コード例 #1
 def __call__(self, request, status, headers, body):
     """Compress, if able, the response.
     This has the side effect that if your application does not declare a content-length, this filter will.
     # TODO: Remove some of this debug logging; it'll slow things down and isn't really needed.
     if request.get('wsgi.compression', True) is False:
         log.debug("Bypassing compression at application's request.")
         return status, headers, body
     if request.get('wsgi.async') and hasattr(body, '__call__'):
         log.debug("Can not compress async responses, returning original response.")
         return status, headers, body
     if b'gzip' not in request.get('HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING', b''):
         log.debug("Browser support for GZip encoding not found, returning original response.")
         return status, headers, body
     def find(header):
         """Determine the value and index into headers for the given header, or None if not found."""
         for i, (name, value) in enumerate(headers):
             if name.lower() == header:
                 return value, i
         return None, None
     if find(b'content-encoding')[0]:
         log.debug("Content encoding already defined, returning original response.")
         return status, headers, body
     ctype, ctypeidx = find(b'content-type')
     if not ctype or not ctype.startswith((b'text/', b'application/')) or b'zip' in ctype:
         log.debug("Encountered uncompressable Content-Type (%s), returning original response.", ctype)
         return status, headers, body
     clength, clengthidx = find(b'content-length')
     headers.append((b"Content-Encoding", b'gzip'))
     # We have to read the entire body into a buffer before we can compress it.
     # This is because we need to determine the final Content-Length.
     # TODO: If the Content-Length is > 4MiB, we should use a tmpfile on-disk instead!
     buf = IO()
     compressed = GzipFile(mode='wb', compresslevel=self.level, fileobj=buf)
     for chunk in body:
     del compressed
     length = buf.tell()
     if clength:
         clength = int(clength)
         log.debug("Content-Length: %d - Compressed: %d - Savings: %d (%d%%)", clength, length, clength - length, length * 100 // clength)
         if length > int(clength):
             log.warn("Compression increased size of response!")
     length = (b'Content-Length', unicode(length).encode('ascii'))
     if clength: headers[clengthidx] = length
     else: headers.append(length)
     return status, headers, iter(partial(buf.read, 4096), b'')