コード例 #1
def velocities_upper(state, dim, t, auxbc, num_ghost):
    Set the velocities for the ghost cells outside the outer radius of the annulus.
    from mapc2p import mapc2p

    grid = state.grid
    mx = grid.num_cells[0]
    my = grid.num_cells[1]
    dxc = grid.delta[0]
    dyc = grid.delta[1]

    if dim == grid.dimensions[0]:
        xc1d = grid.lower[0] + dxc * (
            np.arange(mx + num_ghost, mx + 2 * num_ghost + 1) - num_ghost)
        yc1d = grid.lower[1] + dyc * (np.arange(my + 2 * num_ghost + 1) -
        yc, xc = np.meshgrid(yc1d, xc1d)

        xp, yp = mapc2p(xc, yc)

        auxbc[:, -num_ghost:, :] = velocities_capa(xp, yp, dxc, dyc)

        raise Exception('Custum BC for this boundary is not appropriate!')
コード例 #2
ファイル: setplot.py プロジェクト: geoflows/geoclaw-4.x
 def q_vs_radius(current_data):
     from numpy import sqrt
     xc = current_data.x
     yc = current_data.y
     x, y = mapc2p(xc, yc)
     r = sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
     q = current_data.q[:, :, 0]
     return r, q
コード例 #3
ファイル: setplot.py プロジェクト: jsvarkovitzky/clawpack-4.x
    def q_vs_radius(current_data):
        from numpy import sqrt

        xc = current_data.x
        yc = current_data.y
        x, y = mapc2p(xc, yc)
        r = sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)
        q = current_data.q[:, :, 0]
        return r, q
コード例 #4
def plotq2_cart(outputdir, nframe, m, meth1, meqn, time, points_per_dir,
                LegVals, xlow, xhigh, ylow, yhigh, mx, my, dx, dy, mx_old,
                my_old, dx_old, dy_old, xc, yc, xl, yl, qaug):

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    import mapc2p as mp

    data = np.loadtxt('mapped.txt')

    xp = data[:, 0]
    yp = data[:, 1]
    xpl, ypl = mp.mapc2p(xl, yl)
    n4 = xpl.shape[0]
    m4 = xpl.shape[1]
    print n4, m4, xp.shape

    xp = np.reshape(xp, (n4, m4))
    yp = np.reshape(yp, (n4, m4))
    plt.gca().set_xlim(xl[0, 0], xl[mx, 0])
    plt.gca().set_ylim(yl[0, 0], yl[0, my])
    im = plt.pcolor(xp, yp, qaug[:, :, m], cmap='OrRd')
    for i1 in range(mx):
        for j1 in range(my):
            #print [xpl[i1,j1],xpl[i1+1,j1]]
            print i1, j1
            if xp[i1, j1] != xp[i1 + 1, j1]:
                plt.plot([xp[i1, j1], xp[i1 + 1, j1]],
                         [yp[i1, j1], yp[i1 + 1, j1]], 'k')
            if xp[i1, j1] != xp[i1, j1 + 1]:
                plt.plot([xp[i1, j1], xp[i1, j1 + 1]],
                         [yp[i1, j1], yp[i1, j1 + 1]], 'k')
            if yp[i1, j1] != yp[i1 + 1, j1]:
                plt.plot([xp[i1, j1], xp[i1 + 1, j1]],
                         [yp[i1, j1], yp[i1 + 1, j1]], 'k')
            if yp[i1, j1] != yp[i1, j1 + 1]:
                plt.plot([xp[i1, j1], xp[i1, j1 + 1]],
                         [yp[i1, j1], yp[i1, j1 + 1]], 'k')
    plt.colorbar(im, use_gridspec=True)
    tmp1 = "".join(("q(", str(m + 1), ") at t = "))
    tmp2 = "".join((tmp1, str(time)))
    title = "".join((tmp2, "     [DoGPack]"))
    plt.savefig('plots/figure_%s.pdf' % nframe)
コード例 #5
ファイル: advection_annulus.py プロジェクト: memmett/pyclaw
def ghost_velocities_lower(state,dim,t,auxbc,num_ghost):
    Set the velocities for the ghost cells outside the inner radius of the annulus.
    In the computational domain, these are the cells at the bottom of the grid.
    from mapc2p import mapc2p

    if dim == grid.dimensions[0]:
        dx, dy = grid.delta
        X_edges, Y_edges = grid.c_edges_with_ghost(num_ghost=2)
        R_edges,Theta_edges = mapc2p(X_edges,Y_edges)

        auxbc[:,0:num_ghost,:] = edge_velocities_and_area(R_edges[0:num_ghost+1,:],Theta_edges[0:num_ghost+1,:],dx,dy)

        raise Exception('Custom BC for this boundary is not appropriate!')
コード例 #6
ファイル: advection_annulus.py プロジェクト: memmett/pyclaw
def ghost_velocities_upper(state,dim,t,auxbc,num_ghost):
    Set the velocities for the ghost cells outside the outer radius of the annulus.
    In the computational domain, these are the cells at the top of the grid.
    from mapc2p import mapc2p

    if dim == grid.dimensions[0]:
        dx, dy = grid.delta
        X_edges, Y_edges = grid.c_edges_with_ghost(num_ghost=2)
        R_edges,Theta_edges = mapc2p(X_edges,Y_edges)  # Compute edge coordinates in physical domain

        auxbc[:,-num_ghost:,:] = edge_velocities_and_area(R_edges[-num_ghost-1:,:],Theta_edges[-num_ghost-1:,:],dx,dy)

        raise Exception('Custom BC for this boundary is not appropriate!')
コード例 #7
ファイル: plotq2_cart.py プロジェクト: smoe1/ThesisCode
def plotq2_cart(outputdir, nframe, m, meth1, meqn, time, points_per_dir,
                LegVals, xlow, xhigh, ylow, yhigh, mx, my, dx, dy, mx_old,
                my_old, dx_old, dy_old, xc, yc, xl, yl, qsoln):

