def Epornik1(url): link=main.OPENURL(url) main.addLink("[COLOR red]- Epornik -[/COLOR]",'','') link=link.replace('\r','').replace('\n','').replace('\t','').replace(' ','').replace('\\','') firstmatch=re.compile('src="([^"]*)"></iframe>').findall(link) for url in firstmatch: main.addDown2("[COLOR blue]PLAY[/COLOR]",url,74,'.png','.png')
def BUPLOADSLINKS(name,url): link=main.OPENURL(url) link=link.replace('\r','').replace('\n','').replace('\t','').replace(' ','').replace('\\','') if selfAddon.getSetting("hide-download-instructions") != "true": main.addLink("[COLOR red]For Download Options, Bring up Context Menu Over Selected Link.[/COLOR]",'','') billionuploads=re.compile('<li class="link_name">billionuploads</li>.+?<li class=".+?"><span><a href="(.+?)" target=".+?">').findall(link) for url in billionuploads: main.addDown(name,MainUrl+url,5,art+'/hosts/billionuploads.png',art+'/hosts/billionuploads.png')
def GroupedHosts(name, url, thumb): if selfAddon.getSetting("hide-download-instructions") != "true": main.addLink( "[COLOR red]For Download Options, Bring up Context Menu Over Selected Link.[/COLOR]", '', '') urls = eval(url) for url in urls: main.addDown2(name, MainUrl + url, 5, thumb, thumb)
def Epornik1(url): link = main.OPENURL(url) main.addLink("[COLOR red]- Epornik -[/COLOR]", '', '') link = link.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '').replace('\t', '').replace( ' ', '').replace('\\', '') firstmatch = re.compile('src="([^"]*)"></iframe>').findall(link) for url in firstmatch: main.addDown2("[COLOR blue]PLAY[/COLOR]", url, 74, '.png', '.png')
def BUPLOADSLINKS(name, url): link = main.OPENURL(url) main.addLink( "[COLOR red]For Download Options, Bring up Context Menu Over Selected Link.[/COLOR]", '', '') billionuploads = re.compile( '<li class=link_name>billionuploads</li><li class=".+?"><span><a href=(.+?) target=".+?">' ).findall(link) for url in billionuploads: main.addDown(name, url, 5, art + '/hosts/billionuploads.png', art + '/hosts/billionuploads.png')
def MOVRLINKS(name, url): link = main.OPENURL(url) main.addLink( "[COLOR red]For Download Options, Bring up Context Menu Over Selected Link.[/COLOR]", '', '') movreel = re.compile( '<li class=link_name>movreel</li><li class=".+?"><span><a href=(.+?) target=".+?">' ).findall(link) for url in movreel: main.addDown(name, url, 5, art + '/hosts/movreel.png', art + '/hosts/movreel.png')
def VWEEDLINKS(name, url): link = main.OPENURL(url) main.addLink( "[COLOR red]For Download Options, Bring up Context Menu Over Selected Link.[/COLOR]", '', '') videoweed = re.compile( '<li class=link_name>videoweed</li><li class=".+?"><span><a href=(.+?) target=".+?">' ).findall(link) for url in videoweed: main.addDown(name, url, 5, art + '/hosts/Videoweed.png', art + '/hosts/Videoweed.png')
def SOCKLINKS(name,url): link=main.OPENURL(url) main.addLink("[COLOR red]For Download Options, Bring up Context Menu Over Selected Link.[/COLOR]",'','') sockshare=re.compile('<li class=link_name>sockshare</li><li class=".+?"><span><a href=(.+?) target=".+?">').findall(link) for url in sockshare: main.addDown(name,url,5,art+'/hosts/sockshare.png',art+'/hosts/sockshare.png') if len(sockshare) == 0: sockshare=re.compile("""'','.+?',.+?>(.+?)</a></span>""").findall(link) for url,part in sockshare: match=re.compile("sockshare").findall(url) if len(match) > 0: main.addDown(name+" [COLOR red]Part:"+part+"[/COLOR]",url,171,art+'/hosts/sockshare.png',art+'/hosts/sockshare.png')
def Play(url,name): codelink = url url = base64.b64decode(codelink) hostUrl = url infoLabels = main.GETMETAT(name,'','','') videoLink = urlresolver.resolve(hostUrl) player = xbmc.Player(xbmc.PLAYER_CORE_AUTO) listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(name) listitem.setInfo('video', infoLabels=infoLabels) listitem.setThumbnailImage(infoLabels['cover_url']),listitem) main.addLink('Restart Video '+ name,str(videoLink),'') xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(int(sys.argv[1]))
def Play(url, name): codelink = url url = base64.b64decode(codelink) hostUrl = url infoLabels = main.GETMETAT(name, '', '', '') videoLink = urlresolver.resolve(hostUrl) player = xbmc.Player(xbmc.PLAYER_CORE_AUTO) listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(name) listitem.setInfo('video', infoLabels=infoLabels) listitem.setThumbnailImage(infoLabels['cover_url']), listitem) main.addLink('Restart Video ' + name, str(videoLink), '') xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(int(sys.argv[1]))
def SOCKLINKS(name,url): link=main.OPENURL(url) link=link.replace('\r','').replace('\n','').replace('\t','').replace(' ','').replace('\\','') if selfAddon.getSetting("hide-download-instructions") != "true": main.addLink("[COLOR red]For Download Options, Bring up Context Menu Over Selected Link.[/COLOR]",'','') sockshare=re.compile('<li class="link_name">sockshare</li>.+?<li class=".+?"><span><a href="(.+?)" target=".+?">').findall(link) for url in sockshare: main.addDown(name,MainUrl+url,5,art+'/hosts/sockshare.png',art+'/hosts/sockshare.png') if len(sockshare) == 0: sockshare=re.compile("""'','.+?',.+?>(.+?)</a></span>""").findall(link) for url,part in sockshare: match=re.compile("sockshare").findall(url) if len(match) > 0: main.addDown(name+" [COLOR red]Part:"+part+"[/COLOR]",url,171,art+'/hosts/sockshare.png',art+'/hosts/sockshare.png')
