def get_vector_label(self, vector, label, at_tip=False, direction="left", rotate=False, color=None, label_scale_factor=VECTOR_LABEL_SCALE_FACTOR): if not isinstance(label, TexMobject): if len(label) == 1: label = "\\vec{\\textbf{%s}}" % label label = TexMobject(label) if color is None: color = vector.get_color() label.set_color(color) label.scale(label_scale_factor) label.add_background_rectangle() if at_tip: vect = vector.get_vector() vect /= get_norm(vect) label.next_to(vector.get_end(), vect, buff=SMALL_BUFF) else: angle = vector.get_angle() if not rotate: label.rotate(-angle, about_point=ORIGIN) if direction is "left": label.shift(-label.get_bottom() + 0.1 * UP) else: label.shift(-label.get_top() + 0.1 * DOWN) label.rotate(angle, about_point=ORIGIN) label.shift((vector.get_end() - vector.get_start()) / 2) return label
def get_subdivision_braces_and_labels(self, parts, labels, direction, buff=SMALL_BUFF, min_num_quads=1): label_mobs = VGroup() braces = VGroup() for label, part in zip(labels, parts): brace = Brace(part, direction, min_num_quads=min_num_quads, buff=buff) if isinstance(label, Mobject): label_mob = label else: label_mob = TexMobject(label) label_mob.scale(self.default_label_scale_val) label_mob.next_to(brace, direction, buff) braces.add(brace) label_mobs.add(label_mob) parts.braces = braces parts.labels = label_mobs parts.label_kwargs = { "labels": label_mobs.copy(), "direction": direction, "buff": buff, } return VGroup(parts.braces, parts.labels)
def add_axes(self): x_axis = Line(self.tick_width * LEFT / 2, self.width * RIGHT) y_axis = Line(MED_LARGE_BUFF * DOWN, self.height * UP) ticks = VGroup() heights = np.linspace(0, self.height, self.n_ticks + 1) values = np.linspace(0, self.max_value, self.n_ticks + 1) for y, value in zip(heights, values): tick = Line(LEFT, RIGHT) tick.set_width(self.tick_width) tick.move_to(y * UP) ticks.add(tick) y_axis.add(ticks) self.add(x_axis, y_axis) self.x_axis, self.y_axis = x_axis, y_axis if self.label_y_axis: labels = VGroup() for tick, value in zip(ticks, values): label = TexMobject(str(np.round(value, 2))) label.set_height(self.y_axis_label_height) label.next_to(tick, LEFT, SMALL_BUFF) labels.add(label) self.y_axis_labels = labels self.add(labels)
def add_T_label(self, x_val, side=RIGHT, label=None, color=WHITE, animated=False, **kwargs): triangle = RegularPolygon(n=3, start_angle=np.pi / 2) triangle.set_height(MED_SMALL_BUFF) triangle.move_to(self.coords_to_point(x_val, 0), UP) triangle.set_fill(color, 1) triangle.set_stroke(width=0) if label == None: T_label = TexMobject(self.variable_point_label, fill_color=color) else: T_label = TexMobject(label, fill_color=color) T_label.next_to(triangle, DOWN) v_line = self.get_vertical_line_to_graph(x_val, self.v_graph, color=YELLOW) if animated:, ShowCreation(v_line), Write(T_label, run_time=1), **kwargs) if np.all(side == LEFT): self.left_T_label_group = VGroup(T_label, triangle) self.left_v_line = v_line self.add(self.left_T_label_group, self.left_v_line) elif np.all(side == RIGHT): self.right_T_label_group = VGroup(T_label, triangle) self.right_v_line = v_line self.add(self.right_T_label_group, self.right_v_line)
def get_coordinate_labels(self, *numbers): # TODO: Should merge this with the code from NumberPlane.get_coordinate_labels result = VGroup() if len(numbers) == 0: numbers = list(range(-int(self.x_radius), int(self.x_radius) + 1)) numbers += [ complex(0, y) for y in range(-int(self.y_radius), int(self.y_radius) + 1) ] for number in numbers: if number == complex(0, 0): continue point = self.number_to_point(number) num_str = str(number).replace("j", "i") if num_str.startswith("0"): num_str = "0" elif num_str in ["1i", "-1i"]: num_str = num_str.replace("1", "") num_mob = TexMobject(num_str) num_mob.add_background_rectangle() num_mob.set_height(self.written_coordinate_height) num_mob.next_to(point, DOWN + LEFT, SMALL_BUFF) result.add(num_mob) self.coordinate_labels = result return result
