コード例 #1
    def rotate_boxes_4xy(self, target, angle):
        angle = -angle
        gt_boxes = target.bbox
        if isinstance(target.bbox, torch.Tensor):
            gt_boxes = target.bbox.data.cpu().numpy()

        gt_labels = target.get_field("labels")

        rotated_gt_boxes = np.empty((len(gt_boxes), 8), dtype=np.float32)

        iminfo = target.size

        im_height = iminfo[1]
        im_width = iminfo[0]
        # origin_gt_boxes = gt_boxes

        # anti-clockwise to clockwise arc
        cos_cita = np.cos(np.pi / 180 * angle)
        sin_cita = np.sin(np.pi / 180 * angle)

        # clockwise matrix
        rotation_matrix = np.array([[cos_cita, sin_cita],
                                    [-sin_cita, cos_cita]])

        # pts_ctr = origin_gt_boxes[:, 0:2]
        pts_ctr = gt_boxes.reshape([-1, 2])

        pts_ctr = pts_ctr - np.array([[
            im_width / 2, im_height / 2
        ]])  #np.tile((im_width / 2, im_height / 2), (gt_boxes.shape[0], 1))

        # print('pts_ctr:', pts_ctr.shape)
        pts_ctr = np.array(np.dot(pts_ctr, rotation_matrix), dtype=np.int16)

        pts_ctr = pts_ctr + np.array([[im_width / 2, im_height / 2]])

        pts24xy = pts_ctr.reshape([-1, 8])

        rotated_gt_boxes_th = torch.tensor(pts24xy).to(target.bbox.device)

        target_cpy = RBoxList(rotated_gt_boxes_th, iminfo, mode='4xy')
        # target_cpy.add_field('difficult', difficulty)
        target_cpy.add_field('labels', gt_labels)

        if target_cpy.bbox.size()[0] <= 0:
            return None

        # print(target_cpy.bbox.size())
        return target_cpy, pts24xy
コード例 #2
    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        img, anno = super(DOTARotateDataset, self).__getitem__(idx)

        # filter crowd annotations
        # TODO might be better to add an extra field
        anno = [obj for obj in anno if obj["iscrowd"] == 0]

        # scale_seed = random.uniform(0.4,1)
        # img_tem = img1.resize((int(img1.size[0]*scale_seed), int(img1.size[1]*scale_seed)))
        # img = Image.new('RGB', (img1.size[0], img1.size[1]), (255, 255, 255))
        # img.paste(img_tem, (0, 0))

        # ori
        # boxes = [obj["bbox"] for obj in anno]

        boxes = self.conver4xyTO4xy(anno)
        # if(len(boxes)<=0):
        # print('scale: ', scale_seed)
        # img = img1
        # new
        # boxes = self.conver4xyTOxywha(boxes)
        # print(len(boxes))
        boxes = torch.as_tensor(boxes).reshape(-1, 8)  # guard against no boxes

        target = RBoxList(boxes, img.size, mode="4xy")

        classes = [obj["category_id"] for obj in anno]
        classes = [self.json_category_id_to_contiguous_id[c] for c in classes]
        classes = torch.tensor(classes)
        target.add_field("labels", classes)

        # masks = [obj["segmentation"] for obj in anno]
        # masks = SegmentationMask(masks, img.size, mode='poly')
        # target.add_field("masks", masks)

        if anno and "keypoints" in anno[0]:
            keypoints = [obj["keypoints"] for obj in anno]
            keypoints = PersonKeypoints(keypoints, img.size)
            target.add_field("keypoints", keypoints)

        target = target.clip_to_image(remove_empty=True)

        if self.transforms is not None:
            img, target = self.transforms(img, target)

        if (len(target) >= 800):
            target = target[0:800]
            # print(len(target))
        return img, target, idx
コード例 #3
    def forward_for_single_feature_map(self, locations, box_cls,
                                       box_regression, centerness, image_sizes,
            anchors: list[BoxList]
            box_cls: tensor of size N, A * C, H, W
            box_regression: tensor of size N, A * 4, H, W
        N, C, H, W = box_cls.shape
        C = C // self.num_pts
        # put in the same format as locations
        # ori
        # box_cls = box_cls.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)#.view(N, C, H, W)
        # box_cls = box_cls.reshape(N, H, W, self.num_pts, C).permute(0, 3, 1, 2, 4).reshape(N, -1, C).sigmoid()#softmax(dim=2)#
        # # print(box_cls)
        # # box_cls = box_cls.reshape(N, -1, C).softmax(dim=2)

