def __init__(self, mgmt_details, dbsvr_details, async_timeout=3600, test_data_filepath=None, zone=None, hypervisor_type=None): self.__mgmtDetails = mgmt_details self.__dbSvrDetails = dbsvr_details self.__csConnection = None self.__dbConnection = None self.__testClient = None self.__asyncTimeOut = async_timeout self.__logger = MarvinLog('marvin').getLogger() self.__apiClient = None self.__userApiClient = None self.__asyncJobMgr = None self.__id = None self.__hypervisor = hypervisor_type self.__testDataFilePath = test_data_filepath self.__parsedTestDataConfig = None self.__zone = zone self.__setHypervisorInfo()
def __init__(self, host, port, user, passwd, retries=60, delay=10, log_lvl=logging.INFO, keyPairFiles=None, timeout=10.0): = None self.port = 22 self.user = user self.passwd = passwd self.keyPairFiles = keyPairFiles self.ssh = SSHClient() self.ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(AutoAddPolicy()) self.retryCnt = 0 self.delay = 0 self.timeout = 3.0 self.logger = MarvinLog('ssh').getLogger() # Check invalid host value and raise exception # Atleast host is required for connection if host is not None and host != '': = host if retries is not None and retries > 0: self.retryCnt = retries if delay is not None and delay > 0: self.delay = delay if timeout is not None and timeout > 0: self.timeout = timeout if port is not None and port >= 0: self.port = port if self.createConnection() == FAILED: raise internalError("Connection Failed")
def __init__(self, test_client, cfg): self.__cfg = cfg self.__test_client = test_client self.__logger = MarvinLog('marvin').getLogger() self.__apiClient = None
return self.__option_is_set(options.remove) and self.__path_points_to_file(options.remove) def __options_for_remove_data_center_are_invalid(self, options): return self.__option_is_set(options.remove) and not self.__path_points_to_file(options.remove) @staticmethod def __deploy_and_remove_data_center(options): return options.input and options.remove @staticmethod def __nothing_to_do(options): return options.input is None and options.remove is None @staticmethod def __option_is_set(flag): return flag is not None @staticmethod def __path_points_to_file(path): return os.path.isfile(path) if __name__ == "__main__": logger = MarvinLog('marvin').getLogger() try: Application().main(sys.argv[1:]) except Exception as e: logger.exception("Aborting run due to: %s" % e) exit(1) exit(0)