コード例 #1
ファイル: hexgrid.py プロジェクト: steinabg/ProjectCA
    def T_1(self, DEBUG = None):  # Water entrainment. IN: Q_a,Q_th,Q_cj,Q_v. OUT: Q_vj,Q_th
        This function calculates the water entrainment.\
        Entrainment is the transport of fluid across an interface\
        between two bodies of fluid by a shear induced turbulent flux.
        I.e. the 'mixing' of two fluids across their interface. \

        #         ipdb.set_trace()
        g_prime = ma.calc_g_prime(self.Nj, self.Q_cj, self.rho_j, self.rho_a, g=self.g)
        if DEBUG is True:
            g_prime[:,:] = 0.5
        Ri = T1.calc_RichardsonNo(g_prime, self.Q_th, self.Q_v)
        # Ri[np.isnan(Ri)] = 0
        # Ri[Ri == 0] = np.inf
        E_wStar = T1.calc_dimlessIncorporationRate(Ri)  # Dimensionless incorporation rate
        E_w = T1.calc_rateOfSeaWaterIncorp(self.Q_v, E_wStar)  # Rate of seawater incorporation
        nQ_th = self.Q_th + T1.calc_changeIn_q_th(E_w, self.dt)  # Update cell current thickness
        # nQ_th[np.isnan(nQ_th)] = 0

        tempQ_cj = T1.calc_new_qcj(self.Q_cj, self.Q_th, nQ_th)
        # tempQ_cj[np.isnan(tempQ_cj)] = 0
        # if (tempQ_cj.sum() - self.Q_cj.sum() > 1e+03):
        #     print("break")

        self.Q_cj[1:-1, 1:-1] = np.round(tempQ_cj[1:-1, 1:-1],15)
        self.Q_th[1:-1, 1:-1] = np.round(nQ_th[1:-1, 1:-1],15)
コード例 #2
 def calc_MaxRelaxationTime(self):  # out: matrix
     g_prime = ma.calc_g_prime(self.Nj,
     r_j = self.calc_RunUpHeight(g_prime)
     r_j[r_j == 0] = np.inf
     g_prime[g_prime == 0] = np.inf
     return (self.dx / 2) / np.sqrt(2 * r_j * g_prime)
コード例 #3
    def I_3(self):  # Should be done
        Update of turbidity flow velocity (speed!). IN: Q_a,Q_th,Q_o,Q_cj. OUT: Q_v.
        #         ipdb.set_trace()
        # g_prime = np.ndarray(Ny,Nx)
        g_prime = ma.calc_g_prime(self.Nj, self.Q_cj, self.rho_j, self.rho_a)
        #         print("self.Q_cj=\n",self.Q_cj)
        #         print("g_prime.shape=",g_prime.shape)
        #         print("self.Q_cj.shape=",self.Q_cj.shape)
        #         print("g_prime I_3 = ", g_prime)
        #         print("g_prime =\n", g_prime)

        sum_q_cj = np.sum(self.Q_cj,
                          axis=2)  # TCurrent sediment volume concentration
        # #         print("sum_q_cj = ", sum_q_cj)
        # #         q_o = self.Q_o[1:-1,1:-1,:]
        # #         print("q_o = ", q_o)
        # #         self.calc_Hdiff()

        U_k = np.zeros((self.Ny - 2, self.Nx - 2, 6))
        # #         diff = self.diff.copy() # TODO! THIS IS WRONG
        # #         print("diff=\n",diff[:,:,0])
        # #         diff[np.isinf(diff)] = 0
        diff = np.zeros((self.Ny - 2, self.Nx - 2, 6))
        for i in range(6):
            sum1 = self.Q_a + self.Q_th
            diff[:, :, i] = (sum1)[1:-1, 1:-1] - (sum1)[self.NEIGHBOR[i]]
        diff[np.isinf(diff)] = 0  # For borders. diff = 0 => U_k = 0. ok.
        # diff[diff<0] = 0 # To avoid negative values in np.sqrt()
        t1 = np.zeros((6, self.Ny - 2, self.Nx - 2))
        for i in range(6):
            t1[i, :, :] = diff[:, :, i]