def Play(url,name): xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification(Please Wait!,Resolving Link,3000)") codelink = url url = url name = name hostUrl = url infoLabels = main.GETMETAT(name,'','','') videoLink = urlresolver.resolve(hostUrl) player = xbmc.Player(xbmc.PLAYER_CORE_AUTO) listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(name) listitem.setInfo('video', infoLabels=infoLabels) listitem.setThumbnailImage(infoLabels['cover_url']),listitem) main.addLink('Restart Video '+ name,str(videoLink),'') xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory(int(sys.argv[1]))
def SOCKLINKS(name, url): link = main.OPENURL(url) main.addLink( "[COLOR red]For Download Options, Bring up Context Menu Over Selected Link.[/COLOR]", '', '') sockshare = re.compile( '<li class=link_name>sockshare</li><li class=".+?"><span><a href=(.+?) target=".+?">' ).findall(link) for url in sockshare: main.addDown(name, url, 5, art + '/hosts/sockshare.png', art + '/hosts/sockshare.png') if len(sockshare) == 0: sockshare = re.compile( """'','.+?',.+?>(.+?)</a></span>""" ).findall(link) for url, part in sockshare: match = re.compile("sockshare").findall(url) if len(match) > 0: main.addDown(name + " [COLOR red]Part:" + part + "[/COLOR]", url, 171, art + '/hosts/sockshare.png', art + '/hosts/sockshare.png')
def LINKS(name,url): html = main.OPEN_URL(url) html = html.replace('\r','').replace('\n','').replace('\t','').replace(' ','').replace('\\','').replace('+++','<a href="').replace('---','"></a>') link = main.OPEN_URL(url) link = html.replace('\r','').replace('\n','').replace('\t','').replace(' ','').replace('\\','').replace('+++','<a href="').replace('---','"></a>') main.addLink("[COLOR red]For Download Options, Bring up Context Menu Over Selected Link.[/COLOR]",'','') nowvideo = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>',re.M|re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in nowvideo: url = '' + url host = 'nowvideo' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') oneeighty = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>',re.M|re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in oneeighty: url = '' + url host = '180upload' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') vodlocker = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>',re.M|re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in vodlocker: url = '' + url host = 'vodlocker' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') thevideo = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>',re.M|re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in thevideo: url = '' + url host = 'thevideo' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') exashare = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>',re.M|re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in exashare: url = '' + url host = 'exashare' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') allmyvideos = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>',re.M|re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in allmyvideos: url = '' + url host = 'allmyvideos' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') primeshare = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>',re.M|re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in primeshare: url = '' + url host = 'primeshare' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') oboom = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>',re.M|re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in oboom: url = '' + url host = 'oboom' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') played = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>',re.M|re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in played: url = '' + url host = 'played' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') vidzi = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>',re.M|re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in vidzi: url = '' + url host = 'vidzi' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') sharerepo = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>',re.M|re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in sharerepo: url = '' + url host = 'sharerepo' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') mightyupload = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>',re.M|re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in mightyupload: url = '' + url host = 'mightyupload' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') billionup = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>',re.M|re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in billionup: url = '' + url host = 'billionuploads' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') flashx = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>',re.M|re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in flashx: url = '' + url host = 'flashx' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') streamin = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>',re.M|re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in streamin: url = '' + url host = 'streamin' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') moevideo = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>',re.M|re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in moevideo: url = '' + url host = 'moevideo' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') uptobox = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>',re.M|re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in uptobox: url = '' + url host = 