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    import mapc2p as mp

    xpl, ypl = mp.mapc2p(xl, yl)
    n4 = xpl.shape[0]
    m4 = xpl.shape[1]
    data = np.loadtxt('mapped.txt')

    xp = data[:, 0]
    yp = data[:, 1]
    print xp.shape, yp.shape, n4, m4
    xp = np.reshape(xpl, (n4, m4))
    yp = np.reshape(ypl, (n4, m4))
    plt.pcolor(xp, yp, qsoln[:, :, m])
    for  i1 in range(mx):
     for  j1 in range(my):
       #print [xpl[i1,j1],xpl[i1+1,j1]]
       if yp[i1,j1]!=yp[i1+1,j1]:
        plt.plot([xp[i1,j1], xp[i1+1,j1]],[yp[i1,j1], yp[i1+1,j1]],'k')
       if yp[i1,j1]!=yp[i1,j1+1]:
        plt.plot([xp[i1,j1], xp[i1,j1+1]],[yp[i1,j1], yp[i1,j1+1]],'k')
    tmp1 = "".join(("q(", str(m + 1), ") at t = "))
    tmp2 = "".join((tmp1, str(time)))
    title = "".join((tmp2, "     [DoGPack]"))
コード例 #8
def velocities_lower(state,dim,t,auxbc,mbc):
    Set the velocities for the ghost cells outside the inner radius of the annulus.
    from mapc2p import mapc2p

    my = grid.ng[1]
    dxc = grid.d[0]
    dyc = grid.d[1]

    if dim == grid.dimensions[0]:
        xc1d = grid.lower[0]+dxc*(np.arange(mbc+1)-mbc)
        yc1d = grid.lower[1]+dyc*(np.arange(my+2*mbc+1)-mbc)
        yc,xc = np.meshgrid(yc1d,xc1d)

        xp,yp = mapc2p(xc,yc)

        auxbc[:,0:mbc,:] = velocities_capa(xp,yp,dxc,dyc)

        raise Exception('Custum BC for this boundary is not appropriate!')
コード例 #9
ファイル: advection_annulus.py プロジェクト: imclab/pyclaw
def velocities_upper(state,dim,t,auxbc,num_ghost):
    Set the velocities for the ghost cells outside the outer radius of the annulus.
    from mapc2p import mapc2p

    mx = grid.num_cells[0]
    my = grid.num_cells[1]
    dxc = grid.delta[0]
    dyc = grid.delta[1]

    if dim == grid.dimensions[0]:
        xc1d = grid.lower[0]+dxc*(np.arange(mx+num_ghost,mx+2*num_ghost+1)-num_ghost)
        yc1d = grid.lower[1]+dyc*(np.arange(my+2*num_ghost+1)-num_ghost)
        yc,xc = np.meshgrid(yc1d,xc1d)

        xp,yp = mapc2p(xc,yc)

        auxbc[:,-num_ghost:,:] = velocities_capa(xp,yp,dxc,dyc)

        raise Exception('Custum BC for this boundary is not appropriate!')
コード例 #10
ファイル: setrun.py プロジェクト: rjleveque/geoclaw_1d
import numpy as np
from mapc2p import mapc2p

dispersion = True  # Include Boussinesq terms?
B_param = 1.0 / 15.0  # Parameter for the Boussinesq eqns
sw_depth0 = 20.  # Use pure SWE if depth less than sw_depth0
sw_depth1 = 20.  # Use pure Bous if depth greater than sw_depth1
radial = True  # Include radial source terms?

grid = np.loadtxt('grid.data', skiprows=1)
print('Read grid from grid.data, %i grid values' % grid.shape[0])
mx = grid.shape[0] - 1

dxc = 1. / mx
xc = np.linspace(dxc / 2., 1 - dxc / 2., mx)
xp = mapc2p(xc)

def setrun(claw_pkg='geoclaw'):
    Define the parameters used for running Clawpack.

        claw_pkg expected to be "geoclaw" for this setrun.

        rundata - object of class ClawRunData

コード例 #11
def plotdog2(points_per_dir_in="1",outputdir="output",point_type_in="1"):
Generic code for plotting DoGPack output in matplotlib.

Execute via

    $ python $DOGPACK/viz/python/plotdog2.py

from an application directory.   For help type

    $ python $DOGPACK/viz/python/plotdog2.py -h
to see a list of options.

    Usage: plotdog2( points_per_dir_in="1", outputdir="output", point_type_in="1")
   points_per_dir = points per direction (spatial dimension)
   outputdir = location of output directory

   point_type = 1:   uniform points on each element
              = 2:   Gauss-Legendre points on each element
    def phi(xin,yin,x1,y1,dx1,dy1,a):



	 return phi1;

    import os
    import sys
    from math import sqrt
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from helpermap2 import get_grid_type
    from helpermap2 import read_params
    from helpermap2 import get_kmax
    from helpermap2 import GetCart2Legendre
    from helpermap2 import read_qfile
    from helpermap2 import sample_state2_cart_mod_map,sample_state2_cart_mod
    from helpermap2 import read_mesh_params
    from helpermap2 import read_node
    from helpermap2 import read_tnode
    from helpermap2 import GetMonomialToLegendre
    from helpermap2 import GetUnstLegendre
    from helpermap2 import set_tcounter
    from helpermap2 import set_soln_at_node_values
    from helpermap2 import sample_state2_unst
    from helpermap2 import DivideUnstMesh

    import numpy as np

     from mapc2p import mapc2p # Import DNSPython
    except ImportError:
     def mapc2p(xc,yc):
      Specifies the mapping to curvilinear coordinates -- should be consistent
      with mapc2p.f
         return xc,yc

    points_per_dir = int(points_per_dir_in)
    point_type = int(point_type_in)

    TF = os.path.exists(outputdir)
    if TF==False:
        print ""
        print "    Directory not found, outputdir =",outputdir
        print ""
        return -1
        print "found outputdir = ", outputdir

    if (point_type!=1 and point_type!=2):
        point_type = 1
    if (point_type==2 and points_per_dir>5):
        print 'setting points_per_dir = 5 instead of requested %d' % points_per_dir
        points_per_dir = 5

    GridType = get_grid_type(outputdir)
    if (GridType=="Cartesian"):
        params = np.zeros(11, float)
        meqn    = int(params[0])
        maux    = int(params[1])
        nplot   = int(params[2])
        meth1   = int(params[3])
        mx      = int(params[5])
        my      = int(params[6])
        xlow    = params[7]
        xhigh   = params[8]
        ylow    = params[9]
        yhigh   = params[10]
        datafmt = int(params[4])
    elif (GridType=="Unstructured"):
        params = np.zeros(4, int)
        meqn    = params[0]
        maux    = params[1]
        nplot   = params[2]
        meth1   = params[3]
    kmax = get_kmax(meth1,2)
    print ""
    print "        GridType = ",GridType
    print "  points_per_dir = ",points_per_dir
    print "      point_type = ",point_type
    print "       outputdir = ",outputdir
    print ""

    curr_dir = os.path.abspath("./")
    if (GridType=="Cartesian"):
        plotq2_file  = os.path.abspath("plotq2_cart.py")
        local_plotq2 = os.path.exists(plotq2_file)
        if local_plotq2==False:
            from plotq2_cart_default import plotq2_cart
            from plotq2_cart import plotq2_cart

