def plugin(machine, plugin, time): time_ranges = ("day", "week", "month", "three-months", "six-months", "year") if time and time not in time_ranges: selected_time = "custom" elif time and time in time_ranges: selected_time = time else: selected_time = "day" plugin_graphs = gen_graphs(machine, plugin, time)[machine][plugin][selected_time] graphs = get_plugins_list() return template( 'plugin', data=plugin_graphs, machine=machine, plugin=plugin, time=time, plugins=graphs[machine], )
def __init__(self, **kw): """ Initialization function. We will do the following task (in order): __[x] means already done in App__ 1. [x] Check if the device is rooted 2. [x] Initialize necessary libs required by MobileInsight (e.g., libwireshark) 3. [x] Check if Android's security policy allows MobileInsight to access diagnostic mode. This is mainly caused by SELinux 4. [x] Create necessary folders on SDcard (e.g., /sdcard/mobileinsight/, /sdcard/mobileinsight/log/) 5. Load built-in and 3rd-party plugins (located in /sdcard/mobileinsight/plugins/) 6. [x] Check if the diagnostic mode is enabled 7. Load configurations from the setting panel (configs stored in /sdcard/.mobileinsight.ini) """ super(PluginsScreen, self).__init__(**kw) self.log_viewer = None self.plugins_list = get_plugins_list() self.terminal_stop = None self.terminal_thread = None bootup = True #used to shorten long widget names in popup menu shortenLabel = CoreLabel(markup=True, text_size=(Window.width / 2.5, None), shorten_from="right", font_size=70) #Making and adding widgets to popup menu for name in self.plugins_list: widget = Button( id=name, markup=True, halign="left", valign="top", on_release=self.callback, background_normal="", background_color=self.ids.selectButton.background_color) widget.text_size = (Window.width / 2.25, Window.height / 4) self.myLayout.add_widget(widget) app_path = self.plugins_list[name][0] if os.path.exists(os.path.join(app_path, "readme.txt")): with open(os.path.join(app_path, "readme.txt"), 'r') as ff: my_description = else: my_description = "no description." #shortening long widget names and making font size shortenedName = shortenLabel.shorten(name) font_size = "60" if Window.width < 1450: font_size = "45" widget.text = "[color=fffafa][size=70]" + shortenedName + "[/size][size=" + font_size + "]\n" + my_description + "[/size][/color]" if bootup: self.selectedPlugin = name self.ids.selectButton.text = "Select Plugin" bootup = False # register Broadcast Receivers. self.registerBroadcastReceivers()
class PluginsScreen(MobileInsightScreenBase): error_log = StringProperty(LOGO_STRING) default_app_name = StringProperty("") collecting = BooleanProperty(False) service = None analyzer = None terminal_thread = None terminal_stop = None MAX_LINE = 30 logs = deque([], MAX_LINE) plugins = [] selectedPlugin = "" app_list = get_plugins_list() myLayout = GridLayout(cols=2, spacing=5, orientation="vertical", size_hint_y=None, height=(len(app_list) / 2 + len(app_list) % 2) * Window.height / 4) popupScroll = ScrollView(size_hint_y=None, size=(Window.width, Window.height * .9)) popupScroll.add_widget(myLayout) popup = Popup(content=popupScroll, title="Choose a plugin") def __init__(self, **kw): """ Initialization function. We will do the following task (in order): __[x] means already done in App__ 1. [x] Check if the device is rooted 2. [x] Initialize necessary libs required by MobileInsight (e.g., libwireshark) 3. [x] Check if Android's security policy allows MobileInsight to access diagnostic mode. This is mainly caused by SELinux 4. [x] Create necessary folders on SDcard (e.g., /sdcard/mobileinsight/, /sdcard/mobileinsight/log/) 5. Load built-in and 3rd-party plugins (located in /sdcard/mobileinsight/plugins/) 6. [x] Check if the diagnostic mode is enabled 7. Load configurations from the setting panel (configs stored in /sdcard/.mobileinsight.ini) """ super(PluginsScreen, self).