class subplot(QtWidgets.QWidget): signal_quick_edit = QtCore.Signal(object) signal_rm_subplot = QtCore.Signal(object) signal_rm_line = QtCore.Signal(object) def __init__(self, context): super(subplot, self).__init__() self._context = context self.figure = Figure() self.figure.set_facecolor("none") self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.figure) self._rm_window = None self._selector_window = None # update quick edit from tool bar self.canvas.mpl_connect("draw_event", self.draw_event_callback) self._ADSObserver = SubplotADSObserver(self) grid = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() # add toolbar self.toolbar = myToolbar(self.canvas, self) self.toolbar.update() grid.addWidget(self.toolbar, 0, 0) self.toolbar.setRmConnection(self._rm) self.toolbar.setRmSubplotConnection(self._rm_subplot) # add plot self.plot_objects = {} grid.addWidget(self.canvas, 1, 0) self.setLayout(grid) """ this is called when the zoom or pan are used. We want to send a signal to update the axis ranges """ def draw_event_callback(self, event): self.figure.tight_layout() for subplot in self.plot_objects.keys(): self.emit_subplot_range(subplot) def add_annotate(self, subplotName, label): if subplotName not in self._context.subplots.keys(): return self._context.add_annotate(subplotName, label) self.canvas.draw() def add_vline(self, subplot_name, xvalue, name, color): if subplot_name not in self._context.subplots.keys(): return self._context.add_vline(subplot_name, xvalue, name, color) self.canvas.draw() def rm_annotate(self, subplot_name, name): if subplot_name not in self._context.subplots.keys(): return self._context.removeLabel(subplot_name, name) self.canvas.draw() def rm_vline(self, subplot_name, name): if subplot_name not in self._context.subplots.keys(): return self._context.removeVLine(subplot_name, name) self.canvas.draw() # plot a workspace, if a new subplot create it. def plot(self, subplot_name, workspace, color=None, spec_num=1): new = False if subplot_name not in self._context.subplots.keys(): self.add_subplot(subplot_name, len(list(self.plot_objects.keys()))) new = True self._add_plotted_line(subplot_name, workspace, spec_num=spec_num, color=color) if new: self.emit_subplot_range(subplot_name) def change_errors(self, state, subplot_names): for subplotName in subplot_names: self._context.subplots[subplotName].change_errors(state) self.canvas.draw() # adds plotted line to context and updates GUI def _add_plotted_line(self, subplot_name, workspace, spec_num, color=None): """ Appends plotted lines to the related subplot list. """ self._context.addLine(subplot_name, workspace, spec_num, color=color) self.canvas.draw() def add_subplot(self, subplot_name, number): self._context.update_gridspec(number + 1) gridspec = self._context.gridspec self.plot_objects[subplot_name] = self.figure.add_subplot( gridspec[number], label=subplot_name, projection='mantid') self.plot_objects[subplot_name].set_title(subplot_name) self._context.addSubplot(subplot_name, self.plot_objects[subplot_name]) self._update() def _update(self): self._context.update_layout(self.figure) self.canvas.draw() def emit_subplot_range(self, subplot_name): self.signal_quick_edit.emit(subplot_name) self._context.subplots[subplot_name].redraw_annotations() def set_plot_x_range(self, subplot_names, range): for subplotName in subplot_names: # make a set method in context and set it there self.plot_objects[subplotName].set_xlim(range) self._context.subplots[subplotName].redraw_annotations() self.canvas.draw() def set_plot_y_range(self, subplot_names, y_range): for subplotName in subplot_names: self.plot_objects[subplotName].set_ylim(y_range) self._context.subplots[subplotName].redraw_annotations() self.canvas.draw() def connect_quick_edit_signal(self, slot): self.signal_quick_edit.connect(slot) def disconnect_quick_edit_signal(self): self.signal_quick_edit.disconnect() def connect_rm_subplot_signal(self, slot): self.signal_rm_subplot.connect(slot) def disconnect_rm_subplot_signal(self): self.signal_rm_subplot.disconnect() def connect_rm_line_signal(self, slot): self.signal_rm_line.connect(slot) def disconnect_rm_line_signal(self): self.signal_rm_line.disconnect() def set_y_autoscale(self, subplot_names, state): for subplotName in subplot_names: self._context.subplots[subplotName].change_auto(state) self.canvas.draw() def _rm(self): names = list(self._context.subplots.keys()) if len(names) == 1: if self._rm_window is not None: else: self._get_rm_window(names[0]) else: if self._rm_window is not None: self._rm_window.close() self._rm_window = None self._close_selector_window() self._selector_window = self._create_select_window(names) self._selector_window.subplotSelectorSignal.connect( self._get_rm_window) self._selector_window.closeEventSignal.connect( self._close_selector_window) self._selector_window.setMinimumSize(300, 100) def _rm_subplot(self): names = list(self._context.subplots.keys()) # If the selector is hidden then close it self._close_selector_window() self._selector_window = self._create_select_window(names) self._selector_window.subplotSelectorSignal.connect( self._remove_subplot) self._selector_window.subplotSelectorSignal.connect( self._close_selector_window) self._selector_window.closeEventSignal.connect( self._close_selector_window) self._selector_window.setMinimumSize(300, 100) def _create_select_window(self, names): return SelectSubplot(names) def _close_selector_window(self): if self._selector_window is not None: self._selector_window.close() self._selector_window = None def _create_rm_window(self, subplot_name): line_names = list(self._context.subplots[subplot_name].lines.keys()) vline_names = self._context.subplots[subplot_name].vlines return RemovePlotWindow(lines=line_names, vlines=vline_names, subplot=subplot_name, parent=self) def _get_rm_window(self, subplot_name): # always close selector after making a selection self._close_selector_window() # create the remove window self._rm_window = self._create_rm_window(subplot_name=subplot_name) self._rm_window.applyRemoveSignal.connect(self._apply_rm) self._rm_window.closeEventSignal.connect(self._close_rm_window) self._rm_window.setMinimumSize(200, 200) def remove_lines(self, subplot_name, line_names): # remove the lines from the subplot for name in line_names: self._context.subplots[subplot_name].removeLine(name) self.signal_rm_line.emit([str(name) for name in line_names]) # if all of the lines have been removed -> delete subplot if not self._context.get_lines(subplot_name): self._remove_subplot(subplot_name) else: self.canvas.draw() def _apply_rm(self, line_names): to_close = [] for name in line_names: if self._rm_window.getState(name): to_close.append(name) self.remove_lines(self._rm_window.subplot, to_close) self._close_rm_window() def _close_rm_window(self): self._rm_window.close self._rm_window = None def _remove_subplot(self, subplot_name): self.figure.delaxes(self.plot_objects[subplot_name]) del self.plot_objects[subplot_name] self._context.delete(subplot_name) self._context.update_gridspec(len(list(self.plot_objects.keys()))) self._update() self.signal_rm_subplot.emit(subplot_name) def _rm_ws_from_plots(self, workspace_name): keys = deepcopy(list(self._context.subplots.keys())) for subplot in keys: labels = self._context.get_lines_from_WS(subplot, workspace_name) for label in labels: self._context.removePlotLine(subplot, label) self.canvas.draw() if self._context.is_subplot_empty(subplot): self._remove_subplot(subplot) def _replaced_ws(self, workspace): for subplot in self._context.subplots.keys(): redraw = self._context.subplots[subplot].replace_ws(workspace) if redraw: self.canvas.draw()
