コード例 #1
  def __init__(self, cols, rows, widthMM, heightMM,
               #the x,y and th of the current location can be passed
               currentRow = -1, currentCol = -1, currentTh= 0,
               goalRow = -1, goalCol = -1, gridUpdate = "",
               image=None, grid=None, gridResize=1.0,showIter=0, title=""):

    self.markerToolkit = MarkerToolkit()

    self.x_localizeMM = 0
    self.y_localizeMM = 0
    self.thr_localize = 0
    self.x_last_marker_localizeMM = 0
    self.x_last_marker_robotMM = 0
    self.y_last_marker_localizeMM = 0
    self.y_last_marker_robotMM = 0
    self.thr_last_marker_localize = 0
    self.thr_last_marker_robot = 0


    OccupancyGrid.__init__(self, cols=cols, rows=rows, 
                widthMM=widthMM, heightMM=heightMM,
                currentRow=currentRow, currentCol=currentCol, 
                goalRow=goalRow, goalCol=goalCol,
                image=image, grid=grid, gridResize=gridResize, 
		showIter=showIter, title=title)
コード例 #2
    def __init__(
        # the x,y and th of the current location can be passed

        self.centros = []
        self.markerToolkit = MarkerToolkit()

        self.x_localizeMM = 0
        self.y_localizeMM = 0
        self.thr_localize = 0
        self.x_last_marker_localizeMM = 0
        self.x_last_marker_robotMM = 0
        self.y_last_marker_localizeMM = 0
        self.y_last_marker_robotMM = 0
        self.thr_last_marker_localize = 0
        self.thr_last_marker_robot = 0



        self.distanceToWall = [[self.infinity for col in range(self.cols)] for row in range(self.rows)]

        # Todos los bloques ocupados forman parte de una pared y por tanto
        # se les asigna distancia 0 a las paredes.
        for row in range(self.rows):
            for col in range(self.cols):
                if self.grid[row][col] > self.threshhold:
                    self.distanceToWall[row][col] = 0

        # Inicia perceptrón con los pesos calculados en la parte1. Si no se desea usar, comentar
        # esta sección de código.

        self.pesos = [

        self.calculadorNeuronal = PerceptronMonocapa(self.pesos, w2)
コード例 #3
class Navigator(OccupancyGrid):

    NO_FORWARD = 0
    SLOW_FORWARD = 0.05
    MED_FORWARD = 0.3  # 0.5
    FULL_FORWARD = 0.5  # 1.0

    NO_TURN = 0
    MED_LEFT = 0.5
    HARD_LEFT = 1.0
    MED_RIGHT = -0.5
    HARD_RIGHT = -1.0

    def __init__(
        # the x,y and th of the current location can be passed

        self.centros = []
        self.markerToolkit = MarkerToolkit()

        self.x_localizeMM = 0
        self.y_localizeMM = 0
        self.thr_localize = 0
        self.x_last_marker_localizeMM = 0
        self.x_last_marker_robotMM = 0
        self.y_last_marker_localizeMM = 0
        self.y_last_marker_robotMM = 0
        self.thr_last_marker_localize = 0
        self.thr_last_marker_robot = 0



        self.distanceToWall = [[self.infinity for col in range(self.cols)] for row in range(self.rows)]

        # Todos los bloques ocupados forman parte de una pared y por tanto
        # se les asigna distancia 0 a las paredes.
        for row in range(self.rows):
            for col in range(self.cols):
                if self.grid[row][col] > self.threshhold:
                    self.distanceToWall[row][col] = 0

        # Inicia perceptrón con los pesos calculados en la parte1. Si no se desea usar, comentar
        # esta sección de código.

        self.pesos = [

        self.calculadorNeuronal = PerceptronMonocapa(self.pesos, w2)

    def findPath(self, event=None):
        print ("FIND PATH:", self.getGoalRow(), self.getGoalCol())
        if self.getCurrentRow() < 0 or self.getCurrentCol() < 0:
            raise Exception("NoPathExists", "current location unknown")
        if self.getGoalCol() < 0 or self.getGoalRow() < 0:
            raise Exception("NoPathExists", "goal location unknown")
        if self.grid[self.getGoalRow()][self.getGoalCol()] > self.threshhold:
            raise Exception("NoPathExists", "goal is in unattainable location")
        if self.debug:
            print "Finding path..."

        self.calculateAllCosts(goalCol=self.getGoalCol(), goalRow=self.getGoalRow(), maxIters=self.rows * self.cols)
        (pathGrid, pathList) = self.getPath(row=self.getCurrentRow(), col=self.getCurrentCol())
        # self.getPath(row=self.getCurrentRow(),
        #             col=self.getCurrentCol())

        # return
        if pathGrid:
            print "Done!"
            self.redraw(self.distanceToWall, path=pathGrid)
            # self.redraw(self.segmentacion,pathGrid,stepByStep)
            raise Exception("NoPathExists", "maximum interation limit exceded")
        return pathList

    def distanciaManhattan(self, i, j, l, m):
        return abs(i - l) + abs(j - m)

    def distanciaEuclidea(self, i, j, l, m):
        return math.sqrt((i - l) ** 2 + (i - m) ** 2)

    def costeF(self, G, i, j):
        # H = self.distanciaManhattan(self.getGoalRow(),self.getGoalCol(),i,j)
        H = max(
            self.distanciaEuclidea(self.getGoalRow(), self.getGoalCol(), i, j),
            self.distanciaManhattan(self.getGoalRow(), self.getGoalCol(), i, j),
        return G + H

    def costesFGH(self, n, G):
        return (
            self.costeF(G, self.centros[n][0], self.centros[n][1]),
            self.distanciaManhattan(self.getGoalRow(), self.getGoalCol(), self.centros[n][0], self.centros[n][1]),

