def generate_confs(tileset, layer, title, ignore_warnings=True, renderd=False): """ Default para productos SATMO Takes a Tileset object and returns mapproxy and seed config files """ # Start with a sane configuration using MapProxy's defaults mapproxy_config = load_default_config() tileset_conf_json = get_mapproxy_conf(tileset, layer, title) tileset_conf = yaml.safe_load(tileset_conf_json) # print tileset_conf_json # merge our config load_config(mapproxy_config, config_dict=tileset_conf) seed_conf_json = get_seed_conf(tileset) seed_conf = yaml.safe_load(seed_conf_json) errors, informal_only = validate_options(mapproxy_config) if not informal_only or (errors and not ignore_warnings): raise ConfigurationError('invalid configuration - {}'.format( ', '.join(errors))) mapproxy_cf = ProxyConfiguration(mapproxy_config, seed=seed, renderd=renderd) errors, informal_only = validate_seed_conf(seed_conf) if not informal_only: raise SeedConfigurationError('invalid seed configuration - {}'.format( ', '.join(errors))) seed_cf = SeedingConfiguration(seed_conf, mapproxy_conf=mapproxy_cf) return mapproxy_cf, seed_cf
def generate_confs(tileset, ignore_warnings=True, renderd=False): """ Takes a Tileset object and returns mapproxy and seed config files """ # Start with a sane configuration using MapProxy's defaults mapproxy_config = load_default_config() tileset_conf_json = get_mapproxy_conf(tileset) tileset_conf = yaml.safe_load(tileset_conf_json) # merge our config load_config(mapproxy_config, config_dict=tileset_conf) seed_conf_json = get_seed_conf(tileset) seed_conf = yaml.safe_load(seed_conf_json) errors, informal_only = validate_options(mapproxy_config) if not informal_only or (errors and not ignore_warnings): raise ConfigurationError('invalid configuration - {}'.format(', '.join(errors))) mapproxy_cf = ProxyConfiguration(mapproxy_config, seed=seed, renderd=renderd) errors, informal_only = validate_seed_conf(seed_conf) if not informal_only: raise SeedConfigurationError('invalid seed configuration - {}'.format(', '.join(errors))) seed_cf = SeedingConfiguration(seed_conf, mapproxy_conf=mapproxy_cf) return mapproxy_cf, seed_cf
def configure_mapproxy(extra_config, seed=False, ignore_warnings=True, renderd=False): """Create an validate mapproxy configuration based on a dict. """ # Start with a sane configuration using MapProxy's defaults conf_options = load_default_config() # Merge both load_config(conf_options, config_dict=extra_config) # Make sure the config is valid. errors, informal_only = validate_options(conf_options) for error in errors: LOGGER.warn(error) if errors and not ignore_warnings: raise ConfigurationError('invalid configuration: %s' % ', '.join(errors)) errors = validate_references(conf_options) for error in errors: LOGGER.warn(error) if errors and not ignore_warnings: raise ConfigurationError('invalid references: %s' % ', '.join(errors)) conf = ProxyConfiguration(conf_options, seed=seed, renderd=renderd) return conf
def create_mapproxy_image(yaml_file, img_file): with open(yaml_file, 'rb') as f: yaml_text = yaml.load(f) captured = [] # Inline function that accesses captured. Do not refactor out of this function. def start_response(status, headers, exc_info=None): captured[:] = [status, headers, exc_info] return output.append output = [] bbox_req, lay_name = get_path_info_params(yaml_text) path_info = ( '/service?LAYERS={0}&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&SRS=EPSG%3A4326' '&EXCEPTIONS=application%2Fvnd.ogc.se_inimage&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&' 'REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES=&BBOX={1}&WIDTH=200&HEIGHT=150').format( lay_name, bbox_req) conf_options = load_default_config() # Merge both load_config(conf_options, config_dict=yaml_text) conf = ProxyConfiguration(conf_options, seed=False, renderd=False) # Create a MapProxy App app = MapProxyApp(conf.configured_services(), conf.base_config) # Get a response from MapProxyAppy as if it was running standalone. environ = environ_from_url(path_info) app_iter = None try: app_iter = app(environ, start_response) except: return 1 if app_iter is None: return 1 try: with open(img_file, 'wb') as img: img.write( except: return 1 content = 'error' with open(img_file, 'rb') as img: content = if 'error' in content: os.remove(img_file) return 1 return 0
