コード例 #1
ファイル: admin.py プロジェクト: Eien18/mangaki
    def update_tags_via_anidb(self, request, queryset):
        works = queryset.all()

        if request.POST.get('confirm'): # Updating tags has been confirmed
            to_update_work_ids = set(map(int, request.POST.getlist('to_update_work_ids')))
            nb_updates = len(to_update_work_ids)

            work_ids = list(map(int, request.POST.getlist('work_ids')))

            tag_titles = request.POST.getlist('tag_titles')
            tag_weights = list(map(int, request.POST.getlist('weights')))
            tag_anidb_tag_ids = list(map(int, request.POST.getlist('anidb_tag_ids')))
            tags = list(map(AniDBTag, tag_titles, tag_weights, tag_anidb_tag_ids))

            # Checkboxes to know which tags have to be kept regardless of their pending status
            tag_checkboxes = request.POST.getlist('tag_checkboxes')
            tags_to_process = set(tuple(map(int, tag_checkbox.split(':'))) for tag_checkbox in tag_checkboxes)

            # Make a dict with work_id -> tags to keep
            tags_final = {}
            for index, work_id in enumerate(work_ids):
                if work_id not in to_update_work_ids:
                if work_id not in tags_final:
                    tags_final[work_id] = []
                if (work_id, tags[index].anidb_tag_id) in tags_to_process:

            # Process selected tags for works that have been selected
            for work in works:
                if work.id in to_update_work_ids:
                    client.update_tags(work, tags_final[work.id])

            if nb_updates == 0:
                                  "Aucune oeuvre n'a été marquée comme devant être mise à jour.",
            elif nb_updates == 1:
                                  "Mise à jour des tags effectuée pour une œuvre.")
                                  "Mise à jour des tags effectuée pour {} œuvres.".format(nb_updates))
            return None

        # Check for works with missing AniDB AID
        if not all(work.anidb_aid for work in works):
            """Certains de vos choix ne possèdent pas d'identifiant AniDB.
            Le rafraichissement de leurs tags a été omis. (Détails: {})"""
            .format(", ".join(map(lambda w: w.title,
                                  filter(lambda w: not w.anidb_aid, works)))),

        # Retrieve and send tags information to the appropriate form
        all_information = {}
        for index, work in enumerate(works, start=1):
            if work.anidb_aid:
                if index % 25 == 0:
                    logger.info('(AniDB refresh): Sleeping...')
                    time.sleep(1)  # Don't spam AniDB.

                anidb_tags = client.get_tags(anidb_aid=work.anidb_aid)
                tags_diff = diff_between_anidb_and_local_tags(work, anidb_tags)
                tags_count = 0

                for tags_info in tags_diff.values():
                    tags_count += len(tags_info)

                if tags_count > 0:
                    all_information[work.id] = {
                        'title': work.title,
                        'deleted_tags': tags_diff["deleted_tags"],
                        'added_tags': tags_diff["added_tags"],
                        'updated_tags': tags_diff["updated_tags"],
                        'kept_tags': tags_diff["kept_tags"]

        if all_information:
            context = {
                'all_information': all_information.items(),
                'queryset': queryset,
                'opts': TaggedWork._meta,
                'action': 'update_tags_via_anidb',
                'action_checkbox_name': helpers.ACTION_CHECKBOX_NAME
            return TemplateResponse(request, "admin/update_tags_via_anidb.html", context)
                              "Aucune des œuvres sélectionnées n'a subit de mise à jour des tags chez AniDB.",
            return None
コード例 #2
    def handle(self, *args, **options):

        category = 'anime'
        start = 0
        if options.get('id'):
            anime_id = options.get('id')[0]
            anime = Work.objects.filter(category__slug='anime').get(id=anime_id)
            if anime.anidb_aid == 0:
                for reference in anime.reference_set.all():
                    if reference.url.startswith('http://anidb.net') or reference.url.startswith('https://anidb.net'):
                        query = urlparse(reference.url).query
                        anidb_aid = parse_qs(query).get('aid')
                        if anidb_aid:
                            anime.anidb_aid = anidb_aid[0]
            todo = Work.objects.filter(category__slug='anime', id=anime_id, anidb_aid__gt=0)
            todo = Work.objects\
                .only('pk', 'title', 'ext_poster', 'nsfw')\
                .filter(category__slug=category, rating_count__gte=6)\

        a = client
        i = 0

        for anime in todo:
            i += 1
            if i < start:
            print(i, ':', anime.title, anime.id)

            creators = a.get(anime.anidb_aid).creators
            worktitles = a.get(anime.anidb_aid).worktitles

            for worktitle in worktitles:
                language = Language.objects.get(iso639=worktitle[2])
                WorkTitle.objects.get_or_create(work=anime, title=worktitle[0], language=language, type=worktitle[1])

            anidb_tags = client.get_tags(anidb_aid=anime.anidb_aid)
            tags_diff = diff_between_anidb_and_local_tags(anime, anidb_tags)

            deleted_tags = tags_diff["deleted_tags"]
            added_tags = tags_diff["added_tags"]
            updated_tags = tags_diff["updated_tags"]
            kept_tags = tags_diff["kept_tags"]

            if deleted_tags:
                print("\n\tLes tags enlevés sont :")
                for tag in deleted_tags:
                    print('\t\t[AniDB Tag ID #{}] {}: {} '.format(tag.anidb_tag_id, tag.title, tag.weight))

            if added_tags:
                print("\n\tLes tags totalement nouveaux sont :")
                for tag in added_tags:
                    print('\t\t[AniDB Tag ID #{}] {}: {} '.format(tag.anidb_tag_id, tag.title, tag.weight))

            if updated_tags:
                print("\n\tLes tags modifiés sont :")
                for tag in updated_tags:
                    print('\t\t[AniDB Tag ID #{}] {}: {} '.format(tag.anidb_tag_id, tag.title, tag.weight))

            if kept_tags:
                print("\n\tLes tags identiques sont :")
                for tag in kept_tags:
                    print('\t\t[AniDB Tag ID #{}] {}: {} '.format(tag.anidb_tag_id, tag.title, tag.weight))

            choice = input("Voulez-vous réaliser ces changements [y/n] : ")
            if choice == 'n':
                print("\nOk, aucun changement ne va être fait")
            elif choice == 'y':
                all_tags = deleted_tags + added_tags + updated_tags + kept_tags
                client.update_tags(anime, all_tags)

            staff_map = dict(Role.objects.filter(slug__in=['author', 'director', 'composer']).values_list('slug', 'pk'))

            for creator in creators.findAll('name'):
                artist = get_or_create_artist(creator.string)
                if creator['type'] == 'Direction':
                    staff_id = 'director'
                elif creator['type'] == 'Music':
                    staff_id = 'composer'
                elif creator['type'] == 'Original Work' or creator['type'] == 'Story Composition':
                    staff_id = 'author'
                    staff_id = None
                if staff_id is not None:
                    Staff.objects.get_or_create(work=anime, role_id=staff_map[staff_id], artist=artist)