コード例 #1
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.sparse.linalg as spLA

import majoranaJJ.operators.sparse.qmsops as spop  #sparse operators
import majoranaJJ.lattice.nbrs as nb  #neighbor arrays
import majoranaJJ.lattice.shapes as shps  #lattice shapes
import majoranaJJ.modules.plots as plots  #plotting functions

R = 50
r = 15
ax = 10  #[A]
ay = 10  #[A]

coor = shps.donut(R, r)
NN = nb.NN_Arr(coor)
print("lattice size", coor.shape[0])

alpha = 0  #Spin-Orbit Coupling constant: [eV*A]
gammaz = 0  #Zeeman field energy contribution: [T]
delta = 0  #Superconducting Gap: [eV]
V0 = 0.0  #Amplitude of potential : [eV]
mu = 0  #Chemical Potential: [eV]

H = spop.H0(coor, ax, ay, NN)
print("H shape: ", H.shape)

num = 75  # This is the number of eigenvalues and eigenvectors you want
sigma = 0  # This is the eigenvalue we search around
which = 'LM'
eigs, vecs = spLA.eigsh(H, k=num, sigma=sigma, which=which)
コード例 #2
ファイル: kp_test.py プロジェクト: tbcole/majoranaJJ
if cutx == 0 and cuty == 0:
    nod_bool = False

Junc_width = Wj*ay*.10 #nm
SC_width = ((Ny - Wj)*ay*.10)/2 #nm
Nod_widthx = cutx*ax*.1 #nm
Nod_widthy = cuty*ay*.1 #nm
print("Nodule Width in x-direction = ", Nod_widthx, "(nm)")
print("Nodule Width in y-direction = ", Nod_widthy, "(nm)")
print("Junction Width = ", Junc_width, "(nm)")
print("Supercondicting Lead Width = ", SC_width, "(nm)")


coor = shps.square(Nx, Ny) #square lattice
NN = nb.NN_Arr(coor) #neighbor array
NNb = nb.Bound_Arr(coor) #boundary array
lat_size = coor.shape[0]
print("Lattice Size: ", lat_size)

Lx = (max(coor[:, 0]) - min(coor[:, 0]) + 1)*ax #Unit cell size in x-direction
Ly = (max(coor[:, 1]) - min(coor[:, 1]) + 1)*ay #Unit cell size in y-direction

#Hamiltonian Parameters
alpha = 100 #Spin-Orbit Coupling constant: [meV*A]
gx = 0.2 #parallel to junction: [meV]
gz = 0 #normal to plane of junction: [meV]
phi = 0*np.pi #SC phase difference
delta = 1.0 #Superconducting Gap: [meV]
V0 = 50 #Amplitude of potential: [meV]
コード例 #3
#Using old method, scaled by N^2 due to a loop within a loop
start = time.time()
NN_old = nb2.NN_Arr(coor)
end = time.time()
print("Time to create Nbr_Arr with original method = {} [s]".format(end -
print(NN_old[0:5, :])

idx = 0
plots.lattice(idx, coor, NN=NN_old)
print(" ")


start = time.time()
NN_new = nb.NN_Arr(coor)
end = time.time()
print("Time to create Nbr_Arr with revised method = {} [s]".format(end -
print(NN_new[0:5, :])

idx = 0
plots.lattice(idx, coor, NN=NN_new)
print(" ")


#Verifying that the new method creates the same neighbor array as the old one
for i in [0, 1, 2, 3]:
    print("Same Values? ", all(NN_old[:, i] == NN_new[:, i]))
コード例 #4
ファイル: total.py プロジェクト: tbcole/majoranaJJ
import majoranaJJ.operators.dense.qmdops as dpop #dense operators

print(" ")

N = range(3, 20)
t_sparse = np.zeros(len(N))
t_dense = np.zeros(len(N))
ax = 2
ay = 2

for i in range(0, len(N)):

    Nx = N[i] #incrementing size of lattice
    Ny = N[i] #incrementing size of lattice
    coor = shps.square(Nx, Ny) #creating coordinate array
    NN = nbrs.NN_Arr(coor) #nearest neighbor array
    NNb = nbrs.Bound_Arr(coor) #boundary array

    H_sparse = spop.H0(coor, ax, ay, NN) #creating sparse hamiltonian

    start = time.time() #Time start for numpy

    H_dense = dpop.H0(coor, ax, ay, NN) #creating dense hamiltonian
    eigs, vecs = LA.eigh(H_dense) #diagonalizing

    end = time.time() #Time end for numpy
    t_dense[i] = end-start #append time taken to diagonalize

    start = time.time() #Time start for scipy

    H_sparse = spop.H0(coor, ax, ay, NN) #creating sparse hamiltonian
コード例 #5
ファイル: square.py プロジェクト: tbcole/majoranaJJ
import majoranaJJ.operators.sparse.qmsops as spop  #sparse operators
import majoranaJJ.lattice.nbrs as nb  #neighbor arrays
import majoranaJJ.lattice.shapes as shps  #lattice shapes
import majoranaJJ.modules.plots as plots  #plotting functions

Ny = 25  #number of lattice sites in y direction
Nx = 25  #number of lattice sites in x direction
N = Ny * Nx

coor = shps.square(Nx, Ny)  #square coordinate array
NN = nb.NN_Arr(coor)  #nearest neighbor array of square lattice
NN2 = nb.NN_sqr(coor)
NNb = nb.Bound_Arr(coor)

Lx = int(max(coor[:, 0]) + 1)
idx = 2 * Lx - 1
plots.lattice(idx, coor, NN=NN)
plots.lattice(idx, coor, NN=NN2)
plots.lattice(idx, coor, NNb=NNb)
コード例 #6
import majoranaJJ.lattice.nbrs as nb  #neighbor arrays
import majoranaJJ.modules.plots as plots  #plotting functions

N = 45

#Making square lattice, nothing has changed with this method
coor = shps.square(N, N)
print("size: ", coor.shape[0])


#General NN_arr method
start = time.time()
NN_gen = nb.NN_Arr(coor)
end = time.time()
print("Time to create Nbr_Arr with general method = {} [s]".format(end -


start = time.time()
NN_sq = nb.NN_sqr(coor)
end = time.time()
print("Time to create Nbr_Arr with specific square method = {} [s]".format(
    end - start))


#Verifying that the new method creates the same neighbor array as the old one