def test_convert(self, seed_template, cache_template, load_config, seeder, seeding_config, connections, remove_zoom_levels, mock_check_zoom_levels, mock_set_gpkg_contents_bounds, patch_https, mock_retry): gpkgfile = '/var/lib/eventkit/test.gpkg' config = "layers:\r\n - name: imagery\r\n title: imagery\r\n sources: [cache]\r\n\r\nsources:\r\n imagery:\r\n type: tile\r\n grid: webmercator\r\n url:\r\n\r\ngrids:\r\n webmercator:\r\n srs: EPSG:3857\r\n tile_size: [256, 256]\r\n origin: nw" json_config = real_yaml.load(config) mapproxy_config = load_default_config() bbox = [-2, -2, 2, 2] cache_template.return_value = {'sources': ['imagery'], 'cache': {'type': 'geopackage', 'filename': '/var/lib/eventkit/test.gpkg'}, 'grids': ['webmercator']} seed_template.return_value = {'coverages': {'geom': {'srs': 'EPSG:4326', 'bbox': [-2, -2, 2, 2]}}, 'seeds': {'seed': {'coverages': ['geom'], 'refresh_before': {'minutes': 0}, 'levels': {'to': 10, 'from': 0}, 'caches': ['cache']}}} self.task_process.return_value = Mock(exitcode=0) w2g = MapproxyGeopackage(config=config, gpkgfile=gpkgfile, bbox=bbox, service_url='http://generic.server/WMTS?SERVICE=WMTS&REQUEST=GetTile&TILEMATRIXSET=default028mm&TILEMATRIX=%(z)s&TILEROW=%(y)s&TILECOL=%(x)s&FORMAT=image%%2Fpng', layer='imagery', debug=True, name='imagery', level_from=0, level_to=10, service_type='wmts', task_uid=self.task_uid) result = w2g.convert() mock_check_zoom_levels.assert_called_once() connections.close_all.assert_called_once() self.assertEqual(result, gpkgfile) cache_template.assert_called_once_with(["imagery"], [grids for grids in json_config.get('grids')], gpkgfile, table_name='imagery') json_config['caches'] = {'cache': {'sources': ['imagery'], 'cache': {'type': 'geopackage', 'filename': '/var/lib/eventkit/test.gpkg'}, 'grids': ['webmercator']}} json_config['services'] = ['demo'] patch_https.assert_called_once_with('imagery') load_config.assert_called_once_with(mapproxy_config, config_dict=json_config) remove_zoom_levels.assert_called_once_with(gpkgfile) mock_set_gpkg_contents_bounds.assert_called_once_with(gpkgfile, 'imagery', bbox) seed_template.assert_called_once_with(bbox=bbox, coverage_file=None, level_from=0, level_to=10) self.task_process.side_effect = Exception() with self.assertRaises(Exception): w2g.convert()
def create_mapproxy_app(slug: str, user: User = None) -> TestApp: mapproxy_config_key = get_mapproxy_config_template(slug, user=user) mapproxy_config = cache.get(mapproxy_config_key) conf_dict = cache.get_or_set(f"base-config-{slug}", lambda: get_conf_dict(slug), 360) if not mapproxy_config: # TODO: place this somewhere else consolidate settings. base_config: Dict[str, Any] = { "services": { "demo": None, "tms": None, "wmts": { "featureinfo_formats": [ {"mimetype": "application/json", "suffix": "json"}, {"mimetype": "application/gml+xml; version=3.1", "suffix": "gml"}, ] }, }, # Cache based on slug so that the caches don't overwrite each other. "caches": {slug: {"cache": {"type": "file"}, "sources": ["default"], "grids": ["default"]}}, "layers": [{"name": slug, "title": slug, "sources": [slug]}], "globals": {"cache": {"base_dir": getattr(settings, "TILE_CACHE_DIR")}}, } if conf_dict["sources"].get("info"): base_config["caches"][slug]["sources"] += ["info"] if conf_dict["sources"].get("footprint"): base_config["caches"][get_footprint_layer_name(slug)] = { "cache": {"type": "file"}, "sources": ["footprint"], "grids": ["default"], } base_config["layers"] += [ { "name": get_footprint_layer_name(slug), "title": get_footprint_layer_name(slug), "sources": [get_footprint_layer_name(slug)], } ] base_config, conf_dict = add_restricted_regions_to_config(base_config, conf_dict, slug, None) try: mapproxy_config = load_default_config() load_config(mapproxy_config, config_dict=base_config) load_config(mapproxy_config, config_dict=conf_dict) mapproxy_configuration = ProxyConfiguration(mapproxy_config) if settings.REGIONAL_JUSTIFICATION_TIMEOUT_DAYS: regional_justification_timeout = settings.REGIONAL_JUSTIFICATION_TIMEOUT_DAYS * 86400 else: regional_justification_timeout = None mapproxy_configs_set = cache.get_or_set(mapproxy_config_keys_index, set()) mapproxy_configs_set.add(mapproxy_config_key) cache.set(mapproxy_config_keys_index, mapproxy_configs_set) cache.set(mapproxy_config_key, mapproxy_config, regional_justification_timeout) except ConfigurationError as e: logger.error(e) raise else: try: mapproxy_configuration = ProxyConfiguration(mapproxy_config) except ConfigurationError as e: logger.error(e) raise cert_info = conf_dict.get("cert_info") auth_requests.patch_https(cert_info=cert_info) cred_var = conf_dict.get("cred_var") auth_requests.patch_mapproxy_opener_cache(slug=slug, cred_var=cred_var) app = MapProxyApp(mapproxy_configuration.configured_services(), mapproxy_config) return TestApp(app)
def get_check_config(self): """ Create a MapProxy configuration object and verifies its validity """ if self.config or self.projection: conf_dict = yaml.safe_load(self.config) or dict() else: raise ConfigurationError("MapProxy configuration is required for raster data providers") if not conf_dict.get("grids"): conf_dict["grids"] = { "default": {"srs": "EPSG:4326", "tile_size": [256, 256], "origin": "nw"}, "webmercator": {"srs": "EPSG:3857", "tile_size": [256, 256], "origin": "nw"}, } elif self.projection: conf_dict["grids"].update( {str(self.projection): {"srs": f"EPSG:{self.projection}", "tile_size": [256, 256], "origin": "nw"}} ) # If user provides a cache setup then use that and substitute in the geopackage file for the placeholder. conf_dict["caches"] = conf_dict.get("caches", {}) try: conf_dict["caches"]["default"]["cache"]["filename"] = self.gpkgfile except KeyError: conf_dict["caches"]["default"] = get_cache_template( ["{0}".format(self.layer)], [grids