コード例 #1
ファイル: map_test.py プロジェクト: tash1207/DisasterMap
	def test_existing_map(self):
		db = MongoClient().geo_example
		db.disasters.create_index([("loc", GEOSPHERE)])
		result = db.disasters.insert_many([{"loc": { 'type': "Point", 'coordinates': [ -73, 40 ] }, "name": "blah1.44", "start_datetime": datetime.now()}])		
		print result.inserted_ids
		m = Map(db)
		m.get_map_id(datetime.now(), [0, 0])
コード例 #2
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: tash1207/DisasterMap
def do_upload_from_app():
  picture = request.forms.get('picture')
  lat = request.forms.get('latitude')
  lng = request.forms.get('longitude')

  raw = decodestring(picture)
  now = datetime.now()
  date_filename = now.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") + '.jpg'
  print date_filename
  grid_db = connection['grid_files']
  fs = gridfs.GridFS(grid_db)
  fs.put(raw, filename=date_filename)
  # Insert the filename and other data in the pictures db
  hack_db = connection['hackathon']
      {'filename': date_filename,
       'datetime': now,
       'latitude': lat,
       'longitude': lng,
       'disaster': 0}
  m = Map(hack_db)
  map_id = m.get_map_id(now, [float(lng), float(lat)])
  hack_db.pictures.update_one({"filename": date_filename}, {"$set": {"disaster": map_id}})
  # Get the image back out
  image = fs.get_last_version(filename=date_filename)
  bottle.response.content_type = 'image/jpeg'
  return image