コード例 #1
ファイル: setplot.py プロジェクト: pinebai/asteroidTsunami
def setplot(plotdata):
    Specify what is to be plotted at each frame.
    Input:  plotdata, an instance of clawpack.visclaw.data.ClawPlotData.
    Output: a modified version of plotdata.


    from clawpack.visclaw import colormaps, geoplot
    from numpy import linspace

    plotdata.clearfigures()  # clear any old figures,axes,items data
    plotdata.format = 'binary'
    #plotdata.format = 'ascii'

    # Load data from output
    clawdata = clawutil.ClawInputData(2)
    clawdata.read(os.path.join(plotdata.outdir, 'claw.data'))

    ocean_xlimits = [clawdata.lower[0], clawdata.upper[0]]
    ocean_ylimits = [clawdata.lower[1], clawdata.upper[1]]

    amrdata = amrclaw.AmrclawInputData(clawdata)
    amrdata.read(os.path.join(plotdata.outdir, 'amr.data'))
    physics = geodata.GeoClawData()
    physics.read(os.path.join(plotdata.outdir, 'geoclaw.data'))
    surge_data = geodata.SurgeData()
    surge_data.read(os.path.join(plotdata.outdir, 'surge.data'))

    probdata = clawutil.ClawData()

    #probdata.read('setprob.data', force=True)
    #theta_island = probdata.theta_island

    # To plot gauge locations on pcolor or contour plot, use this as
    # an afteraxis function:

    def addgauges(current_data):
        from clawpack.visclaw import gaugetools
        gaugetools.plot_gauge_locations(current_data.plotdata, \
             gaugenos='all', format_string='ko', add_labels=True)

    def mynewafteraxes(current_data):

    # Some global KML settings
    #plotdata.kml_publish = 'http://math.boisestate.edu/~calhoun/visclaw/GoogleEarth/kmz/' #public html
    plotdata.kml_publish = None
    plotdata.kml_name = "NYC Asteroid"  # name appears in Google Earth display only
    plotdata.kml_index_fname = "NYC_Asteroid"  # name for .kmz and .kml files ["_GoogleEarth"]

    # specify beginning of slider time. if not used, assumes Jan. 1 1970
    plotdata.kml_starttime = [2115, 4, 29, 7, 32,
                              0]  # Asteroid hits at 1:32AM, 4/29/2115 (UTC)
    plotdata.kml_tz_offset = 6  # off set to UTC
    # for todays date as the default use

    kml_cmin = -0.005  #colorbar min and max
    kml_cmax = 0.005
    kml_dpi = 400  # only used if individual figures dpi not set
    kml_cmap = geoplot.googleearth_lightblue

    #    kml_cmap = geoplot.googleearth_darkblue
    #    kml_cmap = geoplot.googleearth_transparent
    #    kml_cmap = geoplot.googleearth_white

    def kml_colorbar(filename):
        #cmin = -0.01
        #cmax = 0.01
        geoplot.kml_build_colorbar(filename, kml_cmap, kml_cmin, kml_cmax)

    # Figure for pcolor plot for surface
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='pcolor', figno=0)

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes('pcolor')
    plotaxes.title = 'Surface'
    plotaxes.scaled = True
    #plotaxes.afteraxes = addgauges

    # Water
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
    plotitem.show = True
    #plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.surface
    plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.surface_or_depth
    #plotitem.plot_var = 0/1/2 or plot that entry into q instead of a function
    plotitem.pcolor_cmap = geoplot.tsunami_colormap
    plotitem.pcolor_cmin = -.8
    plotitem.pcolor_cmax = .8
    plotitem.add_colorbar = True
    plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [0, 0, 0]
    plotitem.amr_patchedges_show = [0, 0, 0]

    # Land
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
    plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.land
    plotitem.show = True
    # plotitem.pcolor_cmap = colormaps.all_white  # to print better in B&W
    plotitem.pcolor_cmap = geoplot.land_colors
    #plotitem.pcolor_cmap = geoplot.googleearth_transparent
    plotitem.pcolor_cmin = 0.0
    plotitem.pcolor_cmax = 100.0
    plotitem.add_colorbar = False
    plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    #plotitem.patchedges_show = 1
    plotitem.amr_patchedges_show = [0, 0, 0]
    #plotaxes.xlimits = [-85,-55]
    #plotaxes.ylimits = [25,45]
    plotaxes.xlimits = ocean_xlimits
    plotaxes.ylimits = ocean_ylimits
    #plotaxes.xlimits = [-75,-70]
    #plotaxes.ylimits = [38,43]

    # add contour lines of bathy if desired:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_contour')
    plotitem.show = True
    plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.topo
    #plotitem.contour_levels = [-500,-250,-100, -50, 0, 50]
    plotitem.contour_levels = linspace(-1000, -400, 3)
    plotitem.amr_contour_colors = ['g']  # color on each level
    #plotitem.kwargs = {'linestyles':'dashed','linewidths':2,'colors' : 'red' }
    plotitem.kwargs = {
        'linestyles': 'dashed',
        'linewidths': 1,
        'colors': 'magenta'
    plotitem.amr_contour_show = [1, 1, 1]
    plotitem.celledges_show = 0
    plotitem.patchedges_show = 0

    # Figure for KML files - Sea Surface Height
    #plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='Sea Surface',figno=1)
    #plotfigure.show = True

    #plotfigure.use_for_kml = True
    #plotfigure.kml_use_for_initial_view = True

    # These overide any values set in the plotitems below
    #plotfigure.kml_xlimits = [-80,-55]
    #plotfigure.kml_ylimits = [25, 45]

    # Resolution
    #plotfigure.kml_dpi = 300
    #plotfigure.kml_tile_images = False

    def kml_colorbar_transparent(filename):
        #cmin = -0.01
        #cmax = 0.01
        geoplot.kml_build_colorbar(filename, geoplot.googleearth_transparent,
                                   kml_cmin, kml_cmax)

    #plotfigure.kml_colorbar = kml_colorbar_transparent

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    #plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes('kml')
    #plotaxes.scaled = True

    # Water
    #plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
    #plotitem.show = True
    #plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.surface_or_depth
    #plotitem.pcolor_cmap = geoplot.googleearth_transparent
    #plotitem.pcolor_cmin = kml_cmin
    #plotitem.pcolor_cmax = kml_cmax
    #plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [0,0,0]
    #plotitem.patchedges_show = 0

    #plotfigure.kml_colorbar = kml_colorbar

    # Figure for speeds
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='Speeds', figno=10)

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes('pcolor')
    plotaxes.title = 'Speed'
    plotaxes.scaled = True

    #def fixup(current_data):
    #    import pylab
    #    addgauges(current_data)
    #    t = current_data.t
    #    t = t / 3600.  # hours
    #    pylab.title('Speed at %4.2f hours' % t, fontsize=20)
    #    pylab.xticks(fontsize=15)
    #    pylab.yticks(fontsize=15)
    #plotaxes.afteraxes = fixup

    def speed(current_data):
        from pylab import where, sqrt
        q = current_data.q
        h = q[0, :]
        dry_tol = 0.001
        u = q[1, :]  # this is just to initialize
        v = q[2, :]  # to correct size
        s = 0 * q[2, :]  # to correct size

        nq = len(q[1, :])
        [n, m] = h.shape
        for ii in range(0, n):
            for jj in range(0, m):
                if h[ii, jj] > dry_tol:
                    u[ii, jj] = q[1, ii, jj] / h[ii, jj]
                    v[ii, jj] = q[2, ii, jj] / h[ii, jj]
                      jj] = sqrt(u[ii, jj] * u[ii, jj] + v[ii, jj] * v[ii, jj])
                    u[ii, jj] = 0.
                    v[ii, jj] = 0.
                    s[ii, jj] = 0
        #print("max of u = " + str(max(u)))

        #u = where(h>dry_tol, q[1,:]/h, 0.)
        #v = where(h>dry_tol, q[2,:]/h, 0.)
        #s = sqrt(u**2 + v**2)
        #s = sqrt(u*2+v*v) #try not dividing or using where
        return s

    # Water
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
    plotitem.show = False
    plotitem.plot_var = speed
    plotitem.pcolor_cmap = geoplot.tsunami_colormap
    #plotitem.pcolor_cmap = \
    #       colormaps.make_colormap({0:[1,1,1],0.5:[0.5,0.5,1],1:[1,0.3,0.3]})
    plotitem.pcolor_cmin = 0.
    plotitem.pcolor_cmax = .10
    plotitem.add_colorbar = True
    plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [0, 0, 0]
    #plotitem.patchedges_show = 1
    plotitem.amr_patchedges_show = [0, 0, 0]

    # Land
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
    plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.land
    plotitem.pcolor_cmap = geoplot.land_colors
    plotitem.pcolor_cmin = 0.0
    plotitem.pcolor_cmax = 100.0
    plotitem.add_colorbar = False
    plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [0, 0, 0]
    plotitem.patchedges_show = 0
    plotaxes.xlimits = ocean_xlimits
    plotaxes.ylimits = ocean_ylimits

    # Figure for zoom around NYC
    zoomWanted = True
    if zoomWanted:
        plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='Zoom1', figno=7)

        # add another figure
        #plotfigure.use_for_kml = True
        #plotfigure.kml_use_for_initial_view = False

        # These overide any values set in the plotitems below
        #plotfigure.kml_xlimits =  [-74.5, -73.5]
        #plotfigure.kml_ylimits = [40.4,40.9]

        # Resolution
        #plotfigure.kml_dpi = 300
        #plotfigure.kml_tile_images = True

        #plotfigure.kml_colorbar = kml_colorbar   # defined above

        # Set up for axes in this figure:
        plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes('zoom on nyc')
        plotaxes.title = 'Surface elevation'
        plotaxes.scaled = True
        manhattan_island = -73.5
        xisland, yisland = latlong(1600e3, manhattan_island, 40., Rearth)
        #plotaxes.xlimits = [xisland-0.6, xisland+0.6]
        #plotaxes.xlimits = [manhattan_island-1, manhattan_island+1]
        #plotaxes.ylimits = [40.15,41.5]
        plotaxes.xlimits = [-74.5, -72.5]  # really zoom in on lower manhattan]
        plotaxes.ylimits = [40.25, 41.5]
        plotaxes.afteraxes = addgauges

        def bigfont(current_data):
            import pylab
            t = current_data.t
            pylab.title("Surface at t = %8.1f" % t, fontsize=20)

        #plotaxes.afteraxes = bigfont
        #plotaxes.afteraxes = mynewafteraxes   # after axes functions mess with GE plots

        # Water
        plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
        plotitem.show = False
        #plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.surface
        plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.surface_or_depth
        #plotitem.pcolor_cmap = geoplot.tsunami_colormap
        plotitem.pcolor_cmap = kml_cmap
        #plotitem.pcolor_cmin = kml_cmin   # same as above
        #plotitem.pcolor_cmax = kml_cmax
        plotitem.pcolor_cmin = -.2
        plotitem.pcolor_cmax = .2
        plotitem.add_colorbar = True
        plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [0, 0, 0]
        plotitem.patchedges_show = 0

        # Land
        plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
        plotitem.show = False
        plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.land
        # plotitem.pcolor_cmap = colormaps.all_white  # to print better in B&W
        plotitem.pcolor_cmap = geoplot.land_colors
        plotitem.pcolor_cmin = 0.0
        plotitem.pcolor_cmax = 100.0
        plotitem.add_colorbar = False
        plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        plotitem.patchedges_show = 0

