コード例 #1
ファイル: security_test.py プロジェクト: dmangame/dmangame
    def setUp(self):
        self.w = SecurityWorld()
        self.wt = worldtalker.WorldTalker(self.w)
        self.own_ai = SecurityAI(self.wt)
        self.other_ai = SecurityAI(self.wt)

        top_left = (0, 0)
        bottom_right = (self.w.mapSize - 1, self.w.mapSize - 1)

        self.top_left = top_left
        self.bottom_right = bottom_right

        s = self.w.Stats(ai_id=self.own_ai.ai_id, team=self.own_ai.team)
        s.ai = self.own_ai
        self.own_unit = self.w.createUnit(s, top_left)

        s = self.w.Stats(ai_id=self.other_ai.ai_id, team=self.other_ai.team)
        s.ai = self.other_ai
        self.other_unit = self.w.createUnit(s, bottom_right)

        b = mapobject.Building(self.wt)
        self.w.buildings[b] = self.own_ai
        self.w.map.placeObject(b, top_left)
        self.own_b = b

        b = mapobject.Building(self.wt)
        self.w.buildings[b] = self.other_ai
        self.w.map.placeObject(b, bottom_right)

        self.other_b = b
コード例 #2
ファイル: world_test.py プロジェクト: dmangame/dmangame
  def setUp(self):
    self.w = SecurityWorld()

    self.w.teams = defaultdict(lambda: "<<UNDEFINED>>")
    self.w.team_map = defaultdict(lambda: "<<UNDEFINED>>")
    self.wt = worldtalker.WorldTalker(self.w)
    self.ai = SecurityAI(self.wt)

    top_left = (0,0)
    bottom_right = (self.w.mapSize-1, self.w.mapSize-1)

    self.top_left = top_left
    self.bottom_right = bottom_right

    s = self.w.Stats(ai_id=self.ai.ai_id,
    s.ai = self.ai
    self.unit = self.w.createUnit(s, top_left)

    b = mapobject.Building(self.wt)
    self.w.buildings[b] = self.ai
    self.b = b

    b = mapobject.Building(self.wt)
コード例 #3
def main(ai_classes=[]):
    w = world.World()
    wt = worldtalker.WorldTalker(w)
    global World
    World = w

    for ai in ai_classes:

    for ai in AI:

    ai_cycler = itertools.cycle(AI)
    if settings.SAVE_IMAGES:
        surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, 200, 200)
        cairo_context = cairo.Context(surface)

    for ai in AI:
        b = mapobject.Building(wt)
        w.buildings[b] = next(ai_cycler)
        w.map.placeObject(b, w.map.getRandomSquare())

    for turn in xrange(LIFESPAN):
        for ai in AI:
    #            try:
    #                ai.spin()
    #            except Exception, e:
    #                log.info("AI raised exception %s, skipping this turn for it" % (e))

        if settings.SAVE_IMAGES:
            worldmap.draw_map(cairo_context, 200, 200, AI, w)
    log.info("Finished simulating the world")
コード例 #4
ファイル: world.py プロジェクト: dmangame/dmangame
    def placeRandomBuilding(self):
      b = mapobject.Building(self.wt)
      # Make sure this building is not within a distance
      # from any other buildings.
      attempts = 0
      best_min_guess = 0
      best_base = None
      while True:
        min_guess = map_settings.MAP_SIZE**2
        attempts += 1
        rand_square = self.map.getRandomSquare()
        within_range_of_other_building = False
        best_square = None

        dist_from_edge = math.sqrt(map_settings.MAP_SIZE) / 2
        if rand_square[0] < dist_from_edge:
        if rand_square[1] < dist_from_edge:
        if map_settings.MAP_SIZE - rand_square[0] < dist_from_edge:
        if map_settings.MAP_SIZE - rand_square[1] < dist_from_edge:

        for building in self.buildings:
          pos = self.map.getPosition(building)
          if building == b or not pos:
          spawn_distance = map_settings.BUILDING_SPAWN_DISTANCE * math.log(map_settings.MAP_SIZE)
          dist = calcDistance(pos, rand_square)
          if dist < spawn_distance:
            within_range_of_other_building = True

          if dist < min_guess:
            min_guess = dist

        if min_guess > best_min_guess:
          best_square = rand_square
          best_min_guess = min_guess

        if not within_range_of_other_building:
          # Redistribute all buildings?

