コード例 #1
def compareAndMakeDirectories(userPath, newVersion, versionDirectoryContents,
    # think of the paramaters this way for now:
    # source = userPath
    # destination = newVersion
    # recentVersionCont = versionDirectoryContents
    # sourceFiles = userDirectoryContents

    versionContentList = []
    userContentList = []

    # go through contents of old directory
    for x in range(0, len(versionDirectoryContents)):
        file = recentVersion + '/' + str(versionDirectoryContents[x])
        versionContents = makeFiles.readFiles(file)

# go through contents of user-given directory
    for x in range(0, len(userDirectoryContents)):
        # the reason we're putting userPath in here is so that
        # the program will have the path to the file
        file = userPath + '/' + str(userDirectoryContents[x])
        userContents = makeFiles.readFiles(file)

#Ignore this, it is there incase we need to do more troubleshooting
#	print "userContentList"
#	print userContentList
#	print "sorted user"
#	print sorted(userContentList)

#	print "versionContentList"
#	print versionContentList
#	print "sorted version"
#	print sorted(versionContentList)

# if there are no changes then return no changes
    if sorted(versionContentList) == sorted(userContentList):
        print "no change"
        for fileName in userDirectoryContents:
            os.remove(userPath + "/" + fileName)

# newVersion will eventually come from repo (being the path for the
# user's repo) + '.' + timeStamp (so that it will be named so that it
# is after lastDir, and becomes the NEW most recent directory, or
# lastDir the NEXT time you run this function.
    elif sorted(userContentList) != sorted(versionContentList):
        distutils.dir_util.copy_tree(userPath, newVersion)
        for fileName in userDirectoryContents:
            os.remove(userPath + "/" + fileName)

        print "something went wrong"
コード例 #2
def compareAndMakeDirectories(userPath, newVersion, repoDirectoryContents, userDirectoryContents):
# think of the paramaters this way for now:
# source = userPath
# destination = newVersion
# repoCont = repoDirectoryContents
# srcCont = userDirectoryContents
	repoContentList = []
	userContentList = []

# go through contents of old directory	
	for x in range(0, len(repoDirectoryContents)):
        	file = str(repoDirectoryContents[x])
        	repoContents = makeFiles.readFiles(file)

# go through contents of user-given directory
	for x in range(0, len(userDirectoryContents)):
                # the reason we're putting userPath in here is so that
		# the program will have the path to the file
		file = userPath+'/'+str(userDirectoryContents[x])
                userContents = makeFiles.readFiles(file)
	# if there are no changes then return no changes
 	if repoContentList == userContentList:
		print "no change"
	# newVersion will eventually come from repo (being the path for the
	# user's repo) + '.' + timeStamp (so that it will be named so that it 
	# is after lastDir, and becomes the NEW most recent directory, or 
	# lastDir the NEXT time you run this function.
	elif userContentList != repoContentList:
		distutils.dir_util.copy_tree(userPath, newVersion)

		print "something went wrong"
コード例 #3
# def compareAndMakeDirectories(userPath, newVersion, repoDirectoryContents, userDirectoryContents):

# think of the paramaters this way for now:
# source = userPath
# destination = newVersion
# repoCont = repoDirectoryContents
# srcCont = userDirectoryContents

repoContentList = []
userContentList = []

# go through contents of old directory
for x in repoCont:
    repoFile = x
    repoContents = makeFiles.readFiles(repoFile)

print repoContentList

# go through contents of user-given directory
for y in srcCont:
    userFile = y
    userContents = makeFiles.readFiles(userFile)

print userContentList

# if there are no changes then return no changes
if repoContentList == userContentList:
    print "no change"
コード例 #4
# def compareAndMakeDirectories(userPath, newVersion, repoDirectoryContents, userDirectoryContents):

# think of the paramaters this way for now:
# source = userPath
# destination = newVersion
# repoCont = repoDirectoryContents
# srcCont = userDirectoryContents

repoContentList = []
userContentList = []

# go through contents of old directory  
for x in repoCont:
	repoFile = x
        repoContents = makeFiles.readFiles(repoFile)

print repoContentList

# go through contents of user-given directory
for y in srcCont:
	userFile = y
        userContents = makeFiles.readFiles(userFile)

print userContentList

        # if there are no changes then return no changes
if repoContentList == userContentList:
	print "no change"