def attack(self, x, y, direction, targets, inventory): if self.ammo in inventory and inventory[self.ammo] > 0: shots = [] for i in xrange(self.burst): slope = math.tan(random.uniform(float(direction) - self.spread, float(direction) + self.spread)) shot = item.GunShot(x, y, slope) messenger.Messenger.addItem(shot) shots.append(shot) if inventory[self.ammo]: inventory[self.ammo] -= self.burst for target in targets: distance = math.sqrt(float(target.y - y) ** 2 + (target.x - x) ** 2) slope = (target.y - y) / (target.x - x) if distance <= self.distance + target.size: for shot in shots: messenger.Messenger.addItem(shot) if ( math.atan(slope) - self.spread < math.atan(shot.slope) < math.atan(slope.slope) + self.spread ): -= damage else: pass
def inverseDepth(u,v,q_r,q_i,q_j,q_k,x,y,z): """returns the inverse depth parameters [theta, phi,rho] for the feature point specified by pixel coordinates (u,v), camera pose described by unit quaternion (q_r,q_i,q_j,q_k) and camera 3D location specified by [x,y,z] Keyword arguments: u - pixel coordinate of the feature (u) v - pixel coordinate of the feature (v) q_r - real component of the unit quaternion q_i - component of unit quaternion along i-axis q_j - component of unit quaternion along j-axis q_k - component of unit quaternion along k-axis x - position of camera w.r.t world reference frame y - position of camera w.r.t world reference frame z - position of camera w.r.t world reference frame """ q2r = get_q2r(q_r,q_i,q_j,q_k) #generating the r_CW, for transforming the quaternion from world coordinate to camera coordinate hw_ = np.array([[((param.Cu - u)*(param.Fu))],[((param.Cv - v)*(param.Fv))],[1]]) # there is some ambiguity with the concept of Fu and Fv. we are supposed to use (f/du) and (f/dv) here. not sure if these are same! hw =,hw_) inverseDepth = np.array([[math.atan(hw[0]/hw[1])], #inverse depth estimation [math.atan((-hw[1])/(math.sqrt((hw[0])**2 + (hw[2])**2)))], [param.INITIAL_DEPTH_ESTIMATE]]) return inverseDepth
def paint_canvas(x, y, colors): """creates the png file and colors colors it """ sys.setrecursionlimit(15000) padding = 1 point1hat = math.atan((y[3] - y[0])/(x[3] - x[0])) + math.pi if x[75] - x[0] < 0: point1hat = math.pi + point1hat point2hat = math.atan((y[-1] - y[-3])/(x[-1] - x[-3])) if x[-1] - x[-75] < 0: point2hat = math.pi + point2hat closeIt = bezier((x[0],y[0]), point1hat, (x[-1],y[-1]), point2hat) #calls bezier function in order to close the open loop xnew = x + closeIt[0] ynew = y + closeIt[1] canvas ="RGB",(int(round(max(xnew)- min(xnew)))+2*padding, int(round((max(ynew) - min(ynew))))+2*padding)) pixels = canvas.load() for i in range(len(xnew)): pixels[xnew[i]+padding+0, ynew[i]+padding+0] = (255, 255, 255) imagepath = "images/techtest.png" centers = findZones(imagepath) for i in range(len(centers)): flood(pixels,centers[i], color = colors[i%len(colors)], visited = []) canvas = canvas.resize((1000,1000), Image.NEAREST)
def fromwgs84(lat, lng, pkm=False): """ Convert coordintes from WGS84 to TWD97 pkm true for Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu area The latitude and longitude can be in the following formats: [+/-]DDD°MMM'SSS.SSSS" (unicode) [+/-]DDD°MMM.MMMM' (unicode) [+/-]DDD.DDDDD (string, unicode or float) The returned coordinates are in meters """ _lng0 = lng0pkm if pkm else lng0 lat = radians(todegdec(lat)) lng = radians(todegdec(lng)) t = sinh((atanh(sin(lat)) - 2*pow(n,0.5)/(1+n)*atanh(2*pow(n,0.5)/(1+n)*sin(lat)))) epsilonp = atan(t/cos(lng-_lng0)) etap = atan(sin(lng-_lng0) / pow(1+t*t, 0.5)) E = E0 + k0*A*(etap + alpha1*cos(2*1*epsilonp)*sinh(2*1*etap) + alpha2*cos(2*2*epsilonp)*sinh(2*2*etap) + alpha3*cos(2*3*epsilonp)*sinh(2*3*etap)) N = N0 + k0*A*(epsilonp + alpha1*sin(2*1*epsilonp)*cosh(2*1*etap) + alpha2*sin(2*2*epsilonp)*cosh(2*2*etap) + alpha3*sin(2*3*epsilonp)*cosh(2*3*etap)) return E*1000, N*1000
def execute(self, context): lightOffset = 20 lightHeight = 20 scene = context.scene # delete active object if it is a mesh active = context.object if active and active.type=="MESH": bpy.ops.object.delete() # getting width and height of the footprint w, h = [float(i) for i in self.size.split("x")] # add lights rx = math.atan((h+lightOffset)/lightHeight) rz = math.atan((w+lightOffset)/(h+lightOffset)) def lamp_add(x, y, rx, rz): bpy.ops.object.light_add( type="SUN", location=((x,y,lightHeight)), rotation=(rx, 0, rz) ) = 0.5 lamp_add(w+lightOffset, h+lightOffset, -rx, -rz) lamp_add(-w-lightOffset, h+lightOffset, -rx, rz) lamp_add(-w-lightOffset, -h-lightOffset, rx, -rz) lamp_add(w+lightOffset, -h-lightOffset, rx, rz) create_rectangle(context, w, h) align_view(context.object) return {"FINISHED"}
def _ctrl_steering(self, steer_ang, steer_ang_vel_limit, delta_t): # Control the steering joints. # Compute theta, the virtual front wheel's desired steering angle. if steer_ang_vel_limit > 0.0: # Limit the steering velocity. ang_vel = (steer_ang - self._last_steer_ang) / delta_t ang_vel = max(-steer_ang_vel_limit, min(ang_vel, steer_ang_vel_limit)) theta = self._last_steer_ang + ang_vel * delta_t else: theta = steer_ang # Compute the desired steering angles for the left and right front # wheels. center_y = self._wheelbase * math.tan((pi / 2) - theta) steer_ang_changed = theta != self._last_steer_ang if steer_ang_changed: self._last_steer_ang = theta self._theta_left = \ _get_steer_ang(math.atan(self._inv_wheelbase * (center_y - self._joint_dist_div_2))) self._theta_right = \ _get_steer_ang(math.atan(self._inv_wheelbase * (center_y + self._joint_dist_div_2))) return steer_ang_changed, center_y
def wmplugin_exec(self, m): axes = [None, None, None, None] self.acc = [self.NEW_AMOUNT*(new-zero)/(one-zero) + self.OLD_AMOUNT*old for old,new,zero,one in zip(self.acc,m,self.acc_zero,self.acc_one)] a = math.sqrt(sum(map(lambda x: x**2, self.acc))) roll = math.atan(self.acc[cwiid.X]/self.acc[cwiid.Z]) if self.acc[cwiid.Z] <= 0: if self.acc[cwiid.X] > 0: roll += math.pi else: roll -= math.pi pitch = math.atan(self.acc[cwiid.Y]/self.acc[cwiid.Z]*math.cos(roll)) axes[0] = int(roll * 1000 * self.Roll_Scale) axes[1] = int(pitch * 1000 * self.Pitch_Scale) if (a > 0.85) and (a < 1.15): if (math.fabs(roll)*(180/math.pi) > 10) and \ (math.fabs(pitch)*(180/math.pi) < 80): axes[2] = int(roll * 5 * self.X_Scale) if (math.fabs(pitch)*(180/math.pi) > 10): axes[3] = int(pitch * 10 * self.Y_Scale) return math.degrees(pitch), math.degrees(roll)
def arctan(x, y): if x > 0: return math.atan(-y/x) elif x < 0: return math.pi - math.atan(y/x) else: #x is 0 return math.copysign(math.pi/2, -y)
def gazePix(self,anglex,angley): """Converts gaze angle to monitor pixel""" alphax = math.degrees(math.atan(self.ledx/self.monitordistance)) pixx = self.deg2pix(anglex-alphax) alphay = math.degrees(math.atan(self.ledy/self.monitordistance)) pixy = self.deg2pix(angley-alphay) return pixx,pixy
def correct_rgc(coord, glx_ctr=ICRS('00h42m44.33s +41d16m07.5s'), glx_PA=Angle('37d42m54s'), glx_incl=Angle('77.5d'), glx_dist=Distance(783,unit=u.kpc)): '''computes deprojected galactocentric distance for an object at coord, relative to galaxy at glx_ctr with PA glx_PA, inclination glx_incl, distance glx_distance''' # distance from coord to glx centre sky_radius = glx_ctr.separation(coord) avg_dec = 0.5*(glx_ctr.dec + coord.dec).radian x = (glx_ctr.ra - coord.ra)*mt.cos(avg_dec) y = glx_ctr.dec - coord.dec # azimuthal angle from coord to glx -- not completely happy with this phi = glx_PA - Angle('90d') + Angle(mt.atan(y.arcsec/x.arcsec),unit=u.rad) # convert to coordinates in rotated frame, where y-axis is galaxy major axis # have to convert to arcmin b/c can't do sqrt(x^2+y^2) when x and y are angles xp = (sky_radius * mt.cos(phi.radian)).arcmin yp = (sky_radius * mt.sin(phi.radian)).arcmin # de-project ypp = yp/mt.cos(glx_incl.radian) obj_radius = mt.sqrt(xp**2+ypp**2) # in arcmin obj_dist = Distance(Angle(obj_radius, unit=u.arcmin).radian*glx_dist,unit=glx_dist.unit) # don't really need this but compute it just for fun if abs(Angle(xp,unit=u.arcmin))<Angle(1e-5,unit=u.rad): obj_phi = Angle(0.0) else: obj_phi = Angle(mt.atan(ypp/xp),unit=u.rad) return(obj_dist)
def lift_drag(self, state_vector, t, vec = [-1, 0, 1]): """ vec = [-1, 0, 1] Drag versor in capsule coordinate system """ x, y, vx, vy = state_vector # kąt promienia wodzącego tau_r = atan(-x/y) # Flight Patch Angle FPA = atan(vy/vx) # convert time to positive numbers t = t + self.SUFR_duration_total # Bank change time (from charts, approx) roll_time = 10 # s #~ if t <= roll_time: #~ AoA = self.AoA_at_SUFR_start*(1-t*(1./roll_time)) #~ elif t > roll_time: #~ AoA = 0. AoA = self.AoA_function(t)*cos(self.bank_function(t)) # tau_r > 0; FPA < 0, AoA > 0 # everything should be < 0 Ex, Ey, __ = np.matrix(vec).dot(self.obrot_o_kat(-tau_r +FPA -AoA)).tolist()[0] return Ex, Ey
def testEvent(self,timestamp,ID,x,y,z): """tests to see if the current wiimote position needs to trigger an event. creates and sends the wii event if needed""" x = -1 * x#flips x acceleration if z == 0:#since tangent will be x/z, z = 0 needs to be slightly adjusted to avoid DIVIDE BY 0 z = .0000000001 if abs(z) < ParserSettings.ROLL_PITCH_LOCKOUT_THRESHOLD and abs(x) < ParserSettings.ROLL_PITCH_LOCKOUT_THRESHOLD: #checks if there may be a roll or pitch occuring, where the accelerometers are spiking. #function doesnt test for a roll or pitch event if there is a flick occuring. #intent is to prevent false positives with roll and pitch events as much as possible. roll = math.atan(float(x)/float(z))#roll is calculated comparing calibrated x and z acceleration values pitch = math.atan(float(y)/float(z))*math.cos(roll)#pich is compared with calibrated y and z, modified by the roll if (roll - self.currentRoll) > ParserSettings.ROLL_THRESHOLD: #tests to see if the roll has changed enough to trigger an event triggeredEvent = WiiEvent.WiiEvent(ID,'Roll',1,timestamp) triggeredEvent.fireEvent() self.currentRoll = self.currentRoll + ParserSettings.ROLL_THRESHOLD elif(self.currentRoll - roll) > ParserSettings.ROLL_THRESHOLD: #tests for roll in other direction triggeredEvent = WiiEvent.WiiEvent(ID,'Roll',-1,timestamp) triggeredEvent.fireEvent() self.currentRoll = self.currentRoll - ParserSettings.ROLL_THRESHOLD if (pitch - self.currentPitch) > ParserSettings.PITCH_THRESHOLD: #tests pitch in same manner as role, relative to standard threshold triggeredEvent = WiiEvent.WiiEvent(ID,'Pitch',1,timestamp) triggeredEvent.fireEvent() self.currentPitch = self.currentPitch + ParserSettings.PITCH_THRESHOLD elif(self.currentPitch - pitch) > ParserSettings.PITCH_THRESHOLD: #tests other direction of pitch triggeredEvent = WiiEvent.WiiEvent(ID,'Pitch',-1,timestamp) triggeredEvent.fireEvent() self.currentPitch = self.currentPitch - ParserSettings.PITCH_THRESHOLD