    def aEstrella(self, MA, n):
        # print n, self.nodoObjetivo
        if n == self.nodoObjetivo:
            return [n]
        nnodos = len(self.centros)
        listaAbierta = set([n])
        almacenFGH = [(0, 0, 0) for i in range(nnodos)]
        almacenFGH[n] = self.costesFGH(n, 0)
        listaCerrada = set()
        padres = [0 for i in range(nnodos)]
        camino = []
        g = 0
        alcanzado = False
        while not alcanzado and len(listaAbierta) > 0:
            candidato = -1
            iterok = False
            minimo = self.infinity
            for k in range(nnodos):
                if (
                    self.costeF(g, self.centros[k][0], self.centros[k][1]) < minimo
                    and k in listaAbierta
                    and self.grid[self.centros[k][0]][self.centros[k][1]] < self.threshhold
                    minimo = self.costeF(g, self.centros[k][0], self.centros[k][1])
                    candidato = k
            camino = camino + [candidato]
            g = almacenFGH[candidato][2]
            for k in range(nnodos):
                if candidato <> k and (MA[candidato][k] > 0 or MA[k][candidato] > 0):  # Si es nodo adyacente
                    if (
                        not k in listaCerrada and self.grid[self.centros[k][0]][self.centros[k][1]] < self.threshhold
                    ):  # Si el adyacente no está en la lista cerrada ni es pared
                        iterok = True
                        if not k in listaAbierta:  # Si no estaba en la lista abierta.
                            if k == self.nodoObjetivo:
                                alcanzado = True
                            padres[k] = candidato
                            almacenFGH[k] = self.costesFGH(k, g + 1)
                        else:  # Si ya estaba en la lista abierta.
                            if g + 1 < almacenFGH[k][2]:  # Si es mejor el camino actual que el por el que se llegó a k
                                padre[k] = candidato
                                almacenFGH[k] = self.costesFGH(k, self.centros[k][1])
            if not iterok:
                return []
        if alcanzado:
            return camino + [self.nodoObjetivo]
            return []

    def dijkstra(self, MA, n):
        # MA = Matriz de adyacencia del grafo.
        # n = nodo origen
        nnodos = len(self.centros)
        retorno = [[0 for j in range(nnodos)] for i in range(nnodos)]
        L = [self.infinity for i in range(nnodos)]
        L[n] = 0
        S = set(range(nnodos))
        while len(S) > 1:
            minimo = self.infinity
            candidato = -1
            for p in range(nnodos):
                if p in S and L[p] < minimo:
                    minimo = L[p]
                    candidato = p
            for q in range(nnodos):
                if q in S:
                    if MA[candidato][q] > 0 or MA[q][candidato] > 0:
                        peso = 1
                        peso = self.infinity
                    if (
                        min(L[q], L[candidato] + peso) == L[candidato] + peso
                        and min(L[q], L[candidato] + peso) < self.infinity
                        retorno[candidato][q] = peso
                    L[q] = min(L[q], L[candidato] + peso)

        return retorno

    def getPath(self, row, col):
        pathGrid = [[0 for c in range(self.cols)] for r in range(self.rows)]
        pathList = []

        # El primer paso para construir el grafo de adyacencia entre habitaciones
        # para ello, se consideran adyacentes aquellas habitaciones que tienen
        # un punto adyacente con otro de otra habitación (dos puntos
        # adyacentes que en la matriz "segmentacion" tienen etiquetas diferentes.
        nnodos = len(self.centros)  # Número de nodos (habitaciones)
        MA = [[0 for j in range(nnodos)] for i in range(nnodos)]  # Inicializa matriz de adyacencia
        MAF = [[(0, 0) for j in range(nnodos)] for i in range(nnodos)]  # Puntos frontera en cada adyacencia
        for i in range(self.rows):
            for j in range(self.cols):
                if self.grid[i][j] < self.threshhold:
                    eti = self.segmentacion[i][j]
                    if i > 0 and i < self.rows - 1 and j > 0 and j < self.cols - 1:
                        for l in range(-1, 2):
                            for m in range(-1, 2):
                                if self.segmentacion[i + l][j + m] <> eti and self.grid[i + l][j + m] < self.threshhold:
                                    MA[eti][self.segmentacion[i + l][j + m]] = 1
                                    MAF[eti][self.segmentacion[i + l][j + m]] = (i, j)
                    elif i > 0 and i < self.rows - 1 and j == self.cols - 1:
                        for l in range(-1, 2):
                            for m in range(-1, 1):
                                if self.segmentacion[i + l][j + m] <> eti and self.grid[i + l][j + m] < self.threshhold:
                                    MA[eti][self.segmentacion[i + l][j + m]] = 1
                                    MAF[eti][self.segmentacion[i + l][j + m]] = (i, j)
                    elif i > 0 and i < self.rows - 1 and j == 0:
                        for l in range(-1, 2):
                            for m in range(0, 2):
                                if self.segmentacion[i + l][j + m] <> eti and self.grid[i + l][j + m] < self.threshhold:
                                    MA[eti][self.segmentacion[i + l][j + m]] = 1
                                    MAF[eti][self.segmentacion[i + l][j + m]] = (i, j)
                    elif i == self.rows - 1 and j > 0 and j < self.cols - 1:
                        for l in range(-1, 1):
                            for m in range(-1, 2):
                                if self.segmentacion[i + l][j + m] <> eti and self.grid[i + l][j + m] < self.threshhold:
                                    MA[eti][self.segmentacion[i + l][j + m]] = 1
                                    MAF[eti][self.segmentacion[i + l][j + m]] = (i, j)
                    elif i == 0 and j > 0 and j < self.cols - 1:
                        for l in range(0, 2):
                            for m in range(-1, 2):
                                if self.segmentacion[i + l][j + m] <> eti and self.grid[i + l][j + m] < self.threshhold:
                                    MA[eti][self.segmentacion[i + l][j + m]] = 1
                                    MAF[eti][self.segmentacion[i + l][j + m]] = (i, j)
                    elif i == 0 and j == 0:
                        for l in range(0, 2):
                            for m in range(0, 1):
                                if self.segmentacion[i + l][j + m] <> eti and self.grid[i + l][j + m] < self.threshhold:
                                    MA[eti][self.segmentacion[i + l][j + m]] = 1
                                    MAF[eti][self.segmentacion[i + l][j + m]] = (i, j)
                    elif i == 0 and j == self.cols - 1:
                        for l in range(0, 2):
                            for m in range(-1, 1):
                                if self.segmentacion[i + l][j + m] <> eti and self.grid[i + l][j + m] < self.threshhold:
                                    MA[eti][self.segmentacion[i + l][j + m]] = 1
                                    MAF[eti][self.segmentacion[i + l][j + m]] = (i, j)
                    elif i == self.rows - 1 and j == 0:
                        for l in range(-1, 1):
                            for m in range(0, 2):
                                if self.segmentacion[i + l][j + m] <> eti and self.grid[i + l][j + m] < self.threshhold:
                                    MA[eti][self.segmentacion[i + l][j + m]] = 1
                                    MAF[eti][self.segmentacion[i + l][j + m]] = (i, j)
                    elif i == self.rows - 1 and j == self.cols - 1:
                        for l in range(-1, 1):
                            for m in range(-1, 1):
                                if self.segmentacion[i + l][j + m] <> eti and self.grid[i + l][j + m] < self.threshhold:
                                    MA[eti][self.segmentacion[i + l][j + m]] = 1
                                    MAF[eti][self.segmentacion[i + l][j + m]] = (i, j)