        # Grid information
        mx_old = mx
        my_old = my
        dx_old = (xhigh-xlow)/mx_old
        dy_old = (yhigh-ylow)/my_old
        mx = mx*points_per_dir
        my = my*points_per_dir
        dx = (xhigh-xlow)/mx
        dy = (yhigh-ylow)/my
        print "mx=",mx,"my=",my
        if (point_type==1):
            xl = np.zeros((mx+1,my+1),float)
            yl = np.zeros((mx+1,my+1),float)
            xc = np.zeros((mx,my),float)
            yc = np.zeros((mx,my),float)

            for j in range(0,my+1):
                xl[:,j] = xlow + dx*np.arange(mx+1)[:]
            for i in range(0,mx+1):
                yl[i,:] = ylow + dy*np.arange(my+1)[:]
            for j in range(0,my):
                xc[:,j] = (xlow+0.5*dx) + dx*np.arange(mx)[:]
            for i in range(0,mx):
                yc[i,:] = (ylow+0.5*dy) + dy*np.arange(my)[:]


            for i in range(0,mx):
             for j in range(0,my):

              xp1 = xpl[i,j];
              yp1=  ypl[i,j];
              xp2 = xpl[i+1,j];
              yp2=  ypl[i+1,j];
              xp3 = xpl[i+1,j+1];
              yp3=  ypl[i+1,j+1];
              xp4 = xpl[i,j+1];
              yp4=  ypl[i,j+1];

              for l in range(0,kmax):



            # 1D points 
            dxi = 1.0/float(points_per_dir)
            s1d = -1 + dxi + 2*dxi * np.arange(points_per_dir)

            s2d = np.zeros((points_per_dir*points_per_dir,2),float)
            for jj in range(0,points_per_dir):
                for ii in range(0,points_per_dir):
                    kk = kk+1
                    s2d[kk,0] = s1d[ii]
                    s2d[kk,1] = s1d[jj]

            sq3 = sqrt(3.0)
            sq5 = sqrt(5.0)
            sq7 = sqrt(7.0)

            # 1D quadrature points
            s1d = np.zeros(points_per_dir,float)
            if (points_per_dir==1):
                s1d[0] = 0.0
            elif (points_per_dir==2):
                s1d[0] = -1.0/sq3
                s1d[1] =  1.0/sq3
            elif (points_per_dir==3):
                s1d[0] = -sq3/sq5
                s1d[1] =  0.0
                s1d[2] =  sq3/sq5
            elif (points_per_dir==4):
                s1d[0] = -sqrt(3.0+sqrt(4.8))/sq7
                s1d[1] = -sqrt(3.0-sqrt(4.8))/sq7
                s1d[2] =  sqrt(3.0-sqrt(4.8))/sq7
                s1d[3] =  sqrt(3.0+sqrt(4.8))/sq7
            elif (points_per_dir==5):
                s1d[0] = -sqrt(5.0 + sqrt(40.0/7.0))/3.0
                s1d[1] = -sqrt(5.0 - sqrt(40.0/7.0))/3.0
                s1d[2] =  0.0
                s1d[3] =  sqrt(5.0 - sqrt(40.0/7.0))/3.0
                s1d[4] =  sqrt(5.0 + sqrt(40.0/7.0))/3.0

            s2d = np.zeros((points_per_dir*points_per_dir,2),float)
            for jj in range(0,points_per_dir):
                for ii in range(0,points_per_dir):
                    kk = kk+1
                    s2d[kk,0] = s1d[ii]
                    s2d[kk,1] = s1d[jj]

            xx = np.zeros(mx,float)
            yy = np.zeros(my,float)

            xtmp = xlow-0.5*dx_old
            for i in range(0,mx_old):
                xtmp = xtmp + dx_old
                for m in range(0,points_per_dir):
                    xx[kk+m] = xtmp + 0.5*dx_old*s1d[m]
                kk = kk + points_per_dir

            ytmp = ylow-0.5*dy_old
            for j in range(0,my_old):
                ytmp = ytmp + dy_old
                for m in range(0,points_per_dir):
                    yy[kk+m] = ytmp + 0.5*dy_old*s1d[m]
                kk = kk + points_per_dir

            xc = np.zeros((mx,my),float)
            yc = np.zeros((mx,my),float)

            for i in range(0,mx):
                for j in range(0,my):
                    xc[i,j] = xx[i]
                    yc[i,j] = yy[j]

            xxx = np.zeros(mx+1,float)
            yyy = np.zeros(my+1,float)

            xxx[0] = xlow
            for i in range(1,mx):
                xxx[i] = 0.5*(xx[i]+xx[i-1])
            xxx[mx] = xhigh

            yyy[0] = ylow
            for j in range(1,my):
                yyy[j] = 0.5*(yy[j]+yy[j-1])
            yyy[my] = yhigh

            xl = np.zeros((mx+1,my+1),float)
            yl = np.zeros((mx+1,my+1),float)

            for i in range(0,mx+1):
                for j in range(0,my+1):
                    xl[i,j] = xxx[i]
                    yl[i,j] = yyy[j]

        # Sample Legendre polynomial on the midpoint of each sub-element
        p2 = points_per_dir*points_per_dir
        LegVals = np.zeros((kmax,p2),float)
        tmp1 = "".join((" Which component of q do you want to plot ( 1 - ",str(meqn)))
        tmp2 = "".join((tmp1," ) ? "))
        m = raw_input(tmp2)
        print "herro?",m
        if (not m):
            m = 1
            m = int(m)

        if m<1:
            print ""
            print "  Error, need m > 1,  m = ",m
            print ""
            return -1
        elif m>meqn:
            print ""
            print "  Error, need m <=",meqn,",  m = ",m
            print ""
            return -1

        kn = 0;
        n = 0;
        nf = 0;
        n1 = -1;

        #while (nf!=-1): 
        for n1 in range(nplot+1): 
            tmp1 = "".join((" Plot which frame ( 0 - ",str(nplot)))
            tmp2 = "".join((tmp1," ) [type -1 or q to quit] ? "))
            nf = raw_input(tmp2)
            if (not nf):
                n1 = n1 + 1
                nf = 0
            elif nf=="q":
                nf = -1
                nf = int(nf)
                n1 = nf
            if n1>nplot:
                print ""
                print " End of plots "
                print ""
                n1 = nplot

            if (nf!=-1):
                # Solution -- q
                # solution should be found in file
                #     outputdir/q[n1].dat

                qfile_tmp_tmp = "".join((str(n1+10000),".dat"))
                qfile_tmp = "q" + qfile_tmp_tmp[1:]
                qfile = "".join(("".join((outputdir,"/")),qfile_tmp))

                mtmp = mx_old*my_old*meqn*kmax
                qtmp = np.zeros(mtmp,float)   
                time = read_qfile(mtmp,qfile,qtmp)
                qcoeffs = np.reshape(qtmp,(kmax,meqn,my_old,mx_old))
                qsoln = np.zeros((mx*my,meqn),float)
                qsoln = np.reshape(qsoln,(mx,my,meqn),'F')