        # contour lines:
        plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_contour')
        plotitem.show = False
        plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.surface
        plotitem.contour_levels = [-0.8, -0.4, 0.4, 0.8]
        plotitem.amr_contour_colors = ['k']  # color on each level
        plotitem.kwargs = {'linewidths': 1}
        plotitem.amr_contour_show = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
        plotitem.celledges_show = 0
        plotitem.patchedges_show = 0

        # add contour lines of bathy if desired:
        plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_contour')
        plotitem.show = False
        plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.topo
        plotitem.contour_levels = linspace(-30, -10, 3)
        plotitem.amr_contour_colors = ['m']  # color on each level
        plotitem.kwargs = {'linestyles': 'dashed', 'linewidths': 1}
        plotitem.amr_contour_show = [1, 1, 1]
        plotitem.celledges_show = 0
        plotitem.patchedges_show = 0

    # Figures for gauges
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='Surface & topo', figno=300, \
    plotfigure.clf_each_gauge = True

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    #plotaxes.xlimits = [0000, 6500]
    #plotaxes.ylimits = [-.10, .15]
    plotaxes.xlimits = 'auto'
    plotaxes.ylimits = 'auto'
    plotaxes.title = 'Surface'

    # Plot surface as blue curve:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d_plot')
    plotitem.plot_var = 3
    plotitem.plotstyle = 'b-'

    # Plot topo as green curve:
    #plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d_plot')

    def gaugetopo(current_data):
        q = current_data.q
        h = q[0, :]
        eta = q[3, :]
        topo = eta - h
        return topo

    def gaugedpress(current_data):
        q = current_data.q
        #dpress = (q[4,:] - 101300)/101300
        dpress = q[4, :]  # already output as relative:  dp/amb_pr
        return dpress

    def gs(current_data):
        q = current_data.q
        # different than speed function because q is function of time, not
        # x,y at the gauges.
        from numpy import where, sqrt
        h = q[0, :]
        #print('shape of h ' +  str(h.shape))
        dry_tol = 0.001
        u = where(h > dry_tol, q[1, :] / h, 0.)
        v = where(h > dry_tol, q[2, :] / h, 0.)
        ssq = sqrt(u * u + v * v)
        #s = sqrt(u**2 + v**2)
        s = sqrt(ssq)
        return ssq

    #plotitem.plot_var = gaugetopo
    #plotitem.plotstyle = 'g-'

    # Plot relative delta pressure as red curve:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d_plot')
    plotitem.plot_var = gaugedpress
    plotitem.plotstyle = 'r-'

    # add speed to this plot since cant get new one going
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d_plot')
    plotitem.plot_var = gs
    plotitem.plotstyle = 'g-'

    def add_zeroline(current_data):
        from pylab import plot, legend
        t = current_data.t
        #       legend(('surface','topography','dp'),loc='lower left')
        legend(('surface', 'dp', 'speed'), loc='upper right')
        #plot(t, 0*t, 'k')

    plotaxes.afteraxes = add_zeroline

    # -------------------------------
    # Figure for speed at gauges

    #    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='Speed at gauges', figno=310, \
    #                    type='each_gauge')

    #    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    #    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    #    plotaxes.xlimits = 'auto'
    #    plotaxes.ylimits = 'auto'
    #    #plotaxes.xlimits = [0000, 7000]
    #    #plotaxes.ylimits = 'auto'
    #    plotaxes.title = 'Speed'
    #    # Plot surface as blue curve:
    #    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d_plot')
    #    #plotitem.plot_var = speed
    #    plotitem.plot_var = gs  #gauge_speed
    #    plotitem.plotstyle = 'b-'
    #    plotfigure.show = True

    # Figure for bathy alone
    def bathy(current_data):
        return current_data.aux[0, :, :]

    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='bathymetry', figno=3)
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes('pcolor')
    plotaxes.title = 'Bathymetry'
    plotaxes.scaled = True

    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
    plotitem.plot_var = bathy
    plotitem.pcolor_cmin = -3000.00
    plotitem.pcolor_cmax = 500
    plotitem.add_colorbar = True

    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_contour')
    plotitem.show = False
    plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.topo
    plotitem.contour_levels = linspace(-2000, 2000, 21)
    plotitem.amr_contour_colors = ['k']  # color on each level

    #plotitem.contour_levels = [-1000 -500,-250,-100, -5, 5]

    # Figure for grids alone
    #plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='grids', figno=2)
    #plotfigure.show = False

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    #plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    #plotaxes.xlimits = [0,1]
    #plotaxes.ylimits = [0,1]
    #plotaxes.title = 'grids'
    #plotaxes.scaled = True

    # Set up for item on these axes:
    #plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_patch')
    #plotitem.amr_patch_bgcolor = ['#ffeeee', '#eeeeff', '#eeffee']
    #plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [0,0,0]
    #plotitem.amr_patchedges_show = [0,0,0]

    def normalized_pressure(current_data):
        pressure_index = 6  #7 in fortran, but python is 0 based
        return current_data.aux[
            pressure_index, :, :] / surge_data.ambient_pressure

    # Pressure field
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='Pressure', figno=33)
    plotfigure.show = True

    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes('normalized_pressure')
    plotaxes.xlimits = ocean_xlimits
    plotaxes.ylimits = ocean_ylimits
    plotaxes.title = 'Pressure Field'
    plotaxes.scaled = True
    plotaxes.afteraxes = addgauges

    pressure_limits = [.99, 1.10]
    #pressure_limits = [.999*surge_data.ambient_pressure / 100.0,
    #                   1.001 * surge_data.ambient_pressure / 100.0]
    #pressure_limits = [-.000001*surge_data.ambient_pressure,
    #                   .000001 * surge_data.ambient_pressure]

    surgeplot.add_pressure(plotaxes, bounds=pressure_limits)

    #plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_patch')
    plotitem = plotaxes.plotitem_dict['pressure']
    plotitem.show = False
    plotitem.plot_var = normalized_pressure
    plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [0, 0, 0]
    plotitem.amr_patchedges_show = [0, 0, 0]

    plotaxes.plotitem_dict['land'].amr_celledges_show = [0, 0, 0]
    plotaxes.plotitem_dict['land'].amr_patchedges_show = [0, 0, 0]


    # Parameters used only when creating html and/or latex hardcopy
    # e.g., via clawpack.visclaw.frametools.printframes:

    plotdata.printfigs = True  # print figures
    plotdata.print_format = 'png'  # file format
    plotdata.print_framenos = 'all'  # list of frames to print
    #plotdata.print_framenos = [30,50,70]          # list of frames to print
    #plotdata.print_framenos = [1]          # list of frames to print
    plotdata.print_gaugenos = 'all'  # list of gauges to print
    #plotdata.print_fignos = [0,7,10,33,300]  # list of figures to print
    #plotdata.print_fignos = [0,7,10,300]  # list of figures to print
    plotdata.print_fignos = [0, 300]  # list of figures to print
    plotdata.html = True  # create html files of plots?
    plotdata.html_homelink = '../README.html'  # pointer for top of index
    plotdata.latex = True  # create latex file of plots?
    plotdata.latex_figsperline = 2  # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_framesperline = 1  # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_makepdf = False  # also run pdflatex?

    plotdata.kml = False

    return plotdata
コード例 #2
ファイル: setplot.py プロジェクト: mjberger/asteroidTsunami
def setplot(plotdata):

    Specify what is to be plotted at each frame.
    Input:  plotdata, an instance of clawpack.visclaw.data.ClawPlotData.
    Output: a modified version of plotdata.


    from clawpack.visclaw import colormaps, geoplot
    from numpy import linspace

    plotdata.clearfigures()  # clear any old figures,axes,items data
    plotdata.format = 'binary'
    #plotdata.format = 'ascii'

    # Load data from output
    clawdata = clawutil.ClawInputData(2)

    ocean_xlimits = [clawdata.lower[0],clawdata.upper[0]]
    ocean_ylimits = [clawdata.lower[1],clawdata.upper[1]]

    amrdata = amrclaw.AmrclawInputData(clawdata)
    physics = geodata.GeoClawData()
    surge_data = geodata.SurgeData()

    probdata = clawutil.ClawData()
    #probdata.read('setprob.data', force=True)
    #theta_island = probdata.theta_island

    # To plot gauge locations on pcolor or contour plot, use this as
    # an afteraxis function:

    def addgauges(current_data):
        from clawpack.visclaw import gaugetools
        gaugetools.plot_gauge_locations(current_data.plotdata, \
             gaugenos='all', format_string='ko', add_labels=True)

    def mynewafteraxes(current_data):

    # Some global KML settings
    #plotdata.kml_publish = 'http://math.boisestate.edu/~calhoun/visclaw/GoogleEarth/kmz/' #public html
    plotdata.kml_publish = None
    plotdata.kml_name = "NYC Asteroid" # name appears in Google Earth display only
    plotdata.kml_index_fname = "NYC_Asteroid" # name for .kmz and .kml files ["_GoogleEarth"]

    # specify beginning of slider time. if not used, assumes Jan. 1 1970
    plotdata.kml_starttime = [2115,4,29,7,32,0]   # Asteroid hits at 1:32AM, 4/29/2115 (UTC)
    plotdata.kml_tz_offset = 6   # off set to UTC
    # for todays date as the default use 

    kml_cmin = -0.005   #colorbar min and max
    kml_cmax = 0.005
    kml_dpi = 400       # only used if individual figures dpi not set
    kml_cmap = geoplot.googleearth_lightblue
#    kml_cmap = geoplot.googleearth_darkblue
#    kml_cmap = geoplot.googleearth_transparent
#    kml_cmap = geoplot.googleearth_white

    def kml_colorbar(filename):
        #cmin = -0.01
        #cmax = 0.01

    # Figure for pcolor plot for surface
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='pcolor', figno=0)

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes('pcolor')
    plotaxes.title = 'Surface'
    plotaxes.scaled = True
    plotaxes.afteraxes = addgauges

    # Water
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
    plotitem.show = True
    #plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.surface
    plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.surface_or_depth
    #plotitem.plot_var = 0/1/2 or plot that entry into q instead of a function
    plotitem.pcolor_cmap = geoplot.tsunami_colormap
    plotitem.pcolor_cmin = -.08
    plotitem.pcolor_cmax = .08
    plotitem.add_colorbar = True
    plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [0,0,0]
    plotitem.amr_patchedges_show = [0,0,0]

    # Land
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
    plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.land
    plotitem.show = True
    # plotitem.pcolor_cmap = colormaps.all_white  # to print better in B&W
    plotitem.pcolor_cmap = geoplot.land_colors
    #plotitem.pcolor_cmap = geoplot.googleearth_transparent
    plotitem.pcolor_cmin = 0.0
    plotitem.pcolor_cmax = 100.0
    plotitem.add_colorbar = False
    plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [0,0,0,0,0]
    #plotitem.patchedges_show = 1
    plotitem.amr_patchedges_show = [0,0,0]
    #plotaxes.xlimits = [-85,-55]
    #plotaxes.ylimits = [25,45]
    plotaxes.xlimits = ocean_xlimits
    plotaxes.ylimits = ocean_ylimits
    #plotaxes.xlimits = [-75,-70]
    #plotaxes.ylimits = [38,43]