        for i in range(6):
            comp1 = (8 * g_prime * sum_q_cj)[1:-1, 1:-1] / (self.f *
                                                            (1 + self.a))
            comp2 = (self.Q_o[1:-1, 1:-1, i] * diff[:, :, i])
            temp = np.sqrt(comp1 * comp2)
            U_k[:, :, i] = temp
        # #             print("U_k[:,:,i]=\n",U_k[:,:,i])
        self.Q_v[1:-1, 1:-1] = np.nan_to_num(ma.average_speed_hexagon(U_k))
コード例 #4
ファイル: hexgrid.py プロジェクト: steinabg/ProjectCA
    def I_3(self, DEBUG = None):  # Should be done
        Update of turbidity flow velocity (speed!). IN: Q_a,Q_th,Q_o,Q_cj. OUT: Q_v.
        #         ipdb.set_trace()
        # g_prime = np.ndarray(Ny,Nx)
        g_prime = ma.calc_g_prime(self.Nj, self.Q_cj, self.rho_j, self.rho_a)
        if DEBUG is True:
            g_prime[:,:] = 1
        #         print("self.Q_cj=\n",self.Q_cj)
        #         print("g_prime.shape=",g_prime.shape)
        #         print("self.Q_cj.shape=",self.Q_cj.shape)
        #         print("g_prime I_3 = ", g_prime)
        #         print("g_prime =\n", g_prime)

        sum_q_cj = np.sum(self.Q_cj, axis=2)  # TCurrent sediment volume concentration
        # #         print("sum_q_cj = ", sum_q_cj)
        # #         q_o = self.Q_o[1:-1,1:-1,:]
        # #         print("q_o = ", q_o)
        # #         self.calc_Hdiff()

        U_k = np.zeros((self.Ny - 2, self.Nx - 2, 6))
        # #         print("diff=\n",diff[:,:,0])
        # #         diff[np.isinf(diff)] = 0
        diff = np.zeros((self.Ny - 2, self.Nx - 2, 6))
        sum1 = self.Q_a + self.Q_th
        for i in range(6):
            diff[:, :, i] = np.abs((sum1)[1:-1, 1:-1] - (sum1)[self.NEIGHBOR[i]])
        diff[np.isinf(diff)] = 0  # For borders. diff = 0 => U_k = 0. ok.
        # diff[diff<0] = 0 # To avoid negative values in np.sqrt()

        for i in range(6):
            comp1 = (8 * g_prime * sum_q_cj)[1:-1, 1:-1] / (self.f * (1 + self.a))
            comp2 = (self.Q_o[1:-1, 1:-1, i] * diff[:, :, i])
            comp2[comp2<0] = 0 # TODO: Test om denne kan fjernes
            with np.errstate(invalid='raise'):
                temp = np.sqrt(comp1 * comp2)
            U_k[:, :, i] = temp
        # #             print("U_k[:,:,i]=\n",U_k[:,:,i])
        self.Q_v[1:-1, 1:-1] = np.round(np.nan_to_num(ma.average_speed_hexagon(U_k)),15)
コード例 #5
ファイル: hexgrid.py プロジェクト: steinabg/ProjectCA
    def I_1(self, DEBUG=None):
        This function calculates the turbidity current outflows.\
        IN: Q_a,Q_th,Q_v,Q_cj. OUT: Q_o
        self.p_f = np.deg2rad(1) # Height threshold friction angle

        eligableCells = self.Q_th[1:-1, 1:-1] > 0
        # Step (i): angles beta_i
        g_prime = ma.calc_g_prime(self.Nj, self.Q_cj, self.rho_j, self.rho_a)
        if DEBUG is True:
            g_prime[:,:] = 1
        # h_k = self.calc_BFroudeNo(g_prime)
        g: np.ndarray = g_prime.copy()
        g[g == 0] = np.inf
        h_k = 0.5 * self.Q_v ** 2 / g
        r = self.Q_th + h_k
        #         print("run up height = \n", r)
        central_cell_height = (self.Q_a + r)[1:-1, 1:-1]
        q_i = (self.Q_a + self.Q_th)
        delta = np.zeros((self.Ny - 2, self.Nx - 2, 6))
        delta[:, :, 0] = central_cell_height - q_i[0:self.Ny - 2, 1:self.Nx - 1]
        delta[:, :, 1] = central_cell_height - q_i[0:self.Ny - 2, 2:self.Nx]
        delta[:, :, 2] = central_cell_height - q_i[1:self.Ny - 1, 2:self.Nx]
        delta[:, :, 3] = central_cell_height - q_i[2:self.Ny, 1:self.Nx - 1]
        delta[:, :, 4] = central_cell_height - q_i[2:self.Ny, 0:self.Nx - 2]
        delta[:, :, 5] = central_cell_height - q_i[1:self.Ny - 1, 0:self.Nx - 2]
        delta[np.isinf(delta)] = 0  # q_i is inf at borders. delta = 0 => angle =0 => no transfer
        # print("my rank = {0}\nmy delta[:,:,0]=\n{1}".format(self.my_rank,delta[:,:,0]))

