def bounding_box(self, data, ax, label, bBoundingBoxes, bLabels): """Draw bounding box around data.""" data = np.array(data) width = max(data[:, 0]) - min(data[:, 0]) height = max(data[:, 1]) - min(data[:, 1]) r = Rectangle((min(data[:, 0]), min(data[:, 1])), width, height) if bBoundingBoxes: ax.add_artist(r) r.set_clip_box(ax.bbox) r.set_alpha(0.1) r.set_facecolor((0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) if bLabels: ax.annotate(label, xy=(min(data[:, 0]), max(data[:, 1])), xytext=(0, 0), textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='bottom', bbox=dict(boxstyle='round,pad=0.5', fc=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), alpha=0.1))
def draw_box(x1, x2, y1, y2, ax, col): c = array([[x1], [y1]]) rect = Rectangle(c, width=x2 - x1, height=y2 - y1, angle=0) rect.set_facecolor(array([0.4, 0.3, 0.6])) ax.add_patch(rect) rect.set_clip_box(ax.bbox) rect.set_alpha(0.7) rect.set_facecolor(col)
def highlight_artist(self, val, artist=None): # print val, artist figure = self.get_figpage()._artists[0] ax = self.get_figaxes() if artist is None: alist = self._artists else: alist = artist if val == True: container = self.get_container() if container is None: return de = self.get_data_extent() from ifigure.matplotlib_mod.art3d_gl import AxesImageGL if isinstance(alist[0], AxesImageGL): hl = alist[0].add_hl_mask() for item in hl: alist[0].figobj_hl.append(item) # hl = alist[0].make_hl_artist(container) # rect_alpha = 0.0 else: x = [de[0], de[1], de[1], de[0], de[0]] y = [de[2], de[2], de[3], de[3], de[2]] hl = container.plot(x, y, marker='s', color='k', linestyle='None', markerfacecolor='None', markeredgewidth=0.5, scalex=False, scaley=False) rect_alpha = 0.3 hlp = Rectangle((de[0], de[2]), de[1] - de[0], de[3] - de[2], alpha=rect_alpha, facecolor='k', figure=figure, transform=container.transData) if ax is not None: x0, y0 = ax._artists[0].transAxes.transform((0, 0)) x1, y1 = ax._artists[0].transAxes.transform((1, 1)) bbox = Bbox([[x0, y0], [x1, y1]]) hlp.set_clip_box(bbox) hlp.set_clip_on(True) figure.patches.append(hlp) for item in (hl[0], hlp): alist[0].figobj_hl.append(item) else: for a in alist: if len(a.figobj_hl) != 0: a.figobj_hl[0].remove() figure.patches.remove(a.figobj_hl[1]) a.figobj_hl = []
def draw_filled_rectangle(self, x, y, width, height): r = Rectangle((x, y), width, height, self.angle, color=self.draw_color, fill=True) r.set_clip_box(self.a.bbox) self.a.add_artist(r)
def highlight_artist(self, val, artist=None): # print val, artist figure=self.get_figpage()._artists[0] ax = self.get_figaxes() if artist is None: alist=self._artists else: alist=artist if val == True: container = self.get_container() if container is None: return de = self.get_data_extent() from ifigure.matplotlib_mod.art3d_gl import AxesImageGL if isinstance(alist[0], AxesImageGL): hl = alist[0].add_hl_mask() for item in hl: alist[0].figobj_hl.append(item) # hl = alist[0].make_hl_artist(container) # rect_alpha = 0.0 else: x=[de[0],de[1],de[1],de[0],de[0]] y=[de[2],de[2],de[3],de[3],de[2]] hl= container.plot(x, y, marker='s', color='k', linestyle='None', markerfacecolor='None', markeredgewidth = 0.5, scalex=False, scaley=False) rect_alpha = 0.3 hlp = Rectangle((de[0],de[2]), de[1]-de[0], de[3]-de[2], alpha=rect_alpha, facecolor='k', figure = figure, transform= container.transData) if ax is not None: x0, y0 = ax._artists[0].transAxes.transform((0,0)) x1, y1 = ax._artists[0].transAxes.transform((1,1)) bbox = Bbox([[x0,y0],[x1,y1]]) hlp.set_clip_box(bbox) hlp.set_clip_on(True) figure.patches.append(hlp) for item in (hl[0], hlp): alist[0].figobj_hl.append(item) else: for a in alist: if len(a.figobj_hl) != 0: a.figobj_hl[0].remove() figure.patches.remove(a.figobj_hl[1]) a.figobj_hl=[]