def transform(x,y,z): initial_angle=math.acos(L/(4*l))# bed_angle=math.asin((z-square_z)/l)# leg_offset=l*math.cos(bed_angle) yprime=y+y_offset-leg_offset xprime=x+L/2 topz=((d/2-y)/d)*front_z+(1-(d/2-y)/d)*back_z bed_tilt=math.atan2(-back_z+front_z,d) yprime-=z*math.sin(bed_tilt) zprime=topz-z*math.cos(bed_tilt) left_leg=math.sqrt(xprime*xprime+yprime*yprime) right_leg=math.sqrt((L-xprime)*(L-xprime)+yprime*yprime) left_elbow=math.acos((left_leg*left_leg-2*l*l)/(-2*l*l)) right_elbow=math.acos((right_leg*right_leg-2*l*l)/(-2*l*l)) left_small_angle=(math.pi-left_elbow)/2 right_small_angle=(math.pi-right_elbow)/2 left_virtual=math.atan(-yprime/xprime) right_virtual=math.atan(-yprime/(L-xprime)) left_drive=left_small_angle+left_virtual-initial_angle right_drive=right_small_angle+right_virtual-initial_angle left_stepper=-left_drive+(math.pi-left_elbow)*mechanical_advantage right_stepper=-right_drive+(math.pi-right_elbow)*mechanical_advantage #print "left_angle: "+str(left_drive)+" left_elbow: "+str(math.pi-left_elbow) #print "right_angle: "+str(left_drive)+" right_elbow: "+str(math.pi-right_elbow) return left_stepper*200/math.pi,right_stepper*200/math.pi,zprime
def followCentre(data,desired_trajectory): global alpha a = getRange(data,130) b = getRange(data,179.9) swing = math.radians(50) print "center distances: ", a, b alpha = -math.atan((a*math.cos(swing)-b)/(a*math.sin(swing))) print "Alpha left",math.degrees(alpha) curr_dist1 = b*math.cos(alpha) future_dist1 = curr_dist1-car_length*math.sin(alpha) a = getRange(data,50) b = getRange(data,0) swing = math.radians(50) alpha = math.atan((a*math.cos(swing)-b)/(a*math.sin(swing))) print "Alpha right",math.degrees(alpha) curr_dist2 = b*math.cos(alpha) future_dist2 = curr_dist2+car_length*math.sin(alpha) desired_trajectory = (future_dist1 + future_dist2)/2 print "dist 1 : ",future_dist1 print "dist 2 : ",future_dist2 # print "dist : ",future_dist error = future_dist1 - future_dist2 print "Error : ",error return error, curr_dist2-curr_dist1
def trouverInfoRobot(self, contourGauche, contourDroit): centreGauche = self.trouverCentre(contourGauche) centreDroit = self.trouverCentre(contourDroit) centreRobot = (int(round((centreDroit[0]+centreGauche[0])/2)), int(round((centreDroit[1]+centreGauche[1])/2))) deltaX = centreDroit[0]-centreGauche[0] deltaY = -1*(centreDroit[1]-centreGauche[1]) if not deltaX == 0: pente = deltaY/deltaX if deltaY == 0 and deltaX < 0: angle = 180 elif deltaY == 0 and deltaX > 0: angle = 0 elif deltaX == 0 and deltaY > 0: angle = 90 elif deltaX == 0 and deltaY < 0: angle = 270 elif deltaX > 0 and deltaY > 0: angle = int(round(math.degrees(math.atan(pente)))) elif deltaX > 0 and deltaY < 0: angle = 360 + int(round(math.degrees(math.atan(pente)))) elif deltaX < 0: angle = 180 + int(round(math.degrees(math.atan(pente)))) angle += 90 if angle >= 360: angle -= 360 return centreRobot, angle
def CartesianCoordinatesToPolarCoordinates(x, y): """ convert a tuple that represents a vector in cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates. The zero angle of the polar representation corresponds to x-direction of cartesian representation. INPUT parameters: x: x-value of vector in cartesian coordinates (numeric) y: y-value of vector in cartesian coordinates (numeric) OUTPUT: r: radial coordinate of vector in polar coordinates (numeric) phi: anglular coordinate of vector in polar coordinates (numeric)[radians] """ r = sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2) if x > 0.0: # arctangent is not unique phi = atan(y / x) elif x < 0.0: phi = atan(y / x) + pi * sign(y) else: # absolute value of x/y is infinity if y > 0.0: phi = pi / 2 elif y < 0.0: phi = -pi / 2 else: phi = 0.0 # this is arbitrary return [r, phi]
def generate_wind(nodes, cells, prevailing_wind_bearing=270, average_wind_speed=7.0): import noise import math import numpy as np for n in nodes: wind_bearing = (int(round(180.0 * noise.pnoise3(n.x, n.y, n.z))) + 360) % 360 # in degrees wind_strength = (8 * noise.pnoise3(n.x, n.y, n.z)) + 16.0 # kmph # move the generated random wind bearing towards the prevailing wind a little wind_vector = np.add(np.array([wind_strength * math.cos(math.radians(90 - wind_bearing)), wind_strength * math.cos(math.radians(wind_bearing))]), np.array([average_wind_speed * math.cos(math.radians(90 - prevailing_wind_bearing)), average_wind_speed * math.cos(math.radians(prevailing_wind_bearing))])) wind_strength = math.sqrt(math.pow(wind_vector[0], 2) + math.pow(wind_vector[1], 2)) # sqrt((x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2) = vector magnitude wind_bearing = int(round(math.degrees(math.atan(wind_vector[1]/wind_vector[0])))) # tan-1((y2-y1)/x2-x1)) = vector bearing n.set_feature(['wind', 'bearing'], wind_bearing) n.set_feature(['wind', 'strength'], wind_strength) n.set_feature(['wind', 'vector', 'x'], wind_vector[0]) n.set_feature(['wind', 'vector', 'y'], wind_vector[1]) n.wind = Wind(wind_bearing, wind_strength, wind_vector) for c in cells: wind_vector = np.sum(np.array([n.wind.vector for n in c.nodes]), axis=0) wind_strength = math.sqrt(math.pow(wind_vector[0], 2) + math.pow(wind_vector[1], 2)) # sqrt((x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2) = vector magnitude wind_bearing = int(round(math.degrees(math.atan(wind_vector[1]/wind_vector[0])))) # tan-1((y2-y1)/x2-x1)) = vector bearing c.wind = Wind(wind_bearing, wind_strength, wind_vector)
def iterateRegio(self, pl, rwa, rwd, robl, rpoh, lon): okGa = okGd = True if pl.speculums[0][Planet.PMP] < 90.0 or (pl.speculums[0][Planet.PMP] >= 270.0 and pl.speculums[0][Planet.PMP] < 360.0): Ga = math.degrees(math.cos(rwa)*math.cos(robl)-math.sin(robl)*math.tan(rpoh)) if Ga != 0.0: Fa = math.degrees(math.atan(math.sin(rwa)/(math.cos(rwa)*math.cos(robl)-math.sin(robl)*math.tan(rpoh)))) if Fa >= 0.0 and Ga > 0.0: lon = Fa elif Fa < 0.0 and Ga > 0.0: lon = Fa+360.0 elif Ga < 0.0: lon = Fa+180.0 else: okGa = False else: Gd = math.degrees(math.cos(rwd)*math.cos(robl)+math.sin(robl)*math.tan(rpoh)) if Gd != 0.0: Fd = math.degrees(math.atan(math.sin(rwd)/(math.cos(rwd)*math.cos(robl)+math.sin(robl)*math.tan(rpoh)))) if Fd >= 0.0 and Gd > 0.0: lon = Fd elif Fd < 0.0 and Gd > 0.0: lon = Fd+360.0 elif Gd < 0.0: lon = Fd+180.0 else: okGd = False return okGa, okGd, lon
def get_vector_angle(pt1, pt2): """Retourne l'angle d'une barre par rapport à l'axe X compris entre -pi et pi""" x1, y1 = pt1 x2, y2 = pt2[0:2] # revoir à cause des chargements ponctuels return math.atan2(y2-y1, x2-x1) if x2 == x1: if y1 == y2: return None if y2 > y1: return math.pi/2 return -math.pi/2 if y2 == y1: if x1 == x2: return None if x2 >= x1: return 0. return math.pi if y2-y1 <= 0 and x2-x1 <= 0 : return math.atan((y2-y1)/(x2-x1)) - math.pi if y2-y1>0 and x2-x1 <= 0: return math.atan((y2-y1)/(x2-x1)) + math.pi return math.atan((y2-y1)/(x2-x1))
def cal_angle(x_next,x_curr,y_next,y_curr,x_hori,y_vert,northAt): # 1st Quadrant if x_next > x_curr and y_next > y_curr: angle = (90 - math.degrees(math.atan(y_vert/x_hori))) # 2nd Quadrant elif x_next > x_curr and y_next < y_curr: angle = math.degrees(math.atan(y_vert/x_hori)) + 90 # 3rd Quadrant elif x_next < x_curr and y_next < y_curr: angle = 270 - math.degrees(math.atan(y_vert/x_hori)) # 4th Quadrant elif x_next < x_curr and y_next > y_curr: angle = math.degrees(math.atan(y_vert/x_hori)) + 270 elif x_next == x_curr and y_next > y_curr: angle = 0 elif x_next == x_curr and y_next < y_curr: angle = 180 elif x_next > x_curr and y_next == y_curr: angle = 90 elif x_next < x_curr and y_next == y_curr: angle = 270 angle = angle - northAt if angle >= 360: angle -= 360 elif angle < 0: angle += 360 return angle
def getZD(self, md, lat, decl, umd): '''Calculates Regiomontan zenith distance ''' zd = 0.0 if md == 90.0: zd = 90.0-math.degrees(math.atan(math.sin(math.fabs(math.radians(lat))))*math.tan(math.radians(decl))) elif md < 90.0: A = math.degrees(math.atan(math.cos(math.radians(lat))*math.tan(math.radians(md)))) B = math.degrees(math.atan(math.tan(math.fabs(math.radians(lat)))*math.cos(math.radians(md)))) C = 0.0 if (decl < 0 and lat < 0) or (decl >= 0 and lat >= 0): if umd: C = B-math.fabs(decl) else: C = B+math.fabs(decl) elif (decl < 0 and lat > 0) or (decl > 0 and lat < 0): if umd: C = B+math.fabs(decl) else: C = B-math.fabs(decl) F = math.degrees(math.atan(math.sin(math.fabs(math.radians(lat)))*math.sin(math.radians(md))*math.tan(math.radians(C)))) #C and F can be negative zd = A+F return zd
def TurnToBall(self): self.brain.output.printf("TurnToBall") if self.brain.ball.confidence > 0: if self.gcData.Tcolor() == Constants.TEAM.RED: alpha = self.R_Theta - atan((self.B_Y - self.R_Y)/(self.B_X - self.R_X)) if abs(alpha) > self.turnDeg:#self.turnDeg is the minimum degree that needs to turn if alpha < 2*pi - alpha: turnCCW = -alpha * sin(alpha) self.brain.setWalk(1,0,0,turnCCW) else: turnCCW = (2*pi - alpha)*sin(2*pi - alpha) self.brain.setWalk(1,0,0,turnCCW) else: alpha = pi - self.R_Theta -atan((self.B_Y - self.R_Y)/(self.R_X - self.R_X - self.B_X)) if abs(alpha) >self.turnDeg: if alpha <2*pi - alpha: turnCCW = alpha * sin(alpha) self.brain.setWalk(1,0,0,turnCCW) else: turnCCW = -alpha*sin(-alpha) self.brain.setWalk(1,0,0,turnCCW) else: FindBall(self.brain)
def mu_2_1(ay, by): return (1.0 / (2.0 * by)) * \ (2.0 * ay * \ (atan((1.0 - ay) / by) + atan((1.0 + ay) / by)) + \ by * \ (log((-1.0 + ay) ** 2 + by ** 2) - \ log((1.0 + ay) ** 2 + by ** 2)))
def Meter2px(h,vd,vd1,hd,nrows,ncols): ### real scale (unit : meter) #h : building size #vd : distance between buliding to the bottom of the image #vd1: distance between bottom to up of the image #hd : horizontal distancd ### pixels based # nrows # ncols theta = math.atan(1.*vd/h) #radius z=(h**2+vd**2)**0.5 alpha = pi/2-theta beta = math.atan((vd+vd1)*1./h)-theta ydp = beta/ncols xdp = beta/nrows ylen = np.zeros(ncols) xlen = np.ones(nrows)*hd/nrows distance = vd for i in range(ncols): gamma = (theta+ydp*(1+i)) pylen = h*math.tan(gamma)-distance # pixel length ylen[i] = pylen distance = distance+pylen print ylen[-1]/ylen[0] return xlen,ylen[::-1]
def mu_6_0(ay, by): return ((-3.0 * (-1.0 + ay)**3.0 * by - 5.0 * (-1.0 + ay) * by**3.0)/\ ((-1.0 + ay)**2.0 + by**2.0)**2.0 + \ (3.0 * (1.0 + ay)**3.0 * by + 5.0 * (1.0 + ay) * by ** 3.0)/\ ((1.0 + ay)**2.0 + by**2.0)**2.0 - 3.0 * atan((-1.0 + ay)/by) + 3.0 * atan((1.0 + ay)/by))/\ (8.0 * by**5.0)