        if attempts >= 5 and best_square:
          log.info("Couldn't place building far enough away after five tries, taking best guess")
          rand_square = best_square

      self.map.placeObject(b, rand_square)
      return b
コード例 #5
ファイル: gui.py プロジェクト: rkabir/dmangame
 def add_building(self, ai=None):
     b = mapobject.Building(self.wt)
     self.world.buildings[b] = next(self.ai_cycler)
コード例 #6
ファイル: world.py プロジェクト: dmangame/dmangame
    def __init__(self, mapsize=None):
        if not mapsize:
          mapsize = map_settings.MAP_SIZE

        self.mapSize = mapsize

        self.wt = worldtalker.WorldTalker(self)
        self.AI = []
        # Map a unit or AI to a team
        self.teams = {}
        # Maps a team to its AI
        self.team_map = {}
        self.ai_cycler = itertools.cycle(self.AI)
        self.ai_profiles = {}
        self.units = {} # instead of a list, it will point to the unit's attributes.
        self.all_units = {} # instead of a list, it will point to the unit's attributes.
        self.end_game_units = None # number of units alive at end of game
        self.under_attack = set()
        map_settings.MAP_SIZE = mapsize
        self.map = worldmap.Map(map_settings.MAP_SIZE)
        self.currentTurn = 0
        self.events = set()
        self.unitevents = defaultdict(set)
        self.unitstatus = defaultdict(object)
        self.ai_units = defaultdict(set)
        self.ai_new_units = defaultdict(set)
        self.ai_dead_units = defaultdict(set)
        self.ai_lost_buildings = defaultdict(set)
        self.ai_new_buildings = defaultdict(set)
        self.ai_highlighted_regions = defaultdict(set)
        self.ai_highlighted_lines = defaultdict(set)

        state = random.getstate()
        self.map_state = random.getstate()

        self.execution_times = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))

        self.buildings = {}
        self.units_per_base = {}
        # These contain the amount of time left for a building to spawn a unit
        self.spawn_counters = defaultdict(int)
        self.spawn_points = defaultdict(int)

        # contains how many units are left per building
        self.spawn_resources = defaultdict(int)

        if map_settings.SPAWN_POINTS:
          for coord in map_settings.SPAWN_POINTS:
            if not isValidSquare(coord, self.mapSize):

            b = mapobject.Building(self.wt)
            self.buildings[b] = None
            self.spawn_points[b] = None
            self.map.placeObject(b, coord)

        if map_settings.BUILDINGS:
          for coord in map_settings.BUILDINGS:
            if not isValidSquare(coord, self.mapSize):

            b = mapobject.Building(self.wt)
            self.buildings[b] = None
            self.map.placeObject(b, coord)

        log.info('Adding %s buildings to map', map_settings.ADDITIONAL_BUILDINGS)
        for i in xrange(map_settings.ADDITIONAL_BUILDINGS):
          self.buildings[self.placeRandomBuilding()] = None

        self.unitfullpaths = defaultdict(bool)
        self.endpaths = defaultdict(object)
        self.unitpaths = {}
        self.bulletpaths = {}
        self.bullets = {}
        self.died = {}
        self.corpses = {}
        self.collisions = defaultdict(int)
        self.survivors = {}
        self.dead_units = {}
        self.oldbullets = []
        self.bullet_endings = defaultdict(bool)
        self.bulletRange = map_settings.MAP_SIZE/map_settings.BULLET_RANGE_MODIFIER
        self.bulletSpeed = map_settings.MAP_SIZE/map_settings.BULLET_SPEED_MODIFIER

        self.visibleunits = defaultdict(set)
        self.visiblebuildings = defaultdict(set)