def on_press(event): global id_motion, xs, ys, r print 'INAXES: ', event.inaxes if event.inaxes!=ax: return xs, ys = event.xdata, event.ydata print 'PRESS button=%d, x=%d, y=%d, xdata=%f, ydata=%f' % ( event.button, event.x, event.y, event.xdata, event.ydata) r = Rectangle(xy=(xs,ys), height=0, width=0, fill=False, lw=2, alpha=0.2) ax.add_artist(r) r.set_clip_box(ax.bbox) draw() id_motion = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', on_motion)
def on_press(event): global id_motion, xs, ys, r print 'INAXES: ', event.inaxes if event.inaxes != ax: return xs, ys = event.xdata, event.ydata print 'PRESS button=%d, x=%d, y=%d, xdata=%f, ydata=%f' % ( event.button, event.x, event.y, event.xdata, event.ydata) r = Rectangle(xy=(xs, ys), height=0, width=0, fill=False, lw=2, alpha=0.2) ax.add_artist(r) r.set_clip_box(ax.bbox) draw() id_motion = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', on_motion)
class rectSelection(GuiSelection): """Interactive selection of a rectangular region on the axis. Used by hist2d_alex(). """ def on_press_draw(self): if 'r' in self.__dict__: self.r.set_height(0) self.r.set_width(0) self.r.set_xy((self.xs, self.ys)) self.e.height = 0 self.e.width = 0 = (self.xs, self.ys) else: self.r = Rectangle(xy=(self.xs, self.ys), height=0, width=0, fill=False, lw=2, alpha=0.5, color='blue') self.e = Ellipse(xy=(self.xs, self.ys), height=0, width=0, fill=False, lw=2, alpha=0.6, color='blue') self.r.set_clip_box( self.r.set_zorder(10) self.e.set_clip_box( self.e.set_zorder(10) def on_motion_draw(self): self.r.set_height( - self.ys) self.r.set_width(self.xe - self.xs) self.e.height = ( - self.ys) self.e.width = (self.xe - self.xs) = (np.mean([self.xs, self.xe]), np.mean([self.ys,])) self.fig.canvas.draw() def on_release_print(self): # This is the only custom method for hist2d_alex() E1, E2 = min((self.xs, self.xe)), max((self.xs, self.xe)) S1, S2 = min((self.ys,, max((self.ys, self.selection = dict(E1=E1, E2=E2, S1=S1, S2=S2) pprint("Selection: \nE1=%.2f, E2=%.2f, S1=%.2f, S2=%.2f\n" %\ (E1,E2,S1,S2))
def plot_rectangle(bboxes, ax, step, c='#ff7f0e'): for bbox in bboxes[bboxes['ts'] % step == 0]: s_phi_offset, c_phi_offset = np.sin(bbox['orientation']), np.cos(bbox['orientation']) rot = np.array([[c_phi_offset, - s_phi_offset], [s_phi_offset, c_phi_offset]]) offset_xy =, 0.5 * bbox['dimension']) r = Rectangle(xy=bbox['center_xy'] - offset_xy, width=bbox['dimension'][0], height=bbox['dimension'][1], angle=np.rad2deg(bbox['orientation'])) ax.add_artist(r) r.set_clip_box(ax.bbox) r.set_alpha(0.8) r.set_facecolor('none') r.set_edgecolor(c)
def highlight_artist(self, val, artist=None): figure = self.get_figpage()._artists[0] ax = self.get_figaxes() if val: if len(self._artists[0].figobj_hl) != 0: return box = self.get_artist_extent_all() self._artist_extent = box if box[0] is None: return x = [box[0], box[0], box[1], box[1], box[0]] y = [box[3], box[2], box[2], box[3], box[3]] hl = Line2D(x, y, marker='s', color='k', linestyle='None', markerfacecolor='k', markeredgewidth=0.5, figure=figure, alpha=0.3) figure.lines.append(hl) xy = (box[0], box[2]) w = box[1] - box[0] h = box[3] - box[2] hlp = Rectangle(xy, w, h, alpha=0.3, facecolor='k', figure=figure) if ax is not None: x0, y0 = ax._artists[0].transAxes.transform((0, 0)) x1, y1 = ax._artists[0].transAxes.transform((1, 1)) bbox = Bbox([[x0, y0], [x1, y1]]) hlp.set_clip_box(bbox) hlp.set_clip_on(True) figure.patches.append(hlp) # if ax is not None and ax.get_3d(): # import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d as art3d # art3d.patch_2d_to_3d(hl) # if len(ax._artists) != 0: # a.axes = self.get_figaxes()._artists[0] self._artists[0].figobj_hl.extend([hl, hlp]) else: if len(self._artists[0].figobj_hl) == 2: figure.lines.remove(self._artists[0].figobj_hl[0]) figure.patches.remove(self._artists[0].figobj_hl[1]) self._artists[0].figobj_hl = []
