to be importable for similar pages.
    user = get_user_from_request(request=request)
    if not user:
        raise Http404("User not found.")

    node_cache = get_node_cache()
    topic_ids = get_knowledgemap_topics()
    topic_ids += [ch["id"] for node in get_topic_tree()["children"] for ch in node["children"] if node["id"] != "math"]
    topics = [node_cache["Topic"][id][0] for id in topic_ids]

    user_id = user.id
    exercise_logs = list(ExerciseLog.objects \
        .filter(user=user) \
        .values("exercise_id", "complete", "points", "attempts", "streak_progress", "struggling", "completion_timestamp"))
    video_logs = list(VideoLog.objects \
        .filter(user=user) \
        .values("video_id", "complete", "total_seconds_watched", "points", "completion_timestamp"))

    exercise_sparklines = dict()
    stats = dict()
    topic_exercises = dict()
    topic_videos = dict()
    exercises_by_topic = dict()
    videos_by_topic = dict()

    # Categorize every exercise log into a "midlevel" exercise
    for elog in exercise_logs:
        if not elog["exercise_id"] in node_cache["Exercise"]:
            # Sometimes KA updates their topic tree and eliminates exercises;
            #   we also want to support 3rd party switching of trees arbitrarily.
            logging.debug("Skip unknown exercise log for %s/%s" % (user_id, elog["exercise_id"]))

        parent_ids = [topic for ex in node_cache["Exercise"][elog["exercise_id"]] for topic in ex["ancestor_ids"]]
        topic = set(parent_ids).intersection(set(topic_ids))
        if not topic:
            logging.error("Could not find a topic for exercise %s (parents=%s)" % (elog["exercise_id"], parent_ids))
        topic = topic.pop()
        if not topic in topic_exercises:
            topic_exercises[topic] = get_topic_exercises(path=node_cache["Topic"][topic][0]["path"])
        exercises_by_topic[topic] = exercises_by_topic.get(topic, []) + [elog]

    # Categorize every video log into a "midlevel" exercise.
    for vlog in video_logs:
        if not vlog["video_id"] in node_cache["Video"]:
            # Sometimes KA updates their topic tree and eliminates videos;
            #   we also want to support 3rd party switching of trees arbitrarily.
            logging.debug("Skip unknown video log for %s/%s" % (user_id, vlog["video_id"]))

        parent_ids = [topic for vid in node_cache["Video"][vlog["video_id"]] for topic in vid["ancestor_ids"]]
        topic = set(parent_ids).intersection(set(topic_ids))
        if not topic:
            logging.error("Could not find a topic for video %s (parents=%s)" % (vlog["video_id"], parent_ids))
        topic = topic.pop()
        if not topic in topic_videos:
            topic_videos[topic] = get_topic_videos(path=node_cache["Topic"][topic][0]["path"])
        videos_by_topic[topic] = videos_by_topic.get(topic, []) + [vlog]

    # Now compute stats
    for id in topic_ids:#set(topic_exercises.keys()).union(set(topic_videos.keys())):
        n_exercises = len(topic_exercises.get(id, []))
        n_videos = len(topic_videos.get(id, []))

        exercises = exercises_by_topic.get(id, [])
        videos = videos_by_topic.get(id, [])
        n_exercises_touched = len(exercises)
        n_videos_touched = len(videos)

        exercise_sparklines[id] = [el["completion_timestamp"] for el in filter(lambda n: n["complete"], exercises)]

        # total streak currently a pct, but expressed in max 100; convert to
        # proportion (like other percentages here)
        stats[id] = {
            "ex:pct_mastery":      0 if not n_exercises_touched else sum([el["complete"] for el in exercises]) / float(n_exercises),
            "ex:pct_started":      0 if not n_exercises_touched else n_exercises_touched / float(n_exercises),
            "ex:average_points":   0 if not n_exercises_touched else sum([el["points"] for el in exercises]) / float(n_exercises_touched),
            "ex:average_attempts": 0 if not n_exercises_touched else sum([el["attempts"] for el in exercises]) / float(n_exercises_touched),
            "ex:average_streak":   0 if not n_exercises_touched else sum([el["streak_progress"] for el in exercises]) / float(n_exercises_touched) / 100.,
            "ex:total_struggling": 0 if not n_exercises_touched else sum([el["struggling"] for el in exercises]),
            "ex:last_completed": None if not n_exercises_touched else max_none([el["completion_timestamp"] or None for el in exercises]),