def __init__(self, central_longitude=0.0, satellite_height=35785831, false_easting=0, false_northing=0, globe=None): proj4_params = [('proj', 'geos'), ('lon_0', central_longitude), ('lat_0', 0), ('h', satellite_height), ('x_0', false_easting), ('y_0', false_northing), ('units', 'm')] super(Geostationary, self).__init__(proj4_params, globe=globe) # TODO: Factor this out, particularly if there are other places using # it (currently: Stereographic & Geostationary). (#340) def ellipse(semimajor=2, semiminor=1, easting=0, northing=0, n=200): t = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, n) coords = np.vstack([semimajor * np.cos(t), semiminor * np.sin(t)]) coords += ([easting], [northing]) return coords # TODO: Let the globe return the semimajor axis always. a = np.float(self.globe.semimajor_axis or 6378137.0) b = np.float(self.globe.semiminor_axis or 6378137.0) h = np.float(satellite_height) max_x = h * math.atan(a / (a + h)) max_y = h * math.atan(b / (b + h)) coords = ellipse(max_x, max_y, false_easting, false_northing, 60) coords = tuple(tuple(pair) for pair in coords.T) self._boundary = sgeom.polygon.LinearRing(coords) self._xlim = self._boundary.bounds[::2] self._ylim = self._boundary.bounds[1::2] self._threshold = np.diff(self._xlim)[0] * 0.02
def m2nu(m): if m < 1: raise ValueError('Mach number should be greater than or equal to 1') a = (GAMMA+1) / (GAMMA-1) b = m**2 - 1 c = a**-1 * b return sqrt(a) * atan(sqrt(c)) - atan(sqrt(b))
def GoToPoint(self): self.brain.output.printf("go to point") PointY = self.B_Y + self.B_Y * (self.B_X - self.X_M)/(self.B_X - self.F_X) deltaX = self.R_X - self.X_M deltaY = abs(PointY - self.R_Y) deltaTheta = R_Theta - (pi - atan(deltaY/deltaX)) dist = sqrt(deltaY * deltaY + deltaX * deltaX) forward = 0 left = 0 turnCCW = 0 if dist > self.Radius: if R_Theta < pi - atan((deltaY + self.Radius)/deltaX): turnCCW = deltaTheta * sin(deltaTheta)#turnCCW=CLIP(deltaTheta,DEG_TO_RAD(-20),DEG_TO_RAD(20)) self.brain.output.printf2('GoToPoint------turnCCW:::::::',turnCCW) self.brain.setWalk(1,0,0,turnCCW) elif R_Theta > pi - atan((deltaY - self.Radius)/deltaX): turnCCW = -deltaTheta * sin(deltaTheta)#rurnCCW=CLIP(-deltaTheta,DEG_TO_RAD(-20),DEG_TO_RAD(20)) self.brain.output.printf2('GoToPoint------turnCCW:::::::',turnCCW) self.brain.setWalk(1,0,0,turnCCW) else: self.brain.setWalk(1,0,0,0) forward = dist * sin(dist)#or forward = 0.02 can be adopt left = dist * sin(dist)#or left = 0.02 can be adopt turnCCW = 0 self.brain.setWalk(1,forward,left,turnCCW)
def get_vec_ang(vec): ''' Get the angle of a vector in [0,360). Input: a 2D vector Output: [0, 360) ''' if (0 == vec[0]): # vx = 0 if (vec[1] > 0): return 90 elif (vec[1] < 0): return 270 else: return 0 else: # vx != 0 if(0 == vec[1]): # vy = 0 if(vec[0] > 0): return 0 else: return 180 else: # vx != 0, vy != 0 temp = math.fabs(vec[1]/vec[0]) if ( vec[0]>0 and vec[1]>0 ): # 1st quadrant return math.atan(temp) * 180 / math.pi elif ( vec[0]<0 and vec[1]>0 ): # 2 return (math.pi-math.atan(temp)) * 180 / math.pi elif ( vec[0]<0 and vec[1]<0 ): # 3 return (math.pi+math.atan(temp)) * 180 / math.pi else: # 4 return (2*math.pi-math.atan(temp)) * 180 / math.pi
def getInfo(self): """ Return the data retrieved from the wiimote properly formatted and ordered """ state = self.wm.state (xi, yi, zi), ir_src, buttons = state['acc'], state['ir_src'], state['buttons'] x = float(xi) y = float(yi) z = float(zi) #Weight the accelerations according to calibration data and #center around 0 a_x = (x - self._accel_calib[0])/(self._accel_calib[4]-self._accel_calib[0]) a_y = (y - self._accel_calib[1])/(self._accel_calib[5]-self._accel_calib[1]) a_z = (z - self._accel_calib[2])/(self._accel_calib[6]-self._accel_calib[2]) try: roll = math.atan(float(a_x)/float(a_z)) if a_z<=0: if (a_x>0): roll -= math.pi else: roll += math.pi roll = -roll pitch = math.atan(a_y/a_z*math.cos(roll)) accel = math.sqrt(math.pow(a_x,2)+math.pow(a_y,2)+math.pow(a_z,2)) return pitch, roll, accel, (a_x, a_y, a_z), ir_src, buttons except ZeroDivisionError: return 0,0,0,(0,0,0), 0, 0
from math import atan from svgfig import * from fglib import vec from fglib.util_functional import * def radial(fig, n): return Fig(*map(lambda i: Fig(fig, trans=rotate(360 / float(n) * i, 0, 0)), range(n))) def perturbFig(fig, px, py): return Fig(fig, trans = lambda x, y: (x + px, y + py)) def rotateFigOrient(fig, (x, y)): xx, yy = vec.norm((x, y)) return Fig(fig, trans=rotate(180.0 * atan(yy / xx), 0, 0)) def drawRect(x1, y1, x2, y2): return Fig(Rect(x1, y1, x2, y2)) FM = lambda f, xs: Fig(*map(f, xs)) # rows: list of row widths, relative # cols: list of col heights, relative def drawGridLines(xstart, ystart, width, height, rows, cols): rows_n = map(lambda x: -x, list(vec.scale(tuple(normalize(rows)) , height))) cols_n = list(vec.scale(tuple(normalize(cols)) , width)) ys = scanl(lambda x, y: x + y, [0.0] + rows_n) xs = scanl(lambda x, y: x + y, [0.0] + cols_n)
# prob3: TurtleGraphicsAngles import math import turtle print('Provide two points A and B, get acute angle OAB where O is (0, 0)') x1 = float(input('enter x-coordinate of first point: ')) y1 = float(input('enter y-coordinate of first point: ')) x2 = float(input('enter x-coordinate of second point: ')) y2 = float(input('enter y-coordinate of second point: ')) if x1 == x2: theta = 0 else: m1 = y1 / x1 m2 = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) x = abs(m1 - m2) if m1 * m2 == -1: theta = 90 else: theta = math.atan(x / (1 + m1 * m2)) * 180 / math.pi print(theta, ' degrees') print(dir(turtle)) turtle.goto(0, 0) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(x1, y1) turtle.goto(x2, y2) turtle.done()
def update_author_coauthor(self): self.update_author_coauthor_1() auth_cursor = self.connection.cursor() auth_sql = "SELECT author_id,field FROM new_AuthorFieldData;" auth_cursor.execute(auth_sql) auth_name = auth_cursor.fetchall() for i in range(len(auth_name)): core_name = auth_name[i][0] core_field = auth_name[i][1] # print "Updating "+ core_name if (i % 1000 == 0): self.connection.commit() # print "##############################################" # print "layer 2 %.2f" % (100 * float(i) / len(auth_name)) + "%updated" # print "##############################################" # search for layer 1 co_cursor = self.connection.cursor() co_sql = '''SELECT id1,id2,publish_year,cnt FROM new_CoauthorFieldCntYear WHERE ((id1 = "%s" OR id2 = "%s") AND field = "%s"); ''' % (core_name, core_name, core_field) co_cursor.execute(co_sql) co_name = co_cursor.fetchall() expsum = 0.0 countsum = 0.0 # calculate for core for j in range(len(co_name)): layer_co_year = int(co_name[j][2]) if (layer_co_year < self.start_year or layer_co_year > self.end_year): continue if (co_name[j][0] == core_name): layer_name = co_name[j][1] else: layer_name = co_name[j][0] layer_co_cnt = int(co_name[j][3]) # search for layer 1 value layer_cursor = self.connection.cursor() layer_sql = """SELECT coauthor_factor_1,h_index FROM new_AuthorFieldData WHERE author_id = "%s" AND field = "%s";""" % ( layer_name, core_field) layer_cursor.execute(layer_sql) temp = layer_cursor.fetchall() if (temp): layer_1_score = float(temp[0][0]) layer_1_hinex = float(temp[0][1]) else: continue expsum += layer_co_cnt * e**(atan(layer_1_hinex)) countsum += layer_co_cnt * e**(atan(layer_1_hinex)) if (expsum != 0): layer_2_score = countsum / expsum else: layer_2_score = 0.0 # print "final score: "+ str(layer_2_score) # outfile.write("%s %s %f\n" % (core_name, core_field, layer_2_score)) update_cursor = self.connection.cursor() update_sql = '''UPDATE new_AuthorFieldData SET coauthor_factor = %f WHERE author_id = "%s" AND field = "%s";''' % ( layer_2_score, core_name, core_field) update_cursor.execute(update_sql) self.connection.commit()
def update_author_coauthor_1(self): # create view for the first time # view_cursor = self.connection.cursor() # view_sql = """CREATE VIEW Paper_Author_Year AS # (SELECT * FROM ( # (SELECT paper_id,author_id FROM new_PaperAuthor) s1 # NATURAL JOIN # ((SELECT paper_id,publish_year FROM new_PaperData) s2 # NATURAL JOIN # (SELECT paper_id,field FROM new_PaperFieldData) s3) # ));""" # # view_cursor.execute(view_sql) # view_sql = '''CREATE VIEW Coauthor_paper_year AS( # SELECT id1,id2,s1.paper_id,s1.publish_year,s1.field FROM # (SELECT author_id as id1,paper_id,publish_year,field FROM Paper_Author_Year) s1 # JOIN # (SELECT author_id as id2,paper_id from Paper_Author_Year) s2 # ON id1>id2 AND s1.paper_id = s2.paper_id # )ORDER BY id1;''' # view_cursor.execute(view_sql) # # view_sql = '''CREATE VIEW new_CoauthorFieldCntYear AS( # SELECT id1,id2,publish_year,field,COUNT(paper_id) FROM # (SELECT * FROM Coauthor_paper_year ) s1 # GROUP BY id1,id2,field,publish_year # );''' # view_cursor.execute(view_sql) auth_cursor = self.connection.cursor() auth_sql = "SELECT author_id,field,citation FROM new_AuthorFieldData;" auth_cursor.execute(auth_sql) auth_name = auth_cursor.fetchall() for i in range(len(auth_name)): if (i % 1000 == 0): self.connection.commit() # print "##############################################" # print "layer 1 %.2f" % (100 * float(i) / len(auth_name)) + "%updated" # print "##############################################" core_name = auth_name[i][0] core_field = auth_name[i][1] core_citation = int(auth_name[i][2]) # print "UPDATING "+ core_field + ":" + core_name # intial score score = float(core_citation) # print "--intial score:%f" % score # search for layer 1 co_cursor = self.connection.cursor() co_sql = '''SELECT id1,id2,publish_year,cnt FROM new_CoauthorFieldCntYear WHERE ((id1 = "%s" OR id2 = "%s") AND field = "%s"); ''' % (core_name, core_name, core_field) co_cursor.execute(co_sql) co_name = co_cursor.fetchall() expsum = 0.0 countsum = 0.0 # updating first layer for j in range(len(co_name)): layer_co_year = int(co_name[j][2]) if (layer_co_year < self.start_year or layer_co_year > self.end_year): # print "skip for year" continue if (co_name[j][0] == core_name): layer_name = co_name[j][1] else: layer_name = co_name[j][0] layer_co_cnt = int(co_name[j][3]) # print "--%d papers with %s in %d" % (layer_co_cnt,layer_name,layer_co_year) layer_cursor = self.connection.cursor() layer_sql = """SELECT h_index,citation FROM new_AuthorFieldData WHERE (author_id = "%s"AND field = "%s");""" % ( layer_name, core_field) layer_cursor.execute(layer_sql) temp = layer_cursor.fetchall() if (temp): layer_count = float(temp[0][0]) layer_hindex = float(temp[0][1]) else: continue expsum += layer_co_cnt * e**(atan(layer_hindex)) countsum += layer_co_cnt * layer_count * e**( atan(layer_hindex)) if (expsum != 0): score += countsum / expsum # outfile.write("%s %s %f\n" % (core_name, core_field, score)) update_cursor = self.connection.cursor() update_sql = '''UPDATE new_AuthorFieldData SET coauthor_factor_1 = %f WHERE author_id = "%s" AND field = "%s";''' % ( score, core_name, core_field) update_cursor.execute(update_sql) # print "--final score:%f" % score self.connection.commit()