def boundingBox(self, data, ax, label, bBoundingBoxes, bLabels): ''' Draw bounding box around data.''' data = np.array(data) width = max(data[:,0]) - min(data[:,0]) height = max(data[:,1]) - min(data[:,1]) r = Rectangle((min(data[:,0]), min(data[:,1])), width, height) if bBoundingBoxes: ax.add_artist(r) r.set_clip_box(ax.bbox) r.set_alpha(0.1) r.set_facecolor((0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) if bLabels: ax.annotate(label, xy = (min(data[:,0]), max(data[:,1])), xytext = (0, 0), textcoords = 'offset points', ha = 'right', va = 'bottom', bbox = dict(boxstyle = 'round,pad=0.5', fc = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), alpha = 0.1))
def visualize_generation(self, generation): """ Draw each ab combination color and size coded :param generation: :param ax: :return: """ fig, ax = plt.subplots() # ax.clear() for ind in range(len(self.ga_solver.population[generation])): child = self.ga_solver.population[generation][ind] xy = self._ab_to_xy(child) rect = Rectangle(xy=xy, width=0.5, height=0.5, angle=90) ax.add_artist(rect) rect.set_clip_box(ax.bbox) # alpha = float(child[3]) / ANTIBODY_CNT # rgb = [float(child[0])/ANTIBODY_CNT, float(child[1])/ANTIBODY_CNT, float(child[2])/ANTIBODY_CNT/ ANTIBODY_CNT] # # rect.set_alpha(alpha) # rect.set_facecolor(rgb) fitness = self.ga_solver.get_fitness_value(child) if fitness > 0.5: rect.set_facecolor('r') else: rect.set_facecolor('b') rect.set_width(fitness * 100) rect.set_height(fitness * 100) ax.set_xlim( 0, self.ga_solver.antibody_cnt * self.ga_solver.antibody_cnt + 10) ax.set_ylim( 0, self.ga_solver.antibody_cnt * self.ga_solver.antibody_cnt + 10) plt.pause(1) plt.close()
def highlight_artist(self, val, artist=None): figure=self.get_figpage()._artists[0] ax = self.get_figaxes() if val: if len(self._artists[0].figobj_hl) != 0: return box = self.get_artist_extent_all() self._artist_extent = box if box[0] is None: return x = [box[0], box[0], box[1], box[1], box[0]] y = [box[3], box[2], box[2], box[3], box[3]] hl= Line2D(x, y, marker='s', color='k', linestyle='None', markerfacecolor='k', markeredgewidth = 0.5, figure=figure, alpha=0.3) figure.lines.append(hl) xy = (box[0], box[2]) w = box[1] - box[0] h = box[3] - box[2] hlp = Rectangle(xy, w, h, alpha=0.3, facecolor='k', figure = figure) if ax is not None: x0, y0 = ax._artists[0].transAxes.transform((0,0)) x1, y1 = ax._artists[0].transAxes.transform((1,1)) bbox = Bbox([[x0,y0],[x1,y1]]) hlp.set_clip_box(bbox) hlp.set_clip_on(True) figure.patches.append(hlp) # if ax is not None and ax.get_3d(): # import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d as art3d # art3d.patch_2d_to_3d(hl) # if len(ax._artists) != 0: # a.axes = self.get_figaxes()._artists[0] self._artists[0].figobj_hl.extend([hl, hlp]) else: if len(self._artists[0].figobj_hl) == 2: figure.lines.remove(self._artists[0].figobj_hl[0]) figure.patches.remove(self._artists[0].figobj_hl[1]) self._artists[0].figobj_hl = []
class xspanSelection(GuiSelection): """Interactive selection of an x range on the axis""" def on_press_draw(self): if 'r' in self.__dict__: self.r.set_width(0) self.r.set_xy((self.xs,[0])) self.r.set_height([1] -[0]) else: self.r = Rectangle(xy=(self.xs,[0]),[1] - \[0], width=0, fill=True, lw=2, alpha=0.5, color='blue') self.r.set_clip_box( self.r.set_zorder(10) def on_motion_draw(self): self.r.set_width(self.xe - self.xs) def on_release_print(self): pprint('X Span: (%d, %d)\n' % (self.xs, self.xe))
