class PlatformExtrinsics3DPlot(wx.Panel): def __init__(self, parent): wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent) self.initialize() def initialize(self): fig = Figure(facecolor=(0.7490196,0.7490196,0.7490196,1), tight_layout=True) self.canvas = FigureCanvasWxAgg(self, -1, fig) self.canvas.SetExtraStyle(wx.EXPAND) = fig.gca(projection='3d', axisbg=(0.7490196,0.7490196,0.7490196,1)) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.onSize) self.Layout() def onSize(self,event): self.canvas.SetClientSize(self.GetClientSize()) self.canvas.draw() self.Layout() def add(self, args): R, t, center, point, normal, [x,y,z], circle = args # plot the surface, data, and synthetic circle, z, y, c='b', marker='o')[0], center[2], center[1], c='b', marker='o')[0], circle[2], circle[1], c='r') d = profile.getProfileSettingFloat('pattern_distance')[t[0],t[0]+50*R[0][0]], [t[2],t[2]+50*R[2][0]], [t[1],t[1]+50*R[1][0]], linewidth=2.0, color='red')[t[0],t[0]+50*R[0][1]], [t[2],t[2]+50*R[2][1]], [t[1],t[1]+50*R[1][1]], linewidth=2.0, color='green')[t[0],t[0]+d*R[0][2]], [t[2],t[2]+d*R[2][2]], [t[1],t[1]+d*R[1][2]], linewidth=2.0, color='blue')[0,50], [0,0], [0,0], linewidth=2.0, color='red')[0,0], [0,0], [0,50], linewidth=2.0, color='green')[0,0], [0,50], [0,0], linewidth=2.0, color='blue')'X')'Z')'Y'), 150), 400), 150) self.canvas.draw() self.Layout() def clear(self):
class LaserTriangulation3DPlot(wx.Panel): def __init__(self, parent): wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent) self.initialize() def initialize(self): fig = Figure(facecolor=(0.7490196, 0.7490196, 0.7490196, 1), tight_layout=True) self.canvas = FigureCanvasWxAgg(self, -1, fig) self.canvas.SetExtraStyle(wx.EXPAND) = fig.gca(projection='3d', axisbg=(0.7490196, 0.7490196, 0.7490196, 1)) self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.onSize) self.Layout() def onSize(self, event): self.canvas.SetClientSize(self.GetClientSize()) self.canvas.draw() self.Layout() def add(self, args): dL, nL, stdL, dR, nR, stdR = args rL = np.cross(np.array([0, 0, 1]), nL) sL = np.cross(rL, nL) RL = np.array([rL, sL, nL]) rR = np.cross(np.array([0, 0, 1]), nR) sR = np.cross(rR, nR) RR = np.array([rR, sR, nR]) self.addPlane(RL, dL * nL) self.addPlane(RR, dR * nR)[0, 50], [0, 0], [0, 0], linewidth=2.0, color='red')[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 50], linewidth=2.0, color='green')[0, 0], [0, 50], [0, 0], linewidth=2.0, color='blue')'X')'Z')'Y'), 0, 0, str(round(stdL, 5)), fontsize=15), 0, 0, str(round(stdR, 5)), fontsize=15), 150), 400), 150) self.canvas.draw() self.Layout() def addPlane(self, R, t): w = 200 h = 300 p = np.array([[-w / 2, -h / 2, 0], [-w / 2, h / 2, 0], [w / 2, h / 2, 0], [w / 2, -h / 2, 0], [-w / 2, -h / 2, 0]]) n = np.array([[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1]])[0, t[0]], [0, t[2]], [0, t[1]], linewidth=2.0, color='yellow') points =, p.T) + np.array([t, t, t, t, t]).T normals =, n.T) X = np.array([points[0], normals[0]]) Y = np.array([points[1], normals[1]]) Z = np.array([points[2], normals[2]]), Z, Y, linewidth=0, color=(1, 0, 0, 0.8)) self.canvas.draw() def clear(self):