    # add contour lines of bathy if desired:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_contour')
    plotitem.show = True
    plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.topo
    #plotitem.contour_levels = [-500,-250,-100, -50, 0, 50]
    plotitem.contour_levels = linspace(-1000,-200,4)
    plotitem.amr_contour_colors = ['g']  # color on each level
    #plotitem.kwargs = {'linestyles':'dashed','linewidths':2,'colors' : 'red' }
    plotitem.kwargs = {'linestyles':'dashed','linewidths':1,'colors' : 'magenta' }
    plotitem.amr_contour_show = [1,1,1]
    plotitem.celledges_show = 0
    plotitem.patchedges_show = 0

    # Figure for KML files - Sea Surface Height
    #plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='Sea Surface',figno=1)
    #plotfigure.show = True 

    #plotfigure.use_for_kml = True
    #plotfigure.kml_use_for_initial_view = True

    # These overide any values set in the plotitems below
    #plotfigure.kml_xlimits = [-80,-55]
    #plotfigure.kml_ylimits = [25, 45]

    # Resolution
    #plotfigure.kml_dpi = 300
    #plotfigure.kml_tile_images = False

    def kml_colorbar_transparent(filename):
        #cmin = -0.01
        #cmax = 0.01

    #plotfigure.kml_colorbar = kml_colorbar_transparent

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    #plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes('kml')
    #plotaxes.scaled = True

    # Water
    #plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
    #plotitem.show = True
    #plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.surface_or_depth
    #plotitem.pcolor_cmap = geoplot.googleearth_transparent
    #plotitem.pcolor_cmin = kml_cmin
    #plotitem.pcolor_cmax = kml_cmax
    #plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [0,0,0]
    #plotitem.patchedges_show = 0

    #plotfigure.kml_colorbar = kml_colorbar

    # Figure for speeds
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='Speeds', figno=10)

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes('pcolor')
    plotaxes.title = 'Speed'
    plotaxes.scaled = True

    #def fixup(current_data):
    #    import pylab
    #    addgauges(current_data)
    #    t = current_data.t
    #    t = t / 3600.  # hours
    #    pylab.title('Speed at %4.2f hours' % t, fontsize=20)
    #    pylab.xticks(fontsize=15)
    #    pylab.yticks(fontsize=15)
    #plotaxes.afteraxes = fixup

    def speed(current_data):
        from pylab import where,sqrt
        q = current_data.q
        h = q[0,:]
        dry_tol = 0.001
        u = q[1,:] # this is just to initialize
        v = q[2,:] # to correct size
        s = 0*q[2,:] # to correct size

        nq = len(q[1,:])
        [n,m] = h.shape
        for ii in range(0,n):
           for jj in range(0,m):
             if h[ii,jj] > dry_tol:
                u[ii,jj] = q[1,ii,jj]/h[ii,jj]
                v[ii,jj] = q[2,ii,jj]/h[ii,jj]
                s[ii,jj] = sqrt(u[ii,jj]* u[ii,jj] + v[ii,jj]*v[ii,jj])
                u[ii,jj] = 0.
                v[ii,jj] = 0.
                s[ii,jj] = 0
        #print("max of u = " + str(max(u)))

        #u = where(h>dry_tol, q[1,:]/h, 0.)
        #v = where(h>dry_tol, q[2,:]/h, 0.)
        #s = sqrt(u**2 + v**2)
        #s = sqrt(u*2+v*v) #try not dividing or using where
        return s

    # Water
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
    plotitem.plot_var = speed
    plotitem.pcolor_cmap = geoplot.tsunami_colormap
    #plotitem.pcolor_cmap = \
    #       colormaps.make_colormap({0:[1,1,1],0.5:[0.5,0.5,1],1:[1,0.3,0.3]})
    plotitem.pcolor_cmin = 0.
    plotitem.pcolor_cmax = .02
    plotitem.add_colorbar = True
    plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [0,0,0]
    #plotitem.patchedges_show = 1
    plotitem.amr_patchedges_show = [0,0,0]

    # Land
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
    plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.land
    plotitem.pcolor_cmap = geoplot.land_colors
    plotitem.pcolor_cmin = 0.0
    plotitem.pcolor_cmax = 100.0
    plotitem.add_colorbar = False
    plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [0,0,0]
    plotitem.patchedges_show = 0
    plotaxes.xlimits = ocean_xlimits
    plotaxes.ylimits = ocean_ylimits

    # Figure for zoom around NYC
    zoomWanted = True
    if zoomWanted:
        plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='Zoom1', figno=7)

        # add another figure
        #plotfigure.use_for_kml = True
        #plotfigure.kml_use_for_initial_view = False

        # These overide any values set in the plotitems below
        #plotfigure.kml_xlimits =  [-74.5, -73.5]
        #plotfigure.kml_ylimits = [40.4,40.9]

        # Resolution
        #plotfigure.kml_dpi = 300
        #plotfigure.kml_tile_images = True

        #plotfigure.kml_colorbar = kml_colorbar   # defined above

        # Set up for axes in this figure:
        plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes('zoom on nyc')
        plotaxes.title = 'Surface elevation'
        plotaxes.scaled = True
        manhattan_island = -73.5
        xisland,yisland = latlong(1600e3, manhattan_island, 40., Rearth)
        #plotaxes.xlimits = [xisland-0.6, xisland+0.6]
        #plotaxes.xlimits = [manhattan_island-1, manhattan_island+1]
        #plotaxes.ylimits = [40.15,41.5]
        plotaxes.xlimits = [-74.5, -72.5]  # really zoom in on lower manhattan]
        plotaxes.ylimits = [40.25,41.5]
        plotaxes.afteraxes = addgauges
        def bigfont(current_data):
            import pylab
            t = current_data.t
            pylab.title("Surface at t = %8.1f" % t, fontsize=20)
        #plotaxes.afteraxes = bigfont
        #plotaxes.afteraxes = mynewafteraxes   # after axes functions mess with GE plots

        # Water
        plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
        plotitem.show = True
        #plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.surface
        plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.surface_or_depth
        #plotitem.pcolor_cmap = geoplot.tsunami_colormap
        plotitem.pcolor_cmap = kml_cmap
        plotitem.pcolor_cmin = kml_cmin   # same as above
        plotitem.pcolor_cmax = kml_cmax
        plotitem.add_colorbar = True 
        plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [0,0,0]
        plotitem.patchedges_show = 0

        # Land
        plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
        plotitem.show = True 
        plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.land
        # plotitem.pcolor_cmap = colormaps.all_white  # to print better in B&W
        plotitem.pcolor_cmap = geoplot.land_colors
        plotitem.pcolor_cmin = 0.0
        plotitem.pcolor_cmax = 100.0
        plotitem.add_colorbar = False
        plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [0,0,0,0,0]
        plotitem.patchedges_show = 0

        # contour lines:
        plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_contour')
        plotitem.show = True 
        plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.surface
        plotitem.contour_levels = [-0.8, -0.4, 0.4, 0.8]
        plotitem.amr_contour_colors = ['k']  # color on each level
        plotitem.kwargs = {'linewidths':1}
        plotitem.amr_contour_show = [0,0,0,1,1]
        plotitem.celledges_show = 0
        plotitem.patchedges_show = 0

        # add contour lines of bathy if desired:
        plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_contour')
        plotitem.show = False
        plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.topo
        plotitem.contour_levels = linspace(-30, -10,3)
        plotitem.amr_contour_colors = ['m']  # color on each level
        plotitem.kwargs = {'linestyles':'dashed','linewidths':1}
        plotitem.amr_contour_show = [1,1,1]
        plotitem.celledges_show = 0
        plotitem.patchedges_show = 0

    # Figures for gauges
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='Surface & topo', figno=300, \
    plotfigure.clf_each_gauge = True

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.xlimits = [0000, 6100]
    plotaxes.ylimits = [-.10, .15]
    #plotaxes.xlimits = 'auto'
    #plotaxes.ylimits = 'auto'
    plotaxes.title = 'Surface'

    # Plot surface as blue curve:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d_plot')
    plotitem.plot_var = 3
    plotitem.plotstyle = 'b-'

    # Plot topo as green curve:
    #plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d_plot')

    def gaugetopo(current_data):
        q = current_data.q
        h = q[0,:]
        eta = q[3,:]
        topo = eta - h
        return topo

    def gaugedpress(current_data):
        q = current_data.q
        #dpress = (q[4,:] - 101300)/101300
        dpress = q[4,:]  # already output as relative:  dp/amb_pr
        return dpress

    def gs(current_data):
        q = current_data.q
        # different than speed function because q is function of time, not
        # x,y at the gauges.
        from numpy import where, sqrt
        h = q[0,:]
        #print('shape of h ' +  str(h.shape))
        dry_tol = 0.001
        u = where(h>dry_tol, q[1,:]/h, 0.)
        v = where(h>dry_tol, q[2,:]/h, 0.)
        ssq = sqrt(u*u+v*v)
        #s = sqrt(u**2 + v**2)
        s = sqrt(ssq)
        return ssq

    #plotitem.plot_var = gaugetopo
    #plotitem.plotstyle = 'g-'

    # Plot relative delta pressure as red curve:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d_plot')
    plotitem.plot_var = gaugedpress
    plotitem.plotstyle = 'r-'

    # add speed to this plot since cant get new one going
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d_plot')
    plotitem.plot_var = gs
    plotitem.plotstyle = 'g-'

    def add_zeroline(current_data):
        from pylab import plot, legend
        t = current_data.t
#       legend(('surface','topography','dp'),loc='lower left')
        legend(('surface','dp','speed'),loc='upper right')
        #plot(t, 0*t, 'k')

    plotaxes.afteraxes = add_zeroline

    # -------------------------------
    # Figure for speed at gauges

#    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='Speed at gauges', figno=310, \
#                    type='each_gauge')

#    # Set up for axes in this figure:
#    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
#    plotaxes.xlimits = 'auto'
#    plotaxes.ylimits = 'auto'
#    #plotaxes.xlimits = [0000, 7000]
#    #plotaxes.ylimits = 'auto'
#    plotaxes.title = 'Speed'
#    # Plot surface as blue curve:
#    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d_plot')
#    #plotitem.plot_var = speed
#    plotitem.plot_var = gs  #gauge_speed
#    plotitem.plotstyle = 'b-'
#    plotfigure.show = True

    # Figure for bathy alone
    def bathy(current_data):
        return current_data.aux[0,:,:]

    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='bathymetry', figno=3)
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes('pcolor')
    plotaxes.title = 'Bathymetry'
    plotaxes.scaled = True

    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
    plotitem.plot_var = bathy
    plotitem.pcolor_cmin = -3000.00
    plotitem.pcolor_cmax = 500
    plotitem.add_colorbar = True

    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_contour')
    plotitem.show =  False
    plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.topo
    plotitem.contour_levels = linspace(-2000,2000,21)
    plotitem.amr_contour_colors = ['k']  # color on each level
    #plotitem.contour_levels = [-1000 -500,-250,-100, -5, 5]

    # Figure for grids alone
    #plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='grids', figno=2)
    #plotfigure.show = False

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    #plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    #plotaxes.xlimits = [0,1]
    #plotaxes.ylimits = [0,1]
    #plotaxes.title = 'grids'
    #plotaxes.scaled = True

    # Set up for item on these axes:
    #plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_patch')
    #plotitem.amr_patch_bgcolor = ['#ffeeee', '#eeeeff', '#eeffee']
    #plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [0,0,0]
    #plotitem.amr_patchedges_show = [0,0,0]
    def normalized_pressure(current_data):
        pressure_index = 6  #7 in fortran, but python is 0 based
        return current_data.aux[pressure_index,:,:]/surge_data.ambient_pressure