def update(self): global HERO_COUNT,L,R,GOLD_GAIN,GOLD_LOOSE,WIN,LOOSE,RESTART #enemydistance xy,walldistance xy,angle M[]6x1 if self.side=="left": if 90>self.angle and self.angle>-90: found =False for i in range(len(hero.right_alives)): if hero.right_alives[i].alive: if degrees(atan(-((hero.right_alives[i].y)-(self.y+HERO_SIZE/2))/((hero.right_alives[i].x+HERO_SIZE)-(self.x+HERO_SIZE))))>=self.angle and self.angle>=degrees(atan(-((hero.right_alives[i].y+HERO_SIZE)-(self.y+HERO_SIZE/2))/((hero.right_alives[i].x+HERO_SIZE)-(self.x+HERO_SIZE)) )) and self.__distance(hero.right_alives[i])<=self.hook_range: self.layer1[0]=100 hero.right_alives[i].layer1[1]=100 found=True break if not found: self.layer1[0]=-100 self.layer1[2:]=[self.x,left_side.size_x-self.x,self.y,HEIGHT-self.y,left_side.x+left_side.size_x-GOLD_AREA-self.x,self.angle,self.cooldown] if self.x+self.size_x>=left_side.x+SIZE_X-GOLD_AREA: if self.x==left_side.x+SIZE_X-self.size_x: self.score-=GOLD_LOOSE else: self.score+=GOLD_GAIN else: self.score-=GOLD_LOOSE elif self.side=="right": if not(90>self.angle and self.angle>-90): found =False for i in range(len(hero.left_alives)): if hero.left_alives[i].alive: if degrees(atan(-((self.y+HERO_SIZE/2)-(hero.left_alives[i].y+HERO_SIZE))/((self.x)-(hero.left_alives[i].x))))>=self.angle-180 and self.angle-180>=degrees(atan(-((self.y+HERO_SIZE/2)-(hero.left_alives[i].y))/((self.x)-(hero.left_alives[i].x)) )) and self.__distance(hero.left_alives[i])<=self.hook_range: self.layer1[0]=100 hero.left_alives[i].layer1[1]=100 found=True break if not found: self.layer1[0]=-100 self.layer1[2:]=[self.x-right_side.x,right_side.x+right_side.size_x-self.x,self.y,HEIGHT-self.y,right_side.x+GOLD_AREA-self.x,self.angle,self.cooldown] if self.x<=right_side.x+GOLD_AREA: if self.x == right_side.x: self.score-=GOLD_LOOSE else: self.score+=GOLD_GAIN else: self.score-=GOLD_LOOSE self.layer2=[100 if sum([self.weight1[i][j]*(self.layer1[j]+self.bias1[i]) for j in range(9)])>=5 else -100 for i in range(20)] self.layer3=[100 if sum([self.weight2[i][j]*(self.layer2[j]+self.bias2[i]) for j in range(20)])>=5 else -100 for i in range(10)] if self.status=="MOVING": if self.movement_vector[0] < 0: if self.side=="left": if self.x-left_side.x >= -self.movement_vector[0]: self.x+=self.movement_vector[0] else: self.x=left_side.x elif self.side=="right": if self.x-right_side.x >= -self.movement_vector[0]: self.x+=self.movement_vector[0] else: self.x=right_side.x elif self.movement_vector[0] > 0: if self.side=="left": if left_side.x+SIZE_X-HERO_SIZE-self.x >= self.movement_vector[0]: self.x+=self.movement_vector[0] else: self.x=left_side.x+SIZE_X-HERO_SIZE elif self.side=="right": if right_side.x+SIZE_X-HERO_SIZE-self.x >= self.movement_vector[0]: self.x+=self.movement_vector[0] else: self.x=right_side.x+SIZE_X-HERO_SIZE if self.movement_vector[1] < 0: if self.y >= -self.movement_vector[1]: self.y+=self.movement_vector[1] else: self.y=0 elif self.movement_vector[1] > 0: if SIZE_Y-HERO_SIZE-self.y >= self.movement_vector[1]: self.y+=self.movement_vector[1] else: self.y=SIZE_Y-HERO_SIZE elif self.status=="HOOKING": self.hook_animation_time+=1 if self.side=="left": for enemy in hero.right_heroes: if enemy.alive and enemy.x <= self.x+HERO_SIZE+self.hook_vector[0]*self.hook_animation_time+self.hook_size and enemy.x+HERO_SIZE >= self.x+HERO_SIZE+self.hook_vector[0]*self.hook_animation_time+self.hook_size and ((enemy.y <= self.y+HERO_SIZE/2-self.hook_size/2+self.hook_vector[1]*self.hook_animation_time and enemy.y+HERO_SIZE >= self.y+HERO_SIZE/2-self.hook_size/2+self.hook_vector[1]*self.hook_animation_time) or (enemy.y <= self.y+HERO_SIZE/2+self.hook_vector[1]*self.hook_animation_time and enemy.y+HERO_SIZE >= self.y+HERO_SIZE/2+self.hook_vector[1]*self.hook_animation_time)): self.score+=20 enemy.score-=20 elif self.side=="right": for enemy in hero.left_heroes: if enemy.alive and enemy.x <= self.x+self.hook_vector[0]*self.hook_animation_time-self.hook_size and enemy.x+HERO_SIZE >= self.x+self.hook_vector[0]*self.hook_animation_time-self.hook_size and ((enemy.y <= self.y+HERO_SIZE/2-self.hook_size/2+self.hook_vector[1]*self.hook_animation_time and enemy.y+HERO_SIZE >= self.y+HERO_SIZE/2-self.hook_size/2+self.hook_vector[1]*self.hook_animation_time) or (enemy.y <= self.y+HERO_SIZE/2+self.hook_size/2+self.hook_vector[1]*self.hook_animation_time and enemy.y+HERO_SIZE >= self.y+HERO_SIZE/2+self.hook_size/2+self.hook_vector[1]*self.hook_animation_time)): self.score+=20 enemy.score-=20 if self.hook_animation_time>=self.hook_duration: self.hook_animation_time=0 self.status="IDLE" elif self.status=="IDLE": pass if self.score<=LOOSE: if self.side=="left": L+=1 else: R+=1 self.alive=False #self.new_desicion() if self.score>=WIN: RESTART=True if self.y < 0: self.y=0 elif self.y>SIZE_Y-HERO_SIZE: self.y=SIZE_Y-HERO_SIZE if self.player: self.score=LOOSE+GOLD_LOOSE*2 if self.cooldown>0: self.cooldown-=0.1
#shoulder to wrist position k=((l_sw[0,0])*(l_sw[0,0])+(l_sw[1,0])*(l_sw[1,0])+(l_sw[2,0])*(l_sw[2,0])) mag=math.sqrt((l_sw[0,0])*(l_sw[0,0])+(l_sw[1,0])*(l_sw[1,0])+(l_sw[2,0])*(l_sw[2,0])) u_norm=l_sw/mag theta_41=math.acos(l_se**2+l_we**2-k)/(2*l_se*l_we) theta_4=(pi-theta_41) u_x=u_norm[0,0] u_y=u_norm[1,0] u_z=u_norm[2,0] if theta_4_l<theta_4<theta_4_u: print('no solution') else: skw=sp.Matrix([[0,-u_z,u_y], [u_z,0,-u_x], [-u_y,u_x,0]]) theta_11=math.atan(w_y,w_x) alpha_1=math.asin((w_z-l_bs)/(l_sw)) beta_2=math.acos((l_se**2+l_we**2 -l_we**2)/(2*l_se*l_we)) theta_22=(pi/2)-alpha_1-beta_2 R_01=sp.Matrix([[sp.cos(theta_11),0,-sp.sin(theta_11)],[sp.sin(theta_11),0,sp.cos(theta_11)],[0,-1,0]]) R_12=sp.Matrix([[sp.cos(theta_22),0,sp.sin(theta_22)],[sp.sin(theta_22),0,-sp.cos(theta_22)],[0,1,0]]) R_23=sp.Matrix([[1,0,0],[0,0,1],[0,-1,0]]) R_03=R_01*R_02*R_23 I=np.identity(3) skw2=sp.Matrix([[(u_z**2+u_y**2),(-u_x*u_y),(-u_x*u_z)], [(-u_x*u_y),(u_x**2+u_z**2),(-u_z*u_y)], [(-u_x*u_z),(-u_z*u_y),(u_y**2+u_x**2)]]) X_S=skw*R_03 Y_S=-(skw2)*R_03 Z_S=(I+skw2)*R_03
import math import time import numpy as np import GSASIIpath GSASIIpath.SetVersionNumber("$Revision: 4028 $") import GSASIIlattice as G2lat import GSASIIpwd as G2pwd import GSASIIspc as G2spc import GSASIImath as G2mth import scipy.optimize as so # trig functions in degrees sind = lambda x: math.sin(x * math.pi / 180.) asind = lambda x: 180. * math.asin(x) / math.pi tand = lambda x: math.tan(x * math.pi / 180.) atand = lambda x: 180. * math.atan(x) / math.pi atan2d = lambda y, x: 180. * math.atan2(y, x) / math.pi cosd = lambda x: math.cos(x * math.pi / 180.) acosd = lambda x: 180. * math.acos(x) / math.pi rdsq2d = lambda x, p: round(1.0 / math.sqrt(x), p) #numpy versions npsind = lambda x: np.sin(x * np.pi / 180.) npasind = lambda x: 180. * np.arcsin(x) / math.pi npcosd = lambda x: np.cos(x * math.pi / 180.) nptand = lambda x: np.tan(x * math.pi / 180.) npatand = lambda x: 180. * np.arctan(x) / np.pi npatan2d = lambda y, x: 180. * np.arctan2(y, x) / np.pi rpd = np.pi / 180. def scaleAbyV(A, V):
def __init__(self, amp=1., phib=25. * _degtorad, p=1., phio=0.01, m=4, r1=1., rb=None, cp=None, sp=None, ro=None, vo=None): """ NAME: __init__ PURPOSE: initialize an cosmphi disk potential INPUT: amp= amplitude to be applied to the potential (default: 1.), degenerate with phio below, but kept for overall consistency with potentials m= cos( m * (phi - phib) ), integer p= power-law index of the phi(R) = (R/Ro)^p part r1= (1.) normalization radius for the amplitude (can be Quantity); amp x phio is only the potential at (R,phi) = (r1,pib) when r1 > rb; otherwise more complicated rb= (None) if set, break radius for power-law: potential R^p at R > Rb, R^-p at R < Rb, potential and force continuous at Rb Either: a) phib= angle (in rad; default=25 degree; or can be Quantity) phio= potential perturbation (in terms of phio/vo^2 if vo=1 at Ro=1; or can be Quantity with units of velocity-squared) b) cp, sp= m * phio * cos(m * phib), m * phio * sin(m * phib); can be Quantity with units of velocity-squared) OUTPUT: (none) HISTORY: 2011-10-27 - Started - Bovy (IAS) 2017-09-16 - Added break radius rb - Bovy (UofT) """ planarPotential.__init__(self, amp=amp, ro=ro, vo=vo) if _APY_LOADED and isinstance(phib, units.Quantity): phib = if _APY_LOADED and isinstance(r1, units.Quantity): r1 = / self._ro if _APY_LOADED and isinstance(rb, units.Quantity): rb = / self._ro if _APY_LOADED and isinstance(phio, units.Quantity): phio =**2 / units.s**2).value / self._vo**2. if _APY_LOADED and isinstance(cp, units.Quantity): cp =**2 / units.s**2).value / self._vo**2. if _APY_LOADED and isinstance(sp, units.Quantity): sp =**2 / units.s**2).value / self._vo**2. # Back to old definition self._r1p = r1**p self._amp /= self._r1p self.hasC = False self._m = int(m) # make sure this is an int if cp is None or sp is None: self._phib = phib self._mphio = phio * self._m else: self._mphio = math.sqrt(cp * cp + sp * sp) self._phib = math.atan(sp / cp) / self._m if m < 2. and cp < 0.: self._phib = math.pi + self._phib self._p = p if rb is None: self._rb = 0. self._rbp = 1. # never used, but for p < 0 general expr fails self._rb2p = 1. else: self._rb = rb self._rbp = self._rb**self._p self._rb2p = self._rbp**2. self._mphib = self._m * self._phib self.hasC = True self.hasC_dxdv = True
def restart(self, position, speed): self.position = position self.speed = speed self.direction = math.atan(speed[1] / speed[0])