class MainWindow(QMainWindow): """ Class of Main Window (top) """ _errMsgWindow = None def __init__(self, parent=None): """ Initialization and set up """ # Base class QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent) # Mantid configuration config = ConfigService.Instance() self._instrument = config["default.instrument"] # Central widget self.centralwidget = QWidget(self) # UI Window (from Qt Designer) self.ui = load_ui(__file__, 'MainWindow.ui', baseinstance=self) mpl_layout = QVBoxLayout() self.ui.graphicsView.setLayout(mpl_layout) self.fig = Figure() self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.fig) self.ui.mainplot = self.fig.add_subplot(111, projection='mantid') mpl_layout.addWidget(self.canvas) # Do initialize plotting vecx, vecy, xlim, ylim = self.computeMock() self.mainline = self.ui.mainplot.plot(vecx, vecy, 'r-') leftx = [xlim[0], xlim[0]] lefty = [ylim[0], ylim[1]] self.leftslideline = self.ui.mainplot.plot(leftx, lefty, 'b--') rightx = [xlim[1], xlim[1]] righty = [ylim[0], ylim[1]] self.rightslideline = self.ui.mainplot.plot(rightx, righty, 'g--') upperx = [xlim[0], xlim[1]] uppery = [ylim[1], ylim[1]] self.upperslideline = self.ui.mainplot.plot(upperx, uppery, 'b--') lowerx = [xlim[0], xlim[1]] lowery = [ylim[0], ylim[0]] self.lowerslideline = self.ui.mainplot.plot(lowerx, lowery, 'g--') self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_mouseDownEvent) # Set up horizontal slide (integer) and string value self._leftSlideValue = 0 self._rightSlideValue = 99 self.ui.horizontalSlider.setRange(0, 100) self.ui.horizontalSlider.setValue(self._leftSlideValue) self.ui.horizontalSlider.setTracking(True) self.ui.horizontalSlider.setTickPosition(QSlider.NoTicks) self.ui.horizontalSlider.valueChanged.connect(self.move_leftSlider) self.ui.horizontalSlider_2.setRange(0, 100) self.ui.horizontalSlider_2.setValue(self._rightSlideValue) self.ui.horizontalSlider_2.setTracking(True) self.ui.horizontalSlider_2.setTickPosition(QSlider.NoTicks) self.ui.horizontalSlider_2.valueChanged.connect(self.move_rightSlider) # self.connect(self.ui.lineEdit_3, QtCore.SIGNAL("textChanged(QString)"), # self.set_startTime) self.ui.lineEdit_3.setValidator(QDoubleValidator(self.ui.lineEdit_3)) self.ui.pushButton_setT0.clicked.connect(self.set_startTime) # self.connect(self.ui.lineEdit_4, QtCore.SIGNAL("textChanged(QString)"), # self.set_stopTime) self.ui.lineEdit_4.setValidator(QDoubleValidator(self.ui.lineEdit_4)) self.ui.pushButton_setTf.clicked.connect(self.set_stopTime) # File loader self.scanEventWorkspaces() self.ui.pushButton_refreshWS.clicked.connect(self.scanEventWorkspaces) self.ui.pushButton_browse.clicked.connect(self.browse_File) self.ui.pushButton_load.clicked.connect(self.load_File) self.ui.pushButton_3.clicked.connect(self.use_existWS) # Set up time self.ui.lineEdit_3.setValidator(QDoubleValidator(self.ui.lineEdit_3)) self.ui.lineEdit_4.setValidator(QDoubleValidator(self.ui.lineEdit_4)) # Filter by time self.ui.pushButton_filterTime.clicked.connect(self.filterByTime) # Filter by log value self.ui.lineEdit_5.setValidator(QDoubleValidator(self.ui.lineEdit_5)) self.ui.lineEdit_6.setValidator(QDoubleValidator(self.ui.lineEdit_6)) self.ui.lineEdit_7.setValidator(QDoubleValidator(self.ui.lineEdit_7)) self.ui.lineEdit_8.setValidator(QDoubleValidator(self.ui.lineEdit_8)) self.ui.lineEdit_9.setValidator(QDoubleValidator(self.ui.lineEdit_9)) self.ui.lineEdit_5.textChanged.connect(self.set_minLogValue) self.ui.lineEdit_6.textChanged.connect(self.set_maxLogValue) dirchangeops = ["Both", "Increase", "Decrease"] self.ui.comboBox_4.addItems(dirchangeops) logboundops = ["Centre", "Left"] self.ui.comboBox_5.addItems(logboundops) self.ui.pushButton_4.clicked.connect(self.plotLogValue) self.ui.pushButton_filterLog.clicked.connect(self.filterByLogValue) # Set up help button self.ui.helpBtn.clicked.connect(self.helpClicked) # Set up vertical slide self._upperSlideValue = 99 self._lowerSlideValue = 0 self.ui.verticalSlider.setRange(0, 100) self.ui.verticalSlider.setValue(self._upperSlideValue) self.ui.verticalSlider.setTracking(True) self.ui.verticalSlider.valueChanged.connect(self.move_upperSlider) self.ui.verticalSlider_2.setRange(0, 100) self.ui.verticalSlider_2.setValue(self._lowerSlideValue) self.ui.verticalSlider_2.setTracking(True) self.ui.verticalSlider_2.valueChanged.connect(self.move_lowerSlider) # Set up for filtering (advanced setup) self._tofcorrection = False self.ui.checkBox_fastLog.setChecked(False) self.ui.checkBox_filterByPulse.setChecked(False) self.ui.checkBox_from1.setChecked(False) self.ui.checkBox_groupWS.setChecked(True) self.ui.comboBox_tofCorr.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.showHideEi) self.ui.pushButton_refreshCorrWSList.clicked.connect( self._searchTableWorkspaces) self.ui.lineEdit_Ei.setValidator(QDoubleValidator(self.ui.lineEdit_Ei)) self.ui.label_Ei.hide() self.ui.lineEdit_Ei.hide() self.ui.label_Ei_2.hide() self.ui.comboBox_corrWS.hide() self.ui.pushButton_refreshCorrWSList.hide() # Set up for workspaces self._dataWS = None self._sampleLogNames = [] self._sampleLog = None # Side information self.ui.label_mean.hide() self.ui.label_meanvalue.hide() self.ui.label_avg.hide() self.ui.label_timeAvgValue.hide() self.ui.label_freq.hide() self.ui.label_freqValue.hide() self.ui.label_logname.hide() self.ui.label_lognamevalue.hide() self.ui.label_logsize.hide() self.ui.label_logsizevalue.hide() # Default self._defaultdir = os.getcwd() # register startup mantid.UsageService.registerFeatureUsage("Interface", "EventFilter", False) def on_mouseDownEvent(self, event): """ Respond to pick up a value with mouse down event """ x = event.xdata y = event.ydata if x is not None and y is not None: msg = "You've clicked on a bar with coords:\n %f, %f" % (x, y) QMessageBox.information(self, "Click!", msg) def computeMock(self): """ Compute vecx and vecy as mocking """ x0 = 0. xf = 1. dx = 0.1 vecx = [] vecy = [] x = x0 while x < xf: y = 0.0 vecx.append(x) vecy.append(y) x += dx xlim = [x0, xf] ylim = [-1., 1] return (vecx, vecy, xlim, ylim) def move_leftSlider(self): """ Re-setup left range line in figure. Triggered by a change in Qt Widget. NO EVENT is required. """ newx = self.ui.horizontalSlider.value() if newx <= self._rightSlideValue and newx != self._leftSlideValue: # Allowed value: move the value bar self._leftSlideValue = newx # Move the vertical line xlim = self.ui.mainplot.get_xlim() newx = xlim[0] + newx * (xlim[1] - xlim[0]) * 0.01 leftx = [newx, newx] lefty = self.ui.mainplot.get_ylim() setp(self.leftslideline, xdata=leftx, ydata=lefty) self.canvas.draw() # Change value self.ui.lineEdit_3.setText(str(newx)) else: # Reset the value to original value self.ui.horizontalSlider.setValue(self._leftSlideValue) def set_startTime(self): """ Set the starting time and left slide bar """ inps = str(self.ui.lineEdit_3.text()) info_msg = "Starting time = %s" % (inps) Logger("Filter_Events").information(info_msg) xlim = self.ui.mainplot.get_xlim() if inps == "": # Empty. Use default newtime0 = xlim[0] else: newtime0 = float(inps) # Convert to integer slide value ileftvalue = int((newtime0 - xlim[0]) / (xlim[1] - xlim[0]) * 100) debug_msg = "iLeftSlide = %s" % str(ileftvalue) Logger("Filter_Events").debug(debug_msg) # Skip if same as origina if ileftvalue == self._leftSlideValue: return # Set the value if out of range resetT = True if ileftvalue < 0: # Minimum value as 0 ileftvalue = 0 elif ileftvalue > self._rightSlideValue: # Maximum value as right slide value ileftvalue = self._rightSlideValue else: resetT = False if resetT is True: newtime0 = xlim[0] + ileftvalue * (xlim[1] - xlim[0]) * 0.01 info_msg = 'Corrected iLeftSlide = {} (vs. right = {})'.format( ileftvalue, self._rightSlideValue) Logger("Filter_Events").information(info_msg) # Move the slide bar (left) self._leftSlideValue = ileftvalue # Move the vertical line leftx = [newtime0, newtime0] lefty = self.ui.mainplot.get_ylim() setp(self.leftslideline, xdata=leftx, ydata=lefty) self.canvas.draw() # Set the value to left slider self.ui.horizontalSlider.setValue(self._leftSlideValue) # Reset the value of line edit if resetT is True: self.ui.lineEdit_3.setText(str(newtime0)) def move_rightSlider(self): """ Re-setup left range line in figure. Triggered by a change in Qt Widget. NO EVENT is required. """ newx = self.ui.horizontalSlider_2.value() if newx >= self._leftSlideValue and newx != self._rightSlideValue: # Allowed value: move the value bar self._rightSlideValue = newx xlim = self.ui.mainplot.get_xlim() newx = xlim[0] + newx * (xlim[1] - xlim[0]) * 0.01 leftx = [newx, newx] lefty = self.ui.mainplot.get_ylim() setp(self.rightslideline, xdata=leftx, ydata=lefty) self.canvas.draw() # Change value self.ui.lineEdit_4.setText(str(newx)) else: # Reset the value self.ui.horizontalSlider_2.setValue(self._rightSlideValue) def set_stopTime(self): """ Set the starting time and left slide bar """ inps = str(self.ui.lineEdit_4.text()) Logger("Filter_Events").information('Stopping time = {}'.format(inps)) xlim = self.ui.mainplot.get_xlim() if inps == "": # Empty. Use default newtimef = xlim[1] else: # Parse newtimef = float(inps) # Convert to integer slide value irightvalue = int((newtimef - xlim[0]) / (xlim[1] - xlim[0]) * 100) Logger("Filter_Events").information( 'iRightSlide = {}'.format(irightvalue)) # Return if no change if irightvalue == self._rightSlideValue: return # Correct value resetT = True if irightvalue > 100: irightvalue = 100 elif irightvalue < self._leftSlideValue: irightvalue = self._leftSlideValue else: resetT = False if resetT is True: newtimef = xlim[0] + irightvalue * (xlim[1] - xlim[0]) * 0.01 # Move the slide bar (right) self._rightSlideValue = irightvalue # Move the vertical line rightx = [newtimef, newtimef] righty = self.ui.mainplot.get_ylim() setp(self.rightslideline, xdata=rightx, ydata=righty) self.canvas.draw() # Set the value to left slider self.ui.horizontalSlider_2.setValue(self._rightSlideValue) # Reset to line edit if resetT: self.ui.lineEdit_4.setText(str(newtimef)) def move_lowerSlider(self): """ Re-setup upper range line in figure. Triggered by a change in Qt Widget. NO EVENT is required. """ inewy = self.ui.verticalSlider_2.value() debug_msg = 'LowerSlFider is set with value {} vs. class variable {}'.format( inewy, self._lowerSlideValue) Logger("Filter_Events").debug(debug_msg) # Return with no change if inewy == self._lowerSlideValue: # No change return if inewy >= self._upperSlideValue: # Out of upper range inewy = self._upperSlideValue - 1 if inewy == 0 and self._lowerSlideValue < 0: setLineEdit = False else: setLineEdit = True # Move the lower vertical bar ylim = self.ui.mainplot.get_ylim() newy = ylim[0] + inewy * (ylim[1] - ylim[0]) * 0.01 lowerx = self.ui.mainplot.get_xlim() lowery = [newy, newy] setp(self.lowerslideline, xdata=lowerx, ydata=lowery) self.canvas.draw() # Set line edit input if setLineEdit is True: # Change value to line edit (5) self.ui.lineEdit_5.setText(str(newy)) # Reset the class variable self._lowerSlideValue = inewy def set_minLogValue(self): """ Set the starting time and left slide bar """ debug_msg = 'Minimum Log Value = {}'.format(self.ui.lineEdit_5.text()) Logger("Filter_Events").debug(debug_msg) ylim = self.ui.mainplot.get_ylim() if str(self.ui.lineEdit_5.text()) == "": # Empty. Default to minY newminY = ylim[0] else: # Non empty. Parse newminY = float(self.ui.lineEdit_5.text()) # Convert to integer slide value iminlogval = int((newminY - ylim[0]) / (ylim[1] - ylim[0]) * 100) Logger("Filter_Events").debug('ilowerSlide = {}'.format(iminlogval)) # Return if no change if iminlogval == self._lowerSlideValue: return # Set value if out of range resetL = True if iminlogval >= self._upperSlideValue: iminlogval = self._upperSlideValue - 1 else: resetL = False if resetL is True: newminY = ylim[0] + iminlogval * (ylim[1] - ylim[0]) * 0.01 # Move the vertical line lowerx = self.ui.mainplot.get_xlim() lowery = [newminY, newminY] setp(self.lowerslideline, xdata=lowerx, ydata=lowery) self.canvas.draw() # Move the slide bar (lower) self._lowerSlideValue = iminlogval debug_msg = 'LineEdit5 set slide to {}'.format(self._lowerSlideValue) Logger("Filter_Events").debug(debug_msg) self.ui.verticalSlider_2.setValue(self._lowerSlideValue) # Reset line Edit if using default if resetL is True: self.ui.lineEdit_5.setText(str(newminY)) def move_upperSlider(self): """ Re-setup upper range line in figure. Triggered by a change in Qt Widget. NO EVENT is required. """ inewy = self.ui.verticalSlider.value() # Return w/o change if inewy == self._upperSlideValue: return # Set to boundary value if inewy <= self._lowerSlideValue: inewy = self._lowerSlideValue + 1 # Reset line editor? if inewy == 100 and self._upperSlideValue > 100: setLineEdit = False else: setLineEdit = True # Move the upper value bar: upperx and uppery are # real value (float but not (0,100)) of the figure ylim = self.ui.mainplot.get_ylim() newy = ylim[0] + inewy * (ylim[1] - ylim[0]) * 0.01 upperx = self.ui.mainplot.get_xlim() uppery = [newy, newy] setp(self.upperslideline, xdata=upperx, ydata=uppery) self.canvas.draw() # Change value if setLineEdit is True: self.ui.lineEdit_6.setText(str(newy)) self._upperSlideValue = inewy def set_maxLogValue(self): """ Set maximum log value from line-edit """ inps = str(self.ui.lineEdit_6.text()) debug_msg = 'Maximum Log Value = {}'.format(inps) Logger("Filter_Events").debug(debug_msg) ylim = self.ui.mainplot.get_ylim() if inps == "": # Empty. Default to minY newmaxY = ylim[1] else: # Parse newmaxY = float(inps) # Convert to integer slide value imaxlogval = int((newmaxY - ylim[0]) / (ylim[1] - ylim[0]) * 100) debug_msg = 'iUpperSlide = {}'.format(imaxlogval) Logger("Filter_Events").debug(debug_msg) # Return if no change if imaxlogval == self._upperSlideValue: return # Set to default if out of range resetL = True # if imaxlogval >= 100: # imaxlogval = 100 if imaxlogval < self._lowerSlideValue: imaxlogval = self._lowerSlideValue + 1 else: resetL = False # Set newmaxY if necessary if resetL is True: newmaxY = ylim[0] + imaxlogval * (ylim[1] - ylim[0]) * 0.01 # Move the vertical line upperx = self.ui.mainplot.get_xlim() uppery = [newmaxY, newmaxY] setp(self.upperslideline, xdata=upperx, ydata=uppery) self.canvas.draw() # Set the value to upper slider self._upperSlideValue = imaxlogval self.ui.verticalSlider.setValue(self._upperSlideValue) # Set the value to editor if necessary if resetL is True: self.ui.lineEdit_6.setText(str(newmaxY)) def browse_File(self): """ Open a file dialog to get file """ filename = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, 'Input File Dialog', self._defaultdir, "Data (*.nxs *.dat);;All files (*)") if isinstance(filename, tuple): filename = filename[0] self.ui.lineEdit.setText(filename) Logger("Filter_Events").information( 'Selected file: "{}"'.format(filename)) def load_File(self): """ Load the file by file name or run number """ # Get file name from line editor filename = str(self.ui.lineEdit.text()) dataws = self._loadFile(str(filename)) if dataws is None: error_msg = 'Unable to locate run {} in default directory {}.'.format( filename, self._defaultdir) Logger("Filter_Events").error(error_msg) self._setErrorMsg(error_msg) else: self._importDataWorkspace(dataws) self._defaultdir = os.path.dirname(str(filename)) # Reset GUI self._resetGUI(resetfilerun=False) def use_existWS(self): """ Set up workspace to an existing one """ wsname = str(self.ui.comboBox.currentText()) try: dataws = AnalysisDataService.retrieve(wsname) self._importDataWorkspace(dataws) except KeyError: pass # Reset GUI self._resetGUI(resetfilerun=True) def plotLogValue(self): """ Plot log value """ # Get log value logname = str(self.ui.comboBox_2.currentText()) if len(logname) == 0: # return due to the empty one is chozen return samplelog = self._dataWS.getRun().getProperty(logname) vectimes = samplelog.times vecvalue = samplelog.value # check if len(vectimes) == 0: error_msg = "Empty log!" Logger("Filter_Events").error(error_msg) # Convert absolute time to relative time in seconds t0 = self._dataWS.getRun().getProperty("proton_charge").times[0] # append 1 more log if original log only has 1 value tf = self._dataWS.getRun().getProperty("proton_charge").times[-1] vectimes = numpy.append(vectimes, tf) vecvalue = numpy.append(vecvalue, vecvalue[-1]) vecreltimes = (vectimes - t0) / numpy.timedelta64(1, 's') # Set to plot xlim = [vecreltimes.min(), vecreltimes.max()] ylim = [vecvalue.min(), vecvalue.max()] self.ui.mainplot.set_xlim(xlim[0], xlim[1]) self.ui.mainplot.set_ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1]) setp(self.mainline, xdata=vecreltimes, ydata=vecvalue) samunit = samplelog.units if len(samunit) == 0: ylabel = logname else: ylabel = "%s (%s)" % (logname, samunit) self.ui.mainplot.