def init_plot(m, start_lon='14 38.717E', start_lat='22 58.783S', color='red'): lat0, lon0 = mi.pll(start_lat), mi.pll(start_lon) x0, y0 = m(lon0, lat0) line, = m.plot([x0], [y0], 'o-', color=color, linewidth=3) text = ('Press s to stop interaction\\n' 'Press i to restart interaction\\n') return line
def init_plot(m,start_lon='14 38.717E',start_lat='22 58.783S',color='red'): lat0,lon0 = mi.pll(start_lat), mi.pll(start_lon) x0,y0 = m(lon0,lat0) line, = m.plot([x0],[y0],'o-',color=color,linewidth=3) text = ('Press s to stop interaction\\n' 'Press i to restart interaction\\n') return line
def get_sat_tracks(datestr,kml): """ Program that goes and fetches the satellite tracks for the day For the day defined with datestr kml is the parsed kml structure with pykml """ from map_interactive import pll sat = dict() # properly format datestr day = datestr.replace('-','') for i in range(4): name = str(kml.Document.Document[i].name).split(':')[1].lstrip(' ') for j in range(1,kml.Document.Document[i].countchildren()-1): if str(kml.Document.Document[i].Placemark[j].name).find(day) > 0: pos_str = str(kml.Document.Document[i].Placemark[j].LineString.coordinates) post_fl = pos_str.split(' ') lon,lat = [],[] for s in post_fl: try: x,y = s.split(',') lon.append(pll(x)) lat.append(pll(y)) except: pass try: sat[name] = (lon,lat) except UnboundLocalError: print 'Skipping %s; no points downloaded' %name return sat
def get_sat_tracks(datestr, kml): """ Program that goes and fetches the satellite tracks for the day For the day defined with datestr kml is the parsed kml structure with pykml """ from map_interactive import pll sat = dict() # properly format datestr day = datestr.replace('-', '') for i in range(4): name = str(kml.Document.Document[i].name).split(':')[1].lstrip(' ') for j in range(1, kml.Document.Document[i].countchildren() - 1): if str(kml.Document.Document[i].Placemark[j].name).find(day) > 0: pos_str = str(kml.Document.Document[i].Placemark[j].LineString. coordinates) post_fl = pos_str.split(' ') lon, lat = [], [] for s in post_fl: try: x, y = s.split(',') lon.append(pll(x)) lat.append(pll(y)) except: pass try: sat[name] = (lon, lat) except UnboundLocalError: print 'Skipping %s; no points downloaded' % name return sat
def build_basemap(lower_left=[-20,-30],upper_right=[20,10],ax=None,proj='cyl',profile=None): """ First try at a building of the basemap with a 'stere' projection Must put in the values of the lower left corner and upper right corner (lon and lat) Defaults to draw 8 meridians and parallels Modified: Samuel LeBlanc, 2015-09-15, NASA Ames - added profile keyword that contains the basemap profile dict for plotting the corners - added programatic determination of basemap parallels and meridians """ from map_interactive import pll if profile: upper_right = [pll(profile['Lon_range'][1]),pll(profile['Lat_range'][1])] lower_left = [pll(profile['Lon_range'][0]),pll(profile['Lat_range'][0])] m = Basemap(projection=proj,lon_0=(upper_right[0]+lower_left[0])/2.0,lat_0=(upper_right[1]+lower_left[1])/2.0, llcrnrlon=lower_left[0], llcrnrlat=lower_left[1], urcrnrlon=upper_right[0], urcrnrlat=upper_right[1],resolution='h',ax=ax) m.artists = [] m.drawcoastlines() #m.fillcontinents(color='#AAAAAA') m.drawstates() m.drawcountries() round_to_5 = lambda x:(int(x/5)+1)*5 mer = np.arange(round_to_5(lower_left[0]),round_to_5(upper_right[0])+5,5) par = np.arange(round_to_5(lower_left[1]),round_to_5(upper_right[1])+5,5) #mer = np.linspace(-15,20,8).astype(int) #mer = np.linspace(lower_left[0],upper_right[0],8).astype(int) #par = np.linspace(-25,5,7).astype(int) #par = np.linspace(lower_left[1],upper_right[1],8).astype(int) m.artists.append(m.drawmeridians(mer,labels=[0,0,0,1])) m.artists.append(m.drawparallels(par,labels=[1,0,0,0])) return m