for grids in conf_dict.get("grids")], self.gpkgfile, table_name=self.layer, ) if self.projection: conf_dict["caches"]["repro_cache"] = copy.deepcopy(conf_dict["caches"]["default"]) conf_dict["caches"]["repro_cache"]["cache"]["filename"] = self.input_gpkg conf_dict["caches"]["repro_cache"]["sources"] = [] conf_dict["caches"]["default"]["meta_size"] = [4, 4] conf_dict["caches"]["default"]["bulk_meta_tiles"] = True conf_dict["caches"]["default"] = get_cache_template( ["repro_cache"], [str(self.projection)], self.gpkgfile, "default" ) # Need something listed as a service to pass the mapproxy validation. conf_dict["services"] = ["demo"] # disable SSL cert checks ssl_verify = getattr(settings, "SSL_VERIFICATION", True) if isinstance(ssl_verify, bool): if not ssl_verify: conf_dict["globals"] = {"http": {"ssl_no_cert_checks": ssl_verify}} else: conf_dict["globals"] = {"http": {"ssl_ca_certs": ssl_verify}} # Add autoconfiguration to base_config mapproxy_config = load_default_config() load_config(mapproxy_config, config_dict=conf_dict) # Create a configuration object mapproxy_configuration = ProxyConfiguration(mapproxy_config, seed=seeder.seed, renderd=None) # # As of Mapproxy 1.9.x, datasource files covering a small area cause a bbox error. if self.bbox: if isclose(self.bbox[0], self.bbox[2], rel_tol=0.001) or isclose(self.bbox[1], self.bbox[3], rel_tol=0.001): logger.warning("Using bbox instead of selection, because the area is too small") self.selection = None seed_dict = get_seed_template( bbox=self.bbox, level_from=self.level_from, level_to=self.level_to, coverage_file=self.selection, projection=self.projection, ) # Create a seed configuration object seed_configuration = SeedingConfiguration(seed_dict, mapproxy_conf=mapproxy_configuration) errors = validate_references(conf_dict) if errors: logger.error("MapProxy configuration failed.") logger.error("Using Configuration:") logger.error(conf_dict) raise ConfigurationError("MapProxy returned the error - {0}".format(", ".join(errors))) return conf_dict, seed_configuration, mapproxy_configuration
def get_mapproxy(layer, seed=False, ignore_warnings=True, renderd=False): """Creates a mapproxy config for a given layer-like object. Compatible with django-registry and GeoNode. """ bbox = list(wkt2geom(layer.wkt_geometry)) # TODO: Check for correct url url = '' # url = str(layer.service.url) layer_name = str(layer.title) srs = 'EPSG:4326' bbox_srs = 'EPSG:4326' grid_srs = 'EPSG:3857' default_source = { 'type': 'wms', 'coverage': { 'bbox': bbox, 'srs': srs, 'bbox_srs': bbox_srs, 'supported_srs': ['EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:900913', 'EPSG:3857'], }, 'req': { 'layers': str(layer.title), 'url': url, 'transparent': True, }, } if layer.type == 'ESRI:ArcGIS:MapServer' or layer.type == 'ESRI:ArcGIS:ImageServer': # blindly replace it with /arcgis/ url = url.replace("/ArcGIS/rest/", "/arcgis/") # same for uppercase url = url.replace("/arcgis/rest/", "/arcgis/") # and for old versions url = url.replace("ArcX/rest/services", "arcx/services") # in uppercase or lowercase url = url.replace("arcx/rest/services", "arcx/services") srs = 'EPSG:3857' bbox_srs = 'EPSG:3857' default_source = { 'type': 'arcgis', 'req': { 'url': url, 'grid': 'default_grid', 'transparent': True, }, } # A source is the WMS config sources = {'default_source': default_source} # A grid is where it will be projects (Mercator in our case) grids = { 'default_grid': { 'tile_size': [256, 256], 'srs': grid_srs, 'origin': 'nw', } } # A cache that does not store for now. It needs a grid and a source. caches = { 'default_cache': { 'disable_storage': True, 'grids': ['default_grid'], 'sources': ['default_source'] }, } # The layer is connected to the cache layers = [ { 'name': layer_name, 'sources': ['default_cache'], 'title': str(layer.title), }, ] # Services expose all layers. # WMS is used for reprojecting # TMS is used for easy tiles # Demo is used to test our installation, may be disabled in final version services = { 'wms': { 'image_formats': ['image/png'], 'md': { 'abstract': 'This is the Harvard HyperMap Proxy.', 'title': 'Harvard HyperMap Proxy' }, 'srs': ['EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857'], 'versions': ['1.1.1'] }, 'wmts': { 'restful': True, 'restful_template': '/{Layer}/{TileMatrixSet}/{TileMatrix}/{TileCol}/{TileRow}.png', }, 'tms': { 'origin': 'nw', }, 'demo': None, } global_config = { 'http': { 'ssl_no_cert_checks': True }, } # Start with a sane configuration using MapProxy's defaults conf_options = load_default_config() # Populate a dictionary with custom config changes extra_config = { 'caches': caches, 'grids': grids, 'layers': layers, 'services': services, 'sources': sources, 'globals': global_config, } yaml_config = yaml.dump(extra_config, default_flow_style=False) # If you want to test the resulting configuration. Turn on the next # line and use that to generate a yaml config. # assert False # Merge both load_config(conf_options, config_dict=extra_config) # TODO: Make sure the config is valid. errors, informal_only = validate_options(conf_options) for error in errors: LOGGER.warn(error) if not informal_only or (errors and not ignore_warnings): raise ConfigurationError('invalid configuration') errors = validate_references(conf_options) for error in errors: LOGGER.warn(error) conf = ProxyConfiguration(conf_options, seed=seed, renderd=renderd) # Create a MapProxy App app = MapProxyApp(conf.configured_services(), conf.base_config) return app, yaml_config