        # debug_delta = np.zeros((6, self.Ny - 2, self.Nx - 2))
        # for i in range(6):
        #     debug_delta[i, :, :] = delta[:, :, i]
        dx = self.dx
        angle = ne.evaluate('arctan2(delta, dx)')
        # debug_angle = np.zeros((6, self.Ny - 2, self.Nx - 2))
        # for i in range(6):
        #     debug_angle[i, :, :] = angle[:, :, i]
        #         print("angle =\n", np.rad2deg(angle))
        indices = angle > self.p_f  # indices(Ny,Nx,6). Dette er basically set A.
        indices *= eligableCells[:, :, np.newaxis]
        #         print("indices\n",indices)
        # debug_indices = np.zeros((6, self.Ny - 2, self.Nx - 2))
        # for i in range(6):
        #     debug_indices[i, :, :] = indices[:, :, i]

        # Average, indices = I_1_doubleforloop(indices, q_i, r, self.Ny, self.Nx, self.p_adh, self.indexMat) # numba function
        for ii in range(6):  # Step (iii) says to go back to step (ii) if a cell is removed.
            NumberOfCellsInA = np.sum(indices, axis=2)  # Cardinality of set A
            #             print("NumberOfCellsInA =\n",NumberOfCellsInA)

            # Step (ii) calculate average
            neighborValues = np.zeros((self.Ny - 2, self.Nx - 2))
            #         print("neighbors=\n", self.NEIGHBOR[0])
            for i in range(6):
                q_i_nb = q_i[self.NEIGHBOR[i]]
                with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
                    indices_for_ne = indices[:, :, i]
                    neighborValues_thread = q_i_nb * indices_for_ne
                    # neighborValues_thread = vectorMultiply(q_i_nb, indices_for_ne)
                    neighborValues_thread[np.isnan(neighborValues_thread)] = 0
                    neighborValues += neighborValues_thread
                    # neighborValues += np.nan_to_num(q_i_nb * indices[:, :,i])
                    # Vi vil bare legge til verdier hvor angle>self.p_f
            #             print("neighborValues=\n", neighborValues)
            p = (r - self.p_adh)[1:-1, 1:-1]
            # p[p<0]=0
            with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
                Average = ne.evaluate('(p + neighborValues) / NumberOfCellsInA')
            Average[np.isinf(Average)] = 0  # for når NumberOfCellsInA =0
            Average[np.isnan(Average)] = 0
            #             print("Average=\n", Average)
            #             print("indices=\n", indices)

            # Step (iii) Eliminate adjacent cells i with q_i >= Average from A.
            for i in range(6):  # Skal sette posisjoner (j) hvor q_i (til nabocelle) > average (i celle j) til 0
                nb = q_i[self.NEIGHBOR[i]]
                itemp = (nb >= Average)
                indices[itemp, i] = 0

        # Step (iv)
        Average[np.isinf(Average)] = 0
        nonNormalizedOutFlow = np.ones((Average.shape + (6,))) * Average[:, :, np.newaxis]
        for i in range(6):
            with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
                nonNormalizedOutFlow[:, :, i] -= np.nan_to_num(q_i[self.NEIGHBOR[i]] * indices[:, :, i])
        nonNormalizedOutFlow *= indices
        # Step (v)
        with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
            normalization = self.Q_th / r  # nu_nf
            normalization[np.isnan(normalization)] = 0
        #         print("normalization=\n", normalization)
        with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
            relaxation = np.sqrt(2 * r * g_prime) * self.dt / (self.dx/2) # dx is intercellular distance. apothem is used in Salles.
            relaxation[relaxation >0.8] = 0.8 # Demper outflow litt
        if np.any(relaxation > 1) or np.any(relaxation < 0): # D'Ambrosio demand
            raise Exception("Warning! I_1 Relaxation > 1!")

        factor = (normalization * relaxation)[1:-1, 1:-1]
        self.Q_o[1:-1, 1:-1,:] = np.round(np.nan_to_num(factor[:,:,None] * nonNormalizedOutFlow), 15)

        if ((np.sum(self.Q_o, axis=2) > self.Q_th)[1:-1,1:-1].sum() > 0):
            ii, jj = np.where(np.sum(self.Q_o,axis=2)>self.Q_th)
            s = ''.join("\nsum(Q_o[%i,%i]) = %.10f > Q_th = %.10f\n" % (ii[x],jj[x],sum(self.Q_o[ii[x],jj[x]]),self.Q_th[ii[x],jj[x]]) for x in range(len(ii)))
            s = s + ''.join("Relaxation = %03f, Normalization = %03f\n" %(relaxation[ii[x],jj[x]], normalization[ii[x],jj[x]]) for x in range(len(ii)))
            raise Exception("I_1 warning! More outflow Q_o than thickness Q_th!" + s)
コード例 #6
    def I_1(self):  # TODO Tror det er feil her!!
        This function calculates the turbidity current outflows.\
        IN: Q_a,Q_th,Q_v,Q_cj. OUT: Q_o
        self.p_f = np.deg2rad(1) # Height threshold friction angle