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=13) # assume that all logs are on almost same X-range. Only Y need to be reset setp(self.leftslideline, ydata=ylim) setp(self.rightslideline, ydata=ylim) # reset the log value limit as previous one does not make any sense setp(self.lowerslideline, xdata=xlim, ydata=[ylim[0], ylim[0]]) self._lowerSlideValue = 0 self.ui.verticalSlider_2.setValue(self._lowerSlideValue) self.ui.lineEdit_5.setText("") setp(self.upperslideline, xdata=xlim, ydata=[ylim[1], ylim[1]]) self._upperSlideValue = 100 self.ui.verticalSlider.setValue(self._upperSlideValue) self.ui.lineEdit_6.setText("") self.canvas.draw() # Load property's statistic and give suggestion on parallel and fast log timeavg = samplelog.timeAverageValue() numentries = samplelog.size() stat = samplelog.getStatistics() duration = stat.duration mean = stat.mean freq = float(numentries) / float(duration) self.ui.label_meanvalue.setText("%.5e" % (mean)) self.ui.label_timeAvgValue.setText("%.5e" % (timeavg)) self.ui.label_freqValue.setText("%.5e" % (freq)) self.ui.label_lognamevalue.setText(logname) self.ui.label_logsizevalue.setText(str(numentries)) # Set suggested processing scheme if numentries > HUGE_FAST: self.ui.checkBox_fastLog.setCheckState(True) if numentries > HUGE_PARALLEL: self.ui.checkBox_doParallel.setCheckState(True) else: self.ui.checkBox_doParallel.setCheckState(False) else: self.ui.checkBox_fastLog.setCheckState(False) self.ui.checkBox_doParallel.setCheckState(False) return def _importDataWorkspace(self, dataws): """ Import data workspace for filtering """ if dataws is None: return # Plot time counts errmsg = self._plotTimeCounts(dataws) if errmsg is not None: errmsg = 'Workspace {} has invalid sample logs for splitting. Loading \ failure! \n{}\n'.format(dataws, errmsg) self._setErrorMsg(errmsg) return False # Import log self._sampleLogNames = [""] run = dataws.getRun() plist = run.getProperties() for p in plist: try: times = p.times if len(times) > 1 and numpy.isreal(p.value[0]): self._sampleLogNames.append( # This is here for FloatArrayProperty. If a log value is of this type it does not have times except AttributeError: pass # ENDFOR(p) # Set up sample log self.ui.comboBox_2.clear() self.ui.comboBox_2.addItems(self._sampleLogNames) # Side information self.ui.label_mean.hide() self.ui.label_meanvalue.hide() self.ui.label_avg.hide() self.ui.label_timeAvgValue.hide() self.ui.label_freq.hide() self.ui.label_freqValue.hide() # Hide 'log name' above the graphic view self.ui.label_logname.hide() self.ui.label_lognamevalue.hide() # Set dataws to class variable self._dataWS = dataws return True def scanEventWorkspaces(self): """ """ wsnames = AnalysisDataService.getObjectNames() eventwsnames = [] for wsname in wsnames: wksp = AnalysisDataService.retrieve(wsname) if wksp.__class__.__name__.count("Event") == 1: eventwsnames.append(wsname) # ENDFOR if len(eventwsnames) > 0: self.ui.comboBox.clear() self.ui.comboBox.addItems(eventwsnames) def _loadFile(self, filename): """ Load file or run File will be loaded to a workspace shown in MantidPlot """ config = ConfigService # Check input file name and output workspace name if filename.isdigit() is True: # Construct a file name from run number runnumber = int(filename) if runnumber <= 0: error_msg = 'Run number cannot be less or equal to zero. User gives {}.'.format( filename) Logger("Filter_Events").error(error_msg) return None else: ishort = config.getInstrument(self._instrument).shortName() filename = '{}_{}'.format(ishort, filename) wsname = filename + "_event" elif filename.count(".") > 0: # A proper file name wsname = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(filename)[1])[0] elif filename.count("_") == 1: # A short one as instrument_runnumber iname = filename.split("_")[0] str_runnumber = filename.split("_")[1] if str_runnumber.isdigit() is True and int(str_runnumber) > 0: # Accepted format ishort = config.getInstrument(iname).shortName() wsname = '{}_{}_event'.format(ishort, str_runnumber) else: # Non-supported error_msg = 'File name / run number in such format {} is not supported.'.format( filename) Logger("Filter_Events").error(error_msg) return None else: # Unsupported format error_msg = 'File name / run number in such format {} is not supported.'.format( filename) Logger("Filter_Events").error(error_msg) return None # Load try: ws = api.Load(Filename=filename, OutputWorkspace=wsname) except RuntimeError as e: ws = None return str(e) return ws def _plotTimeCounts(self, wksp): """ Plot time/counts """ import datetime # Rebin events by pulse time try: # Get run start and run stop if wksp.getRun().hasProperty("run_start"): runstart = wksp.getRun().getProperty("run_start").value else: runstart = wksp.getRun().getProperty("proton_charge").times[0] runstop = wksp.getRun().getProperty("proton_charge").times[-1] runstart = str(runstart).split(".")[0].strip() runstop = str(runstop).split(".")[0].strip() t0 = datetime.datetime.strptime(runstart, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") tf = datetime.datetime.strptime(runstop, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") # Calculate dt = tf - t0 timeduration = dt.days * 3600 * 24 + dt.seconds timeres = float(timeduration) / MAXTIMEBINSIZE if timeres < 1.0: timeres = 1.0 sumwsname = '_Summed_{}'.format(wksp) if AnalysisDataService.doesExist(sumwsname) is False: sumws = api.SumSpectra(InputWorkspace=wksp, OutputWorkspace=sumwsname) sumws = api.RebinByPulseTimes(InputWorkspace=sumws, OutputWorkspace=sumwsname, Params='{}'.format(timeres)) sumws = api.ConvertToPointData(InputWorkspace=sumws, OutputWorkspace=sumwsname) else: sumws = AnalysisDataService.retrieve(sumwsname) except RuntimeError as e: return str(e) vecx = sumws.readX(0) vecy = sumws.readY(0) xmin = min(vecx) xmax = max(vecx) ymin = min(vecy) ymax = max(vecy) # Reset graph self.ui.mainplot.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) self.ui.mainplot.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) self.ui.mainplot.set_xlabel('Time (seconds)', fontsize=13) self.ui.mainplot.set_ylabel('Counts', fontsize=13) # Set up main line setp(self.mainline, xdata=vecx, ydata=vecy) # Reset slide newslidery = [min(vecy), max(vecy)] newleftx = xmin + (xmax - xmin) * self._leftSlideValue * 0.01 setp(self.leftslideline, xdata=[newleftx, newleftx], ydata=newslidery) newrightx = xmin + (xmax - xmin) * self._rightSlideValue * 0.01 setp(self.rightslideline, xdata=[newrightx, newrightx], ydata=newslidery) self.canvas.draw() def filterByTime(self): """ Filter by time """ # Generate event filters kwargs = {} if self.ui.lineEdit_3.text() != "": rel_starttime = float(self.ui.lineEdit_3.text()) kwargs["StartTime"] = str(rel_starttime) if self.ui.lineEdit_4.text() != "": rel_stoptime = float(self.ui.lineEdit_4.text()) kwargs["StopTime"] = str(rel_stoptime) if self.ui.lineEdit_timeInterval.text() != "": interval = float(self.ui.lineEdit_timeInterval.text()) kwargs["TimeInterval"] = interval splitwsname = str(self._dataWS) + "_splitters" splitinfowsname = str(self._dataWS) + "_info" title = str(self.ui.lineEdit_title.text()) fastLog = self.ui.checkBox_fastLog.isChecked() splitws, infows = api.GenerateEventsFilter( InputWorkspace=self._dataWS, UnitOfTime="Seconds", TitleOfSplitters=title, OutputWorkspace=splitwsname, FastLog=fastLog, InformationWorkspace=splitinfowsname, **kwargs) self.splitWksp(splitws, infows) def filterByLogValue(self): """ Filter by log value """ # Generate event filter kwargs = {} samplelog = str(self.ui.comboBox_2.currentText()) if len(samplelog) == 0: error_msg = "No sample log is selected!" Logger("Filter_Events").error(error_msg) return if self.ui.lineEdit_3.text() != "": rel_starttime = float(self.ui.lineEdit_3.text()) kwargs["StartTime"] = str(rel_starttime) if self.ui.lineEdit_4.text() != "": rel_stoptime = float(self.ui.lineEdit_4.text()) kwargs["StopTime"] = str(rel_stoptime) if self.ui.lineEdit_5.text() != "": minlogvalue = float(self.ui.lineEdit_5.text()) kwargs["MinimumLogValue"] = minlogvalue if self.ui.lineEdit_6.text() != "": maxlogvalue = float(self.ui.lineEdit_6.text()) kwargs["MaximumLogValue"] = maxlogvalue if self.ui.lineEdit_7.text() != "": logvalueintv = float(self.ui.lineEdit_7.text()) kwargs["LogValueInterval"] = logvalueintv logvalchangedir = str(self.ui.comboBox_4.currentText()) kwargs["FilterLogValueByChangingDirection"] = logvalchangedir if self.ui.lineEdit_9.text() != "": logvalueintv = float(self.ui.lineEdit_9.text()) kwargs["TimeTolerance"] = logvalueintv logboundtype = str(self.ui.comboBox_5.currentText()) kwargs["LogBoundary"] = logboundtype if self.ui.lineEdit_8.text() != "": logvaluetol = float(self.ui.lineEdit_8.text()) kwargs["LogValueTolerance"] = logvaluetol splitwsname = str(self._dataWS) + "_splitters" splitinfowsname = str(self._dataWS) + "_info" fastLog = self.ui.checkBox_fastLog.isChecked() title = str(self.ui.lineEdit_title.text()) splitws, infows = api.GenerateEventsFilter( InputWorkspace=self._dataWS, UnitOfTime="Seconds", TitleOfSplitters=title, OutputWorkspace=splitwsname, LogName=samplelog, FastLog=fastLog, InformationWorkspace=splitinfowsname, **kwargs) try: self.splitWksp(splitws, infows) except RuntimeError as e: self._setErrorMsg("Splitting Failed!