__init__(**kw) self.log_viewer = None self.plugins_list = get_plugins_list() self.terminal_stop = None self.terminal_thread = None bootup = True #used to shorten long widget names in popup menu shortenLabel = CoreLabel(markup=True, text_size=(Window.width / 2.5, None), shorten_from="right", font_size=70) #Making and adding widgets to popup menu for name in self.plugins_list: widget = Button( id=name, markup=True, halign="left", valign="top", on_release=self.callback, background_normal="", background_color=self.ids.selectButton.background_color) widget.text_size = (Window.width / 2.25, Window.height / 4) self.myLayout.add_widget(widget) app_path = self.plugins_list[name][0] if os.path.exists(os.path.join(app_path, "readme.txt")): with open(os.path.join(app_path, "readme.txt"), 'r') as ff: my_description = else: my_description = "no description." #shortening long widget names and making font size shortenedName = shortenLabel.shorten(name) font_size = "60" if Window.width < 1450: font_size = "45" widget.text = "[color=fffafa][size=70]" + shortenedName + "[/size][size=" + font_size + "]\n" + my_description + "[/size][/color]" if bootup: self.selectedPlugin = name self.ids.selectButton.text = "Select Plugin" bootup = False # register Broadcast Receivers. self.registerBroadcastReceivers() def registerBroadcastReceivers(self): self.brStopAck = BroadcastReceiver( self.on_broadcastStopServiceAck, actions=['MobileInsight.Plugin.StopServiceAck']) self.brStopAck.start() #Setting the text for the Select Plugin Menu button def callback(self, obj): self.selectedPlugin = self.log_info("screens" + str(self.manager.screens)) if self.manager.has_screen('HomeScreen'): self.manager.get_screen('HomeScreen').set_plugin( self.selectedPlugin) # HomeScreen.set_plugin(self.selectedPlugin) self.popup.dismiss() def log_info(self, msg): self.append_log("[b][color=00ff00][INFO][/color][/b]: " + msg) def log_warning(self, msg): Logger.warning(msg) self.append_log("[b][color=00ffff][WARNING][/color][/b]: " + msg) def log_error(self, msg): Logger.error(msg) self.append_log("[b][color=ff0000][ERROR][/color][/b]: " + msg) def append_log(self, s): self.error_log += "\n" self.error_log += s def popUpMenu(self): def on_broadcastStopServiceAck(self, context, intent): self.log_info( "Received MobileInsight.Plugin.StopServiceAck from plugin") self.pluginAck = True def on_enter(self): pass def on_leave(self): pass def configure_coordinator(self): pass
def __init__(self, **kw): """ Initialization function. We will do the following task (in order): __[x] means already done in App__ 1. [x] Check if the device is rooted 2. [x] Initialize necessary libs required by MobileInsight (e.g., libwireshark) 3. [x] Check if Android's security policy allows MobileInsight to access diagnostic mode. This is mainly caused by SELinux 4. [x] Create necessary folders on SDcard (e.g., /sdcard/mobileinsight/, /sdcard/mobileinsight/log/) 5. Load built-in and 3rd-party plugins (located in /sdcard/mobileinsight/plugins/) 6. [x] Check if the diagnostic mode is enabled 7. Load configurations from the setting panel (configs stored in /sdcard/.mobileinsight.ini) """ super(HomeScreen, self).__init__(**kw) self.log_viewer = None # if not main_utils.is_rooted(): # # self.ids.log_viewer.disabled = False # # self.ids.run_plugin.disabled = False # self.log_error( # "MobileInsight requires root privilege. Please root your device for correct functioning.") # self.__init_libs() # self.__check_security_policy() # if not create_folder(): # # MobileInsight folders unavailable. Add warnings # self.log_error("SDcard is unavailable. Please check.") # self.ids.log_viewer.disabled = True # self.ids.stop_plugin.disabled = True # self.ids.run_plugin.disabled = True self.plugins_list = get_plugins_list() # self.plugins_list.sort() # if not self.__check_diag_mode(): # self.log_error( # "The diagnostic mode is disabled. Please check your phone settings.") # clean up ongoing log collections # self.stop_collection() self.terminal_stop = None self.terminal_thread = None bootup = True #used to shorten long widget names in popup menu shortenLabel = CoreLabel(markup = True, text_size = (Window.width/2.5, None), shorten_from = "right", font_size = 70) #Making and adding widgets to popup menu for name in self.plugins_list: widget = Button(id = name, markup = True, halign = "left", valign = "top", on_release = self.callback, background_normal = "", background_color = self.ids.run_plugin.background_color) widget.text_size = (Window.width/2.25, Window.height/4) self.myLayout.add_widget(widget) app_path = self.plugins_list[name][0] if os.path.exists(os.path.join(app_path, "readme.txt")): with open(os.path.join(app_path, "readme.txt"), 'r') as ff: my_description = else: my_description = "no description." #shortening long widget names and making font size shortenedName = shortenLabel.shorten(name) font_size = "60" if Window.width < 1450: font_size = "45" widget.text = "[color=fffafa][size=70]"+ shortenedName + "[/size][size="+ font_size + "]\n"+ my_description+"[/size][/color]" if bootup: self.selectedPlugin = name # self.ids.selectButton.text = "Select Plugin" self.ids.run_plugin.text = "Run Plugin: "+self.selectedPlugin bootup = False # register Broadcast Receivers. self.registerBroadcastReceivers() # If default service exists, launch it try: config = ConfigParser()'/sdcard/.mobileinsight.ini') default_app_name = config.get("mi_general", "start_service") launch_service = config.get("mi_general", "bstartup_service") if default_app_name and launch_service == "1": self.start_service(default_app_name) self.ids.run_plugin.text = "Stop Plugin: "+default_app_name except Exception as e: Logger.warning(traceback.format_exc())
class HomeScreen(MobileInsightScreenBase): error_log = StringProperty(LOGO_STRING) default_app_name = StringProperty("") collecting = BooleanProperty(False) service = None analyzer = None terminal_thread = None terminal_stop = None MAX_LINE = 30 logs = deque([], MAX_LINE) plugins = [] selectedPlugin = "" app_list = get_plugins_list() myLayout = GridLayout(cols=2, spacing=5, orientation="vertical", size_hint_y=None, height=(len(app_list) / 2 + len(app_list) % 2) * Window.height / 4) popupScroll = ScrollView(size_hint_y=None, size=(Window.width, Window.height*.9)) popupScroll.add_widget(myLayout) popup = Popup(content=popupScroll, title="Choose a plugin") def __init__(self, **kw): """ Initialization function. We will do the following task (in order): __[x] means already done in App__ 1. [x] Check if the device is rooted 2. [x] Initialize necessary libs required by MobileInsight (e.g., libwireshark) 3. [x] Check if Android's security policy allows MobileInsight to access diagnostic mode. This is mainly caused by SELinux 4. [x] Create necessary folders on SDcard (e.g., /sdcard/mobileinsight/, /sdcard/mobileinsight/log/) 5. Load built-in and 3rd-party plugins (located in /sdcard/mobileinsight/plugins/) 6. [x] Check if the diagnostic mode is enabled 7. Load configurations from the setting panel (configs stored in /sdcard/.mobileinsight.ini) """ super(HomeScreen, self).__init__(**kw) self.log_viewer = None # if not main_utils.is_rooted(): # # self.ids.log_viewer.disabled = False # # self.ids.run_plugin.disabled = False # self.log_error( # "MobileInsight requires root privilege. Please root your device for correct functioning.") # self.__init_libs() # self.__check_security_policy() # if not create_folder(): # # MobileInsight folders unavailable. Add warnings # self.log_error("SDcard is unavailable. Please check.") # self.ids.log_viewer.disabled = True # self.ids.stop_plugin.disabled = True # self.ids.run_plugin.disabled = True self.plugins_list = get_plugins_list() # self.plugins_list.sort() # if not self.__check_diag_mode(): # self.log_error( # "The diagnostic mode is disabled. Please check your phone settings.") # clean up ongoing log collections # self.stop_collection() self.terminal_stop = None self.terminal_thread = None bootup = True #used to shorten long widget names in popup menu shortenLabel = CoreLabel(markup = True, text_size = (Window.width/2.5, None), shorten_from = "right", font_size = 70) #Making and adding widgets to popup menu for name in self.plugins_list: widget = Button(id = name, markup = True, halign = "left", valign = "top", on_release = self.callback, background_normal = "", background_color = self.ids.run_plugin.background_color) widget.text_size = (Window.width/2.25, Window.height/4) self.myLayout.add_widget(widget) app_path = self.plugins_list[name][0] if os.path.exists(os.path.join(app_path, "readme.txt")): with open(os.path.join(app_path, "readme.txt"), 'r') as ff: my_description = else: my_description = "no description." #shortening long widget names and making font size