コード例 #1
ファイル: mdx_latex.py プロジェクト: imclab/Jhnet13
    def run(self, parent, blocks):
        accumulated_tex_blocks = []

        # Get all the tex from the document
        while blocks:
            block = blocks.pop(0)


            # Does this block also end the latex environment?
            if ("\n%s" % block).rstrip().endswith(LaTeXBlockProcessor.ENV_END):

        latex_raw = "\n\n".join(accumulated_tex_blocks)
        latex_match = LaTeXBlockProcessor.latex_re.match(latex_raw)

        # Check the latex environment conforms to spec!
        if latex_match is None:
            raise Exception("Invalid latex environment:\n%s" % latex_raw)

        alt = latex_match.group(1)
        src = latex_match.group(2)

        # Check to see if this is a block defining the preamble for latex blocks in
        # this document.
        if alt == "<preamble>":
            # For the preamble section
            self.preamble += src
            # A Normal LaTeX file to render

            # Make the image a link to the PDF?
            link_pdf = False
            if "--pdf" in alt:
                alt = alt.replace("--pdf", "").strip()
                link_pdf = True

            img = os.path.join(self.configs["latex_img_dir"],
                               "%s.png" % (slugify(alt, "_")))

            if link_pdf:
                pdf = os.path.join(self.configs["latex_img_dir"],
                                   "%s.pdf" % (slugify(alt, "_")))
                pdf = None

            self.render_latex(src, img, pdf)

            # Add the image of the latex supplied
            if link_pdf:
                    0, "[![%s](file://%s)](file://%s)" % (alt, img, pdf))
                blocks.insert(0, "![%s](file://%s)" % (alt, img))
コード例 #2
ファイル: mdx_latex.py プロジェクト: imclab/Jhnet13
	def run(self, parent, blocks):
		accumulated_tex_blocks = []
		# Get all the tex from the document
		while blocks:
			block = blocks.pop(0)
			# Does this block also end the latex environment?
			if ("\n%s"%block).rstrip().endswith(LaTeXBlockProcessor.ENV_END):
		latex_raw = "\n\n".join(accumulated_tex_blocks)
		latex_match = LaTeXBlockProcessor.latex_re.match(latex_raw)
		# Check the latex environment conforms to spec!
		if latex_match is None:
			raise Exception("Invalid latex environment:\n%s"%latex_raw)
		alt = latex_match.group(1)
		src = latex_match.group(2)
		# Check to see if this is a block defining the preamble for latex blocks in
		# this document.
		if alt == "<preamble>":
			# For the preamble section
			self.preamble += src
			# A Normal LaTeX file to render
			# Make the image a link to the PDF?
			link_pdf = False
			if "--pdf" in alt:
				alt = alt.replace("--pdf", "").strip()
				link_pdf = True
			img = os.path.join(self.configs["latex_img_dir"], "%s.png"%(slugify(alt, "_")))
			if link_pdf:
				pdf = os.path.join(self.configs["latex_img_dir"], "%s.pdf"%(slugify(alt, "_")))
				pdf = None
			self.render_latex(src, img, pdf)
			# Add the image of the latex supplied
			if link_pdf:
				blocks.insert(0, "[![%s](file://%s)](file://%s)"%(alt,img,pdf))
				blocks.insert(0, "![%s](file://%s)"%(alt,img))
コード例 #3
def parseHeaders(source):
    """ Parse headers to construct Table Of Contents
        return: [(level, text, position, anchor)]
        position/anchor is the header position in notesEdit/notesView

    hdrs = []
    headers = []
    used_ids = set()  # In case there are headers with the same name.

    # hash headers
    RE = re.compile(r'^(#+)(.+)', re.MULTILINE)
    for m in RE.finditer(source):
        level = len(m.group(1))
        hdr = m.group(2)
        pos = m.start()
        hdrs.append((pos, level, hdr))

    # setext headers
    RE = re.compile(r'(.+)\n([=-]+[ ]*)(\n|$)', re.MULTILINE)
    for m in RE.finditer(source):
        if m.group(2).startswith('='):
            level = 1
            level = 2
        hdr = m.group(1)
        pos = m.start()
        hdrs.append((pos, level, hdr))

    for (p, l, h) in hdrs:
        anchor = unique(slugify(h, '-'), used_ids)
        headers.append((l, h, p, anchor))
    return headers
コード例 #4
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: albfan/mikidown
def parseHeaders(source):
    """ Parse headers to construct Table Of Contents
        return: [(level, text, position, anchor)]
        position/anchor is the header position in notesEdit/notesView

    hdrs = []
    headers = []
    used_ids = set()           # In case there are headers with the same name.