def _init_legend_box(self, handles, labels): """ Initiallize the legend_box. The legend_box is an instance of the OffsetBox, which is packed with legend handles and texts. Once packed, their location is calculated during the drawing time. """ fontsize = self.fontsize # legend_box is a HPacker, horizontally packed with # columns. Each column is a VPacker, vertically packed with # legend items. Each legend item is HPacker packed with # legend handleBox and labelBox. handleBox is an instance of # offsetbox.DrawingArea which contains legend handle. labelBox # is an instance of offsetbox.TextArea which contains legend # text. text_list = [] # the list of text instances handle_list = [] # the list of text instances label_prop = dict( verticalalignment='baseline', horizontalalignment='left', fontproperties=self.prop, ) labelboxes = [] for l in labels: textbox = TextArea(l, textprops=label_prop, multilinebaseline=True, minimumdescent=True) text_list.append(textbox._text) labelboxes.append(textbox) handleboxes = [] # The approximate height and descent of text. These values are # only used for plotting the legend handle. height = self._approx_text_height() * 0.7 descent = 0. # each handle needs to be drawn inside a box of (x, y, w, h) = # (0, -descent, width, height). And their corrdinates should # be given in the display coordinates. # NOTE : the coordinates will be updated again in # _update_legend_box() method. # The transformation of each handle will be automatically set # to self.get_trasnform(). If the artist does not uses its # default trasnform (eg, Collections), you need to # manually set their transform to the self.get_transform(). for handle in handles: if isinstance(handle, RegularPolyCollection): npoints = self.scatterpoints else: npoints = self.numpoints if npoints > 1: # we put some pad here to compensate the size of the # marker xdata = np.linspace(0.3 * fontsize, (self.handlelength - 0.3) * fontsize, npoints) xdata_marker = xdata elif npoints == 1: xdata = np.linspace(0, self.handlelength * fontsize, 2) xdata_marker = [0.5 * self.handlelength * fontsize] if isinstance(handle, Line2D): ydata = ((height - descent) / 2.) * np.ones(xdata.shape, float) legline = Line2D(xdata, ydata) legline.update_from(handle) self._set_artist_props(legline) # after update legline.set_clip_box(None) legline.set_clip_path(None) legline.set_drawstyle('default') legline.set_marker('None') handle_list.append(legline) legline_marker = Line2D(xdata_marker, ydata[:len(xdata_marker)]) legline_marker.update_from(handle) self._set_artist_props(legline_marker) legline_marker.set_clip_box(None) legline_marker.set_clip_path(None) legline_marker.set_linestyle('None') # we don't want to add this to the return list because # the texts and handles are assumed to be in one-to-one # correpondence. legline._legmarker = legline_marker elif isinstance(handle, Patch): p = Rectangle( xy=(0., 0.), width=self.handlelength * fontsize, height=(height - descent), ) p.update_from(handle) self._set_artist_props(p) p.set_clip_box(None) p.set_clip_path(None) handle_list.append(p) elif isinstance(handle, LineCollection): ydata = ((height - descent) / 2.) * np.ones(xdata.shape, float) legline = Line2D(xdata, ydata) self._set_artist_props(legline) legline.set_clip_box(None) legline.set_clip_path(None) lw = handle.get_linewidth()[0] dashes = handle.get_dashes()[0] color = handle.get_colors()[0] legline.set_color(color) legline.set_linewidth(lw) legline.set_dashes(dashes) handle_list.append(legline) elif isinstance(handle, RegularPolyCollection): #ydata = self._scatteryoffsets ydata = height * self._scatteryoffsets size_max, size_min = max(handle.get_sizes()),\ min(handle.get_sizes()) # we may need to scale these sizes by "markerscale" # attribute. But other handle types does not seem # to care about this attribute and it is currently ignored. if self.scatterpoints < 4: sizes = [.5 * (size_max + size_min), size_max, size_min] else: sizes = (size_max - size_min) * np.linspace( 0, 1, self.scatterpoints) + size_min p = type(handle)( handle.get_numsides(), rotation=handle.get_rotation(), sizes=sizes, offsets=zip(xdata_marker, ydata), transOffset=self.get_transform(), ) p.update_from(handle) p.set_figure(self.figure) p.set_clip_box(None) p.set_clip_path(None) handle_list.append(p) else: handle_list.append(None) handlebox = DrawingArea(width=self.handlelength * fontsize, height=height, xdescent=0., ydescent=descent) handle = handle_list[-1] handlebox.add_artist(handle) if hasattr(handle, "_legmarker"): handlebox.add_artist(handle._legmarker) handleboxes.append(handlebox) # We calculate number of lows in each column. The first # (num_largecol) columns will have (nrows+1) rows, and remaing # (num_smallcol) columns will have (nrows) rows. nrows, num_largecol = divmod(len(handleboxes), self._ncol) num_smallcol = self._ncol - num_largecol # starting index of each column and number of rows in it. largecol = safezip(range(0, num_largecol * (nrows + 1), (nrows + 1)), [nrows + 1] * num_largecol) smallcol = safezip( range(num_largecol * (nrows + 1), len(handleboxes), nrows), [nrows] * num_smallcol) handle_label = safezip(handleboxes, labelboxes) columnbox = [] for i0, di in largecol + smallcol: # pack handleBox and labelBox into itemBox itemBoxes = [ HPacker(pad=0, sep=self.handletextpad * fontsize, children=[h, t], align="baseline") for h, t in handle_label[i0:i0 + di] ] # minimumdescent=False for the text of the last row of the column itemBoxes[-1].get_children()[1].set_minimumdescent(False) # pack columnBox columnbox.append( VPacker(pad=0, sep=self.labelspacing * fontsize, align="baseline", children=itemBoxes)) if self._mode == "expand": mode = "expand" else: mode = "fixed" sep = self.columnspacing * fontsize self._legend_box = HPacker(pad=self.borderpad * fontsize, sep=sep, align="baseline", mode=mode, children=columnbox) self._legend_box.set_figure(self.figure) self.texts = text_list self.legendHandles = handle_list
def highlight_artist(self, val, artist=None): from ifigure.matplotlib_mod.art3d_gl import Poly3DCollectionGL from ifigure.matplotlib_mod.art3d_gl import Line3DCollectionGL figure=self.get_figpage()._artists[0] ax = self.get_figaxes() if artist is None: alist=self._artists else: alist=artist if val == True: if self._parent is None: return container = self.get_container() if container is None: return if isinstance(alist[0], Poly3DCollectionGL): hl = alist[0].add_hl_mask() for item in hl: alist[0].figobj_hl.append(item) else: de = self.get_data_extent() x=(de[0], de[1],de[1],de[0],de[0]) y=(de[2], de[2],de[3],de[3],de[2]) facecolor='k' if isinstance(alist[0], Poly3DCollectionGL): hl = alist[0].make_hl_artist(container) facecolor = 'none' self._hit_path = None elif isinstance(alist[0], Line3DCollectionGL): hl = alist[0].make_hl_artist(container) facecolor = 'none' self._hit_path = None else: hl= container.plot(x, y, marker='s', color='k', linestyle='None', markerfacecolor='None', markeredgewidth = 0.5, scalex=False, scaley=False) for item in hl: alist[0].figobj_hl.append(item) if self._hit_path is not None: v = self._hit_path.vertices hl= container.plot(v[:,0], v[:,1], marker='s', color='k', linestyle='None', markerfacecolor='None', markeredgewidth = 0.5, scalex=False, scaley=False) for item in hl: alist[0].figobj_hl.append(item) hlp = Rectangle((de[0],de[2]), de[1]-de[0], de[3]-de[2], alpha=0.3, facecolor=facecolor, figure = figure, transform= container.transData) if ax is not None: x0, y0 = ax._artists[0].transAxes.transform((0,0)) x1, y1 = ax._artists[0].transAxes.transform((1,1)) bbox = Bbox([[x0,y0],[x1,y1]]) hlp.set_clip_box(bbox) hlp.set_clip_on(True) figure.patches.append(hlp) alist[0].figobj_hl.append(hlp) else: for a in alist: if len(a.figobj_hl) == 0: continue for hl in a.figobj_hl[:-1]: hl.remove() if isinstance(alist[0], Poly3DCollectionGL): a.figobj_hl[-1].remove() else: figure.patches.remove(a.figobj_hl[-1]) a.figobj_hl=[]
def plot_state_dependency_matrix(model, direct=False, knockout=[], axes=None): """ Creates a matrix showing state variable dependency distances. To show only direct (first-order) dependencies, set the optional argument ``direct`` to ``True``. Variables can be "knocked out" by adding them to the list in the ``knockout`` parameter. If x depends on y and y depends on z, knocking out y will prevent the method from findind x's dependency on z. Returns a matplotlib axes object. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Create dependency matrix m = create_state_dependency_matrix(model, direct, knockout) n = len(m) # Configure axes a = axes if axes is not None else plt.gca() a.set_aspect('equal') a.set_xlim(0, n + 2) a.set_ylim(0, n) # Create matrix plot from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle w = 1.0 / (max(max(m))) # color weight p1 = 0.1 # Padding p2 = 1.0 - 2 * p1 # Square size def c(v): # Colormap if v == 1: return (0, 0, 0) else: vv = v * w if (vv > 1.0): return (0, 1.0, 0) return (vv, vv, 1.0) for y, row in enumerate(m): y = n - y - 1 for x, v in enumerate(row): r = Rectangle((x + p1, y + p1), p2, p2, color=c(v)) a.add_patch(r) r.set_clip_box(a.bbox) # Add colorbar r = Rectangle((1 + n + p1, y + p1), p2, p2, color=c(1 + y)) a.add_patch(r) r.set_clip_box(a.bbox) a.text(1.5 + n, y + 0.5, str(y + 1), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') # Set tick labels names = [i.qname() for i in model.states()] a.set_xticks([i + 0.5 for i in range(0, n)]) a.set_xticklabels(names, rotation=90) a.xaxis.set_ticks_position('top') a.set_yticks([i + 0.5 for i in range(0, n)]) rnames = list(names) rnames.reverse() a.set_yticklabels(rnames) # Add axes labels a.set_xlabel('Affecting variable') a.set_ylabel('Affected variable') # Return return a
def draw_regions2d(regions: RegionSet, plot: Axes, **kwargs): """ Draws the Regions on a 2D plot, to visualize the overlapping or intersecting Regions (or rectangles). Args: regions: The set of 2D Regions to draw. plot: The matplotlib plot to draw on. kwargs: Additional arguments and options. Keyword Args: colored: Boolean flag for colored output or greyscale. If True, color codes the Regions based on the Region's stored 'color' data property. Otherwise, all Regions have black edges with transparent faces. communities: Boolean flag for whether or not to show the connected communities (or Regions with same color). Requires colored to be True. tightbounds: Boolean flag for whether or not to reduce the bounding size to the minimum bounding Region, instead of the defined bounds. """ assert regions.dimension == 2 black = (0, 0, 0) groups = {} colored = kwargs.get('colored', False) communities = kwargs.get('communities', False) tightbounds = kwargs.get('tightbounds', False) bbox = regions.bbox if tightbounds else regions.minbounds def mkrectangle(region: Region): lower = tuple(region[d].lower for d in range(2)) w, h = tuple(region[d].length for d in range(2)) return lower, w, h if colored and communities: for region in