def get_mapproxy(layer, seed=False, ignore_warnings=True, renderd=False): """Creates a mapproxy config for a given layers """ bbox = [float(layer.bbox_x0), float(layer.bbox_y0), float(layer.bbox_x1), float(layer.bbox_y1)] url = str(layer.service.url) layer_name = simple_name( srs = 'EPSG:4326' bbox_srs = 'EPSG:4326' grid_srs = 'EPSG:3857' if layer.type == 'ESRI:ArcGIS:MapServer' or layer.type == 'ESRI:ArcGIS:ImageServer': url = str(layer.service.url).split('?')[0] + 'WMSServer?' # blindly replace it with /arcgis/ url = url.replace("/ArcGIS/rest/", "/arcgis/") # same for uppercase url = url.replace("/arcgis/rest/", "/arcgis/") # and for old versions url = url.replace("ArcX/rest/services", "arcx/services") # in uppercase or lowercase url = url.replace("arcx/rest/services", "arcx/services") srs = 'EPSG:3857' bbox_srs = 'EPSG:3857' if layer.type == 'Hypermap:WARPER': url = str(layer.url.replace("maps//wms", "maps/wms")) grid_srs = 'EPSG:900913' if layer.type == 'Hypermap:WorldMap': url = str(layer.url.replace("maps//wms", "maps/wms")) default_source = { 'type': 'wms', 'coverage': { 'bbox': bbox, 'srs': srs, 'bbox_srs': bbox_srs, 'supported_srs': ['EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:900913', 'EPSG:3857'], }, 'req': { 'layers': layer_name, 'url': url, 'transparent': True, }, } if layer.type == 'ESRI:ArcGIS:MapServer': default_source = { 'type': 'tile', 'url': str(layer.service.url).split('?')[0] + 'tile/%(z)s/%(y)s/%(x)s', 'grid': 'default_grid', 'transparent': True, } # A source is the WMS config sources = { 'default_source': default_source } # A grid is where it will be projects (Mercator in our case) grids = { 'default_grid': { 'tile_size': [256, 256], 'srs': grid_srs, 'origin': 'nw', } } # A cache that does not store for now. It needs a grid and a source. caches = {'default_cache': { 'cache': { 'type': 'file', 'directory_layout': 'tms', 'directory': os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'mapproxy', 'layer', '%s' %, 'map', 'wmts', layer_name, 'default_grid', ), }, 'grids': ['default_grid'], 'sources': ['default_source']}, } # The layer is connected to the cache layers = [ {'name': layer_name, 'sources': ['default_cache'], 'title': str(layer.title), }, ] # Services expose all layers. # WMS is used for reprojecting # TMS is used for easy tiles # Demo is used to test our installation, may be disabled in final version services = { 'wms': {'image_formats': ['image/png'], 'md': {'abstract': 'This is the Harvard HyperMap Proxy.', 'title': 'Harvard HyperMap Proxy'}, 'srs': ['EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857'], 'versions': ['1.1.1']}, 'wmts': { 'restful': True, 'restful_template': '/{Layer}/{TileMatrixSet}/{TileMatrix}/{TileCol}/{TileRow}.png', }, 'tms': { 'origin': 'nw', }, 'demo': None, } global_config = { 'http': {'ssl_no_cert_checks': True}, } # Start with a sane configuration using MapProxy's defaults conf_options = load_default_config() # Populate a dictionary with custom config changes extra_config = { 'caches': caches, 'grids': grids, 'layers': layers, 'services': services, 'sources': sources, 'globals': global_config, } yaml_config = yaml.dump(extra_config, default_flow_style=False) # If you want to test the resulting configuration. Turn on the next # line and use that to generate a yaml config. # assert False # Merge both load_config(conf_options, config_dict=extra_config) # Make sure the config is valid. errors, informal_only = validate_options(conf_options) for error in errors: log.warn(error) if not informal_only or (errors and not ignore_warnings): raise ConfigurationError('invalid configuration') errors = validate_references(conf_options) for error in errors: log.warn(error) conf = ProxyConfiguration(conf_options, seed=seed, renderd=renderd) # Create a MapProxy App app = MapProxyApp(conf.configured_services(), conf.base_config) # Wrap it in an object that allows to get requests by path as a string. return TestApp(app), yaml_config