        # Una vez obtenido el grafo (su matriz de adyacencia), se busca el camino topológico
        # más corto desde el origen hasta la habitación objetivo, para ello, se ha utilizado
        # el algoritmo A*
        caminoCentros = self.aEstrella(MA, self.segmentacion[row][col])
        if len(caminoCentros) == 0:
            return [[], []]
        for k in range(1, len(caminoCentros)):
            frontera = MAF[caminoCentros[k - 1]][caminoCentros[k]]
            i = self.centros[caminoCentros[k]][0]
            j = self.centros[caminoCentros[k]][1]
            pathGrid[i][j] = 1
            pathGrid[frontera[0]][frontera[1]] = 1
            pathList.append((i, j))
        return (pathGrid, pathList)

    def clasificaPuntosSegmentacion(self, pi, pj):
        i = pi
        j = pj
        encontrado = False

        while not encontrado and i < self.rows and j < self.cols:
            ci = i
            cj = j
            if i > 0 and i < self.rows - 1 and j > 0 and j < self.cols - 1:
                maximo = 0
                for l in range(-1, 2):
                    for m in range(-1, 2):
                        if self.distanceToWall[i + l][j + m] > maximo and self.grid[i + l][j + m] < self.threshhold:
                            maximo = self.distanceToWall[i + l][j + m]
                            ci = i + l
                            cj = j + m
                if ci == i and cj == j:
                    encontrado = True
                i = ci
                j = cj
            elif i > 0 and i < self.rows - 1 and j == self.cols - 1:
                maximo = 0
                for l in range(-1, 2):
                    for m in range(-1, 1):
                        if self.distanceToWall[i + l][j + m] > maximo and self.grid[i + l][j + m] < self.threshhold:
                            maximo = self.distanceToWall[i + l][j + m]
                            ci = i + l
                            cj = j + m
                if ci == i and cj == j:
                    encontrado = True
                i = ci
                j = cj
            elif i > 0 and i < self.rows - 1 and j == 0:
                maximo = 0
                for l in range(-1, 2):
                    for m in range(0, 2):
                        if self.distanceToWall[i + l][j + m] > maximo and self.grid[i + l][j + m] < self.threshhold:
                            maximo = self.distanceToWall[i + l][j + m]
                            ci = i + l
                            cj = j + m
                if ci == i and cj == j:
                    encontrado = True
                i = ci
                j = cj
            elif i == self.rows - 1 and j > 0 and j < self.cols - 1:
                maximo = 0
                for l in range(-1, 1):
                    for m in range(-1, 2):
                        if self.distanceToWall[i + l][j + m] > maximo and self.grid[i + l][j + m] < self.threshhold:
                            maximo = self.distanceToWall[i + l][j + m]
                            ci = i + l
                            cj = j + m
                if ci == i and cj == j:
                    encontrado = True
                i = ci
                j = cj
            elif i == 0 and j > 0 and j < self.cols - 1:
                maximo = 0
                for l in range(0, 2):
                    for m in range(-1, 2):
                        if self.distanceToWall[i + l][j + m] > maximo and self.grid[i + l][j + m] < self.threshhold:
                            maximo = self.distanceToWall[i + l][j + m]
                            ci = i + l
                            cj = j + m
                if ci == i and cj == j:
                    encontrado = True
                i = ci
                j = cj
            elif i == 0 and j == 0:
                maximo = 0
                for l in range(0, 2):
                    for m in range(0, 1):
                        if self.distanceToWall[i + l][j + m] > maximo and self.grid[i + l][j + m] < self.threshhold:
                            maximo = self.distanceToWall[i + l][j + m]
                            ci = i + l
                            cj = j + m
                if ci == i and cj == j:
                    encontrado = True
                i = ci
                j = cj
            elif i == 0 and j == self.cols - 1:
                maximo = 0
                for l in range(0, 2):
                    for m in range(-1, 1):
                        if self.distanceToWall[i + l][j + m] > maximo and self.grid[i + l][j + m] < self.threshhold:
                            maximo = self.distanceToWall[i + l][j + m]
                            ci = i + l
                            cj = j + m
                if ci == i and cj == j:
                    encontrado = True
                i = ci
                j = cj
            elif i == self.rows - 1 and j == 0:
                maximo = 0
                for l in range(-1, 1):
                    for m in range(0, 2):
                        if self.distanceToWall[i + l][j + m] > maximo and self.grid[i + l][j + m] < self.threshhold:
                            maximo = self.distanceToWall[i + l][j + m]
                            ci = i + l
                            cj = j + m
                if ci == i and cj == j:
                    encontrado = True
                i = ci
                j = cj
            elif i == self.rows - 1 and j == self.cols - 1:
                maximo = 0
                for l in range(-1, 1):
                    for m in range(-1, 1):
                        if self.distanceToWall[i + l][j + m] > maximo and self.grid[i + l][j + m] < self.threshhold:
                            maximo = self.distanceToWall[i + l][j + m]
                            ci = i + l
                            cj = j + m
                if ci == i and cj == j:
                    encontrado = True
                i = ci
                j = cj

        if not [i, j] in self.centros:
            self.centros = self.centros + [[i, j]]
        return (i, j, maximo)

    def calculateAllCosts(self, goalCol, goalRow, maxIters):
      Versión simplificada del algoritmo "watershed".

      When an occupancy probability is above some threshold, assume
      that the cell is occupied.

        # if (goalCol == self.lastGoalDistCol and
        #    goalRow == self.lastGoalDistRow):
        #   return
        # startTime = time.time()
        print ("Calculando todas las distancias a paredes")

        self.distanceToWall = [[self.infinity for col in range(self.cols)] for row in range(self.rows)]
        self.segmentacion = [[0 for j in range(self.cols)] for i in range(self.rows)]

        # Todos los bloques ocupados forman parte de una pared y por tanto
        # se les asigna distancia 0 a las paredes.
        for row in range(self.rows):
            for col in range(self.cols):
                if self.grid[row][col] > self.threshhold:
                    self.distanceToWall[row][col] = 0

        if not self.inRange(goalRow, goalCol):
            raise Exception("goalOutOfMapRange")

        for iter in range(maxIters):
            valuesChanged = 0
            if self.showIterations:
                print "Mostrando resultado tras la iteración:> ", iter
                self.redraw(self.distanceToWall, stepByStep=1)
                # time.sleep(10)