class CameraIntrinsics3DPlot(wx.Panel): def __init__(self, parent): wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent) self.initialize() def initialize(self): self.fig = Figure(facecolor=(0.7490196, 0.7490196, 0.7490196, 1), tight_layout=True) self.canvas = FigureCanvasWxAgg(self, -1, self.fig) self.canvas.SetExtraStyle(wx.EXPAND) = self.fig.gca(projection='3d', axisbg=(0.7490196, 0.7490196, 0.7490196, 1)) self.print_canvas() self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.on_size) self.Layout() def on_size(self, event): self.canvas.SetClientSize(self.GetClientSize()) self.Layout() event.Skip() def print_canvas(self):[0, 50], [0, 0], [0, 0], linewidth=2.0, color='red')[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 50], linewidth=2.0, color='green')[0, 0], [0, 50], [0, 0], linewidth=2.0, color='blue')'X')'Z')'Y'), 150), 500), 150) def add(self, error, rvecs, tvecs): w = pattern.columns * pattern.square_width h = pattern.rows * pattern.square_width p = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [w, 0, 0], [w, h, 0], [0, h, 0], [0, 0, 0]]) n = np.array([[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1]]) c = np.array([[30, 0, 0], [0, 30, 0], [0, 0, -30]]), 200, 0, str(round(error, 5)), fontsize=15) for ind, transvector in enumerate(rvecs): R = cv2.Rodrigues(transvector)[0] t = tvecs[ind] points = (, p.T) + np.array([t, t, t, t, t]).T)[0] normals =, n.T) X = np.array([points[0], normals[0]]) Y = np.array([points[1], normals[1]]) Z = np.array([points[2], normals[2]]) coords = (, c.T) + np.array([t, t, t]).T)[0] CX = coords[0] CY = coords[1] CZ = coords[2] color = (random.random(), random.random(), random.random(), 0.8), Z, Y, linewidth=0, color=color)[t[0][0], CX[0]], [t[2][0], CZ[0]], [t[1][0], CY[0]], linewidth=1.0, color='green')[t[0][0], CX[1]], [t[2][0], CZ[1]], [t[1][0], CY[1]], linewidth=1.0, color='red')[t[0][0], CX[2]], [t[2][0], CZ[2]], [t[1][0], CY[2]], linewidth=1.0, color='blue') self.canvas.draw() self.Layout() def clear(self): self.print_canvas()
class PlotPanel(BasePanel): """ MatPlotlib 2D plot as a wx.Panel, suitable for embedding in any wx.Frame. This does provide a right-click popup menu for configuration, zooming, saving an image of the figure, and Ctrl-C for copy-image-to-clipboard. For more features, see PlotFrame, which embeds a PlotPanel and also provides, a Menu, StatusBar, and Printing support. """ def __init__(self, parent, size=(700, 450), dpi=150, axisbg=None, facecolor=None, fontsize=9, trace_color_callback=None, output_title='plot', with_data_process=True, theme=None, **kws): self.trace_color_callback = trace_color_callback BasePanel.__init__(self, parent, output_title=output_title, size=size, **kws) self.conf = PlotConfig(panel=self, theme=theme, with_data_process=with_data_process) self.data_range = {} self.win_config = None self.cursor_callback = None self.lasso_callback = None self.cursor_mode = 'zoom' self.parent = parent self.figsize = (size[0]*1.0/dpi, size[1]*1.0/dpi) self.dpi = dpi self.conf.facecolor = ifnotNone(axisbg, self.conf.facecolor) self.conf.facecolor = ifnotNone(facecolor, self.conf.facecolor) # axesmargins : margins in px left/top/right/bottom self.axesmargins = (30, 30, 30, 30) self.BuildPanel() self.conf.user_limits = {} # [None, None, None, None] self.data_range = {} self.conf.zoom_lims = [] self.conf.axes_traces = {} self.use_dates = False self.dates_style = None def plot(self, xdata, ydata, side='left', title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, y2label=None, use_dates=False, dates_style=None, **kws): """ create a new plot of x/y data, clearing any existing plot on the panel """ allaxes = self.fig.get_axes() if len(allaxes) > 1: for ax in allaxes[1:]: if ax in self.data_range: self.data_range.pop(ax) self.fig.delaxes(ax) self.data_range = {} self.conf.zoom_lims = [] self.conf.axes_traces = {} self.clear() axes = self.axes if side == 'right': axes = self.get_right_axes() self.conf.reset_lines() self.conf.yscale = 'linear' self.conf.user_limits[axes] = 4*[None] if xlabel is not None: self.set_xlabel(xlabel, delay_draw=True) if ylabel is not None: self.set_ylabel(ylabel, delay_draw=True) if y2label is not None: self.set_y2label(y2label, delay_draw=True) if