コード例 #1
def set_inpchanges(xmltree, schema_dict, change_dict, path_spec=None):
    This method sets all the attribute and texts provided in the change_dict.

    The first occurrence of the attribute/tag is set

    :param xmltree: xml tree that represents inp.xml
    :param schema_dict: InputSchemaDict containing all information about the structure of the input
    :params change_dict: dictionary {attrib_name : value} with all the wanted changes.
    :param path_spec: dict, with ggf. necessary further specifications for the path of the attribute

    An example of change_dict::

            change_dict = {'itmax' : 1,
                           'l_noco': True,
                           'ctail': False,
                           'l_ss': True}

    :returns: an xmltree of the inp.xml file with changes.
    from masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_xpaths import xml_set_first_attrib_value, xml_set_first_text
    from masci_tools.util.xml.common_functions import split_off_attrib
    from masci_tools.util.case_insensitive_dict import CaseInsensitiveDict

    if path_spec is None:
        path_spec = {}
    path_spec = CaseInsensitiveDict(path_spec)

    for key, change_value in change_dict.items():

        #Special alias for xcFunctional since name is not a very telling attribute name
        if key == 'xcFunctional':
            key = 'name'

        if key not in schema_dict['attrib_types'] and key not in schema_dict['simple_elements']:
            raise ValueError(f"You try to set the key:'{key}' to : '{change_value}', but the key is unknown"
                             ' to the fleur plug-in')

        text_attrib = key not in schema_dict['attrib_types']

        key_spec = path_spec.get(key, {})
        #This method only support unique and unique_path attributes
        if 'exclude' not in key_spec:
            key_spec['exclude'] = ['other']
        elif 'other' not in key_spec['exclude']:

        key_xpath = get_attrib_xpath(schema_dict, key, **key_spec)

        if not text_attrib:
            #Split up path into tag path and attribute name (original name of key could have different cases)
            key_xpath, key = split_off_attrib(key_xpath)

        if text_attrib:
            xml_set_first_text(xmltree, schema_dict, key_xpath, key_xpath, change_value)
            xml_set_first_attrib_value(xmltree, schema_dict, key_xpath, key_xpath, key, change_value)

    return xmltree
コード例 #2
def test_case_insensitive_dict_pop_upper(key, result):
   Test case insensitive pop in CaseInsensitiveDict with upper() as normalizing function
    from masci_tools.util.case_insensitive_dict import CaseInsensitiveDict

    d = CaseInsensitiveDict(TEST_DICT, upper=True)

    assert key in d
    assert d.pop(key) == result
    assert key not in d
コード例 #3
def test_case_insensitive_dict_pop(key, result):
   Test case insensitive pop in CaseInsensitiveDict
    from masci_tools.util.case_insensitive_dict import CaseInsensitiveDict

    d = CaseInsensitiveDict(TEST_DICT)

    assert key in d
    assert d.pop(key) == result
    assert key not in d
コード例 #4
def create_outschema_dict(path, inpschema_dict):
    Creates dictionary with information about the FleurOutputSchema.xsd.
    The functions, whose results are added to the schema_dict and the corresponding keys
    are defined in schema_actions

    :param path: str path to the folder containing the FleurOutputSchema.xsd file
    :param inp_path: str path to the FleurInputSchema.xsd file (defaults to the same folder as path)

    #Add new functionality to this dictionary here
    schema_actions = {
        'input_tag': get_input_tag,
        'root_tag': get_root_tag,
        '_basic_types': get_basic_types,
        'attrib_types': extract_attribute_types,
        'simple_elements': get_basic_elements,
        'tag_paths': get_tag_paths,
        'iteration_tag_paths': get_tag_paths,
        'unique_attribs': get_unique_attribs,
        'unique_path_attribs': get_unique_path_attribs,
        'other_attribs': get_other_attribs,
        'iteration_unique_attribs': get_unique_attribs,
        'iteration_unique_path_attribs': get_unique_path_attribs,
        'iteration_other_attribs': get_other_attribs,
        'tag_info': get_tag_info,
        'iteration_tag_info': get_tag_info,
        'omitt_contained_tags': get_omittable_tags,

    #print(f'processing: {path}/FleurOutputSchema.xsd')
    xmlschema = etree.parse(path)
    xmlschema, _ = clear_xml(xmlschema)

    namespaces = {'xsd': 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'}
    out_version = str(xmlschema.xpath('/xsd:schema/@version', namespaces=namespaces)[0])

    input_basic_types = inpschema_dict.get('_basic_types').get_unlocked()

    schema_dict = {}
    schema_dict['out_version'] = out_version
    for key, action in schema_actions.items():
        addargs = {'input_basic_types': input_basic_types}
        if key in ['unique_attribs', 'unique_path_attribs', 'other_attribs', 'tag_paths', 'tag_info']:
            addargs['stop_iteration'] = True
        elif key in [
                'iteration_unique_attribs', 'iteration_unique_path_attribs', 'iteration_other_attribs',
                'iteration_tag_paths', 'iteration_tag_info'
            addargs['iteration_root'] = True
            addargs['iteration'] = True
        schema_dict[key] = action(xmlschema, namespaces, **schema_dict, **addargs)