regions: color = region.getdata('color') if color is not None: group = groups.setdefault(tuple(color), RegionSet(dimension=2)) group.add(region) for color, group in groups.items(): rectangle = Rectangle(*mkrectangle(group.bbox), facecolor=(*color, 0.05), edgecolor='none') rectangle.set_clip_box(plot) plot.add_artist(rectangle) for region in regions: color = region.getdata('color', black) if colored else black rectangle = Rectangle(*mkrectangle(region), facecolor=(*color, 0.1), edgecolor=color) rectangle.set_clip_box(plot) plot.add_artist(rectangle) plot.set_xlim(astuple(bbox[0])) plot.set_ylim(astuple(bbox[1]))
def _init_legend_box(self, handles, labels): """ Initiallize the legend_box. The legend_box is an instance of the OffsetBox, which is packed with legend handles and texts. Once packed, their location is calculated during the drawing time. """ fontsize = self.fontsize # legend_box is a HPacker, horizontally packed with # columns. Each column is a VPacker, vertically packed with # legend items. Each legend item is HPacker packed with # legend handleBox and labelBox. handleBox is an instance of # offsetbox.DrawingArea which contains legend handle. labelBox # is an instance of offsetbox.TextArea which contains legend # text. text_list = [] # the list of text instances handle_list = [] # the list of text instances label_prop = dict(verticalalignment='baseline', horizontalalignment='left', fontproperties=self.prop, ) labelboxes = [] for l in labels: textbox = TextArea(l, textprops=label_prop, multilinebaseline=True, minimumdescent=True) text_list.append(textbox._text) labelboxes.append(textbox) handleboxes = [] # The approximate height and descent of text. These values are # only used for plotting the legend handle. height = self._approx_text_height() * 0.7 descent = 0. # each handle needs to be drawn inside a box of (x, y, w, h) = # (0, -descent, width, height). And their corrdinates should # be given in the display coordinates. # NOTE : the coordinates will be updated again in # _update_legend_box() method. # The transformation of each handle will be automatically set # to self.get_trasnform(). If the artist does not uses its # default trasnform (eg, Collections), you need to # manually set their transform to the self.get_transform(). for handle in handles: if isinstance(handle, RegularPolyCollection): npoints = self.scatterpoints else: npoints = self.numpoints if npoints > 1: # we put some pad here to compensate the size of the # marker xdata = np.linspace(0.3*fontsize, (self.handlelength-0.3)*fontsize, npoints) xdata_marker = xdata elif npoints == 1: xdata = np.linspace(0, self.handlelength*fontsize, 2) xdata_marker = [0.5*self.handlelength*fontsize] if isinstance(handle, Line2D): ydata = ((height-descent)/2.)*np.ones(xdata.shape, float) legline = Line2D(xdata, ydata) legline.update_from(handle) self._set_artist_props(legline) # after update legline.set_clip_box(None) legline.set_clip_path(None) legline.set_drawstyle('default') legline.set_marker('None') handle_list.append(legline) legline_marker = Line2D(xdata_marker, ydata[:len(xdata_marker)]) legline_marker.update_from(handle) self._set_artist_props(legline_marker) legline_marker.set_clip_box(None) legline_marker.set_clip_path(None) legline_marker.set_linestyle('None') # we don't want to add this to the return list because # the texts and handles are assumed to be in one-to-one # correpondence. legline._legmarker = legline_marker elif isinstance(handle, Patch): p = Rectangle(xy=(0., 0.), width = self.handlelength*fontsize, height=(height-descent), ) p.update_from(handle) self._set_artist_props(p) p.set_clip_box(None) p.set_clip_path(None) handle_list.append(p) elif isinstance(handle, LineCollection): ydata = ((height-descent)/2.)