コード例 #1
def start_run((run, seq, sec_structs, sparc_dir)):
	assert len(run) >= 2, "Run directive is invalid: {}".format(run)
	weights = { "consec": 3.0, "secondary": 3.0, "short_range": 2.0, "long_range": 2.0, "medium": 3.0 }
	distributions = load_dists(sparc_dir, concurrent=False, secondary=True, weights=weights) #load_central_dist(sparc_dir, secondary=True)

	if len(run[1]) > 1:
		# run[1] must be the input paths, and run[2] must be the output path name
		extra_args = { "sec_structs": sec_structs }
		if len(run) > 3:
			# Get extra parameters
			for arg in run[3:]:
				arg = ','.join(arg)
				kv = arg.split("=")
				extra_args[kv[0]] = kv[1]
		range1 = [int(x) for x in run[0][0].split("-")]
		range2 = [int(x) for x in run[0][1].split("-")]
		infiles = [os.path.join(output, nm) for nm in run[1]]
		apply_dist_weights(distributions, { "consec": 1.0, "secondary": 1.0, "short_range": 3.0, "long_range": 5.0, "medium": 3.0 })
		return segment_fold(sparc_dir, distributions, seq, range1, range2, infiles, output, outname=run[2][0], **extra_args)
		# run[1] must be the output path name
		extra_args = { "sec_structs": sec_structs }
		if len(run) > 2:
			# Get extra parameters
			for arg in run[2:]:
				arg = ','.join(arg)
				kv = arg.split("=")
				extra_args[kv[0]] = kv[1]
		range = [int(x) for x in run[0][0].split("-")]
		if "weights" in extra_args:
			weightlist = extra_args["weights"].split(",")
			assert len(weightlist) == 5, "Need exactly 5 weight specifications, not {}".format(len(weightlist))
			apply_dist_weights(distributions, { "consec": float(weightlist[0]), "secondary": float(weightlist[1]), "short_range": float(weightlist[2]), "long_range": float(weightlist[3]), "medium": float(weightlist[4]) })
			del extra_args["weights"]
		elif range[1] - range[0] > 7:
			apply_dist_weights(distributions, { "consec": 2.0, "secondary": 2.0, "short_range": 4.0, "long_range": 5.0, "medium": 4.0 })
		return simulate_fold(sparc_dir, distributions, seq, range, output, outname=run[1][0], **extra_args)
コード例 #2
def segment_fold(sparc_dir, dists, seq, range1, range2, infiles, output, sec_structs=None, outname="simulation_test.pdb", cluster_confs=25, sims=20, candidates=60):
	cluster_confs = int(cluster_confs)
	sims = int(sims)
	candidates = int(candidates)
	cache_weights = extract_dist_weights(dists)
	apply_dist_weights(dists, {"consec": 0.0, "secondary": 0.0, "short_range": 3.0, "long_range": 1.0, "medium": 4.0})
	permissions = AAPermissionsManager(os.path.join(sparc_dir, "permissions"), os.path.join(sparc_dir, "permissible_sequences", "all.txt"))
	sec_struct_permissions = AASecondaryStructurePermissionsManager(os.path.join(sparc_dir, "permissible_sequences"))
	peptide = Polypeptide()
	system = MolecularSystem([peptide])
	seq1 = seq[range1[0] - 1 : range1[1]]
	seq2 = seq[range2[0] - 1 : range2[1]]
	seg_prob = AAConstructiveProbabilitySource(peptide, (0, len(seq1)), (len(seq1), len(seq1) + len(seq2)), dists, permissions, sec_struct_permissions, system=system)
	seg_prob.steric_cutoff = 0.0
	for i, inf in enumerate(infiles):
		seg_prob.load_cluster_conformations(i + 1, inf, n=cluster_confs)
	'''peptide.randomcoil(seq[range1[0] - 1 : range1[1]], permissions=permissions, struct_permissions=sec_struct_permissions)
	tmp_path = "/Users/venkatesh-sivaraman/Documents/School/Science Fair/2016-proteins/Simulations/sp_rmsd_tmp"
	total_rmsd = 0.0
	num_rmsd = 0
	for conf, score, probability in seg_prob.c1_conformations:
		with open(os.path.join(tmp_path, "candidate.pdb"), "w") as file:
			for i, aa in enumerate(peptide.aminoacids):
				aa.acarbon = conf[i].alpha_zone
				aa.set_axes(conf[i].x_axis, conf[i].y_axis, conf[i].z_axis)
		total_rmsd += min_rmsd(os.path.join(tmp_path, "candidate.pdb"), "/Users/venkatesh-sivaraman/Downloads/1QLQ.pdb", range=range1)
		num_rmsd += 1
	del peptide.aminoacids[:]
	peptide.randomcoil(seq[range2[0] - 1 : range2[1]], permissions=permissions, struct_permissions=sec_struct_permissions)
	for conf, score, probability in seg_prob.c2_conformations:
		with open(os.path.join(tmp_path, "candidate.pdb"), "w") as file:
			for i, aa in enumerate(peptide.aminoacids):
				aa.acarbon = conf[i].alpha_zone
				aa.set_axes(conf[i].x_axis, conf[i].y_axis, conf[i].z_axis)
		total_rmsd += min_rmsd(os.path.join(tmp_path, "candidate.pdb"), "/Users/venkatesh-sivaraman/Downloads/1QLQ.pdb", range=range2)
		num_rmsd += 1
	print "Average:", total_rmsd / num_rmsd
	return (outname, 0.0)'''
	#First, test all possible combos of the segments with a random linking orientation
	i = 0
	j = 0
	confscores = []
	print "Preliminary conformation testing..."
	queue = Queue()
	for i in xrange(len(seg_prob.c1_conformations)):
		print "Testing c1", i
		for j in xrange(len(seg_prob.c2_conformations)):
			p = Process(target=test_segment_combo, args=(queue, dists, seg_prob, seq1, seq2, seg_prob.c1_conformations[i][0], seg_prob.c2_conformations[j][0]))
			p.join() # this blocks until the process terminates
			result = queue.get()
			#result = test_segment_combo(None, dists, seg_prob, seq1, seq2, seg_prob.c1_conformations[i][0], seg_prob.c2_conformations[j][0])
			if result != 0:
				confscores.append([i, j, result])