            "vid:pct_started":      0 if not n_videos_touched else n_videos_touched / float(n_videos),
            "vid:pct_completed":    0 if not n_videos_touched else sum([vl["complete"] for vl in videos]) / float(n_videos),
            "vid:total_minutes":      0 if not n_videos_touched else sum([vl["total_seconds_watched"] for vl in videos]) / 60.,
            "vid:average_points":   0. if not n_videos_touched else float(sum([vl["points"] for vl in videos]) / float(n_videos_touched)),
            "vid:last_completed": None if not n_videos_touched else max_none([vl["completion_timestamp"] or None for vl in videos]),

    context = plotting_metadata_context(request)

    return {
        "form": context["form"],
        "groups": context["groups"],
        "facilities": context["facilities"],
        "student": user,
        "topics": topics,
        "exercises": topic_exercises,
        "exercise_logs": exercises_by_topic,
        "video_logs": videos_by_topic,
        "exercise_sparklines": exercise_sparklines,
        "no_data": not exercise_logs and not video_logs,
        "stats": stats,
        "stat_defs": [  # this order determines the order of display
            {"key": "ex:pct_mastery",      "title": _("% Mastery"),        "type": "pct"},
            {"key": "ex:pct_started",      "title": _("% Started"),        "type": "pct"},
            {"key": "ex:average_points",   "title": _("Average Points"),   "type": "float"},
            {"key": "ex:average_attempts", "title": _("Average Attempts"), "type": "float"},
            {"key": "ex:average_streak",   "title": _("Average Streak"),   "type": "pct"},
            {"key": "ex:total_struggling", "title": _("Struggling"),       "type": "int"},
            {"key": "ex:last_completed",   "title": _("Last Completed"),   "type": "date"},
            {"key": "vid:pct_completed",   "title": _("% Completed"),      "type": "pct"},
            {"key": "vid:pct_started",     "title": _("% Started"),        "type": "pct"},
            {"key": "vid:total_minutes",   "title": _("Average Minutes Watched"),"type": "float"},
            {"key": "vid:average_points",  "title": _("Average Points"),   "type": "float"},
            {"key": "vid:last_completed",  "title": _("Last Completed"),   "type": "date"},
コード例 #10
from django.core.management import setup_environ
from main import settings
import main.topic_tools as T


def fn_from_videopath(path):
  if path.startswith("/"):
    path = path[1:]
  if path.endswith("/"):
    path = path[:-1]	
  path = path.replace("/",":")
  return path

videos = T.get_topic_videos(topic_id=T.get_topic_tree()['id'])
for v in videos:
  files = glob(os.path.join("..","content",v['youtube_id'])+"*")
  for f in files:
    base,ext = os.path.splitext(f)
    linkdst = os.path.basename(f)
    linkname = os.path.join("..","content",fn_from_videopath(v['path'])+ext)
    #print "ln -s %s %s" % (linkdst,linkname)
    if os.path.islink(linkname):
    if os.path.exists(linkname):
      sys.stderr.write("WARNING: Refusing to overwrite non-symlink: %s\n" % linkname)

コード例 #11
def student_view_context(request, xaxis="pct_mastery", yaxis="ex:attempts"):
    Context done separately, to be importable for similar pages.
    user = get_user_from_request(request=request)
    if not user:
        raise Http404("User not found.")

    node_cache = get_node_cache()
    topic_ids = get_knowledgemap_topics()
    topic_ids += [ch["id"] for node in get_topic_tree()["children"] for ch in node["children"] if node["id"] != "math"]
    topics = [node_cache["Topic"][id][0] for id in topic_ids]

    user_id = user.id
    exercise_logs = list(ExerciseLog.objects \
        .filter(user=user) \
        .values("exercise_id", "complete", "points", "attempts", "streak_progress", "struggling", "completion_timestamp"))
    video_logs = list(VideoLog.objects \
        .filter(user=user) \
        .values("video_id", "complete", "total_seconds_watched", "points", "completion_timestamp"))

    exercise_sparklines = dict()
    stats = dict()
    topic_exercises = dict()
    topic_videos = dict()
    exercises_by_topic = dict()
    videos_by_topic = dict()

    # Categorize every exercise log into a "midlevel" exercise
    for elog in exercise_logs:
        if not elog["exercise_id"] in node_cache["Exercise"]:
            # Sometimes KA updates their topic tree and eliminates exercises;
            #   we also want to support 3rd party switching of trees arbitrarily.
            logging.debug("Skip unknown exercise log for %s/%s" % (user_id, elog["exercise_id"]))

        parent_ids = [topic for ex in node_cache["Exercise"][elog["exercise_id"]] for topic in ex["ancestor_ids"]]
        topic = set(parent_ids).intersection(set(topic_ids))
        if not topic:
            logging.error("Could not find a topic for exercise %s (parents=%s)" % (elog["exercise_id"], parent_ids))
        topic = topic.pop()
        if not topic in topic_exercises:
            topic_exercises[topic] = get_topic_exercises(path=node_cache["Topic"][topic][0]["path"])
        exercises_by_topic[topic] = exercises_by_topic.get(topic, []) + [elog]

    # Categorize every video log into a "midlevel" exercise.
    for vlog in video_logs:
        if not vlog["video_id"] in node_cache["Video"]:
            # Sometimes KA updates their topic tree and eliminates videos;
            #   we also want to support 3rd party switching of trees arbitrarily.
            logging.debug("Skip unknown video log for %s/%s" % (user_id, vlog["video_id"]))

        parent_ids = [topic for vid in node_cache["Video"][vlog["video_id"]] for topic in vid["ancestor_ids"]]
        topic = set(parent_ids).intersection(set(topic_ids))
        if not topic:
            logging.error("Could not find a topic for video %s (parents=%s)" % (vlog["video_id"], parent_ids))
        topic = topic.pop()
        if not topic in topic_videos:
            topic_videos[topic] = get_topic_videos(path=node_cache["Topic"][topic][0]["path"])
        videos_by_topic[topic] = videos_by_topic.get(topic, []) + [vlog]