    schema_dict['_input_basic_types'] = input_basic_types

    #We cannot do the conversion to CaseInsensitiveDict before since we need the correct case
    #For these attributes in the attrib_path functions
    schema_dict['simple_elements'] = CaseInsensitiveDict(schema_dict['simple_elements'])

    return schema_dict
コード例 #5
def test_case_insensitive_dict_upper_get_not_existent(key):
   Test case insensitive lookup (non existent keys) in CaseInsensitiveDict with upper() as normalizing function
    from masci_tools.util.case_insensitive_dict import CaseInsensitiveDict

    d = CaseInsensitiveDict(TEST_DICT, upper=True)

    assert key not in d
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        val = d[key]
コード例 #6
def test_case_insensitive_dict_get_not_existent(key):
   Test case insensitive lookup (non existent keys) in CaseInsensitiveDict
    from masci_tools.util.case_insensitive_dict import CaseInsensitiveDict

    d = CaseInsensitiveDict(TEST_DICT)

    assert key not in d
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        val = d[key]
コード例 #7
def test_case_insensitive_dict_upper_get(key, result):
   Test case insensitive lookup in CaseInsensitiveDict with upper() as normalizing function
    from masci_tools.util.case_insensitive_dict import CaseInsensitiveDict

    d = CaseInsensitiveDict(TEST_DICT, upper=True)

    assert key in d
    assert d[key] == result
    assert repr(d) == EXPECTED_REPR_UPPER
コード例 #8
def test_case_insensitive_dict_get(key, result):
   Test case insensitive lookup in CaseInsensitiveDict
    from masci_tools.util.case_insensitive_dict import CaseInsensitiveDict

    d = CaseInsensitiveDict(TEST_DICT)

    assert key in d
    assert d[key] == result
    assert repr(d) == EXPECTED_REPR
コード例 #9
def create_inpschema_dict(path, apply_patches=True):
    Creates dictionary with information about the FleurInputSchema.xsd.
    The functions, whose results are added to the schema_dict and the corresponding keys
    are defined in schema_actions

    :param path: str path to the folder containing the FleurInputSchema.xsd file
    :param apply_patches: bool if True (default) the registered patching functions are applied after creation


    #Add new functionality to this dictionary here
    schema_actions = {
        'root_tag': get_root_tag,
        'tag_paths': get_tag_paths,
        '_basic_types': get_basic_types,
        'attrib_types': extract_attribute_types,
        'simple_elements': get_basic_elements,
        'unique_attribs': get_unique_attribs,
        'unique_path_attribs': get_unique_path_attribs,
        'other_attribs': get_other_attribs,
        'omitt_contained_tags': get_omittable_tags,
        'tag_info': get_tag_info,
    schema_patches = [convert_string_to_float_expr, patch_simple_elements]

    #print(f'processing: {path}/FleurInputSchema.xsd')
    xmlschema = etree.parse(path)
    xmlschema, _ = clear_xml(xmlschema)

    namespaces = {'xsd': 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'}
    inp_version = str(
        xmlschema.xpath('/xsd:schema/@version', namespaces=namespaces)[0])
    inp_version_tuple = convert_str_version_number(inp_version)

    schema_dict = {}
    schema_dict['inp_version'] = inp_version
    for key, action in schema_actions.items():
        schema_dict[key] = action(xmlschema, namespaces, **schema_dict)

        if key == '_basic_types' and apply_patches:
            schema_dict[key] = patch_basic_types(schema_dict[key],

    #We cannot do the conversion to CaseInsensitiveDict before since we need the correct case
    #For these attributes in the attrib_path functions
    schema_dict['simple_elements'] = CaseInsensitiveDict(

    if apply_patches:
        for patch_func in schema_patches:
            patch_func(schema_dict, inp_version_tuple)

    return schema_dict
コード例 #10
def shift_value(xmltree, schema_dict, change_dict, mode='abs', path_spec=None):
    Shifts numerical values of attributes directly in the inp.xml file.

    The first occurrence of the attribute is shifted

    :param xmltree: xml tree that represents inp.xml
    :param schema_dict: InputSchemaDict containing all information about the structure of the input
    :param change_dict: a python dictionary with the keys to shift and the shift values.
    :param mode: 'abs' if change given is absolute, 'rel' if relative
    :param path_spec: dict, with ggf. necessary further specifications for the path of the attribute

    :returns: a xml tree with shifted values

    An example of change_dict::

            change_dict = {'itmax' : 1, 'dVac': -0.123}
    from masci_tools.util.case_insensitive_dict import CaseInsensitiveDict

    if path_spec is None:
        path_spec = {}
    path_spec = CaseInsensitiveDict(path_spec)

    for key, value_given in change_dict.items():

        key_spec = path_spec.get(key, {})
        #This method only support unique and unique_path attributes
        if 'exclude' not in key_spec:
            key_spec['exclude'] = ['other']
        elif 'other' not in key_spec['exclude']:

        xmltree = add_number_to_first_attrib(xmltree, schema_dict, key, value_given, mode=mode, **key_spec)

    return xmltree