def __init__(self, light, **kwargs): if (not isinstance(light, AmbientLight) and not isinstance(light, Spotlight)): raise Exception( "Only AmbientLights and Spotlights can be switched off") light.submobjects = light.submobjects[::-1] LaggedStartMap.__init__(self, FadeOut, light, **kwargs) light.submobjects = light.submobjects[::-1]
def __init__(self, light, **kwargs): if (not isinstance(light, AmbientLight) and not isinstance(light, Spotlight)): raise Exception( "Only AmbientLights and Spotlights can be switched on") LaggedStartMap.__init__( self, FadeIn, light, **kwargs )
def get_logo_animations(self, logo): layers = logo.spike_layers for i, layer in enumerate(layers): random.shuffle(layer.submobjects) for spike in layer: spike.save_state() spike.scale(0.5) spike.apply_complex_function(np.log) spike.rotate(-90 * DEGREES, about_point=ORIGIN) spike.set_fill(opacity=0) layer.rotate(i * PI / 5) logo.iris_background.save_state() logo.iris_background.scale(0.25) logo.iris_background.fade(1) return [ Restore( logo.iris_background, run_time=3, ), AnimationGroup(*[ LaggedStartMap( Restore, layer, run_time=3, path_arc=180 * DEGREES, # rate_func=squish_rate_func(smooth, a / 3.0, (a + 1.9) / 3.0), lag_ratio=0.8, ) for layer, a in zip(layers, [0, 0.2, 0.1, 0]) ]), Animation(logo.pupil), ]
def construct(self): morty = Mortimer() morty.next_to(ORIGIN, DOWN) patreon_logo = PatreonLogo() patreon_logo.to_edge(UP) patrons = list(map(TextMobject, self.specific_patronds)) num_groups = float(len(patrons)) / self.max_patron_group_size proportion_range = np.linspace(0, 1, num_groups + 1) indices = (len(patrons) * proportion_range).astype('int') patron_groups = [ VGroup(*patrons[i:j]) for i, j in zip(indices, indices[1:]) ] for i, group in enumerate(patron_groups): left_group = VGroup(*group[:len(group) / 2]) right_group = VGroup(*group[len(group) / 2:]) for subgroup, vect in (left_group, LEFT), (right_group, RIGHT): subgroup.arrange(DOWN, aligned_edge=LEFT) subgroup.scale(self.patron_scale_val) subgroup.to_edge(vect) last_group = None for i, group in enumerate(patron_groups): anims = [] if last_group is not None: FadeOut(last_group), morty.look, UP + LEFT ) else: anims += [ DrawBorderThenFill(patreon_logo), ] LaggedStartMap( FadeIn, group, run_time=2, ), morty.change, "gracious", group.get_corner(UP + LEFT), *anims ), group.get_corner(DOWN + LEFT)), group.get_corner(UP + RIGHT)), group.get_corner(DOWN + RIGHT)) last_group = group
def get_logo_animations(self, logo): layers = logo.spike_layers for j, layer in enumerate(layers): for i, spike in enumerate(layer): spike.angle = (13 * (i + 1) * (j + 1) * TAU / 28) % TAU if spike.angle > PI: spike.angle -= TAU spike.save_state() spike.rotate(spike.angle, about_point=ORIGIN) # spike.get_points()[1] = rotate_vector( # spike.get_points()[1], TAU/28, # ) # spike.get_points()[-1] = rotate_vector( # spike.get_points()[-1], -TAU/28, # ) def get_spike_animation(spike, **kwargs): return Restore(spike, path_arc=-spike.angle, **kwargs) logo.iris_background.save_state() # logo.iris_background.scale(0.49) logo.iris_background.set_fill(GREY_D, 0.5) return [ Restore( logo.iris_background, rate_func=squish_rate_func(smooth, 2.0 / 3, 1), run_time=3, ), AnimationGroup(*[ LaggedStartMap( get_spike_animation, layer, run_time=2, # rate_func=squish_rate_func(smooth, a / 3.0, (a + 0.9) / 3.0), lag_ratio=0.2, ) for layer, a in zip(layers, [0, 2, 1, 0]) ]), Animation(logo.pupil), ]
def construct(self): # construction of demo props lines = VGroup() for i in range(-5, 6): lines.add(Line(3 * UP + i * RIGHT, 3 * DOWN + i * RIGHT)) # LaggedStartMap is used when you want to apply one animation to lots of mobjects # with lagged start # run_time is for the whole LaggedStartMap animation, not for individual animations # lag_ratio - how much does it wait before running next animation (as a ratio of the time # of one animation) # rate_func applies for individual animations, launching the animations is always linear, # because lag_ratio is constant LaggedStartMap(ShowCreation, lines, run_time=10, lag_ratio=0.5, rate_func=linear)) self.wait()
def construct(self): logo = self.logo name = self.channel_name layers = logo.spike_layers logo.save_state() for layer in layers: for spike in layer: spike.save_state() point = np.array(spike.get_points()[0]) angle = angle_of_vector(point) spike.rotate(-angle + 90 * DEGREES) spike.stretch_to_fit_width(0.2) spike.stretch_to_fit_height(0.5) spike.point = point for spike in layer[::2]: spike.rotate(180 * DEGREES) layer.arrange(LEFT, buff=0.1) layers.arrange(UP) layers.to_edge(DOWN) wrong_spike = layers[1][-5] wrong_spike.real_saved_state = wrong_spike.saved_state.copy() wrong_spike.saved_state.scale(0.25, about_point=wrong_spike.point) wrong_spike.saved_state.rotate(90 * DEGREES) self.wrong_spike = wrong_spike def get_spike_animation(spike, **kwargs): return Restore(spike, **kwargs) logo.iris_background.save_state() logo.iris_background.set_fill(opacity=0.0) logo.iris_background.scale(0.8) alt_name = name.copy() alt_name.set_stroke(BLACK, 5) Restore( logo.iris_background, rate_func=squish_rate_func(smooth, 1.0 / 3, 1), run_time=2, ), AnimationGroup(*( LaggedStartMap( get_spike_animation, layer, run_time=2, # rate_func=squish_rate_func(smooth, a / 3.0, (a + 0.9) / 3.0), lag_ratio=2 / len(layer), path_arc=-90 * DEGREES) for layer, a in zip(layers, [0, 2, 1, 0]))), Animation(logo.pupil), Write(alt_name), Write(name), run_time=3) self.wait(0.25) wrong_spike, wrong_spike.real_saved_state, ), Animation(self.logo), run_time=0.75)
def return_animation(self, line, **kwargs): if self.line_type == Line: return ShowCreationThenDestruction(line, **kwargs) elif self.line_type == DashedLine: return LaggedStartMap(ShowCreationThenDestruction, line, **kwargs)