コード例 #1
ファイル: test_data.py プロジェクト: dyllamt/matminer
class TestMEGNetData(TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.data_source= MEGNetElementData()

    def test_get_property(self):
        embedding_cu = self.data_source.get_elemental_property(Element("Cu"), "embedding 1")
        self.assertAlmostEqual(0.18259364366531372, embedding_cu)

        # MEGNet embeddings have element data for elements 1-94, plus 0 for
        # "dummy" atoms.
        embedding_md = self.data_source.get_elemental_property(Element("Md"), "embedding 1")
        self.assertAlmostEqual(-0.044910576194524765, embedding_md)

        embedding_dummy = self.data_source.all_element_data["Dummy"]["embedding 1"]
        self.assertAlmostEqual(-0.044910576194524765, embedding_dummy)
コード例 #2
    def from_preset(cls, preset_name):
        Return ElementProperty from a preset string
            preset_name: (str) can be one of "magpie", "deml", "matminer",
                "matscholar_el", or "megnet_el".

            ElementProperty based on the preset name.
        if preset_name == "magpie":
            data_source = "magpie"
            features = [
                "Number", "MendeleevNumber", "AtomicWeight", "MeltingT",
                "Column", "Row", "CovalentRadius", "Electronegativity",
                "NsValence", "NpValence", "NdValence", "NfValence", "NValence",
                "NsUnfilled", "NpUnfilled", "NdUnfilled", "NfUnfilled",
                "NUnfilled", "GSvolume_pa", "GSbandgap", "GSmagmom",
            stats = ["minimum", "maximum", "range", "mean", "avg_dev", "mode"]

        elif preset_name == "deml":
            data_source = "deml"
            stats = ["minimum", "maximum", "range", "mean", "std_dev"]
            features = [
                "atom_num", "atom_mass", "row_num", "col_num", "atom_radius",
                "molar_vol", "heat_fusion", "melting_point", "boiling_point",
                "heat_cap", "first_ioniz", "electronegativity", "electric_pol",
                "GGAU_Etot", "mus_fere", "FERE correction"

        elif preset_name == "matminer":
            data_source = "pymatgen"
            stats = ["minimum", "maximum", "range", "mean", "std_dev"]
            features = [
                "X", "row", "group", "block", "atomic_mass", "atomic_radius",
                "mendeleev_no", "electrical_resistivity", "velocity_of_sound",
                "thermal_conductivity", "melting_point", "bulk_modulus",

        elif preset_name == "matscholar_el":
            data_source = "matscholar_el"
            stats = ["minimum", "maximum", "range", "mean", "std_dev"]
            features = MatscholarElementData().prop_names

        elif preset_name == "megnet_el":
            data_source = "megnet_el"
            stats = ["minimum", "maximum", "range", "mean", "std_dev"]
            features = MEGNetElementData().prop_names

            raise ValueError("Invalid preset_name specified!")

        return cls(data_source, features, stats)
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self, data_source, features, stats):
        if data_source == "pymatgen":
            self.data_source = PymatgenData()
        elif data_source == "magpie":
            self.data_source = MagpieData()
        elif data_source == "deml":
            self.data_source = DemlData()
        elif data_source == "matscholar_el":
            self.data_source = MatscholarElementData()
        elif data_source == "megnet_el":
            self.data_source = MEGNetElementData()
            self.data_source = data_source

        self.features = features
        self.stats = stats
        # Initialize stats computer
        self.pstats = PropertyStats()
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_data.py プロジェクト: sparks-baird/matminer
 def setUp(self):
     self.data_source = MEGNetElementData()
コード例 #5
class ElementProperty(BaseFeaturizer):
    Class to calculate elemental property attributes.

    To initialize quickly, use the from_preset() method.

    Features: Based on the statistics of the data_source chosen, computed
    by element stoichiometry. The format generally is:

    "{data source} {statistic} {property}"

    For example:

    "PymetgenData range X"  # Range of electronegativity from Pymatgen data

    For a list of all statistics, see the PropertyStats documentation; for a
    list of all attributes available for a given data_source, see the
    documentation for the data sources (e.g., PymatgenData, MagpieData,
    MatscholarElementData, etc.).

        data_source (AbstractData or str): source from which to retrieve
            element property data (or use str for preset: "pymatgen",
            "magpie", or "deml")
        features (list of strings): List of elemental properties to use
            (these must be supported by data_source)
        stats (list of strings): a list of weighted statistics to compute to for each
            property (see PropertyStats for available stats)
    def __init__(self, data_source, features, stats):
        if data_source == "pymatgen":
            self.data_source = PymatgenData()
        elif data_source == "magpie":
            self.data_source = MagpieData()
        elif data_source == "deml":
            self.data_source = DemlData()
        elif data_source == "matscholar_el":
            self.data_source = MatscholarElementData()
        elif data_source == "megnet_el":
            self.data_source = MEGNetElementData()
            self.data_source = data_source

        self.features = features
        self.stats = stats
        # Initialize stats computer
        self.pstats = PropertyStats()

    def from_preset(cls, preset_name):
        Return ElementProperty from a preset string
            preset_name: (str) can be one of "magpie", "deml", "matminer",
                "matscholar_el", or "megnet_el".