            # print "ITERACION: ", iter
            for row in range(self.rows):
                for col in range(self.cols):
                    for i in [-1, 0, 1]:
                        for j in [-1, 0, 1]:
                            if self.inRange(row + i, col + j):
                                if self.grid[row][col] > self.threshhold:
                                    self.distanceToWall[row][col] = 0
                                    if abs(i) == 0 and abs(j) == 0:
                                        d = 0.00
                                    elif abs(i) == 1 and abs(j) == 1:
                                        if self.tooTight(row, col, i, j):
                                            d = self.infinity
                                            d = 1.41
                                        # d = 1.41
                                        d = 1.00
                                    # adj = self.distanceToWall[row+i][col+j] + self.grid[row+i][col+j] + d
                                    adj = self.distanceToWall[row + i][col + j] + d
                                    # print adj<self.distanceToWall[row][col]
                                    # print "ADJ: ", adj, "ANT: ", self.distanceToWalll[row][col]
                                    # if self.distanceToWalll[row][col] != 0:
                                    # print "IT: ",adj < self.distanceToWall[row][col]
                                    if adj < self.distanceToWall[row][col]:
                                        valuesChanged += 1
                                    self.distanceToWall[row][col] = min(self.distanceToWall[row][col], adj)

            if valuesChanged == 0:
                # endTime = time.time()
                print "Distancias a paredes calculadas en %d iterationes." % iter
                # print "Tiempo transcurrido %0.3f ms." % ((endTime-startTime)*1000.0)

        self.centros = []  # Puntos representantes de cada habitacion encontrada.

        buff = []
        contador = 0.1
        anterior = self.segmentacion[i][j] = self.clasificaPuntosSegmentacion(0, 0)[2]
        for i in range(self.rows):
            for j in range(self.cols):
                if self.grid[i][j] < self.threshhold:
                    buff = buff + [(i, j, self.clasificaPuntosSegmentacion(i, j))]
                # self.segmentacion[buff[0]][buff[1]] = 1
                """if self.grid[i][j] < self.threshhold:
            buff = self.clasificaPuntosSegmentacion(i,j)[2]
            self.segmentacion[i][j] = self.clasificaPuntosSegmentacion(i,j)[2]
            if buff != anterior:
              contador = contador + 0.1
              anterior = buff"""

        self.numeracionCentros = [[0 for j in range(self.cols)] for i in range(self.rows)]
        for i in range(len(self.centros)):
            self.numeracionCentros[self.centros[i][0]][self.centros[i][1]] = i

        for i in range(len(buff)):
            self.segmentacion[buff[i][0]][buff[i][1]] = self.numeracionCentros[buff[i][2][0]][buff[i][2][1]]
            if buff[i][0] == self.getGoalRow() and buff[i][1] == self.getGoalCol():
                self.nodoObjetivo = self.numeracionCentros[buff[i][2][0]][buff[i][2][1]]

        SegmentacionPintada = [
            [float(self.segmentacion[i][j]) / float(len(self.segmentacion) - 1) * 1.5 for j in range(self.cols)]
            for i in range(self.rows)
        for i in range(len(self.centros)):
            SegmentacionPintada[self.centros[i][0]][self.centros[i][1]] = 0
        self.redraw(SegmentacionPintada, stepByStep=1)
        # time.sleep(10)

    def resetMarkers(self):
        self.markers = {}
        self.markerLoc = {}
        self.markerAngle = {}

    # we use the same angle convention used in the pyrobot simulator
    # angles are expressed in radians, 0 is north and + angles rotate
    # counter-clockwise

    def placeMarker(self, row, col, name, angle=0, redraw=0):
        self.markers[name] = (row, col)
        self.markerLoc[(row, col)] = name
        self.markerAngle[name] = angle
        if redraw:

    def placeRelativeMarker(self, name, relXOffM, relYOffM, relTh, redraw=1):

        # the -1's are to change the perspective.
        newMarkerInfo = self.getPosRelativeToKnown(
            self.getCurrentRow() * self.rowScaleMM,
            self.getCurrentCol() * self.colScaleMM,
            relYOffM * -1,
            relTh * -1,

        print ("placing new marker ", name, newMarkerInfo[0], newMarkerInfo[1], newMarkerInfo[4])

        self.placeMarker(row=newMarkerInfo[0], col=newMarkerInfo[1], name=name, angle=newMarkerInfo[4], redraw=1)

    def getPosRelativeToKnown(self, knownRowMM, knownColMM, knownAngle, relXOffM, relYOffM, relTh):

        # print "relXOffM",relXOffM,"relYOffM",relYOffM,"relTh",relTh,\
        #      "atan",math.atan(relYOffM/relXOffM),"knownAngle",knownAngle

        toKnownDistMM = calculateHypotenuse(relXOffM * 1000, relYOffM * 1000)
        toKnownAngle = knownAngle + relTh

        # print "toKnownAngle",toKnownAngle,"toKnownDistMM",toKnownDistMM,\
        #      "cos-row",math.cos(toKnownAngle),"sin-col",math.sin(toKnownAngle)
        # print "rowMMDiff ", (toKnownDistMM * math.cos(toKnownAngle)), \
        #      "colMMDiff ", (toKnownDistMM * math.sin(toKnownAngle))

        relRowMM = knownRowMM - (toKnownDistMM * math.cos(toKnownAngle))
        relColMM = knownColMM - (toKnownDistMM * math.sin(toKnownAngle))

        relRow = int(round(relRowMM / self.rowScaleMM))
        relCol = int(round(relColMM / self.colScaleMM))

        return (relRow, relCol, relRowMM, relColMM, (knownAngle + math.pi + relTh) % (math.pi * 2))

    def hasMarker(self, row, col):
            return self.markerLoc.has_key((row, col))
            return False

    def getMarkerRow(self, name):
        return self.markers[name][0]

    def getMarkerCol(self, name):
        return self.markers[name][1]

    def markerExists(self, name):
        return self.markers.has_key(name)

    def printMarker(self, row, col):
        if self.hasMarker(row=row, col=col):
            return "%s-%.2f" % (self.markerLoc[(row, col)], self.markerAngle[self.markerLoc[(row, col)]])
            return ""

    def drawCell(self, row, col, matrix, maxval, path, stepByStep, removeBelow=0):
        # see the occupancyGrid redraw comment for more info on the coordinate
        # system.

