コード例 #1
ファイル: getresname.py プロジェクト: duartej/pytnp
def getResName( aFile, **keywords ):
	""".. function:: getResName( fileName[, config=configfile] ) -> pytnpname,latexstring

	Extract from file name, T&P-like, the resonance
	and returns it plain and in Latex format.

	:param fileName: the root file name
	:type fileName: string
	:keyword config: configuration file to impose the results of this function. 
	                 Makes use of the ``DataNames`` dictionary placed
	:type config: string

	:return: unique identifier (pytnpname) and latex description of this root file
	:rtype: tuple of strings
	.. warning::
	   This function is highly dependent of the name of the file (if you don't use a config file).
	   Standard Format:  NameOFResonance_X_blabla.root
	:raise KeyError: keyword erroneous
	:raise TypeError: no config file provided and no root file name in standard format
	:raise RuntimeError: somethin wrong happens. Warn to developers

	.. note::
	   Probably will change to ``tnputils`` module
	import re

	regexp = re.compile( '\D*(?P<NUMBER>\dS)' ) 
	resonance = ''
	resonanceLatex = ''
	# Hardcoded dict: include here new resonances 
	nameDict = { 'JPsi' : ('J/#Psi','JPsi'),
			'Upsilon': ('All #Upsilon','AllUpsilons'),
			'Z' : ('Z#rightarrow#mu#mu','Z')
	# Complements
	adjectDict = { 'DATA' : (' Data', '_DATA'),
			'ReWeight' : (' ReWeight ', '_ReWeight'),
			'GoodCowboys' : (' GCS', '_GoodCowboysAndSeagulls'),
			'_MC_' : (' MC', ''),
			'_Spring10_' : (' MC', ''),
	#-- Add and/or updating the keys, entered by the user
	isDone = False
	for key, _file in keywords.iteritems():
		if key != 'config':
			message = "Invalid argument key '%s', only accepted 'config" % key
			printError( getResName.__module__+'.'+getResName.__name__, message, KeyError )
		#-- Controlling the None case
		if _file:
			for name, value in parserConfig( keywords['config'], 'DataNames' ).iteritems():
				nameDict[name] = value
				isDone = True
			# User rules, so...
			# Posible try!! FIXME!!
			resonanceLatex = nameDict[aFile][0]
			resonance = nameDict[aFile][1]
			return resonance,resonanceLatex

		num = regexp.search( aFile ).group( 'NUMBER' )
		resonanceLatex = '#Upsilon('+num+')'
		resonance = 'Upsilon'+num

	except AttributeError:
		#Reverse sorted to assure DATA is the last one
		for name, (resLatex,res) in sorted(nameDict.iteritems(),reverse=True):
			if aFile.find( name ) != -1:
				resonanceLatex = resLatex
				resonance = res
		if resonance == '':
			message ="""This function is highly dependent of the \n"""\
					"""name of the file, you need an standard format like:\n"""\
					"""    NameOFResonance_X_blabla.root"""\
					"""Unrecognized name: \033[1;m\033[1;39m  '%s'\033[1;m""" % aFile
			printError( getResName.__module__+'.'+getResName.__name__, message, TypeError )
		message ="""UNEXPECTED ERROR!! Send a e-mail to the developer(s) with all information\n"""\
				"""needed to reproduce this error"""
		printError( getresname.__module__+'.'+getresname.__name__, message, RuntimeError )
	#All work is done
	if isDone:
		return resonance, resonanceLatex
	#Including others..
	for name, (resLatex,res) in sorted(adjectDict.iteritems(),reverse=True):
		if aFile.find( name ) != -1:
			resonanceLatex += resLatex
			resonance += res

	return resonance,resonanceLatex
コード例 #2
ファイル: pytnpclass.py プロジェクト: duartej/usercode
	def __getType__(self, name, structure):
		""".. method:: __getType__( 'RooDataSet name', dictionary ) -> dictionary

		Build a dictionary where the key is the pathname (in standard T&P format)
		and the values are also dictionaries storing relevant info of the dataset.

		:raise ValueError: file root format incorrect
		:raise AttributeError: Misuse of configuration file
		import re
		from management import parserConfig
		#-- Dictionary to store 
		structure[name] = { 'effType': {}, 'objectType': {}, 'methodUsed': {}, 'isMC' : {} }
		#-- Extracting
		pathname = name.split('/')
		if len(pathname) != 3:
			#-- The storage format is not in T6P standard
			message = 'The format of the \'%s\' file is not in T&P standard.' % self.__fileroot__.GetName()
			printError( self.__module__, message, ValueError )