def _get_rupture_surface(self, mag, nodal_plane, hypocenter): """ Create and return rupture surface object with given properties. :param mag: Magnitude value, used to calculate rupture dimensions, see :meth:`_get_rupture_dimensions`. :param nodal_plane: Instance of :class:`openquake.hazardlib.geo.nodalplane.NodalPlane` describing the rupture orientation. :param hypocenter: Point representing rupture's hypocenter. :returns: Instance of :class:`~openquake.hazardlib.geo.surface.planar.PlanarSurface`. """ assert self.upper_seismogenic_depth <= hypocenter.depth \ and self.lower_seismogenic_depth >= hypocenter.depth rdip = math.radians(nodal_plane.dip) # precalculated azimuth values for horizontal-only and vertical-only # moves from one point to another on the plane defined by strike # and dip: azimuth_right = nodal_plane.strike azimuth_down = (azimuth_right + 90) % 360 azimuth_left = (azimuth_down + 90) % 360 azimuth_up = (azimuth_left + 90) % 360 rup_length, rup_width = self._get_rupture_dimensions(mag, nodal_plane) # calculate the height of the rupture being projected # on the vertical plane: rup_proj_height = rup_width * math.sin(rdip) # and it's width being projected on the horizontal one: rup_proj_width = rup_width * math.cos(rdip) # half height of the vertical component of rupture width # is the vertical distance between the rupture geometrical # center and it's upper and lower borders: hheight = rup_proj_height / 2. # calculate how much shallower the upper border of the rupture # is than the upper seismogenic depth: vshift = self.upper_seismogenic_depth - hypocenter.depth + hheight # if it is shallower (vshift > 0) than we need to move the rupture # by that value vertically. if vshift < 0: # the top edge is below upper seismogenic depth. now we need # to check that we do not cross the lower border. vshift = self.lower_seismogenic_depth - hypocenter.depth - hheight if vshift > 0: # the bottom edge of the rupture is above the lower sesmogenic # depth. that means that we don't need to move the rupture # as it fits inside seismogenic layer. vshift = 0 # if vshift < 0 than we need to move the rupture up by that value. # now we need to find the position of rupture's geometrical center. # in any case the hypocenter point must lie on the surface, however # the rupture center might be off (below or above) along the dip. rupture_center = hypocenter if vshift != 0: # we need to move the rupture center to make the rupture fit # inside the seismogenic layer. hshift = abs(vshift / math.tan(rdip)) rupture_center = rupture_center.point_at( horizontal_distance=hshift, vertical_increment=vshift, azimuth=(azimuth_up if vshift < 0 else azimuth_down)) # from the rupture center we can now compute the coordinates of the # four coorners by moving along the diagonals of the plane. This seems # to be better then moving along the perimeter, because in this case # errors are accumulated that induce distorsions in the shape with # consequent raise of exceptions when creating PlanarSurface objects # theta is the angle between the diagonal of the surface projection # and the line passing through the rupture center and parallel to the # top and bottom edges. Theta is zero for vertical ruptures (because # rup_proj_width is zero) theta = math.degrees( math.atan((rup_proj_width / 2.) / (rup_length / 2.))) hor_dist = math.sqrt((rup_length / 2.)**2 + (rup_proj_width / 2.)**2) left_top = rupture_center.point_at( horizontal_distance=hor_dist, vertical_increment=-rup_proj_height / 2., azimuth=(nodal_plane.strike + 180 + theta) % 360) right_top = rupture_center.point_at( horizontal_distance=hor_dist, vertical_increment=-rup_proj_height / 2., azimuth=(nodal_plane.strike - theta) % 360) left_bottom = rupture_center.point_at( horizontal_distance=hor_dist, vertical_increment=rup_proj_height / 2., azimuth=(nodal_plane.strike + 180 - theta) % 360) right_bottom = rupture_center.point_at( horizontal_distance=hor_dist, vertical_increment=rup_proj_height / 2., azimuth=(nodal_plane.strike + theta) % 360) return PlanarSurface(self.rupture_mesh_spacing, nodal_plane.strike, nodal_plane.dip, left_top, right_top, right_bottom, left_bottom)
def dubins(alpha,beta,d,start_p): # find distance between start and end points #print "dubins d ",d," alpha ",alpha, " beta ", beta lengths = [-1.0,-1.0,-1.0,-1.0,-1.0,-1.0] t = [-1.0,-1.0,-1.0,-1.0,-1.0,-1.0] p = [-1.0,-1.0,-1.0,-1.0,-1.0,-1.0] q = [-1.0,-1.0,-1.0,-1.0,-1.0,-1.0] sin_alpha = math.sin(alpha) cos_alpha = math.cos(alpha) sin_beta = math.sin(beta) cos_beta = math.cos(beta) cos_alphaminusbeta = math.cos(alpha - beta) # find length of curve 1: Left Straight Left [Lq(Sp(Lt(0,0,alpha))) = (d,0,beta)] tmp0 = d+sin_alpha-sin_beta; tmp2 = 2 + (d*d) - (2*cos_alphaminusbeta) + (2*d*(sin_alpha - sin_beta)) if(tmp2 >= 0) and (tmp0 > 0): tmp1 = math.atan((cos_beta - cos_alpha)/tmp0) t[0] = mod2pi(-alpha + tmp1) p[0] = math.sqrt(tmp2) q[0] = mod2pi(beta - tmp1) lengths[0] = t[0] + p[0] + q[0] #print "LSL ",lengths[0] #print "t = ",t[0]," p = ",p[0]," q = ",q[0] # find length of curve 2: Right Straight Right [Rq(Sp(Rt(0,0,alpha))) = (d,0,beta)] tmp0 = d - sin_alpha + sin_beta tmp2 = 2 + (d*d) - 2*cos_alphaminusbeta + (2*d*(sin_beta - sin_alpha)) if(tmp2 >= 0 and tmp0 > 0): tmp1 = math.atan((cos_alpha - cos_beta)/tmp0) t[1] = mod2pi(alpha - tmp1) p[1] = math.sqrt(tmp2) q[1] = mod2pi(-beta + tmp1) lengths[1] = t[1] + p[1] + q[1] #print "RSR ",lengths[1] #print "t = ",t[1]," p = ",p[1]," q = ",q[1] # find length of curve 3: Left Straight Right [Rq(Sp(Lt(0,0,alpha))) = (d,0,beta)] tmp1 = -2 + (d*d) + (2*cos_alphaminusbeta) + (2*d*(sin_alpha + sin_beta)) if(tmp1 >= 0): p[2] = math.sqrt(tmp1) tmp2 = math.atan((-cos_alpha-cos_beta)/(d+sin_alpha+sin_beta)) - math.atan(-2.0/p[2]) t[2] = mod2pi(-alpha + tmp2) q[2] = mod2pi( - mod2pi(beta) + tmp2) lengths[2] = t[2] + p[2] + q[2] #print "LSR ",lengths[2] #print "t = ",t[2]," p = ",p[2]," q = ",q[2] # find length of curve 4: Right Straight Left [Lq(Sp(Rt(0,0,alpha))) = (d,0,beta)] tmp1 = (d*d) - 2.0 + (2*cos_alphaminusbeta) - (2*d*(sin_alpha + sin_beta)) if(tmp1 > 0): p[3] = math.sqrt(tmp1) tmp2 = math.atan((cos_alpha + cos_beta)/(d - sin_alpha - sin_beta)) - math.atan(2.0/p[3]) t[3] = mod2pi(alpha - tmp2) q[3] = mod2pi(beta - tmp2) lengths[3] = t[3] + p[3] + q[3] #print "RSL ",lengths[3] #print "t = ",t[3]," p = ",p[3]," q = ",q[3] # find length of curve 5: Right Left Right [Rq(Lp(Rt(0,0,alpha))) = (d,0,beta)] tmp_rlr = (6.0 - d*d + 2.0*cos_alphaminusbeta + 2.0 * d * (sin_alpha - sin_beta))/8.0 if(math.fabs(tmp_rlr) < 1): p[4] = math.acos(tmp_rlr) t[4] = mod2pi(alpha - math.atan2((cos_alpha - cos_beta),(d-sin_alpha + sin_beta)) + mod2pi(p[4]/2.0)) q[4] = mod2pi(alpha - beta - t[4] + mod2pi(p[4])) lengths[4] = t[4] + p[4] + q[4] #print "RLR ",lengths[4] #print "t = ",t[4]," p = ",p[4]," q = ",q[4] # find length of curve 6: Left Right Left [Lq(Rp(Lt(0,0,alpha))) = (d,0,beta)] tmp_lrl = (6.0 - d*d + 2*cos_alphaminusbeta + 2*d*(-sin_alpha + sin_beta))/8.0 if(math.fabs(tmp_lrl) < 1): p[5] = mod2pi(math.acos(tmp_lrl)) t[5] = mod2pi(-alpha - math.atan2((cos_alpha - cos_beta),(d + sin_alpha - sin_beta)) + p[5]/2.0) q[5] = mod2pi(mod2pi(beta) - alpha - t[5] + mod2pi(p[5])) lengths[5] = t[5] + p[5] + q[5] #print "LRL ",lengths[5] #print "t = ",t[5]," p = ",p[5]," q = ",q[5] # find curve with minimum length i = 0 for length in lengths: if(length >= 0): min_length = length curve_number = i i = 0 for length in lengths: if((length <= min_length) and (length >= 0)): min_length = length curve_number = i i=i+1 if(isSafeDubins(curve_number,t[curve_number],p[curve_number],q[curve_number],start_p)): #print "Curve with min length is",curve_number return (curve_number,t[curve_number],p[curve_number],q[curve_number]) else: return (-1,-1,-1,-1)
def main(thrust_lbf, innerRadius_in, fuel_mass_lb, dry_rocket_mass_lb): def cd_altitude_calc(): slope_a = (224 - 293) / 11000 #kelvin decrease per meter if height < 11000: #calculates the temperature at a given height altitude_temperature = mojave_temperature - ( height * meters_to_feet * temp_slope) altitude_density = (1.225) * (altitude_temperature / 293)**(-( (9.8) / (slope_a * 287) + 1)) else: #above 11k meters the temperature is relatively constant altitude_temperature = mojave_temperature - ( 11000 * meters_to_feet * temp_slope) pressure_1 = (1.013e5) * ( (altitude_temperature / 293)**(-9.8 / (slope_a * 287))) density_1 = (1.225) * (altitude_temperature / 293)**(-( (9.8) / (slope_a * 287) + 1)) pressure_2 = (pressure_1) * real_e**(-9.8 * (height - 11000) / (287 * 224)) altitude_density = density_1 * (pressure_2 / pressure_1) altitude_mach = sqrt( gamma * gas_constant * altitude_temperature) #mach from temperature, in m/s cd_v3_list = np.array([ 0.55432, 0.53437, 0.51071, 0.48687, 0.49139, 0.48243, 0.47812, 0.47577, 0.46904, 0.49098, 0.51463, 0.68300, 0.67543, 0.62601, 0.52901, 0.46041, 0.37132, 0.35000 ]) drag_v3_list = np.array([ 0, 8.77484, 33.31318, 72.91437, 127.70369, 197.82749, 283.87060, 387.60258, 511.45387, 579.75506, 691.77405, 1084.06154, 1267.29417, 1426.57258, 1969.45133, 2425.65958, 3757.03066 ]) drag_v4_list = np.array([ 0, 8.52192, 32.28034, 70.80437, 123.82969, 191.56966, 274.50500, 374.45160, 493.56528, 671.10050, 833.52275, 1338.57703, 1416.65956, 1556.88359, 2128.89588, 2777.19525, 3783.07444 ]) v_list = np.array([ 0, 33, 66, 99, 132, 165, 198, 231, 264, 280, 310, 345, 360, 400, 500, 600, 800, 1200 ]) cd_list = [] for x in range(0, len(v_list) - 1, 1): cd = (drag_v4_list[x]) / (0.5 * rho_0 * pi * 3.25**2 * 0.0254**2 * (v_list[x] + 0.001)**2) cd_list.append(cd) mach_list = v_list / solidworks_sos re_list = (v_list * rocket_length * rho_0) / solidworks_mu current_mach = velocity / altitude_mach #mach at any given point, ranges from 0 - 2.3ish if current_mach < 0.3: #defined as the mach at which the mach number plays more role than re altitude_mu = mu_0 * (altitude_temperature / t_0)**1.5 * ( t_0 + s_0) / (altitude_temperature + s_0) current_re = velocity * altitude_density * rocket_length / altitude_mu for i in range(0, len(re_list), 1): if current_re >= re_list[i] and current_re <= re_list[i + 1]: m = (cd_list[i + 1] - cd_list[i]) / (re_list[i + 1] - re_list[i]) current_cd = (current_re - re_list[i]) * m + cd_list[i] break else: continue else: for i in range(0, len(mach_list), 1): if current_mach >= mach_list[i] and current_mach <= mach_list[ i + 1]: m = (cd_list[i + 1] - cd_list[i]) / (mach_list[i + 1] - mach_list[i]) current_cd = (current_mach - mach_list[i]) * m + cd_list[i] break else: continue return altitude_temperature, altitude_density, current_mach, current_cd def force_calc(): force_gravity = ((gravitational_constant * (total_rocket_mass) * (earth_mass)) / (mojave_radius + height)**2) force_drag = (0.5 * current_cd * altitude_density * velocity**2 * rocket_area) return force_gravity, force_drag def append_lists(): acceleration_list.append(acceleration) velocity_list.append(velocity) height_list.append(height) time_list.append(time) drag_coefficient_list.append(current_cd) current_mach_list.append(current_mach) force_gravity_list.append(force_gravity) force_drag_list.append(force_drag) density_list.append(altitude_density) temperature_list.append(altitude_temperature) def