\n %s" % (str(e))) def splitWksp(self, splitws, infows): """ Run FilterEvents """ dogroupws = self.ui.checkBox_groupWS.isChecked() filterbypulse = self.ui.checkBox_filterByPulse.isChecked() startfrom1 = self.ui.checkBox_from1.isChecked() splitsamplelog = self.ui.checkBox_splitLog.isChecked() corr2sample = str(self.ui.comboBox_tofCorr.currentText()) how2skip = str(self.ui.comboBox_skipSpectrum.currentText()) kwargs = {} if corr2sample == "Direct": ei = float(self.ui.lineEdit_Ei.text()) kwargs["IncidentEnergy"] = ei elif corr2sample == "Customized": corrws = str(self.ui.comboBox_corrWS.currentText()) kwargs["DetectorTOFCorrectionWorkspace"] = corrws # Output workspace name outbasewsname = str(self.ui.lineEdit_outwsname.text()) if len(outbasewsname) == 0: outbasewsname = "tempsplitted" self.ui.lineEdit_outwsname.setText(outbasewsname) api.FilterEvents(InputWorkspace=self._dataWS, SplitterWorkspace=splitws, InformationWorkspace=infows, OutputWorkspaceBaseName=outbasewsname, GroupWorkspaces=dogroupws, FilterByPulseTime=filterbypulse, CorrectionToSample=corr2sample, SpectrumWithoutDetector=how2skip, SplitSampleLogs=splitsamplelog, OutputWorkspaceIndexedFrom1=startfrom1, OutputTOFCorrectionWorkspace='TOFCorrTable', **kwargs) def showHideEi(self): """ """ corrtype = str(self.ui.comboBox_tofCorr.currentText()) # Incident energy if corrtype == "Direct": else: self.ui.label_Ei.hide() self.ui.lineEdit_Ei.hide() # Workspace if corrtype == "Customized": # Search for table workspace self._searchTableWorkspaces() else: self.ui.label_Ei_2.hide() self.ui.comboBox_corrWS.hide() self.ui.pushButton_refreshCorrWSList.hide() def _searchTableWorkspaces(self): """ Search table workspaces and add to 'comboBox_corrWS' """ wsnames = AnalysisDataService.getObjectNames() tablewsnames = [] for wsname in wsnames: wksp = AnalysisDataService.retrieve(wsname) if isinstance(wksp, mantid.api.ITableWorkspace): tablewsnames.append(wsname) # ENDFOR self.ui.comboBox_corrWS.clear() if len(tablewsnames) > 0: self.ui.comboBox_corrWS.addItems(tablewsnames) def _setErrorMsg(self, errmsg): """ Clear error message """ self._errMsgWindow = QMessageBox() self._errMsgWindow.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) self._errMsgWindow.setWindowTitle('Error') self._errMsgWindow.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) self._errMsgWindow.setText(errmsg) result = self._errMsgWindow.exec_() return result def helpClicked(self): try: from pymantidplot.proxies import showCustomInterfaceHelp showCustomInterfaceHelp("Filter Events") except ImportError: url = ("{}.html" "".format("Filter Events")) QDesktopServices.openUrl(QUrl(url)) def _resetGUI(self, resetfilerun=False): """ Reset GUI including all text edits and etc. """ if resetfilerun is True: self.ui.lineEdit.clear() # Plot related self.ui.lineEdit_3.clear() self.ui.lineEdit_4.clear() self.ui.horizontalSlider.setValue(0) self.ui.horizontalSlider_2.setValue(100) self.ui.lineEdit_outwsname.clear() self.ui.lineEdit_title.clear() # Filter by log value self.ui.lineEdit_5.clear() self.ui.lineEdit_6.clear() self.ui.verticalSlider_2.setValue(0) self.ui.verticalSlider.setValue(100) ylim = self.ui.mainplot.get_ylim() miny = ylim[0] maxy = ylim[1] xlim = self.ui.mainplot.get_xlim() setp(self.lowerslideline, xdata=xlim, ydata=[miny, miny]) setp(self.upperslideline, xdata=xlim, ydata=[maxy, maxy]) self.ui.lineEdit_7.clear() self.ui.lineEdit_8.clear() self.ui.lineEdit_9.clear() # Filter by time self.ui.lineEdit_timeInterval.clear() # Advanced setup self.ui.comboBox_tofCorr.setCurrentIndex(0) self.ui.lineEdit_Ei.clear() self.ui.checkBox_fastLog.setCheckState(False) self.ui.checkBox_doParallel.setCheckState(False) self.ui.comboBox_skipSpectrum.setCurrentIndex(0) self.ui.checkBox_filterByPulse.setCheckState(False) self.ui.checkBox_from1.setCheckState(False) self.ui.checkBox_groupWS.setCheckState(True) self.ui.checkBox_splitLog.setCheckState(False) self.canvas.draw()
class MainWindow(QMainWindow): """ Class of Main Window (top) """ _errMsgWindow = None def __init__(self, parent=None): """ Initialization and set up """ # Base class QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent) # Mantid configuration config = ConfigService.Instance() self._instrument = config["default.instrument"] # Central widget self.centralwidget = QWidget(self) # UI Window (from Qt Designer) self.ui = load_ui(__file__, 'MainWindow.ui', baseinstance=self) mpl_layout = QVBoxLayout() self.ui.graphicsView.setLayout(mpl_layout) self.fig = Figure() self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.fig) self.ui.mainplot = self.fig.add_subplot(111, projection='mantid') mpl_layout.addWidget(self.canvas) # Do initialize plotting vecx, vecy, xlim, ylim = self.computeMock() self.mainline = self.ui.mainplot.plot(vecx, vecy, 'r-') leftx = [xlim[0], xlim[0]] lefty = [ylim[0], ylim[1]] self.leftslideline = self.ui.mainplot.plot(leftx, lefty, 'b--') rightx = [xlim[1], xlim[1]] righty = [ylim[0], ylim[1]] self.rightslideline = self.ui.mainplot.plot(rightx, righty, 'g--') upperx = [xlim[0], xlim[1]] uppery = [ylim[1], ylim[1]] self.upperslideline = self.ui.mainplot.plot(upperx, uppery, 'b--') lowerx = [xlim[0], xlim[1]] lowery = [ylim[0], ylim[0]] self.lowerslideline = self.ui.mainplot.plot(lowerx, lowery, 'g--') self.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_mouseDownEvent) # Set up horizontal slide (integer) and string value self._leftSlideValue = 0 self._rightSlideValue = 99 self.ui.horizontalSlider.setRange(0, 100) self.ui.horizontalSlider.setValue(self._leftSlideValue) self.ui.horizontalSlider.setTracking(True) self.ui.horizontalSlider.setTickPosition(QSlider.NoTicks) self.ui.horizontalSlider.valueChanged.connect(self.move_leftSlider) self.ui.horizontalSlider_2.setRange(0, 100) self.ui.horizontalSlider_2.setValue(self._rightSlideValue) self.ui.horizontalSlider_2.setTracking(True) self.ui.horizontalSlider_2.setTickPosition(QSlider.NoTicks) self.ui.horizontalSlider_2.valueChanged.connect(self.move_rightSlider) # self.connect(self.ui.lineEdit_3, QtCore.SIGNAL("textChanged(QString)"), # self.set_startTime) self.ui.lineEdit_3.setValidator(QDoubleValidator(self.ui.lineEdit_3)) self.ui.pushButton_setT0.clicked.connect(self.set_startTime) # self.connect(self.ui.lineEdit_4, QtCore.SIGNAL("textChanged(QString)"), # self.set_stopTime) self.ui.lineEdit_4.setValidator(QDoubleValidator(self.ui.lineEdit_4)) self.ui.pushButton_setTf.clicked.connect(self.set_stopTime) # File loader self.scanEventWorkspaces() self.ui.pushButton_refreshWS.clicked.connect(self.scanEventWorkspaces) self.ui.pushButton_browse.clicked.connect(self.browse_File) self.ui.pushButton_load.clicked.connect(self.load_File) self.ui.pushButton_3.clicked.connect(self.use_existWS) # Set up time self.ui.lineEdit_3.setValidator(QDoubleValidator(self.ui.lineEdit_3)) self.ui.lineEdit_4.setValidator(QDoubleValidator(self.ui.lineEdit_4)) # Filter by time self.ui.pushButton_filterTime.clicked.connect(self.filterByTime) # Filter by log value self.ui.lineEdit_5.setValidator(QDoubleValidator(self.ui.lineEdit_5)) self.ui.lineEdit_6.setValidator(QDoubleValidator(self.ui.lineEdit_6)) self.ui.lineEdit_7.setValidator(QDoubleValidator(self.ui.lineEdit_7)) self.ui.lineEdit_8.setValidator(QDoubleValidator(self.ui.lineEdit_8)) self.ui.lineEdit_9.setValidator(QDoubleValidator(self.ui.lineEdit_9)) self.ui.lineEdit_5.textChanged.connect(self.set_minLogValue) self.ui.lineEdit_6.textChanged.connect(self.set_maxLogValue) dirchangeops = ["Both", "Increase", "Decrease"] self.ui.comboBox_4.addItems(dirchangeops) logboundops = ["Centre", "Left"] self.ui.comboBox_5.addItems(logboundops) self.ui.pushButton_4.clicked.connect(self.plotLogValue) self.ui.pushButton_filterLog.clicked.connect(self.filterByLogValue) # Set up help button self.ui.helpBtn.clicked.connect(self.helpClicked) # Set up vertical slide self._upperSlideValue = 99 self._lowerSlideValue = 0 self.ui.verticalSlider.setRange(0, 100) self.ui.verticalSlider.setValue(self._upperSlideValue) self.ui.verticalSlider.setTracking(True) self.ui.verticalSlider.valueChanged.connect(self.move_upperSlider) self.ui.verticalSlider_2.setRange(0, 100) self.ui.verticalSlider_2.setValue(self._lowerSlideValue) self.ui.verticalSlider_2.setTracking(True) self.ui.verticalSlider_2.valueChanged.connect(self.move_lowerSlider) # Set up for filtering (advanced setup) self._tofcorrection = False self.ui.checkBox_fastLog.setChecked(False) self.ui.checkBox_filterByPulse.setChecked(False) self.ui.checkBox_from1.setChecked(False) self.ui.checkBox_groupWS.setChecked(True) self.ui.comboBox_tofCorr.