コード例 #1
def cot(column):
    i = 0 
    column= mt.convert_num_col(column)
    result = list()
    while i < len(column):
    return result
コード例 #2
def computePotentialVerticalParticle(theta):
    """ Computes the interaction potential between two IPCs, one vertical in the origin,
      the second in (2sigma, 0, 0) and rotated from vertical by an angle theta).
      Returns the potential, and the interaction volumes BB and BS (SS would be zero)
    rP1P2 = sqrt((HSdiameter + ecc * sen(theta))**2 + (ecc *
                                                       (1 - cos(theta)))**2)
    rP1B2 = sqrt(ecc * 2 + HSdiameter**2)
    rP1Q2 = sqrt((HSdiameter - ecc * sen(theta))**2 + (ecc *
                                                       (1 + cos(theta)))**2)
    rB1P2 = sqrt((HSdiameter + ecc * sen(theta))**2 + (ecc * cos(theta))**2)
    rB1B2 = HSdiameter
    rB1Q2 = sqrt((HSdiameter - ecc * sen(theta))**2 + (ecc * cos(theta))**2)
    rQ1P2 = sqrt((HSdiameter + ecc * sen(theta))**2 + (ecc *
                                                       (1 + cos(theta)))**2)
    rQ1B2 = sqrt(ecc * 2 + HSdiameter**2)
    rQ1Q2 = sqrt((HSdiameter - ecc * sen(theta))**2 + (ecc *
                                                       (1 - cos(theta)))**2)

    wBB = computeOmega(bigRadius, bigRadius, rB1B2)
    wBS = computeOmega(bigRadius, patchRadius, rB1Q2)

    V = (eBB * (computeOmega(bigRadius, bigRadius, rB1B2)) + eBS *
         (computeOmega(patchRadius, bigRadius, rP1B2) +
          computeOmega(bigRadius, patchRadius, rB1P2) +
          computeOmega(bigRadius, patchRadius, rB1Q2) +
          computeOmega(patchRadius, bigRadius, rQ1B2)) + eSS *
         (computeOmega(patchRadius, patchRadius, rP1P2) +
          computeOmega(patchRadius, patchRadius, rP1Q2) +
          computeOmega(patchRadius, patchRadius, rQ1P2) +
          computeOmega(patchRadius, patchRadius, rQ1Q2)))
    return V, wBB, wBS
コード例 #3
def computePotentialVerticalParticle(theta):
    rP1P2 = sqrt((HSdiameter + ecc1 * sen(theta))**2 + (ecc1 *
                                                        (1 - cos(theta)))**2)
    rP1B2 = sqrt(ecc1 * 2 + HSdiameter**2)
    rP1Q2 = sqrt((HSdiameter - ecc2 * sen(theta))**2 +
                 (ecc1 + ecc2 * cos(theta))**2)
    rB1P2 = sqrt((HSdiameter + ecc1 * sen(theta))**2 + (ecc1 * cos(theta))**2)
    rB1B2 = HSdiameter
    rB1Q2 = sqrt((HSdiameter - ecc2 * sen(theta))**2 + (ecc2 * cos(theta))**2)
    rQ1P2 = sqrt((HSdiameter + ecc1 * sen(theta))**2 +
                 (ecc2 + ecc1 * cos(theta))**2)
    rQ1B2 = sqrt(ecc2 * 2 + HSdiameter**2)
    rQ1Q2 = sqrt((HSdiameter - ecc2 * sen(theta))**2 + (ecc2 *
                                                        (1 - cos(theta)))**2)

    wBB = computeOmega(bigRadius, bigRadius, rB1B2)
    wBs1 = computeOmega(bigRadius, patch1radius, rB1P2)
    wBs2 = computeOmega(bigRadius, patch2radius, rB1Q2)

    V = (eBB * computeOmega(bigRadius, bigRadius, rB1B2) + eBs1 *
         (computeOmega(patch1radius, bigRadius, rP1B2) +
          computeOmega(bigRadius, patch1radius, rB1P2)) + eBs2 *
         (computeOmega(bigRadius, patch2radius, rB1Q2) +
          computeOmega(patch2radius, bigRadius, rQ1B2)) +
         es1s1 * computeOmega(patch1radius, patch1radius, rP1P2) + es1s2 *
         (computeOmega(patch1radius, patch2radius, rP1Q2) +
          computeOmega(patch2radius, patch1radius, rQ1P2)) +
         es2s2 * computeOmega(patch2radius, patch2radius, rQ1Q2))
    return V, wBB, wBs1, wBs2
コード例 #4
def computePotentialHorizontalParticle_Q1left(theta):
    rP1P2 = sqrt((HSdiameter + ecc1 * (sen(theta) - 1))**2 +
                 (ecc1 * cos(theta))**2)
    rP1B2 = HSdiameter - ecc1
    rP1Q2 = sqrt((HSdiameter - ecc1 - ecc2 * sen(theta))**2 +
                 (ecc2 * cos(theta))**2)
    rB1P2 = sqrt((HSdiameter + ecc1 * sen(theta))**2 + (ecc1 * cos(theta))**2)
    rB1B2 = HSdiameter
    rB1Q2 = sqrt((HSdiameter - ecc2 * sen(theta))**2 + (ecc2 * cos(theta))**2)
    rQ1P2 = sqrt((HSdiameter + ecc2 + ecc1 * sen(theta))**2 +
                 (ecc1 * cos(theta))**2)
    rQ1B2 = HSdiameter + ecc2
    rQ1Q2 = sqrt((HSdiameter + ecc2 * (1 - sen(theta)))**2 +
                 (ecc2 * cos(theta))**2)

    ws1s1 = computeOmega(patch1radius, patch1radius, rP1P2)
    ws1s2 = computeOmega(patch1radius, patch2radius, rP1Q2)

