def dependency_on_R0_homogeneous_model_example(): """ Example of several computations of the limit Eff_∞ in homogeneous scenarios in which R0 varies. """ # Severities: gs = [asymptomatic, symptomatic] t_0 = 0 R0_list = [0.5, 1, 2, 3] Effinfty_values_list = [] for R0 in R0_list: p_gs, b0_gs = make_scenario_parameters_for_asymptomatic_symptomatic_model( R0=R0) b_negative_times = None # tuple(b0_g.normalize() for b0_g in b0_gs) scenario = HomogeneousScenario( p_gs=p_gs, b0_gs=b0_gs, tauS=tauS, t_0=0, ss=(lambda t: 0, lambda t: 0.5 if t >= t_0 else 0), sc=lambda t: 0.7 if t >= t_0 else 0, xi=lambda t: 0.9 if t >= t_0 else 0, DeltaAT=delta_distribution(peak_tau_in_days=2), ) ( t_in_days_list, nu, nu0, R, R_by_severity, FT_infty, ) = compute_time_evolution_homogeneous_case( scenario=scenario, t_max_in_days=20, nu_start=1000, b_negative_times=b_negative_times, verbose=True, threshold_to_stop=0.001, ) Rinfty = R[-1] Effinfty = effectiveness(Rinfty, R0) Effinfty_values_list.append(Effinfty) plt.xlabel("R0") plt.ylabel("Eff_∞") plt.grid(True) plt.xlim(0, R0_list[-1]) plt.ylim(0, 0.6) plt.plot( R0_list, Effinfty_values_list, color="black", ),
def dependency_on_testing_timeliness_homogeneous_model_example(): """ Example of several computations of the limit Eff_∞ in homogeneous scenarios in which the time interval Δ^{A → T} varies from 0 to 10 days. """ # Severities: gs = [asymptomatic, symptomatic] p_gs, b0_gs = make_scenario_parameters_for_asymptomatic_symptomatic_model() t_0 = 0 DeltaAT_values_list = [i for i in range(10)] Effinfty_values_list = [] for DeltaAT_in_days in DeltaAT_values_list: scenario = HomogeneousScenario( p_gs=p_gs, b0_gs=b0_gs, tauS=tauS, t_0=0, ss=(lambda t: 0, lambda t: 0.5 if t >= t_0 else 0), sc=lambda t: 0.7 if t >= t_0 else 0, xi=lambda t: 0.9 if t >= t_0 else 0, DeltaAT=delta_distribution(peak_tau_in_days=DeltaAT_in_days), ) ( t_in_days_list, nu, nu0, R, R_by_severity, FT_infty, ) = compute_time_evolution_homogeneous_case( scenario=scenario, t_max_in_days=20, nu_start=1000, b_negative_times=b0_gs, verbose=False, threshold_to_stop=0.001, ) Rinfty = R[-1] Effinfty = effectiveness(Rinfty, R0) Effinfty_values_list.append(Effinfty) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 15)) Rinfty_plot = fig.add_subplot(111) Rinfty_plot.set_xlabel("Δ^{A → T} (days)") Rinfty_plot.set_ylabel("Eff_∞") Rinfty_plot.grid(True) Rinfty_plot.set_xlim(0, DeltaAT_values_list[-1]) Rinfty_plot.set_ylim(0, 0.4) Rinfty_plot.plot( DeltaAT_values_list, Effinfty_values_list, color="black", ),
def dependency_on_app_adoption_example(): """ Example of several computations of the limit Eff_∞ with app usage, where the fraction p^app of app adopters varies. """ # Severities: gs = (asymptomatic, symptomatic) p_gs, b0_gs = make_scenario_parameters_for_asymptomatic_symptomatic_model() epsilon_app_list = [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0] Effinfty_values_list = [] for epsilon_app in epsilon_app_list: scenario = ScenarioWithApp( p_gs=p_gs, b0_gs=b0_gs, tauS=tauS, t_0=0, ssapp=(lambda t: 0, lambda t: 0.5), ssnoapp=(lambda t: 0, lambda t: 0.2), scapp=lambda t: 0.7, scnoapp=lambda t: 0.2, xi=lambda t: 0.9, DeltaATapp=delta_distribution(peak_tau_in_days=2), DeltaATnoapp=delta_distribution(peak_tau_in_days=4), epsilon_app=lambda t: epsilon_app, ) ( t_in_days_list, nu, nu0, Fsigmaapp_infty, R, R_app, R_noapp, FT_infty, FT_app_infty, FT_noapp_infty, ) = compute_time_evolution_with_app( scenario=scenario, t_max_in_days=40, nu_start=1000, b_negative_times=b0_gs, threshold_to_stop=0.001, ) Rinfty = R[-1] Effinfty = effectiveness(Rinfty, R0) Effinfty_values_list.append(Effinfty) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 15)) Rinfty_plot = fig.add_subplot(111) Rinfty_plot.set_xlabel("ϵ_app") Rinfty_plot.set_ylabel("Eff_∞") Rinfty_plot.grid(True) Rinfty_plot.set_xlim(0, 1) Rinfty_plot.set_ylim(0, 0.3) Rinfty_plot.plot( epsilon_app_list, Effinfty_values_list, color="black", ),