plot_plots(): color_list = [] for x in range(0, 6, 1): color = "%04x" % random.randint(0, 0xFFFF) color_2 = '#F' + color + 'F' color_list.append(color_2) ft_list = np.asarray(height_list) * meters_to_feet plt.subplot(3, 2, 1) plt.plot(time_list, ft_list, color_list[0]) plt.ylabel('Height (ft)') plt.suptitle('Insert Rocket Name', fontsize=16) fts_list = np.asarray(velocity_list) * meters_to_feet plt.subplot(3, 2, 3) plt.plot(time_list, fts_list, color_list[1]) plt.ylabel('Velocity (ft/s)') ftss_list = np.asarray(acceleration_list) * meters_to_feet plt.subplot(3, 2, 5) plt.plot(time_list, ftss_list, color_list[2]) plt.ylabel('Acceleration (ft/s^2)') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.subplot(3, 2, 2) plt.plot(current_mach_list, drag_coefficient_list, color_list[3]) plt.ylabel('Drag Coefficient') plt.xlabel('Altitude Mach') g_lbf_list = np.asarray(force_gravity_list) / lbf_to_n plt.subplot(3, 2, 4) plt.plot(time_list, g_lbf_list, color_list[4]) plt.ylabel('Force of Gravity (lbf)') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') d_lbf_list = np.asarray(force_drag_list) / lbf_to_n plt.subplot(3, 2, 6) plt.plot(time_list, d_lbf_list, color_list[5]) plt.ylabel('Force of Drag (lbf)') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.2, wspace=0.4, hspace=0.5, top=0.9) """ Fundamental Constants """ gravitational_constant = 6.67408e-11 #constant capital G boltzmann_constant = 1.38064852e-23 #in units of m^2 kg s^-2 K^-1 gamma = 1.4 gas_constant = 287.05 #J/(kg*K) solidworks_sos = 345.45 #calculated with values, m/s solidworks_mu = 1.8213e-5 #SolidWorks viscosity at 297K mu_0 = 1.716e-5 #kg/m-s, standard values` t_0 = 273.11 #K, used for altitude_viscosity calc s_0 = 110.56 #K, used for altitude_viscosity calc rho_0 = 1.1826 #kg/m^3, from SolidWorks meters_to_feet = 3.28084 #meter to feet conversion lbf_to_n = 4.4482216152605 #pound force to newton conversion lb_to_kg = 0.453592 pa_to_psi = 0.000145038 real_e = 2.71 #approximate value for e sealevel_pressure = 101325 #atmospheric pressure at sea level in Pascals earth_mass = 5.972e24 #kilograms temp_slope = 2 / 1000 #temperature decreases by 2 degrees for every increase in 1000ft altitude dt = 0.05 #increments of time value """ Mojave Desert Specific Values """ mojave_radius = 6371.13738e3 #distance in meters from mojave latitude (35 degrees) to center of earth mojave_temperature = 23.8889 + 273.15 #degrees kelvin, approximate for May 2020 mojave_pressure = 100846.66 #pressure in Pascals, converted from mmHg avg_airmass = 28.95 / 6.022e20 #average mass of a single air molecule in kg wind_speed = 15. #wind speed in m/s rail_height = 60 / meters_to_feet #rail height in meters """ Rocket Constants """ #converts all inputs from imperial to metric thrust = thrust_lbf * lbf_to_n #convets thrust to N for calculations fuel_mass = fuel_mass_lb * lb_to_kg dry_rocket_mass = dry_rocket_mass_lb * lb_to_kg burn_time = 9208 / ( thrust_lbf) #estimated total burn time of liquid fuel, in seconds total_rocket_mass = fuel_mass + dry_rocket_mass #total mass, in kg mass_change = (fuel_mass / burn_time) * dt #assuming constant change of mass rocket_radius = (innerRadius_in / 12) * (1 / meters_to_feet ) #radius of the rocket, meters rocket_area = pi * (rocket_radius**2) #area from radius rocket_length = 12.3 / meters_to_feet #in meters rocket_roughness = 3e-6 #surface roughness of carbon fiber in meters """ Initialize Variables """ time = 0.0 #sets all variables to zero for start of the flight height = 0.0 velocity = 0.0 height_track = 0.0 velocity_track = 0.0 mach_track = 0.0 q_track = 0.0 acceleration_list = [] #sets empty lists to be filled with data velocity_list = [] height_list = [] time_list = [] drag_coefficient_list = [] current_mach_list = [] force_gravity_list = [] force_drag_list = [] density_list = [] temperature_list = [] while time <= burn_time: if height > rail_height: weather_adjust_factor = cos(atan(wind_speed / velocity)) altitude_temperature, altitude_density, current_mach, current_cd = cd_altitude_calc( ) #finds density and drag coefficient at any given iteration force_gravity, force_drag = force_calc( ) #finds gravity and drag at any time if height <= rail_height: acceleration = ( thrust - force_gravity - force_drag) / total_rocket_mass #finds resultant acceleration else: acceleration = ( weather_adjust_factor * thrust - force_gravity - force_drag) / total_rocket_mass #finds resultant acceleration if thrust < (force_drag + force_gravity): force_drag = thrust - force_gravity acceleration = ( weather_adjust_factor * thrust - force_gravity - force_drag ) / total_rocket_mass #finds resultant acceleration print("Uh oh. Rocket's going down") velocity += (acceleration * dt) #increment velocity by small steps height += (velocity * dt) #same process for height time += dt #increase total time by dt total_rocket_mass -= mass_change #at this time the rocket is losing fuel mass if velocity > velocity_track: #keeps track of the greatest total speed altitude_mach = sqrt(gamma * gas_constant * altitude_temperature) #mach from temperature velocity_track = velocity mach_track = velocity / altitude_mach q = velocity**2 * altitude_density * 0.5 if q > q_track: q_track = q append_lists() #keep track of all data print(altitude_temperature) while time > burn_time: weather_adjust_factor = cos(atan(wind_speed / velocity)) altitude_temperature, altitude_density, current_mach, current_cd = cd_altitude_calc( ) force_gravity, force_drag = force_calc() acceleration = (-force_gravity - force_drag) / total_rocket_mass velocity += (acceleration * dt) height += (velocity * dt) time += dt height_adjust = weather_adjust_factor * height if height > height_track: #stops the simulation when rocket is at apogee height_track = height else: break append_lists() print(altitude_temperature) print(altitude_density, (avg_airmass * altitude_pressure) / (altitude_temperature * gas_constant)) print('') print("Max velocity =", round(velocity_track * meters_to_feet, 3), "ft/s") print("Max mach =", round(mach_track, 3)) print("Max dynamic pressure =", round(q_track * pa_to_psi, 3), "psi") print("Max drag force =", round(max(force_drag_list) / lbf_to_n, 3), "lbf") print("Max acceleration =", round(max(acceleration_list) * meters_to_feet, 3), "ft/s^2") print("Apogee =", round(height_track * meters_to_feet, 3), "ft") print('') plot_plots()
a, b, x = map(int, input().split()) half = a ** 2 * b / 2 if x <= half: #a ** 2 * a * np.tan(theta) / 2 = x theta = np.arctan(2 * x /a**2/a) print(np.rad2deg(theta)) else: import math a,b,x = map(int,input().split()) if x >= a*a*b/2: ans = math.degrees(math.atan(2*b/a-2*x/a**3)) else: ans = math.degrees(math.atan(a*b**2/(2*x))) print(ans)
def render_curved(self, font, word_text): """ use curved baseline for rendering word """ wl = len(word_text) isword = len(word_text.split()) == 1 # do curved iff, the length of the word <= 10 if not isword or wl > 10 or np.random.rand() > self.p_curved: return self.render_multiline(font, word_text) # create the surface: lspace = font.get_sized_height() + 1 lbound = font.get_rect(word_text) fsize = (round(2.0 * lbound.width), round(3 * lspace)) surf = pygame.Surface(fsize, pygame.locals.SRCALPHA, 32) # baseline state mid_idx = wl // 2 BS = self.baselinestate.get_sample() curve = [BS['curve'](i - mid_idx) for i in range(wl)] curve[mid_idx] = -np.sum(curve) / (wl - 1) rots = [ -int( math.degrees( math.atan(BS['diff'](i - mid_idx) / (font.size / 2)))) for i in range(wl) ] bbs = [] # place middle char rect = font.get_rect(word_text[mid_idx]) rect.centerx = surf.get_rect().centerx rect.centery = surf.get_rect().centery + rect.height rect.centery += curve[mid_idx] ch_bounds = font.render_to(surf, rect, word_text[mid_idx], rotation=rots[mid_idx]) ch_bounds.x = rect.x + ch_bounds.x ch_bounds.y = rect.y - ch_bounds.y mid_ch_bb = np.array(ch_bounds) # render chars to the left and right: last_rect = rect ch_idx = [] for i in range(wl): #skip the middle character if i == mid_idx: bbs.append(mid_ch_bb) ch_idx.append(i) continue if i < mid_idx: #left-chars i = mid_idx - 1 - i elif i == mid_idx + 1: #right-chars begin last_rect = rect ch_idx.append(i) ch = word_text[i] newrect = font.get_rect(ch) newrect.y = last_rect.y if i > mid_idx: newrect.topleft = (last_rect.topright[0] + 2, newrect.topleft[1]) else: newrect.topright = (last_rect.topleft[0] - 2, newrect.topleft[1]) newrect.centery = max( newrect.height, min(fsize[1] - newrect.height, newrect.centery + curve[i])) try: bbrect = font.render_to(surf, newrect, ch, rotation=rots[i]) except ValueError: bbrect = font.render_to(surf, newrect, ch) bbrect.x = newrect.x + bbrect.x bbrect.y = newrect.y - bbrect.y bbs.append(np.array(bbrect)) last_rect = newrect # correct the bounding-box order: bbs_sequence_order = [None for i in ch_idx] for idx, i in enumerate(ch_idx): bbs_sequence_order[i] = bbs[idx] bbs = bbs_sequence_order # get the union of characters for cropping: r0 = pygame.Rect(bbs[0]) rect_union = r0.unionall(bbs) # crop the surface to fit the text: bbs = np.array(bbs) surf_arr, bbs = crop_safe(pygame.surfarray.pixels_alpha(surf), rect_union, bbs, pad=5) surf_arr = surf_arr.swapaxes(0, 1) return surf_arr, word_text, bbs
g = -9.81 #meters/s^2 dt = .001 #seconds distance_uncertainty = .333333 #meters goal_y_min = 3 #meters goal_y_max = 3.5 #meters goal_y_avg = .5*goal_y_min+.5*goal_y_max #meters while(1): if cv.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break goal_x = cv.getTrackbarPos("goal_x", 'params')/15 #meters #theta = cv.getTrackbarPos("theta", 'params') #degrees theta = math.degrees(math.atan(2*goal_y_avg/goal_x)) #degrees #v_0 = cv.getTrackbarPos("v_0", 'params')/10.0 #meters/s v_0 = math.sqrt((2*-g*goal_x/math.sin(math.radians(2*theta)))) #meters/s print("goal distance:", goal_x, theta, v_0) time = [] x_pos = [] y_pos = [] x_vel = [] y_vel = [] xvel = v_0*math.cos(math.radians(theta)) #meters/s xpos = 0 #meters yvel = v_0*math.sin(math.radians(theta)) #meters/s