    # Now compute stats
    for id in topic_ids:#set(topic_exercises.keys()).union(set(topic_videos.keys())):
        n_exercises = len(topic_exercises.get(id, []))
        n_videos = len(topic_videos.get(id, []))

        exercises = exercises_by_topic.get(id, [])
        videos = videos_by_topic.get(id, [])
        n_exercises_touched = len(exercises)
        n_videos_touched = len(videos)

        exercise_sparklines[id] = [el["completion_timestamp"] for el in filter(lambda n: n["complete"], exercises)]

        # total streak currently a pct, but expressed in max 100; convert to
        # proportion (like other percentages here)
        stats[id] = {
            "ex:pct_mastery":      0 if not n_exercises_touched else sum([el["complete"] for el in exercises]) / float(n_exercises),
            "ex:pct_started":      0 if not n_exercises_touched else n_exercises_touched / float(n_exercises),
            "ex:average_points":   0 if not n_exercises_touched else sum([el["points"] for el in exercises]) / float(n_exercises_touched),
            "ex:average_attempts": 0 if not n_exercises_touched else sum([el["attempts"] for el in exercises]) / float(n_exercises_touched),
            "ex:average_streak":   0 if not n_exercises_touched else sum([el["streak_progress"] for el in exercises]) / float(n_exercises_touched) / 100.,
            "ex:total_struggling": 0 if not n_exercises_touched else sum([el["struggling"] for el in exercises]),
            "ex:last_completed": None if not n_exercises_touched else max_none([el["completion_timestamp"] or None for el in exercises]),

            "vid:pct_started":      0 if not n_videos_touched else n_videos_touched / float(n_videos),
            "vid:pct_completed":    0 if not n_videos_touched else sum([vl["complete"] for vl in videos]) / float(n_videos),
            "vid:total_minutes":      0 if not n_videos_touched else sum([vl["total_seconds_watched"] for vl in videos]) / 60.,
            "vid:average_points":   0. if not n_videos_touched else float(sum([vl["points"] for vl in videos]) / float(n_videos_touched)),
            "vid:last_completed": None if not n_videos_touched else max_none([vl["completion_timestamp"] or None for vl in videos]),

    context = plotting_metadata_context(request)

    return {
        "form": context["form"],
        "groups": context["groups"],
        "facilities": context["facilities"],
        "student": user,
        "topics": topics,
        "exercises": topic_exercises,
        "exercise_logs": exercises_by_topic,
        "video_logs": videos_by_topic,
        "exercise_sparklines": exercise_sparklines,
        "no_data": not exercise_logs and not video_logs,
        "stats": stats,
        "stat_defs": [  # this order determines the order of display
            {"key": "ex:pct_mastery",      "title": _("% Mastery"),        "type": "pct"},
            {"key": "ex:pct_started",      "title": _("% Started"),        "type": "pct"},
            {"key": "ex:average_points",   "title": _("Average Points"),   "type": "float"},
            {"key": "ex:average_attempts", "title": _("Average Attempts"), "type": "float"},
            {"key": "ex:average_streak",   "title": _("Average Streak"),   "type": "pct"},
            {"key": "ex:total_struggling", "title": _("Struggling"),       "type": "int"},
            {"key": "ex:last_completed",   "title": _("Last Completed"),   "type": "date"},
            {"key": "vid:pct_completed",   "title": _("% Completed"),      "type": "pct"},
            {"key": "vid:pct_started",     "title": _("% Started"),        "type": "pct"},
            {"key": "vid:total_minutes",   "title": _("Average Minutes Watched"),"type": "float"},
            {"key": "vid:average_points",  "title": _("Average Points"),   "type": "float"},
            {"key": "vid:last_completed",  "title": _("Last Completed"),   "type": "date"},
コード例 #12
def regenerate_all_pages_related_to_videos(video_ids):
    """Regenerate all webpages related to a specific list of videos.  This is good for increasing new server performance."""
    paths_to_regenerate = set() # unique set
    for video_id in video_ids:

        for video_path in topic_tools.get_video_page_paths(video_id=video_id):
            paths_to_regenerate = paths_to_regenerate.union(generate_all_paths(path=video_path, base_path=topic_tools.get_topic_tree()['path']))  # start at the root
        for exercise_path in topic_tools.get_exercise_page_paths(video_id=video_id):
            paths_to_regenerate = paths_to_regenerate.union(generate_all_paths(path=exercise_path, base_path=topic_tools.get_topic_tree()['path']))  # start at the root

    # Now, regenerate any page.
    for path in paths_to_regenerate:
        create_cache(path=path, force=True)

    return paths_to_regenerate