コード例 #1
        def DLogOptim(x,a,dic={}):
            ''' Return y such as a**y = x using optimized methods in Fp12 to perform
            The algorithm is base on the baby-step / giant-step method.
            The dictionnary dic stores the precomputed values of a needed for the
            algo. This dictionnary can be computed with the method self.giantSteps
            Pair = self.PPATSpp.Pair
            Fpk = Pair.Fpk
            gamma = Pair.gamma
            if x == x.F.one():
                return 0
            elif a == x :
                return 1
            order = self.PPATSpp.order
            b = oEC.toTupleFp12(a)
            xp = oEC.toTupleFp12(x)
            if dic == {}:
                if self.giantStepsDict == {}:
                    dic = self.giantSteps(b)
                    self.giantStepsDict = dic
            else :
                dic = self.giantStepsDict

            t = dic['t']
            # baby-step / giant-step algo
            for i in range(0,t+1):
                ai = dic['e1'][i]
                bi = oEC.tmulFp12(Fpk,xp,ai,gamma)
                if bi in dic['e2'].keys():
                    j = dic['e2'][bi]
                    return (j*t-i)%order #y
            return None # in case the value y is not found
コード例 #2
def make_Ftable(Field, elt):
    #This function makes a multiplication table to aid in computing discrete
    #logarithims to speed up decryption of multiple messages encrypted with the
    #same public/private key

    baby_steps = {}
    gt = oEC.toTupleFp12(Field.one())

    for j in xrange(2**16):
        gt = oEC.tmulFp12(Fp12, gt, oEC.toTupleFp12(elt), Gamma)
        baby_steps[gt] = j + 1

    return baby_steps
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self,PPATSpp,g1,h1,maxexp=16):
        self.PPATSpp = PPATSpp
        self.g1 = g1 # in G2'
        self.h1 = h1 # in G1
        self.maxexp = maxexp
        Jcoord = self.PPATSpp.Jcoord
        if Jcoord :

        self.ehg = self.PPATSpp.e(self.PPATSpp.h,self.PPATSpp.psi(self.PPATSpp.g),self.PPATSpp.Pair,Jcoord)
        self.ehgt = oEC.toTupleFp12(self.ehg) # tuple version of egh1

        #self.tripletsList = []

        #lkq = len(bin(self.h1.EFq.F.q))
        w = 10
        m = len(utils.binn(self.PPATSpp.order))
        #m = 160
        d = int(math.ceil(float(m)/w))
        e = int(math.ceil(float(d)/2))

        # Precomputed tables to fasten the scalr multiplication with the generators
        self.precomp_g = oEC.prec_comb2_EFp2(w,m,self.PPATSpp.g,Jcoord),w,m,d,e
        self.precomp_h = oEC.prec_comb2_EFp(w,m,self.PPATSpp.h,Jcoord),w,m,d,e
        self.precomp_g1 = oEC.prec_comb2_EFp2(w,m,self.g1,Jcoord),w,m,d,e
        self.precomp_h1 = oEC.prec_comb2_EFp(w,m,self.h1,Jcoord),w,m,d,e

        self.to_fingerprint = ["PPATSpp","g1","h1"]
        self.to_export = {"fingerprint": [],"value": ["PPATSpp","g1","h1"]}
コード例 #4
    def test_ExpFp12_opt(self):
        mul = oEC.tmulFp12
        sqrt = oEC.tsqrtFp12
        sqmu = oEC.squareAndMultiply
        tgt = oEC.toTupleFp12(gt)
        tgtr = sqmu(Fp12, tgt, r, mul, sqrt, gamma)

        t = time.time() - self.startTime
        print "%s: %.4f" % ("Fp12 point exponentiation -- optimized", t)
        self.assertEqual(oEC.toFp12elem(Fp12, tgtr), gt**r,
                         'Optimised Fp12 exp gives inconsistent results')
コード例 #5
def log_field(
):  # Computes x such that a^x = b over a field of order p using baby step-giant step

    #baby_steps = {}

    x = oEC.toTupleFp12(a.invert()**(2**16))
    gamma = oEC.toTupleFp12(b)

    if table == {}:
        print 'No Table Found'
        table = make_Ftable(Field, a)

    for i in range(2**16):
        if gamma in table:
            return (i) * (2**16) + table[gamma]
            gamma = oEC.tmulFp12(Fp12, gamma, x, Gamma)

    return "No Match"
コード例 #6
    def giantSteps(self,a):
        ''' This method computes a series of exponentiations of a.

            Assuming a is in Fq12.

            maxi is the maximum value of the possible discrete log to be found
            (by default 2**16).

            The method will precompute exponentiation of a at each of the t steps
            where t is the square root of maxi : a^0, a^t, a^2t, ..., a^maxi.

            In addition (not in the original algo but inserted here because 2^8 is
            a small number), the method computes a^0, a^1, a^2, ..., a^t.
            Since this is also needed to compute the discrete logarithm.

            Finally, all the precomputed exponentiations are stored in a dictionnary.
        limit = 2**self.maxexp
        Pair = self.PPATSpp.Pair
        gamma = Pair.gamma
        Fpk = Pair.Fpk
        t = int(math.sqrt(limit))
        l = int(limit//t)
        dic = {}
        dic['t'] = t # storing t for a later use
        at = oEC.squareAndMultiply(Fpk,a,t,oEC.tmulFp12,oEC.tsqrtFp12,gamma)
        one = oEC.toTupleFp12(Pair.Fpk1)
        dic['e1'] = {}
        dic['e2'] = {}
        dic['e1'][0] = one
        dic['e1'][1] = a
        dic['e2'][one] = 0
        dic['e2'][at] = 1
        ai = a
        ait = at
        # dic['e1'] is a dictionnary containing the a^i for i=0,...,t where the
        # keys are the indexes
        for i in range(2,t+1):
            ai = oEC.tmulFp12(Fpk,ai,a,gamma)
            dic['e1'][i] = ai
        # dic['e2'] is a dictionnary containing the a^it for i=0,...,l where the
        # keys are the a^it and the values are the indexes
        for i in range(2,l+1):
            ait = oEC.tmulFp12(Fpk,ait,at,gamma)
            dic['e2'][ait] = i
        return dic