コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, start_ls, end_ls, y=0, width=0.001, x_offset=0, is_arrow=True, length_includes_head=True, \
     head_width=None, head_length=None, shape='full', overhang=0, \
        if head_width is None:
            head_width = 2 * width
        if head_length is None:
            head_length = 1 / (2.0 * abs(end_ls[0] - start_ls[0]))

        distance = abs(end_ls[-1] - start_ls[0])
        if length_includes_head:
            length = distance
            length = distance + head_length

        no_of_blocks = len(start_ls)
        if not distance:
            verts_ls = []  #display nothing if empty
			start by drawing horizontal arrow, point (tip of the arrow) at (0,0). the whole arrow sticks on the x-axis (<=0 part)
			Notice: the XY -coordination is not the usual math coordination system. it's canvas coordination. (0,0) is top left. horizontal is y-axis. vertical is x-axis.
			start from the last block, reversely to the 1st block
            verts_ls = []
            for i in range(no_of_blocks):
                block_start = start_ls[i]
                block_end = end_ls[i]
                verts = [[block_start, width / 2.0 + y],
                         [block_start, -width / 2.0 + y],
                         [block_end, -width / 2.0 + y],
                         [block_end, width / 2.0 + y]]

        PolyCollection.__init__(self, verts_ls, **kwargs)
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self, ax, *args, **kw):
        self.ax = ax
        X, Y, U, V, C = self._parse_args(*args)
        self.X = X
        self.Y = Y
        self.N = len(X)
        self.scale = kw.pop('scale', None)
        self.headwidth = kw.pop('headwidth', 3)
        self.headlength = float(kw.pop('headlength', 5))
        self.headaxislength = kw.pop('headaxislength', 4.5)
        self.minshaft = kw.pop('minshaft', 1)
        self.minlength = kw.pop('minlength', 1)
        self.units = kw.pop('units', 'width')
        self.width = kw.pop('width', None)
        self.color = kw.pop('color', 'k')
        self.pivot = kw.pop('pivot', 'tail')
        kw.setdefault('facecolors', self.color)
        kw.setdefault('linewidths', (0,))
        PolyCollection.__init__(self, None, offsets=zip(X, Y),
                                       transOffset=ax.transData, **kw)
        self.polykw = kw
        self.set_UVC(U, V, C)
        self._initialized = False

        self.keyvec = None
        self.keytext = None
コード例 #3
	def __init__(self, start_ls, end_ls, y=0, width=0.001, x_offset=0, is_arrow=True, length_includes_head=True, \
		head_width=None, head_length=None, shape='full', overhang=0, \
		if head_width is None:
			head_width = 2 * width
		if head_length is None:
			head_length = 1/(2.0 * abs(end_ls[0]-start_ls[0]))

		distance = abs(end_ls[-1]-start_ls[0])
		if length_includes_head:
		no_of_blocks = len(start_ls)
		if not distance:
			verts_ls = [] #display nothing if empty
			start by drawing horizontal arrow, point (tip of the arrow) at (0,0). the whole arrow sticks on the x-axis (<=0 part)
			Notice: the XY -coordination is not the usual math coordination system. it's canvas coordination. (0,0) is top left. horizontal is y-axis. vertical is x-axis.
			start from the last block, reversely to the 1st block
			verts_ls = []
			for i in range(no_of_blocks):
				block_start = start_ls[i]
				block_end = end_ls[i]
				verts = [[block_start, width/2.0+y], [block_start, -width/2.0+y], [block_end, -width/2.0+y], [block_end, width/2.0+y]]
		PolyCollection.__init__(self, verts_ls, **kwargs)
コード例 #4
 def __init__(self, verts, *args, **kwargs):
     Create a Poly3DCollection.
     *verts* should contain 3D coordinates.
     Note that this class does a bit of magic with the _facecolors
     and _edgecolors properties.
     PolyCollection.__init__(self, verts, *args, **kwargs)
     self._zsort = 1
     self._sort_zpos = None
コード例 #5
ファイル: art3d.py プロジェクト: jtomase/matplotlib
    def __init__(self, verts, *args, **kwargs):
        Create a Poly3DCollection.