def convert(self, ): """ Convert external service to gpkg. """ from ..tasks.task_process import TaskProcess from .geopackage import remove_empty_zoom_levels if self.config: conf_dict = yaml.load(self.config) else: conf_dict = create_conf_from_url(self.service_url) if not conf_dict.get('grids'): conf_dict['grids'] = { 'geodetic': { 'srs': 'EPSG:4326', 'tile_size': [256, 256], 'origin': 'nw' }, 'webmercator': { 'srs': 'EPSG:3857', 'tile_size': [256, 256], 'origin': 'nw' } } # If user provides a cache setup then use that and substitute in the geopackage file for the placeholder. conf_dict['caches'] = conf_dict.get('caches', {}) try: conf_dict['caches']['cache']['cache']['filename'] = self.gpkgfile except KeyError: conf_dict['caches']['cache'] = get_cache_template( ["{0}_{1}".format(self.layer, self.service_type)], [grids for grids in conf_dict.get('grids')], self.gpkgfile) # Prevent the service from failing if source has missing tiles. for source in conf_dict.get('sources'): if 'wmts' in source: conf_dict['sources'][source]['transparent'] = True conf_dict['sources'][source]['on_error'] = { "other": { "response": "transparent", "cache": False } } # disable SSL cert checks if getattr(settings, "DISABLE_SSL_VERIFICATION", False): conf_dict['globals'] = {'http': {'ssl_no_cert_checks': True}} # Add autoconfiguration to base_config # default = load_default_config() mapproxy_config = load_default_config() load_config(mapproxy_config, config_dict=conf_dict) # Create a configuration object mapproxy_configuration = ProxyConfiguration(mapproxy_config, seed=seed, renderd=None) # # As of Mapproxy 1.9.x, datasource files covering a small area cause a bbox error. if isclose(self.bbox[0], self.bbox[2], rel_tol=0.01) or isclose( self.bbox[0], self.bbox[2], rel_tol=0.01): logger.warn( 'Using bbox instead of selection, because the area is too small' ) self.selection = None seed_dict = get_seed_template(bbox=self.bbox, level_from=self.level_from, level_to=self.level_to, coverage_file=self.selection) # Create a seed configuration object seed_configuration = SeedingConfiguration( seed_dict, mapproxy_conf=mapproxy_configuration)"Beginning seeding to {0}".format(self.gpkgfile)) logger.error(mapproxy_config) try: check_service(conf_dict) progress_logger = CustomLogger(verbose=True, task_uid=self.task_uid) task_process = TaskProcess(task_uid=self.task_uid) task_process.start_process( billiard=True, target=seeder.seed, kwargs={ "tasks": seed_configuration.seeds(['seed']), "concurrency": int(getattr(settings, 'MAPPROXY_CONCURRENCY', 1)), "progress_logger": progress_logger }) remove_empty_zoom_levels(self.gpkgfile) except Exception as e: logger.error("Export failed for url {}.".format(self.service_url)) errors, informal_only = validate_options(mapproxy_config) if not informal_only: logger.error("MapProxy configuration failed.") logger.error("Using Configuration:") logger.error(mapproxy_config) errors, informal_only = validate_seed_conf(seed_dict) if not informal_only: logger.error("Mapproxy Seed failed.") logger.error("Using Seed Configuration:") logger.error(seed_dict) raise SeedConfigurationError( 'MapProxy seed configuration error - {}'.format( ', '.join(errors))) raise e finally: connections.close_all() return self.gpkgfile
def get_check_config(self): """ Create a MapProxy configuration object and verifies its validity """ if self.config: conf_dict = yaml.load(self.config) else: raise ConfigurationError("MapProxy configuration is required for raster data providers") if not conf_dict.get('grids'): conf_dict['grids'] = {'geodetic': {'srs': 'EPSG:4326', 'tile_size': [256, 256], 'origin': 'nw'}, 'webmercator': {'srs': 'EPSG:3857', 'tile_size': [256, 256], 'origin': 'nw'}} # If user provides a cache setup then use that and substitute in the geopackage file for the placeholder. conf_dict['caches'] = conf_dict.get('caches', {}) try: conf_dict['caches']['cache']['cache']['filename'] = self.gpkgfile except KeyError: conf_dict['caches']['cache'] = get_cache_template(["{0}".format(self.layer)], [grids for grids in conf_dict.get('grids')], self.gpkgfile, table_name=self.layer) # Need something listed as a service to pass the mapproxy validation. conf_dict['services'] = ['demo'] # disable SSL cert checks ssl_verify = getattr(settings, "SSL_VERIFICATION", True) if not ssl_verify: conf_dict['globals'] = {'http': {'ssl_no_cert_checks': True}} # Add autoconfiguration to base_config # default = load_default_config() mapproxy_config = load_default_config() load_config(mapproxy_config, config_dict=conf_dict) # Create a configuration object mapproxy_configuration = ProxyConfiguration(mapproxy_config, seed=seeder.seed, renderd=None) # # As of Mapproxy 1.9.x, datasource files covering a small area cause a bbox error. if self.bbox: if isclose(self.bbox[0], self.bbox[2], rel_tol=0.001) or isclose(self.bbox[0], self.bbox[2], rel_tol=0.001): logger.warning('Using bbox instead of selection, because the area is too small') self.selection = None seed_dict = get_seed_template(bbox=self.bbox, level_from=self.level_from, level_to=self.level_to, coverage_file=self.selection) # Create a seed configuration object seed_configuration = SeedingConfiguration(seed_dict, mapproxy_conf=mapproxy_configuration) errors = validate_references(conf_dict) if errors: logger.error("MapProxy configuration failed.") logger.error("Using Configuration:") logger.error(conf_dict) raise ConfigurationError("MapProxy returned the error - {0}".format(", ".join(errors))) return conf_dict, seed_configuration, mapproxy_configuration