	confscores = sorted(confscores, key=lambda x: x[2])
	confscores = confscores[:min(len(confscores), candidates)]
	print "The range of", len(confscores), "scores is", confscores[0][2], "to", confscores[-1][2]
	apply_dist_weights(dists, cache_weights)

	file = open(os.path.join(output, outname), 'w')
	scoresfile = open(os.path.join(output, outname[:-4] + "-scores.txt"), 'w')
	scoresfile.write("\t".join(dist.identifier for dist in dists) + "\n")
	pdb_model_idx = 1
	prob = AAProbabilitySource(peptide, dists, permissions, sec_struct_permissions)
	prob.mode = psource_gentle_mode
	prob.steric_cutoff = 0.0
	model_count = 10
	best_models = [[] for i in xrange(model_count)]
	best_scores = [1000000 for i in xrange(model_count)]

	a = datetime.datetime.now()
	for confidx, (i, j, score) in enumerate(confscores):
		print "Testing combination {}-{} ({})...".format(i, j, score)
		aas, hashtable = seg_prob.generate_structure_from_segments(seq1 + seq2, seg_prob.c1_conformations[i][0], seg_prob.c2_conformations[j][0])
		if sec_structs:
			if ',' in sec_structs:
				peptide.add_secondary_structures(sec_structs, format='csv', range=(range1[0], range2[1]))
				peptide.add_secondary_structures(sec_structs, format='pdb', range=(range1[0], range2[1]))

		scores = []
		t_scores = ""
		curscore = 0.0
		for dist in dists:
			sc = dist.score(peptide, peptide.aminoacids)
			t_scores += "{:.5f}\t".format(sc)
			curscore += sc
		scoresfile.write(str(pdb_model_idx) + " " + t_scores[:-1] + "\n")
		pdb_model_idx += 1
		for n in xrange(sims):
			#seglen = segment_length(scores[-1] / len(peptide.aminoacids))
			constructive_folding_iteration(system, [seg_prob])
			curscore = 0.0
			t_scores = ""
			for dist in dists:
				sc = dist.score(peptide, peptide.aminoacids, system=system)
				t_scores += "{:.5f}\t".format(sc)
				curscore += sc
			scoresfile.write(str(pdb_model_idx) + " " + t_scores[:-1] + "\n")
			pdb_model_idx += 1
			#Save the conformation if it is the best so far.
			for k in xrange(model_count):
				if scores[-1] < best_scores[k] * 1.2:
					for m in reversed(xrange(max(k, 1), model_count)):
						best_scores[m] = best_scores[m - 1]
						best_models[m] = best_models[m - 1]
					best_scores[k] = scores[-1]
					best_models[k] = [PositionZone(aa.acarbon, aa.i, aa.j, aa.k) for aa in peptide.aminoacids]
				elif scores[-1] <= best_scores[k]:

		if confidx != len(confscores) - 1:
			del peptide.aminoacids[:]
			peptide.hashtable = None

	b = datetime.datetime.now()
	del peptide.aminoacids[:]
	peptide = None
	del scores
	del system
	scoresfile.write("\n" + str((b - a).total_seconds()))
	return outname, (b - a).total_seconds()