def PreProcess(self): # Smooth sensor data if len(self.times) < 2 or len(self.altitudes) < len(self.times): return self.altitudes = SmoothData(self.altitudes, GAUSSIAN_SMOOTH_SDEV) self.heartRates = SmoothData(self.heartRates, GAUSSIAN_SMOOTH_SDEV) self.distances = SmoothData(self.distances, GAUSSIAN_SMOOTH_SDEV) # Calculate speeds self.speeds = [0] * len(self.times) self.slopes = [0] * len(self.times) self.vDistances = [0] * len(self.times) lastTime = 0 lastDistance = 0 lastAltitude = self.altitudes[0] for i in range(len(self.times)): distance = self.distances[i] self.totalDistance += distance vDistance = self.altitudes[i] - lastAltitude self.speeds[i] = distance / (self.times[i] - lastTime) # Handle slope here # Ignore negligible values if distance <= 0.1: distance = 0 if abs(vDistance) < 0.1: vDistance = 0 # Don't allow a rise when there was no horizontal distance traveled if distance == 0: vDistance = 0 elif abs(vDistance ) > 0.5 * distance: # Don't allow more then 50% grade vDistance = 0.5 * distance * vDistance / abs(vDistance) # Calculate the horizontal distance if distance == 0: hDistance = 0 else: hDistance = math.sqrt(distance * distance - vDistance * vDistance) self.distances[i] = distance self.vDistances[i] = vDistance # Now calculate the slope if hDistance == 0: self.slopes[i] = 0 # To avoid divide by zerp else: slope = math.atan(vDistance / hDistance) self.slopes[i] = slope lastTime = self.times[i] lastDistance = self.distances[i] lastAltitude = self.altitudes[i] # Smooth the speeds self.speeds = SmoothData(self.speeds, GAUSSIAN_SMOOT_SECONDARY_DATA) # Smooth the slopes self.slopes = SmoothData(self.slopes, GAUSSIAN_SMOOT_SECONDARY_DATA)
valf = 21.8 * mag.magb[i] / sqrt(swepam.dens[i]) else: valf = 0. if (swepam.vel[i] > 0. and swepam.temp[i] > 0.): colage = (6.4e8 * swepam.dens[i]) / (swepam.vel[i] * (swepam.temp[i])**1.5) else: colage = 0. if (valf > 0.): # and colage>0.): p = getperiod(iondata[0].time[i], iondata[0].timeframe) if (mag.phi[i] != 0. and mag.theta[i] != 0. and swepam.vel[i] > 0.): tmpmag = acos(cos(mag.phi[i]) * cos(mag.theta[i])) else: tmpmag = 0. tmpbetashift = atan( sqrt(swepam.vely[i]**2 + swepam.velz[i]**2) / swepam.velx[i]) nrtmpvel = 0. tmpvel = 0. for ion2 in iondata: if (ion2.vel[i] > 0. and ion2.dens[i][0] > 0.): tmpvel += ion2.vel[i] * ion2.dens[i][0] nrtmpvel += ion2.dens[i][0] if nrtmpvel > 0.: tmpvel /= nrtmpvel if tmpbetashift != 0.: vd = getvd(swepam.vel[i], tmpvel, tmpmag + tmpbetashift, polarity[p]) else: vd = 0. #if (((polarity[p]==-1 and tmpmag>pi/2+4*pi/16) or (polarity[p]==1 and tmpmag<pi/2-4*pi/16)) and o7o6[i][1]>0. and tmpvel>swepam.vel[i]-4*valf and tmpvel<swepam.vel[i]+4*valf): #if (((polarity[p]==-1 and tmpmag>pi/2+4.*pi/16) or (polarity[p]==1 and tmpmag<pi/2-4.*pi/16)) and wp1[i][1]>0. and tmpvel>swepam.vel[i]-4*valf and tmpvel<swepam.vel[i]+4*valf and vd>0. and sigphiarr[i][1]<pi/180.*12. and sigthetaarr[i][1]<pi/180.*12. and tmpmag!=0.):
def get_angle(self, radius): angle = atan(self.wheel_base / radius) * self.steer_ratio * 1.5 return max(self.min_angle, min(self.max_angle, angle))
def __flyTask(self, task): curTime = task.time +['launchTime'] t = min(curTime,['timeOfImpact']) pos =['trajectory'].getPos(t)['toon'].setPos(pos) shadowPos = Point3(pos) if t >=['timeEnterTowerXY'] and t <=['timeExitTowerXY'] and pos[2] >= self.tower.getPos(render)[2] + TOWER_HEIGHT: shadowPos.setZ(self.tower.getPos(render)[2] + TOWER_HEIGHT + SHADOW_Z_OFFSET) else: shadowPos.setZ(SHADOW_Z_OFFSET) self.dropShadowDict[['avId']].setPos(shadowPos) vel =['trajectory'].getVel(t) run = math.sqrt(vel[0] * vel[0] + vel[1] * vel[1]) rise = vel[2] theta = self.__toDegrees(math.atan(rise / run))['toon'].setHpr(['hRot'], -90 + theta, 0) if['avId'] == self.localAvId: lookAt = self.tower.getPos(render) lookAt.setZ(lookAt.getZ() - TOWER_HEIGHT / 2.0) towerPos = Point3(self.towerPos) towerPos.setZ(TOWER_HEIGHT) ttVec = Vec3(pos - towerPos) toonTowerDist = ttVec.length() multiplier = 0.0 if toonTowerDist < TOON_TOWER_THRESHOLD: up = Vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) perp = up.cross(vel) perp.normalize() if > 0.0: perp = Vec3(-perp[0], -perp[1], -perp[2]) a = 1.0 - toonTowerDist / TOON_TOWER_THRESHOLD a_2 = a * a multiplier = -2.0 * a_2 * a + 3 * a_2 lookAt = lookAt + perp * (multiplier * MAX_LOOKAT_OFFSET) foo = Vec3(pos - lookAt) foo.normalize()['maxCamPullback'] = max(['maxCamPullback'], CAMERA_PULLBACK_MIN + multiplier * (CAMERA_PULLBACK_MAX - CAMERA_PULLBACK_MIN)) foo = foo *['maxCamPullback'] camPos = pos + Point3(foo) camera.setPos(camPos) camera.lookAt(pos) if['haveWhistled'] == 0: if -vel[2] > WHISTLE_SPEED: if t <['timeOfImpact'] - 0.5:['haveWhistled'] = 1 base.playSfx(self.sndWhizz) if t ==['timeOfImpact']: if['haveWhistled']: self.sndWhizz.stop() self.dropShadowDict[['avId']].reparentTo(hidden) avatar = self.getAvatar(['avId']) if['hitWhat'] == self.HIT_WATER: avatar.loop('neutral') self.splash.setPos(['toon'].getPos()) self.splash.setScale(2) base.playSfx(self.sndHitWater)['toon'].setHpr(['hRot'], 0, 0) self.__somebodyWon(['avId']) elif['hitWhat'] == self.HIT_TOWER: toon =['toon'] pos = toon.getPos() ttVec = Vec3(pos - self.towerPos) ttVec.setZ(0) ttVec.normalize() h = rad2Deg(math.asin(ttVec[0])) toon.setHpr(h, 94, 0) deltaZ = TOWER_HEIGHT - BUCKET_HEIGHT sf = min(max(pos[2] - BUCKET_HEIGHT, 0), deltaZ) / deltaZ hitPos = pos + Point3(ttVec * (0.75 * sf)) toon.setPos(hitPos) hitPos.setZ(hitPos[2] - 1.0) s = Sequence(Wait(0.5), toon.posInterval(duration=LAND_TIME - 0.5, pos=hitPos, blendType='easeIn')) self.toonIntervalDict[['avId']] = s s.start() avatar.iPos() avatar.pose('slip-forward', 25) base.playSfx(self.sndHitTower) elif['hitWhat'] == self.HIT_GROUND:['toon'].setP(render, -150.0) self.dustCloud.setPos(['toon'], 0, 0, -2.5) self.dustCloud.setScale(0.35) base.playSfx(self.sndHitGround) avatar.setPlayRate(2.0, 'run') avatar.loop('run') return Task.done return Task.cont
def derivatives(self, t0, y0): self.n=len( yp=Vector(len(y0)) vect_acc=Vector2(0,0) for i in range(self.n): print(i)[i] yp[self.dim*i]= y0[(self.n + i)*self.dim] yp[self.dim*i+1]= y0[(self.n + i)*self.dim+1] pos_i=Vector2(y0[self.dim*i],y0[self.dim*i+1]) for j in range(i): vect_diff=pos_i - Vector2(y0[self.dim*j],y0[self.dim*j+1]) d=vect_diff.norm()[j] rij=([j][i].position) uij=Vector.norm(rij)*50 ri=corpsi.draw_radius rj=corpsj.draw_radius R=ri+rj print(uij<R) print(uij) if uij<R: eij=rij/uij nij=Rotation(pi/2,eij) #calcul mi=corpsi.mass mj=corpsj.mass c11=(mi-mj)/(mi+mj) c12=(2*mj/(mi+mj)) c21=(mj-mi)/(mi+mj) c22=(2*mi)/(mi+mj) vi=Vector2(y0[(self.n + i)*self.dim],y0[(self.n + i)*self.dim+1]) vj=Vector2(y0[(self.n + j)*self.dim],y0[(self.n + j)*self.dim+1]) thetai=acos(dot(vi,nij)/Vector.norm(vi)) #angles de collision thetaj=acos(dot(vj,nij)/Vector.norm(vj)) thetapi=atan(c11*tan(thetai)+c12*Vector.norm(vj)*sin(thetaj)/(cos(thetai)*Vector.norm(vi))) #angles de rebond thetapj=atan(c21*tan(thetaj)+c22*Vector.norm(vi)*sin(thetai)/(cos(thetaj)*Vector.norm(vj))) vpi=sqrt((Vector.norm(vj)*c12*sin(thetaj)+c11*Vector.norm(vi)*sin(thetai))**2+Vector.norm(vi)*Vector.norm(vi)*cos(thetai)*cos(thetai)) #vitesse de rebond vpj=sqrt((Vector.norm(vi)*c22*sin(thetai)+c21*Vector.norm(vj)*sin(thetaj))**2+Vector.norm(vj)*Vector.norm(vj)*cos(thetaj)*cos(thetaj)) print(vpi) print(vpj) y0[(self.n + i-1)*self.dim] = -vpi y0[(self.n + i)*self.dim-1] = vpi y0[self.dim*self.n + self.dim*(j+1) ] = vpj y0[self.dim*self.n + self.dim*(j+1)+1 ] = -vpj else: vect_acc=(-G/(d*d*d))*vect_diff yp[self.dim*self.n + self.dim*i ] +=[j].mass*vect_acc.get_x() yp[self.dim*self.n + self.dim*i+1]+=[j].mass*vect_acc.get_y() yp[self.dim*self.n + self.dim*j ] +=[i].mass*vect_acc.get_x() yp[self.dim*self.n + self.dim*j+1]+=[i].mass*vect_acc.get_y() print(yp) return yp
# Flow vector vis = frame.copy() flowVectorLength = [] flowVectorLength_x = [] flowVectorLength_y = [] flowAngle = [] i = 0 for (x0, y0), (x1, y1), good in zip(all_pixels[:, 0], p1[:, 0], st[:, 0]): if i % 30 is 0: if good: cv2.line(vis, (x0, y0), (x1, y1), (0, 128, 0)) flowVectorLength.append(math.sqrt((x1 - x0) ** 2 + (y1 - y0) ** 2)) flowVectorLength_x.append(x1 - x0) flowVectorLength_y.append(y1 - y0) flowAngle.append(math.atan((y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0))) vis =, (x1, y1), 2, (red, green)[good], -1) i = i + 1 cv2.imshow('Dense LK', vis) # experirement using a feature based dectection elif method is "feature": # detect key feature points featureDetectorType = "ORB" if featureDetectorType is "SIFT": detector = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create() kp1 = detector.detect(im1) kp2 = detector.detect(im2) elif featureDetectorType is "SURF": detector = cv2.xfeatures2d.SURF_create() kp1 = detector.detect(im1)
import svgwrite from astropy import units as u from import fits from astropy.wcs import WCS from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord hdu =[0] w = WCS(hdu.header, fix=False) image_w = hdu.header['IMAGEW'] image_h = hdu.header['IMAGEH'] sky_left = w.pixel_to_world(0, 0) sky_right = w.pixel_to_world(image_w, 0) sky_right2 = SkyCoord(ra=sky_right.ra, dec=sky_left.dec) x2, y2 = w.world_to_pixel(sky_right2) image_tilt = math.degrees(math.atan(y2 / x2)) print('tilt=', image_tilt) scales = w.proj_plane_pixel_scales() px_scale = (scales[0].to_value(unit=u.deg) + scales[1].to_value(unit=u.deg)) / 2 print('scale=', px_scale) drw = svgwrite.Drawing(out_file, size=(image_w, image_h)) drw.add( #TBD: select embed or link by option. embed_image = True if embed_image: with open(image_file, 'rb') as f: mime = '' if image_file.upper().endswith('.JPG'):
# a = math.atan(z[i]/R[i]) # angle.append(math.degrees(a)) def rmax(): thick = 2. r_diff_rad = math.sqrt( (sm_dia / 2)**2 + (big_dia / 2)**2 - 0.5 * sm_dia * big_dia * math.cos(math.radians(angle_circle_step / 2))) / 2 - 2 * thick - 1 r_same_rad = sm_dia / 2 * math.tan(math.radians( angle_circle_step / 2)) - thick - 0.5 return min(r_diff_rad, r_same_rad) print(rmax()) a0 = math.atan((get_optimized_rad() - cree_rad - R[1]) / (Obj_dist - z[1])) # refl_angle.append(math.degrees(a0)) # Rmax = R[1] + (zmax - z[1]) * math.tan(a0) Rmax = rmax() zmax = (rmax() - R[1]) / math.tan(a0) + z[1] print('Максимальный радиус в верхней точке отражателя: ' + str(round(Rmax, 2)) + 'мм.') a_max = math.atan(zmax / Rmax) KPD = 100 * (get_optimized_rad() - cree_rad) / (Obj_dist / math.tan(a_max)) print('КПД отражателя: ' + str(round(KPD, 2)) + '%') # da = (a_max - a)/(N-1) b = math.pi / 2. - a f = (b + a0) / 2. e = b - f
def latitude(y): lat_rad = math.atan(math.sinh(math.pi - 2 * math.pi * y / factor)) return math.degrees(lat_rad)
def get_yaw_from_quarternion(q): siny_cosp = 2*(q.w*q.z + q.x*q.y) cosy_cosp=1-2*(q.y*q.y+q.z*q.z) yaw=math.atan(siny_cosp/cosy_cosp) return yaw