    # hash headers
    RE = re.compile(r'^(#+)(.+)', re.MULTILINE)
    for m in RE.finditer(source):
        level = len(m.group(1))
        hdr = m.group(2)
        pos = m.start()
        hdrs.append((pos, level, hdr))

    # setext headers
    RE = re.compile(r'(.+)\n([=-]+[ ]*)(\n|$)', re.MULTILINE)
    for m in RE.finditer(source):
        if m.group(2).startswith('='):
            level = 1
            level = 2
        hdr = m.group(1)
        pos = m.start()
        hdrs.append((pos, level, hdr))

    for (p, l, h) in hdrs:
        anchor = unique(slugify(h, '-'), used_ids)
        headers.append((l, h, p, anchor))
    return headers
コード例 #5
ファイル: pages.py プロジェクト: dellsystem/wikinotes
def get_section_start_end(lines, anchor_name):
    # If there's an underscore + a number at the end of the slug
    section_number_match = re.match("[^_]*_(\d+)", anchor_name)
    if section_number_match:
        section_number = int(section_number_match.group(1))
        # Strip the underscore + number
        section_name = re.match("[^_]*", anchor_name).group()
        section_number = 0
        section_name = anchor_name

    # Start going through the lines, one by one, looking for perfect headers
    in_code_block = False
    num_found = 0
    last_depth = 5
    start = 0
    end = len(lines)
    looking_for_end = False

    # Set up some regular expressions
    code_block_re = re.compile("[~`]{3,}")
    header_re = re.compile("(#{1,5}) ?(.+)")

    for line_number, line in enumerate(lines):
        # Ignore headers inside code blocks
        code_block_match = code_block_re.match(line)
        if code_block_match:
            in_code_block = not in_code_block

        if in_code_block:

        header_match = header_re.match(line)
        if header_match:
            # Figure out the depth (needed to determine the end of the section)
            header_depth = len(header_match.group(1))
            if header_depth <= last_depth and looking_for_end:
                end = line_number
                looking_for_end = False

            # Save the name of the section here
            header = unicode(header_match.group(2))
            if slugify(header, "-") == section_name:
                # This is a potential header!
                if num_found == section_number:
                    # This is the right one. Start looking for the end
                    looking_for_end = True
                    start = line_number
                    last_depth = header_depth

                num_found += 1

    return (start, end)
コード例 #6
ファイル: pages.py プロジェクト: maxeimpina/wikinotes
def get_section_start_end(lines, anchor_name):
    # If there's an underscore + a number at the end of the slug
    section_number_match = re.match('[^_]*_(\d+)', anchor_name)
    if section_number_match:
        section_number = int(section_number_match.group(1))
        # Strip the underscore + number
        section_name = re.match('[^_]*', anchor_name).group()
        section_number = 0
        section_name = anchor_name

    # Start going through the lines, one by one, looking for perfect headers
    in_code_block = False
    num_found = 0
    last_depth = 5
    start = 0
    end = len(lines)
    looking_for_end = False

    # Set up some regular expressions
    code_block_re = re.compile('[~`]{3,}')
    header_re = re.compile('(#{1,5}) ?(.+)')

    for line_number, line in enumerate(lines):
        # Ignore headers inside code blocks
        code_block_match = code_block_re.match(line)
        if code_block_match:
            in_code_block = not in_code_block

        if in_code_block:

        header_match = header_re.match(line)
        if header_match:
            # Figure out the depth (needed to determine the end of the section)
            header_depth = len(header_match.group(1))
            if header_depth <= last_depth and looking_for_end:
                end = line_number
                looking_for_end = False