def load_map_labels(filename,skip_lines=0): """ Program to load map labels from a text file, csv with format: Label, lon, lat, style returns list of dictionary with each key as the label """ out = [] with open(filename,'r') as f: for i in range(skip_lines): next(f) for line in f: sp = line.split(',') if sp[0].startswith('#'): continue out.append({'label':sp[0],'lon':mi.pll(sp[1]),'lat':mi.pll(sp[2]),'marker':sp[3].rstrip('\n')}) return out
def Create_interaction(**kwargs): #fig,ax = plt.subplots() m = mi.build_basemap() plt.gca().set_title('line segments') lat0, lon0 = mi.pll('22 58.783S'), mi.pll('14 38.717E') x0, y0 = m(lon0, lat0) line, = m.plot([x0], [y0], 'ro-') text = ('Press s to stop interaction\\n' 'Press i to restart interaction\\n') #plt.text(1.0,0.1,text) wb = ex.dict_position(**kwargs) lines = mi.LineBuilder(line, m=m, ex=wb) print 'after line builder' print 'after show' plt.gcf().canvas._tkcanvas.master.geometry("900x1000") print 'after canvas' g = gui.gui(lines) g.make_gui() print 'after gui' return lines
def Create_interaction(**kwargs): #fig,ax = plt.subplots() m = mi.build_basemap() plt.gca().set_title('line segments') lat0,lon0 = mi.pll('22 58.783S'), mi.pll('14 38.717E') x0,y0 = m(lon0,lat0) line, = m.plot([x0],[y0],'ro-') text = ('Press s to stop interaction\\n' 'Press i to restart interaction\\n') #plt.text(1.0,0.1,text) wb = ex.dict_position(**kwargs) lines = mi.LineBuilder(line,m=m,ex=wb) print 'after line builder' print 'after show' plt.gcf().canvas._tkcanvas.master.geometry("900x1000") print 'after canvas' g = gui.gui(lines) g.make_gui() print 'after gui' return lines
def build_basemap(lower_left=[-20,-30],upper_right=[20,10],ax=None,proj='cyl',profile=None,larger=True): """ First try at a building of the basemap with a 'stere' projection Must put in the values of the lower left corner and upper right corner (lon and lat) Defaults to draw 8 meridians and parallels Modified: Samuel LeBlanc, 2015-09-15, NASA Ames - added profile keyword that contains the basemap profile dict for plotting the corners - added programatic determination of basemap parallels and meridians Modified: Samuel LeBlanc, 2016-07-17, Santa Cruz, CA - added plotting of larger region, which is then resized, to have space to pan and zoom. """ from map_interactive import pll if profile: upper_right = [pll(profile['Lon_range'][1]),pll(profile['Lat_range'][1])] lower_left = [pll(profile['Lon_range'][0]),pll(profile['Lat_range'][0])] if larger: dp = 30 else: dp = 0 try: import cPickle as pickle m = pickle.load(open('map_{}.pkl'.format(profile['Campaign']),'rb')) #print 'doing it pickle style' = ax except: if larger: dp = 30 else: dp = 0 m = Basemap(projection=proj,lon_0=(upper_right[0]+lower_left[0])/2.0,lat_0=(upper_right[1]+lower_left[1])/2.0, llcrnrlon=lower_left[0]-dp, llcrnrlat=lower_left[1]-dp, urcrnrlon=upper_right[0]+dp, urcrnrlat=upper_right[1]+dp,resolution='i',ax=ax) m.artists = [] m.drawcoastlines() #m.fillcontinents(color='#AAAAAA') m.drawstates() m.drawcountries() m.large = True round_to_5 = lambda x:(int(x/5)+1)*5 round_to_2 = lambda x:(int(x/2)+1)*2 if (upper_right[0]-lower_left[0])<20.0: mer = np.arange(round_to_2(lower_left[0]-dp),round_to_2(upper_right[0]+dp)+2,2) difx = 0.2 m.large = False else: mer = np.arange(round_to_5(lower_left[0]-dp),round_to_5(upper_right[0]+dp)+5,5) difx = 1.0 if (upper_right[1]-lower_left[1])<20.0: par = np.arange(round_to_2(lower_left[1]-dp),round_to_2(upper_right[1]+dp)+2,2) dify = 0.2 