コード例 #1
def recurse_generate(words: list,
                     trie: Trie,
                     square_size: int,
                     chosen_words_length=0) -> list:
    if chosen_words_length >= square_size or square_size <= 1:
        if check_solution_is_valid(words, square_size):
            return words
        return None

    # build up the solution letter by letter
    # on each iteration we check if the substring is a key inside the Trie
    # if not a key then we know the current permutation is not a solution so return None
    # loop through the characters

    for i in range(chosen_words_length, square_size):
        prefix = "".join(word[i] for word in words)
        # using the soon to be deprecated function because it runs ~30% faster
        if not trie.has_keys_with_prefix(prefix):
            return None

    prefix = "".join(word[chosen_words_length] for word in words)
    # we use a prefix to dictate which key to start going over
    for word in trie.iterkeys(prefix):
        new_list = words + [word]
        res = recurse_generate(new_list, trie, square_size,
                               chosen_words_length + 1)
        if res:
            return res

    return None