def get_mapproxy(layer, seed=False, ignore_warnings=True, renderd=False): """Creates a mapproxy config for a given layers """ bbox = [float(layer.bbox_x0), float(layer.bbox_y0), float(layer.bbox_x1), float(layer.bbox_y1)] url = str(layer.service.url) layer_name = simple_name( srs = "EPSG:4326" bbox_srs = "EPSG:4326" grid_srs = "EPSG:3857" if layer.service.type == "ESRI_MapServer" or layer.service.type == "ESRI_ImageServer": url = str(layer.service.url).split("?")[0] + "WMSServer?" # blindly replace it with /arcgis/ url = url.replace("/ArcGIS/rest/", "/arcgis/") # same for uppercase url = url.replace("/arcgis/rest/", "/arcgis/") # and for old versions url = url.replace("ArcX/rest/services", "arcx/services") # in uppercase or lowercase url = url.replace("arcx/rest/services", "arcx/services") srs = "EPSG:3857" bbox_srs = "EPSG:3857" if layer.service.type == "WARPER": url = str(layer.url.replace("maps//wms", "maps/wms")) grid_srs = "EPSG:900913" if layer.service.type == "WM": url = str(layer.url.replace("maps//wms", "maps/wms")) default_source = { "type": "wms", "coverage": { "bbox": bbox, "srs": srs, "bbox_srs": bbox_srs, "supported_srs": ["EPSG:4326", "EPSG:900913", "EPSG:3857"], }, "req": {"layers": layer_name, "url": url, "transparent": True}, } if layer.service.type == "ESRI_MapServer": default_source = { "type": "tile", "url": str(layer.service.url).split("?")[0] + "tile/%(z)s/%(y)s/%(x)s", "grid": "default_grid", "transparent": True, } # A source is the WMS config sources = {"default_source": default_source} # A grid is where it will be projects (Mercator in our case) grids = {"default_grid": {"tile_size": [256, 256], "srs": grid_srs, "origin": "nw"}} # A cache that does not store for now. It needs a grid and a source. caches = { "default_cache": { "cache": { "type": "file", "directory_layout": "tms", "directory": os.path.join( tempfile.gettempdir(), "mapproxy", "layer", "%s" %, "map", "wmts", layer_name, "default_grid", ), }, "grids": ["default_grid"], "sources": ["default_source"], } } # The layer is connected to the cache layers = [{"name": layer_name, "sources": ["default_cache"], "title": str(layer.title)}] # Services expose all layers. # WMS is used for reprojecting # TMS is used for easy tiles # Demo is used to test our installation, may be disabled in final version services = { "wms": { "image_formats": ["image/png"], "md": {"abstract": "This is the Harvard HyperMap Proxy.", "title": "Harvard HyperMap Proxy"}, "srs": ["EPSG:4326", "EPSG:3857"], "versions": ["1.1.1"], }, "wmts": {"restful": True, "restful_template": "/{Layer}/{TileMatrixSet}/{TileMatrix}/{TileCol}/{TileRow}.png"}, "tms": {"origin": "nw"}, "demo": None, } # Start with a sane configuration using MapProxy's defaults conf_options = load_default_config() # Populate a dictionary with custom config changes extra_config = {"caches": caches, "grids": grids, "layers": layers, "services": services, "sources": sources} yaml_config = yaml.dump(extra_config, default_flow_style=False) # If you want to test the resulting configuration. Turn on the next # line and use that to generate a yaml config. # assert False # Merge both load_config(conf_options, config_dict=extra_config) # Make sure the config is valid. errors, informal_only = validate_options(conf_options) for error in errors: log.warn(error) if not informal_only or (errors and not ignore_warnings): raise ConfigurationError("invalid configuration") errors = validate_references(conf_options) for error in errors: log.warn(error) conf = ProxyConfiguration(conf_options, seed=seed, renderd=renderd) # Create a MapProxy App app = MapProxyApp(conf.configured_services(), conf.base_config) # Wrap it in an object that allows to get requests by path as a string. return TestApp(app), yaml_config
def get_check_config(self): """ Create a MapProxy configuration object and verifies its validity """ if self.config: conf_dict = yaml.load(self.config) else: raise ConfigurationError( "MapProxy configuration is required for raster data providers") if not conf_dict.get('grids'): conf_dict['grids'] = { 'geodetic': { 'srs': 'EPSG:4326', 'tile_size': [256, 256], 'origin': 'nw' }, 'webmercator': { 'srs': 'EPSG:3857', 'tile_size': [256, 256], 'origin': 'nw' } } # If user provides a cache setup then use that and substitute in the geopackage file for the placeholder. conf_dict['caches'] = conf_dict.get('caches', {}) try: conf_dict['caches']['cache']['cache']['filename'] = self.gpkgfile except KeyError: conf_dict['caches']['cache'] = get_cache_template( ["{0}".format(self.layer)], [grids for grids in conf_dict.get('grids')], self.gpkgfile, table_name=self.layer) # Need something listed as a service to pass the mapproxy validation. conf_dict['services'] = ['demo'] # disable SSL cert checks ssl_verify = getattr(settings, "SSL_VERIFICATION", True) if not ssl_verify: conf_dict['globals'] = {'http': {'ssl_no_cert_checks': True}} # Add autoconfiguration to base_config # default = load_default_config() mapproxy_config = load_default_config() load_config(mapproxy_config, config_dict=conf_dict) # Create a configuration object mapproxy_configuration = ProxyConfiguration(mapproxy_config, seed=seed, renderd=None) # # As of Mapproxy 