class Question(FaqBase): """ Represents a frequently asked question. """ slug = models.SlugField( max_length=100, help_text="This is a unique identifier that allows your questions to display its detail view, ex 'how-can-i-contribute'", ) topic = models.ForeignKey(Topic) text = models.TextField(_('question'), help_text='The actual question itself.') answer = models.TextField( _('answer'), help_text='The answer text.' ) status = models.IntegerField( choices=enums.QUESTION_STATUS_CHOICES, default=enums.STATUS_INACTIVE, help_text="Only questions with their status set to 'Active' will be displayed. Questions marked as 'Group Header' are treated as such by views and templates that are set up to use them." ) sort_order = models.IntegerField(_('sort order'), default=0, help_text='The order you would like the question to be displayed.') protected = models.BooleanField( default="False", help_text="Set true if this question is only visible by authenticated users." ) objects = QuestionManager() class Meta: ordering = ['sort_order', 'created_on', ] def __unicode__(self): return self.text[:100] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): self.updated_on = super(Question, self).save(*args, **kwargs) def is_header(self): return self.status == enums.STATUS_HEADER def is_active(self): return self.status == enums.STATUS_ACTIVE
class Question(models.Model): HEADER = 2 ACTIVE = 1 INACTIVE = 0 STATUS_CHOICES = ( (ACTIVE, _('Active')), (INACTIVE, _('Inactive')), (HEADER, _('Group Header')), ) text = models.TextField(_('question'), help_text=_('The actual question itself.')) answer = models.TextField(_('answer'), blank=True, help_text=_('The answer text.')) topic = models.ForeignKey(Topic, verbose_name=_('topic'), related_name='questions') slug = models.SlugField(_('slug'), max_length=100) status = models.IntegerField( _('status'), choices=STATUS_CHOICES, default=INACTIVE, help_text=_( "Only questions with their status set to 'Active' will be " "displayed. Questions marked as 'Group Header' are treated " "as such by views and templates that are set up to use them.")) protected = models.BooleanField( _('is protected'), default=False, help_text=_( "Set true if this question is only visible by authenticated users." )) sort_order = models.IntegerField( _('sort order'), default=0, help_text=_('The order you would like the question to be displayed.')) created_on = models.DateTimeField(_('created on'), updated_on = models.DateTimeField(_('updated on')) created_by = models.ForeignKey(User, verbose_name=_('created by'), null=True, related_name="+") updated_by = models.ForeignKey(User, verbose_name=_('updated by'), null=True, related_name="+") objects = QuestionManager() class Meta: verbose_name = _("Frequent asked question") verbose_name_plural = _("Frequently asked questions") ordering = ['sort_order', 'created_on'] def __unicode__(self): return self.text def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # Set the date updated. self.updated_on = # Create a unique slug, if needed. if not self.slug: suffix = 0 potential = base = slugify(self.text[:90]) while not self.slug: if suffix: potential = "%s-%s" % (base, suffix) if not Question.objects.filter(slug=potential).exists(): self.slug = potential # We hit a conflicting slug; increment the suffix and try again. suffix += 1 super(Question, self).save(*args, **kwargs) def is_header(self): return self.status == Question.HEADER def is_active(self): return self.status == Question.ACTIVE