            ElementProperty based on the preset name.
        if preset_name == "magpie":
            data_source = "magpie"
            features = [
                "Number", "MendeleevNumber", "AtomicWeight", "MeltingT",
                "Column", "Row", "CovalentRadius", "Electronegativity",
                "NsValence", "NpValence", "NdValence", "NfValence", "NValence",
                "NsUnfilled", "NpUnfilled", "NdUnfilled", "NfUnfilled",
                "NUnfilled", "GSvolume_pa", "GSbandgap", "GSmagmom",
            stats = ["minimum", "maximum", "range", "mean", "avg_dev", "mode"]

        elif preset_name == "deml":
            data_source = "deml"
            stats = ["minimum", "maximum", "range", "mean", "std_dev"]
            features = [
                "atom_num", "atom_mass", "row_num", "col_num", "atom_radius",
                "molar_vol", "heat_fusion", "melting_point", "boiling_point",
                "heat_cap", "first_ioniz", "electronegativity", "electric_pol",
                "GGAU_Etot", "mus_fere", "FERE correction"

        elif preset_name == "matminer":
            data_source = "pymatgen"
            stats = ["minimum", "maximum", "range", "mean", "std_dev"]
            features = [
                "X", "row", "group", "block", "atomic_mass", "atomic_radius",
                "mendeleev_no", "electrical_resistivity", "velocity_of_sound",
                "thermal_conductivity", "melting_point", "bulk_modulus",

        elif preset_name == "matscholar_el":
            data_source = "matscholar_el"
            stats = ["minimum", "maximum", "range", "mean", "std_dev"]
            features = MatscholarElementData().prop_names

        elif preset_name == "megnet_el":
            data_source = "megnet_el"
            stats = ["minimum", "maximum", "range", "mean", "std_dev"]
            features = MEGNetElementData().prop_names

            raise ValueError("Invalid preset_name specified!")

        return cls(data_source, features, stats)

    def featurize(self, comp):
        Get elemental property attributes

            comp: Pymatgen composition object

            all_attributes: Specified property statistics of features

        all_attributes = []

        # Get the element names and fractions
        elements, fractions = zip(*comp.element_composition.items())

        for attr in self.features:
            elem_data = [
                self.data_source.get_elemental_property(e, attr)
                for e in elements

            for stat in self.stats:
                    self.pstats.calc_stat(elem_data, stat, fractions))

        return all_attributes

    def feature_labels(self):
        labels = []
        for attr in self.features:
            src = self.data_source.__class__.__name__
            for stat in self.stats:
                labels.append(f"{src} {stat} {attr}")
        return labels

    def citations(self):
        if self.data_source.__class__.__name__ == "MagpieData":
            citation = [
                "@article{ward_agrawal_choudary_wolverton_2016, title={A general-purpose "
                "machine learning framework for predicting properties of inorganic materials}, "
                "volume={2}, DOI={10.1038/npjcompumats.2017.28}, number={1}, journal={npj "
                "Computational Materials}, author={Ward, Logan and Agrawal, Ankit and Choudhary, "
                "Alok and Wolverton, Christopher}, year={2016}}"
        elif self.data_source.__class__.__name__ == "DemlData":
            citation = [
                "@article{deml_ohayre_wolverton_stevanovic_2016, title={Predicting density "
                "functional theory total energies and enthalpies of formation of metal-nonmetal "
                "compounds by linear regression}, volume={47}, DOI={10.1002/chin.201644254}, "
                "number={44}, journal={ChemInform}, author={Deml, Ann M. and Ohayre, Ryan and "
                "Wolverton, Chris and Stevanovic, Vladan}, year={2016}}"
        elif self.data_source.__class__.__name__ == "PymatgenData":
            citation = [
                "@article{Ong2013, author = {Ong, Shyue Ping and Richards, William Davidson and Jain, Anubhav and Hautier, "
                "Geoffroy and Kocher, Michael and Cholia, Shreyas and Gunter, Dan and Chevrier, Vincent L. and Persson, "
                "Kristin A. and Ceder, Gerbrand}, doi = {10.1016/j.commatsci.2012.10.028}, issn = {09270256}, "
                "journal = {Computational Materials Science}, month = {feb}, pages = {314--319}, "
                "publisher = {Elsevier B.V.}, title = {{Python Materials Genomics (pymatgen): A robust, open-source python "
                "library for materials analysis}}, url = {http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0927025612006295}, "
                "volume = {68}, year = {2013} } "
        elif self.data_source.__class__.__name__ == "MEGNetElementData":
            # TODO: Cite MEGNet publication (not preprint) once released!
            citation = [
                "author = {{Chen}, Chi and {Ye}, Weike and {Zuo}, Yunxing and {Zheng}, Chen and {Ong}, Shyue Ping},"
                "title = '{Graph Networks as a Universal Machine Learning Framework for Molecules and Crystals}',"
                "journal = {arXiv e-prints},"
                "keywords = {Condensed Matter - Materials Science, Physics - Computational Physics},"
                "year = '2018',"
                "month = 'Dec',"
                "eid = {arXiv:1812.05055},"
                "pages = {arXiv:1812.05055},"
                "archivePrefix = {arXiv},"
                "eprint = {1812.05055},"
                "primaryClass = {cond-mat.mtrl-sci},"
                "adsurl = {https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/\#abs/2018arXiv181205055C},"
                "adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}}"
            citation = []
        return citation

    def implementors(self):
        return ["Jiming Chen", "Logan Ward", "Anubhav Jain", "Alex Dunn"]
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_data.py プロジェクト: ardunn/MatMiner
 def setUp(self):
     self.data_source= MEGNetElementData()