def my_schema(): """A test schema with.""" class LinksSchema(Schema): self = fields.Link( template=URITemplate("/records{?params*}"), params=lambda o: { "params": { # type is expected to show in the query string as type=A&type=B "type": ["A", "B"], "sort": "newest", "subtype": ["1"], "size": 10, } }) publish = fields.Link( template=URITemplate("/admin{/pid}"), params=lambda o: {"pid": o.get("pid")}, permission="admin", ) prev = fields.Link(template=URITemplate("/prev"), params=lambda o: {}, when=lambda o: o.get("allowed", True)) class MySchema(Schema): links = fields.Links() factory = LinksFactory(host="localhost", config={"search": LinksSchema}) return MySchema(context={ "links_factory": factory, "links_namespace": "search" })
def test_links(): """Test links factory with links field.""" class EntitySchema(Schema): links = fields.Links() class ItemLinkSchema1(Schema): self = fields.Link(template=URITemplate("/1/{?pid}"), params=lambda o: {'pid': o.get("pid")}, permission="read") class ItemLinkSchema2(Schema): self = fields.Link(template=URITemplate("/2/{?pid}"), params=lambda o: {'pid': o.get("pid")}, permission="create") # Test: Create links during dumping f = LinksFactory(host="localhost", config={"item": ItemLinkSchema1}) context = { "links_factory": f, "links_namespace": "item", "field_permission_check": lambda o: True # allows anything } assert ({ 'links': { 'self': 'https://localhost/1/?pid=1' } } == EntitySchema(context=context).dump({"pid": 1})) # Test: Create links with other config during dumping f = LinksFactory(host="localhost", config={"item": ItemLinkSchema2}) context = { "links_factory": f, "links_namespace": "item", "field_permission_check": lambda o: True # allows anything } assert ({ 'links': { 'self': 'https://localhost/2/?pid=1' } } == EntitySchema(context=context).dump({"pid": 1}))
def entries(self): """Iterator over the hits.""" links = LinksFactory(host=_current_host, config=self._links_config) for entry in self._results: # Project the record projection = self._service.file_schema.dump( self._identity, entry, links_namespace="file", links_factory=links, ) yield projection
def results(self): """Iterator over the hits.""" links = LinksFactory(host=_current_host, config=self._links_config) for res in self._results: # Project the record projection = self._service.schema_secret_link.dump( res.to_dict(), context=dict( identity=self._identity, links_namespace="secret_link", links_factory=links, )) yield projection
def data(self): """Property to get the record.""" if self._data: return self._data links = LinksFactory(host=_current_host, config=self._links_config) self._data = self._service.schema.dump( self._identity, self._record, links_namespace="record", links_factory=links, ) return self._data
def data(self): """Property to get the link's dumped data.""" if self._data: return self._data links = LinksFactory(host="", config=self._links_config) self._data = self._service.schema_secret_link.dump( self._link.to_dict(), context=dict( identity=self._identity, # TODO is this required in any way? links_namespace="secret_link", links_factory=links, )) return self._data
def hits(self): """Iterator over the hits.""" links = LinksFactory(host=_current_host, config=self._links_config) for hit in self._results: # Load dump record = self._service.record_cls.loads(hit.to_dict()) # Project the record projection = self._service.schema.dump(self._identity, record,, record=record, links_namespace="record", links_factory=links) yield projection
def links(self): """Get the list result links.""" if self._links: return self._links links = LinksFactory(host=_current_host, config=self._links_config) schema = self._service.schema_files_links data = schema.dump( self._identity, self._record, links_factory=links, links_namespace="files", ) self._links = data.get("links") return self._links
def links(self): """Get the search result links. TODO: Would be nicer if this were a parallel of data above. """ links = LinksFactory(host=_current_host, config=self._links_config) schema = self._service.schema_search_links data = schema.dump( self._identity, # It ain't pretty but it will do {**self._params, "_pagination": self.pagination}, links_factory=links, links_namespace="search", ) return data.get("links")