            # Save the name of the section here
            header = unicode(header_match.group(2))
            if slugify(header, '-') == section_name:
                # This is a potential header!
                if num_found == section_number:
                    # This is the right one. Start looking for the end
                    looking_for_end = True
                    start = line_number
                    last_depth = header_depth

                num_found += 1

    return (start, end)
コード例 #7
ファイル: md_extensions.py プロジェクト: smurfix/urubu
    def handleMatch(self, m):
            ref = m.group(9)
        except IndexError:
            ref = None
        shortref = False
        if not ref:
            # if we got something like "[Google][]" or "[Google]"
            # we'll use "google" as the id
            ref = m.group(2)
            shortref = True

        # Clean up linebreaks in ref
        ref = self.NEWLINE_CLEANUP_RE.sub(' ', ref)

        text = m.group(2)
        id = ref.lower()

        if id in self.markdown.references:
            href, title = self.markdown.references[id]
            anchor = None
            if '#' in ref:
                ref, anchor = ref.split('#', 1)
            this = self.markdown.this
            if not posixpath.isabs(ref):
                rootrelpath = '/' + '/'.join(this['components'][:-1])
                id = posixpath.normpath(posixpath.join(rootrelpath, ref))
                id = id.lower()
                id = ref.lower()
            ref = ref.lower()
            if ref in self.markdown.site['reflinks']:
                if (ref != id) and (id in self.markdown.site['reflinks']):
                    raise UrubuError(ambig_ref_error.format(ref, this['fn']))
                id = ref
            if id in self.markdown.site['reflinks']:
                item = self.markdown.site['reflinks'][id]
                href, title = item['url'], item['title']
                if shortref:
                    text = title
                    if anchor is not None:
                        text = anchor
                if anchor is not None:
                    href = '%s#%s' % (href, headerid.slugify(anchor, '-'))
            else:  # ignore undefined refs
                warn(undef_ref_warning.format(ref, this['fn']), UrubuWarning)
                return None

        return self.makeTag(href, title, text)
コード例 #8
    def handleMatch(self, m):
            ref = m.group(9)
        except IndexError:
            ref = None
        shortref = False
        if not ref:
            # if we got something like "[Google][]" or "[Google]"
            # we'll use "google" as the id
            ref = m.group(2)
            shortref = True

        # Clean up linebreaks in ref
        ref = self.NEWLINE_CLEANUP_RE.sub(' ', ref)

        text = m.group(2)
        id = ref.lower()

        if id in self.markdown.references:
            href, title = self.markdown.references[id]
            anchor = None
            if '#' in ref:
                ref, anchor = ref.split('#', 1)
            this = self.markdown.this
            if not posixpath.isabs(ref):
                rootrelpath = '/' + '/'.join(this['components'][:-1])
                id = posixpath.normpath(posixpath.join(rootrelpath, ref))
                id = id.lower()
                id = ref.lower()
            ref = ref.lower()
            if ref in self.markdown.site['reflinks']:
                if (ref != id) and (id in self.markdown.site['reflinks']):
                    raise UrubuError(ambig_ref_error.format(ref, this['fn']))
                id = ref
            if id in self.markdown.site['reflinks']:
                item = self.markdown.site['reflinks'][id]
                href, title = item['url'], item['title']
                if shortref:
                    text = title
                    if anchor is not None:
                        text = anchor
                if anchor is not None:
                    href = '%s#%s' % (href, headerid.slugify(anchor, '-'))
            else:  # ignore undefined refs
                warn(undef_ref_warning.format(ref, this['fn']), UrubuWarning)
                return None

        return self.makeTag(href, title, text)
コード例 #9
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: kevincrane/kevcrablog
    def group_by_year_month(cls):
        """ Returns all posts grouped by year and month
        :return dict: { (year, month): [Posts] }
        order_group = collections.OrderedDict()
        posts = Post.query.with_entities(Post.id, Post.title, Post.created).order_by(desc(Post.created))
        for ((year, month), grouped_posts) in groupby(posts, lambda x: (x.created.year, x.created.month)):
            grouped = []
            for post in grouped_posts:
                slugged_post = post._asdict()
                slugged_post['slug'] = slugify(post.title, '-')