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.showHideEi) self.ui.pushButton_refreshCorrWSList.clicked.connect(self._searchTableWorkspaces) self.ui.lineEdit_Ei.setValidator(QDoubleValidator(self.ui.lineEdit_Ei)) self.ui.label_Ei.hide() self.ui.lineEdit_Ei.hide() self.ui.label_Ei_2.hide() self.ui.comboBox_corrWS.hide() self.ui.pushButton_refreshCorrWSList.hide() # Set up for workspaces self._dataWS = None self._sampleLogNames = [] self._sampleLog = None # Side information self.ui.label_mean.hide() self.ui.label_meanvalue.hide() self.ui.label_avg.hide() self.ui.label_timeAvgValue.hide() self.ui.label_freq.hide() self.ui.label_freqValue.hide() self.ui.label_logname.hide() self.ui.label_lognamevalue.hide() self.ui.label_logsize.hide() self.ui.label_logsizevalue.hide() # Default self._defaultdir = os.getcwd() # register startup mantid.UsageService.registerFeatureUsage("Interface", "EventFilter", False) def on_mouseDownEvent(self, event): """ Respond to pick up a value with mouse down event """ x = event.xdata y = event.ydata if x is not None and y is not None: msg = "You've clicked on a bar with coords:\n %f, %f" % (x, y) QMessageBox.information(self, "Click!", msg) def computeMock(self): """ Compute vecx and vecy as mocking """ x0 = 0. xf = 1. dx = 0.1 vecx = [] vecy = [] x = x0 while x < xf: y = 0.0 vecx.append(x) vecy.append(y) x += dx xlim = [x0, xf] ylim = [-1., 1] return (vecx, vecy, xlim, ylim) def move_leftSlider(self): """ Re-setup left range line in figure. Triggered by a change in Qt Widget. NO EVENT is required. """ newx = self.ui.horizontalSlider.value() if newx <= self._rightSlideValue and newx != self._leftSlideValue: # Allowed value: move the value bar self._leftSlideValue = newx # Move the vertical line xlim = self.ui.mainplot.get_xlim() newx = xlim[0] + newx*(xlim[1] - xlim[0])*0.01 leftx = [newx, newx] lefty = self.ui.mainplot.get_ylim() setp(self.leftslideline, xdata=leftx, ydata=lefty) self.canvas.draw() # Change value self.ui.lineEdit_3.setText(str(newx)) else: # Reset the value to original value self.ui.horizontalSlider.setValue(self._leftSlideValue) def set_startTime(self): """ Set the starting time and left slide bar """ inps = str(self.ui.lineEdit_3.text()) info_msg = "Starting time = %s" % (inps) Logger("Filter_Events").information(info_msg) xlim = self.ui.mainplot.get_xlim() if inps == "": # Empty. Use default newtime0 = xlim[0] else: newtime0 = float(inps) # Convert to integer slide value ileftvalue = int((newtime0-xlim[0])/(xlim[1] - xlim[0])*100) debug_msg = "iLeftSlide = %s" % str(ileftvalue) Logger("Filter_Events").debug(debug_msg) # Skip if same as origina if ileftvalue == self._leftSlideValue: return # Set the value if out of range resetT = True if ileftvalue < 0: # Minimum value as 0 ileftvalue = 0 elif ileftvalue > self._rightSlideValue: # Maximum value as right slide value ileftvalue = self._rightSlideValue else: resetT = False if resetT is True: newtime0 = xlim[0] + ileftvalue*(xlim[1]-xlim[0])*0.01 info_msg = 'Corrected iLeftSlide = {} (vs. right = {})'.format(ileftvalue, self._rightSlideValue) Logger("Filter_Events").information(info_msg) # Move the slide bar (left) self._leftSlideValue = ileftvalue # Move the vertical line leftx = [newtime0, newtime0] lefty = self.ui.mainplot.get_ylim() setp(self.leftslideline, xdata=leftx, ydata=lefty) self.canvas.draw() # Set the value to left slider self.ui.horizontalSlider.setValue(self._leftSlideValue) # Reset the value of line edit if resetT is True: self.ui.lineEdit_3.setText(str(newtime0)) def move_rightSlider(self): """ Re-setup left range line in figure. Triggered by a change in Qt Widget. NO EVENT is required. """ newx = self.ui.horizontalSlider_2.value() if newx >= self._leftSlideValue and newx != self._rightSlideValue: # Allowed value: move the value bar self._rightSlideValue = newx xlim = self.ui.mainplot.get_xlim() newx = xlim[0] + newx*(xlim[1] - xlim[0])*0.01 leftx = [newx, newx] lefty = self.ui.mainplot.get_ylim() setp(self.rightslideline, xdata=leftx, ydata=lefty) self.canvas.draw() # Change value self.ui.lineEdit_4.setText(str(newx)) else: # Reset the value self.ui.horizontalSlider_2.setValue(self._rightSlideValue) def set_stopTime(self): """ Set the starting time and left slide bar """ inps = str(self.ui.lineEdit_4.text()) Logger("Filter_Events").information('Stopping time = {}'.format(inps)) xlim = self.ui.mainplot.get_xlim() if inps == "": # Empty. Use default newtimef = xlim[1] else: # Parse newtimef = float(inps) # Convert to integer slide value irightvalue = int((newtimef-xlim[0])/(xlim[1] - xlim[0])*100) Logger("Filter_Events").information('iRightSlide = {}'.format(irightvalue)) # Return if no change if irightvalue == self._rightSlideValue: return # Correct value resetT = True if irightvalue > 100: irightvalue = 100 elif irightvalue < self._leftSlideValue: irightvalue = self._leftSlideValue else: resetT = False if resetT is True: newtimef = xlim[0] + irightvalue*(xlim[1]-xlim[0])*0.01 # Move the slide bar (right) self._rightSlideValue = irightvalue # Move the vertical line rightx = [newtimef, newtimef] righty = self.ui.mainplot.get_ylim() setp(self.rightslideline, xdata=rightx, ydata=righty) self.canvas.draw() # Set the value to left slider self.ui.horizontalSlider_2.setValue(self._rightSlideValue) # Reset to line edit if resetT: self.ui.lineEdit_4.setText(str(newtimef)) def move_lowerSlider(self): """ Re-setup upper range line in figure. Triggered by a change in Qt Widget. NO EVENT is required. """ inewy = self.ui.verticalSlider_2.value() debug_msg = 'LowerSlFider is set with value {} vs. class variable {}'.format(inewy, self._lowerSlideValue) Logger("Filter_Events").debug(debug_msg) # Return with no change if inewy == self._lowerSlideValue: # No change return if inewy >= self._upperSlideValue: # Out of upper range inewy = self._upperSlideValue - 1 if inewy == 0 and self._lowerSlideValue < 0: setLineEdit = False else: setLineEdit = True # Move the lower vertical bar ylim = self.ui.mainplot.get_ylim() newy = ylim[0] + inewy*(ylim[1] - ylim[0])*0.01 lowerx = self.ui.mainplot.get_xlim() lowery = [newy, newy] setp(self.lowerslideline, xdata=lowerx, ydata=lowery) self.canvas.draw() # Set line edit input if setLineEdit is True: # Change value to line edit (5) self.ui.lineEdit_5.setText(str(newy)) # Reset the class variable self._lowerSlideValue = inewy def set_minLogValue(self): """ Set the starting time and left slide bar """ debug_msg = 'Minimum Log Value = {}'.format(self.ui.lineEdit_5.text()) Logger("Filter_Events").debug(debug_msg) ylim = self.ui.mainplot.get_ylim() if str(self.ui.lineEdit_5.text()) == "": # Empty. Default to minY newminY = ylim[0] else: # Non empty. Parse newminY = float(self.ui.lineEdit_5.text()) # Convert to integer slide value iminlogval = int((newminY-ylim[0])/(ylim[1] - ylim[0])*100) Logger("Filter_Events").debug('ilowerSlide = {}'.format(iminlogval)) # Return if no change if iminlogval == self._lowerSlideValue: return # Set value if out of range resetL = True if iminlogval >= self._upperSlideValue: iminlogval = self._upperSlideValue - 1 else: resetL = False if resetL is True: newminY = ylim[0] + iminlogval * (ylim[1]-ylim[0]) * 0.01 # Move the vertical line lowerx = self.ui.mainplot.get_xlim() lowery = [newminY, newminY] setp(self.lowerslideline, xdata=lowerx, ydata=lowery) self.canvas.draw() # Move the slide bar (lower) self._lowerSlideValue = iminlogval debug_msg = 'LineEdit5 set slide to {}'.format(self._lowerSlideValue) Logger("Filter_Events").debug(debug_msg) self.ui.verticalSlider_2.setValue(self._lowerSlideValue) # Reset line Edit if using default if resetL is True: self.ui.lineEdit_5.setText(str(newminY)) def move_upperSlider(self): """ Re-setup upper range line in figure. Triggered by a change in Qt Widget. NO EVENT is required. """ inewy = self.ui.verticalSlider.value() # Return w/o change if inewy == self._upperSlideValue: return # Set to boundary value if inewy <= self._lowerSlideValue: inewy = self._lowerSlideValue + 1 # Reset line editor? if inewy == 100 and self._upperSlideValue > 100: setLineEdit = False else: setLineEdit = True # Move the upper value bar: upperx and uppery are # real value (float but not (0,100)) of the figure ylim = self.ui.mainplot.get_ylim() newy = ylim[0] + inewy*(ylim[1] - ylim[0])*0.01 upperx = self.ui.mainplot.get_xlim() uppery = [newy, newy] setp(self.upperslideline, xdata=upperx, ydata=uppery) self.canvas.draw() # Change value if setLineEdit is True: self.ui.lineEdit_6.setText(str(newy)) self._upperSlideValue = inewy def set_maxLogValue(self): """ Set maximum log value from line-edit """ inps = str(self.ui.lineEdit_6.text()) debug_msg = 'Maximum Log Value = {}'.format(inps) Logger("Filter_Events").debug(debug_msg) ylim = self.ui.mainplot.get_ylim() if inps == "": # Empty. Default to minY newmaxY = ylim[1] else: # Parse newmaxY = float(inps) # Convert to integer slide value imaxlogval = int((newmaxY-ylim[0])/(ylim[1] - ylim[0])*100) debug_msg = 'iUpperSlide = {}'.format(imaxlogval) Logger("Filter_Events").debug(debug_msg) # Return if no change if imaxlogval == self._upperSlideValue: return # Set to default if out of range resetL = True # if imaxlogval >= 100: # imaxlogval = 100 if imaxlogval < self._lowerSlideValue: imaxlogval = self._lowerSlideValue + 1 else: resetL = False # Set newmaxY if necessary if resetL is True: newmaxY = ylim[0] + imaxlogval * (ylim[1] - ylim[0]) * 0.01 # Move the vertical line upperx = self.ui.mainplot.get_xlim() uppery = [newmaxY, newmaxY] setp(self.upperslideline, xdata=upperx, ydata=uppery) self.canvas.draw() # Set the value to upper slider self._upperSlideValue = imaxlogval self.ui.verticalSlider.setValue(self._upperSlideValue) # Set the value to editor if necessary if resetL is True: self.ui.lineEdit_6.setText(str(newmaxY)) def browse_File(self): """ Open a file dialog to get file """ filename = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Input File Dialog', self._defaultdir, "Data (*.nxs *.dat);;All files (*)") if isinstance(filename, tuple): filename = filename[0] self.ui.lineEdit.setText(filename) Logger("Filter_Events").information('Selected file: "{}"'.format(filename)) def load_File(self): """ Load the file by file name or run number """ # Get file name from line editor filename = str(self.ui.lineEdit.text()) dataws = self._loadFile(str(filename)) if dataws is None: error_msg = 'Unable to locate run {} in default directory {}.'.format(filename, self._defaultdir) Logger("Filter_Events").error(error_msg) self._setErrorMsg(error_msg) else: self._importDataWorkspace(dataws) self._defaultdir = os.path.dirname(str(filename)) # Reset GUI self._resetGUI(resetfilerun=False) def use_existWS(self): """ Set up workspace to an existing one """ wsname = str(self.ui.comboBox.currentText()) try: dataws = AnalysisDataService.retrieve(wsname) self._importDataWorkspace(dataws) except KeyError: pass # Reset GUI self._resetGUI(resetfilerun=True) def plotLogValue(self): """ Plot log value """ # Get log value logname = str(self.ui.comboBox_2.currentText()) if len(logname) == 0: # return due to the empty one is chozen return samplelog = self._dataWS.getRun().getProperty(logname) vectimes = samplelog.times vecvalue = samplelog.value # check if len(vectimes) == 0: error_msg = "Empty log!" Logger("Filter_Events").error(error_msg) # Convert absolute time to relative time in seconds t0 = self._dataWS.getRun().getProperty("proton_charge").times[0] # append 1 more log if original log only has 1 value tf = self._dataWS.getRun().getProperty("proton_charge").times[-1] vectimes = numpy.append(vectimes, tf) vecvalue = numpy.append(vecvalue, vecvalue[-1]) vecreltimes = (vectimes - t0) / numpy.timedelta64(1, 's') # Set to plot xlim = [vecreltimes.min(), vecreltimes.max()] ylim = [vecvalue.min(), vecvalue.max()] self.ui.mainplot.set_xlim(xlim[0], xlim[1]) self.ui.mainplot.set_ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1]) setp(self.mainline, xdata=vecreltimes, ydata=vecvalue) samunit = samplelog.units if len(samunit) == 0: ylabel = logname else: ylabel = "%s (%s)" % (logname, samunit) self.ui.mainplot.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=13) # assume that all logs are on almost same X-range. Only Y need to be reset setp(self.leftslideline, ydata=ylim) setp(self.rightslideline, ydata=ylim) # reset the log value limit as previous one does not make any sense setp(self.lowerslideline, xdata=xlim, ydata=[ylim[0], ylim[0]]) self._lowerSlideValue = 0 self.ui.verticalSlider_2.setValue(self._lowerSlideValue) self.ui.lineEdit_5.setText("") setp(self.upperslideline, xdata=xlim, ydata=[ylim[1], ylim[1]]) self._upperSlideValue = 100 self.ui.verticalSlider.setValue(self._upperSlideValue) self.ui.lineEdit_6.setText("") self.canvas.draw() # Load property's statistic and give suggestion on parallel and fast log timeavg = samplelog.timeAverageValue() numentries = samplelog.size() stat = samplelog.getStatistics() duration = stat.duration mean = stat.mean freq = float(numentries)/float(duration) self.ui.label_meanvalue.setText("%.5e" % (mean)) self.ui.label_timeAvgValue.setText("%.5e" % (timeavg)) self.ui.label_freqValue.setText("%.5e" % (freq)) self.ui.label_lognamevalue.setText(logname) self.ui.label_logsizevalue.setText(str(numentries)) # Set suggested processing scheme if numentries > HUGE_FAST: self.ui.checkBox_fastLog.setCheckState(True) if numentries > HUGE_PARALLEL: self.ui.checkBox_doParallel.setCheckState(True) else: self.ui.checkBox_doParallel.setCheckState(False) else: self.ui.checkBox_fastLog.setCheckState(False) self.ui.checkBox_doParallel.setCheckState(False) return def _importDataWorkspace(self, dataws): """ Import data workspace for filtering """ if dataws is None: return # Plot time counts errmsg = self._plotTimeCounts(dataws) if errmsg is not None: errmsg = 'Workspace {} has invalid sample logs for splitting. Loading \ failure! \n{}\n'.format(dataws, errmsg) self._setErrorMsg(errmsg) return False # Import log self._sampleLogNames = [""] run = dataws.getRun() plist = run.getProperties() for p in plist: try: times = p.times if len(times) > 1 and numpy.isreal(p.value[0]): self._sampleLogNames.append( # This is here for FloatArrayProperty. If a log value is of this type it does not have times except AttributeError: pass # ENDFOR(p) # Set up sample log self.ui.comboBox_2.clear() self.ui.comboBox_2.addItems(self._sampleLogNames) # Side information self.ui.label_mean.hide() self.ui.label_meanvalue.hide() self.ui.label_avg.hide() self.ui.label_timeAvgValue.hide() self.ui.label_freq.hide() self.ui.label_freqValue.hide() # Hide 'log name' above the graphic view self.ui.label_logname.hide() self.ui.label_lognamevalue.hide() # Set dataws to class variable self._dataWS = dataws return True def scanEventWorkspaces(self): """ """ wsnames = AnalysisDataService.getObjectNames() eventwsnames = [] for wsname in wsnames: wksp = AnalysisDataService.retrieve(wsname) if wksp.__class__.__name__.count("Event") == 1: eventwsnames.append(wsname) # ENDFOR if len(eventwsnames) > 0: self.ui.comboBox.clear() self.ui.comboBox.addItems(eventwsnames) def _loadFile(self, filename): """ Load file or run File will be loaded to a workspace shown in MantidPlot """ config = ConfigService # Check input file name and output workspace name if filename.isdigit() is True: # Construct a file name from run number runnumber = int(filename) if runnumber <= 0: error_msg = 'Run number cannot be less or equal to zero. User gives {}.'.format(filename) Logger("Filter_Events").error(error_msg) return None else: ishort = config.getInstrument(self._instrument).shortName() filename = '{}_{}'.format(ishort, filename) wsname = filename + "_event" elif filename.count(".") > 0: # A proper file name wsname = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(filename)[1])[0] elif filename.count("_") == 1: # A short one as instrument_runnumber iname = filename.split("_")[0] str_runnumber = filename.split("_")[1] if str_runnumber.isdigit() is True and int(str_runnumber) > 0: # Accepted format ishort = config.getInstrument(iname).shortName() wsname = '{}_{}_event'.format(ishort, str_runnumber) else: # Non-supported error_msg = 'File name / run number in such format {} is not supported.'.format(filename) Logger("Filter_Events").error(error_msg) return None else: # Unsupported format error_msg = 'File name / run number in such format {} is not supported.'.format(filename) Logger("Filter_Events").error(error_msg) return None # Load try: ws = api.Load(Filename=filename, OutputWorkspace=wsname) except RuntimeError as e: ws = None return str(e) return ws def _plotTimeCounts(self, wksp): """ Plot time/counts """ import datetime # Rebin events by pulse time try: # Get run start and run stop if wksp.getRun().hasProperty("run_start"): runstart = wksp.getRun().getProperty("run_start").value else: runstart = wksp.getRun().getProperty("proton_charge").times[0] runstop = wksp.getRun().getProperty("proton_charge").times[-1] runstart = str(runstart).split(".")