        # # detax1 detay1 detax2 detay2 h
        # box_regression = box_regression.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).reshape(N, H, W, self.num_pts, 5).permute(0, 3, 1, 2, 4).reshape(N, -1, 5)#.view(N, -1, H, W)
        # # box_regression = box_regression
        # centerness = centerness.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).reshape(N, H, W, self.num_pts, 1).permute(0, 3, 1, 2, 4).reshape(N, -1)#.view(N, 1, H, W)
        # centerness = centerness.sigmoid()

        box_cls = box_cls.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)  #.view(N, C, H, W)
        box_cls = box_cls.reshape(N, -1, C).sigmoid()  #softmax(dim=2)#
        # print(box_cls)
        # box_cls = box_cls.reshape(N, -1, C).softmax(dim=2)

        # detax1 detay1 detax2 detay2 h
        box_regression = box_regression.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).reshape(
            N, -1, 5)  #.view(N, -1, H, W)
        # box_regression = box_regression
        centerness = centerness.permute(0, 2, 3,
                                        1).reshape(N, -1)  #.view(N, 1, H, W)
        centerness = centerness.sigmoid()

        # N h*w C
        candidate_inds = box_cls * centerness[:, :, None] > self.pre_nms_thresh
        # candidate_inds = (box_cls>0.1)  * (centerness[:, :, None]>0.1)> self.pre_nms_thresh
        # N h*w*C -> N 1
        pre_nms_top_n = candidate_inds.view(N, -1).sum(1)
        # N h*w*C (1000)
        pre_nms_top_n = pre_nms_top_n.clamp(max=self.pre_nms_top_n)

        # multiply the classification scores with centerness scores
        # N h*w C
        # 现在的置信度可以直接算出来
        # box_cls = ((box_cls>0.1)  * (centerness[:, :, None]>0.1)).float()
        filter_score = box_cls  #* centerness[:, :, None]

        results = []
        # 对每一张图片进行处理
        for i in range(N):
            # h*w C
            per_box_cls = box_cls[i]
            # h*w C  bool
            per_candidate_inds = candidate_inds[i]
            # 1D cls
            per_box_cls = per_box_cls[per_candidate_inds]

            per_candidate_nonzeros = per_candidate_inds.nonzero()
            # loc ind
            per_box_loc = per_candidate_nonzeros[:, 0]
            # 类别信息
            per_class = per_candidate_nonzeros[:, 1] + 1

            per_box_regression = torch.pow(box_regression[i],
                                           3) * normal_factor
            per_box_regression = per_box_regression[per_box_loc]
            per_locations = locations[per_box_loc]

            per_pre_nms_top_n = pre_nms_top_n[i]
            # 结果大1000
            if per_candidate_inds.sum().item() > per_pre_nms_top_n.item():
                per_box_cls, top_k_indices = \
                    per_box_cls.topk(per_pre_nms_top_n, sorted=False)
                per_class = per_class[top_k_indices]
                per_box_regression = per_box_regression[top_k_indices]
                per_locations = per_locations[top_k_indices]

            h, w = image_sizes[i]
            # N 5
            detections = torch.stack(
                    per_locations[:, 0],
                    per_locations[:, 1],
                    per_locations[:, 0] - per_box_regression[:, 0],  #x1
                    per_locations[:, 1] - per_box_regression[:, 1],  #y1
                    per_locations[:, 0] - per_box_regression[:, 2],  #x2
                    per_locations[:, 1] - per_box_regression[:, 3],  #y2
                    per_box_regression[:, 4],  #h

            # center_xy = (detections[:,[0,1]]+detections[:,[2,3]])/2
            # wh =

            boxlist = RBoxList(detections, (int(w), int(h)), mode="xywha")
            boxlist.add_field("labels", per_class)
            boxlist.add_field("scores", per_box_cls)
            # boxlist.add_field("filter_score", filter_score)
            # boxlist = boxlist.clip_to_image(remove_empty=False)
            # boxlist = remove_small_boxes(boxlist, self.min_size)

        return results
コード例 #4
    def rotate_boxes_xywha(self, target, angle):
        # def rotate_gt_bbox(iminfo, gt_boxes, gt_classes, angle):
        gt_boxes = target.bbox
        if isinstance(target.bbox, torch.Tensor):
            gt_boxes = target.bbox.data.cpu().numpy()

        gt_labels = target.get_field("labels")

        rotated_gt_boxes = np.empty((len(gt_boxes), 5), dtype=np.float32)

        iminfo = target.size

        im_height = iminfo[1]
        im_width = iminfo[0]
        origin_gt_boxes = gt_boxes

        # anti-clockwise to clockwise arc
        cos_cita = np.cos(np.pi / 180 * angle)
        sin_cita = np.sin(np.pi / 180 * angle)