        OccupancyGrid.drawCell(self, row, col, matrix, maxval, path, stepByStep, removeBelow)
        x = col
        y = row

        if self.hasMarker(row=row, col=col):
                (x + 0.5) * self.colScale,
                (y + 0.5) * self.rowScale,
                text=self.printMarker(row=row, col=col),

    def setRobotLocation(self, robotXMM, robotYMM, robotTh):

        self.x_localizeMM = robotXMM
        self.y_localizeMM = robotYMM
        self.thr_localize = robotTh

            row=int(round(self.x_localizeMM / self.rowScaleMM)),
            col=int(round(self.y_localizeMM / self.colScaleMM)),

    def updateRobotLocation(self, robot):
        # get the list of markers in view
        markers = self.markerToolkit.getMarkerData(robot)
        # print "I found markers: ",markers

        # if we can see at least one marker
        if len(markers) >= 1:

            # print "localizing using seen markers"
            # we look for the closest marker of those found, we will localize
            # upon that (assuming less error in measurements the closer the
            # marker)
            closestMarker = -1
            for index in range(len(markers)):
                if self.markerExists(markers[index][3]) and (
                    closestMarker == -1
                    # we assume that negative distance markers are errors
                    (markers[closestMarker][0] > markers[index][0] and markers[index][0] > 0)
                    closestMarker = index

            if closestMarker >= 0:
                # print "Localizing using closest marker: ",markers[closestMarker]

                # localize sets the current position and orientation of the robot in
                # the grid and returns that position as well as more precise MM based
                # location information which we will use internally.  (remember x=row
                # y=col)
                coord_robot = self.localize(

                self.x_localizeMM = coord_robot[0]
                self.y_localizeMM = coord_robot[1]
                self.thr_localize = coord_robot[2]

                # temporarily change the robot's unit system to meters
                # it seems as though a simulated robot doesn't have a units
                # attribute??
                    oldUnits = robot.units
                except AttributeError:
                    oldUnits = "METERS"
                robot.units = "METERS"

                # We keep track of where we think that we are and where the robot
                # thinks that it is to be able to localize without artoolkit
                # in future passes.
                self.x_last_marker_localizeMM = self.x_localizeMM
                self.x_last_marker_robotMM = robot.x * 1000
                self.y_last_marker_localizeMM = self.y_localizeMM
                self.y_last_marker_robotMM = robot.y * 1000
                self.thr_last_marker_localize = self.thr_localize
                self.thr_last_marker_robot = robot.thr

                robot.units = oldUnits

            # Lastly, we look through all the seen markers and if there are
            # any that are NEW we place them in the map (remember that we
            # can't localize upon a new marker that is why this comes at the
            # end) Note, if we start out with an empty map this will
            # place the marker based upon the assumed starting 'current'
            # location.

            for index in range(len(markers)):
                if not self.markerExists(markers[index][3]):

        # otherwise we localize using odometry
            # print "Localizing with odometry"
            # temporarily change the robot's unit system to meters
            # it seems as though a simulated robot doesn't have a units
            # attribute so we try and if not there we just add it.
                oldUnits = robot.units
            except AttributeError:
                oldUnits = "METERS"
            robot.units = "METERS"

            xDiffMM = (robot.x * 1000) - self.x_last_marker_robotMM
            yDiffMM = (robot.y * 1000) - self.y_last_marker_robotMM
            thDiff = self.thr_last_marker_robot - self.thr_last_marker_localize
            # print "diffs",xDiffMM,yDiffMM,thDiff

            # we need to remember that the robot's odometry was set when the
            # robot started and thus its coordinate system could be very different,
            # most likely even rotated with respect to the map's coordinates.
            # also there is a sign difference between the map's Y and the i
            # y given by the odometry.

            self.x_localizeMM = self.x_last_marker_localizeMM - (
                math.cos(thDiff) * xDiffMM + -1 * math.sin(thDiff) * yDiffMM
            self.y_localizeMM = (
                self.y_last_marker_localizeMM + math.sin(thDiff) * xDiffMM + -1 * math.cos(thDiff) * yDiffMM
            self.thr_localize = robot.thr - self.thr_last_marker_robot + self.thr_last_marker_localize
            # print "new location",self.x_localizeMM,self.y_localizeMM,self.thr_localize

                row=int(round(self.x_localizeMM / self.rowScaleMM)),
                col=int(round(self.y_localizeMM / self.colScaleMM)),

            robot.units = oldUnits

    def localize(self, markerName, relXOffM, relYOffM, relTh):

        # We are localizing using a marker in the field of vision of the robot.
        # relXOffM, relYOffM are the legs of the triangle made from the straight
        # line from the robot to the marker (with the base of the right triangle
        # along the marker + relTh).  relXOffM is along the 'heading' line' and
        # relYOffM is at 90 degrees to the heading line

            # assume that the marker is in the center of the cell. (I have
            # left this as .45 to prevent it from rounding 'up' in other
            # places which causes problems with alignemnt.
            markerRowMM = (self.getMarkerRow(markerName) + 0.45) * self.rowScaleMM
            markerColMM = (self.getMarkerCol(markerName) + 0.45) * self.colScaleMM
            markerAngle = self.markerAngle[markerName]
        except KeyError:
            # we don't have info regarding that marker??
            return (-1, -1, -1)

        # the return of getPosRelativeToKnown is (row,col,rowMM,colMM,th)
        coord_robot = self.getPosRelativeToKnown(markerRowMM, markerColMM, markerAngle, relXOffM, relYOffM, relTh)

        # print " marker - row ",self.getMarkerRow(markerName)," col ",\
        #      self.getMarkerCol(markerName)," th ", markerAngle
        # print "        - rowMM ",markerRowMM," colMM ", markerColMM
        # print " robot - row ",coord_robot[0]," col ",coord_robot[1]," th ", \
        #      coord_robot[4]
        # print "        - rowMM ",coord_robot[2]," colMM ", coord_robot[3]

        self.setCurrent(row=coord_robot[0], col=coord_robot[1], th=coord_robot[4])

        # return the location in MM and the th
        return (coord_robot[2], coord_robot[3], coord_robot[4])

    def calculaVelocidadAvance(self, vgiro):
        return 0.75 * (0.1 + 0.9 * (1 - abs(vgiro)))

    def determineMove(self, subgoal, sonar):
        # note that we assume that the row and col given are subgoals, this
        # algorithm can NOT deal with walls or obstacles.

        subgoalRow, subgoalCol = subgoal

        subgoalXmm = subgoalRow * self.rowScaleMM
        subgoalYmm = subgoalCol * self.colScaleMM

        angleToGoal = math.atan2((subgoalYmm - self.y_localizeMM) * -1, (subgoalXmm - self.x_localizeMM) * -1)

        robotAngleDiff = -normalizeAngle2(angleToGoal - normalizeAngle2(self.thr_localize))
        print "DIFF:  ", robotAngleDiff

        sensores = sonar
        # sensores = [2.0*float(sonar[k])/float(max(sonar)) for k in range(len(sonar))]
        velgiro = self.calculadorNeuronal.transferencia(sensores + [robotAngleDiff / (2.0 * math.pi)])
        velavan = self.calculaVelocidadAvance(velgiro)
        return (velavan, velgiro)

  def determineMove(self, subgoal):
     # note that we assume that the row and col given are subgoals, this
     # algorithm can NOT deal with walls or obstacles.

