コード例 #1
def calculateCentroid(point_on_plane, plane_normal, cuboid_dimensions):
    Takes a description of a plane as a point on the plane 
    and a normal of the plane with a cuboids dimensions, with 
    one corner defined by [0, 0, 0] and the opposite by 
    cuboid_dimensions, and calculates the centroid formed by the
    given plane intersecting with the cuboid.
    tol = 1e-08
    dim = cuboid_dimensions
#         print(point_on_plane, plane_normal)
    axes = [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]
    coordinate_set = [[0, 0, 0], [dim[0], 0, 0], [0, dim[1], 0], [dim[0], dim[1], 0], [0, 0, dim[2]], [dim[0], 0, dim[2]], [0, dim[1], dim[2]], [dim[0], dim[1], dim[2]]]

    ipts = []
    for axis in axes:
        den = dot(axis, plane_normal)
        if abs(den) < tol:

        for corner in coordinate_set:
            num = dot(sub(point_on_plane, corner), plane_normal)
            d = num / den

            ipt = add(mult(axis, d), corner)
            # check if all intersections are valid, taking care to be aware of minus signs.
            ipt_0 = checkRange(ipt[0], 0.0, dim[0])
            ipt_1 = checkRange(ipt[1], 0.0, dim[1])
            ipt_2 = checkRange(ipt[2], 0.0, dim[2])

            if ipt_0 and ipt_1 and ipt_2:

    unique_ipts = []
    for p in ipts:
        insert = True
        for u in unique_ipts:
            vdiff = sub(p, u)
            if sqrt(dot(vdiff, vdiff)) < tol:
                insert = False
        if insert:

    ca = CentroidAlgorithm(unique_ipts)
#         wa = WeiszfeldsAlgorithm(unique_ipts)
    plane_centre = ca.compute()
    return plane_centre
コード例 #2
def boundCoordinatesToCuboid(pt1, pt2, cuboid_dimensions):
    Takes two points and a cuboids dimensions, with 
    one corner defined by [0, 0, 0] and the opposite by 
    cuboid_dimensions, and returns a point that is inside the 
    cuboid.  pt2 *must* be inside the cuboid.
    bounded_pt = pt1[:]
    axes = [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]
    coordinate_set = [[0, 0, 0], [cuboid_dimensions[0], cuboid_dimensions[1], cuboid_dimensions[2]]]
    outside = [False, False, False]

    for i, axis in enumerate(axes):
        v1 = sub(pt1, coordinate_set[0])
        v2 = sub(pt1, coordinate_set[1])
        dir1 = dot(v1, axis)
        dir2 = dot(v2, axis)
        if copysign(1, dir1) == copysign(1, dir2):
            if copysign(1, dir1) < 0:
                outside[i] = 1
                outside[i] = 2

    if any(outside):
        indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(outside) if x]
        ipt = None
        for index in indices:
            if outside[index] == 1:
                ipt = calculateLinePlaneIntersection(pt1, pt2, coordinate_set[0], axes[index])
                ipt = calculateLinePlaneIntersection(pt1, pt2, coordinate_set[1], axes[index])

            ipt_0 = checkRange(ipt[0], coordinate_set[0][0], coordinate_set[1][0])
            ipt_1 = checkRange(ipt[1], coordinate_set[0][1], coordinate_set[1][1])
            ipt_2 = checkRange(ipt[2], coordinate_set[0][2], coordinate_set[1][2])

            if ipt_0 and ipt_1 and ipt_2:
                bounded_pt = ipt

    return bounded_pt
コード例 #3
def boundCoordinatesToCuboid(pt1, pt2, cuboid_dimensions):
    Takes two points and a cuboids dimensions, with 
    one corner defined by [0, 0, 0] and the opposite by 
    cuboid_dimensions, and returns a point that is inside the 
    cuboid.  pt2 *must* be inside the cuboid.
    bounded_pt = pt1[:]
    axes = [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]
    coordinate_set = [[0, 0, 0], [cuboid_dimensions[0], cuboid_dimensions[1], cuboid_dimensions[2]]]
    outside = [False, False, False]

    for i, axis in enumerate(axes):
        v1 = sub(pt1, coordinate_set[0])
        v2 = sub(pt1, coordinate_set[1])
        dir1 = dot(v1, axis)
        dir2 = dot(v2, axis)
        if copysign(1, dir1) == copysign(1, dir2):
            if copysign(1, dir1) < 0:
                outside[i] = 1
                outside[i] = 2

    if any(outside):
        indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(outside) if x]
        for index in indices:
            if outside[index] == 1:
                ipt = calculateLinePlaneIntersection(pt1, pt2, coordinate_set[0], axes[index])
                ipt = calculateLinePlaneIntersection(pt1, pt2, coordinate_set[1], axes[index])

            ipt_0 = checkRange(ipt[0], coordinate_set[0][0], coordinate_set[1][0])
            ipt_1 = checkRange(ipt[1], coordinate_set[0][1], coordinate_set[1][1])
            ipt_2 = checkRange(ipt[2], coordinate_set[0][2], coordinate_set[1][2])

            if ipt_0 and ipt_1 and ipt_2:
                bounded_pt = ipt

    return bounded_pt