def get_number_mob(self, num): result = VGroup() place = 0 max_place = self.max_place while place < max_place: digit = TexMobject(str(self.get_place_num(num, place))) if place >= len(self.digit_place_colors): self.digit_place_colors += self.digit_place_colors digit.set_color(self.digit_place_colors[place]) digit.scale(self.num_scale_factor) digit.next_to(result, LEFT, buff=SMALL_BUFF, aligned_edge=DOWN) result.add(digit) place += 1 return result
def get_axis_labels(self, x_label="x", y_label="y"): x_axis, y_axis = self.get_axes().split() quads = [ (x_axis, x_label, UP, RIGHT), (y_axis, y_label, RIGHT, UP), ] labels = VGroup() for axis, tex, vect, edge in quads: label = TexMobject(tex) label.add_background_rectangle() label.next_to(axis, vect) label.to_edge(edge) labels.add(label) self.axis_labels = labels return labels
def get_coordinate_labels(self, x_vals=None, y_vals=None): coordinate_labels = VGroup() if x_vals is None: x_vals = list(range(-int(self.x_radius), int(self.x_radius) + 1)) if y_vals is None: y_vals = list(range(-int(self.y_radius), int(self.y_radius) + 1)) for index, vals in enumerate([x_vals, y_vals]): num_pair = [0, 0] for val in vals: if val == 0: continue num_pair[index] = val point = self.coords_to_point(*num_pair) num = TexMobject(str(val)) num.add_background_rectangle() num.set_height(self.written_coordinate_height) num.next_to(point, DOWN + LEFT, buff=SMALL_BUFF) coordinate_labels.add(num) self.coordinate_labels = coordinate_labels return coordinate_labels
def get_det_text(matrix, determinant=None, background_rect=True, initial_scale_factor=2): parens = TexMobject(["(", ")"]) parens.scale(initial_scale_factor) parens.stretch_to_fit_height(matrix.get_height()) l_paren, r_paren = parens.split() l_paren.next_to(matrix, LEFT, buff=0.1) r_paren.next_to(matrix, RIGHT, buff=0.1) det = TextMobject("det") det.scale(initial_scale_factor) det.next_to(l_paren, LEFT, buff=0.1) if background_rect: det.add_background_rectangle() det_text = VMobject(det, l_paren, r_paren) if determinant is not None: eq = TexMobject("=") eq.next_to(r_paren, RIGHT, buff=0.1) result = TexMobject(str(determinant)) result.next_to(eq, RIGHT, buff=0.2) det_text.add(eq, result) return det_text
def add_bars(self, values): buff = float(self.width) / (2 * len(values) + 1) bars = VGroup() for i, value in enumerate(values): bar = Rectangle( height=(value / self.max_value) * self.height, width=buff, stroke_width=self.bar_stroke_width, fill_opacity=self.bar_fill_opacity, ) bar.move_to((2 * i + 1) * buff * RIGHT, DOWN + LEFT) bars.add(bar) bars.set_color_by_gradient(*self.bar_colors) bar_labels = VGroup() for bar, name in zip(bars, self.bar_names): label = TexMobject(str(name)) label.scale(self.bar_label_scale_val) label.next_to(bar, DOWN, SMALL_BUFF) bar_labels.add(label) self.add(bars, bar_labels) self.bars = bars self.bar_labels = bar_labels
def get_graph_label( self, graph, label="f(x)", x_val=None, direction=RIGHT, buff=MED_SMALL_BUFF, color=None, ): label = TexMobject(label) color = color or graph.get_color() label.set_color(color) if x_val is None: # Search from right to left for x in np.linspace(self.x_max, self.x_min, 100): point = self.input_to_graph_point(x, graph) if point[1] < FRAME_Y_RADIUS: break x_val = x label.next_to(self.input_to_graph_point(x_val, graph), direction, buff=buff) label.shift_onto_screen() return label