コード例 #1
ファイル: 098.py プロジェクト: hooloong/project-euler-1
 def test(s):
     if full_f[s[0]] == 0: return 0
     c = full_f[s[-1]]
     if c in (0, 2, 3, 7, 8): return 0
     d = full_f[s[-2]]
     if c == 5 and d != 2: return 0
     if c == 6 and d % 2 == 0: return 0
     if d % 2 == 1: return 0
     n = reduce(lambda x,y: x*10+y, (full_f[c] for c in s))
     return n if isqrt(n)**2 == n else 0
コード例 #2
ファイル: 098.py プロジェクト: hooloong/project-euler-1
 def test(s):
     if full_f[s[0]] == 0: return 0
     c = full_f[s[-1]]
     if c in (0, 2, 3, 7, 8): return 0
     d = full_f[s[-2]]
     if c == 5 and d != 2: return 0
     if c == 6 and d % 2 == 0: return 0
     if d % 2 == 1: return 0
     n = reduce(lambda x, y: x * 10 + y, (full_f[c] for c in s))
     return n if isqrt(n)**2 == n else 0
コード例 #3
ファイル: 040.py プロジェクト: hooloong/project-euler-1

#It can be seen that the 12th digit of the fractional part is 1.

#If dn represents the nth digit of the fractional part, find the value of the following expression.

#d1 × d10 × d100 × d1000 × d10000 × d100000 × d1000000


from time import time; t = time()
from mathplus import op, reduce

def idf(n):
    n -= 1
    i = 1
    c = (10**i-10**(i-1))*i
    while n > c:
        n -= c
        i += 1
        c = (10**i-10**(i-1))*i
    u, v = n / i, n % i
    return int(str(10**(i-1)+u)[v])

d = [1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000]
d = map(idf, d)
#print d
print(reduce(op.mul, d, 1))#, time()-t
コード例 #4
ファイル: 088.py プロジェクト: hooloong/project-euler-1
def mul(l):
    return reduce(op.mul, l, 1)
コード例 #5
ファイル: 110.py プロジェクト: hooloong/project-euler-1
#What is the least value of n for which the number of distinct solutions exceeds four million?

#NOTE: This problem is a much more difficult version of problem 108 and as it is well beyond the limitations of a brute force approach it requires a clever implementation.


from time import time; t=time()
from mathplus import reduce, op

M = 4000000
L = M*2-1
S = 15#assert S == int(log(L)/log(3))+1 == len(primes)
primes = (2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47)

min_n = reduce(op.mul, primes, 1)

def get_next(pos, n, k, limit):
    global min_n
    if k >= L:
        if n < min_n: min_n = n
        return True
    #if pos == S: return False
    for p in range(1, limit+1):
        n *= primes[pos]
        if n > min_n: break
        if get_next(pos+1, n, k*(2*p+1), p): break
    return False

get_next(0, 1, 1, M)
コード例 #6
ファイル: 041.py プロジェクト: hooloong/project-euler-1
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#We shall say that an n-digit number is pandigital if it makes use of all the digits 1 to n exactly once. For example, 2143 is a 4-digit pandigital and is also prime.

#What is the largest n-digit pandigital prime that exists?


from time import time
t = time()
from mathplus import first_factor, permutations, reduce

p = 0
for ps in permutations(range(7, 0, -1)):
    if ps[0] == 5: continue
    p = reduce(lambda x, y: 10 * x + y, ps)
    if first_factor(p) == p:

print(p)  #, time()-t
コード例 #7
ファイル: 043.py プロジェクト: hooloong/project-euler-1

from time import time

t = time()
from mathplus import permutations, reduce

def three(d, i):
    return d[i] * 100 + d[i + 1] * 10 + d[i + 2]

ret = []
for d in permutations(range(10)):
    if d[5] != 0 and d[5] != 5: continue
    if d[3] % 2 != 0: continue
    #if three(d, 1) % 2 != 0: continue
    if (d[2] + d[3] + d[4]) % 3 != 0: continue
    #if three(d, 2) % 3 != 0: continue
    #if three(d, 3) % 5 != 0: continue
    if (d[4] * 2 + d[5] * 3 + d[6]) % 7 != 0: continue
    #if three(d, 4) % 7 != 0: continue
    if (d[5] - d[6] + d[7]) % 11 != 0: continue
    #if three(d, 5) % 11 != 0: continue
    if (d[6] * 9 - d[7] * 3 + d[8]) % 13 != 0: continue
    #if three(d, 6) % 13 != 0: continue
    if (-2 * d[7] - 7 * d[8] + d[9]) % 17 != 0: continue
    #if three(d, 7) % 17 != 0: continue
    ret.append(reduce(lambda x, y: 10 * x + y, d))
print(sum(ret))  #, time()-t
コード例 #8
ファイル: 110.py プロジェクト: hooloong/project-euler-1
#NOTE: This problem is a much more difficult version of problem 108 and as it is well beyond the limitations of a brute force approach it requires a clever implementation.


from time import time
t = time()
from mathplus import reduce, op

M = 4000000
L = M * 2 - 1
S = 15  #assert S == int(log(L)/log(3))+1 == len(primes)
primes = (2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47)

min_n = reduce(op.mul, primes, 1)

def get_next(pos, n, k, limit):
    global min_n
    if k >= L:
        if n < min_n: min_n = n
        return True
    #if pos == S: return False
    for p in range(1, limit + 1):
        n *= primes[pos]
        if n > min_n: break
        if get_next(pos + 1, n, k * (2 * p + 1), p): break
    return False

コード例 #9
ファイル: 121.py プロジェクト: hooloong/project-euler-1
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#A bag contains one red disc and one blue disc. In a game of chance a player takes a disc at random and its colour is noted. After each turn the disc is returned to the bag, an extra red disc is added, and another disc is taken at random.