    V = (eBB * computeOmega(bigRadius, bigRadius, rB1B2) + eBs1 *
         (computeOmega(patch1radius, bigRadius, rP1B2) +
          computeOmega(bigRadius, patch1radius, rB1P2)) + eBs2 *
         (computeOmega(bigRadius, patch2radius, rB1Q2) +
          computeOmega(patch2radius, bigRadius, rQ1B2)) +
         es1s1 * computeOmega(patch1radius, patch1radius, rP1P2) + es1s2 *
         (computeOmega(patch1radius, patch2radius, rP1Q2) +
          computeOmega(patch2radius, patch1radius, rQ1P2)) +
         es2s2 * computeOmega(patch2radius, patch2radius, rQ1Q2))
    return V, ws1s1, ws1s2
コード例 #5
def modelo(argumentos):
    res = 0
    if argumentos[0].isnumeric():
        if argumentos[1].isnumeric():
            if suma(argumentos[2]):
                return float(argumentos[0]) + float(argumentos[1])
            if resta(argumentos[2]):
                return float(argumentos[0]) - float(argumentos[1])
            if multplicacion(argumentos[2]):
                return float(argumentos[0]) * float(argumentos[1])
            if division(argumentos[2]):
                return float(argumentos[0]) / float(argumentos[1])
            if exponente(argumentos[2]):
                return float(argumentos[0])**float(argumentos[1])
            if suma(argumentos[1]):
                return float(argumentos[0]) + float(argumentos[2])
            if resta(argumentos[1]):
                return float(argumentos[0]) - float(argumentos[2])
            if multiplicacion(argumentos[1]):
                return float(argumentos[0]) * float(argumentos[2])
            if division(argumentos[1]):
                return float(argumentos[0]) / float(argumentos[2])
            if exponente(argumentos[1]):
                return float(argumentos[0])**float(argumentos[2])
        op = argumentos[0]
        if suma(op):
            return float(argumentos[1]) + float(argumentos[2])
        if resta(op):
            return float(argumentos[1]) - float(argumentos[2])
        if multiplicacion(op):
            return float(argumentos[1]) * float(argumentos[2])
        if division(op):
            return float(argumentos[1]) / float(argumentos[2])
        if exponente(op):
            return float(argumentos[1])**float(argumentos[2])
        if raiz(op):
            return m.sqrt(float(argumentos[1]))
        if seno(op):
            return m.sin(float(argumentos[1]) * (m.pi / 180))
        if coseno(op):
            return m.cos(float(argumentos[-1]) * (m.pi / 180))
        if tangente(op):
            return m.tan(float(argumentos[1]) * (m.pi / 180))
        if secante(op):
            return 1 / (m.cos(float(argumentos[1]) * (m.pi / 180)))
        if cosecante(op):
            return 1 / (m.sen(float(argumentos[1]) * (m.pi / 180)))
        if cotangente(op):
            return 1 / (m.tan(float(argumentos[1]) * (m.pi / 180)))
コード例 #6
# Program: Algoritmo151_se61.py
# Author: Ramon R. Valeriano
# Description:
# Developed: 26/03/2020 - 11:56
# Updated:

import math

angle = float(input("Enter with the angle: "))

radians = math.radians(angle)
pi = math.pi

   seno = math.sen(radians)
    cos = math.cos(radians)
コード例 #7
 def _probe_locations(probe, k, n):
     return [(probe[0]+k*(math.cos(360/i)), probe[1]+k*(math.sen(360/i))) 
                 for i in range(1, n, 360/n)]
コード例 #8
ファイル: q1.py プロジェクト: ryukinix/ai-ufc
def f(node):
    "A função objetiva que será optimizada."
    x, y = node
    return abs(x * sen(y * pi / 4) + y * sen(x * pi / 4))
コード例 #9
import math

if (num != 0):
    real = False
    while (not real):
        angulo_grad = input("\nIntroduzca el ángulo en grados: ")
        real = validar_real(angulo_grad)
        if (not real):
            print("Eso no es un ángulo.")
            angulo_grad = float(angulo_grad)

    angulo_rad = math.radians(angulo_grad)

    if (num == 1):
        solucion = math.sin(angulo_rad)
    elif (num == 2):
        solucion = math.cos(angulo_rad)
    elif (num == 3):
        solucion = math.tan(angulo_rad)
    elif (num == 4):
        solucion = 1 / (math.tan(angulo_rad))
    elif (num == 5):
        solucion = 1 / (math.cos(angulo_rad))
    elif (num == 6):
        solucion = 1 / (math.sen(angulo_rad))
    print("La solución es", str(solucion) + ".")

    input("\nPulse intro para cerrar el programa.")
コード例 #10
ファイル: tabela.py プロジェクト: juliermeh/codigos-2011
valor_inicial = int(raw_input())
valor_final = int(raw_input())
delta = int(raw_input())

import math

valor = valor_final / delta
valores = [i * delta for i in range(valor + 1)]
print valores

x = math.sen(valores)
y = math.cos(valores)
print "-------------------"
print "%15f |%i %6.3f %6.3f |" % (i, x, y)
print "-------------------"