        # clockwise matrix
        rotation_matrix = np.array([[cos_cita, sin_cita],
                                    [-sin_cita, cos_cita]])

        pts_ctr = origin_gt_boxes[:, 0:2]

        pts_ctr = pts_ctr - np.tile((im_width / 2, im_height / 2),
                                    (gt_boxes.shape[0], 1))
        # print('pts_ctr:', pts_ctr.shape)
        pts_ctr = np.array(np.dot(pts_ctr, rotation_matrix), dtype=np.int16)
        # print('pts_ctr:', pts_ctr.shape)
        pts_ctr = np.squeeze(pts_ctr, axis=-1) + np.tile(
            (im_width / 2, im_height / 2), (gt_boxes.shape[0], 1))

        # print('pts_ctr:', pts_ctr, np.tile((im_width / 2, im_height / 2), (gt_boxes.shape[0], 1)).shape)
        origin_gt_boxes[:, 0:2] = pts_ctr
        # print origin_gt_boxes[:, 0:2]

        len_of_gt = len(origin_gt_boxes)

        # rectificate the angle in the range of [-45, 45]

        for idx in range(len_of_gt):
            ori_angle = origin_gt_boxes[idx, 4]
            height = origin_gt_boxes[idx, 3]
            width = origin_gt_boxes[idx, 2]

            # step 1: normalize gt (-45,135)
            if width < height:
                ori_angle += 90
                width, height = height, width

            # step 2: rotate (-45,495)
            rotated_angle = ori_angle + angle

            # step 3: normalize rotated_angle       (-45,135)
            while rotated_angle > 135:
                rotated_angle = rotated_angle - 180

            rotated_gt_boxes[idx, 0] = origin_gt_boxes[idx, 0]
            rotated_gt_boxes[idx, 1] = origin_gt_boxes[idx, 1]
            rotated_gt_boxes[idx, 3] = height * self.gt_margin
            rotated_gt_boxes[idx, 2] = width * self.gt_margin
            rotated_gt_boxes[idx, 4] = rotated_angle

        x_inbound = np.logical_and(rotated_gt_boxes[:, 0] >= 0,
                                   rotated_gt_boxes[:, 0] < im_width)
        y_inbound = np.logical_and(rotated_gt_boxes[:, 1] >= 0,
                                   rotated_gt_boxes[:, 1] < im_height)

        inbound = np.logical_and(x_inbound, y_inbound)

        inbound_th = torch.tensor(np.where(inbound)).long().view(-1)

        rotated_gt_boxes_th = torch.tensor(rotated_gt_boxes[inbound]).to(
        # print('gt_labels before:', gt_labels.size(), inbound_th.size())
        gt_labels = gt_labels[inbound_th]
        # print('gt_labels after:', gt_labels.size())
        difficulty = target.get_field("difficult")
        difficulty = difficulty[inbound_th]

        target_cpy = RBoxList(rotated_gt_boxes_th, iminfo, mode='xywha')
        target_cpy.add_field('difficult', difficulty)
        target_cpy.add_field('labels', gt_labels)
        # print('has word:', target.has_field("words"), target.get_field("words"))
        if target.has_field("words"):
            words = target.get_field("words")[inbound_th]
            target_cpy.add_field('words', words)
        if target.has_field("word_length"):
            word_length = target.get_field("word_length")[inbound_th]
            target_cpy.add_field('word_length', word_length)
        if target.has_field("masks"):
            seg_masks = target.get_field("masks")
            # print('seg_masks:', seg_masks)
                                 torch.tensor([im_width / 2,
                                               im_height / 2]))[inbound_th])
        # print('rotated_gt_boxes_th:', origin_gt_boxes[0], target_cpy.bbox[0])
        # print('rotated_gt_boxes_th:', target.bbox.size(), gt_boxes.shape)

        if target_cpy.bbox.size()[0] <= 0:
            return None

        return target_cpy
コード例 #5
                        if (len(_scores) <= 0):
                        bboxes = np.append(bboxes,
                                           _bboxes +
                                           [new_width, new_height, 0, 0, 0],
                        scores = np.append(scores, _scores, axis=0)
                        labels = np.append(labels, _labels, axis=0)
                        level = np.append(level, _level, axis=0)
                        response_point = np.append(response_point,
                        end_points = np.append(end_points, _endpoints, axis=0)

            target = RBoxList(bboxes, raw_img1.shape, mode="xywha")
            target.add_field("labels", torch.tensor(labels))
            target.add_field('score', torch.tensor(scores))
            target.add_field('response_point', torch.tensor(response_point))
            target.add_field('end_points', torch.tensor(end_points))
            target.add_field('levels', torch.tensor(level))

            target = boxlist_nms(target, 0.05)
            # print(os.path.join("./demo/dota_result/", filename))

            write_dotaResult(filename, np.array(target.bbox),
            det_detections_r = draw_rotate_box_cv(