        *verts* should contain 3D coordinates.

        Note that this class does a bit of magic with the _facecolors
        and _edgecolors properties.

        PolyCollection.__init__(self, verts, *args, **kwargs)
        self._zsort = 1
        self._sort_zpos = None
コード例 #6
    def __init__(self, verts, *args, **kwargs):
        Create a Poly3DCollection.

        *verts* should contain 3D coordinates.

        Keyword arguments:
        zsort, see set_zsort for options.

        Note that this class does a bit of magic with the _facecolors
        and _edgecolors properties.
        zsort = kwargs.pop('zsort', True)
        PolyCollection.__init__(self, verts, *args, **kwargs)
コード例 #7
 def __init__(self, map, mask, nest=False, **kwargs):
     nside = healpix.npix2nside(len(mask))
     self.v = pix2quad(nside, mask.nonzero()[0], nest)
     PolyCollection.__init__(self, self.v, array=map[mask], **kwargs)
コード例 #8
ファイル: collections.py プロジェクト: rainwoodman/mpl_aea
 def __init__(self, map, mask, nest=False, **kwargs):
     nside = healpix.npix2nside(len(mask))
     self.v, ind = pix2quad(nside, mask.nonzero()[0], nest)
     #print(len(ind), len(self.v), mask.sum())
     PolyCollection.__init__(self, self.v, array=map[ind], **kwargs)
コード例 #9
 def __init__(self, map, mask, nest=False, **kwargs):
     nside = healpix.npix2nside(len(mask))
     self.v, ind = pix2quad(nside, mask.nonzero()[0], nest)
     #print(len(ind), len(self.v), mask.sum())
     PolyCollection.__init__(self, self.v, array=map[ind], **kwargs)
コード例 #10
    def __init__(self, annotated_box_ls, y=0, width=0.001, linewidths = None, box_line_widths = None,
        colors = None,
        antialiaseds = None,
        linestyle = 'solid',
        offsets = None,
        transOffset = None,#transforms.identity_transform(),
        norm = None,
        cmap = None,
        picker=False, pickradius=5, alpha=None, strand=None, facecolors=None, edgecolors=None, rotate_xy=False, \
			block_type='exon' has both facecolor and edgecolor red.
			block_type='intron' has no facecolor and black edgecolor.
			arguments edgecolors and facecolors in __init__() could overwrite the ones that generated based on the box_type.
			the annotated_box_ls is a list of (start, stop, box_type, is_translated, ...)
			box_type = 'exon' or 'intron' and is_translated= 0 or 1. They are optional. Default is box_type ='intron', is_translated=0.
			linewidths controls the width of lines connecting exons or the arrow line, could be a list of floats of just one float.
			box_line_widths controls the width of the boundaries of exon boxes
        #handle parameters for LineCollection
        if linewidths is None:
            linewidths = (mpl.rcParams['lines.linewidth'], )
        if box_line_widths is None:
            box_line_widths = (mpl.rcParams['lines.linewidth'], )
        if colors is None:
            colors = (mpl.rcParams['lines.color'], )
        if antialiaseds is None:
            antialiaseds = (mpl.rcParams['lines.antialiased'], )

        self._colors = [
            _colors.colorConverter.to_rgba(color, alpha) for color in colors
        ]  #2008-10-26 use to_rgba() instead of to_rgba_list() because the latter is not present in matplotlib 0.98.3
        self._aa = self._get_value(antialiaseds)
        self._lw = self._get_value(linewidths)
        self._uniform_offsets = None
        if offsets is not None:
            offsets = asarray(offsets)
            if len(offsets.shape) == 1:
                offsets = offsets[numpy.newaxis, :]  # Make it Nx2.
        if transOffset is None:
            if offsets is not None:
                self._uniform_offsets = offsets
                offsets = None
            if hasattr(transforms, 'identity_transform'):
                transOffset = transforms.identity_transform(
                )  #matplotlib 0.91.2
            elif hasattr(transforms, 'IdentityTransform'):
                transOffset = transforms.IdentityTransform(
                )  #matplotlib 0.98.3
        self._offsets = offsets
        self._transOffset = transOffset
        self.pickradius = pickradius