            order_group[(year, calendar.month_name[month])] = grouped
        return order_group
コード例 #10
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: dragon-D/mikidown
def parseHeaders(source):
    ''' Quite basic header parser
        Headers are used to construct Table Of Contents

        return: [(hdrLevel, hdrText, hdrPosition, hdrAnchor)]
    # RE = re.compile(r'(^|\n)(?P<level>#{1,6})(?P<header>.*?)#*(\n|$)')
    hdrs = []
    used_ids = set()           # In case there are headers with the same name.
    RE = re.compile(r'^(#+)(.+)', re.MULTILINE)
    for m in RE.finditer(source):
        hdrLevel = m.group(1)
        hdr = m.group(2)
        pos = m.start()
        anchor = unique(slugify(hdr, '-'), used_ids)
        hdrs.append((hdrLevel, hdr, pos, anchor))
    return hdrs
コード例 #11
	def allocate_anchors(self, headings):
		ids = []
		labels = []
		levels = []
		for heading in headings:
			# Pick an ID
			id = unique(slugify(heading.text, "-"), ids)
			# Assign the ID to the heading
			heading.attrib["id"] = id
			# Record it
		return zip(levels, labels, ids)
コード例 #12
ファイル: mdx_tocextractor.py プロジェクト: imclab/Jhnet13
    def allocate_anchors(self, headings):
        ids = []
        labels = []
        levels = []

        for heading in headings:
            # Pick an ID
            id = unique(slugify(heading.text, "-"), ids)

            # Assign the ID to the heading
            heading.attrib["id"] = id

            # Record it

        return zip(levels, labels, ids)
コード例 #13
    def group_by_year_month(cls):
        """ Returns all posts grouped by year and month
        :return dict: { (year, month): [Posts] }
        order_group = collections.OrderedDict()
        posts = Post.query.with_entities(Post.id, Post.title,
        for ((year, month), grouped_posts) in groupby(
                posts, lambda x: (x.created.year, x.created.month)):
            grouped = []
            for post in grouped_posts:
                slugged_post = post._asdict()
                slugged_post['slug'] = slugify(post.title, '-')

            order_group[(year, calendar.month_name[month])] = grouped
        return order_group
コード例 #14
ファイル: filters.py プロジェクト: smewp/openPLM
 def prefixed_slugify(*args, **kwargs):
     return "plm-" + slugify(*args, **kwargs)
コード例 #15
def make_slug(string):
    return headerid.slugify(string, '-')
コード例 #16
def parseHeaders(source, strip_fenced_block=False, strip_ascii_math=False):
    """ Parse headers to construct Table Of Contents
        return: [(level, text, position, anchor)]
        position/anchor is the header position in notesEdit/notesView

    hdrs = []
    headers = []
    used_ids = set()  # In case there are headers with the same name.

    # copied from the asciimathml so we don't have to have a hard dependency to strip
    ASCIIMATHML_RE = re.compile(r'^(.*)\$\$([^\$]*)\$\$(.*)$', re.M)

    # copied from the fenced block code
    FENCED_BLOCK_RE = re.compile(
(?P<fence>^(?:~{3,}|`{3,}))[ ]*         # Opening ``` or ~~~
(\{?\.?(?P<lang>[a-zA-Z0-9_+-]*))?[ ]*  # Optional {, and lang
# Optional highlight lines, single- or double-quote-delimited
(hl_lines=(?P<quot>"|')(?P<hl_lines>.*?)(?P=quot))?[ ]*
}?[ ]*\n                                # Optional closing }
(?P=fence)[ ]*$''', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL | re.VERBOSE)

    filtered_source = source
    #if applicable, strip out any trouble text before we start parsing the headers
    if strip_fenced_block:
        m = FENCED_BLOCK_RE.search(filtered_source)
        while m is not None:
            nfillers = (m.end() - m.start())
            filtered_source = FENCED_BLOCK_RE.sub("\n" * nfillers,
            m = FENCED_BLOCK_RE.search(filtered_source)

    if strip_ascii_math:
        m = ASCIIMATHML_RE.search(filtered_source)
        while m is not None:
            nfillers = (m.end() - m.start())
            filtered_source = ASCIIMATHML_RE.sub("\n" * nfillers,
            m = ASCIIMATHML_RE.search(filtered_source)