        eligableCells = self.Q_th[1:-1, 1:-1] > 0
        # Step (i): angles beta_i
        g_prime = ma.calc_g_prime(self.Nj, self.Q_cj, self.rho_j, self.rho_a)
        h_k = self.calc_BFroudeNo(g_prime)
        r = self.Q_th + h_k
        #         print("run up height = \n", r)
        central_cell_height = (self.Q_a + r)[1:-1, 1:-1]
        q_i = (self.Q_a + self.Q_th)
        delta = np.zeros((self.Ny - 2, self.Nx - 2, 6))
        for i in range(6):
            delta[:, :, i] = central_cell_height - q_i[self.NEIGHBOR[i]]
        )] = 0  # q_i is inf at borders. delta = 0 => angle =0 => no transfer

        debug_delta = np.zeros((6, self.Ny - 2, self.Nx - 2))
        for i in range(6):
            debug_delta[i, :, :] = delta[:, :, i]

        angle = np.arctan2(delta, self.dx)
        debug_angle = np.zeros((6, self.Ny - 2, self.Nx - 2))
        for i in range(6):
            debug_angle[i, :, :] = angle[:, :, i]
        #         print("angle =\n", np.rad2deg(angle))
        indices = angle > self.p_f  # indices(Ny,Nx,6). Dette er basically set A.
        indices *= eligableCells[:, :, np.newaxis]
        #         print("indices\n",indices)
        debug_indices = np.zeros((6, self.Ny - 2, self.Nx - 2))
        for i in range(6):
            debug_indices[i, :, :] = indices[:, :, i]
        for ii in range(
        ):  # Step (iii) says to go back to step (ii) if a cell is removed.
            NumberOfCellsInA = np.sum(indices, axis=2)  # Cardinality of set A
            #             print("NumberOfCellsInA =\n",NumberOfCellsInA)

            # Step (ii) calculate average
            neighborValues = np.zeros((self.Ny - 2, self.Nx - 2))
            #         print("neighbors=\n", self.NEIGHBOR[0])
            for i in range(6):
                q_i_nb = q_i[self.NEIGHBOR[i]]
                neighborValues += np.nan_to_num(
                    q_i_nb * indices[:, :, i]
                )  # Vi vil bare legge til verdier hvor angle>self.p_f
            #             print("neighborValues=\n", neighborValues)
            p = (r - self.p_adh)[1:-1, 1:-1]
            # p[p<0]=0
            with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):

                Average = (p + neighborValues) / NumberOfCellsInA
            Average[np.isinf(Average)] = 0  # for når NumberOfCellsInA =0
            Average[np.isnan(Average)] = 0
            #             print("Average=\n", Average)
            #             print("indices=\n", indices)

            # Step (iii) Eliminate adjacent cells i with q_i >= Average from A.
            for i in range(
            ):  # Skal sette posisjoner (j) hvor q_i (til nabocelle) > average (i celle j) til 0
                nb = q_i[self.NEIGHBOR[i]]
                itemp = (nb >= Average)
                indices[itemp, i] = 0
            for i in range(6):
                debug_indices[i, :, :] = indices[:, :, i]
        # Step (iv)
        Average[np.isinf(Average)] = 0  # TODO Testing!
        nonNormalizedOutFlow = np.ones(
            (Average.shape + (6, ))) * Average[:, :, np.newaxis]
        for i in range(6):
            nonNormalizedOutFlow[:, :, i] -= np.nan_to_num(
                q_i[self.NEIGHBOR[i]] * indices[:, :, i])
        nonNormalizedOutFlow *= indices
        # Step (v)
        with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
            normalization = self.Q_th / r  # nu_nf
        #         print("normalization=\n", normalization)
        with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
            relaxation = np.sqrt(2 * r * g_prime) * self.dt / (0.5 * self.dx)
        if (relaxation.any() > 1):
            print("Warning! Relaxation > 1!")

        for i in range(6):
            self.Q_o[1:-1, 1:-1, i] = np.nan_to_num(
                (normalization * relaxation)[1:-1, 1:-1] *
                nonNormalizedOutFlow[:, :, i])

        if ((np.sum(self.Q_o, axis=2) > self.Q_th).sum() > 0):
            print("more outflow than thickness!")