                # USER SUPPLIED FUNCTION
                print xc.shape,xl.shape
        print ""

    elif (GridType=="Unstructured"):
        plotq2_file  = os.path.abspath("plotq2_unst.py")
        local_plotq2 = os.path.exists(plotq2_file)
        if local_plotq2==False:
            from plotq2_unst_default import plotq2_unst
            from plotq2_unst import plotq2_unst

        print " Creating mesh ... "

        meshdir = "".join((outputdir,"/mesh_output"))
        TF = os.path.exists(meshdir)
        if TF==False:
            print ""
            print "    Directory not found, meshdir =",meshdir
            print ""
            return -1

        mesh_params = np.zeros(7,int)
        NumElems      = mesh_params[0]
        NumPhysElems  = mesh_params[1]
        NumGhostElems = mesh_params[2]
        NumNodes      = mesh_params[3]
        NumPhysNodes  = mesh_params[4]
        NumBndNodes   = mesh_params[5]
        NumEdges      = mesh_params[6]

        tnode = np.zeros((NumPhysElems,3),int)
        x  = np.zeros(NumPhysNodes,float)
        y  = np.zeros(NumPhysNodes,float)

        xlow  = min(x)
        ylow  = min(y)
        xhigh = max(x)
        yhigh = max(y)

        tcounter = np.zeros(NumPhysNodes,int)

        # Add extra points and elements if points_per_dir>1
        p2 = points_per_dir*points_per_dir
        points_per_elem = ((points_per_dir+1)*(points_per_dir+2))/2
        zx = np.zeros(p2,float)
        zy = np.zeros(p2,float)
        if (points_per_dir>1):
            x_tmp = np.zeros(NumPhysElems*points_per_elem,float)
            y_tmp = np.zeros(NumPhysElems*points_per_elem,float)
            tnode_new = np.zeros((NumPhysElems*p2,3),int)
            NumPhysElems_new = 0
            NumPhysNodes_new = 0
            newsizes = np.zeros(2,int)            
            NumPhysElems_new = newsizes[0]
            NumPhysNodes_new = newsizes[1]
            x_new = np.zeros(NumPhysNodes_new,float)
            y_new = np.zeros(NumPhysNodes_new,float)
            for ijk in range(0,NumPhysNodes_new):
                x_new[ijk] = x_tmp[ijk]
                y_new[ijk] = y_tmp[ijk]
            tcounter_new = np.zeros(NumPhysNodes_new,int)
            NumPhysElems_new = NumPhysElems
            NumPhysNodes_new = NumPhysNodes
            x_new = x
            y_new = y
            tnode_new = tnode
            tcounter_new = tcounter

        # Get physical midpoints of each element
        xmid = np.zeros(NumPhysElems_new,float)
        ymid = np.zeros(NumPhysElems_new,float)
        onethird = 1.0/3.0
        for i in range(0,NumPhysElems_new):
            xmid[i] = onethird*(x_new[tnode_new[i,0]]+x_new[tnode_new[i,1]]+x_new[tnode_new[i,2]])
            ymid[i] = onethird*(y_new[tnode_new[i,0]]+y_new[tnode_new[i,1]]+y_new[tnode_new[i,2]])

        # Sample Legendre polynomial on the midpoint of each element
        Mon2Leg = np.zeros((kmax,kmax),float)
        MonVals = np.zeros((kmax,p2),float)
        LegVals = np.zeros((kmax,p2),float)
        print " Finished creating mesh. "
        print ""

        tmp1 = "".join((" Which component of q do you want to plot ( 1 - ",str(meqn)))
        tmp2 = "".join((tmp1," ) ? "))
        m = raw_input(tmp2)
        print ""
        if (not m):
            m = 1
            m = int(m)

        if m<1:
            print ""
            print "  Error, need m > 1,  m = ",m
            print ""
            return -1
        elif m>meqn:
            print ""
            print "  Error, need m <=",meqn,",  m = ",m
            print ""
            return -1

        kn = 0;
        n = 0;
        nf = 0;
        n1 = -1;

        while (nf!=-1):        
            tmp1 = "".join((" Plot which frame ( 0 - ",str(nplot)))
            tmp2 = "".join((tmp1," ) [type -1 or q to quit] ? "))
            nf = raw_input(tmp2)
            if (not nf):
                n1 = n1 + 1
                nf = 0
            elif nf=="q":
                nf = -1
                nf = int(nf)
                n1 = nf

            if n1>nplot:
                print ""
                print " End of plots "
                print ""
                n1 = nplot

            if (nf!=-1):
                # Solution -- q
                # solution should be found in file
                #     outputdir/q[n1].dat

                qfile_tmp_tmp = "".join((str(n1+10000),".dat"))
                qfile_tmp = "q" + qfile_tmp_tmp[1:]
                qfile = "".join(("".join((outputdir,"/")),qfile_tmp))

                mtmp = NumElems*meqn*kmax
                qtmp = np.zeros(mtmp,float)   
                time = read_qfile(mtmp,qfile,qtmp)                
                qcoeffs_tmp = np.reshape(qtmp,(NumElems,meqn,kmax),'fortran')
                qcoeffs = qcoeffs_tmp[0:NumPhysElems,:,:]

                # Solution -- q
                qsoln_elem = np.zeros((NumPhysElems_new,meqn),float)
                qsoln      = np.zeros((NumPhysNodes_new,meqn),float)

                # USER SUPPLIED FUNCTION: Plotting function
        print ""
        print ""
        print " Error in plotdog2.py: GridType = ",GridType," is not supported."
        print ""
        return -1
コード例 #12
def main():
    '''Write some help documentation here
    err1 = []
    nnn1 = []
    err2 = []
    nnn2 = []
    err3 = []
    nnn3 = []

    my_dictionary = {}
    old_err = l = 0
    old_err = 1.0
    new_err1 = 1.0
    new_err2 = 1.0
    new_err3 = 1.0
    old_n = 1.0
    new_n = 1.0
    n1 = 10
    while (1):

        directory_num = my_dictionary['dir_num'] = l

        folder = 'output_00%s' % l
        if (not os.path.exists(folder)):
        my_dictionary['curr_folder'] = folder
        # we want to do:
        #   data = open('dogpack.data','w')
        #   print >> data, dogpack_data_template % { 'mx': mx_now, 'ts_method': ts_method}
        #   data.close()
        # and we avoid the .close() (even in case of exception) with 'with':
        directory_num = l