1.9.x, datasource files covering a small area cause a bbox error. if self.bbox: if isclose(self.bbox[0], self.bbox[2], rel_tol=0.001) or isclose( self.bbox[0], self.bbox[2], rel_tol=0.001): logger.warn( 'Using bbox instead of selection, because the area is too small' ) self.selection = None seed_dict = get_seed_template(bbox=self.bbox, level_from=self.level_from, level_to=self.level_to, coverage_file=self.selection) # Create a seed configuration object seed_configuration = SeedingConfiguration( seed_dict, mapproxy_conf=mapproxy_configuration) errors = validate_references(conf_dict) if errors: logger.error("MapProxy configuration failed.") logger.error("Using Configuration:") logger.error(conf_dict) raise ConfigurationError( "MapProxy returned the error - {0}".format(", ".join(errors))) return conf_dict, seed_configuration, mapproxy_configuration
def get_mapproxy(layer, seed=False, ignore_warnings=True, renderd=False): """Creates a mapproxy config for a given layers """ bbox = [ float(layer.bbox_x0), float(layer.bbox_y0), float(layer.bbox_x1), float(layer.bbox_y1) ] url = str(layer.service.url) layer_name = simple_name( srs = 'EPSG:4326' bbox_srs = 'EPSG:4326' grid_srs = 'EPSG:3857' if layer.type == 'ESRI:ArcGIS:MapServer' or layer.type == 'ESRI:ArcGIS:ImageServer': url = str(layer.service.url).split('?')[0] + 'WMSServer?' # blindly replace it with /arcgis/ url = url.replace("/ArcGIS/rest/", "/arcgis/") # same for uppercase url = url.replace("/arcgis/rest/", "/arcgis/") # and for old versions url = url.replace("ArcX/rest/services", "arcx/services") # in uppercase or lowercase url = url.replace("arcx/rest/services", "arcx/services") srs = 'EPSG:3857' bbox_srs = 'EPSG:3857' if layer.type == 'Hypermap:WARPER': url = str(layer.url.replace("maps//wms", "maps/wms")) grid_srs = 'EPSG:900913' if layer.type == 'Hypermap:WorldMap': url = str(layer.url.replace("maps//wms", "maps/wms")) default_source = { 'type': 'wms', 'coverage': { 'bbox': bbox, 'srs': srs, 'bbox_srs': bbox_srs, 'supported_srs': ['EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:900913', 'EPSG:3857'], }, 'req': { 'layers': layer_name, 'url': url, 'transparent': True, }, } if layer.type == 'ESRI:ArcGIS:MapServer': default_source = { 'type': 'tile', 'url': str(layer.service.url).split('?')[0] + 'tile/%(z)s/%(y)s/%(x)s', 'grid': 'default_grid', 'transparent': True, } # A source is the WMS config sources = {'default_source': default_source} # A grid is where it will be projects (Mercator in our case) grids = { 'default_grid': { 'tile_size': [256, 256], 'srs': grid_srs, 'origin': 'nw', } } # A cache that does not store for now. It needs a grid and a source. caches = { 'default_cache': { 'cache': { 'type': 'file', 'directory_layout': 'tms', 'directory': os.path.join( tempfile.gettempdir(), 'mapproxy', 'layer', '%s' %, 'map', 'wmts', layer_name, 'default_grid', ), }, 'grids': ['default_grid'], 'sources': ['default_source'] }, } # The layer is connected to the cache layers = [ { 'name': layer_name, 'sources': ['default_cache'], 'title': str(layer.title), }, ] # Services expose all layers. # WMS is used for reprojecting # TMS is used for easy tiles # Demo is used to test our installation, may be disabled in final version services = { 'wms': { 'image_formats': ['image/png'], 'md': { 'abstract': 'This is the Harvard HyperMap Proxy.', 'title': 'Harvard HyperMap Proxy' }, 'srs': ['EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857'], 'versions': ['1.1.1'] }, 'wmts': { 'restful': True, 'restful_template': '/{Layer}/{TileMatrixSet}/{TileMatrix}/{TileCol}/{TileRow}.png', }, 'tms': { 'origin': 'nw', }, 'demo': None, } global_config = { 'http': { 'ssl_no_cert_checks': True }, } # Start with a sane configuration using MapProxy's defaults conf_options = load_default_config() # Populate a dictionary with custom config changes extra_config = { 'caches': caches, 'grids': grids, 'layers': layers, 'services': services, 'sources': sources, 'globals': global_config, } yaml_config = yaml.dump(extra_config, default_flow_style=False) # If you want to test the resulting configuration. Turn on the next # line and use that to generate a yaml config. # assert False # Merge both load_config(conf_options, config_dict=extra_config) # Make sure the config is valid. errors, informal_only = validate_options(conf_options) for error in errors: log.warn(error) if not informal_only or (errors and not ignore_warnings): raise ConfigurationError('invalid configuration') errors = validate_references(conf_options) for error in errors: log.warn(error) conf = ProxyConfiguration(conf_options, seed=seed, renderd=renderd) # Create a MapProxy App app = MapProxyApp(conf.configured_services(), conf.base_config) # Wrap it in an object that allows to get requests by path as a string. return TestApp(app), yaml_config
