コード例 #1
def hamming_distance(x, y):
    assert len(x) == len(y)
    sum = 0
    for b in xor(x, y):
        sum += bin(ord(b)).count('1')

    return sum
コード例 #2
def decrypt(k,c):
    xors the ciphertext bytestring with key k and returns as bytestring

    param k: key
    param c: ciphertext bytes
    return a string of bytes
    decrypted = ''
    for byte in c:
        decrypted += xor(byte, k)

    return decrypted
コード例 #3
def hex_string_xor(hex1string, hex2string):
    A complete function for reading in two hex strings and outputting a string of the xor of the two inputs
    :param hex1_string: a string of ASCII encoded hex characters
    :param hex2_string: a string of ASCII encoded hex characters
    :return: a string of ASCII encoded hex characters
    assert type(hex1string) == str
    assert type(hex2string) == str
    hex1bytes = hex_to_bytestr(hex1string)
    hex2bytes = hex_to_bytestr(hex2string)
    outputbytes = xor(hex1bytes, hex2bytes)
    outputstring = bytestr_to_hex(outputbytes)
    return outputstring
コード例 #4
if __name__ == "__main__":


    Bytes = converters.hex_to_bytestr(input1)
    print('Bytes:', Bytes)


    # if a repeated character exists, the potential keys are reduced to keys which
    # will decrypt to a repeated character found in the English language, namely s,e,t,m,o
    if len(repeated(Bytes))>0:
        for item in repeated(Bytes):
            for k in ['s', 'e', 't', 'l', 'm', 'o']:
                potential_keys.append(xor(item, k))
        # Unique potential keys.
        potential_keys = list(set(potential_keys))

        print('Repeated letters found.  Only relevant keys added.')
        print('Current potential keys:', potential_keys)
        print('Current number of potential keys:', len(potential_keys))
        # removes potential keys which are not printable characters
        for k in potential_keys:
            if not converters.valid_characters(k):
        print('Current number of potential keys:', len(potential_keys))
        print('Current potential keys:', potential_keys)
        for k in range (32,127):