#The player pays £1 to play and wins if they have taken more blue discs than red discs at the end of the game.

#If the game is played for four turns, the probability of a player winning is exactly 11/120, and so the maximum prize fund the banker should allocate for winning in this game would be £10 before they would expect to incur a loss. Note that any payout will be a whole number of pounds and also includes the original £1 paid to play the game, so in the example given the player actually wins £9.

#Find the maximum prize fund that should be allocated to a single game in which fifteen turns are played.


from time import time; t=time()
from mathplus import factorial, product, reduce, op

N = 15
s = 0
for l in product(*([(0, 1)]*N)):
    if sum(l) * 2 > N:
        s += reduce(op.mul,
                ((i + 1) if v == 0 else 1 for i, v in enumerate(l)),

print(factorial(N+1)//s)#, time()-t)
コード例 #10
ファイル: 008.py プロジェクト: hooloong/project-euler-1

from mathplus import op, reduce

CNT = 5
TABLE = '''
TABLE = [int(i) for i in TABLE]

print(max(reduce(op.mul, TABLE[i:i+CNT], 1) for i in range(len(TABLE)-CNT+1)))
コード例 #11
ファイル: 041.py プロジェクト: hooloong/project-euler-1
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#We shall say that an n-digit number is pandigital if it makes use of all the digits 1 to n exactly once. For example, 2143 is a 4-digit pandigital and is also prime.

#What is the largest n-digit pandigital prime that exists?


from time import time; t = time()
from mathplus import first_factor, permutations, reduce

p = 0
for ps in permutations(range(7, 0, -1)):
    if ps[0] == 5: continue
    p = reduce(lambda x, y: 10*x+y, ps)
    if first_factor(p) == p:

print(p)#, time()-t
コード例 #12
ファイル: 043.py プロジェクト: hooloong/project-euler-1
#Find the sum of all 0 to 9 pandigital numbers with this property.


from time import time; t=time()
from mathplus import permutations, reduce

def three(d, i):
    return d[i]*100+d[i+1]*10+d[i+2]

ret = []
for d in permutations(range(10)):
    if d[5] != 0 and d[5] != 5: continue
    if d[3] % 2 != 0: continue
    #if three(d, 1) % 2 != 0: continue
    if (d[2]+d[3]+d[4]) % 3 != 0: continue
    #if three(d, 2) % 3 != 0: continue
    #if three(d, 3) % 5 != 0: continue
    if (d[4]*2+d[5]*3+d[6]) % 7 != 0: continue
    #if three(d, 4) % 7 != 0: continue
    if (d[5]-d[6]+d[7]) % 11 != 0: continue
    #if three(d, 5) % 11 != 0: continue
    if (d[6]*9-d[7]*3+d[8]) % 13 != 0: continue
    #if three(d, 6) % 13 != 0: continue
    if (-2*d[7]-7*d[8]+d[9]) % 17 != 0: continue
    #if three(d, 7) % 17 != 0: continue
    ret.append(reduce(lambda x, y:10*x+y, d))
print(sum(ret))#, time()-t
コード例 #13
ファイル: 088.py プロジェクト: hooloong/project-euler-1
def mul(l):
    return reduce(op.mul, l, 1)
コード例 #14
ファイル: 032.py プロジェクト: hooloong/project-euler-1
def to_int(l):
    return reduce(lambda x, y: x*10+y, l)
コード例 #15
#It can be seen that the 12th digit of the fractional part is 1.

#If dn represents the nth digit of the fractional part, find the value of the following expression.

#d1 × d10 × d100 × d1000 × d10000 × d100000 × d1000000


from time import time
t = time()
from mathplus import op, reduce

def idf(n):
    n -= 1
    i = 1
    c = (10**i - 10**(i - 1)) * i
    while n > c:
        n -= c
        i += 1
        c = (10**i - 10**(i - 1)) * i
    u, v = n / i, n % i
    return int(str(10**(i - 1) + u)[v])

d = [1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000]
d = map(idf, d)
#print d
print(reduce(op.mul, d, 1))  #, time()-t
コード例 #16
ファイル: 121.py プロジェクト: hooloong/project-euler-1
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#A bag contains one red disc and one blue disc. In a game of chance a player takes a disc at random and its colour is noted. After each turn the disc is returned to the bag, an extra red disc is added, and another disc is taken at random.

#The player pays £1 to play and wins if they have taken more blue discs than red discs at the end of the game.

#If the game is played for four turns, the probability of a player winning is exactly 11/120, and so the maximum prize fund the banker should allocate for winning in this game would be £10 before they would expect to incur a loss. Note that any payout will be a whole number of pounds and also includes the original £1 paid to play the game, so in the example given the player actually wins £9.

#Find the maximum prize fund that should be allocated to a single game in which fifteen turns are played.


from time import time
t = time()
from mathplus import factorial, product, reduce, op

N = 15
s = 0
for l in product(*([(0, 1)] * N)):
    if sum(l) * 2 > N:
        s += reduce(op.mul,
                    ((i + 1) if v == 0 else 1 for i, v in enumerate(l)), 1)

print(factorial(N + 1) // s)  #, time()-t)