title is not None: self.set_title(title, delay_draw=True) self.dates_style = ifnotNone(dates_style, self.dates_style) self.use_dates = ifnotNone(use_dates, self.use_dates) return self.oplot(xdata, ydata, side=side, **kws) def oplot(self, xdata, ydata, side='left', label=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, y2label=None, title=None, dy=None, ylog_scale=None, xlog_scale=None, grid=None, xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, color=None, style=None, drawstyle=None, linewidth=2, marker=None, markersize=None, refresh=True, show_legend=None, legend_loc='best', legend_on=True, delay_draw=False, bgcolor=None, framecolor=None, gridcolor=None, labelfontsize=None, titlefontsize=None, legendfontsize=None, fullbox=None, axes_style=None, zorder=None, viewpad=None, theme=None, use_dates=None, dates_style=None, **kws): """ basic plot method, adding to an existing display """ self.cursor_mode = 'zoom' conf = self.conf conf.plot_type = 'lineplot' axes = self.axes if theme is not None: conf.set_theme(theme=theme) if side == 'right': axes = self.get_right_axes() # set y scale to log/linear if ylog_scale is not None: conf.yscale = {False:'linear', True:'log'}[ylog_scale] if xlog_scale is not None: conf.xscale = {False:'linear', True:'log'}[xlog_scale] axes.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(self.xformatter)) self.dates_style = ifnotNone(dates_style, self.dates_style) self.use_dates = ifnotNone(use_dates, self.use_dates) if isinstance(xdata[0], datetime): self.use_dates = True if self.use_dates: # date handling options to get xdate to mpl dates # 1. xdate are in datetime: convert to mpl dates # 2. xdata are strings: parse with datestr2num # 3. xdata are floats: # a) dates_styles=='dates': use directly # b) else: convert as unix timestamp to mpl dates x0 = xdata[0] dstyle = self.dates_style if dstyle is None: dstyle = '' if isinstance(x0, datetime): xdata = dates.date2num(xdata) elif isinstance(x0, str) or dstyle.lower().startswith('str'): xdata = dates.datestr2num(xdata) elif not dstyle.lower().startswith('dates'): xdata = dates.epoch2num(xdata) linewidth = ifNone(linewidth, 2) conf.viewpad = ifnotNone(viewpad, conf.viewpad) if xlabel is not None: self.set_xlabel(xlabel, delay_draw=delay_draw) if ylabel is not None: self.set_ylabel(ylabel, delay_draw=delay_draw) if y2label is not None: self.set_y2label(y2label, delay_draw=delay_draw) if title is not None: self.set_title(title, delay_draw=delay_draw) if show_legend is not None: conf.set_legend_location(legend_loc, legend_on) conf.show_legend = show_legend conf.show_grid = ifnotNone(grid, conf.show_grid) # set data range for this trace # datarange = [min(xdata), max(xdata), min(ydata), max(ydata)] if axes not in conf.user_limits: conf.user_limits[axes] = [None, None, None, None] conf.user_limits[axes][0] = ifnotNone(xmin, conf.user_limits[axes][0]) conf.user_limits[axes][1] = ifnotNone(xmax, conf.user_limits[axes][1]) conf.user_limits[axes][2] = ifnotNone(ymin, conf.user_limits[axes][2]) conf.user_limits[axes][3] = ifnotNone(ymax, conf.user_limits[axes][3]) if axes == self.axes: axes.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(self.yformatter)) else: axes.