    # Pressure field
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='Pressure',figno=33)
    plotfigure.show = False

    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes('normalized_pressure')
    plotaxes.xlimits = ocean_xlimits
    plotaxes.ylimits = ocean_ylimits
    plotaxes.title = 'Pressure Field'
    plotaxes.scaled = True
    plotaxes.afteraxes = addgauges

    pressure_limits = [.995,1.005]
    #pressure_limits = [.999*surge_data.ambient_pressure / 100.0,
    #                   1.001 * surge_data.ambient_pressure / 100.0]
    #pressure_limits = [-.000001*surge_data.ambient_pressure,
    #                   .000001 * surge_data.ambient_pressure]

    surgeplot.add_pressure(plotaxes, bounds=pressure_limits)

    #plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_patch')
    plotitem = plotaxes.plotitem_dict['pressure']
    plotitem.show = True
    plotitem.plot_var = normalized_pressure
    plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [0,0,0]
    plotitem.amr_patchedges_show = [0,0,0]



    # Parameters used only when creating html and/or latex hardcopy
    # e.g., via clawpack.visclaw.frametools.printframes:

    plotdata.printfigs = True                # print figures
    plotdata.print_format = 'png'            # file format
    plotdata.print_framenos = 'all'          # list of frames to print
    plotdata.print_gaugenos = 'all'          # list of gauges to print
    #plotdata.print_fignos = [0,7,10,33,300]  # list of figures to print
    #plotdata.print_fignos = [0,7,10,300]  # list of figures to print
    plotdata.print_fignos = [7]  # list of figures to print
    plotdata.html = True                     # create html files of plots?
    plotdata.html_homelink = '../README.html'   # pointer for top of index
    plotdata.latex = True                    # create latex file of plots?
    plotdata.latex_figsperline = 2           # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_framesperline = 1         # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_makepdf = False           # also run pdflatex?

    plotdata.kml = False

    return plotdata
コード例 #3
ファイル: setrun.py プロジェクト: pinebai/asteroidTsunami
def setrun(claw_pkg='geoclaw'):
    Define the parameters used for running Clawpack.

        claw_pkg expected to be "geoclaw" for this setrun.

        rundata - object of class ClawRunData 
    from clawpack.clawutil import data 
    assert claw_pkg.lower() == 'geoclaw',  "Expected claw_pkg = 'geoclaw'"

    num_dim = 2
    rundata = data.ClawRunData(claw_pkg, num_dim)

    # Problem-specific parameters to be written to setprob.data:
    # theta_island locates the island: 220 or 260 in the paper (x axis is latter)
    # to get rid of island altogether, change make topo file to not include routine that
    # adds island to topography
    # if changed here need to do make data then make topo
    # then make .output as usual, or make .plots
    theta_island = 260.
    probdata = rundata.new_UserData(name='probdata',fname='setprob.data')
    probdata.add_param('theta_island', theta_island,  'angle to island')

    # GeoClaw specific parameters:
    rundata = setgeo(rundata)
    # Standard Clawpack parameters to be written to claw.data:

    clawdata = rundata.clawdata  # initialized when rundata instantiated

    # Set single grid parameters first.
    # See below for AMR parameters.

    # ---------------
    # Spatial domain:
    # ---------------

    # Number of space dimensions:
    clawdata.num_dim = num_dim
    # Lower and upper edge of computational domain:
    clawdata.lower[0] = -20.0          # xlower
    clawdata.upper[0] = 20.0          # xupper
    clawdata.lower[1] = 20.0          # ylower
    clawdata.upper[1] = 60.0          # yupper
    #clawdata.lower[0] = -5.0          # xlower
    #clawdata.upper[0] = 5.0          # xupper
    #clawdata.lower[1] = 35.0          # ylower
    #clawdata.upper[1] = 45.0          # yupper
    # Number of grid cells:
    #clawdata.num_cells[0] = 40      # mx
    #clawdata.num_cells[1] = 40      # my
    clawdata.num_cells[0] = 100      # mx
    clawdata.num_cells[1] = 100      # my

    # ---------------
    # Size of system:
    # ---------------

    # Number of equations in the system:
    clawdata.num_eqn = 3

    # Number of auxiliary variables in the aux array (initialized in setaux)
    clawdata.num_aux = 3 + 1 + 3
    # Index of aux array corresponding to capacity function, if there is one:
    clawdata.capa_index = 2
    # -------------
    # Initial time:
    # -------------

    clawdata.t0 = 0.0

    # Restart from checkpoint file of a previous run?
    # Note: If restarting, you must also change the Makefile to set:
    #    RESTART = True
    # If restarting, t0 above should be from original run, and the
    # restart_file 'fort.chkNNNNN' specified below should be in 
    # the OUTDIR indicated in Makefile.

    clawdata.restart = False                # True to restart from prior results
    clawdata.restart_file = 'fort.chk00021'  # File to use for restart data
    # -------------
    # Output times:

    # Specify at what times the results should be written to fort.q files.
    # Note that the time integration stops after the final output time.
    clawdata.output_style = 3
    if clawdata.output_style==1:
        # Output ntimes frames at equally spaced times up to tfinal:
        # Can specify num_output_times = 0 for no output
        clawdata.num_output_times = 14
        #clawdata.tfinal = 14000.0
        clawdata.tfinal = 7000.0
        clawdata.output_t0 = True  # output at initial (or restart) time?
    elif clawdata.output_style == 2:
        # Specify a list or numpy array of output times:
        # Include t0 if you want output at the initial time.
        clawdata.output_times =  [0., 0.1]
    elif clawdata.output_style == 3:
        # Output every step_interval timesteps over total_steps timesteps:
        clawdata.output_step_interval = 100
        clawdata.total_steps = 4000/1   # final time 6000 sec / dtinit of 2 sec
        clawdata.output_t0 = True  # output at initial (or restart) time?

    #clawdata.output_format = 'binary'      # 'ascii', 'binary'
    clawdata.output_format = 'ascii'        # 'ascii', 'binary'

    clawdata.output_q_components = 'all'   # could be list such as [True,True]
    clawdata.output_aux_components = 'all'  # could be list
    clawdata.output_aux_onlyonce = False    # output aux arrays only at t0

    # ---------------------------------------------------
    # Verbosity of messages to screen during integration:  
    # ---------------------------------------------------

    # The current t, dt, and cfl will be printed every time step
    # at AMR levels <= verbosity.  Set verbosity = 0 for no printing.
    #   (E.g. verbosity == 2 means print only on levels 1 and 2.)
    clawdata.verbosity = 1

    # --------------
    # Time stepping:
    # --------------

    # if dt_variable==True:  variable time steps used based on cfl_desired,
    # if dt_variable==Falseixed time steps dt = dt_initial always used.
    #clawdata.dt_variable = True
    clawdata.dt_variable = False
    # Initial time step for variable dt.  
    # (If dt_variable==0 then dt=dt_initial for all steps)
    #clawdata.dt_initial = 16.0
    clawdata.dt_initial = 1.0
    # Max time step to be allowed if variable dt used:
    clawdata.dt_max = 1e+99
    # Desired Courant number if variable dt used 
    clawdata.cfl_desired = 0.75
    # max Courant number to allow without retaking step with a smaller dt:
    clawdata.cfl_max = 1.0
    # Maximum number of time steps to allow between output times:
    clawdata.steps_max = 5000

    # ------------------
    # Method to be used:
    # ------------------

    # Order of accuracy:  1 => Godunov,  2 => Lax-Wendroff plus limiters
    clawdata.order = 2
    # Use dimensional splitting? (not yet available for AMR)
    clawdata.dimensional_split = 'unsplit'
    # For unsplit method, transverse_waves can be 
    #  0 or 'none'      ==> donor cell (only normal solver used)
    #  1 or 'increment' ==> corner transport of waves
    #  2 or 'all'       ==> corner transport of 2nd order corrections too
    clawdata.transverse_waves = 2
    # Number of waves in the Riemann solution:
    clawdata.num_waves = 3
    # List of limiters to use for each wave family:  
    # Required:  len(limiter) == num_waves
    # Some options:
    #   0 or 'none'     ==> no limiter (Lax-Wendroff)
    #   1 or 'minmod'   ==> minmod
    #   2 or 'superbee' ==> superbee
    #   3 or 'vanleer'  ==> van Leer
    #   4 or 'mc'       ==> MC limiter
    clawdata.limiter = ['vanleer', 'vanleer', 'vanleer']
    clawdata.use_fwaves = True    # True ==> use f-wave version of algorithms
    # Source terms splitting:
    #   src_split == 0 or 'none'    ==> no source term (src routine never called)
    #   src_split == 1 or 'godunov' ==> Godunov (1st order) splitting used, 
    #   src_split == 2 or 'strang'  ==> Strang (2nd order) splitting used,  not recommended.
    clawdata.source_split = 1
    # --------------------
    # Boundary conditions:
    # --------------------

    # Number of ghost cells (usually 2)
    clawdata.num_ghost = 2
    # Choice of BCs at xlower and xupper:
    #   0 or 'user'     => user specified (must modify bcNamr.f to use this option)
    #   1 or 'extrap'   => extrapolation (non-reflecting outflow)
    #   2 or 'periodic' => periodic (must specify this at both boundaries)
    #   3 or 'wall'     => solid wall for systems where q(2) is normal velocity
    clawdata.bc_lower[0] = 'extrap'   # at xlower
    clawdata.bc_upper[0] = 'extrap'   # at xupper

    clawdata.bc_lower[1] = 'extrap'   # at ylower
    clawdata.bc_upper[1] = 'extrap'   # at yupper
    # ---------------
    # Gauges:
    # ---------------
    gauges  = rundata.gaugedata.gauges 
    # for gauges append lines of the form  [gaugeno, x, y, t1, t2]

    gaugeno = 0
    for d in [1570e3, 1590e3, 1610e3, 1630e3]:
        gaugeno = gaugeno+1
        x,y = latlong(d, theta_island, 40., Rearth)
        gauges.append([gaugeno, x, y, 0., 1e10])

    # for radially symmetric traveling wave test
    #gauges.append([1,  0.01, 40.01, 0, 1e10])
    #gauges.append([2,  1.01, 40.01, 0, 1e10])
    #gauges.append([3,  2.01, 40.01, 0, 1e10])
    #gauges.append([4,  3.01, 40.01, 0, 1e10])

    #for 1d test problem i use these gauges
    #gauges.append([1,  -17.50, 40, 0, 1e10])
    #gauges.append([2,  -15.5, 40, 0, 1e10])
    #gauges.append([3,  -13.5, 40, 0, 1e10])
    #gauges.append([4,  -11.5, 40, 0, 1e10])

    # --------------
    # Checkpointing:
    # --------------

    # Specify when checkpoint files should be created that can be
    # used to restart a computation.

    clawdata.checkpt_style = 1

    if clawdata.checkpt_style == 0:
      # Do not checkpoint at all

    elif clawdata.checkpt_style == 1:
      # Checkpoint only at tfinal.

    elif clawdata.checkpt_style == 2:
      # Specify a list of checkpoint times.  
      clawdata.checkpt_times = [0.1,0.15]

    elif clawdata.checkpt_style == 3:
      # Checkpoint every checkpt_interval timesteps (on Level 1)
      # and at the final time.
      clawdata.checkpt_interval = 5


    # ---------------
    # AMR parameters:   (written to amr.data)
    # ---------------
    amrdata = rundata.amrdata

    # max number of refinement levels:
    #amrdata.amr_levels_max = 5
    amrdata.amr_levels_max = 4

    # List of refinement ratios at each level (length at least amr_level_max-1)
    amrdata.refinement_ratios_x = [4, 4, 4, 4]
    amrdata.refinement_ratios_y = [4, 4, 4, 4]
    amrdata.refinement_ratios_t = [4, 4, 4, 1]

    # Specify type of each aux variable in amrdata.auxtype.
    # This must be a list of length num_aux, each element of which is one of:
    #   'center',  'capacity', 'xleft', or 'yleft'  (see documentation).
    amrdata.aux_type = ['center', 'capacity', 'yleft', 'center', 'center', 
                        'center', 'center']

    # Flag for refinement based on Richardson error estimater:
    amrdata.flag_richardson = False    # use Richardson?
    amrdata.flag_richardson_tol = 1.0  # Richardson tolerance
    # Flag for refinement using routine flag2refine:
    amrdata.flag2refine = True      # use this?
    amrdata.flag2refine_tol = 0.5  # tolerance used in this routine
    # Note: in geoclaw the refinement tolerance is set as wave_tolerance below 
    # and flag2refine_tol is unused!