            qpre = np.loadtxt(folder + "/q0010.dat")[1:]
        except IOError:
            print "Could not find data in folder %s" % folder
        print directory_num, folder
        params = np.zeros(11, float)
        read_params(folder, params)
        meqn = int(params[0])
        maux = int(params[1])
        nplot = int(params[2])
        meth1 = int(params[3])
        mx = int(params[5])
        my = int(params[6])
        xlow = params[7]
        xhigh = params[8]
        ylow = params[9]
        yhigh = params[10]
        # Grid information
        mx_old = mx
        my_old = my
        dx_old = (xhigh - xlow) / mx_old
        dy_old = (yhigh - ylow) / my_old
        point_type = 2
        points_per_dir = 5
        mx = mx * points_per_dir
        my = my * points_per_dir
        dx = (xhigh - xlow) / mx
        dy = (yhigh - ylow) / my

        kmax = int((meth1 * (meth1 + 1) / 2))
        phil = np.zeros((mx, my, points_per_dir, kmax), float)
        #print 'mx=',mx,'my=',my,'xlow=',xlow,'xhigh=',xhigh,'dx=',dx,params

        xc = np.zeros((mx, my), float)
        yc = np.zeros((mx, my), float)

        xol = np.zeros((mx, my), float)
        yol = np.zeros((mx, my), float)

        xor = np.zeros((mx, my), float)
        yor = np.zeros((mx, my), float)

        sxc = np.zeros((mx, my), float)
        syc = np.zeros((mx, my), float)

        if (point_type == 1):
            xl = np.zeros((mx + 1, my + 1), float)
            yl = np.zeros((mx + 1, my + 1), float)

            for j in range(0, my + 1):
                xl[:, j] = xlow + dx * np.arange(mx + 1)[:]
            for i in range(0, mx + 1):
                yl[i, :] = ylow + dy * np.arange(my + 1)[:]

            for j in range(0, my):
                xc[:, j] = (xlow + 0.5 * dx) + dx * np.arange(mx)[:]
            for i in range(0, mx):
                yc[i, :] = (ylow + 0.5 * dy) + dy * np.arange(my)[:]


            # 1D points
            dxi = 1.0 / float(points_per_dir)
            s1d = -1 + dxi + 2 * dxi * np.arange(points_per_dir)
            kk = -1
            s2d = np.zeros((points_per_dir * points_per_dir, 2), float)
            for jj in range(0, points_per_dir):
                for ii in range(0, points_per_dir):
                    kk = kk + 1
                    s2d[kk, 0] = s1d[ii]
                    s2d[kk, 1] = s1d[jj]


            sq3 = np.sqrt(3.0)
            sq5 = np.sqrt(5.0)
            sq7 = np.sqrt(7.0)

            # 1D quadrature points
            s1d = np.zeros(points_per_dir, float)
            if (points_per_dir == 1):
                s1d[0] = -1.0
            elif (points_per_dir == 2):
                s1d[0] = -1.0 / sq3
                s1d[1] = 1.0 / sq3
            elif (points_per_dir == 3):
                s1d[0] = -sq3 / sq5
                s1d[1] = 0.0
                s1d[2] = sq3 / sq5
            elif (points_per_dir == 4):
                s1d[0] = -np.sqrt(3.0 + np.sqrt(4.8)) / sq7
                s1d[1] = -np.sqrt(3.0 - np.sqrt(4.8)) / sq7
                s1d[2] = np.sqrt(3.0 - np.sqrt(4.8)) / sq7
                s1d[3] = np.sqrt(3.0 + np.sqrt(4.8)) / sq7
            elif (points_per_dir == 5):
                s1d[0] = -np.sqrt(5.0 + np.sqrt(40.0 / 7.0)) / 3.0
                s1d[1] = -np.sqrt(5.0 - np.sqrt(40.0 / 7.0)) / 3.0
                s1d[2] = 0.0
                s1d[3] = np.sqrt(5.0 - np.sqrt(40.0 / 7.0)) / 3.0
                s1d[4] = np.sqrt(5.0 + np.sqrt(40.0 / 7.0)) / 3.0

            kk = -1
            s2d = np.zeros((points_per_dir * points_per_dir, 2), float)
            for jj in range(0, points_per_dir):
                for ii in range(0, points_per_dir):
                    kk = kk + 1
                    s2d[kk, 0] = s1d[ii]
                    s2d[kk, 1] = s1d[jj]

            xx = np.zeros(mx, float)
            yy = np.zeros(my, float)

            sx = np.zeros(mx, float)
            sy = np.zeros(my, float)

            xor1 = np.zeros(mx + points_per_dir, float)
            yor1 = np.zeros(my + points_per_dir, float)

            kk = 0
            xtmp = xlow - 0.5 * dx_old
            xtmp1 = xlow - dx_old
            for i in range(0, mx_old):
                xtmp = xtmp + dx_old
                xtmp1 = xtmp1 + dx_old
                for m in range(0, points_per_dir):
                    xx[kk + m] = xtmp + 0.5 * dx_old * s1d[m]
                    sx[kk + m] = s1d[m]
                    xor1[kk + m] = xtmp1
                kk = kk + points_per_dir
            xor1[mx:mx + points_per_dir] = xtmp1 + dx_old

            kk = 0
            ytmp = ylow - 0.5 * dy_old
            ytmp1 = ylow - dy_old
            for j in range(0, my_old):
                ytmp = ytmp + dy_old
                ytmp1 = ytmp1 + dy_old
                for m in range(0, points_per_dir):
                    yy[kk + m] = ytmp + 0.5 * dy_old * s1d[m]
                    sy[kk + m] = s1d[m]
                    yor1[kk + m] = ytmp1
                kk = kk + points_per_dir
            yor1[my:my + points_per_dir] = ytmp1 + dy_old

            for i in range(0, mx):
                for j in range(0, my):
                    xc[i, j] = xx[i]
                    yc[i, j] = yy[j]
                    sxc[i, j] = sx[i]
                    syc[i, j] = sy[j]

            ix = -1
            for i in range(0, mx_old):
                for l1 in range(points_per_dir):
                    ix = ix + 1
                    iy = -1
                    for j in range(0, my_old):
                        for l2 in range(points_per_dir):
                            iy = iy + 1
                            xol[ix, iy] = xor1[points_per_dir * (i)]
                            yol[ix, iy] = yor1[points_per_dir * (j)]

            ix = -1
            for i in range(0, mx_old):
                for l1 in range(points_per_dir):
                    ix = ix + 1
                    iy = -1
                    for j in range(0, my_old):
                        for l2 in range(points_per_dir):
                            iy = iy + 1
                            xor[ix, iy] = xor1[points_per_dir * (i) +
                            yor[ix, iy] = yor1[points_per_dir * (j) +

            xxx = np.zeros(mx + 1, float)
            yyy = np.zeros(my + 1, float)

            xxx[0] = xlow
            for i in range(1, mx):
                xxx[i] = 0.5 * (xx[i] + xx[i - 1])
            xxx[mx] = xhigh

            yyy[0] = ylow
            for j in range(1, my):
                yyy[j] = 0.5 * (yy[j] + yy[j - 1])
            yyy[my] = yhigh

            xl = np.zeros((mx + 1, my + 1), float)
            yl = np.zeros((mx + 1, my + 1), float)

            for i in range(0, mx + 1):
                for j in range(0, my + 1):
                    xl[i, j] = xxx[i]
                    yl[i, j] = yyy[j]