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(self.y2formatter)) zorder = ifNone(zorder, 5*(conf.ntrace+1)) if axes not in conf.axes_traces: conf.axes_traces[axes] = [] conf.axes_traces[axes].append(conf.ntrace) conf.gridcolor = ifnotNone(gridcolor, conf.gridcolor) conf.facecolor = ifnotNone(bgcolor, conf.facecolor) if framecolor is not None: self.canvas.figure.set_facecolor(framecolor) conf.set_trace_zorder(zorder, delay_draw=True) if color: conf.set_trace_color(color, delay_draw=True) if style: conf.set_trace_style(style, delay_draw=True) if marker: conf.set_trace_marker(marker, delay_draw=True) if linewidth is not None: conf.set_trace_linewidth(linewidth, delay_draw=True) if markersize is not None: conf.set_trace_markersize(markersize, delay_draw=True) if drawstyle is not None: conf.set_trace_drawstyle(drawstyle, delay_draw=True) if dy is None: _lines = axes.plot(xdata, ydata, drawstyle=drawstyle, zorder=zorder) else: _lines = axes.errorbar(xdata, ydata, yerr=dy, zorder=zorder) if axes not in conf.data_save: conf.data_save[axes] = [] conf.data_save[axes].append((xdata, ydata)) if conf.show_grid and axes == self.axes: # I'm sure there's a better way... for i in axes.get_xgridlines() + axes.get_ygridlines(): i.set_color(conf.gridcolor) i.set_zorder(-100) axes.grid(True) else: axes.grid(False) if (self.conf.xscale == 'log' or self.conf.yscale == 'log'): self.set_logscale(xscale=self.conf.xscale, yscale=self.conf.yscale, delay_draw=delay_draw) if label is None: label = 'trace %i' % (conf.ntrace+1) conf.set_trace_label(label, delay_draw=True) needs_relabel = False if labelfontsize is not None: conf.labelfont.set_size(labelfontsize) needs_relabel = True if titlefontsize is not None: conf.titlefont.set_size(titlefontsize) needs_relabel = True if legendfontsize is not None: conf.legendfont.set_size(legendfontsize) needs_relabel = True if conf.ntrace < len(conf.lines): conf.lines[conf.ntrace] = _lines else: conf.init_trace(conf.ntrace, 'black', 'solid') conf.lines.append(_lines) # now set plot limits: if not delay_draw: self.set_viewlimits() if refresh: conf.refresh_trace(conf.ntrace) needs_relabel = True if conf.show_legend and not delay_draw: conf.draw_legend() if needs_relabel and not delay_draw: conf.relabel() # axes style ('box' or 'open') conf.axes_style = 'box' if fullbox is not None and not fullbox: conf.axes_style = 'open' if axes_style in ('open', 'box', 'bottom'): conf.axes_style = axes_style conf.set_axes_style(delay_draw=delay_draw) if not delay_draw: self.draw() self.canvas.Refresh() conf.ntrace = conf.ntrace + 1 return _lines def plot_many(self, datalist, side='left', title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, **kws): """ plot many traces at once, taking a list of (x, y) pairs """ def unpack_tracedata(tdat, **kws): if (isinstance(tdat, dict) and 'xdata' in tdat and 'ydata' in tdat): xdata = tdat.pop('xdata') ydata = tdat.pop('ydata') out = kws out.update(tdat) elif isinstance(tdat, (list, tuple)): out = kws xdata = tdat[0] ydata = tdat[1] return (xdata, ydata, out) opts = dict(side=side, title=title, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, delay_draw=True) opts.update(kws) x0, y0, opts = unpack_tracedata(datalist[0], **opts) self.plot(x0, y0, **opts) for dat in datalist[1:]: x, y, opts = unpack_tracedata(dat, delay_draw=True) self.oplot(x, y, **opts) self.reset_formats() conf = self.conf if conf.show_legend: conf.draw_legend() conf.relabel() self.draw() self.canvas.Refresh() def add_text(self, text, x, y, side='left', size=None, rotation=None, ha='left', va='center', family=None, **kws): """add text at supplied x, y position """ axes = self.axes if side == 'right': axes = self.get_right_axes() dynamic_size = False if size is None: size = self.conf.legendfont.get_size() dynamic_size = True t = axes.text(x, y, text, ha=ha, va=va, size=size, rotation=rotation, family=family, **kws) self.conf.added_texts.append((dynamic_size, t)) self.draw() def add_arrow(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, side='left', shape='full', color='black', width=0.01, head_width=0.03, overhang=0, **kws): """add arrow supplied x, y position""" dx, dy = x2-x1, y2-y1 