def __init__(self, mobject, **kwargs): digest_config(self, kwargs) if self.scale_about_point is None: self.scale_about_point = mobject.get_center() if self.rotate_about_point is None: self.rotate_about_point = mobject.get_center() OldAnimation.__init__(self, mobject, **kwargs)
def update_config(self, **kwargs): OldAnimation.update_config(self, **kwargs) if "path_arc" in kwargs: self.path_func = path_along_arc( kwargs["path_arc"], kwargs.get("path_arc_axis", OUT) )
def update_config(self, **kwargs): OldAnimation.update_config(self, **kwargs) # If AnimationGroup is called with any configuration, # it is propagated to the sub_animations for anim in self.sub_anims: anim.update_config(**kwargs)
def __init__(self, decimal_number_mobject, number_update_func, **kwargs): digest_config(self, kwargs, locals()) if self.tracked_mobject: dmc = decimal_number_mobject.get_center() tmc = self.tracked_mobject.get_center() self.diff_from_tracked_mobject = dmc - tmc self.diff_from_tracked_mobject = dmc - tmc OldAnimation.__init__(self, decimal_number_mobject, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, homotopy, mobject, **kwargs): """ Homotopy a function from (x, y, z, t) to (x', y', z') """ def function_at_time_t(t): return lambda p: homotopy(p[0], p[1], p[2], t) self.function_at_time_t = function_at_time_t digest_config(self, kwargs) OldAnimation.__init__(self, mobject, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, AnimationClass, mobjects, **kwargs): full_kwargs = AnimationClass.CONFIG full_kwargs.update(kwargs) full_kwargs["mobject"] = Mobject( *[mob.get_point_mobject() for mob in mobjects]) self.centers_container = AnimationClass(**full_kwargs) full_kwargs.pop("mobject") OldAnimation.__init__(self, Mobject(*mobjects), **full_kwargs) = str(self) + AnimationClass.__name__
def update_mobject(self, alpha): OldAnimation.update_mobject(self, alpha) if self.in_place and self.about_point is None: self.about_point = self.mobject.get_center() self.mobject.rotate( alpha * self.radians, axis=self.axis, about_point=self.about_point, about_edge=self.about_edge, )
def __init__(self, mobject, target_mobject, **kwargs): # Copy target_mobject so as to not mess with caller self.original_target_mobject = target_mobject target_mobject = target_mobject.copy() mobject.align_data(target_mobject) self.target_mobject = target_mobject digest_config(self, kwargs) self.init_path_func() OldAnimation.__init__(self, mobject, **kwargs) += "To" + str(target_mobject)
def __init__(self, *sub_anims, **kwargs): sub_anims = [x for x in sub_anims if not (x.empty)] digest_config(self, locals()) self.update_config(**kwargs) # Handles propagation to self.sub_anims if len(sub_anims) == 0: self.empty = True self.run_time = 0 else: self.run_time = max([a.run_time for a in sub_anims]) everything = Mobject(*[a.mobject for a in sub_anims]) OldAnimation.__init__(self, everything, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, AnimationClass, mobject, arg_creator=None, **kwargs): digest_config(self, kwargs) for key in "rate_func", "run_time", "lag_ratio": if key in kwargs: kwargs.pop(key) if arg_creator is None: def arg_creator(mobject): return (mobject, ) self.subanimations = [ AnimationClass(*arg_creator(submob), run_time=self.run_time, rate_func=squish_rate_func(self.rate_func, beta, beta + self.lag_ratio), **kwargs) for submob, beta in zip( mobject, np.linspace(0, 1 - self.lag_ratio, len(mobject))) ] OldAnimation.__init__(self, mobject, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, mobject, path, **kwargs): digest_config(self, kwargs, locals()) OldAnimation.__init__(self, mobject, **kwargs)
def clean_up(self, surrounding_scene=None): OldAnimation.clean_up(self, surrounding_scene) if self.replace_mobject_with_target_in_scene and surrounding_scene is not None: surrounding_scene.remove(self.mobject) if not self.remover: surrounding_scene.add(self.original_target_mobject)
def __init__(self, mobject, tracked_mobject, **kwargs): digest_config(self, kwargs, locals()) tcp = self.tracked_critical_point self.diff = mobject.get_critical_point(tcp) - \ tracked_mobject.get_critical_point(tcp) OldAnimation.__init__(self, mobject, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, mobject, update_function, **kwargs): digest_config(self, kwargs, locals()) OldAnimation.__init__(self, mobject, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Each arg will either be an animation, or an animation class followed by its arguments (and potentially a dict for configuration). For example, Succession( ShowCreation(circle), Transform, circle, square, Transform, circle, triangle, ApplyMethod, circle.shift, 2*UP, {"run_time" : 2}, ) """ animations = [] state = { "animations": animations, "curr_class": None, "curr_class_args": [], "curr_class_config": {}, } def invoke_curr_class(state): if state["curr_class"] is None: return anim = state["curr_class"](*state["curr_class_args"], **state["curr_class_config"]) state["animations"].append(anim) anim.update(1) state["curr_class"] = None state["curr_class_args"] = [] state["curr_class_config"] = {} for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, OldAnimation): animations.append(arg) arg.update(1) invoke_curr_class(state) elif isinstance(arg, type) and issubclass(arg, Animation): invoke_curr_class(state) state["curr_class"] = arg elif isinstance(arg, dict): state["curr_class_config"] = arg else: state["curr_class_args"].append(arg) invoke_curr_class(state) for anim in animations: anim.update(0) animations = [x for x in animations if not (x.empty)] self.run_times = [anim.run_time for anim in animations] if "run_time" in kwargs: run_time = kwargs.pop("run_time") warnings.warn( "Succession doesn't currently support explicit run_time.") run_time = sum(self.run_times) self.num_anims = len(animations) if self.num_anims == 0: self.empty = True self.animations = animations # Have to keep track of this run_time, because # might very well mess with it. self.original_run_time = run_time # critical_alphas[i] is the start alpha of self.animations[i] # critical_alphas[i + 1] is the end alpha of self.animations[i] critical_times = np.concatenate(([0], np.cumsum(self.run_times))) self.critical_alphas = [ np.true_divide(x, run_time) for x in critical_times ] if self.num_anims > 0 else [0.0] # self.scene_mobjects_at_time[i] is the scene's mobjects at start of self.animations[i] # self.scene_mobjects_at_time[i + 1] is the scene mobjects at end of self.animations[i] self.scene_mobjects_at_time = [None for i in range(self.num_anims + 1)] self.scene_mobjects_at_time[0] = Group() for i in range(self.num_anims): self.scene_mobjects_at_time[ i + 1] = self.scene_mobjects_at_time[i].copy() self.animations[i].clean_up(self.scene_mobjects_at_time[i + 1]) self.current_alpha = 0 # If self.num_anims == 0, this is an invalid index, but so it goes self.current_anim_index = 0 if self.num_anims > 0: self.mobject = self.scene_mobjects_at_time[0] self.mobject.add(self.animations[0].mobject) else: self.mobject = Group() OldAnimation.__init__(self, self.mobject, run_time=run_time, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): return OldAnimation.__init__(self, Group(), *args, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, vmobject, **kwargs): if not isinstance(vmobject, VMobject): raise Exception("DrawBorderThenFill only works for VMobjects") self.reached_halfway_point_before = False OldAnimation.__init__(self, vmobject, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, mobject=None, **kwargs): if mobject is None: mobject = Line(3 * LEFT, 3 * RIGHT) OldAnimation.__init__(self, mobject, **kwargs)