    # steps to take on each level L between regriddings of level L+1:
    amrdata.regrid_interval = 3       

    # width of buffer zone around flagged points:
    # (typically the same as regrid_interval so waves don't escape):
    amrdata.regrid_buffer_width  = 2

    # clustering alg. cutoff for (# flagged pts) / (total # of cells refined)
    # (closer to 1.0 => more small grids may be needed to cover flagged cells)
    amrdata.clustering_cutoff = 0.7

    # print info about each regridding up to this level:
    amrdata.verbosity_regrid = 5    

    # ---------------
    # Regions:
    # ---------------
    regions = rundata.regiondata.regions
    # to specify regions of refinement append lines of the form
    #  [minlevel,maxlevel,t1,t2,x1,x2,y1,y2]

    #regions.append([1, 3,    0., 5000., -5., 20., 35., 45.])
    #regions.append([1, 2, 5000., 6900., 10., 20., 35., 45.])
    #regions.append([1, 3, 5000., 6900., 12., 20., 39., 43.])
    regions.append([1,  2,    0., 100000000., -20., 20., 20., 60.])

    # Force refinement near the island as the wave approaches:

    (xisland,yisland) = latlong(1600.e3, theta_island, 40., Rearth)
    x1 = xisland - 1.
    x2 = xisland + 1.
    y1 = yisland - 1.
    y2 = yisland + 1.
    regions.append([4, 4, 2500., 1.e10,  x1,x2,y1,y2])

    x1 = xisland - 0.2
    x2 = xisland + 0.2
    y1 = yisland - 0.2
    y2 = yisland + 0.2
    regions.append([4, 5, 3000., 1.e10,  x1,x2,y1,y2])

    #  ----- For developers ----- 
    # Toggle debugging print statements:
    amrdata.dprint = False      # print domain flags
    amrdata.eprint = False      # print err est flags
    amrdata.edebug = False      # even more err est flags
    amrdata.gprint = False      # grid bisection/clustering
    amrdata.nprint = False      # proper nesting output
    amrdata.pprint = False      # proj. of tagged points
    amrdata.rprint = True       # print regridding summary
    amrdata.sprint = False      # space/memory output
    amrdata.tprint = False      # time step reporting each level
    amrdata.uprint = False      # update/upbnd reporting
    return rundata
コード例 #4
ファイル: plot_ocean.py プロジェクト: pinebai/asteroidTsunami
from clawpack.geoclaw.data import Rearth  # radius of earth
from clawpack.clawutil.data import ClawData
from mapper import latlong
import maketopo

probdata = ClawData()
probdata.read('setprob.data', force=True)
theta_island = probdata.theta_island
print "theta_island = ", theta_island

#figure(1, figsize=(10,6))
s = linspace(0, 360., 1001)
xshore, yshore = latlong(1645.e3, s, 40., Rearth)
plot(xshore, yshore, 'k', linewidth=2)

xshelf, yshelf = latlong(1560.e3, s, 40., Rearth)
plot(xshelf, yshelf, 'k--', linewidth=2)

theta_island = 220.
(xi, yi) = latlong(1600.e3, theta_island, 40., Rearth)
xb = [xi - 1, xi + 1, xi + 1, xi - 1, xi - 1]
yb = [yi - 1, yi - 1, yi + 1, yi + 1, yi - 1]
plot(xb, yb, 'b', linewidth=1.5)
text(5, 49, 'Test 1', fontsize=20)

theta_island = 260.
(xi, yi) = latlong(1600.e3, theta_island, 40., Rearth)
xb = [xi - 1, xi + 1, xi + 1, xi - 1, xi - 1]
コード例 #5

from clawpack.geoclaw import topotools
from clawpack.geoclaw.data import Rearth  # radius of earth
from interp import pwcubic
from clawpack.clawutil.data import ClawData
from numpy import *

from mapper import latlong, gcdist

probdata = ClawData()
probdata.read('setprob.data', force=True)
theta_island = probdata.theta_island
print "theta_island = ", theta_island

(xisland, yisland) = latlong(1600.e3, theta_island, 40., Rearth)

def maketopo():
    Output topography file for the entire domain
    and near-shore in one location.
    nxpoints = 400
    nypoints = 400
    xlower = -30.e0
    xupper = 30.e0
    ylower = 20.e0
    yupper = 60.e0
    outfile = "ocean.topotype2"
    topotools.topo2writer(outfile, topo, xlower, xupper, ylower, yupper,
コード例 #6
from clawpack.clawutil.data import ClawData
from mapper import latlong
import maketopo

probdata = ClawData()
probdata.read('setprob.data', force=True)
theta_island = probdata.theta_island
print "theta_island = ",theta_island

#figure(1, figsize=(10,6))
s = linspace(0, 360., 1001)
xshore,yshore = latlong(1645.e3, s, 40., Rearth)

xshelf,yshelf = latlong(1560.e3, s, 40., Rearth)

theta_island = 220.
(xi,yi) = latlong(1600.e3, theta_island, 40., Rearth)
xb = [xi-1, xi+1, xi+1, xi-1, xi-1]
yb = [yi-1, yi-1, yi+1, yi+1, yi-1]
text(5,49,'Test 1', fontsize=20)

theta_island = 260.
(xi,yi) = latlong(1600.e3, theta_island, 40., Rearth)
xb = [xi-1, xi+1, xi+1, xi-1, xi-1]
コード例 #7
ファイル: setplot.py プロジェクト: gkara00/geoclaw
def setplot(plotdata):
    Specify what is to be plotted at each frame.
    Input:  plotdata, an instance of clawpack.visclaw.data.ClawPlotData.
    Output: a modified version of plotdata.

    from clawpack.visclaw import colormaps, geoplot
    from numpy import linspace

    plotdata.clearfigures()  # clear any old figures,axes,items data
    plotdata.format = 'binary'

    # To plot gauge locations on pcolor or contour plot, use this as
    # an afteraxis function:

    def addgauges(current_data):
        from clawpack.visclaw import gaugetools
        gaugetools.plot_gauge_locations(current_data.plotdata, \
             gaugenos='all', format_string='ko', add_labels=True)

    # Figure for pcolor plot
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='pcolor', figno=0)

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes('pcolor')
    plotaxes.title = 'Surface'
    plotaxes.scaled = True

    def fixup(current_data):
        import pylab
        t = current_data.t
        pylab.title("Surface at t = %8.1f" % t, fontsize=20)
        pylab.gca().set_aspect(1. / pylab.cos(40 * pylab.pi / 180.))

    plotaxes.afteraxes = fixup

    # Water
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
    #plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.surface
    plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.surface_or_depth
    plotitem.pcolor_cmap = geoplot.tsunami_colormap
    plotitem.pcolor_cmin = -1.0
    plotitem.pcolor_cmax = 1.0
    plotitem.add_colorbar = True
    plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [0, 0, 0]
    plotitem.patchedges_show = 1

    # Land
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
    plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.land
    plotitem.pcolor_cmap = colormaps.all_white  # to print better in B&W
    #plotitem.pcolor_cmap = geoplot.land_colors
    plotitem.pcolor_cmin = 0.0
    plotitem.pcolor_cmax = 100.0
    plotitem.add_colorbar = False
    plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [1, 0]
    plotitem.patchedges_show = 1
    plotaxes.xlimits = [-20, 20]
    plotaxes.ylimits = [20, 60]

    # add contour lines of bathy if desired:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_contour')
    plotitem.show = False
    plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.topo
    plotitem.contour_levels = linspace(-1000, -1000, 1)
    plotitem.amr_contour_colors = ['g']  # color on each level
    plotitem.kwargs = {'linestyles': 'dashed', 'linewidths': 2}
    plotitem.amr_contour_show = [1, 0, 0]
    plotitem.celledges_show = 0
    plotitem.patchedges_show = 0

    # Figure for zoom
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='Zoom1', figno=7)
    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes('zoom on island')
    plotaxes.title = 'Surface elevation'
    xisland, yisland = latlong(1600e3, theta_island, 40., Rearth)
    plotaxes.xlimits = [xisland - 0.6, xisland + 0.8]
    plotaxes.ylimits = [yisland - 0.6, yisland + 0.8]

    def fixup(current_data):
        import pylab
        t = current_data.t
        pylab.title("Surface at t = %8.1f" % t, fontsize=20)
        pylab.gca().set_aspect(1. / pylab.cos(50 * pylab.pi / 180.))

    plotaxes.afteraxes = fixup

    # Water
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
    plotitem.show = True
    #plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.surface
    plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.surface_or_depth
    plotitem.pcolor_cmap = geoplot.tsunami_colormap
    plotitem.pcolor_cmin = -1.0
    plotitem.pcolor_cmax = 1.0
    plotitem.add_colorbar = False
    plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [0]
    plotitem.patchedges_show = 1

    # Land
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
    plotitem.show = True
    plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.land
    plotitem.pcolor_cmap = colormaps.all_white  # to print better in B&W
    #plotitem.pcolor_cmap = geoplot.land_colors
    plotitem.pcolor_cmin = 0.0
    plotitem.pcolor_cmax = 100.0
    plotitem.add_colorbar = False
    plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    plotitem.patchedges_show = 1

    # contour lines:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_contour')
    plotitem.show = True
    plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.surface
    plotitem.contour_levels = [-0.8, -0.4, 0.4, 0.8]
    plotitem.amr_contour_colors = ['k']  # color on each level
    plotitem.kwargs = {'linewidths': 2}
    plotitem.amr_contour_show = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1]
    plotitem.celledges_show = 0
    plotitem.patchedges_show = 0

    # add contour lines of bathy if desired:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_contour')
    plotitem.show = False
    plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.topo
    plotitem.contour_levels = linspace(-1000, -1000, 1)
    plotitem.amr_contour_colors = ['g']  # color on each level
    plotitem.kwargs = {'linestyles': 'dashed', 'linewidths': 2}
    plotitem.amr_contour_show = [0, 0, 1]
    plotitem.celledges_show = 0
    plotitem.patchedges_show = 0

    # Figures for gauges
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='Surface & topo', figno=300, \
    plotfigure.clf_each_gauge = True

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.xlimits = [6000, 14000]
    plotaxes.ylimits = [-2.0, 3.0]
    plotaxes.title = 'Surface'