def test_convert( self, seed_template, cache_template, load_config, seeder, seeding_config, connections, remove_zoom_levels, mock_check_zoom_levels, mock_set_gpkg_contents_bounds, patch_https, ): with self.settings(SSL_VERIFICATION=True): gpkgfile = "/var/lib/eventkit/test.gpkg" config = ( "layers:\r\n - name: default\r\n title: imagery\r\n sources: [default]\r\n\r\nsources:\r\n " "default:\r\n type: tile\r\n grid: default\r\n " "url:\r\n\r\ngrids:\r\n default:\r\n " "srs: WGS84:3857\r\n tile_size: [256, 256]\r\n origin: nw" ) json_config = real_yaml.safe_load(config) mapproxy_config = load_default_config() bbox = [-2, -2, 2, 2] cache_template.return_value = { "sources": ["default"], "cache": { "type": "geopackage", "filename": "/var/lib/eventkit/test.gpkg" }, "grids": ["default"], } seed_template.return_value = { "coverages": { "geom": { "srs": "EPSG:4326", "bbox": [-2, -2, 2, 2] } }, "seeds": { "seed": { "coverages": ["geom"], "refresh_before": { "minutes": 0 }, "levels": { "to": 10, "from": 0 }, "caches": ["default"], } }, } self.task_process.return_value = Mock(exitcode=0) w2g = MapproxyGeopackage( config=config, gpkgfile=gpkgfile, bbox=bbox, service_url= "http://generic.server/WMTS?SERVICE=WMTS&REQUEST=GetTile&TILEMATRIXSET=default028mm&" "TILEMATRIX=%(z)s&TILEROW=%(y)s&TILECOL=%(x)s&FORMAT=image%%2Fpng", layer="imagery", debug=True, name="imagery", level_from=0, level_to=10, service_type="wmts", task_uid=self.task_uid, ) result = w2g.convert() mock_check_zoom_levels.assert_called_once() connections.close_all.assert_called_once() self.assertEqual(result, gpkgfile) cache_template.assert_called_once_with( ["imagery"], [grids for grids in json_config.get("grids")], gpkgfile, table_name="imagery") json_config["caches"] = { "default": { "sources": ["default"], "cache": { "type": "geopackage", "filename": "/var/lib/eventkit/test.gpkg" }, "grids": ["default"], } } json_config["services"] = ["demo"] patch_https.assert_called_once_with(cert_info=None) load_config.assert_called_once_with(mapproxy_config, config_dict=json_config) remove_zoom_levels.assert_called_once_with(gpkgfile) mock_set_gpkg_contents_bounds.assert_called_once_with( gpkgfile, "imagery", bbox) seed_template.assert_called_once_with(bbox=bbox, coverage_file=None, level_from=0, level_to=10, projection=None) self.task_process.side_effect = Exception() with self.assertRaises(Exception): w2g.convert()
def get_check_config(self): """ Create a MapProxy configuration object and verifies its validity """ if self.config: conf_dict = yaml.load(self.config) else: conf_dict = create_conf_from_url(self.service_url) if not conf_dict.get('grids'): conf_dict['grids'] = { 'geodetic': { 'srs': 'EPSG:4326', 'tile_size': [256, 256], 'origin': 'nw' }, 'webmercator': { 'srs': 'EPSG:3857', 'tile_size': [256, 256], 'origin': 'nw' } } # If user provides a cache setup then use that and substitute in the geopackage file for the placeholder. conf_dict['caches'] = conf_dict.get('caches', {}) try: conf_dict['caches']['cache']['cache']['filename'] = self.gpkgfile except KeyError: conf_dict['caches']['cache'] = get_cache_template( ["{0}_{1}".format(self.layer, self.service_type)], [grids for grids in conf_dict.get('grids')], self.gpkgfile, table_name=self.layer) conf_dict['services'] = ['demo'] # Prevent the service from failing if source has missing tiles. for source in conf_dict.get('sources') or []: if 'wmts' in source: conf_dict['sources'][source]['transparent'] = True # You can set any number of error codes here, and mapproxy will ignore them any time they appear and # just skip the tile instead (normally it retries the tile for a very long time before finally erroring # out and quitting the job). Putting the string "other" as an additional error code will cause mapproxy # to skip tiles with ANY retrieval error. For now, we want to have mapproxy skip 404 tiles, and retry # everything else. conf_dict['sources'][source]['on_error'] = { 404: { "response": "transparent", "cache": False } } # disable SSL cert checks if getattr(settings, "DISABLE_SSL_VERIFICATION", False): conf_dict['globals'] = {'http': {'ssl_no_cert_checks': True}} # Add autoconfiguration to base_config # default = load_default_config() mapproxy_config = load_default_config() load_config(mapproxy_config, config_dict=conf_dict) # Create a configuration object mapproxy_configuration = ProxyConfiguration(mapproxy_config, seed=seed, renderd=None) # # As of Mapproxy 1.9.x, datasource files covering a small area cause a bbox error. if self.bbox: if isclose(self.bbox[0], self.bbox[2], rel_tol=0.001) or isclose( self.bbox[0], self.bbox[2], rel_tol=0.001): logger.warn( 'Using bbox instead of selection, because the area is too small' ) self.selection = None seed_dict = get_seed_template(bbox=self.bbox, level_from=self.level_from, level_to=self.level_to, coverage_file=self.selection) # Create a seed configuration object seed_configuration = SeedingConfiguration( seed_dict, mapproxy_conf=mapproxy_configuration) errors = validate_references(conf_dict) if errors: logger.error("MapProxy configuration failed.") logger.error("Using Configuration:") logger.error(conf_dict) raise ConfigurationError( "MapProxy returned the error - {0}".format(", ".join(errors))) return conf_dict, seed_configuration, mapproxy_configuration