     subgoalRow, subgoalCol = subgoal

     subgoalXmm = subgoalRow*self.rowScaleMM
     subgoalYmm = subgoalCol*self.colScaleMM
     # remember that in pyrobot th increases as the robot turns

     # we start by calculating the difference between the current
     # heading (orientation angle) of the robot and a straight line to
     # the subgoal
     angleToGoal = math.atan2((subgoalYmm-self.y_localizeMM)*-1,
     robotAngleDiff = normalizeAngle(angleToGoal-self.thr_localize)

     #print "Current: ",self.x_localizeMM, self.y_localizeMM, self.thr_localize
     #print "Subgoal: ",subgoalXmm, subgoalYmm
     #print "angleToGoal",angleToGoal
     #print "robotAngleDiff: ",robotAngleDiff

     # if the subgoal isn't within an arc of size pi/4 centered in the
     # front of the robot we do a hard turn
     if (robotAngleDiff > math.pi/8 and robotAngleDiff <= math.pi):
        print "hard left"
        return(self.NO_FORWARD, self.HARD_LEFT)
     elif (robotAngleDiff > math.pi and 
           robotAngleDiff < (math.pi*2 - (math.pi/8))):
        print "hard right"
        return(self.NO_FORWARD, self.HARD_RIGHT)

     # when within the pi/4 arc we turn less the closer we are to
     # having it straight ahead
     elif (robotAngleDiff > 0 and robotAngleDiff <= math.pi/8):
        print "med-forward, variable to the left"
        return(self.MED_FORWARD, robotAngleDiff/math.pi/8)
     elif (robotAngleDiff >= (math.pi*2 - (math.pi/8)) and
           robotAngleDiff < math.pi*2):
        print "med-forward, variable to the right"
        return(self.MED_FORWARD, (robotAngleDiff-math.pi*2)/math.pi/8)

     # if it is straight ahead to just go straight
        print "forward"

    def mergeOtherGridInfo(self, otherGrid):

        # find two common markers
        commonKeys = []
        for key in self.markers.keys():
            if otherGrid.markerExists(key):

        if len(commonKeys) < 2:
            print "I can not find two common markers, merge failed!"

        # for now we just use the first two common markers found
        thisGridAnchor1Row = self.getMarkerRow(commonKeys[0])
        thisGridAnchor1Col = self.getMarkerCol(commonKeys[0])
        thisGridAnchor2Row = self.getMarkerRow(commonKeys[1])
        thisGridAnchor2Col = self.getMarkerCol(commonKeys[1])
        otherGridAnchor1Row = otherGrid.getMarkerRow(commonKeys[0])
        otherGridAnchor1Col = otherGrid.getMarkerCol(commonKeys[0])
        otherGridAnchor2Row = otherGrid.getMarkerRow(commonKeys[1])
        otherGridAnchor2Col = otherGrid.getMarkerCol(commonKeys[1])

        return OccupancyGrid.mergeOtherGridInfo(

    def redraw(self, matrix=None, path=None, stepByStep=0, onlyDirty=0):
        # The origin of the tkinter coordinate system is at the top left with
        # x increasing along the top edge and y increasing along the left
        # edge:
        #   0,0 ---- +x
        #    |
        #    |
        #   +y
        # This means that x corresponds to the column number and y to the row
        # number.

        if matrix == None:
            matrix = self.grid
        maxval = 0.0
        for row in range(self.rows):
            for col in range(self.cols):
                if matrix[row][col] != self.infinity:
                    maxval = max(matrix[row][col], maxval)
        if maxval < 1:
            maxval = 1
        if onlyDirty:
            tmpDirty = self.getAndResetDirtyCells()
            while len(tmpDirty) > 0:
                (row, col) = tmpDirty.pop(0)
                    row=row, col=col, matrix=matrix, maxval=maxval, path=path, stepByStep=stepByStep, removeBelow=1
            for row in range(self.rows):
                for col in range(self.cols):
                    self.drawCell(row=row, col=col, matrix=matrix, maxval=maxval, path=path, stepByStep=stepByStep)

        if self.getCurrentRow() >= 0 and self.getCurrentCol() >= 0:
                (self.getCurrentCol() + 0.5) * self.colScale,
                (self.getCurrentRow() + 0.5) * self.rowScale,
        if self.getGoalCol() >= 0 and self.getGoalRow() >= 0:
                (self.getGoalCol() + 0.5) * self.colScale,
                (self.getGoalRow() + 0.5) * self.rowScale,

        for k in range(len(self.centros)):
            i = self.centros[k][0]
            j = self.centros[k][1]
                (j + 0.5) * self.colScale, (i + 0.5) * self.rowScale, tag="cell", text="Centro " + str(k), fill="blue"

    def drawCell(self, row, col, matrix, maxval, path, stepByStep, removeBelow=0):
        # see the redraw comment for more info on the coordinate system.
        x = col
        y = row

        if removeBelow:
                "toDelete", x * self.colScale, y * self.rowScale, (x + 1) * self.colScale, (y + 1) * self.rowScale

        if self.background == None or path or stepByStep:
                x * self.colScale,
                y * self.rowScale,
                (x + 1) * self.colScale,
                (y + 1) * self.rowScale,
                fill=self.color(matrix[row][col], maxval),
        #         sys.__stdout__.write("drawing Cell %s,%s with %f/%f\n" % \
        #                              (col,row,matrix[row][col],maxval))
                x * self.colScale,
                y * self.rowScale,
                ((x + 1) * self.colScale) - 1,
                ((y + 1) * self.rowScale) - 1,
                outline=self.color(matrix[row][col], maxval),

        if path and path[row][col] == 1:
                (x + 0.25) * self.colScale,
                (y + 0.25) * self.rowScale,
                (x + 0.75) * self.colScale,
                (y + 0.75) * self.rowScale,
コード例 #4
class Navigator(OccupancyGrid):