        #handle parameters for PolyCollection
        verts_ls = []
        segment_ls = []
        no_of_blocks = len(annotated_box_ls)
        verts_colors = []
        _edgecolors = []
        for i in range(no_of_blocks):
            this_block = annotated_box_ls[i]
            block_start, block_end = this_block[:2]
            block_type = 'intron'
            is_translated = 0
            if len(this_block) >= 3:
                block_type = this_block[2]
            if len(this_block) >= 4:
                is_translated = int(this_block[3])
            if block_type == 'exon':
                verts = [[block_start, width / 2.0 + y],
                         [block_start, -width / 2.0 + y],
                         [block_end, -width / 2.0 + y],
                         [block_end, width / 2.0 + y]]
                if rotate_xy:
                    verts = [[row[1], row[0]] for row in verts]
                if is_translated == 1:
                    _edgecolors.append('r')  #same edge color
                    verts_colors.append('w')  #no face color
                if rotate_xy:
                    segment_ls.append([(y, block_start), (y, block_end)])
                    segment_ls.append([(block_start, y), (block_end, y)])
        if not facecolors:
            facecolors = verts_colors
        if not edgecolors:
            edgecolors = _edgecolors
        #add an arrow
        box_start = annotated_box_ls[0][0]
        box_end = annotated_box_ls[-1][1]
        if strand is not None:
            arrow_length = abs(box_start - box_end) / 4
                strand = int(strand)
            if strand == 1 or strand == 'plus':
                arrow_offset = -arrow_length
                arrow_end = box_end
            elif strand == -1 or strand == 'minus':
                arrow_offset = arrow_length
                arrow_end = box_start
            else:  #can't tell which strand
                arrow_offset = 0
                arrow_end = box_end
            if rotate_xy:
                segment_ls.append([(y + width, arrow_end + arrow_offset),
                                   (y + width / 2.0, arrow_end)])
                segment_ls.append([(arrow_end + arrow_offset, y + width),
                                   (arrow_end, y + width / 2.0)])
        self._segments = segment_ls
        self._verts = verts
        self._facecolors = [
            _colors.colorConverter.to_rgba(facecolor, alpha=alpha)
            for facecolor in facecolors
        ]  #in PolyCollection.__init__(), it doesn't handle alpha
        self._picker = picker  #to enable picker_event. PolyCollection's ancestor PatchCollection (collection.py) defines a method 'contains()'.
        #Artist.pick() (in artist.py) calls pickable(), which checks self._picker, first to see whether this artist is pickable. then it calls picker() or contains().
コード例 #11
	def __init__(self, annotated_box_ls, y=0, width=0.001, linewidths = None, box_line_widths = None,
				 colors	= None,
				 antialiaseds = None,
				 linestyle = 'solid',
				 offsets = None,
				 transOffset = None,#transforms.identity_transform(),
				 norm = None,
				 cmap = None,
				 picker=False, pickradius=5, alpha=None, strand=None, facecolors=None, edgecolors=None, rotate_xy=False, \
			block_type='exon' has both facecolor and edgecolor red.
			block_type='intron' has no facecolor and black edgecolor.
			arguments edgecolors and facecolors in __init__() could overwrite the ones that generated based on the box_type.
			the annotated_box_ls is a list of (start, stop, box_type, is_translated, ...)
			box_type = 'exon' or 'intron' and is_translated= 0 or 1. They are optional. Default is box_type ='intron', is_translated=0.
