コード例 #1
ファイル: FlowGraph.py プロジェクト: sdamrich/FlowTracker
 def add_edges2pixel(self, frame_num, x, y):
     # bounds centered window around pixel
     lower = int(-math.floor(self.window / 2))
     upper = int(math.floor(self.window / 2))
     # iterated through the neighbours in next frame and add edges
     # provided neighbour does exist, if not create dummy neighbour and edge
     for j in range(lower, upper + 1, 1):
         for i in range(lower, upper + 1, 1):
             if x + i >= 0 and x + i < self.shape_frame[
                     0] and y + j >= 0 and y + j < self.shape_frame[1]:
                 # add from earlier to later pixel
                 # self.g.add_edge(self.g.vertex(pixel2id(self.shape_frame, frame_num, x , y)), self.g.vertex(pixel2id(self.shape_frame, frame_num+1, x +i, y + j)))
                 # add from later to earlier pixel
                         pixel2id(self.shape_frame, frame_num + 1, x, y)),
                         pixel2id(self.shape_frame, frame_num, x + i,
                                  y + j)))
                 # add dummy node to graph and connect it to pixel, so that there are always window**2 many edges from every 'real' pixel
                 # the dummy pixels will have and index higher than the one of the sink
                 # the resulting graph with have more nodes and more edges than expected.
                         pixel2id(self.shape_frame, frame_num + 1, x, y)),
コード例 #2
ファイル: FlowGraph.py プロジェクト: sdamrich/FlowTracker
    def build(self):

        # instanciate a graph with all but the last node
        self.g = Graph()
        self.vertices = self.g.add_vertex(self.num_real_pixels - 1)

        # insert sink with edges to it
        self.t = self.g.add_vertex()
        for x in range(self.shape_frame[0]):
            for y in range(self.shape_frame[1]):
                # add to sink
                #e = self.g.add_edge(self.g.vertex(pixel2id(self.shape_frame, self.num_frames -1, x, y)), self.t)
                # add edges from sink
                e = self.g.add_edge(
                        pixel2id(self.shape_frame, self.num_frames - 1, x, y)))

        # add edges from all vertices to the ones in the next frame
        for v in self.g.vertices():
            # is vertext not on last frame
            if int(v) + self.shape_frame[0] * self.shape_frame[
                    1] < self.num_real_pixels - 1:
                frame_num, x, y = id2pixel(int(v), self.shape_frame)
                self.add_edges2pixel(frame_num, x, y)
            # print status, once a frame is connected
            if int(v) % (self.shape_frame[0] *
                         self.shape_frame[1]) == 0 and int(v) > 0:
                print('Frame ' + str(int(v) // (self.pixel_per_frame)) +
                      ' connected.')
コード例 #3
ファイル: Graph.py プロジェクト: sdamrich/FlowTracker
def add_edges2pixel(graph, shape_frame, frame_num, x, y, window):
    # window size must be odd
    assert window % 2 == 1
    lower = int(-math.floor(window / 2))
    upper = int(math.floor(window / 2))
    for i in range(lower, upper + 1, 1):
        for j in range(lower, upper + 1, 1):
            if x + i >= 0 and x + i < shape_frame[0]:
                if y + j >= 0 and y + j < shape_frame[1]:
                    # add from earlier to later pixel
                    # graph.add_edge(graph.vertex(pixel2id(shape_frame, frame_num, x , y)), graph.vertex(pixel2id(shape_frame, frame_num+1, x +i, y + j)))
                    # add from later to earlier pixel
                        graph.vertex(pixel2id(shape_frame, frame_num + 1, x,
                            pixel2id(shape_frame, frame_num, x + i, y + j)))
コード例 #4
ファイル: FlowGraph.py プロジェクト: sdamrich/FlowTracker
    def all_paths_generator(self):
        # iterate over entire frame
        for x in range(len(mask_f)):
            for y in range(len(mask_f[0, :])):
                # vertex that iterates along the path
                v = self.g.vertex(pixel2id(self.shape_frame, 0, x, y))

                # while we have not reached the first node (t), go to
                # predecessor and remember the edges we passed
                path = []
                while self.pred_map[v] != self.num_real_pixels - 1:
                    path.append(self.g.edge(self.pred_map[v], v))
                    v = self.pred_map[v]

                # obatin coodinates to pixel on last frame
                _, v_x, v_y = id2pixel(int(v), self.shape_frame)
                yield path, v_x, v_y
コード例 #5
ファイル: Graph.py プロジェクト: sdamrich/FlowTracker
def update_costs(g, pred_map, frame_0, frame_l):
    loss = 0
    hit = 0
    not_hit = 0
    # iterate over entire frame
    for x in range(len(frame_0)):
        for y in range(len(frame_0[0, :])):
            # only paths from pixels in BB matter
            if np.all(frame_0[x, y] == 1):

                # vertex that iterates along the path
                v = g.vertex(pixel2id(frame_0.shape, 0, x, y))

                # while we have not reached the first node (t), go to
                # predecessor and remember the edges we passed
                path = []
                while pred_map[v] != g.num_vertices() - 1:
                    path.append(g.edge(pred_map[v], v))
                    v = pred_map[v]

                # obatin coodinates to pixel on last frame
                _, v_x, v_y = id2pixel(int(v), frame_l.shape)

                # depedning on whether path lands in BB or not,
                # update edge costs on path and loss
                length = len(path)
                if np.all(frame_l[v_x, v_y] == 1):
                    f = 0
                    hit += 1
                    loss -= 1
                    for e in path:
                        f += 1
                        factor = f / length
                        g.ep.cost[e] -= 2 * f / length
                    f = 0
                    not_hit += 1
                    loss += 1
                    for e in path:
                        f += 1
                        g.ep.cost[e] += 2 * f / length
    return loss, hit, not_hit
コード例 #6
ファイル: Graph.py プロジェクト: sdamrich/FlowTracker

# print out neighbours for a test pixel
#for v in g.vertex(pixel2id(frames.dims,1, 1,2)).out_neighbors():
#<    print(id2pixel(int(v), frames.dims))

# create edge property for edge costs
eprop = g.new_edge_property("double")
g.ep.cost = eprop  # equivalent to g.vertex_properties["foo"] = vprop

# randomly set edge costs
g.ep.cost.a = 2 * np.random.random(g.num_edges()) - 1

# print some edge costs as test
#for e in g.vertex(pixel2id(frames.dims,1, 1,2)).out_edges():
#    print(g.ep.cost[e])

# insert sink with edges to it and add set edge costs to 0
t = g.add_vertex()
for x in range(frames.dims[0]):
    for y in range(frames.dims[1]):
        # add to sink
        #e = g.add_edge(g.vertex(pixel2id(frames.dims, frames.n_frames-1, x, y)), t)
        # add edges from sink
        e = g.add_edge(
            t, g.vertex(pixel2id(frames.dims, frames.n_frames - 1, x, y)))
        g.ep.cost[e] = 0

learn_costs(g, frames.frames[0], frames.frames[frames.n_frames - 1], 100)