axes = self.axes if side == 'right': axes = self.get_right_axes() axes.arrow(x1, y1, dx, dy, shape=shape, length_includes_head=True, fc=color, edgecolor=color, width=width, head_width=head_width, overhang=overhang, **kws) self.draw() def scatterplot(self, xdata, ydata, label=None, size=10, color=None, edgecolor=None, selectcolor=None, selectedge=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, y2label=None, xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, viewpad=None, title=None, grid=None, callback=None, **kw): if xlabel is not None: self.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel is not None: self.set_ylabel(ylabel) if y2label is not None: self.set_y2label(y2label) if title is not None: self.set_title(title) if grid is not None: self.conf.show_grid = grid if callback is not None: self.lasso_callback = callback self.conf.plot_type = 'scatter' self.cursor_mode = 'lasso' if color is not None: self.conf.scatter_normalcolor = color if edgecolor is not None: self.conf.scatter_normaledge = edgecolor if selectcolor is not None: self.conf.scatter_selectcolor = selectcolor if selectedge is not None: self.conf.scatter_selectedge = selectedge if viewpad is not None: self.conf.viewpad = viewpad axes = self.axes self.conf.user_limits[axes] = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] self.conf.axes_traces = {axes: [0]} self.conf.set_trace_label('scatterplot') # self.conf.set_trace_datarange((min(xdata), max(xdata), # min(ydata), max(ydata))) self.conf.scatter_xdata = xdata self.conf.scatter_ydata = ydata self.axes.scatter(xdata, ydata, c=self.conf.scatter_normalcolor, edgecolors=self.conf.scatter_normaledge) if self.conf.show_grid: for i in axes.get_xgridlines()+axes.get_ygridlines(): i.set_color(self.conf.gridcolor) i.set_zorder(-30) axes.grid(True) else: axes.grid(False) xrange = max(xdata) - min(xdata) yrange = max(ydata) - min(ydata) xmin = min(xdata) - xrange/25.0 xmax = max(xdata) + xrange/25.0 ymin = min(ydata) - yrange/25.0 ymax = max(ydata) + yrange/25.0 axes.set_xlim((xmin, xmax), emit=True) axes.set_ylim((ymin, ymax), emit=True) self.set_viewlimits() self.draw() def lassoHandler(self, vertices): conf = self.conf if self.conf.plot_type == 'scatter': xd, yd = conf.scatter_xdata, conf.scatter_ydata sdat = list(zip(xd, yd)) oldmask = conf.scatter_mask try: self.axes.scatter(xd[where(oldmask)], yd[where(oldmask)], s=conf.scatter_size, c=conf.scatter_normalcolor, edgecolors=conf.scatter_normaledge) except IndexError: self.axes.scatter(xd, yd, s=conf.scatter_size, c=conf.scatter_normalcolor, edgecolors=conf.scatter_normaledge) mask = conf.scatter_mask = inside_poly(vertices, sdat) pts = nonzero(mask)[0] self.axes.scatter(xd[where(mask)], yd[where(mask)], s=conf.scatter_size, c=conf.scatter_selectcolor, edgecolors=conf.scatter_selectedge) else: xdata = self.axes.lines[0].get_xdata() ydata = self.axes.lines[0].get_ydata() sdat = [(x, y) for x, y in zip(xdata, ydata)] mask = inside_poly(vertices,sdat) pts = nonzero(mask)[0] self.lasso = None self.draw() # self.canvas.draw_idle() if (self.lasso_callback is not None and hasattr(self.lasso_callback , '__call__')): self.lasso_callback(data = sdat, selected=pts, mask=mask) def set_xylims(self, limits, axes=None, side='left'): "set user-defined limits and apply them" if axes is None: axes = self.axes if side == 'right': axes = self.get_right_axes() self.conf.user_limits[axes] = list(limits) self.unzoom_all() def set_viewlimits(self): """updates xy limits of a plot based on current data, user defined limits, and any zoom level """ self.reset_formats() self.conf.set_viewlimits() def get_viewlimits(self, axes=None): if axes is None: axes = self.axes