コード例 #1
  def __init__(self, tree_status_url, tree_message=None,
               check_revisions=True, throttle=False,
               gitpoller_paths=None, branches=None, **kwargs):
    """Constructor with following specific arguments (on top of base class').

    @type tree_status_url: String.
    @param tree_status_url: Web end-point for tree status updates.

    @type tree_message: String.
    @param tree_message: Message posted to the tree status site when closed.

    @type check_revisions: Boolean, default to True.
    @param check_revisions: Check revisions and users for closing the tree.

    @type throttle: Boolean, default to False.
    @param throttle: Set the tree to 'throttled' rather than 'closed'.

    @type gitpoller_paths: dict(string -> string)
    @param gitpoller_path: A map { repository url -> path to the git checkout }
                           used by the GitPoller(s). Implies that this
                           GateKeeper will be operating in git mode for a given
                           repository url.

    @type branches: [String] or None
    @param branches: A list of strings defining branches of interest.  If None
                     (the default) indicates that all branches are of interest.

    @type password: String.
    @param password: Password for service.  If None, look in .status_password.
    if throttle:
      adjective = 'throttled'
      gerund = 'throttling'
      adjective = 'closed'
      gerund = 'closing'
    # Set defaults.
    kwargs.setdefault('sheriffs', ['sheriff'])
    kwargs.setdefault('sendToInterestedUsers', True)
        'Automatically ' + gerund + ' tree for "%(steps)s" on "%(builder)s"')
    chromium_notifier.ChromiumNotifier.__init__(self, **kwargs)

    self.tree_status_url = tree_status_url
    self.check_revisions = check_revisions
    self.tree_message = (
        tree_message or
        'Tree is ' + adjective + ' (Automatic: "%(steps)s" on '
    self._last_closure_revision = 0
    self.interesting_branches = branches

    # Set up variables for operating on commits in a Git repository.
    self.gitpoller_paths = gitpoller_paths or {}
    self.checkouts = {}

    self.password = None
    if tree_status_url:
      self.password = get_password.Password('.status_password').GetPassword()
コード例 #2
  def __init__(self, tree_status_url, tree_message=None,
               check_revisions=True, **kwargs):
    """Constructor with following specific arguments (on top of base class').

    @type tree_status_url: String.
    @param tree_status_url: Web end-point for tree status updates.

    @type tree_message: String.
    @param tree_message: Message posted to the tree status site when closed.

    @type check_revisions: Boolean, default to True.
    @param check_revisions: Check revisions and users for closing the tree.

    @type password: String.
    @param password: Password for service.  If None, look in .status_password.
    # Set defaults.
    kwargs.setdefault('sheriffs', ['sheriff'])
    kwargs.setdefault('sendToInterestedUsers', True)
        'Automatically closing tree for "%(steps)s" on "%(builder)s"')
    chromium_notifier.ChromiumNotifier.__init__(self, **kwargs)

    self.tree_status_url = tree_status_url
    self.check_revisions = check_revisions
    self.tree_message = (
        tree_message or
        'Tree is closed (Automatic: "%(steps)s" on "%(builder)s"%(blame)s)')
    self._last_closure_revision = 0

    self.password = get_password.Password('.status_password').GetPassword()
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self,
        """Constructor with following specific arguments.

    @type good_revision_steps: Dictionary of builder name string mapped to a
                               list of step strings.
    @param good_revision_steps: The list of all the steps of all the builders
                                we want to validate before storing this
                                revision as good.
    @param store_revisions_url: URL where revision info is stored.a

    @type check_revisions: Boolean, default to True.
    @param check_revisions: Check revisions and users for closing the tree.
        self.good_revision_steps = good_revision_steps or {}
        self.store_revisions_url = store_revisions_url
        # TODO(maruel): Enforce use_getname == True
        self.use_getname = use_getname
        self.check_revisions = check_revisions

        # We remember the success of interesting steps in a dictionary index by the
        # revision number. As soon as one of the interesting steps fail we flush
        # the revision for which we failed. We also flush the revision as soon as we
        # have seen a success for all the steps in good_revision_steps for that
        # revision (or any more recent revision). And finally, we don't need to add
        # information for a revision that is lower than the last known good
        # revision described below.
        self.succeeded_steps = {}

        # List of failed revisions so that we don't try to remember subsequent step
        # success for that revision for nothing. And again, we don't need to add
        # information for a revision that is lower than the last known good
        # revision described below.
        self.failed_revisions = []

        # To identify revisions lower than this one as not interesting.
        self.last_known_good_revision = 0

        # The status object we must subscribe to.
        self.status = None
        self.password = get_password.Password('.status_password').GetPassword()
コード例 #4
  def __init__(self, name, builders, url, properties=None):
      name: The name of this scheduler, for buildbot indexing.
      builders: The names of the builders it can schedule jobs for.
      url: The url to poll for new jobs.
      properties: Key-value pairs to be added to every job description.
    TryBase.__init__(self, name, builders, properties or {})

    # The password to use for authentication.
    self._password = get_pw.Password('.jobqueue_password').MaybeGetPassword()

    # The poller instance that will be sending us jobs.
    self._poller = JsonPoller(url, self._password,

    # The url to which the scheduler posts that it started the job.
    self._url = url.rstrip('/') + '/accept/%s'