    # Plot surface as blue curve:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d_plot')
    plotitem.plot_var = 3
    plotitem.plotstyle = 'b-'

    # Plot topo as green curve:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d_plot')

    def gaugetopo(current_data):
        q = current_data.q
        h = q[0, :]
        eta = q[3, :]
        topo = eta - h
        return topo

    plotitem.plot_var = gaugetopo
    plotitem.plotstyle = 'g-'

    def add_zeroline(current_data):
        from pylab import plot, legend
        t = current_data.t
        #legend(('surface','topography'),loc='lower left')
        plot(t, 0 * t, 'k')

    plotaxes.afteraxes = add_zeroline

    # Figure for grids alone
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='grids', figno=2)
    plotfigure.show = False

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.xlimits = [0, 1]
    plotaxes.ylimits = [0, 1]
    plotaxes.title = 'grids'
    plotaxes.scaled = True

    # Set up for item on these axes:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_patch')
    plotitem.amr_patch_bgcolor = ['#ffeeee', '#eeeeff', '#eeffee']
    plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [1, 1, 0]
    plotitem.amr_patchedges_show = [1]

    # Figures for fgmax plots
    # Note: You need to move fgmax png files into _plots/fgmax_plots after
    # creating them, e.g., by running the process_fgmax notebook or script.
    # The lines below just create links to these figures from _PlotIndex.html

    otherfigure = plotdata.new_otherfigure(
        name='max depth on fgmax grid 1',

    otherfigure = plotdata.new_otherfigure(
        name='max speed on fgmax grid 1',

    otherfigure = plotdata.new_otherfigure(
        name='max elevation on fgmax grid 2',

    otherfigure = plotdata.new_otherfigure(
        name='max depth on fgmax grid 3',

    otherfigure = plotdata.new_otherfigure(
        name='max speed on fgmax grid 3',

    # add additional lines for any other figures you want added to the index.

    # Plots of timing (CPU and wall time):

    def make_timing_plots(plotdata):
        import os
        from clawpack.visclaw import plot_timing_stats
            timing_plotdir = plotdata.plotdir + '/timing_figures'
            os.system('mkdir -p %s' % timing_plotdir)
            units = {
                'comptime': 'seconds',
                'simtime': 'hours',
                'cell': 'billions'
            os.system('cp %s/timing.* %s' % (plotdata.outdir, timing_plotdir))
            print('*** Error making timing plots')

    # create a link to this webpage from _PlotIndex.html:
    otherfigure = plotdata.new_otherfigure(name='timing',
    otherfigure.makefig = make_timing_plots


    # Parameters used only when creating html and/or latex hardcopy
    # e.g., via clawpack.visclaw.frametools.printframes:

    plotdata.printfigs = True  # print figures
    plotdata.print_format = 'png'  # file format
    plotdata.print_framenos = 'all'  # list of frames to print
    plotdata.print_gaugenos = 'all'  # list of gauges to print
    plotdata.print_fignos = 'all'  # list of figures to print
    plotdata.html = True  # create html files of plots?
    plotdata.html_homelink = '../README.html'  # pointer for top of index
    plotdata.latex = True  # create latex file of plots?
    plotdata.latex_figsperline = 2  # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_framesperline = 1  # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_makepdf = False  # also run pdflatex?

    return plotdata
コード例 #8
ファイル: setrun.py プロジェクト: kbarnhart/geoclaw
def setrun(claw_pkg='geoclaw'):
    Define the parameters used for running Clawpack.

        claw_pkg expected to be "geoclaw" for this setrun.

        rundata - object of class ClawRunData 

    from clawpack.clawutil import data

    assert claw_pkg.lower() == 'geoclaw', "Expected claw_pkg = 'geoclaw'"

    num_dim = 2
    rundata = data.ClawRunData(claw_pkg, num_dim)

    # Problem-specific parameters to be written to setprob.data:
    theta_island = 220.
    probdata = rundata.new_UserData(name='probdata', fname='setprob.data')
    probdata.add_param('theta_island', theta_island, 'angle to island')

    # Standard Clawpack parameters to be written to claw.data:

    clawdata = rundata.clawdata  # initialized when rundata instantiated

    # Set single grid parameters first.
    # See below for AMR parameters.

    # ---------------
    # Spatial domain:
    # ---------------

    # Number of space dimensions:
    clawdata.num_dim = num_dim

    # Lower and upper edge of computational domain:
    clawdata.lower[0] = -20.0  # xlower
    clawdata.upper[0] = 20.0  # xupper
    clawdata.lower[1] = 20.0  # ylower
    clawdata.upper[1] = 60.0  # yupper

    # Number of grid cells:
    clawdata.num_cells[0] = 40  # mx
    clawdata.num_cells[1] = 40  # my

    # ---------------
    # Size of system:
    # ---------------

    # Number of equations in the system:
    clawdata.num_eqn = 3

    # Number of auxiliary variables in the aux array (initialized in setaux)
    clawdata.num_aux = 3

    # Index of aux array corresponding to capacity function, if there is one:
    clawdata.capa_index = 2

    # -------------
    # Initial time:
    # -------------

    clawdata.t0 = 0.0

    # Restart from checkpoint file of a previous run?
    # Note: If restarting, you must also change the Makefile to set:
    #    RESTART = True
    # If restarting, t0 above should be from original run, and the
    # restart_file 'fort.chkNNNNN' specified below should be in
    # the OUTDIR indicated in Makefile.

    clawdata.restart = False  # True to restart from prior results
    clawdata.restart_file = 'fort.chk00006'  # File to use for restart data

    # -------------
    # Output times:

    # Specify at what times the results should be written to fort.q files.
    # Note that the time integration stops after the final output time.

    clawdata.output_style = 1

    if clawdata.output_style == 1:
        # Output ntimes frames at equally spaced times up to tfinal:
        # Can specify num_output_times = 0 for no output
        clawdata.num_output_times = 7
        clawdata.tfinal = 14000.
        clawdata.output_t0 = True  # output at initial (or restart) time?

    elif clawdata.output_style == 2:
        # Specify a list or numpy array of output times:
        # Include t0 if you want output at the initial time.
        clawdata.output_times = [0., 0.1]

    elif clawdata.output_style == 3:
        # Output every step_interval timesteps over total_steps timesteps:
        clawdata.output_step_interval = 2
        clawdata.total_steps = 4
        clawdata.output_t0 = True  # output at initial (or restart) time?

    clawdata.output_format = 'binary'  # 'ascii', 'binary'

    clawdata.output_q_components = 'all'  # could be list such as [True,True]
    clawdata.output_aux_components = 'none'  # could be list
    clawdata.output_aux_onlyonce = True  # output aux arrays only at t0

    # ---------------------------------------------------
    # Verbosity of messages to screen during integration:
    # ---------------------------------------------------

    # The current t, dt, and cfl will be printed every time step
    # at AMR levels <= verbosity.  Set verbosity = 0 for no printing.
    #   (E.g. verbosity == 2 means print only on levels 1 and 2.)
    clawdata.verbosity = 1

    # --------------
    # Time stepping:
    # --------------

    # if dt_variable==True:  variable time steps used based on cfl_desired,
    # if dt_variable==Falseixed time steps dt = dt_initial always used.
    clawdata.dt_variable = True

    # Initial time step for variable dt.
    # (If dt_variable==0 then dt=dt_initial for all steps)
    clawdata.dt_initial = 16.0

    # Max time step to be allowed if variable dt used:
    clawdata.dt_max = 1e+99

    # Desired Courant number if variable dt used
    clawdata.cfl_desired = 0.75
    # max Courant number to allow without retaking step with a smaller dt:
    clawdata.cfl_max = 1.0

    # Maximum number of time steps to allow between output times:
    clawdata.steps_max = 5000

    # ------------------
    # Method to be used:
    # ------------------

    # Order of accuracy:  1 => Godunov,  2 => Lax-Wendroff plus limiters
    clawdata.order = 2

    # Use dimensional splitting? (not yet available for AMR)
    clawdata.dimensional_split = 'unsplit'

    # For unsplit method, transverse_waves can be
    #  0 or 'none'      ==> donor cell (only normal solver used)
    #  1 or 'increment' ==> corner transport of waves
    #  2 or 'all'       ==> corner transport of 2nd order corrections too
    clawdata.transverse_waves = 2

    # Number of waves in the Riemann solution:
    clawdata.num_waves = 3

    # List of limiters to use for each wave family:
    # Required:  len(limiter) == num_waves
    # Some options:
    #   0 or 'none'     ==> no limiter (Lax-Wendroff)
    #   1 or 'minmod'   ==> minmod
    #   2 or 'superbee' ==> superbee
    #   3 or 'vanleer'  ==> van Leer
    #   4 or 'mc'       ==> MC limiter
    clawdata.limiter = ['vanleer', 'vanleer', 'vanleer']

    clawdata.use_fwaves = True  # True ==> use f-wave version of algorithms

    # Source terms splitting:
    #   src_split == 0 or 'none'    ==> no source term (src routine never called)
    #   src_split == 1 or 'godunov' ==> Godunov (1st order) splitting used,
    #   src_split == 2 or 'strang'  ==> Strang (2nd order) splitting used,  not recommended.
    clawdata.source_split = 1

    # --------------------
    # Boundary conditions:
    # --------------------

    # Number of ghost cells (usually 2)
    clawdata.num_ghost = 2

    # Choice of BCs at xlower and xupper:
    #   0 or 'user'     => user specified (must modify bcNamr.f to use this option)
    #   1 or 'extrap'   => extrapolation (non-reflecting outflow)
    #   2 or 'periodic' => periodic (must specify this at both boundaries)
    #   3 or 'wall'     => solid wall for systems where q(2) is normal velocity

    clawdata.bc_lower[0] = 'extrap'  # at xlower
    clawdata.bc_upper[0] = 'extrap'  # at xupper

    clawdata.bc_lower[1] = 'extrap'  # at ylower
    clawdata.bc_upper[1] = 'extrap'  # at yupper

    # ---------------
    # Gauges:
    # ---------------
    gauges = rundata.gaugedata.gauges
    # for gauges append lines of the form  [gaugeno, x, y, t1, t2]

    gaugeno = 0
    for d in [1570e3, 1590e3, 1610e3, 1630e3]:
        gaugeno = gaugeno + 1
        x, y = latlong(d, theta_island, 40., Rearth)
        gauges.append([gaugeno, x, y, 0., 1e10])

    # --------------
    # Checkpointing:
    # --------------

    # Specify when checkpoint files should be created that can be
    # used to restart a computation.

    clawdata.checkpt_style = 1

    if clawdata.checkpt_style == 0:
        # Do not checkpoint at all

    elif clawdata.checkpt_style == 1:
        # Checkpoint only at tfinal.

    elif clawdata.checkpt_style == 2:
        # Specify a list of checkpoint times.
        clawdata.checkpt_times = [0.1, 0.15]

    elif clawdata.checkpt_style == 3:
        # Checkpoint every checkpt_interval timesteps (on Level 1)
        # and at the final time.
        clawdata.checkpt_interval = 5

    # ---------------
    # AMR parameters:   (written to amr.data)
    # ---------------
    amrdata = rundata.amrdata

    # max number of refinement levels:
    amrdata.amr_levels_max = 5

    # List of refinement ratios at each level (length at least amr_level_max-1)
    amrdata.refinement_ratios_x = [4, 3, 5, 4]
    amrdata.refinement_ratios_y = [4, 3, 5, 4]
    amrdata.refinement_ratios_t = [1, 1, 1, 1]

    # Specify type of each aux variable in amrdata.auxtype.
    # This must be a list of length num_aux, each element of which is one of:
    #   'center',  'capacity', 'xleft', or 'yleft'  (see documentation).
    amrdata.aux_type = ['center', 'capacity', 'yleft']

    # Flag for refinement based on Richardson error estimater:
    amrdata.flag_richardson = False  # use Richardson?
    amrdata.flag_richardson_tol = 1.0  # Richardson tolerance

    # Flag for refinement using routine flag2refine:
    amrdata.flag2refine = True  # use this?
    amrdata.flag2refine_tol = 0.5  # tolerance used in this routine
    # Note: in geoclaw the refinement tolerance is set as wave_tolerance below
    # and flag2refine_tol is unused!