        # Sample Legendre polynomial on the midpoint of each sub-element
        p2 = points_per_dir * points_per_dir
        LegVals = np.zeros((kmax, p2), float)

        GetCart2Legendre(meth1, points_per_dir, s2d, LegVals)

        qfile_tmp_tmp = "".join((str(0 + 10000), ".dat"))
        qfile_tmp = "q" + qfile_tmp_tmp[1:]
        qfile = "".join(("".join((folder, "/")), qfile_tmp))
        mtmp = mx_old * my_old * meqn * kmax
        qtmp = np.zeros(mtmp, float)
        time = read_qfile(mtmp, qfile, qtmp)
        qcoeffsold = np.reshape(qtmp, (kmax, meqn, my_old, mx_old))

        qfile_tmp_tmp = "".join((str(n1 + 10000), ".dat"))
        qfile_tmp = "q" + qfile_tmp_tmp[1:]
        qfile = "".join(("".join((folder, "/")), qfile_tmp))

        mtmp = mx_old * my_old * meqn * kmax
        qtmp = np.zeros(mtmp, float)
        time = read_qfile(mtmp, qfile, qtmp)
        qcoeffs = np.reshape(qtmp, (kmax, meqn, my_old, mx_old))
        qsoln = np.zeros((mx * my, meqn), float)
        xc1 = np.reshape(xc, (mx * my))
        yc1 = np.reshape(yc, (mx * my))

        xleg = np.array(xc1)
        yleg = np.array(yc1)

        xp1, yp1 = mp.mapc2p(xc1, yc1)
        xpl, ypl = mp.mapc2p(xl, yl)

        xpllo, ypllo = mp.mapc2p(xol, yol)
        xplro, yplro = mp.mapc2p(xol, yor)
        xprlo, yprlo = mp.mapc2p(xor, yol)
        xprro, yprro = mp.mapc2p(xor, yor)

        xpy = np.array(xc)
        ypy = np.array(yc)
        xpy1 = np.array(xc)
        ypy1 = np.array(yc)
        coeff = np.array(xc)
        mcoeff = 0.0
        for i in range(0, mx):
            for j in range(0, my):

                xpp1 = xpllo[i, j]
                ypp1 = ypllo[i, j]
                xpp2 = xprlo[i, j]
                ypp2 = yprlo[i, j]
                xpp3 = xprro[i, j]
                ypp3 = yprro[i, j]
                xpp4 = xplro[i, j]
                ypp4 = yplro[i, j]

                xmax = max(max(xpp1, xpp2), max(xpp3, xpp4))
                xmin = min(min(xpp1, xpp2), min(xpp3, xpp4))
                ymax = max(max(ypp1, ypp2), max(ypp3, ypp4))
                ymin = min(min(ypp1, ypp2), min(ypp3, ypp4))
                dx1 = xmax - xmin
                dy1 = ymax - ymin
                xin = xp1[
                    i * my +
                    j]  #xmin+dx1/2*(1+1)#xp1[i*my+j]#xmin+dx1/2*(1-0)#xp1[i*my+j];
                yin = yp1[
                    i * my +
                    j]  #ymin+dy1/2*(1-0.5)#yp1[i*my+j]#ymin+dy1/2*(1-0)#yp1[i*my+j];

                xo, yo = mp.squaremap(sxc[i, j], syc[i, j], xpp1, xpp2, xpp3,
                                      xpp4, ypp1, ypp2, ypp3, ypp4)
                #print sxc[i,j],syc[i,j],xo,yo,xpp1,xpp2,xpp3,xpp4,ypp1,ypp2,ypp3,ypp4
                xpy[i, j] = xo
                ypy[i, j] = yo
                xpy1[i, j] = xmin
                ypy1[i, j] = ymin
                #for l1 in range(0,kmax):
                #  phil[i,j,0,l1]=phi(xin,yin,xmin,ymin,dx1,dy1,l1+1)

        sample_state2_cart_mod(mx_old, my_old, points_per_dir, meqn, kmax,
                               qcoeffs, LegVals, qsoln)
        qsoln = np.reshape(qsoln, (mx, my, meqn), 'F')
        qex1 = interface(np.reshape(xpy, (mx * my)),
                         np.reshape(ypy, (mx * my)))  #(xp1,yp1)
        qex = np.reshape(qex1, (mx, my))

        xc2 = xpy  #xpl[0:mx,0:my]#np.reshape(xp1,(mx,my))
        yc2 = ypy  #ypl[0:mx,0:my]#np.reshape(yp1,(mx,my))

        # qex[yc<0.2]=0.0
        # qsoln[:,:,0][yc<0.2]=0.0
        #print qcoeffs[0,0,:,6],xpy1[6,:]


        #for  i1 in range(mx):
        # for  j1 in range(my):
        #   #print [xpl[i1,j1],xpl[i1+1,j1]]
        #   plt.plot([xpl[i1,j1], xpl[i1+1,j1]],[ypl[i1,j1], ypl[i1+1,j1]],'k')
        #   plt.plot([xpl[i1,j1], xpl[i1,j1+1]],[ypl[i1,j1], ypl[i1,j1+1]],'k')


        diff = np.reshape((qsoln[:, :, 0] - qex), mx * my)

        h = dx_old
        old_n = new_n
        new_n = mx_old
        old_err1 = new_err1
        old_err2 = new_err2
        old_err3 = new_err3
        #print "h=",h,mx,my
        new_err1 = max(abs(
            diff))  #h**2*np.linalg.norm(diff,1) #np.linalg.norm(diff,np.inf)#
        new_err2 = h**2 * np.linalg.norm(diff, 1)
        new_err3 = h * np.linalg.norm(diff, 2)
        if( old_err > 0 and new_err > 0 ):
            result = r1 + folder + '   log2(ratio) = %(rat).3f' % \
                {'rat' : log( (old_err/new_err), float(new_n)/float(old_n)) } 
            errors['rat'] = log( ( old_err/new_err), float(new_n)/float(old_n) )