'uptobox' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') vshare = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>',re.M|re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in vshare: url = '' + url host = 'vshare' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') vidspot = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>',re.M|re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in vidspot: url = '' + url host = 'vidspot' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') yourvideohost = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>',re.M|re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in yourvideohost: url = '' + url host = 'yourvideohost' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') uploadable = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>',re.M|re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in uploadable: url = '' + url host = 'uploadable' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') junkyvideo = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>',re.M|re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in junkyvideo: url = '' + url host = 'junkyvideo' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') sharesix = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>',re.M|re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in sharesix: url = '' + url host = 'sharesix' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') bestreams = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>',re.M|re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in bestreams: url = '' + url host = 'bestreams' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') hugefiles = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>',re.M|re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in hugefiles: url = '' + url host = 'hugefiles' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') vidto = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>',re.M|re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in vidto: url = '' + url host = 'vidto' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') videott = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>',re.M|re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in videott: url = '' + url host = 'videott' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') vidbull = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>',re.M|re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in vidbull: url = '' + url host = 'vidbull' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') youwatch = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>',re.M|re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in youwatch: url = '' + url host = 'youwatch' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') vidbux = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>',re.M|re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in vidbux: url = '' + url host = 'vidbux' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') vidxden = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>',re.M|re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in vidxden: url = '' + url host = 'vidxden' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') uploadc = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>',re.M|re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in uploadc: url = '' + url host = 'uploadc' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') cloudyvideos = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>',re.M|re.DOTALL).findall(link) for url in cloudyvideos: host = 'cloudyvideos' url = '' + url main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') movreel = re.compile('<a href="[^"]*)"></a>').findall(link) for url in movreel: url = '' + url host = 'movreel' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') movshare = re.compile('<a href="[^"]*)"></a>').findall(link) for url in movshare: url = '' + url host = 'movshare' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') oboom = re.compile('<a href="[^"]*)"></a>').findall(link) for url in oboom: url = '' + url host = 'oboom' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') nosupload = re.compile('[?]d=([^"]*)').findall(link) for url in nosupload: url = '' + url host = 'nosupload' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png') filefactory = re.compile('[^"]*)').findall(link) for url in filefactory: url = '' + url host = 'filefactory' main.addDown2(name.strip()+" [COLOR blue]"+host.upper()+"[/COLOR]",url,868,art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png',art+'/hosts/'+host+'.png')
def NDMODE(mname,murl): link=OPEN_URL(murl) #link=OPEN_URL(murl) link=link.replace('\r','').replace('\n','').replace('\t','').replace(' ','') r=re.findall('<poster>(.+?)</poster>',link) if r: vip=r[0] else: vip='' f=re.findall('<fanart>(.+?)</fanart>',link) if f: fanart=f[0] else: fanart='' #print 'FANART IS ' +fanart md=re.findall('<meta>(.+?)</meta>',link) if md: mymeta=md[0] else: mymeta='' srt=re.findall('<sort>(.+?)</sort>',link) if srt: mysort=srt[0] else: mysort='' #print "SORT METHOD IS = " +mysort info=re.findall('<info><message>(.+?)</message><thumbnail>(.+?)</thumbnail></info>',link) if info: for msg,pic in info: main.addLink(msg,'',pic) popup=re.compile('<popup><name>([^<]+)</name.+?popImage>([^<]+)</popImage.+?thumbnail>([^<]+)</thumbnail></popup>').findall(link) for name,image,thumb in popup: main.addDir(name,image,'vpop',thumb,fanart,'','','') directory=re.compile('<dir><name>([^<]+)</name.