[0].strip() runstop = str(runstop).split(".")[0].strip() t0 = datetime.datetime.strptime(runstart, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") tf = datetime.datetime.strptime(runstop, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") # Calculate dt = tf-t0 timeduration = dt.days*3600*24 + dt.seconds timeres = float(timeduration)/MAXTIMEBINSIZE if timeres < 1.0: timeres = 1.0 sumwsname = '_Summed_{}'.format(wksp) if AnalysisDataService.doesExist(sumwsname) is False: sumws = api.SumSpectra(InputWorkspace=wksp, OutputWorkspace=sumwsname) sumws = api.RebinByPulseTimes(InputWorkspace=sumws, OutputWorkspace=sumwsname, Params='{}'.format(timeres)) sumws = api.ConvertToPointData(InputWorkspace=sumws, OutputWorkspace=sumwsname) else: sumws = AnalysisDataService.retrieve(sumwsname) except RuntimeError as e: return str(e) vecx = sumws.readX(0) vecy = sumws.readY(0) xmin = min(vecx) xmax = max(vecx) ymin = min(vecy) ymax = max(vecy) # Reset graph self.ui.mainplot.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) self.ui.mainplot.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) self.ui.mainplot.set_xlabel('Time (seconds)', fontsize=13) self.ui.mainplot.set_ylabel('Counts', fontsize=13) # Set up main line setp(self.mainline, xdata=vecx, ydata=vecy) # Reset slide newslidery = [min(vecy), max(vecy)] newleftx = xmin + (xmax-xmin)*self._leftSlideValue*0.01 setp(self.leftslideline, xdata=[newleftx, newleftx], ydata=newslidery) newrightx = xmin + (xmax-xmin)*self._rightSlideValue*0.01 setp(self.rightslideline, xdata=[newrightx, newrightx], ydata=newslidery) self.canvas.draw() def filterByTime(self): """ Filter by time """ # Generate event filters kwargs = {} if self.ui.lineEdit_3.text() != "": rel_starttime = float(self.ui.lineEdit_3.text()) kwargs["StartTime"] = str(rel_starttime) if self.ui.lineEdit_4.text() != "": rel_stoptime = float(self.ui.lineEdit_4.text()) kwargs["StopTime"] = str(rel_stoptime) if self.ui.lineEdit_timeInterval.text() != "": interval = float(self.ui.lineEdit_timeInterval.text()) kwargs["TimeInterval"] = interval splitwsname = str(self._dataWS) + "_splitters" splitinfowsname = str(self._dataWS) + "_info" title = str(self.ui.lineEdit_title.text()) fastLog = self.ui.checkBox_fastLog.isChecked() splitws, infows = api.GenerateEventsFilter(InputWorkspace=self._dataWS, UnitOfTime="Seconds", TitleOfSplitters=title, OutputWorkspace=splitwsname, FastLog=fastLog, InformationWorkspace=splitinfowsname, **kwargs) self.splitWksp(splitws, infows) def filterByLogValue(self): """ Filter by log value """ # Generate event filter kwargs = {} samplelog = str(self.ui.comboBox_2.currentText()) if len(samplelog) == 0: error_msg = "No sample log is selected!" Logger("Filter_Events").error(error_msg) return if self.ui.lineEdit_3.text() != "": rel_starttime = float(self.ui.lineEdit_3.text()) kwargs["StartTime"] = str(rel_starttime) if self.ui.lineEdit_4.text() != "": rel_stoptime = float(self.ui.lineEdit_4.text()) kwargs["StopTime"] = str(rel_stoptime) if self.ui.lineEdit_5.text() != "": minlogvalue = float(self.ui.lineEdit_5.text()) kwargs["MinimumLogValue"] = minlogvalue if self.ui.lineEdit_6.text() != "": maxlogvalue = float(self.ui.lineEdit_6.text()) kwargs["MaximumLogValue"] = maxlogvalue if self.ui.lineEdit_7.text() != "": logvalueintv = float(self.ui.lineEdit_7.text()) kwargs["LogValueInterval"] = logvalueintv logvalchangedir = str(self.ui.comboBox_4.currentText()) kwargs["FilterLogValueByChangingDirection"] = logvalchangedir if self.ui.lineEdit_9.text() != "": logvalueintv = float(self.ui.lineEdit_9.text()) kwargs["TimeTolerance"] = logvalueintv logboundtype = str(self.ui.comboBox_5.currentText()) kwargs["LogBoundary"] = logboundtype if self.ui.lineEdit_8.text() != "": logvaluetol = float(self.ui.lineEdit_8.text()) kwargs["LogValueTolerance"] = logvaluetol splitwsname = str(self._dataWS) + "_splitters" splitinfowsname = str(self._dataWS) + "_info" fastLog = self.ui.checkBox_fastLog.isChecked() title = str(self.ui.lineEdit_title.text()) splitws, infows = api.GenerateEventsFilter(InputWorkspace=self._dataWS, UnitOfTime="Seconds", TitleOfSplitters=title, OutputWorkspace=splitwsname, LogName=samplelog, FastLog=fastLog, InformationWorkspace=splitinfowsname, **kwargs) try: self.splitWksp(splitws, infows) except RuntimeError as e: self._setErrorMsg("Splitting Failed!\n %s" % (str(e))) def splitWksp(self, splitws, infows): """ Run FilterEvents """ dogroupws = self.ui.checkBox_groupWS.isChecked() filterbypulse = self.ui.checkBox_filterByPulse.isChecked() startfrom1 = self.ui.checkBox_from1.isChecked() splitsamplelog = self.ui.checkBox_splitLog.isChecked() corr2sample = str(self.ui.comboBox_tofCorr.currentText()) how2skip = str(self.ui.comboBox_skipSpectrum.currentText()) kwargs = {} if corr2sample == "Direct": ei = float(self.ui.lineEdit_Ei.text()) kwargs["IncidentEnergy"] = ei elif corr2sample == "Customized": corrws = str(self.ui.comboBox_corrWS.currentText()) kwargs["DetectorTOFCorrectionWorkspace"] = corrws # Output workspace name outbasewsname = str(self.ui.lineEdit_outwsname.text()) if len(outbasewsname) == 0: outbasewsname = "tempsplitted" self.ui.lineEdit_outwsname.setText(outbasewsname) api.FilterEvents(InputWorkspace=self._dataWS, SplitterWorkspace=splitws, InformationWorkspace=infows, OutputWorkspaceBaseName=outbasewsname, GroupWorkspaces=dogroupws, FilterByPulseTime=filterbypulse, CorrectionToSample=corr2sample, SpectrumWithoutDetector=how2skip, SplitSampleLogs=splitsamplelog, OutputWorkspaceIndexedFrom1=startfrom1, OutputTOFCorrectionWorkspace='TOFCorrTable', **kwargs) def showHideEi(self): """ """ corrtype = str(self.ui.comboBox_tofCorr.currentText()) # Incident energy if corrtype == "Direct": else: self.ui.label_Ei.hide() self.ui.lineEdit_Ei.hide() # Workspace if corrtype == "Customized": # Search for table workspace self._searchTableWorkspaces() else: self.ui.label_Ei_2.hide() self.ui.comboBox_corrWS.hide() self.ui.pushButton_refreshCorrWSList.hide() def _searchTableWorkspaces(self): """ Search table workspaces and add to 'comboBox_corrWS' """ wsnames = AnalysisDataService.getObjectNames() tablewsnames = [] for wsname in wsnames: wksp = AnalysisDataService.retrieve(wsname) if isinstance(wksp, mantid.api.ITableWorkspace): tablewsnames.append(wsname) # ENDFOR self.ui.comboBox_corrWS.clear() if len(tablewsnames) > 0: self.ui.comboBox_corrWS.addItems(tablewsnames) def _setErrorMsg(self, errmsg): """ Clear error message """ self._errMsgWindow = QMessageBox() self._errMsgWindow.setIcon(QMessageBox.Critical) self._errMsgWindow.setWindowTitle('Error') self._errMsgWindow.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok) self._errMsgWindow.setText(errmsg) result = self._errMsgWindow.exec_() return result def helpClicked(self): try: from pymantidplot.proxies import showCustomInterfaceHelp showCustomInterfaceHelp("Filter Events") except ImportError: url = ("{}.html" "".format("Filter Events")) QDesktopServices.openUrl(QUrl(url)) def _resetGUI(self, resetfilerun=False): """ Reset GUI including all text edits and etc. """ if resetfilerun is True: self.ui.lineEdit.clear() # Plot related self.ui.lineEdit_3.clear() self.ui.lineEdit_4.clear() self.ui.horizontalSlider.setValue(0) self.ui.horizontalSlider_2.setValue(100) self.ui.lineEdit_outwsname.clear() self.ui.lineEdit_title.clear() # Filter by log value self.ui.lineEdit_5.clear() self.ui.lineEdit_6.clear() self.ui.verticalSlider_2.setValue(0) self.ui.verticalSlider.setValue(100) ylim = self.ui.mainplot.get_ylim() miny = ylim[0] maxy = ylim[1] xlim = self.ui.mainplot.get_xlim() setp(self.lowerslideline, xdata=xlim, ydata=[miny, miny]) setp(self.upperslideline, xdata=xlim, ydata=[maxy, maxy]) self.ui.lineEdit_7.clear() self.ui.lineEdit_8.clear() self.ui.lineEdit_9.clear() # Filter by time self.ui.lineEdit_timeInterval.clear() # Advanced setup self.ui.comboBox_tofCorr.setCurrentIndex(0) self.ui.lineEdit_Ei.clear() self.ui.checkBox_fastLog.setCheckState(False) self.ui.checkBox_doParallel.setCheckState(False) self.ui.comboBox_skipSpectrum.setCurrentIndex(0) self.ui.checkBox_filterByPulse.setCheckState(False) self.ui.checkBox_from1.setCheckState(False) self.ui.checkBox_groupWS.setCheckState(True) self.ui.checkBox_splitLog.setCheckState(False) self.canvas.draw()