    # hash headers
    RE = re.compile(r'^(#+)(.+)', re.MULTILINE)
    for m in RE.finditer(filtered_source):
        level = len(m.group(1))
        hdr = m.group(2)
        pos = m.start()
        hdrs.append((pos, level, hdr))

    # setext headers
    RE = re.compile(r'(.+)\n([=-]+[ ]*)(\n|$)', re.MULTILINE)
    for m in RE.finditer(filtered_source):
        if m.group(2).startswith('='):
            level = 1
            level = 2
        hdr = m.group(1)
        pos = m.start()
        hdrs.append((pos, level, hdr))

    for (p, l, h) in hdrs:
        anchor = unique(slugify(h, '-'), used_ids)
        headers.append((l, h, p, anchor))
    return headers
コード例 #17
ファイル: models.py プロジェクト: kevincrane/kevcrablog
 def slug(self):
     """ Returns 'sluggified' version of the title
     :return str:
     return slugify(self.title, '-')
コード例 #18
 def prefixed_slugify(*args, **kwargs):
     return "plm-" + slugify(*args, **kwargs)
コード例 #19
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: ShadowKyogre/mikidown
def parseHeaders(source, strip_fenced_block=False, strip_ascii_math=False):
    """ Parse headers to construct Table Of Contents
        return: [(level, text, position, anchor)]
        position/anchor is the header position in notesEdit/notesView

    hdrs = []
    headers = []
    used_ids = set()           # In case there are headers with the same name.

    # copied from the asciimathml so we don't have to have a hard dependency to strip
    ASCIIMATHML_RE = re.compile(r'^(.*)\$\$([^\$]*)\$\$(.*)$', re.M)

    # copied from the fenced block code
    FENCED_BLOCK_RE = re.compile(r'''
(?P<fence>^(?:~{3,}|`{3,}))[ ]*         # Opening ``` or ~~~
(\{?\.?(?P<lang>[a-zA-Z0-9_+-]*))?[ ]*  # Optional {, and lang
# Optional highlight lines, single- or double-quote-delimited
(hl_lines=(?P<quot>"|')(?P<hl_lines>.*?)(?P=quot))?[ ]*
}?[ ]*\n                                # Optional closing }
(?P=fence)[ ]*$''', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL | re.VERBOSE)

    filtered_source = source
    #if applicable, strip out any trouble text before we start parsing the headers
    if strip_fenced_block:
        m = FENCED_BLOCK_RE.search(filtered_source)
        while m is not None:
            nfillers = (m.end() - m.start())
            filtered_source = FENCED_BLOCK_RE.sub("\n"*nfillers, filtered_source, count=1)
            m = FENCED_BLOCK_RE.search(filtered_source)

    if strip_ascii_math:
        m = ASCIIMATHML_RE.search(filtered_source)
        while m is not None:
            nfillers = (m.end() - m.start())
            filtered_source = ASCIIMATHML_RE.sub("\n"*nfillers, filtered_source, count=1)
            m = ASCIIMATHML_RE.search(filtered_source)

    # hash headers
    RE = re.compile(r'^(#+)(.+)', re.MULTILINE)
    for m in RE.finditer(filtered_source):
        level = len(m.group(1))
        hdr = m.group(2)
        pos = m.start()
        hdrs.append((pos, level, hdr))

    # setext headers
    RE = re.compile(r'(.+)\n([=-]+[ ]*)(\n|$)', re.MULTILINE)
    for m in RE.finditer(filtered_source):
        if m.group(2).startswith('='):
            level = 1
            level = 2
        hdr = m.group(1)
        pos = m.start()
        hdrs.append((pos, level, hdr))

    for (p, l, h) in hdrs:
        anchor = unique(slugify(h, '-'), used_ids)
        headers.append((l, h, p, anchor))
    return headers
コード例 #20
 def slug(self):
     """ Returns 'sluggified' version of the title
     :return str:
     return slugify(self.title, '-')