		effType = pathname[0]
		objectType = pathname[1]
		methodUsed = pathname[2]
		#-- Mapping
		#--- Check and put values provided by the user
			#--- If not enter config, self.configfile is None and 
			#--- parserConfig raise a TypeError exception.
			#--- If is not there some key, the AttributeError is raised
				tupleAttr = parserConfig( self.configfile, self.resonance+'::'+name )
			except AttributeError:
				Message = "If the error above is related with the identifier:\n"
				Message += "Coherence broken between configuration file and 'pytnp' instanciation\n"
				Message += "Check you have a object called '%s' in your configuration file" % self.resonance
				printError( self.__module__+'.pytnp', Message, AttributeError )
			#--- If nothing the tupleAttr is None so NameError exception too
			structure[name]['effType'] = tupleAttr[0]
			structure[name]['objectType'] = tupleAttr[1]
			structure[name]['isMC'] = tupleAttr[2]
			#FIXME: To be implemented
			#	structure[name]['legend'] = tupleAttr[3]
			#except IndexError:
			#	pass
		except (NameError,TypeError):
			#---- Type of efficiency
			if effType == 'histoTrigger':
				structure[name]['effType'] = 'Trigger'
			elif effType == 'histoMuFromTk':
				structure[name]['effType'] =  'MuonID'
				structure[name]['effType'] = 'unknown'
			#---- Type of efficiency
			structure[name]['objectType'] = objectType.split('_')[0]
			#---- Is mcTrue
			regexp = re.compile( '\S*_(?P<mc>mcTrue)' )
				# Check if it mcTrue
				regexp.search( objectType ).group( 'mc' )
				structure[name]['isMC'] = 1
			except AttributeError:
				structure[name]['isMC'] = 0
		#---- Method Used
		structure[name]['methodUsed'] = methodUsed

		return structure
コード例 #3
ファイル: getresname.py プロジェクト: duartej/usercode
def getResName(aFile, **keywords):
    """.. function:: getResName( fileName[, config=configfile] ) -> pytnpname,latexstring

	Extract from file name, T&P-like, the resonance
	and returns it plain and in Latex format.

	:param fileName: the root file name
	:type fileName: string
	:keyword config: configuration file to impose the results of this function. 
	                 Makes use of the ``DataNames`` dictionary placed
	:type config: string

	:return: unique identifier (pytnpname) and latex description of this root file
	:rtype: tuple of strings
	.. warning::
	   This function is highly dependent of the name of the file (if you don't use a config file).
	   Standard Format:  NameOFResonance_X_blabla.root
	:raise KeyError: keyword erroneous
	:raise TypeError: no config file provided and no root file name in standard format
	:raise RuntimeError: somethin wrong happens. Warn to developers

	.. note::
	   Probably will change to ``tnputils`` module
    import re

    regexp = re.compile('\D*(?P<NUMBER>\dS)')
    resonance = ''
    resonanceLatex = ''
    # Hardcoded dict: include here new resonances
    nameDict = {
        'JPsi': ('J/#Psi', 'JPsi'),
        'Upsilon': ('All #Upsilon', 'AllUpsilons'),
        'Z': ('Z#rightarrow#mu#mu', 'Z')
    # Complements
    adjectDict = {
        'DATA': (' Data', '_DATA'),
        'ReWeight': (' ReWeight ', '_ReWeight'),
        'GoodCowboys': (' GCS', '_GoodCowboysAndSeagulls'),
        '_MC_': (' MC', ''),
        '_Spring10_': (' MC', ''),
    #-- Add and/or updating the keys, entered by the user
    isDone = False
    for key, _file in keywords.iteritems():
        if key != 'config':
            message = "Invalid argument key '%s', only accepted 'config" % key
            printError(getResName.__module__ + '.' + getResName.__name__,
                       message, KeyError)
        #-- Controlling the None case
        if _file:
            for name, value in parserConfig(keywords['config'],
                nameDict[name] = value
                isDone = True
            # User rules, so...
            # Posible try!! FIXME!!
            resonanceLatex = nameDict[aFile][0]
            resonance = nameDict[aFile][1]
            return resonance, resonanceLatex

        num = regexp.search(aFile).group('NUMBER')
        resonanceLatex = '#Upsilon(' + num + ')'
        resonance = 'Upsilon' + num

    except AttributeError:
        #Reverse sorted to assure DATA is the last one
        for name, (resLatex, res) in sorted(nameDict.iteritems(),
            if aFile.find(name) != -1:
                resonanceLatex = resLatex
                resonance = res
        if resonance == '':
            message ="""This function is highly dependent of the \n"""\
              """name of the file, you need an standard format like:\n"""\
              """    NameOFResonance_X_blabla.root"""\
              """Unrecognized name: \033[1;m\033[1;39m  '%s'\033[1;m""" % aFile
            printError(getResName.__module__ + '.' + getResName.__name__,
                       message, TypeError)

        message ="""UNEXPECTED ERROR!! Send a e-mail to the developer(s) with all information\n"""\
          """needed to reproduce this error"""
        printError(getresname.__module__ + '.' + getresname.__name__, message,

    #All work is done
    if isDone:
        return resonance, resonanceLatex

    #Including others..
    for name, (resLatex, res) in sorted(adjectDict.iteritems(), reverse=True):
        if aFile.find(name) != -1:
            resonanceLatex += resLatex
            resonance += res

    return resonance, resonanceLatex