コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, parent, handles, labels,
                 numpoints=None,    # the number of points in the legend line
                 markerscale=None,  # the relative size of legend markers
                                    # vs. original
                 markerfirst=True,  # controls ordering (left-to-right) of
                                    # legend marker and label
                 scatterpoints=None,    # number of scatter points
                 prop=None,          # properties for the legend texts
                 fontsize=None,      # keyword to set font size directly
                 labelcolor=None,    # keyword to set the text color

                 # spacing & pad defined as a fraction of the font-size
                 borderpad=None,      # the whitespace inside the legend border
                 labelspacing=None,   # the vertical space between the legend
                                      # entries
                 handlelength=None,   # the length of the legend handles
                 handleheight=None,   # the height of the legend handles
                 handletextpad=None,  # the pad between the legend handle
                                      # and text
                 borderaxespad=None,  # the pad between the axes and legend
                                      # border
                 columnspacing=None,  # spacing between columns

                 ncol=1,     # number of columns
                 mode=None,  # mode for horizontal distribution of columns.
                             # None, "expand"

                 fancybox=None,  # True use a fancy box, false use a rounded
                                 # box, none use rc
                 title=None,  # set a title for the legend
                 title_fontsize=None,  # the font size for the title
                 framealpha=None,  # set frame alpha
                 edgecolor=None,  # frame patch edgecolor
                 facecolor=None,  # frame patch facecolor

                 bbox_to_anchor=None,  # bbox that the legend will be anchored.
                 bbox_transform=None,  # transform for the bbox
                 frameon=None,  # draw frame
        parent : `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` or `.Figure`
            The artist that contains the legend.

        handles : list of `.Artist`
            A list of Artists (lines, patches) to be added to the legend.

        labels : list of str
            A list of labels to show next to the artists. The length of handles
            and labels should be the same. If they are not, they are truncated
            to the smaller of both lengths.

        Other Parameters

        Users can specify any arbitrary location for the legend using the
        *bbox_to_anchor* keyword argument. *bbox_to_anchor* can be a
        `.BboxBase` (or derived therefrom) or a tuple of 2 or 4 floats.
        See `set_bbox_to_anchor` for more detail.

        The legend location can be specified by setting *loc* with a tuple of
        2 floats, which is interpreted as the lower-left corner of the legend
        in the normalized axes coordinate.
        # local import only to avoid circularity
        from matplotlib.axes import Axes
        from matplotlib.figure import Figure


        if prop is None:
            if fontsize is not None:
                self.prop = FontProperties(size=fontsize)
                self.prop = FontProperties(
            self.prop = FontProperties._from_any(prop)
            if isinstance(prop, dict) and "size" not in prop:

        self._fontsize = self.prop.get_size_in_points()

        self.texts = []
        self.legendHandles = []
        self._legend_title_box = None

        #: A dictionary with the extra handler mappings for this Legend
        #: instance.
        self._custom_handler_map = handler_map

        locals_view = locals()
        for name in ["numpoints", "markerscale", "shadow", "columnspacing",
                     "scatterpoints", "handleheight", 'borderpad',
                     'labelspacing', 'handlelength', 'handletextpad',
            if locals_view[name] is None:
                value = mpl.rcParams["legend." + name]
                value = locals_view[name]
            setattr(self, name, value)
        del locals_view
        # trim handles and labels if illegal label...
        _lab, _hand = [], []
        for label, handle in zip(labels, handles):
            if isinstance(label, str) and label.startswith('_'):
                cbook._warn_external('The handle {!r} has a label of {!r} '
                                     'which cannot be automatically added to'
                                     ' the legend.'.format(handle, label))
        labels, handles = _lab, _hand

        handles = list(handles)
        if len(handles) < 2:
            ncol = 1
        self._ncol = ncol

        if self.numpoints <= 0:
            raise ValueError("numpoints must be > 0; it was %d" % numpoints)

        # introduce y-offset for handles of the scatter plot
        if scatteryoffsets is None:
            self._scatteryoffsets = np.array([3. / 8., 4. / 8., 2.5 / 8.])
            self._scatteryoffsets = np.asarray(scatteryoffsets)
        reps = self.scatterpoints // len(self._scatteryoffsets) + 1
        self._scatteryoffsets = np.tile(self._scatteryoffsets,

        # _legend_box is a VPacker instance that contains all
        # legend items and will be initialized from _init_legend_box()
        # method.
        self._legend_box = None

        if isinstance(parent, Axes):
            self.isaxes = True
            self.axes = parent
        elif isinstance(parent, Figure):
            self.isaxes = False
            raise TypeError("Legend needs either Axes or Figure as parent")
        self.parent = parent

        self._loc_used_default = loc is None
        if loc is None:
            loc = mpl.rcParams["legend.loc"]
            if not self.isaxes and loc in [0, 'best']:
                loc = 'upper right'
        if isinstance(loc, str):
            if loc not in self.codes:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Unrecognized location {!r}. Valid locations are\n\t{}\n"
                    .format(loc, '\n\t'.join(self.codes)))
                loc = self.codes[loc]
        if not self.isaxes and loc == 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "Automatic legend placement (loc='best') not implemented for "
                "figure legend.")

