コード例 #1
ファイル: mantidplot.py プロジェクト: jkrueger1/mantid
def plotMD(source, plot_axis=-2, normalization = DEFAULT_MD_NORMALIZATION, error_bars = False, window = None,
           clearWindow = False):
    """Open a 1D plot of a MDWorkspace.
        source: Workspace(s) to plot
        plot_axis: Index of the plot axis (defaults to auto-select)
        normalization: Type of normalization required (defaults to volume)
        error_bars: Flag for error bar plotting.
        window: window used for plotting. If None a new one will be created
        clearWindow: if is True, the window specified will be cleared before adding new curve
        A handle to the matrix containing the image data.
    workspace_names = getWorkspaceNames(source)
    if len(workspace_names) == 0:
        raise ValueError("No workspace names given to plotMD")
    for name in workspace_names:
        if not mantid.api.mtd.doesExist(name):
            raise ValueError("%s does not exist in the workspace list" % name)
        if not isinstance(mantid.api.mtd[name], mantid.api.IMDWorkspace):
            raise ValueError("%s is not an IMDWorkspace" % name)
        non_integrated_dims = mantid.api.mtd[name].getNonIntegratedDimensions()
        if not len(non_integrated_dims) == 1:
            raise ValueError("%s must have a single non-integrated dimension in order to be rendered via plotMD" % name)

    # Unwrap the window object, if any specified
    if window != None:
      window = window._getHeldObject()

    graph = proxies.Graph(threadsafe_call(_qti.app.mantidUI.plotMDList, workspace_names, plot_axis, normalization,
      error_bars, window, clearWindow))

    return graph
コード例 #2
ファイル: mantidplot.py プロジェクト: jkrueger1/mantid
def plot2D(source, style = DEFAULT_2D_STYLE, window = None):
    """Open a 2D plot of the given workspace(s)

    Produces a 2D histogram for each of the given workspaces

        source: workspace or name of a workspace
        style: Indicates the type of plot required. Default=ColorMap
        window: window used for plotting. If None a new one will be created
        If a single workspace is specified then the handle is returned, otherwise a list
        of handles for each new window is returned
    names = getWorkspaceNames(source)
    if len(names) == 0:
        raise ValueError("No workspace names given to plot")

    # Unwrap the window object, if any specified
    if window != None:
      window = window._getHeldObject()

    handles = []
    cfunc = _qti.app.mantidUI.drawSingleColorFillPlot
    for name in names:
        g = proxies.Graph(threadsafe_call(cfunc, name, style, window))
        if g:
            raise RuntimeError("Cannot create graph from workspace '%s'" % name)

    if len(handles) == 1: return handles[0]
    else: return handles
コード例 #3
ファイル: mantidplot.py プロジェクト: jkrueger1/mantid
def plotSpectrum(source, indices, error_bars = False, type = -1, window = None, clearWindow = False):
    """Open a 1D Plot of a spectrum in a workspace.
    This plots one or more spectra, with X as the bin boundaries,
    and Y as the counts in each bin.
        source: workspace or name of a workspace
        indices: workspace index, or tuple or list of workspace indices to plot
        error_bars: bool, set to True to add error bars.
        type: Plot style
        window: window used for plotting. If None a new one will be created
        clearWindow: if is True, the window specified will be cleared before adding new curve
        A handle to window if one was specified, otherwise a handle to the created one. None in case of error.
    workspace_names = getWorkspaceNames(source)
    index_list = __getWorkspaceIndices(indices)
    if len(workspace_names) == 0:
        raise ValueError("No workspace names given to plot")
    if len(index_list) == 0:
        raise ValueError("No indices given to plot")