xmin, xmax = axes.get_xlim() ymin, ymax = axes.get_ylim() return (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) def clear(self): """ clear plot """ for ax in self.fig.get_axes(): ax.cla() self.conf.ntrace = 0 self.conf.xlabel = '' self.conf.ylabel = '' self.conf.y2label = '' self.conf.title = '' self.conf.data_save = {} def reset_config(self): """reset configuration to defaults.""" self.conf.set_defaults() def unzoom(self, event=None, **kws): """ zoom out 1 level, or to full data range """ self.reset_formats() self.conf.unzoom(full=False) def unzoom_all(self, event=None): """ zoom out full data range """ self.reset_formats() self.conf.unzoom(full=True) def process_data(self, event=None, expr=None): if expr in self.conf.data_expressions: self.conf.data_expr = expr self.conf.process_data() self.draw() if expr is None: expr = '' if self.conf.data_deriv: if expr is None: expr = 'y' expr = "deriv(%s)" % expr self.write_message("plotting %s" % expr, panel=0) def toggle_deriv(self, evt=None, value=None): "toggle derivative of data" if value is None: self.conf.data_deriv = not self.conf.data_deriv expr = self.conf.data_expr or '' if self.conf.data_deriv: expr = "deriv(%s)" % expr self.write_message("plotting %s" % expr, panel=0) self.conf.process_data() def set_logscale(self, event=None, xscale='linear', yscale='linear', delay_draw=False): "set log or linear scale for x, y axis" self.conf.set_logscale(xscale=xscale, yscale=yscale, delay_draw=delay_draw) def toggle_legend(self, evt=None, show=None): "toggle legend display" if show is None: show = not self.conf.show_legend self.conf.show_legend = show self.conf.draw_legend() def toggle_grid(self, evt=None, show=None): "toggle grid display" if show is None: show = not self.conf.show_grid self.conf.enable_grid(show) def configure(self, event=None): """show configuration frame""" if self.win_config is not None: try: self.win_config.Raise() except: self.win_config = None if self.win_config is None: self.win_config = PlotConfigFrame(parent=self, config=self.conf, trace_color_callback=self.trace_color_callback) self.win_config.Raise() #### ## create GUI #### def BuildPanel(self): """ builds basic GUI panel and popup menu""" self.fig = Figure(self.figsize, dpi=self.dpi) # 1 axes for now self.gridspec = GridSpec(1,1) self.axes = self.fig.add_subplot(self.gridspec[0], facecolor=self.conf.facecolor) self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self, -1, self.fig) self.canvas.SetClientSize((self.figsize[0]*self.dpi, self.figsize[1]*self.dpi)) self.canvas.SetMinSize((100, 100)) self.printer.canvas = self.canvas self.set_bg(self.conf.framecolor) self.conf.canvas = self.canvas self.canvas.SetCursor(wxCursor(wx.CURSOR_CROSS)) self.canvas.mpl_connect("pick_event", self.__onPickEvent) # overwrite ScalarFormatter from here: self.axes.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(self.xformatter)) self.axes.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(self.yformatter)) # This way of adding to sizer allows resizing sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer.Add(self.canvas, 2, wx.LEFT|wx.TOP|wx.BOTTOM|wx.EXPAND, 0) # self.SetAutoLayout(True) self.autoset_margins() self.SetSizer(sizer) self.SetSize(self.GetBestVirtualSize()) canvas_draw = self.canvas.draw def draw(*args, **kws): self.autoset_margins() canvas_draw(*args, **kws) self.canvas.draw = draw self.addCanvasEvents() def BuildPopup(self): # build pop-up menu for right-click display self.popup_menu = popup = wx.Menu() MenuItem(self, popup, 'Configure', '', self.configure) MenuItem(self, popup, 'Save Image', '', self.save_figure) popup.AppendSeparator() MenuItem(self, popup, 'Undo