    # steps to take on each level L between regriddings of level L+1:
    amrdata.regrid_interval = 3

    # width of buffer zone around flagged points:
    # (typically the same as regrid_interval so waves don't escape):
    amrdata.regrid_buffer_width = 2

    # clustering alg. cutoff for (# flagged pts) / (total # of cells refined)
    # (closer to 1.0 => more small grids may be needed to cover flagged cells)
    amrdata.clustering_cutoff = 0.7

    # print info about each regridding up to this level:
    amrdata.verbosity_regrid = 0

    # ---------------
    # Regions:
    # ---------------
    regions = rundata.regiondata.regions
    # to specify regions of refinement append lines of the form
    #  [minlevel,maxlevel,t1,t2,x1,x2,y1,y2]

    regions.append([1, 3, 0., 5000., -5., 20., 35., 55.])
    regions.append([1, 2, 5000., 6900., -5., 20., 35., 55.])
    regions.append([1, 3, 5000., 6900., 10., 20., 45., 55.])
    regions.append([1, 2, 6900., 9000., 10., 20., 47., 52.])

    # Force refinement near the island as the wave approaches:

    (xisland, yisland) = latlong(1600.e3, theta_island, 40., Rearth)
    x1 = xisland - 1.
    x2 = xisland + 1.
    y1 = yisland - 1.
    y2 = yisland + 1.
    regions.append([4, 4, 7000., 1.e10, x1, x2, y1, y2])

    x1 = xisland - 0.2
    x2 = xisland + 0.2
    y1 = yisland - 0.2
    y2 = yisland + 0.2
    regions.append([4, 5, 8000., 1.e10, x1, x2, y1, y2])

    # -----------------------------------------------
    # GeoClaw specific parameters:

        geo_data = rundata.geo_data
        print("*** Error, this rundata has no geo_data attribute")
        raise AttributeError("Missing geo_data attribute")

    # == Physics ==
    geo_data.gravity = 9.81
    geo_data.coordinate_system = 2
    geo_data.earth_radius = 6367500.0

    # == Forcing Options
    geo_data.coriolis_forcing = False

    # == Algorithm and Initial Conditions ==
    geo_data.sea_level = 0.0
    geo_data.dry_tolerance = 0.001
    geo_data.friction_forcing = True
    geo_data.manning_coefficient = 0.025
    geo_data.friction_depth = 1000000.0

    # Refinement settings
    refinement_data = rundata.refinement_data
    refinement_data.variable_dt_refinement_ratios = True
    refinement_data.wave_tolerance = 0.01
    refinement_data.deep_depth = 100.0
    refinement_data.max_level_deep = 3

    # == settopo.data values ==
    topofiles = rundata.topo_data.topofiles
    # for topography, append lines of the form
    #    [topotype, minlevel, maxlevel, t1, t2, fname]
    topofiles.append([3, 1, 1, 0.0, 10000000000.0, 'ocean.tt3'])
    topofiles.append([3, 1, 1, 0.0, 10000000000.0, 'island.tt3'])

    # == setdtopo.data values ==
    rundata.dtopo_data.dtopofiles = []
    dtopofiles = rundata.dtopo_data.dtopofiles
    # for moving topography, append lines of the form :
    #   [topotype, minlevel,maxlevel,fname]

    # == setqinit.data values ==
    rundata.qinit_data.qinit_type = 4
    qinitfiles = rundata.qinit_data.qinitfiles
    # for qinit perturbations, append lines of the form: (<= 1 allowed for now!)
    #   [minlev, maxlev, fname]
    rundata.qinit_data.qinitfiles = [[1, 2, 'hump.xyz']]

    # == fgmax_grids.data values ==

    # set num_fgmax_val = 1 to save only max depth,
    #                     2 to also save max speed,
    #                     5 to also save max hs,hss,hmin
    rundata.fgmax_data.num_fgmax_val = 2  # Save depth and speed

    fgmax_grids = rundata.fgmax_data.fgmax_grids  # empty list to start

    # Now append to this list objects of class fgmax_tools.FGmaxGrid
    # specifying any fgmax grids.

    # Here several different ones are specified to illustrate:

    tstart_max = 8000.  # when to start monitoring fgmax grids

    # Points on a uniform 2d grid:
    fg = fgmax_tools.FGmaxGrid()
    fg.point_style = 2  # uniform rectangular x-y grid
    fg.x1 = 14.25
    fg.x2 = 14.65
    fg.y1 = 50.10
    fg.y2 = 50.35
    fg.dx = 15 / 3600.  # desired resolution of fgmax grid
    fg.min_level_check = amrdata.amr_levels_max  # which levels to monitor max on
    fg.tstart_max = tstart_max  # just before wave arrives
    fg.tend_max = 1.e10  # when to stop monitoring max values
    fg.dt_check = 20.  # how often to update max values
    fg.interp_method = 0  # 0 ==> pw const in cells, recommended
    fgmax_grids.append(fg)  # written to fgmax_grids.data

    # Points on a 1d transect from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2):
    fg = fgmax_tools.FGmaxGrid()
    fg.point_style = 1  # equally spaced points on a transect
    fg.x1 = 14.25
    fg.x2 = 14.65
    fg.y1 = 50.10
    fg.y2 = 50.35
    fg.npts = 50
    fg.min_level_check = amrdata.amr_levels_max  # which levels to monitor max on
    fg.tstart_max = tstart_max  # just before wave arrives
    fg.tend_max = 1.e10  # when to stop monitoring max values
    fg.dt_check = 20.  # how often to update max values
    fg.interp_method = 0  # 0 ==> pw const in cells, recommended
    fgmax_grids.append(fg)  # written to fgmax_grids.data

    # fgmax grid point_style==4 means grid specified as topo_type==3 file:
    fg = fgmax_tools.FGmaxGrid()
    fg.point_style = 4
    fg.min_level_check = amrdata.amr_levels_max  # which levels to monitor max on
    fg.tstart_max = tstart_max  # just before wave arrives
    fg.tend_max = 1.e10  # when to stop monitoring max values
    fg.dt_check = 20.  # how often to update max values
    fg.interp_method = 0  # 0 ==> pw const in cells, recommended
    fg.xy_fname = 'fgmax_pts_island.data'  # file of 0/1 values in tt3 format
    fgmax_grids.append(fg)  # written to fgmax_grids.data

    # fgmax grid point_style==0 means list of points:
    fg = fgmax_tools.FGmaxGrid()
    fg.point_style = 0
    fg.min_level_check = amrdata.amr_levels_max  # which levels to monitor max on
    fg.tstart_max = tstart_max  # just before wave arrives
    fg.tend_max = 1.e10  # when to stop monitoring max values
    fg.dt_check = 20.  # how often to update max values
    fg.interp_method = 0  # 0 ==> pw const in cells, recommended
    # can set list of points here:
    fg.npts = 2
    fg.X = np.array([14.4, 14.5])
    fg.Y = np.array([50.13, 50.13])
    fgmax_grids.append(fg)  # written to fgmax_grids.data

    # fgmax grid point_style==0 means list of points:
    fg = fgmax_tools.FGmaxGrid()
    fg.point_style = 0
    fg.min_level_check = amrdata.amr_levels_max  # which levels to monitor max on
    fg.tstart_max = tstart_max  # just before wave arrives
    fg.tend_max = 1.e10  # when to stop monitoring max values
    fg.dt_check = 20.  # how often to update max values
    fg.interp_method = 0  # 0 ==> pw const in cells, recommended
    # can specify that list of points is in a different file:
    fg.npts = 0
    fg.xy_fname = 'fgmax_ps0.txt'
    fgmax_grids.append(fg)  # written to fgmax_grids.data

    #  ----- For developers -----
    # Toggle debugging print statements:
    amrdata.dprint = False  # print domain flags
    amrdata.eprint = False  # print err est flags
    amrdata.edebug = False  # even more err est flags
    amrdata.gprint = False  # grid bisection/clustering
    amrdata.nprint = False  # proper nesting output
    amrdata.pprint = False  # proj. of tagged points
    amrdata.rprint = False  # print regridding summary
    amrdata.sprint = False  # space/memory output
    amrdata.tprint = False  # time step reporting each level
    amrdata.uprint = False  # update/upbnd reporting

    return rundata
コード例 #9
ファイル: plot_xsec.py プロジェクト: mjberger/asteroidTsunami
from clawpack.geoclaw.data import Rearth  # radius of earth
from interp import pwcubic
from clawpack.clawutil.data import ClawData
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pylab as plt

from mapper import latlong
import maketopo

probdata = ClawData()
probdata.read('setprob.data', force=True)
theta_island = probdata.theta_island
print "theta_island = ",theta_island

(xisland,yisland) = latlong(1600.e3, theta_island, 40., Rearth)

def ocean():
    dmax = 1650.e3
    dp = np.linspace(0., dmax, 3301)
    zp = maketopo.shelf1(dp) 
    plt.fill_between(dp*1e-3,zp,0.,where=(zp<0.), color=[0,0.5,1])
    plt.title("Topography as function of radius",fontsize=18)
    plt.xlabel("kilometers from center",fontsize=15)
コード例 #10
ファイル: setplot.py プロジェクト: mjberger/asteroidTsunami
def setplot(plotdata):
    Specify what is to be plotted at each frame.
    Input:  plotdata, an instance of clawpack.visclaw.data.ClawPlotData.
    Output: a modified version of plotdata.

    from clawpack.visclaw import colormaps, geoplot
    from numpy import linspace

    plotdata.clearfigures()  # clear any old figures,axes,items data
    #plotdata.format = 'binary'
    plotdata.format = 'ascii'

    # Load data from output
    clawdata = clawutil.ClawInputData(2)
    amrdata = amrclaw.AmrclawInputData(clawdata)
    physics = geodata.GeoClawData()
    surge_data = surgedata.SurgeData()

    probdata = clawutil.ClawData()
    probdata.read('setprob.data', force=True)
    theta_island = probdata.theta_island

    # To plot gauge locations on pcolor or contour plot, use this as
    # an afteraxis function:

    def addgauges(current_data):
        from clawpack.visclaw import gaugetools
        gaugetools.plot_gauge_locations(current_data.plotdata, \
             gaugenos='all', format_string='ko', add_labels=True)

    # Figure for pcolor plot for surface
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='pcolor', figno=0)

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes('pcolor')
    plotaxes.title = 'Surface'
    plotaxes.scaled = True
    plotaxes.afteraxes = addgauges