m.large = False else: par = np.arange(round_to_5(lower_left[1]-dp),round_to_5(upper_right[1]+dp)+5,5) dify = 1.0 if ax: ax.set_xlim(lower_left[0],upper_right[0]) ax.set_ylim(lower_left[1],upper_right[1]) m.artists.append(m.drawmeridians(mer,labels=[0,0,0,1])) m.artists.append(m.drawparallels(par,labels=[1,0,0,0])) # move the meridian labels to a proper position for aa in m.artists[0].keys(): try: m.artists[0][aa][1][0].set_position((m.artists[0][aa][1][0].get_position()[0],lower_left[1]-difx)) except: pass # move the parallels labels to a proper position for aa in m.artists[1].keys(): try: m.artists[1][aa][1][0].set_position((lower_left[0]-dify,m.artists[1][aa][1][0].get_position()[1])) except: pass #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if ax: try: except: try: ax.figure.canvas.draw() except: pass return m
def build_basemap(lower_left=[-20, -30], upper_right=[20, 10], ax=None, proj='cyl', profile=None, larger=True): """ First try at a building of the basemap with a 'stere' projection Must put in the values of the lower left corner and upper right corner (lon and lat) Defaults to draw 8 meridians and parallels Modified: Samuel LeBlanc, 2015-09-15, NASA Ames - added profile keyword that contains the basemap profile dict for plotting the corners - added programatic determination of basemap parallels and meridians Modified: Samuel LeBlanc, 2016-07-17, Santa Cruz, CA - added plotting of larger region, which is then resized, to have space to pan and zoom. """ from map_interactive import pll if profile: upper_right = [ pll(profile['Lon_range'][1]), pll(profile['Lat_range'][1]) ] lower_left = [ pll(profile['Lon_range'][0]), pll(profile['Lat_range'][0]) ] if larger: dp = 30 else: dp = 0 try: import cPickle as pickle m = pickle.load(open('map_{}.pkl'.format(profile['Campaign']), 'rb')) #print 'doing it pickle style' = ax except: if larger: dp = 30 else: dp = 0 m = Basemap(projection=proj, lon_0=(upper_right[0] + lower_left[0]) / 2.0, lat_0=(upper_right[1] + lower_left[1]) / 2.0, llcrnrlon=lower_left[0] - dp, llcrnrlat=lower_left[1] - dp, urcrnrlon=upper_right[0] + dp, urcrnrlat=upper_right[1] + dp, resolution='i', ax=ax) m.artists = [] m.drawcoastlines() #m.fillcontinents(color='#AAAAAA') m.drawstates() m.drawcountries() m.large = True round_to_5 = lambda x: (int(x / 5) + 1) * 5 round_to_2 = lambda x: (int(x / 2) + 1) * 2 if (upper_right[0] - lower_left[0]) < 20.0: mer = np.arange(round_to_2(lower_left[0] - dp), round_to_2(upper_right[0] + dp) + 2, 2) difx = 0.2 m.large = False else: mer = np.arange(round_to_5(lower_left[0] - dp), round_to_5(upper_right[0] + dp) + 5, 5) difx = 1.0 if (upper_right[1] - lower_left[1]) < 20.0: par = np.arange(round_to_2(lower_left[1] - dp), round_to_2(upper_right[1] + dp) + 2, 2) dify = 0.2 m.large = False else: par = np.arange(round_to_5(lower_left[1] - dp), round_to_5(upper_right[1] + dp) + 5, 5) dify = 1.0 if ax: ax.set_xlim(lower_left[0], upper_right[0]) ax.set_ylim(lower_left[1], upper_right[1]) m.artists.append(m.drawmeridians(mer, labels=[0, 0, 0, 1])) m.artists.append(m.drawparallels(par, labels=[1, 0, 0, 0])) # move the meridian labels to a proper position for aa in m.artists[0].keys(): try: m.artists[0][aa][1][0].set_position( (m.artists[0][aa][1][0].get_position()[0], lower_left[1] - difx)) except: pass # move the parallels labels to a proper position for aa in m.artists[1].keys(): try: m.artists[1][aa][1][0].set_position( (lower_left[0] - dify, m.artists[1][aa][1][0].get_position()[1])) except: pass #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if ax: try: except: try: ax.figure.canvas.draw() except: pass return m