            result = r1 + folder + '   log2(ratio) = %(rat).3f' % \
                {'old' : old_err, 'new' : new_err, 'rat' : (old_err/new_err) } 
            errors['rat'] = old_err/new_err
        #print 'ratio=',old_err/new_err,log(old_err/new_err)/log(new_n/old_n)
        rat1 = np.log(old_err1 / new_err1) / np.log(
            float(new_n) / float(old_n))
        rat2 = np.log(old_err2 / new_err2) / np.log(
            float(new_n) / float(old_n))
        rat3 = np.log(old_err3 / new_err3) / np.log(
            float(new_n) / float(old_n))
        #print 'old error',old_err,'old n',old_n,old_err/new_err,float(new_n)/float(old_n)
        print "    Error = %s; Order = %s " % (new_err1, rat1)
        print "    Error = %s; Order = %s " % (new_err2, rat2)
        print "    Error = %s; Order = %s " % (new_err3, rat3)
        err1 = err1 + [new_err1]
        nnn1 = nnn1 + [new_n]
        err2 = err2 + [new_err2]
        nnn2 = nnn2 + [new_n]
        err3 = err3 + [new_err3]
        nnn3 = nnn3 + [new_n]

        l = l + 1
        print "here! ", l
    print nnn1, err1
    plt.loglog(nnn1, err1)
コード例 #13
ファイル: sliceplot.py プロジェクト: smoe1/ThesisCode
def main():

    my_dictionary = {}
    old_err = l = 0
    old_err = 1.0
    new_err1 = 1.0
    new_err2 = 1.0
    new_err3 = 1.0
    old_n = 1.0
    new_n = 1.0
    n1 = 0
    while (1):

        directory_num = my_dictionary['dir_num'] = l

        folder = 'output'
        if (not os.path.exists(folder)):
        my_dictionary['curr_folder'] = folder
        # we want to do:
        #   data = open('dogpack.data','w')
        #   print >> data, dogpack_data_template % { 'mx': mx_now, 'ts_method': ts_method}
        #   data.close()
        # and we avoid the .close() (even in case of exception) with 'with':
        directory_num = l

            qpre = np.loadtxt(folder + "/q0010.dat")[1:]
        except IOError:
            print "Could not find data in folder %s" % folder
        print directory_num, folder
        params = np.zeros(11, float)
        read_params(folder, params)
        meqn = int(params[0])
        maux = int(params[1])
        nplot = int(params[2])
        meth1 = int(params[3])
        mx = int(params[5])
        my = int(params[6])
        xlow = params[7]
        xhigh = params[8]
        ylow = params[9]
        yhigh = params[10]
        print params, my, mx, xlow
        # Grid information
        mx_old = mx
        my_old = my
        dx_old = (xhigh - xlow) / mx_old
        dy_old = (yhigh - ylow) / my_old
        point_type = 1
        points_per_dir = 1
        mx = mx * points_per_dir
        my = my * points_per_dir
        dx = (xhigh - xlow) / mx
        dy = (yhigh - ylow) / my
        kmax = int((meth1 * (meth1 + 1) / 2))
        phil = np.zeros((mx, my, points_per_dir, kmax), float)

        if (point_type == 1):
            xl = np.zeros((mx + 1, my + 1), float)
            yl = np.zeros((mx + 1, my + 1), float)
            xc = np.zeros((mx, my), float)
            yc = np.zeros((mx, my), float)

            for j in range(0, my + 1):
                xl[:, j] = xlow + dx * np.arange(mx + 1)[:]
            for i in range(0, mx + 1):
                yl[i, :] = ylow + dy * np.arange(my + 1)[:]

            for j in range(0, my):
                xc[:, j] = (xlow + 0.5 * dx) + dx * np.arange(mx)[:]
            for i in range(0, mx):
                yc[i, :] = (ylow + 0.5 * dy) + dy * np.arange(my)[:]


            # 1D points
            dxi = 1.0 / float(points_per_dir)
            s1d = -1 + dxi + 2 * dxi * np.arange(points_per_dir)

            kk = -1
            s2d = np.zeros((points_per_dir * points_per_dir, 2), float)
            for jj in range(0, points_per_dir):
                for ii in range(0, points_per_dir):
                    kk = kk + 1
                    s2d[kk, 0] = s1d[ii]
                    s2d[kk, 1] = s1d[jj]


            sq3 = np.sqrt(3.0)
            sq5 = np.sqrt(5.0)
            sq7 = np.sqrt(7.0)

            # 1D quadrature points
            s1d = np.zeros(points_per_dir, float)
            if (points_per_dir == 1):
                s1d[0] = -1.0
            elif (points_per_dir == 2):
                s1d[0] = -1.0 / sq3
                s1d[1] = 1.0 / sq3
            elif (points_per_dir == 3):
                s1d[0] = -sq3 / sq5
                s1d[1] = 0.0
                s1d[2] = sq3 / sq5
            elif (points_per_dir == 4):
                s1d[0] = -np.sqrt(3.0 + np.sqrt(4.8)) / sq7
                s1d[1] = -np.sqrt(3.0 - np.sqrt(4.8)) / sq7
                s1d[2] = np.sqrt(3.0 - np.sqrt(4.8)) / sq7
                s1d[3] = np.sqrt(3.0 + np.sqrt(4.8)) / sq7
            elif (points_per_dir == 5):
                s1d[0] = -np.sqrt(5.0 + np.sqrt(40.0 / 7.0)) / 3.0
                s1d[1] = -np.sqrt(5.0 - np.sqrt(40.0 / 7.0)) / 3.0
                s1d[2] = 0.0
                s1d[3] = np.sqrt(5.0 - np.sqrt(40.0 / 7.0)) / 3.0
                s1d[4] = np.sqrt(5.0 + np.sqrt(40.0 / 7.0)) / 3.0

            kk = -1
            s2d = np.zeros((points_per_dir * points_per_dir, 2), float)
            for jj in range(0, points_per_dir):
                for ii in range(0, points_per_dir):
                    kk = kk + 1
                    s2d[kk, 0] = s1d[ii]
                    s2d[kk, 1] = s1d[jj]

            xx = np.zeros(mx, float)
            yy = np.zeros(my, float)

            kk = 0
            xtmp = xlow - 0.5 * dx_old
            for i in range(0, mx_old):
                xtmp = xtmp + dx_old
                for m in range(0, points_per_dir):
                    xx[kk + m] = xtmp + 0.5 * dx_old * s1d[m]
                kk = kk + points_per_dir