    # Water
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
    #plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.surface
    plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.surface_or_depth
    #plotitem.plot_var = 0/1/2 or plot that entry into q instead of a function
    plotitem.pcolor_cmap = geoplot.tsunami_colormap
    #plotitem.pcolor_cmin = -1.0
    #plotitem.pcolor_cmax = 1.0
    plotitem.pcolor_cmin = -.005
    plotitem.pcolor_cmax = .005
    plotitem.add_colorbar = True
    plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [0,0,0]
    plotitem.patchedges_show = 1
    #plotitem.patchedges_show = 0

    # Land
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
    plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.land
    # plotitem.pcolor_cmap = colormaps.all_white  # to print better in B&W
    plotitem.pcolor_cmap = geoplot.land_colors
    plotitem.pcolor_cmin = 0.0
    plotitem.pcolor_cmax = 100.0
    plotitem.add_colorbar = False
    plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [0,0]
    #plotitem.patchedges_show = 1
    plotitem.patchedges_show = 0
    plotaxes.xlimits = [-20,20]
    plotaxes.ylimits = [20,60]
    #plotaxes.xlimits = [-5,5]
    #plotaxes.ylimits = [35,45]

    # add contour lines of bathy if desired:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_contour')
    plotitem.show = True #False
    plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.topo
    plotitem.contour_levels = [-3500,-2500,-1500, -500, 0, 500]
    plotitem.amr_contour_colors = ['g']  # color on each level
    plotitem.kwargs = {'linestyles':'dashed','linewidths':2,'colors' : 'red' }
    plotitem.amr_contour_show = [0,0,0]  
    plotitem.celledges_show = 0
    plotitem.patchedges_show = 0

    # Figure for speeds
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='Speeds', figno=10)

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes('pcolor')
    plotaxes.title = 'Speed'
    plotaxes.scaled = True

    #def fixup(current_data):
    #    import pylab
    #    addgauges(current_data)
    #    t = current_data.t
    #    t = t / 3600.  # hours
    #    pylab.title('Speed at %4.2f hours' % t, fontsize=20)
    #    pylab.xticks(fontsize=15)
    #    pylab.yticks(fontsize=15)
    #plotaxes.afteraxes = fixup

    def speed(current_data):
        from pylab import where,sqrt
        q = current_data.q
        h = q[0,:]
        dry_tol = 0.001
        u = q[1,:] # this is just to initialize
        v = q[2,:] # to correct size
        s = 0*q[2,:] # to correct size

        nq = len(q[1,:])
        [n,m] = h.shape
        for ii in range(0,n):
           for jj in range(0,m):
             if h[ii,jj] > dry_tol:
                u[ii,jj] = q[1,ii,jj]/h[ii,jj]
                v[ii,jj] = q[2,ii,jj]/h[ii,jj]
                s[ii,jj] = sqrt(u[ii,jj]* u[ii,jj] + v[ii,jj]*v[ii,jj])
                u[ii,jj] = 0.
                v[ii,jj] = 0.
                s[ii,jj] = 0
        #print("max of u = " + str(max(u)))
        #u = where(h>dry_tol, q[1,:]/h, 0.)
        #v = where(h>dry_tol, q[2,:]/h, 0.)
        #s = sqrt(u**2 + v**2)
        #s = sqrt(u*2+v*v) #try not dividing or using where
        return s

    # Water
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
    plotitem.plot_var = speed
    plotitem.pcolor_cmap = geoplot.tsunami_colormap
    plotitem.pcolor_cmap = \
    plotitem.pcolor_cmin = 0.
    plotitem.pcolor_cmax = .01
    plotitem.add_colorbar = True
    plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [0,0,0]
    plotitem.patchedges_show = 1

    # Land
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
    plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.land
    plotitem.pcolor_cmap = geoplot.land_colors
    plotitem.pcolor_cmin = 0.0
    plotitem.pcolor_cmax = 100.0
    plotitem.add_colorbar = False
    plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [0,0,0]
    plotitem.patchedges_show = 1
    plotaxes.xlimits = [-20,20]
    plotaxes.ylimits = [20,60]

    # Figure for zoom at island
    zoomWanted = True
    if zoomWanted:
        plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='Zoom1', figno=7)
        # Set up for axes in this figure:
        plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes('zoom on island')
        plotaxes.title = 'Surface elevation'
        plotaxes.scaled = True
        xisland,yisland = latlong(1600e3, theta_island, 40., Rearth)
        plotaxes.xlimits = [xisland-0.6, xisland+0.6]
        plotaxes.ylimits = [yisland-0.6, yisland+0.6]
        #plotaxes.afteraxes = addgauges
        def bigfont(current_data):
            import pylab
            t = current_data.t
            pylab.title("Surface at t = %8.1f" % t, fontsize=20)
        plotaxes.afteraxes = bigfont
        plotaxes.afteraxes = addgauges

        # Water
        plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
        plotitem.show = True
        #plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.surface
        plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.surface_or_depth
        plotitem.pcolor_cmap = geoplot.tsunami_colormap
        plotitem.pcolor_cmin = -1.0
        plotitem.pcolor_cmax = 1.0
        plotitem.add_colorbar = False
        plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [0]
        plotitem.patchedges_show = 1

        # Land
        plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
        plotitem.show = True
        plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.land
        # plotitem.pcolor_cmap = colormaps.all_white  # to print better in B&W
        plotitem.pcolor_cmap = geoplot.land_colors
        plotitem.pcolor_cmin = 0.0
        plotitem.pcolor_cmax = 100.0
        plotitem.add_colorbar = False
        plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [1,0,0,0,0]
        plotitem.patchedges_show = 1

        # contour lines:
        plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_contour')
        plotitem.show = True
        plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.surface
        plotitem.contour_levels = [-0.8, -0.4, 0.4, 0.8]
        plotitem.amr_contour_colors = ['k']  # color on each level
        plotitem.kwargs = {'linewidths':2}
        plotitem.amr_contour_show = [0,0,0,1,1]  
        plotitem.celledges_show = 0
        plotitem.patchedges_show = 0

        # add contour lines of bathy if desired:
        plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_contour')
        plotitem.show = False
        plotitem.plot_var = geoplot.topo
        plotitem.contour_levels = linspace(-1000,-1000,1)
        plotitem.amr_contour_colors = ['g']  # color on each level
        plotitem.kwargs = {'linestyles':'dashed','linewidths':2}
        plotitem.amr_contour_show = [0,0,1]  
        plotitem.celledges_show = 0
        plotitem.patchedges_show = 0

    # Figures for gauges
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='Surface & topo', figno=300, \
    plotfigure.clf_each_gauge = True

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.xlimits = [0000, 5000]
    plotaxes.ylimits = [-.10, .10]
    #plotaxes.xlimits = 'auto'
    #plotaxes.ylimits = 'auto'
    plotaxes.title = 'Surface'

    # Plot surface as blue curve:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d_plot')
    plotitem.plot_var = 3
    plotitem.plotstyle = 'b-'

    # Plot topo as green curve:
    #plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d_plot')

    def gaugetopo(current_data):
        q = current_data.q
        h = q[0,:]
        eta = q[3,:]
        topo = eta - h
        return topo

    def gaugedpress(current_data):
        q = current_data.q
        #dpress = (q[4,:] - 101300)/101300
        dpress = q[4,:]  # already output as relative:  dp/amb_pr
        return dpress

    def gs(current_data):
        q = current_data.q
        # different than speed function because q is function of time, not
        # x,y at the gauges.
        from numpy import where, sqrt
        h = q[0,:]
        #print('shape of h ' +  str(h.shape))
        dry_tol = 0.001
        u = where(h>dry_tol, q[1,:]/h, 0.)
        v = where(h>dry_tol, q[2,:]/h, 0.)
        ssq = sqrt(u*u+v*v)
        #s = sqrt(u**2 + v**2)
        s = sqrt(ssq)
        return ssq
    #plotitem.plot_var = gaugetopo
    #plotitem.plotstyle = 'g-'

    # Plot relative delta pressure as red curve:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d_plot')
    plotitem.plot_var = gaugedpress
    plotitem.plotstyle = 'r-'

    # add speed to this plot since cant get new one going
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d_plot')
    plotitem.plot_var = gs
    plotitem.plotstyle = 'g-'

    def add_zeroline(current_data):
        from pylab import plot, legend
        t = current_data.t
#        legend(('surface','topography','dp'),loc='lower left')
        legend(('surface','dp','speed'),loc='upper right')
        plot(t, 0*t, 'k')

    plotaxes.afteraxes = add_zeroline

    # -------------------------------
    # Figure for speed at gauges

#    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='Speed at gauges', figno=310, \
#                    type='each_gauge')

#    # Set up for axes in this figure:
#    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
#    plotaxes.xlimits = 'auto'
#    plotaxes.ylimits = 'auto'
#    #plotaxes.xlimits = [0000, 7000]
#    #plotaxes.ylimits = 'auto'
#    plotaxes.title = 'Speed'
#    # Plot surface as blue curve:
#    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d_plot')
#    #plotitem.plot_var = speed
#    plotitem.plot_var = gs  #gauge_speed
#    plotitem.plotstyle = 'b-'
#    plotfigure.show = True 

    # Figure for bathy alone
    def bathy(current_data):
        return current_data.aux[0,:,:]

    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='bathymetry', figno=3)
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes('pcolor')
    plotaxes.title = 'Bathymetry'
    plotaxes.scaled = True

    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
    plotitem.plot_var = bathy
    plotitem.pcolor_cmin = -4000.00
    plotitem.pcolor_cmax = 100
    plotitem.add_colorbar = True

    # Figure for grids alone
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='grids', figno=2)
    plotfigure.show = False

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.xlimits = [0,1]
    plotaxes.ylimits = [0,1]
    plotaxes.title = 'grids'
    plotaxes.scaled = True

    # Set up for item on these axes:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_patch')
    plotitem.amr_patch_bgcolor = ['#ffeeee', '#eeeeff', '#eeffee']
    plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [1,1,0]   
    #plotitem.amr_patchedges_show = [1]     
    plotitem.amr_patchedges_show = [0]     

    # Pressure field
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='Pressure')
    plotfigure.show = True
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.xlimits = [-20,20]
    plotaxes.ylimits = [20,60]
    #plotaxes.xlimits = [-5,5]
    #plotaxes.ylimits = [35,45]
    plotaxes.title = "Pressure Field"
    # plotaxes.afteraxes = gulf_after_axes
    plotaxes.scaled = True
    #pressure_limits = [surge_data.ambient_pressure / 100.0, 
    #                   2.0 * surge_data.ambient_pressure / 100.0]
    pressure_limits = [.999*surge_data.ambient_pressure / 100.0, 
                       1.001 * surge_data.ambient_pressure / 100.0]
    #pressure_limits = [-.000001*surge_data.ambient_pressure, 
    #                   .000001 * surge_data.ambient_pressure]
    surgeplot.add_pressure(plotaxes, bounds=pressure_limits)

    # Parameters used only when creating html and/or latex hardcopy
    # e.g., via clawpack.visclaw.frametools.printframes:

    plotdata.printfigs = True                # print figures
    plotdata.print_format = 'png'            # file format
    plotdata.print_framenos = 'all'          # list of frames to print
    plotdata.print_gaugenos = 'all'          # list of gauges to print
    plotdata.print_fignos = 'all'            # list of figures to print
    plotdata.html = True                     # create html files of plots?
    plotdata.html_homelink = '../README.html'   # pointer for top of index
    plotdata.latex = True                    # create latex file of plots?
    plotdata.latex_figsperline = 2           # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_framesperline = 1         # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_makepdf = False           # also run pdflatex?

    return plotdata