        self._mode = mode
        self.set_bbox_to_anchor(bbox_to_anchor, bbox_transform)

        # We use FancyBboxPatch to draw a legend frame. The location
        # and size of the box will be updated during the drawing time.

        if facecolor is None:
            facecolor = mpl.rcParams["legend.facecolor"]
        if facecolor == 'inherit':
            facecolor = mpl.rcParams["axes.facecolor"]

        if edgecolor is None:
            edgecolor = mpl.rcParams["legend.edgecolor"]
        if edgecolor == 'inherit':
            edgecolor = mpl.rcParams["axes.edgecolor"]

        if fancybox is None:
            fancybox = mpl.rcParams["legend.fancybox"]

        self.legendPatch = FancyBboxPatch(
            xy=(0, 0), width=1, height=1,
            facecolor=facecolor, edgecolor=edgecolor,
            # If shadow is used, default to alpha=1 (#8943).
            alpha=(framealpha if framealpha is not None
                   else 1 if shadow
                   else mpl.rcParams["legend.framealpha"]),
            # The width and height of the legendPatch will be set (in draw())
            # to the length that includes the padding. Thus we set pad=0 here.
            boxstyle=("round,pad=0,rounding_size=0.2" if fancybox
                      else "square,pad=0"),
            visible=(frameon if frameon is not None
                     else mpl.rcParams["legend.frameon"])

        # init with null renderer
        self._init_legend_box(handles, labels, markerfirst)

        tmp = self._loc_used_default
        self._loc_used_default = tmp  # ignore changes done by _set_loc

        # figure out title fontsize:
        if title_fontsize is None:
            title_fontsize = mpl.rcParams['legend.title_fontsize']
        tprop = FontProperties(size=title_fontsize)
        self.set_title(title, prop=tprop)
        self._draggable = None

        # set the text color

        color_getters = {  # getter function depends on line or patch
            'linecolor':       ['get_color',           'get_facecolor'],
            'markerfacecolor': ['get_markerfacecolor', 'get_facecolor'],
            'mfc':             ['get_markerfacecolor', 'get_facecolor'],
            'markeredgecolor': ['get_markeredgecolor', 'get_edgecolor'],
            'mec':             ['get_markeredgecolor', 'get_edgecolor'],
        if labelcolor is None:
        elif isinstance(labelcolor, str) and labelcolor in color_getters:
            getter_names = color_getters[labelcolor]
            for handle, text in zip(self.legendHandles, self.texts):
                for getter_name in getter_names:
                        color = getattr(handle, getter_name)()
                    except AttributeError:
        elif np.iterable(labelcolor):
            for text, color in zip(self.texts,
            raise ValueError("Invalid argument for labelcolor : %s" %
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self,
        Create a path from the text. Note that it simply is a path,
        not an artist. You need to use the `~.PathPatch` (or other artists)
        to draw this path onto the canvas.

        xy : tuple or array of two float values
            Position of the text. For no offset, use ``xy=(0, 0)``.

        s : str
            The text to convert to a path.

        size : float, optional
            Font size in points. Defaults to the size specified via the font
            properties *prop*.

        prop : `matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties`, optional
            Font property. If not provided, will use a default
            ``FontProperties`` with parameters from the
            :ref:`rcParams <matplotlib-rcparams>`.

        _interpolation_steps : int, optional
            (Currently ignored)

        usetex : bool, default: False
            Whether to use tex rendering.

        The following creates a path from the string "ABC" with Helvetica
        font face; and another path from the latex fraction 1/2::

            from matplotlib.textpath import TextPath
            from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties

            fp = FontProperties(family="Helvetica", style="italic")
            path1 = TextPath((12, 12), "ABC", size=12, prop=fp)
            path2 = TextPath((0, 0), r"$\frac{1}{2}$", size=12, usetex=True)

        Also see :doc:`/gallery/text_labels_and_annotations/demo_text_path`.
        # Circular import.
        from matplotlib.text import Text

        if args or kwargs:
                message="Additional arguments to TextPath used to be "
                "ignored, but will trigger a TypeError %(removal)s.")

        if prop is None:
            prop = FontProperties()
            prop = FontProperties._from_any(prop)
        if size is None:
            size = prop.get_size_in_points()

        self._xy = xy

        self._cached_vertices = None
        s, ismath = Text(usetex=usetex)._preprocess_math(s)
        self._vertices, self._codes = text_to_path.get_text_path(prop,
        self._should_simplify = False
        self._simplify_threshold = rcParams['path.simplify_threshold']
        self._interpolation_steps = _interpolation_steps