  NO_TURN = 0
  MED_LEFT = 0.5
  HARD_LEFT = 1.0
  MED_RIGHT = -0.5
  HARD_RIGHT = -1.0

  def __init__(self, cols, rows, widthMM, heightMM,
               #the x,y and th of the current location can be passed
               currentRow = -1, currentCol = -1, currentTh= 0,
               goalRow = -1, goalCol = -1, gridUpdate = "",
               image=None, grid=None, gridResize=1.0,showIter=0, title=""):

    self.markerToolkit = MarkerToolkit()

    self.x_localizeMM = 0
    self.y_localizeMM = 0
    self.thr_localize = 0
    self.x_last_marker_localizeMM = 0
    self.x_last_marker_robotMM = 0
    self.y_last_marker_localizeMM = 0
    self.y_last_marker_robotMM = 0
    self.thr_last_marker_localize = 0
    self.thr_last_marker_robot = 0


    OccupancyGrid.__init__(self, cols=cols, rows=rows, 
                widthMM=widthMM, heightMM=heightMM,
                currentRow=currentRow, currentCol=currentCol, 
                goalRow=goalRow, goalCol=goalCol,
                image=image, grid=grid, gridResize=gridResize, 
		showIter=showIter, title=title)

  def resetMarkers(self):
      self.markers = {}
      self.markerLoc = {}
      self.markerAngle = {}

  # we use the same angle convention used in the pyrobot simulator
  # angles are expressed in radians, 0 is north and + angles rotate
  # counter-clockwise

  def placeMarker(self,row,col,name,angle=0,redraw=0):
      self.markers[name] = (row,col)
      self.markerLoc[(row,col)] = name
      self.markerAngle[name] = angle
      if (redraw):

  def placeRelativeMarker(self,name,relXOffM,relYOffM,relTh,redraw=1):

      # the -1's are to change the perspective.
      newMarkerInfo = self.getPosRelativeToKnown(self.getCurrentRow()*

      print ("placing new marker ",name,newMarkerInfo[0],
      self.placeMarker(row=newMarkerInfo[0], col=newMarkerInfo[1],
                       name=name, angle=newMarkerInfo[4], redraw=1)

  def getPosRelativeToKnown(self, knownRowMM, knownColMM, knownAngle, 
                             relXOffM, relYOffM, relTh):

     #print "relXOffM",relXOffM,"relYOffM",relYOffM,"relTh",relTh,\
     #      "atan",math.atan(relYOffM/relXOffM),"knownAngle",knownAngle

     toKnownDistMM = calculateHypotenuse(relXOffM*1000, relYOffM*1000)
     toKnownAngle = knownAngle+relTh

     #print "toKnownAngle",toKnownAngle,"toKnownDistMM",toKnownDistMM,\
     #      "cos-row",math.cos(toKnownAngle),"sin-col",math.sin(toKnownAngle)
     #print "rowMMDiff ", (toKnownDistMM * math.cos(toKnownAngle)), \
     #      "colMMDiff ", (toKnownDistMM * math.sin(toKnownAngle))

     relRowMM = knownRowMM - (toKnownDistMM * math.cos(toKnownAngle))
     relColMM = knownColMM - (toKnownDistMM * math.sin(toKnownAngle))
     relRow = int(round(relRowMM/self.rowScaleMM))
     relCol = int(round(relColMM/self.colScaleMM))

     return (relRow, relCol, relRowMM, relColMM,

  def hasMarker(self,row,col):
        return self.markerLoc.has_key((row,col))
        return False 

  def getMarkerRow(self,name):
     return self.markers[name][0]

  def getMarkerCol(self,name):
     return self.markers[name][1]

  def markerExists(self,name):
     return self.markers.has_key(name)

  def printMarker(self,row,col):
     if self.hasMarker(row=row,col=col):
        return "%s-%.2f" % (self.markerLoc[(row,col)],
        return ""

  def drawCell(self,row,col,matrix,maxval,path,stepByStep,removeBelow=0):
  # see the occupancyGrid redraw comment for more info on the coordinate
  # system.

      x = col
      y = row

      if self.hasMarker(row=row,col=col):
         self.canvas.create_text((x + .5) * self.colScale,
				 (y + .5) * self.rowScale,
				 tag = 'label',

  def setRobotLocation(self,robotXMM,robotYMM,robotTh):

    self.x_localizeMM = robotXMM
    self.y_localizeMM = robotYMM
    self.thr_localize = robotTh


  def updateRobotLocation(self,robot):
    # get the list of markers in view
    markers = self.markerToolkit.getMarkerData(robot)
    # print "I found markers: ",markers 
    # if we can see at least one marker 
    if (len(markers) >= 1):

       # print "localizing using seen markers"
       # we look for the closest marker of those found, we will localize
       # upon that (assuming less error in measurements the closer the
       # marker)
       closestMarker = -1
       for index in range(len(markers)):
          if (self.markerExists(markers[index][3]) and
              (closestMarker == -1 or
               # we assume that negative distance markers are errors
               (markers[closestMarker][0] > markers[index][0] and
                markers[index][0] > 0))):
            closestMarker = index

       if (closestMarker >= 0):
          # print "Localizing using closest marker: ",markers[closestMarker]
	  # localize sets the current position and orientation of the robot in
	  # the grid and returns that position as well as more precise MM based
	  # location information which we will use internally.  (remember x=row
	  # y=col)
          coord_robot = self.localize(markerName=markers[closestMarker][3],
          self.x_localizeMM = coord_robot[0]
          self.y_localizeMM = coord_robot[1]
	  self.thr_localize = coord_robot[2]

          # temporarily change the robot's unit system to meters
	  # it seems as though a simulated robot doesn't have a units
	  # attribute??
	    oldUnits = robot.units
	  except AttributeError:
	    oldUnits = "METERS"
          robot.units = "METERS"

          # We keep track of where we think that we are and where the robot
          # thinks that it is to be able to localize without artoolkit
          # in future passes.
          self.x_last_marker_localizeMM = self.x_localizeMM
          self.x_last_marker_robotMM = robot.x*1000
          self.y_last_marker_localizeMM = self.y_localizeMM 
          self.y_last_marker_robotMM = robot.y*1000
          self.thr_last_marker_localize = self.thr_localize
          self.thr_last_marker_robot = robot.thr

          robot.units = oldUnits

       # Lastly, we look through all the seen markers and if there are
       # any that are NEW we place them in the map (remember that we
       # can't localize upon a new marker that is why this comes at the
       # end) Note, if we start out with an empty map this will
       # place the marker based upon the assumed starting 'current'
       # location.

       for index in range(len(markers)):
          if (not self.markerExists(markers[index][3])):

