def sync_lead(self, marketo_id=None, email=None, marketo_cookie=None, foreign_id=None, attributes=None): """ This function will insert or update a single lead record. When updating an existing lead, the lead can be identified with one of the following keys: If an existing match is found, the call will perform an update. If not, it will insert and create a new lead. Anonymous leads can be updated using the Marketo Cookie ID. :param marketo_id: :param email: :param marketo_cookie: :param foreign_id: :param attributes: :return: :raise exceptions.unwrap: """ if not (marketo_id or email or marketo_cookie or foreign_id): raise ValueError('Must supply at least one id for the lead.') if not attributes: raise ValueError('Must supply attributes as a non empty iterable object.') body = sync_lead.wrap(marketo_id=marketo_id, email=email, marketo_cookie=marketo_cookie, foreign_id=foreign_id, attributes=attributes) response = self.request(body) if response.status_code == 200: return sync_lead.unwrap(response.text.encode("utf-8")) else: raise exceptions.unwrap(response.text)
def test_non_xml_message(self): exception_message = 'Non XML message' exception_instance = exceptions.unwrap(exception_message) self.assertTrue(isinstance(exception_instance, exceptions.MktException)) self.assertEqual(exception_instance.args, ("Marketo exception message parsing error: %s" % exception_message, ))
def test_fault_without_details(self): exception_message = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' \ '<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">' \ '<SOAP-ENV:Body>' \ '<SOAP-ENV:Fault>' \ '<faultcode>SOAP-ENV:Client</faultcode>' \ '<faultstring>Bad Request</faultstring>' \ '</SOAP-ENV:Fault>' \ '</SOAP-ENV:Body>' \ '</SOAP-ENV:Envelope>' exception_instance = exceptions.unwrap(exception_message) self.assertTrue(isinstance(exception_instance, exceptions.MktException)) self.assertEqual(exception_instance.args, ("Bad Request", ))
def get_lead(self, idnum=None, cookie=None, email=None, sfdcleadid=None, leadowneremail=None, sfdcaccountid=None, sfdccontactid=None, sfdcleadownerid=None, sfdcopptyid=None, **kwargs): """ This function retrieves a single lead record from Marketo. If the lead exists based on the input parameters, the lead record attributes will be returned in the result. :param idnum: The Marketo ID :param cookie: The value generated by the Munchkin Javascript :param email: The email address associated with the lead :param sfdcleadid: The lead ID from SalesForce :param leadowneremail: The Lead Owner Email :param sfdcaccountid: The Account ID from SalesForce :param sfdccontactid: The Contact ID from SalesForce :param sfdcleadownerid: The Lead owner ID from SalesForce :param sfdcopptyid: The Opportunity ID from SalesForce :param kwargs: For other keytypes in the future... :return: :raise exceptions.unwrap: """ # collect all keyword arguments key_types = locals().copy() del key_types["self"] del key_types["kwargs"] key_types.update(kwargs) for each in key_types.keys(): if not key_types[each]: del key_types[each] if len(key_types) != 1: raise exceptions.MktException( "get_leads() takes exactly 1 keyword argument (%d given)" % len(key_types)) body = get_lead.wrap(*(key_types.items()[0])) response = self.request(body) if response.status_code == 200: return get_lead.unwrap(response.text.encode("utf-8")) else: raise exceptions.unwrap(response.text)
def test_fault_with_details(self): exception_message = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' \ '<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">' \ '<SOAP-ENV:Body>' \ '<SOAP-ENV:Fault>' \ '<faultcode>SOAP-ENV:Client</faultcode>' \ '<faultstring>20103 - Lead not found</faultstring>' \ '<detail>' \ '<ns1:serviceException xmlns:ns1="">' \ '<name>mktServiceException</name>' \ '<message>No lead found with EMAIL = [email protected] (20103)</message>' \ '<code>20103</code>' \ '</ns1:serviceException>' \ '</detail>' \ '</SOAP-ENV:Fault>' \ '</SOAP-ENV:Body>' \ '</SOAP-ENV:Envelope>' exception_instance = exceptions.unwrap(exception_message) self.assertTrue(isinstance(exception_instance, exceptions.MktLeadNotFound)) self.assertEqual(exception_instance.args, ("No lead found with EMAIL = [email protected] (20103)", ))
def get_lead(self, idnum=None, cookie=None, email=None, sfdcleadid=None, leadowneremail=None, sfdcaccountid=None, sfdccontactid=None, sfdcleadownerid=None, sfdcopptyid=None, **kwargs): """ This function retrieves a single lead record from Marketo. If the lead exists based on the input parameters, the lead record attributes will be returned in the result. :param idnum: The Marketo ID :param cookie: The value generated by the Munchkin Javascript :param email: The email address associated with the lead :param sfdcleadid: The lead ID from SalesForce :param leadowneremail: The Lead Owner Email :param sfdcaccountid: The Account ID from SalesForce :param sfdccontactid: The Contact ID from SalesForce :param sfdcleadownerid: The Lead owner ID from SalesForce :param sfdcopptyid: The Opportunity ID from SalesForce :param kwargs: For other keytypes in the future... :return: :raise exceptions.unwrap: """ # collect all keyword arguments key_types = locals().copy() del key_types["self"] del key_types["kwargs"] key_types.update(kwargs) for each in key_types.keys(): if not key_types[each]: del key_types[each] if len(key_types) != 1: raise exceptions.MktException("get_leads() takes exactly 1 keyword argument (%d given)" % len(key_types)) body = get_lead.wrap(*(key_types.items()[0])) response = self.request(body) if response.status_code == 200: return get_lead.unwrap(response.text.encode("utf-8")) else: raise exceptions.unwrap(response.text)
def test_fault_with_details(self): exception_message = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' \ '<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">' \ '<SOAP-ENV:Body>' \ '<SOAP-ENV:Fault>' \ '<faultcode>SOAP-ENV:Client</faultcode>' \ '<faultstring>20103 - Lead not found</faultstring>' \ '<detail>' \ '<ns1:serviceException xmlns:ns1="">' \ '<name>mktServiceException</name>' \ '<message>No lead found with EMAIL = [email protected] (20103)</message>' \ '<code>20103</code>' \ '</ns1:serviceException>' \ '</detail>' \ '</SOAP-ENV:Fault>' \ '</SOAP-ENV:Body>' \ '</SOAP-ENV:Envelope>' exception_instance = exceptions.unwrap(exception_message) self.assertTrue( isinstance(exception_instance, exceptions.MktLeadNotFound)) self.assertEqual(exception_instance.args, ("No lead found with EMAIL = [email protected] (20103)", ))