    # Unwrap the window object, if any specified
    if window != None:
      window = window._getHeldObject()

    graph = proxies.Graph(threadsafe_call(_qti.app.mantidUI.plot1D,
                                          workspace_names, index_list, True, error_bars,
                                          type, window, clearWindow))
    if graph._getHeldObject() == None:
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot create graph, see log for details.")
        return graph
コード例 #4
ファイル: mantidplot.py プロジェクト: jkrueger1/mantid
def plotSlice(source, label="", xydim=None, slicepoint=None,
                    colormin=None, colormax=None, colorscalelog=False,
                    limits=None, **kwargs):
    """Opens the SliceViewer with the given MDWorkspace(s).
        source :: one workspace, or a list of workspaces
    Optional Keyword Args:
        label :: label for the window title
        xydim :: indexes or names of the dimensions to plot, as an (X,Y) list or tuple. See SliceViewer::setXYDim()
        slicepoint :: list with the slice point in each dimension.  Must be the same length as the number of dimensions of the workspace. See SliceViewer::setSlicePoint()
        colormin :: value of the minimum color in the scale. See SliceViewer::setColorScaleMin()
        colormax :: value of the maximum color in the scale. See SliceViewer::setColorScaleMax()
        colorscalelog :: value of the maximum color in the scale. See SliceViewer::setColorScaleLog()
        limits :: list with the (xleft, xright, ybottom, ytop) limits to the view to show. See SliceViewer::setXYLimits()
        normalization :: 0=none; 1=volume (default); 2=# of events.
        a (list of) handle(s) to the SliceViewerWindow widgets that were open.
        Use SliceViewerWindow.getSlicer() to get access to the functions of the
        SliceViewer, e.g. setting the view and slice point.
    workspace_names = getWorkspaceNames(source)
        import mantidqtpython
        print "Could not find module mantidqtpython. Cannot open the SliceViewer."
    # Make a list of widgets to return
    out = []
    for wsname in workspace_names:
        window = __doSliceViewer(wsname, label=label,
           xydim=xydim, slicepoint=slicepoint, colormin=colormin,
           colormax=colormax, colorscalelog=colorscalelog, limits=limits, 
        pxy = proxies.SliceViewerWindowProxy(window)
    # Return the widget alone if only 1
    if len(out) == 1:
        return out[0]
        return out
コード例 #5
ファイル: mantidplot.py プロジェクト: jkrueger1/mantid
def getSliceViewer(source, label=""):
    """Retrieves a handle to a previously-open SliceViewerWindow.
    This allows you to get a handle on, e.g., a SliceViewer that was open
    by the MultiSlice view in VATES Simple Interface.
    Will raise an exception if not found.
        source :: name of the workspace that was open
        label :: additional label string that was used to identify the window.
        a handle to the SliceViewerWindow object that was created before. 
    import mantidqtpython
    workspace_names = getWorkspaceNames(source)
    if len(workspace_names) != 1:
        raise Exception("Please specify only one workspace.")
        svw = threadsafe_call(mantidqtpython.MantidQt.Factory.WidgetFactory.Instance().getSliceViewerWindow, workspace_names[0], label)
        if svw is not None:
            return proxies.SliceViewerWindowProxy(svw)
            return None
コード例 #6
ファイル: mantidplot.py プロジェクト: jkrueger1/mantid
def plotBin(source, indices, error_bars = False, type = -1, window = None, clearWindow = False):
    """Create a 1D Plot of bin count vs spectrum in a workspace.
    This puts the spectrum number as the X variable, and the
    count in the particular bin # (in 'indices') as the Y value.
    If indices is a tuple or list, then several curves are created, one
    for each bin index.
        source: workspace or name of a workspace
        indices: bin number(s) to plot
        error_bars: bool, set to True to add error bars.
        type: Plot style
        window: window used for plotting. If None a new one will be created
        clearWindow: if is True, the window specified will be cleared before adding new curve
        A handle to window if one was specified, otherwise a handle to the created one. None in case of error.
    workspace_names = getWorkspaceNames(source)
    index_list = __getWorkspaceIndices(indices)
    if len(workspace_names) == 0:
        raise ValueError("No workspace names given to plot")
    if len(index_list) == 0:
        raise ValueError("No indices given to plot")

    # Unwrap the window object, if any specified
    if window != None:
      window = window._getHeldObject()

    graph = proxies.Graph(threadsafe_call(_qti.app.mantidUI.plot1D,
                                          workspace_names, index_list, False, error_bars,
                                          type, window, clearWindow))
    if graph._getHeldObject() == None:
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot create graph, see log for details.")
        return graph