    # otherwise we localize using odometry
	# print "Localizing with odometry"
        # temporarily change the robot's unit system to meters
	# it seems as though a simulated robot doesn't have a units
	# attribute so we try and if not there we just add it.
	  oldUnits = robot.units
	except AttributeError:
	  oldUnits = "METERS"
        robot.units = "METERS"

        xDiffMM = (robot.x*1000) - self.x_last_marker_robotMM
        yDiffMM = (robot.y*1000) - self.y_last_marker_robotMM
        thDiff = self.thr_last_marker_robot - self.thr_last_marker_localize
	# print "diffs",xDiffMM,yDiffMM,thDiff

        # we need to remember that the robot's odometry was set when the 
	# robot started and thus its coordinate system could be very different,
	# most likely even rotated with respect to the map's coordinates.
        # also there is a sign difference between the map's Y and the i
        # y given by the odometry.

    	self.x_localizeMM = (self.x_last_marker_localizeMM -
                             (math.cos(thDiff)*xDiffMM + 
	self.y_localizeMM = (self.y_last_marker_localizeMM +
                             math.sin(thDiff)*xDiffMM +
	self.thr_localize = (robot.thr - 
                             self.thr_last_marker_robot + 
        # print "new location",self.x_localizeMM,self.y_localizeMM,self.thr_localize


        robot.units = oldUnits

  def localize(self, markerName, relXOffM, relYOffM, relTh):

   # We are localizing using a marker in the field of vision of the robot.
   # relXOffM, relYOffM are the legs of the triangle made from the straight
   # line from the robot to the marker (with the base of the right triangle
   # along the marker + relTh).  relXOffM is along the 'heading' line' and
   # relYOffM is at 90 degrees to the heading line

       # assume that the marker is in the center of the cell. (I have
       # left this as .45 to prevent it from rounding 'up' in other
       # places which causes problems with alignemnt.
       markerRowMM = (self.getMarkerRow(markerName)+.45)*self.rowScaleMM
       markerColMM = (self.getMarkerCol(markerName)+.45)*self.colScaleMM
       markerAngle = self.markerAngle[markerName]
     except KeyError:
       # we don't have info regarding that marker??
       return (-1,-1,-1)

     #the return of getPosRelativeToKnown is (row,col,rowMM,colMM,th) 
     coord_robot = self.getPosRelativeToKnown(markerRowMM,
                                              relYOffM, relTh)

     #print " marker - row ",self.getMarkerRow(markerName)," col ",\
     #      self.getMarkerCol(markerName)," th ", markerAngle
     #print "        - rowMM ",markerRowMM," colMM ", markerColMM
     #print " robot - row ",coord_robot[0]," col ",coord_robot[1]," th ", \
     #      coord_robot[4]
     #print "        - rowMM ",coord_robot[2]," colMM ", coord_robot[3] 


     # return the location in MM and the th
     return (coord_robot[2], coord_robot[3], coord_robot[4])

  def determineMove(self, subgoal):
     # note that we assume that the row and col given are subgoals, this
     # algorithm can NOT deal with walls or obstacles.

     subgoalRow, subgoalCol = subgoal

     subgoalXmm = subgoalRow*self.rowScaleMM
     subgoalYmm = subgoalCol*self.colScaleMM
     # remember that in pyrobot th increases as the robot turns

     # we start by calculating the difference between the current
     # heading (orientation angle) of the robot and a straight line to
     # the subgoal
     angleToGoal = math.atan2((subgoalYmm-self.y_localizeMM)*-1,
     robotAngleDiff = normalizeAngle(angleToGoal-self.thr_localize)

     #print "Current: ",self.x_localizeMM, self.y_localizeMM, self.thr_localize
     #print "Subgoal: ",subgoalXmm, subgoalYmm
     #print "angleToGoal",angleToGoal
     #print "robotAngleDiff: ",robotAngleDiff

     # if the subgoal isn't within an arc of size pi/4 centered in the
     # front of the robot we do a hard turn
     if (robotAngleDiff > math.pi/8 and robotAngleDiff <= math.pi):
        print "hard left"
        return(self.NO_FORWARD, self.HARD_LEFT)
     elif (robotAngleDiff > math.pi and 
           robotAngleDiff < (math.pi*2 - (math.pi/8))):
        print "hard right"
        return(self.NO_FORWARD, self.HARD_RIGHT)

     # when within the pi/4 arc we turn less the closer we are to
     # having it straight ahead
     elif (robotAngleDiff > 0 and robotAngleDiff <= math.pi/8):
        print "med-forward, variable to the left"
        return(self.MED_FORWARD, robotAngleDiff/math.pi/8)
     elif (robotAngleDiff >= (math.pi*2 - (math.pi/8)) and
           robotAngleDiff < math.pi*2):
        print "med-forward, variable to the right"
        return(self.MED_FORWARD, (robotAngleDiff-math.pi*2)/math.pi/8)

     # if it is straight ahead to just go straight
        print "forward"

  This method extracts all the information from another grid to include
  it in this grid.  It starts by looking for two common markers in this
  and the other grid.  If 2 can not be found it fails, otherwise it
  uses these markers to calculate the transformation between the grids
  and then combines the information using this transformation and the
  grid update algorithms.
  def mergeOtherGridInfo(self, otherGrid):

      # find two common markers
      commonKeys = []
      for key in self.markers.keys():
        if (otherGrid.markerExists(key)):

      if (len(commonKeys) < 2):
        print "I can not find two common markers, merge failed!"

      # for now we just use the first two common markers found
      thisGridAnchor1Row = self.getMarkerRow(commonKeys[0])
      thisGridAnchor1Col = self.getMarkerCol(commonKeys[0])
      thisGridAnchor2Row = self.getMarkerRow(commonKeys[1])
      thisGridAnchor2Col = self.getMarkerCol(commonKeys[1])
      otherGridAnchor1Row = otherGrid.getMarkerRow(commonKeys[0]) 
      otherGridAnchor1Col = otherGrid.getMarkerCol(commonKeys[0])
      otherGridAnchor2Row = otherGrid.getMarkerRow(commonKeys[1])
      otherGridAnchor2Col = otherGrid.getMarkerCol(commonKeys[1])

      return OccupancyGrid.mergeOtherGridInfo(self,otherGrid,
                                     thisGridAnchor1Row = thisGridAnchor1Row,
				     thisGridAnchor1Col = thisGridAnchor1Col,
				     thisGridAnchor2Row = thisGridAnchor2Row,
				     thisGridAnchor2Col = thisGridAnchor2Col,
				     otherGridAnchor1Row = otherGridAnchor1Row,
				     otherGridAnchor1Col = otherGridAnchor1Col,
				     otherGridAnchor2Row = otherGridAnchor2Row,
				     otherGridAnchor2Col = otherGridAnchor2Col)