			linewidths controls the width of lines connecting exons or the arrow line, could be a list of floats of just one float.
			box_line_widths controls the width of the boundaries of exon boxes
		#handle parameters for LineCollection
		if linewidths is None   :
			linewidths   = (mpl.rcParams['lines.linewidth'], )
		if box_line_widths is None   :
			box_line_widths   = (mpl.rcParams['lines.linewidth'], )
		if colors is None	   :
			colors	   = (mpl.rcParams['lines.color'],)
		if antialiaseds is None :
			antialiaseds = (mpl.rcParams['lines.antialiased'], )
		self._colors = [_colors.colorConverter.to_rgba(color, alpha) for color in colors]	#2008-10-26 use to_rgba() instead of to_rgba_list() because the latter is not present in matplotlib 0.98.3
		self._aa = self._get_value(antialiaseds)
		self._lw = self._get_value(linewidths)
		self._uniform_offsets = None
		if offsets is not None:
			offsets = npy.asarray(offsets)
			if len(offsets.shape) == 1:
				offsets = offsets[npy.newaxis,:]  # Make it Nx2.
		if transOffset is None:
			if offsets is not None:
				self._uniform_offsets = offsets
				offsets = None
			if hasattr(transforms, 'identity_transform'):
				transOffset = transforms.identity_transform()	#matplotlib 0.91.2
			elif hasattr(transforms, 'IdentityTransform'):
				transOffset = transforms.IdentityTransform()	#matplotlib 0.98.3
		self._offsets = offsets
		self._transOffset = transOffset
		self.pickradius = pickradius
		#handle parameters for PolyCollection
		verts_ls = []
		segment_ls = []
		no_of_blocks = len(annotated_box_ls)
		verts_colors = []
		_edgecolors = []
		for i in range(no_of_blocks):
			this_block = annotated_box_ls[i]
			block_start, block_end = this_block[:2]
			block_type = 'intron'
			is_translated = 0
			if len(this_block)>=3:
				block_type = this_block[2]
			if len(this_block)>=4:
				is_translated = int(this_block[3])
			if block_type=='exon':
				verts = [[block_start, width/2.0+y], [block_start, -width/2.0+y], [block_end, -width/2.0+y], [block_end, width/2.0+y]]
				if rotate_xy:
					verts = [[row[1], row[0]] for row in verts]
				if is_translated==1:
					_edgecolors.append('r')	#same edge color
					verts_colors.append('w')	#no face color
				if rotate_xy:
					segment_ls.append([(y, block_start), (y, block_end)])
					segment_ls.append([(block_start, y), (block_end,y)])
		if not facecolors:
			facecolors = verts_colors
		if not edgecolors:
			edgecolors = _edgecolors
		#add an arrow
		box_start = annotated_box_ls[0][0]
		box_end = annotated_box_ls[-1][1]
		if strand is not None:
			arrow_length = abs(box_start-box_end)/4
				strand = int(strand)
			if strand==1 or strand=='plus':
				arrow_offset = -arrow_length
				arrow_end = box_end
			elif strand==-1 or strand=='minus':
				arrow_offset = arrow_length
				arrow_end = box_start
			else:	#can't tell which strand
				arrow_offset = 0
				arrow_end = box_end
			if rotate_xy:
				segment_ls.append([( y+width, arrow_end+arrow_offset), (y+width/2.0, arrow_end)])
				segment_ls.append([(arrow_end+arrow_offset, y+width), (arrow_end,y+width/2.0)])
		self._segments = segment_ls
		self._verts = verts
		PolyCollection.__init__(self, verts_ls, linewidths=box_line_widths, antialiaseds=antialiaseds, edgecolors=edgecolors, **kwargs)
		self._facecolors  = [_colors.colorConverter.to_rgba(facecolor, alpha=alpha) for facecolor in facecolors]	#in PolyCollection.__init__(), it doesn't handle alpha
		self._picker = picker	#to enable picker_event. PolyCollection's ancestor PatchCollection (collection.py) defines a method 'contains()'.
			#Artist.pick() (in artist.py) calls pickable(), which checks self._picker, first to see whether this artist is pickable. then it calls picker() or contains().