shortenedName = shortenLabel.shorten(name) font_size = "60" if Window.width < 1450: font_size = "45" widget.text = "[color=fffafa][size=70]"+ shortenedName + "[/size][size="+ font_size + "]\n"+ my_description+"[/size][/color]" if bootup: self.selectedPlugin = name # self.ids.selectButton.text = "Select Plugin" self.ids.run_plugin.text = "Run Plugin: "+self.selectedPlugin bootup = False # register Broadcast Receivers. self.registerBroadcastReceivers() # If default service exists, launch it try: config = ConfigParser()'/sdcard/.mobileinsight.ini') default_app_name = config.get("mi_general", "start_service") launch_service = config.get("mi_general", "bstartup_service") if default_app_name and launch_service == "1": self.start_service(default_app_name) self.ids.run_plugin.text = "Stop Plugin: "+default_app_name except Exception as e: Logger.warning(traceback.format_exc()) def registerBroadcastReceivers(self): self.brStopAck = BroadcastReceiver(self.on_broadcastStopServiceAck, actions=['MobileInsight.Plugin.StopServiceAck']) self.brStopAck.start() def set_plugin(self, plugin_name): print "set_plugin" self.selectedPlugin = plugin_name if not self.service: self.ids.run_plugin.text = "Run Plugin: "+self.selectedPlugin #Setting the text for the Select Plugin Menu button def callback(self, obj): self.selectedPlugin = # self.ids.selectButton.text = "Select Button: " + obj.text[(obj.text.find("]", obj.text.find("]")+1)+1):obj.text.find("[", obj.text.find("[", obj.text.find("[")+1)+1)] # self.ids.selectButton.text = "Select Plugin" if not self.service: self.ids.run_plugin.text = "Run Plugin: "+self.selectedPlugin self.popup.dismiss() def log_info(self, msg): self.append_log("[b][color=00ff00][INFO][/color][/b]: " + msg) def log_warning(self, msg): Logger.warning(msg) self.append_log("[b][color=00ffff][WARNING][/color][/b]: " + msg) def log_error(self, msg): Logger.error(msg) self.append_log("[b][color=ff0000][ERROR][/color][/b]: " + msg) def append_log(self, s): self.error_log += "\n" self.error_log += s # def append_log(self,s): # self.error_log += "\n" # self.error_log += s # if self.line_count > self.MAX_LINE: # idx = self.error_log.find('\n') # self.error_log = self.error_log[idx+1:] # else: # self.line_count += 1 # def __check_security_policy(self): # """ # Update SELinux policy. # For Nexus 6/6P, the SELinux policy may forbids the log collection. # """ # cmd = "setenforce 0; " # cmd = cmd + "supolicy --live \"allow init logd dir getattr\";" # # # Depreciated supolicies. Still keep them for backup purpose # cmd = cmd + "supolicy --live \"allow init init process execmem\";" # cmd = cmd + \ # "supolicy --live \"allow atfwd diag_device chr_file {read write open ioctl}\";" # cmd = cmd + "supolicy --live \"allow init properties_device file execute\";" # cmd = cmd + \ # "supolicy --live \"allow system_server diag_device chr_file {read write}\";" # # # Suspicious supolicies: MI works without them, but it seems that they SHOULD be enabled... # # # mi2log permission denied (logcat | grep denied), but no impact on log collection/analysis # cmd = cmd + \ # "supolicy --live \"allow untrusted_app app_data_file file {rename}\";" # # # Suspicious: why still works after disabling this command? Won't FIFO fail? # cmd = cmd + \ # "supolicy --live \"allow init app_data_file fifo_file {write open getattr}\";" # cmd = cmd + \ # "supolicy --live \"allow init diag_device chr_file {getattr write ioctl}\"; " # # Nexus 6 only # cmd = cmd + \ # "supolicy --live \"allow untrusted_app diag_device chr_file {write open getattr}\";" # cmd = cmd + \ # "supolicy --live \"allow system_server diag_device chr_file {read write}\";" # cmd = cmd + \ # "supolicy --live \"allow netmgrd diag_device chr_file {read write}\";" # cmd = cmd + \ # "supolicy --live \"allow rild diag_device chr_file {read write}\";" # cmd = cmd + \ # "supolicy --live \"allow rild debuggerd app_data_file {read open getattr}\";" # cmd = cmd + \ # "supolicy --live \"allow wcnss_service mnt_user_file dir {search}\";" # cmd = cmd + \ # "supolicy --live \"allow wcnss_service fuse dir {read open search}\";" # cmd = cmd + \ # "supolicy --live \"allow wcnss_service mnt_user_file lnk_file {read}\";" # cmd = cmd + \ # "supolicy --live \"allow wcnss_service fuse file {read append getattr}\";" # main_utils.run_shell_cmd(cmd) # def __check_diag_mode(self): # """ # Check if diagnostic mode is enabled. # Note that this function is chipset-specific: Qualcomm and MTK have different detection approaches # """ # chipset_type = main_utils.get_chipset_type() # if chipset_type == main_utils.ChipsetType.QUALCOMM: # diag_port = "/dev/diag" # if not os.path.exists(diag_port): # return False # else: # main_utils.run_shell_cmd("chmod 777 /dev/diag") # return True # elif chipset_type == main_utils.ChipsetType.MTK: # cmd = "ps | grep emdlogger1" # res = main_utils.run_shell_cmd(cmd) # if not res: # return False # else: # return True # def __init_libs(self): # """ # Initialize libs required by MobileInsight. # It creates sym links to libs, and chmod of critical execs # """ # libs_path = os.path.join(main_utils.get_files_dir(), "data") # cmd = "" # libs_mapping = { # "": [ # "", ""], "": [ # "", ""], "": [ # "", ""]} # for lib in libs_mapping: # for sym_lib in libs_mapping[lib]: # # if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(libs_path,sym_lib)): # if True: # # TODO: chown to restore ownership for the symlinks # cmd = cmd + " ln -s " + \ # os.path.join(libs_path, lib) + " " + os.path.join(libs_path, sym_lib) + "; " # exes = ["diag_revealer", # "diag_revealer_mtk", # "android_pie_ws_dissector", # "android_ws_dissector"] # for exe in exes: # cmd = cmd + " chmod 755 " + os.path.join(libs_path, exe) + "; " # cmd = cmd + "chmod -R 755 " + libs_path # main_utils.run_shell_cmd(cmd) # def __init_libs(self): # """ # Initialize libs required by MobileInsight # """ # libs_path = os.path.join(main_utils.get_files_dir(), "data") # libs = ["", # "", # "", # "", # "", # "", # ""] # cmd = "mount -o remount,rw /system; " # for lib in libs: # # if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join("/system/lib",lib)): # if True: # cmd = cmd + " cp " + os.path.join(libs_path, lib) + " /system/lib/; " # cmd = cmd + " chmod 755 " + os.path.join("/system/lib", lib) + "; " # # sym links for some libs # libs_mapping = {"": ["", ""], # "": ["", ""], # "": ["", ""]} # for lib in libs_mapping: # for sym_lib in libs_mapping[lib]: # # if not os.path.isfile("/system/lib/"+sym_lib): # if True: # cmd = cmd + " ln -s /system/lib/" + lib + " /system/lib/" + sym_lib + "; " # cmd = cmd + " chmod 755 /system/lib/" + sym_lib + "; " # # print cmd # debug mode # # bins # exes = ["diag_revealer", # "android_pie_ws_dissector", # "android_ws_dissector"] # for exe in exes: # # if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join("/system/bin",exe)): # if True: # cmd = cmd + " cp " + os.path.join(libs_path, exe) + " /system/bin/; " # # 0755, not 755. "0" means "+x" on Android phones # cmd = cmd + " chmod 0755 " + os.path.join("/system/bin/", exe) + "; " # if cmd: # # at least one lib should be copied # main_utils.run_shell_cmd(cmd) def show_log(self): while not os.path.exists(self.log_name): continue log_file = open(self.log_name, 'r') # line_count = 0 while True: if self.terminal_stop.is_set(): continue try: time.sleep(1) where = log_file.tell() lines = log_file.readlines() if not lines: else: self.logs += lines self.error_log = ''.join(self.logs) except Exception as e: Logger.exception(traceback.format_exc()) continue def run_script_callback(self): no_error = True if no_error: try: filename = self.ids["filename"].text self.append_log("") self.append_log("execfile: %s" % filename) namespace = {"app_log": ""} execfile(filename, namespace) # Load the "app_log" variable from namespace and print it out self.append_log(namespace["app_log"]) except BaseException: Logger.exception(traceback.format_exc()) self.append_log(str(traceback.format_exc())) no_error = False def stop_collection(self): res = main_utils.run_shell_cmd("ps").split('\n') for item in res: if item.find('diag_revealer') != -1: pid = item.split()[1] cmd = "kill "+pid main_utils.run_shell_cmd(cmd) # def stop_collection(self): # self.collecting = False # # Find diag_revealer process # # FIXME: No longer work for 7.0: os.listdir() only returns current # # processstop_collection # diag_procs = [] # pids = [pid for pid in os.listdir("/proc") if pid.isdigit()] # print "stop_collection", str(pids) # for pid in pids: # try: # cmdline = open( # os.path.join( # "/proc", # pid, # "cmdline"), # "rb").read() # # if cmdline.startswith("diag_mdlog") or # # cmdline.startswith("diag_revealer"): # if cmdline.find("diag_revealer") != - \ # 1 or cmdline.find("diag_mdlog") != -1: # diag_procs.append(int(pid)) # except IOError: # proc has been terminated # continue # if len(diag_procs) > 0: # cmd2 = "kill " + " ".join([str(pid) for pid in diag_procs]) # main_utils.run_shell_cmd(cmd2) def popUpMenu(self): def start_service(self, app_name): if platform == "android" and app_name in self.plugins_list: # Clean up old logs self.log_name = os.path.join( main_utils.get_mobileinsight_analysis_path(), app_name + "_log.txt") if os.path.exists(self.log_name): os.remove(self.log_name) self.terminal_stop = threading.Event() self.terminal_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.show_log) self.terminal_thread.start() self.error_log = "Running " + app_name + "..." self.service = AndroidService( "MobileInsight is running...", app_name) # stop the running service self.service.stop() self.service.start( app_name + ":" + self.plugins_list[app_name][0]) # app name self.default_app_name = app_name # TODO: support collecting TCPDUMP trace # currentTime ='%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') # tcpdumpcmd = "su -c tcpdump -i rmnet_data0 -w " \ # + main_utils.get_mobileinsight_log_path() \ # + "/tcpdump_" + str(currentTime) + ".pcap\n" # main_utils.run_shell_cmd(tcpdumpcmd) else: self.error_log = "Error: " + app_name + "cannot be launched!" def on_broadcastStopServiceAck(self, context, intent): self.log_info("Received MobileInsight.Plugin.StopServiceAck from plugin") self.pluginAck = True def stop_service(self): # Register listener for 'MobileInsight.Plugin.StopServiceAck' intent # from plugin # self.log_info("Ready to stop current plugin ...") self.pluginAck = False # Using broadcast to send 'MobileInsight.Main.StopService' intent to # plugin IntentClass = autoclass("android.content.Intent") intent = IntentClass() action = 'MobileInsight.Main.StopService' intent.setAction(action) try: current_activity.sendBroadcast(intent) except Exception as e: self.log_error(traceback.format_exc()) if self.service: start_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() current_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() while (not self.pluginAck and (current_time - start_time).total_seconds() < 5): current_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() pass self.service.stop() self.service = None if self.terminal_stop: self.terminal_stop.set() # self.error_log = LOGO_STRING self.log_info( "Plugin stopped. Detailed analytic results are saved in " + self.log_name) self.stop_collection() # close ongoing collections (diag_revealer) # killall tcpdump # tcpdumpcmd = "su -c killall tcpdump\n" # main_utils.run_shell_cmd(tcpdumpcmd) def on_click_plugin(self, app_name): if self.service: self.stop_service() self.ids.run_plugin.text = "Run Plugin: "+app_name else: self.start_service(app_name) self.ids.run_plugin.text = "Stop Plugin: "+app_name def _save_log(self): orig_basename = os.path.basename(self.__original_filename) orig_dirname = os.path.dirname(self.__original_filename) self.__log_timestamp ='%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') milog_basename = "diag_log_%s_%s_%s.mi2log" % ( self.__log_timestamp, self.__phone_info, main_utils.get_operator_info()) milog_absname = os.path.join(self.__logdir, milog_basename) main_utils.run_shell_cmd("cp %s %s" % (self.__original_filename, milog_absname)) # shutil.copyfile(self.__original_filename, milog_absname) # chmodcmd = "rm -f " + self.__original_filename # p = subprocess.Popen("su ", executable = main_utils.ANDROID_SHELL, shell = True, \ # stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE) # p.communicate(chmodcmd + '\n') # p.wait() os.remove(self.__original_filename) def on_enter(self): # main_utils.stop_service() pass def on_leave(self): self.stop_service() def configure_coordinator(self): pass
def index(name=''): graphs = get_plugins_list() comparators = conf.get("comparators", {}) return template('home', data=graphs, comparators=comparators)