Zoom/Pan', '', self.unzoom) MenuItem(self, popup, 'Zoom all the way out', '', self.unzoom_all) popup.AppendSeparator() MenuItem(self, popup, 'Zoom X and Y', '', partial(self.onZoomStyle, style='both x and y'), kind=wx.ITEM_RADIO, checked=True) MenuItem(self, popup, 'Zoom X Only', '', partial(self.onZoomStyle, style='x only'), kind=wx.ITEM_RADIO) MenuItem(self, popup, 'Zoom Y Only', '', partial(self.onZoomStyle, style='y only'), kind=wx.ITEM_RADIO) def onZoomStyle(self, event=None, style='both x and y'): self.conf.zoom_style = style def _updateCanvasDraw(self): """ Overload of the draw function that update axes position before each draw""" fn = self.canvas.draw def draw2(*a,**k): self._updateGridSpec() return fn(*a,**k) self.canvas.draw = draw2 def get_default_margins(self): """get default margins""" trans = self.fig.transFigure.inverted().transform # Static margins l, t, r, b = self.axesmargins (l, b), (r, t) = trans(((l, b), (r, t))) # Extent dl, dt, dr, db = 0, 0, 0, 0 for i, ax in enumerate(self.fig.get_axes()): (x0, y0),(x1, y1) = ax.get_position().get_points() try: (ox0, oy0), (ox1, oy1) = ax.get_tightbbox(self.canvas.get_renderer()).get_points() (ox0, oy0), (ox1, oy1) = trans(((ox0 ,oy0),(ox1 ,oy1))) dl = min(0.2, max(dl, (x0 - ox0))) dt = min(0.2, max(dt, (oy1 - y1))) dr = min(0.2, max(dr, (ox1 - x1))) db = min(0.2, max(db, (y0 - oy0))) except: pass return (l + dl, t + dt, r + dr, b + db) def autoset_margins(self): """auto-set margins left, bottom, right, top according to the specified margins (in pixels) and axes extent (taking into account labels, title, axis) """ if not self.conf.auto_margins: return # coordinates in px -> [0,1] in figure coordinates trans = self.fig.transFigure.inverted().transform # Static margins if not self.use_dates: self.conf.margins = l, t, r, b = self.get_default_margins() self.gridspec.update(left=l, top=1-t, right=1-r, bottom=b) # Axes positions update for ax in self.fig.get_axes(): try: ax.update_params() except ValueError: pass ax.set_position(ax.figbox) def draw(self): self.canvas.draw() def update_line(self, trace, xdata, ydata, side='left', draw=False, update_limits=True): """ update a single trace, for faster redraw """ x = self.conf.get_mpl_line(trace) x.set_data(xdata, ydata) # datarange = [xdata.min(), xdata.max(), ydata.min(), ydata.max()] # self.conf.set_trace_datarange(datarange, trace=trace) axes = self.axes if side == 'right': axes = self.get_right_axes() if update_limits: self.set_viewlimits() if draw: self.draw() def get_figure(self): return self.fig def __onPickEvent(self, event=None): """pick events""" legline = event.artist trace = self.conf.legend_map.get(legline, None) visible = True if trace is not None and self.conf.hidewith_legend: line, legline, legtext = trace visible = not line.get_visible() line.set_visible(visible) if visible: legline.set_zorder(10.00) legline.set_alpha(1.00) legtext.set_zorder(10.00) legtext.set_alpha(1.00) else: legline.set_alpha(0.50) legtext.set_alpha(0.50) #### ## GUI events #### def report_leftdown(self, event=None): if event is None: return ex, ey = event.x, event.y msg = '' try: x, y = self.axes.transData.inverted().transform((ex, ey)) except: x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata if x is not None and y is not None: msg = "X,Y= %g, %g" % (x, y) if len(self.fig.get_axes()) > 1: ax2 = self.fig.get_axes()[1] try: x2, y2 = ax2.transData.inverted().transform((ex, ey)) msg = "X,Y,Y2= %g, %g, %g" % (x, y, y2) except: pass nsbar = getattr(self, 'nstatusbar', 1) self.write_message(msg, panel=max(0, nsbar - 2)) if (self.cursor_callback is not None and hasattr(self.cursor_callback , '__call__')): self.cursor_callback(x=event.xdata, y=event.ydata)