def show_cel(self): ''' show observation in celestial coordinates :return: ''' s = fig.add_subplot(212, projection='aitoff') a = np.size(T.sky_cel, 0) e = np.size(T.sky_cel, 1) #s.set_xlim(-180, 180) #s.set_ylim(-90, 90) r = 3.25 for ia in range(0, a): for ie in range(0, e): if self.sky_cel[ia, ie] != 0: c = cm.YlOrBr(self.sky_cel[ia, ie] / (dt * 10)) pos = self.grid2pos_c([ia, ie]) s.scatter(pos[0]/180*np.pi, pos[1]/180*np.pi, c=c, marker='o', s=50) s.scatter(self.terr2cel(T.azi, T.ele, 0)[0]/180*np.pi, self.terr2cel(T.azi, T.ele, 0)[1]/180*np.pi, c='g', marker='o', s=10) s.legend(['Observations intensity',' Present observation']) s.set_title('\nObservations in celestial coordinates\n') s.set_xlabel('Right ascension') s.set_ylabel('Declination') s.grid() return s
def draw(height_list): """Draws rectangles along the width of the rectangle pane with heights corresponding to the values in height list""" global rect_list, width for i in range(number): color = cm.YlOrBr((2 * height_list[i] + 300) / 1200) rect_list.append( rectangle_pane.create_rectangle(width * i + 2, screen_width - height_list[i], width * i + 5, screen_width, fill=colors.to_hex(color), width=0))
def show_obs_rel(self, ): o = plt.gca() a = np.size(, 0) e = np.size(, 1) o.set_xlim(0, 360) o.set_ylim(0, 90) o.set_xlabel('Azimut') o.set_ylabel('Elevation') o.set_title('Observations') r = 3.25 for ia in range(0, a): for ie in range(0, e): c = cm.YlOrBr([ia, ie] / (dt * 10)) pos = self.grid2pos([ia, ie]) circle = plt.Circle(xy=(pos[0], pos[1]), radius=r, color=c) o.add_artist(circle) return o
def show_obs(self, x): ''' plot observations-intensity of the sky :param x: optimal spot :return: ''' o = fig.add_subplot(211) o = plt.gca() plt.gca() a = np.size(, 0) e = np.size(, 1) o.set_xlim(0, 360) o.set_ylim(0, 90) o.set_xlabel('Azimuth') o.set_ylabel('Elevation') o.set_title('Observations ' + str(time.ctime())) o.grid() r = 3.25 zurich_azi, zurich_ele = self.coordview(zurich_coordinates) birrfeld_azi, birrfeld_ele = self.coordview(birrfeld_coordinates) nf = len(planes) colors = ['r', 'b', 'g', 'c', 'k', 'y', 'm', 'w'] for i in range(1, 5): colors += colors o.scatter(zurich_azi, zurich_ele, marker='^', color='g', s=60) o.scatter(birrfeld_azi, birrfeld_ele, marker='^', color='b', s=60) o.scatter(x[2], x[3], marker='+', color='k', s=60) for i in range(0, nf): o.scatter(planes_mod[0][i].azi, planes_mod[0][i].ele, color=colors[i], marker='s', s=20) o.scatter(planes_mod[1][i].azi, planes_mod[1][i].ele, color=colors[i], marker='p', s=20) o.scatter(planes_mod[2][i].azi, planes_mod[2][i].ele, color=colors[i], marker='.', s=20) o.scatter(planes_mod[3][i].azi, planes_mod[3][i].ele, color=colors[i], marker='.', s=10) o.scatter(planes[i].azi, planes[i].ele, color=colors[i], marker='o', s=15) for ia in range(0, a): for ie in range(0, e): if[ia, ie] != 0: c = cm.YlOrBr([ia, ie] / (dt * 10)) pos = self.grid2pos([ia, ie]) circle = plt.Circle(xy=(pos[0], pos[1]), radius=r, color=c) o.add_artist(circle) o.legend(['Zurich airport', 'Birrfeld airport','Optimum', '1.5dt modeled position','2dt modeled position','2.5dt modeled position','3.5', 'Previous position']) return o
scope="10" LGS_dIdt={'G':'A1', 'H':'A2','C':'B1', 'Z':'B2'} LGS=[[ScopeChannel(s, scope, LGS_dIdt[switch]) for switch in LGS_dIdt] for s in shots] LG_times=[[np.round(l.time[np.where(>0.5)[0][0]]) for l in lg] for lg in LGS] LG_spread=[np.max(l)-np.min(l) for l in LG_times] #%% from matplotlib import cm start = 0.2 stop = 1.0 number_of_lines= len(shots) cm_subsection = np.linspace(start, stop, number_of_lines) colors = [ cm.YlOrBr(x) for x in cm_subsection ] fig, ax=plt.subplots(2,1,figsize=(8,8)) for tmm,c in zip(tm, colors): ax[0].plot(tmm.time,, label=tmm.shot, c=c) ax[0].set_xlim(100,500) #ax.set_ylim(0,5) ax[0].legend() for lgg,c in zip(lg, colors): ax[1].plot(lgg.time,, label=lgg.shot, c=c) ax[1].set_xlim(1200,1600) ax[1].set_ylim(0,5)