            kk = 0
            ytmp = ylow - 0.5 * dy_old
            for j in range(0, my_old):
                ytmp = ytmp + dy_old
                for m in range(0, points_per_dir):
                    yy[kk + m] = ytmp + 0.5 * dy_old * s1d[m]
                kk = kk + points_per_dir

            xc = np.zeros((mx, my), float)
            yc = np.zeros((mx, my), float)

            for i in range(0, mx):
                for j in range(0, my):
                    xc[i, j] = xx[i]
                    yc[i, j] = yy[j]

            xxx = np.zeros(mx + 1, float)
            yyy = np.zeros(my + 1, float)

            xxx[0] = xlow
            for i in range(1, mx):
                xxx[i] = 0.5 * (xx[i] + xx[i - 1])
            xxx[mx] = xhigh

            yyy[0] = ylow
            for j in range(1, my):
                yyy[j] = 0.5 * (yy[j] + yy[j - 1])
            yyy[my] = yhigh

            xl = np.zeros((mx + 1, my + 1), float)
            yl = np.zeros((mx + 1, my + 1), float)

            for i in range(0, mx + 1):
                for j in range(0, my + 1):
                    xl[i, j] = xxx[i]
                    yl[i, j] = yyy[j]

        # Sample Legendre polynomial on the midpoint of each sub-element
        p2 = points_per_dir * points_per_dir
        LegVals = np.zeros((kmax, p2), float)
        GetCart2Legendre(meth1, points_per_dir, s2d, LegVals)

        qfile_tmp_tmp = "".join((str(0 + 10000), ".dat"))
        qfile_tmp = "q" + qfile_tmp_tmp[1:]
        qfile = "".join(("".join((folder, "/")), qfile_tmp))
        mtmp = mx_old * my_old * meqn * kmax
        qtmp = np.zeros(mtmp, float)
        time = read_qfile(mtmp, qfile, qtmp)
        qcoeffsold = np.reshape(qtmp, (kmax, meqn, my_old, mx_old))

        qfile_tmp_tmp = "".join((str(n1 + 10005), ".dat"))
        qfile_tmp = "q" + qfile_tmp_tmp[1:]
        qfile = "".join(("".join((folder, "/")), qfile_tmp))
        mtmp = mx_old * my_old * meqn * kmax
        qtmp = np.zeros(mtmp, float)
        print qfile
        time = read_qfile(mtmp, qfile, qtmp)
        qcoeffs = np.reshape(qtmp, (kmax, meqn, my_old, mx_old))
        qdiff = abs(qcoeffs - qcoeffsold)
        #print qcoeffs.shape,dx
        qsoln = np.zeros((mx * my, meqn), float)
        xc1 = np.reshape(xc, (mx * my))
        yc1 = np.reshape(yc, (mx * my))
        xp1, yp1 = mp.mapc2p(xc1, yc1)
        xpl, ypl = mp.mapc2p(xl, yl)
        xpy = np.array(xc)
        ypy = np.array(yc)
        xpy1 = np.array(xc)
        ypy1 = np.array(yc)
        coeff = np.array(xc)
        mcoeff = 0.0
        mesh = meshobject()

        yplot = 0.201
        xplot = np.linspace(1.0 / 2. * dx, 1.0 - 1. / 2. * dx, 180)
        qplot = np.zeros(xplot.shape)

        qmax = 0.0
        #for i in range(0,mx):
        #  for j in range(0,my):
        i = 0

        for l in range(xplot.shape[0]):
            x1 = xplot[l]
            y1 = yplot
            check = 0
            j = 0
            while (j < my):
                #print 'l=',l,'i=',i,'j=',j
                xpp1 = xpl[i, j]
                ypp1 = ypl[i, j]
                xpp2 = xpl[i + 1, j]
                ypp2 = ypl[i + 1, j]
                xpp3 = xpl[i + 1, j + 1]
                ypp3 = ypl[i + 1, j + 1]
                xpp4 = xpl[i, j + 1]
                ypp4 = ypl[i, j + 1]
                #print xpp1,xpp2,xpp3,xpp4,ypp1,ypp2,ypp3,ypp4
                xmax = max(max(xpp1, xpp2), max(xpp3, xpp4))
                xmin = min(min(xpp1, xpp2), min(xpp3, xpp4))
                ymax = max(max(ypp1, ypp2), max(ypp3, ypp4))
                ymin = min(min(ypp1, ypp2), min(ypp3, ypp4))
                boundary = 0
                if (x1 == xpp1 or x1 == xpp2 or x1 == xpp3 or x1 == xpp4):
                    if (ymax >= y1 and ymin <= y1):
                        boundary = 1

                if (y1 == ypp1 or y1 == ypp2 or y1 == ypp3 or y1 == ypp4):
                    if (xmax >= x1 and xmin <= x1):
                        boundary = 1

                dx1 = xmax - xmin
                dy1 = ymax - ymin
                xpy1[i, j] = xmin
                ypy1[i, j] = ymin
                mn = qdiff[:, 0, j, i]
                coeff[i, j] = max(mn)
                mcoeff = max(mcoeff, coeff[i, j])
                x = [xpp1, xpp2, xpp3, xpp4]
                y = [ypp1, ypp2, ypp3, ypp4]
                order = meth1
                mesh.setcell(i, j, order, x, y, qcoeffs[:, 0, i, j])
                poly = [(xpp1, ypp1), (xpp2, ypp2), (xpp3, ypp3), (xpp4, ypp4)]
                if (point_inside_polygon(x1, y1, poly) or boundary):
                    qmax = max(qmax, max(qcoeffs[:, 0, i, j]))
                    xin = x1  #xmin+dx1/2*(1+1)#xp1[i*my+j]#xmin+dx1/2*(1-0)#xp1[i*my+j];
                    yin = y1  #ymin+dy1/2*(1-0.5)#yp1[i*my+j]#ymin+dy1/2*(1-0)#yp1[i*my+j];
                    q = 0.0
                    for l11 in range(0, kmax):
                        phil[i, j, 0, l11] = phi(xin, yin, xmin, ymin, dx1,
                                                 dy1, l11 + 1)
                        q = q + phil[i, j, 0, l11] * qcoeffs[l11, 0, j, i]
                    #print 'q=',qcoeffs[:,0,i,j],q
                    qplot[l] = q
                    check = 1
                    #print 'l=',l,'check=1','i=',i,'j=',j,q
                    j = my
                elif (j == (my - 1) and i < mx - 1 and check == 0):
                    #print 'here'
                    i = i + 1
                    j = 0
                j = j + 1
            if (check == 0):
                print 'l=', l, 'nowork'
        a = qplot
        print 'xplot', xplot[qplot == 0], a[a < 1.0]
        plt.plot(xplot, a)
        # plt.plot(xplot,xplot,'ko')