def dependency_on_efficiencies_example(): """ Example of several computations of the limit Eff_∞ with app usage, where the parameters s^{s,app} and s^{c,app} vary. """ # Severities: gs = (asymptomatic, symptomatic) p_gs, b0_gs = make_scenario_parameters_for_asymptomatic_symptomatic_model() ssapp_list = [0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0] scapp_list = [0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0] Effinfty_values_list = [] for scapp in scapp_list: Effinfty_values_list_for_scapp = [] for ssapp in ssapp_list: scenario = ScenarioWithApp( p_gs=p_gs, b0_gs=b0_gs, tauS=tauS, t_0=0, ssapp=(lambda t: 0, lambda t: ssapp), ssnoapp=(lambda t: 0, lambda t: 0.2), scapp=lambda t: scapp, scnoapp=lambda t: 0.2, xi=lambda t: 0.9, DeltaATapp=delta_distribution(peak_tau_in_days=2), DeltaATnoapp=delta_distribution(peak_tau_in_days=4), epsilon_app=lambda t: 0.6, ) ( t_in_days_list, nu, nu0, Fsigmaapp_infty, R, R_app, R_noapp, FT_infty, FT_app_infty, FT_noapp_infty, ) = compute_time_evolution_with_app( scenario=scenario, t_max_in_days=20, nu_start=1000, b_negative_times=b0_gs, threshold_to_stop=0.001, ) Rinfty = R[-1] Effinfty = effectiveness(Rinfty, R0) Effinfty_values_list_for_scapp.append(Effinfty) print( f"s^{{s,app}} = {ssapp}, s^{{c,app}} = {scapp}, Eff_∞ = {round(Effinfty, 2)}" ) Effinfty_values_list.append(Effinfty_values_list_for_scapp) ssapp_values_array, scapp_values_array = np.meshgrid( ssapp_list, scapp_list) Effinfty_values_array = np.array(Effinfty_values_list) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6.5, 5)) plt.contourf(ssapp_values_array, scapp_values_array, Effinfty_values_array, levels=100) fig.suptitle("Eff_∞") plt.xlabel("s^{s,app}") plt.ylabel("s^{c,app}") plt.colorbar()
def dependency_on_share_of_symptomatics_homogeneous_model_example(): """ Example of several computations of the limit Eff_∞ in homogeneous scenarios in which the fraction p_sym of symptomatic individuals and their contribution to R^0 vary. """ p_sym_list = [0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7] x_axis_list = [] Effinfty_values_list = [] for p_sym in p_sym_list: contribution_of_symptomatics_to_R0 = 1 - math.exp( -4.993 * p_sym) # Random choice, gives 0.95 when p_sym = 0.6 R0_sym = contribution_of_symptomatics_to_R0 / p_sym * R0 R0_asy = (1 - contribution_of_symptomatics_to_R0) / (1 - p_sym) * R0 # Severities: gs = (asymptomatic, symptomatic) p_gs, b0_gs = make_scenario_parameters_for_asymptomatic_symptomatic_model( p_sym=p_sym, contribution_of_symptomatics_to_R0= contribution_of_symptomatics_to_R0, ) scenario = HomogeneousScenario( p_gs=p_gs, b0_gs=b0_gs, tauS=tauS, t_0=0, ss=(lambda t: 0, lambda t: 0.5), sc=lambda t: 0.7, xi=lambda t: 0.9, DeltaAT=delta_distribution(peak_tau_in_days=2), ) ( t_in_days_list, nu, nu0, R, R_by_severity, FT_infty, ) = compute_time_evolution_homogeneous_case( scenario=scenario, t_max_in_days=20, nu_start=1000, b_negative_times=b0_gs, verbose=False, threshold_to_stop=0.001, ) Rinfty = R[-1] Effinfty = effectiveness(Rinfty, R0) Effinfty_values_list.append(Effinfty) x_axis_list.append( f"p_sym = {p_sym},\nκ={round(contribution_of_symptomatics_to_R0, 2)},\nR^0_sym={round(R0_sym, 2)},\nR^0_asy={round(R0_asy, 2)}" ) plt.xticks(p_sym_list, x_axis_list, rotation=0) plt.xlim(0, p_sym_list[-1]) plt.ylim(0.13, 0.3) plt.ylabel("Eff_∞") plt.grid(True) plt.plot( p_sym_list, Effinfty_values_list, color="black", ),