#1.fix x and fix spin in y z #weihuajing @NanJing University from yade import qt, pack, export import math #setting frict materials ----- fyoung = 8e9 fpoisson = 0.25 frictAng = 0 fden = 2500 #setting rock materials ----- ryoung = 2e7 rpoisson = 0.25 rfrictAng = math.atan(0.6) reps = 0.06 rden = 2500 frict = O.materials.append( FrictMat(young=fyoung, poisson=fpoisson, frictionAngle=frictAng, density=fden)) temp_con = O.materials.append( CpmMat(young=ryoung, poisson=rpoisson, frictionAngle=rfrictAng, epsCrackOnset=1e-13, density=rden,
def annular(dataSet, radius, thx, save='0', describer=None, nbins=100, loc='py_annular_exp/'): radius = radius thx = thx mag = dataSet.q_data # Draw a set of x,y points for the circles chosen theta = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 314) cx = radius*np.cos(theta) cy = radius*np.sin(theta) cxouter = (radius + thx)*np.cos(theta) cyouter = (radius + thx)*np.sin(theta) # Capture points that fall within the annular rings based on their magnitude I_ann = np.logical_and(radius < mag, mag < (radius+thx)) annul_x = dataSet.qx_data[I_ann] annul_y = dataSet.qy_data[I_ann] annul_I =[I_ann] annul_err = dataSet.err_data[I_ann] annul_mag = dataSet.q_data[I_ann] # Calculate the angles for the obtained points. Zero is twleve o clock (vertically up on y-axis) annul_ang = [] for i in range(len(annul_mag)): if annul_y[i] > 0: annul_ang.append(math.atan(annul_x[i]/annul_y[i])) elif annul_y[i] < 0: annul_ang.append(math.atan(annul_x[i]/annul_y[i]) + np.pi) annul_ang = np.array(annul_ang) # Sorts data to give as a function of increasing angle sortI = np.argsort(annul_ang) annul_ang = annul_ang[sortI] annul_mag = annul_mag[sortI] annul_x = annul_x[sortI] annul_y = annul_y[sortI] annul_I = annul_I[sortI] annul_err = annul_err[sortI] # Data binning nbsa = nbins # nbsa = 100 deltheta = 2*np.pi/nbsa binsa = np.linspace(-np.pi/2, 3*np.pi/2, nbsa) binindexa = np.zeros([nbsa]) # number points summed per bin bintotala = np.zeros([nbsa]) # summed intensity errtotala = np.zeros([nbsa]) # summed error for i in range(nbsa - 1): for ii in range(len(annul_mag)): if annul_ang[ii] >= binsa[i]: if annul_ang[ii] <= binsa[i + 1]: binindexa[i] = binindexa[i] + 1 bintotala[i] = bintotala[i] + annul_I[ii] errtotala[i] = errtotala[i] + annul_err[ii] # print(errtotal[i]) binZeros = binindexa != 0 binsa = binsa[binZeros] binindexa = binindexa[binZeros] bintotala = bintotala[binZeros] errtotala = errtotala[binZeros] # print(errtotal) binavea = bintotala/binindexa erravea = errtotala/binindexa # print(errave) if save == '1': fileType = '.dat' # fileName = describer + '_' + \ # str(dataSet.sample[0]) + '_' + str(dataSet.shear[0][0:-14]) + 'ps' fileName = describer + '_' + \ str(dataSet.sample[0]) + 'wt' + '_' + str(dataSet.shear) + 'ps' location = '../2D_annular_sector_extraction/' + loc fullName = location + fileName + fileType with open(fullName, 'wt') as fh: fh.write("q I(q) err_I\n") for x, y, z in zip(binsa, binavea, binavea): fh.write("%g %g %g\n" % (x, y, z)) annul_data = [] annul_data.append(annul_x) annul_data.append(annul_y) annul_data.append(annul_I) annul_data.append(I_ann) return binsa, binavea, erravea, annul_data
import math tk=Tk() canvas=Canvas(width=880,height=500,bg='black') canvas.grid() BGPic=PhotoImage(file='Background2.png') MonkeyPic=PhotoImage(file='Monkey.png') DartPic=PhotoImage(file='dart.png') canvas.create_image(0,0,image=BGPic,anchor=NW) monkey=canvas.create_image(810,147, image=MonkeyPic) dart=canvas.create_image(180,300, image=DartPic) canvas.pack() Theta=math.atan((320-147)/(810-180)) V0=15 Vx=V0*math.cos(Theta) Vy=-V0*math.sin(Theta) Vym=0 g=.2 while True: canvas.move(monkey,0,Vym) canvas.move(dart,Vx,Vy) posM = canvas.coords(monkey) posD = canvas.coords(dart) Vym=Vym+g Vy=Vy+g if posM[1]>=400 : Vym=0 if posD[0]>=posM[0]-55:
def CornerEstimationWithoutOffsets(packet): ''' Corner estimation without Offsets ''' global defaultTargetWidth try: sensorLatitude = packet.GetSensorLatitude() sensorLongitude = packet.GetSensorLongitude() sensorTrueAltitude = packet.GetSensorTrueAltitude() frameCenterLat = packet.GetFrameCenterLatitude() frameCenterLon = packet.GetFrameCenterLongitude() frameCenterElevation = packet.GetFrameCenterElevation() sensorVerticalFOV = packet.GetSensorVerticalFieldOfView() sensorHorizontalFOV = packet.GetSensorHorizontalFieldOfView() headingAngle = packet.GetPlatformHeadingAngle() sensorRelativeAzimut = packet.GetSensorRelativeAzimuthAngle() targetWidth = packet.GettargetWidth() slantRange = packet.GetSlantRange() # If target width = 0 (occurs on some platforms), compute it with the slate range. # Otherwise it leaves the footprint as a point. if targetWidth == 0 and slantRange != 0: targetWidth = 2.0 * slantRange * \ tan(radians(sensorHorizontalFOV / 2.0)) elif targetWidth == 0 and slantRange == 0: # default target width to not leave footprint as a point. targetWidth = defaultTargetWidth qgsu.showUserAndLogMessage(QCoreApplication.translate( "QgsFmvUtils", "Target width unknown, defaults to: " + str(targetWidth) + "m."), level=QGis.Info) # compute distance to ground if frameCenterElevation != 0: sensorGroundAltitude = sensorTrueAltitude - frameCenterElevation else: qgsu.showUserAndLogMessage(QCoreApplication.translate( "QgsFmvUtils", "Sensor ground elevation narrowed to true altitude: " + str(sensorTrueAltitude) + "m."), level=QGis.Info) sensorGroundAltitude = sensorTrueAltitude if sensorLatitude == 0: return False initialPoint = (sensorLongitude, sensorLatitude) destPoint = (frameCenterLon, frameCenterLat) distance = sphere.distance(initialPoint, destPoint) if distance == 0: return False if sensorVerticalFOV > 0 and sensorHorizontalFOV > sensorVerticalFOV: aspectRatio = sensorVerticalFOV / sensorHorizontalFOV else: aspectRatio = 0.75 value2 = (headingAngle + sensorRelativeAzimut) % 360.0 # Heading value3 = targetWidth / 2.0 value5 = sqrt(pow(distance, 2.0) + pow(sensorGroundAltitude, 2.0)) value6 = targetWidth * aspectRatio / 2.0 degrees = rad2deg(atan(value3 / distance)) value8 = rad2deg(atan(distance / sensorGroundAltitude)) value9 = rad2deg(atan(value6 / value5)) value10 = value8 + value9 value11 = sensorGroundAltitude * tan(radians(value10)) value12 = value8 - value9 value13 = sensorGroundAltitude * tan(radians(value12)) value14 = distance - value13 value15 = value11 - distance value16 = value3 - value14 * tan(radians(degrees)) value17 = value3 + value15 * tan(radians(degrees)) distance2 = sqrt(pow(value14, 2.0) + pow(value16, 2.0)) value19 = sqrt(pow(value15, 2.0) + pow(value17, 2.0)) value20 = rad2deg(atan(value16 / value14)) value21 = rad2deg(atan(value17 / value15)) # CP Up Left bearing = (value2 + 360.0 - value21) % 360.0 cornerPointUL = list( reversed(sphere.destination(destPoint, value19, bearing))) # CP Up Right bearing = (value2 + value21) % 360.0 cornerPointUR = list( reversed(sphere.destination(destPoint, value19, bearing))) # CP Low Right bearing = (value2 + 180.0 - value20) % 360.0 cornerPointLR = list( reversed(sphere.destination(destPoint, distance2, bearing))) # CP Low Left bearing = (value2 + 180.0 + value20) % 360.0 cornerPointLL = list( reversed(sphere.destination(destPoint, distance2, bearing))) UpdateFootPrintData(cornerPointUL, cornerPointUR, cornerPointLR, cornerPointLL) UpdateBeamsData(packet, cornerPointUL, cornerPointUR, cornerPointLR, cornerPointLL) SetGCPsToGeoTransform(cornerPointUL, cornerPointUR, cornerPointLR, cornerPointLL, frameCenterLon, frameCenterLat) except: return False return True
def sector(dataSet, centre, width, save='0', describer=None, nbins=100, loc='py_sect_radAve/'): xcentre = 0 ycentre = 0 sectcent = centre # In radians sectwid = width # In radians # dataSet should be a sasView 2D data object # data_sqrd = dataSet**2 mag = dataSet.q_data # q values sectang = [] for i in range(len(mag)): if dataSet.qy_data[i] > 0: sectang.append(math.atan(dataSet.qx_data[i]/dataSet.qy_data[i])) elif dataSet.qy_data[i] < 0: sectang.append(math.atan(dataSet.qx_data[i]/dataSet.qy_data[i]) + np.pi) sectang = np.array(sectang) cwmax = sectcent+(0.5*sectwid) # Max bound for top sector cwmin = sectcent-(0.5*sectwid) # Min bound for top sector cwmax_ref = sectcent+(0.5*sectwid)+math.pi # Max bound for bottom sector cwmin_ref = sectcent-(0.5*sectwid)+math.pi # Min bound for bottom sector # Sorting according to angle sortI = np.argsort(sectang) sectang = sectang[sortI] mag = mag[sortI] err = dataSet.err_data[sortI] data =[sortI] seccrop_data = np.zeros_like(data) seccrop_err = np.zeros_like(err) seccrop_mag = np.zeros_like(mag) seccrop_ang = np.zeros_like(sectang) # Find logic gates posLog = np.logical_and(cwmin < sectang, sectang < cwmax) negLog = np.logical_and(cwmin_ref < sectang, sectang < cwmax_ref) # Find values according to logic gates seccrop_data[posLog] = data[posLog] seccrop_err[posLog] = err[posLog] seccrop_mag[posLog] = mag[posLog] seccrop_ang[posLog] = sectang[posLog] seccrop_data[negLog] = data[negLog] seccrop_err[negLog] = err[negLog] seccrop_mag[negLog] = mag[negLog] seccrop_ang[negLog] = sectang[negLog] zeros = seccrop_mag != 0 # Find zeros # remove zeros seccrop_data = seccrop_data[zeros] seccrop_err = seccrop_err[zeros] seccrop_mag = seccrop_mag[zeros] seccrop_ang = seccrop_ang[zeros] # Sort by ascending q sortq = np.argsort(seccrop_mag) seccrop_data = seccrop_data[sortq] seccrop_err = seccrop_err[sortq] seccrop_mag = seccrop_mag[sortq] seccrop_ang = seccrop_ang[sortq] # Make 100 bins spaced log linearly between min and max q nbs = nbins minMag = np.min(seccrop_mag) maxMag = np.max(seccrop_mag) logMinMag = np.log10(minMag) logMaxMag = np.log10(maxMag) logLinear = np.linspace(logMinMag, logMaxMag, nbs) bins = 10**logLinear binindex = np.zeros([nbs]) # number points summed per bin bintotal = np.zeros([nbs]) # summed intensity errtotal = np.zeros([nbs]) # summed error for i in range(nbs - 1): for ii in range(len(seccrop_data)): if seccrop_mag[ii] >= bins[i]: if seccrop_mag[ii] <= bins[i + 1]: binindex[i] = binindex[i] + 1 bintotal[i] = bintotal[i] + seccrop_data[ii] errtotal[i] = errtotal[i] + seccrop_err[ii] # print(errtotal[i]) binZeros = binindex != 0 bins = bins[binZeros] binindex = binindex[binZeros] bintotal = bintotal[binZeros] errtotal = errtotal[binZeros] # print(errtotal) binave = bintotal/binindex errave = errtotal/binindex # allerror = [err, seccrop_err, errtotal, errave] if save == '1': fileType = '.dat' fileName = describer + '_' + \ str(dataSet.sample[0]) + 'wt' + '_' + str(dataSet.shear) + 'ps' location = '../2D_annular_sector_extraction/' + loc fullName = location + fileName + fileType with open(fullName, 'wt') as fh: fh.write("q I(q) err_I\n") for x, y, z in zip(bins, binave, errave): fh.write("%g %g %g\n" % (x, y, z)) return bins, binave, errave