+?link>([^<]+)</link.+?thumbnail>([^<]+)</thumbnail><fanart>([^<]+)</fanart></dir>').findall(link) #for name,url,thumb,fanart in directory: for name,url,thumb,fanart2 in directory: main.addDir(name,url,'ndmode',thumb,fanart2,'','','') directory2=re.compile('<dir><name>([^<]+)</name.+?link>([^<]+)</link.+?thumbnail>([^<]+)</thumbnail></dir>').findall(link) for name,url,thumb in directory2: main.addDir(name,url,'ndmode',thumb,fanart,'','','') match=re.compile('<title>([^<]+)</title.+?link>(.+?)</link.+?thumbnail>([^<]+)</thumbnail>').findall(link) if mysort=='yes': for name,url,thumb in sorted(match): sitethumb = thumb data = '' if getinfo == 'true' and mymeta =='movies': try: inc = 0 movie_name = name[:-6] year = name[-6:] movie_name = movie_name.decode('UTF-8','ignore') data = main.GRABMETA(movie_name,year) thumb = data['cover_url'] yeargrab = data['year'] year = str(yeargrab) if thumb == '': thumb = sitethumb except:return if getinfo == 'true' and mymeta =='tv': try: inc = 0 #movie_name = name[:-6] #year = name[-6:] name = name.decode('UTF-8','ignore') data = main.GRABTVMETA(name,'') thumb = data['cover_url'] #yeargrab = data['year'] #year = str(yeargrab) if thumb == '': thumb = sitethumb except:return if 'sublink' in url: main.addDir(name,url,'sublinks',thumb,fanart,'','','') else: favtype = 'movie' #print "DL DIR THUMBNAIL IS =" +thumb main.addDLDir(name,url,'linkmode',thumb,fanart,'','',data,isFolder=False, isPlayable=True) else: for name,url,thumb in match: sitethumb = thumb data = '' if getinfo == 'true' and mymeta =='movies': try: inc = 0 movie_name = name[:-6] year = name[-6:] movie_name = movie_name.decode('UTF-8','ignore') data = main.GRABMETA(movie_name,year) thumb = data['cover_url'] yeargrab = data['year'] year = str(yeargrab) if thumb == '': thumb = sitethumb except:return if getinfo == 'true' and mymeta =='tv': try: inc = 0 #movie_name = name[:-6] #year = name[-6:] name = name.decode('UTF-8','ignore') data = main.GRABTVMETA(name,'') thumb = data['cover_url'] #yeargrab = data['year'] #year = str(yeargrab) if thumb == '': thumb = sitethumb except:return if 'sublink' in url: main.addDir(name,url,'sublinks',thumb,fanart,'','','') else: favtype = 'movie' #print "DL DIR THUMBNAIL IS =" +thumb main.addDLDir(name,url,'linkmode',thumb,fanart,'','',data,isFolder=False, isPlayable=True)
def GroupedHosts(name,url,thumb): if selfAddon.getSetting("hide-download-instructions") != "true": main.addLink("[COLOR red]For Download Options, Bring up Context Menu Over Selected Link.[/COLOR]",'','') urls = eval(url) for url in urls: main.addDown2(name,MainUrl+url,5,thumb,thumb)
def BUPLOADSLINKS(name,url): link=main.OPENURL(url) main.addLink("[COLOR red]For Download Options, Bring up Context Menu Over Selected Link.[/COLOR]",'','') billionuploads=re.compile('<li class=link_name>billionuploads</li><li class=".+?"><span><a href=(.+?) target=".+?">').findall(link) for url in billionuploads: main.addDown(name,url,5,art+'/hosts/billionuploads.png',art+'/hosts/billionuploads.png')
def MOVRLINKS(name,url): link=main.OPENURL(url) main.addLink("[COLOR red]For Download Options, Bring up Context Menu Over Selected Link.[/COLOR]",'','') movreel=re.compile('<li class=link_name>movreel</li><li class=".+?"><span><a href=(.+?) target=".+?">').findall(link) for url in movreel: main.addDown(name,url,5,art+'/hosts/movreel.png',art+'/hosts/movreel.png')
def VWEEDLINKS(name,url): link=main.OPENURL(url) main.addLink("[COLOR red]For Download Options, Bring up Context Menu Over Selected Link.[/COLOR]",'','') videoweed=re.compile('<li class=link_name>videoweed</li><li class=".+?"><span><a href=(.+?) target=".+?">').findall(link) for url in videoweed: main.addDown(name,url,5,art+'/hosts/Videoweed.png',art+'/hosts/Videoweed.png')
def DMODE(murl): link=OPEN_URL(murl) #link=OPEN_URL(murl) link=link.replace('\r','').replace('\n','').replace('\t','').replace(' ','') r=re.findall('<poster>(.+?)</poster>',link) if r: vip=r[0] else: vip='' f=re.findall('<fanart>(.+?)</fanart>',link) if f: fanart=f[0] else: fanart='' #print 'FANART IS ' +fanart md=re.findall('<meta>(.+?)</meta>',link) if md: mymeta=md[0] else: mymeta='' srt=re.findall('<sort>(.+?)</sort>',link) if srt: mysort=srt[0] else: mysort='' #print "SORT METHOD IS = " +mysort match=re.compile('<notify><new>(.+?)</new><message1>(.+?)</message1><message2>(.+?)</message2><message3>(.+?)</message3><old>(.+?)</old></notify>').findall(link) if len(match)>0: for new,mes1,mes2,mes3,old in match: continue if new != ' ': new=vip+new onetime=os.path.join(main.datapath,'OneTime') notified=os.path.join(onetime,str(new)) if not os.path.exists(notified): open(notified,'w').write('version="%s",'%new) dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() ok=dialog.ok('[B] Announcement From '+vip+'![/B]', str(mes1) ,str(mes2),str(mes3)) if old != ' ': old=vip+old notified=os.path.join(onetime,str(old)) if os.path.exists(notified): os.remove(notified) else: print 'No Messages' else: print 'Link Down' match3=re.compile('<name>([^<]+)</name><link>([^<]+)</link><thumbnail>([^<]+)</thumbnail><mode>([^<]+)</mode>').findall(link) if mysort == 'yes': for name,url,thumb,mode in sorted(match3): if re.findall('http',thumb): thumbs=thumb else: thumbs=art+'/'+thumb+'.png' data = '' if getinfo == 'true' and mymeta =='movies': try: inc = 0 movie_name = name[:-6] year = name[-6:] movie_name = movie_name.decode('UTF-8','ignore') data = main.GRABMETA(movie_name,year) thumb = data['cover_url'] yeargrab = data['year'] year = str(yeargrab) except:return elif getinfo == 'true' and mymeta =='tv': try: inc = 0 #movie_name = name[:-6] #year = name[-6:] name = name.decode('UTF-8','ignore') data = main.GRABTVMETA(name,'') thumb = data['cover_url'] #yeargrab = data['year'] #year = str(yeargrab) except:return favtype = 'movie' main.addDir(name,url,mode,thumbs,fanart,data,favtype,'') else: for name,url,thumb,mode in match3: if re.findall('http',thumb): thumbs=thumb else: thumbs=art+'/'+thumb+'.png' data = '' if getinfo == 'true' and mymeta =='movies': try: inc = 0 movie_name = name[:-6] year = name[-6:] movie_name = movie_name.decode('UTF-8','ignore') data = main.GRABMETA(movie_name,year) thumb = data['cover_url'] yeargrab = data['year'] year = str(yeargrab) except:return elif getinfo == 'true' and mymeta =='tv': try: inc = 0 #movie_name = name[:-6] #year = name[-6:] name = name.decode('UTF-8','ignore') data = main.GRABTVMETA(name,'') thumb = data['cover_url'] #yeargrab = data['year'] #year = str(yeargrab) except:return favtype = 'movie' main.addDir(name,url,mode,thumbs,fanart,data,favtype,'') match=re.compile('<name>([^<]+)</name><link>([^<]+)</link><thumbnail>([^<]+)</thumbnail><date>([^<]+)</date>').findall(link) for name,url,thumb,date in match: main.addDir(name+' [COLOR red] Updated '+date+'[/COLOR]',url,'ndmode',thumb,fanart,'','','') info=re.findall('<info><message>(.+?)</message><thumbnail>(.+?)</thumbnail></info>',link) if info: for msg,pic in info: main.addLink(msg,'',pic) popup=re.compile('<popup><name>([^<]+)</name.+?popImage>([^<]+)</popImage.+?thumbnail>([^<]+)</thumbnail.+?sound>([^<]+)</sound></popup>').findall(link) for name,image,thumb,sound in popup: main.addDir(name,image,'vpop',thumb,fanart,'','',sound)
def LINKS(name, url): html = main.OPEN_URL(url) html = html.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '').replace('\t', '').replace( ' ', '').replace('\\', '').replace('+++', '<a href="').replace('---', '"></a>') link = main.OPEN_URL(url) link = html.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '').replace('\t', '').replace( ' ', '').replace('\\', '').replace('+++', '<a href="').replace('---', '"></a>') main.addLink( "[COLOR red]For Download Options, Bring up Context Menu Over Selected Link.[/COLOR]", '', '') nowvideo = re.compile( r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>', re.M | re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in nowvideo: url = '' + url host = 'nowvideo' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') oneeighty = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>', re.M | re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in oneeighty: url = '' + url host = '180upload' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') vodlocker = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>', re.M | re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in vodlocker: url = '' + url host = 'vodlocker' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') thevideo = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>', re.M | re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in thevideo: url = '' + url host = 'thevideo' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') exashare = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>', re.M | re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in exashare: url = '' + url host = 'exashare' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') allmyvideos = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>', re.M | re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in allmyvideos: url = '' + url host = 'allmyvideos' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') primeshare = re.compile( r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>', re.M | re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in primeshare: url = '' + url host = 'primeshare' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') oboom = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>', re.M | re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in oboom: url = '' + url host = 'oboom' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') played = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>', re.M | re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in played: url = '' + url host = 'played' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') vidzi = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>', re.M | re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in vidzi: url = '' + url host = 'vidzi' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') sharerepo = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>', re.M | re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in sharerepo: url = '' + url host = 'sharerepo' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') mightyupload = re.compile( r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>', re.M | re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in mightyupload: url = '' + url host = 'mightyupload' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') billionup = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>', re.M | re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in billionup: url = '' + url host = 'billionuploads' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') flashx = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>', re.M | re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in flashx: url = '' + url host = 'flashx' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') streamin = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>', re.M | re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in streamin: url = '' + url host = 'streamin' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') moevideo = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>', re.M | re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in moevideo: url = '' + url host = 'moevideo' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') uptobox = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>', re.M | re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in uptobox: url = '' + url host = 'uptobox' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') vshare = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>', re.M | re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in vshare: url = '' + url host = 'vshare' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') vidspot = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>', re.M | re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in vidspot: url = '' + url host = 'vidspot' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') yourvideohost = re.compile( r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>', re.M | re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in yourvideohost: url = '' + url host = 'yourvideohost' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') uploadable = re.compile( r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>', re.M | re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in uploadable: url = '' + url host = 'uploadable' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') junkyvideo = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>', re.M | re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in junkyvideo: url = '' + url host = 'junkyvideo' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') sharesix = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>', re.M | re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in sharesix: url = '' + url host = 'sharesix' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') bestreams = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>', re.M | re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in bestreams: url = '' + url host = 'bestreams' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') hugefiles = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>', re.M | re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in hugefiles: url = '' + url host = 'hugefiles' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') vidto = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>', re.M | re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in vidto: url = '' + url host = 'vidto' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') videott = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>', re.M | re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in videott: url = '' + url host = 'videott' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') vidbull = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>', re.M | re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in vidbull: url = '' + url host = 'vidbull' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') youwatch = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>', re.M | re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in youwatch: url = '' + url host = 'youwatch' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') vidbux = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>', re.M | re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in vidbux: url = '' + url host = 'vidbux' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') vidxden = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>', re.M | re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in vidxden: url = '' + url host = 'vidxden' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') uploadc = re.compile(r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>', re.M | re.DOTALL).findall(html) for url in uploadc: url = '' + url host = 'uploadc' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') cloudyvideos = re.compile( r'<a href="[^"]*)"></a>', re.M | re.DOTALL).findall(link) for url in cloudyvideos: host = 'cloudyvideos' url = '' + url main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') movreel = re.compile('<a href="[^"]*)"></a>').findall( link) for url in movreel: url = '' + url host = 'movreel' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') movshare = re.compile( '<a href="[^"]*)"></a>').findall(link) for url in movshare: url = '' + url host = 'movshare' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') oboom = re.compile('<a href="[^"]*)"></a>').findall( link) for url in oboom: url = '' + url host = 'oboom' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') nosupload = re.compile('[?]d=([^"]*)').findall(link) for url in nosupload: url = '' + url host = 'nosupload' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png') filefactory = re.compile('[^"]*)').findall( link) for url in filefactory: url = '' + url host = 'filefactory' main.addDown2( name.strip() + " [COLOR blue]" + host.upper() + "[/COLOR]", url, 868, art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png', art + '/hosts/' + host + '.png')