def dependency_on_generation_time_homogeneous_model_example(): """ Example of several computations of the limit Eff_∞ in homogeneous scenarios in which the default distribution ρ^0 of the generation time is rescaled by different factors. """ rescale_factors = [0.6, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8] expected_default_generation_times_list = [] Effinfty_values_list = [] for f in rescale_factors: def rescaled_rho0_function(tau): return (1 / f) * rho0(tau / f) rescaled_rho0 = generate_discrete_distribution_from_pdf_function( pdf=lambda tau: rescaled_rho0_function(tau * TAU_UNIT_IN_DAYS) * TAU_UNIT_IN_DAYS, tau_min=1, tau_max=TAU_MAX_IN_UNITS, normalize=True, ) EtauC0 = rescaled_rho0.mean() # Expected default generation time expected_default_generation_times_list.append(EtauC0) # Severities: gs = (asymptomatic, symptomatic) p_gs, b0_gs = make_scenario_parameters_for_asymptomatic_symptomatic_model( rho0_discrete=rescaled_rho0) scenario = HomogeneousScenario( p_gs=p_gs, b0_gs=b0_gs, tauS=tauS, t_0=0, ss=(lambda t: 0, lambda t: 0.5), sc=lambda t: 0.7, xi=lambda t: 0.9, DeltaAT=delta_distribution(peak_tau_in_days=2), ) ( t_in_days_list, nu, nu0, R, R_by_severity, FT_infty, ) = compute_time_evolution_homogeneous_case( scenario=scenario, t_max_in_days=20, nu_start=1000, b_negative_times=b0_gs, verbose=False, threshold_to_stop=0.001, ) Rinfty = R[-1] Effinfty = effectiveness(Rinfty, R0) Effinfty_values_list.append(Effinfty) plt.ylim(0, 0.8) plt.grid(True) plt.plot( expected_default_generation_times_list, Effinfty_values_list, color="black", ), plt.xlabel("E(τ^{0,C})") plt.ylabel("Eff_∞") plt.title( "Effectiveness under rescaling of the default generation time distribution" )
def dependency_on_contribution_of_symptomatics_homogeneous_model_example(): """ Example of several computations of the limit Eff_∞ in homogeneous scenarios in which the fraction contribution of symptomatic infections to R^0 vary. """ contribution_of_symptomatics_to_R0_list = [0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1] x_axis_list = [] Effinfty_values_list = [] p_sym = 0.6 for kappa in contribution_of_symptomatics_to_R0_list: R0_sym = kappa / p_sym * R0 R0_asy = (1 - kappa) / (1 - p_sym) * R0 # Severities: gs = (asymptomatic, symptomatic) p_gs, b0_gs = make_scenario_parameters_for_asymptomatic_symptomatic_model( p_sym=p_sym, contribution_of_symptomatics_to_R0=kappa, ) scenario = HomogeneousScenario( p_gs=p_gs, b0_gs=b0_gs, tauS=tauS, t_0=0, ss=(lambda t: 0, lambda t: 0.5), sc=lambda t: 0.7, xi=lambda t: 0.9, DeltaAT=delta_distribution(peak_tau_in_days=2), ) ( t_in_days_list, nu, nu0, R, R_by_severity, FT_infty, ) = compute_time_evolution_homogeneous_case( scenario=scenario, t_max_in_days=20, nu_start=1000, b_negative_times=b0_gs, verbose=False, threshold_to_stop=0.001, ) Rinfty = R[-1] Effinfty = effectiveness(Rinfty, R0) Effinfty_values_list.append(Effinfty) x_axis_list.append( f"p_sym = {p_sym},\nκ={round(kappa, 2)},\nR^0_sym={round(R0_sym, 2)},\nR^0_asy={round(R0_asy, 2)}" ) plt.xticks(contribution_of_symptomatics_to_R0_list, x_axis_list, rotation=0) plt.xlim(0.5, 1) plt.ylim(0.13, 0.3) plt.ylabel("Eff_∞") plt.grid(True) plt.plot( contribution_of_symptomatics_to_R0_list, Effinfty_values_list, color="black", ),