*np.ones(xdata.shape, float) legline = Line2D(xdata, ydata) self._set_artist_props(legline) legline.set_clip_box(None) legline.set_clip_path(None) lw = handle.get_linewidth()[0] dashes = handle.get_dashes()[0] color = handle.get_colors()[0] legline.set_color(color) legline.set_linewidth(lw) legline.set_dashes(dashes) handle_list.append(legline) elif isinstance(handle, RegularPolyCollection): #ydata = self._scatteryoffsets ydata = height*self._scatteryoffsets size_max, size_min = max(handle.get_sizes()),\ min(handle.get_sizes()) # we may need to scale these sizes by "markerscale" # attribute. But other handle types does not seem # to care about this attribute and it is currently ignored. if self.scatterpoints < 4: sizes = [.5*(size_max+size_min), size_max, size_min] else: sizes = (size_max-size_min)*np.linspace(0,1,self.scatterpoints)+size_min p = type(handle)(handle.get_numsides(), rotation=handle.get_rotation(), sizes=sizes, offsets=zip(xdata_marker,ydata), transOffset=self.get_transform(), ) p.update_from(handle) p.set_figure(self.figure) p.set_clip_box(None) p.set_clip_path(None) handle_list.append(p) else: handle_list.append(None) handlebox = DrawingArea(width=self.handlelength*fontsize, height=height, xdescent=0., ydescent=descent) handle = handle_list[-1] handlebox.add_artist(handle) if hasattr(handle, "_legmarker"): handlebox.add_artist(handle._legmarker) handleboxes.append(handlebox) # We calculate number of lows in each column. The first # (num_largecol) columns will have (nrows+1) rows, and remaing # (num_smallcol) columns will have (nrows) rows. nrows, num_largecol = divmod(len(handleboxes), self._ncol) num_smallcol = self._ncol-num_largecol # starting index of each column and number of rows in it. largecol = safezip(range(0, num_largecol*(nrows+1), (nrows+1)), [nrows+1] * num_largecol) smallcol = safezip(range(num_largecol*(nrows+1), len(handleboxes), nrows), [nrows] * num_smallcol) handle_label = safezip(handleboxes, labelboxes) columnbox = [] for i0, di in largecol+smallcol: # pack handleBox and labelBox into itemBox itemBoxes = [HPacker(pad=0, sep=self.handletextpad*fontsize, children=[h, t], align="baseline") for h, t in handle_label[i0:i0+di]] # minimumdescent=False for the text of the last row of the column itemBoxes[-1].get_children()[1].set_minimumdescent(False) # pack columnBox columnbox.append(VPacker(pad=0, sep=self.labelspacing*fontsize, align="baseline", children=itemBoxes)) if self._mode == "expand": mode = "expand" else: mode = "fixed" sep = self.columnspacing*fontsize self._legend_box = HPacker(pad=self.borderpad*fontsize, sep=sep, align="baseline", mode=mode, children=columnbox) self._legend_box.set_figure(self.figure) self.texts = text_list self.legendHandles = handle_list
def draw_regions1d(regions: RegionSet, plot: Axes, **kwargs): """ Draws the Regions on a 1D plot, to visualize the overlapping or intersecting Regions (or intervals). Args: regions: The set of 1D Regions to draw. plot: The matplotlib plot to draw on. kwargs: Additional arguments and options. Keyword Args: colored: Boolean flag for colored output or greyscale. If True, color codes the Regions based on the Region's stored 'color' data property. Otherwise, all Regions have black edges with transparent faces. communities: Boolean flag for whether or not to show the connected communities (or Regions with same color). Requires colored to be True. tightbounds: Boolean flag for whether or not to reduce the bounding size to the minimum bounding Region, instead of the defined bounds. """ assert regions.dimension == 1 black = (0, 0, 0) groups = {} colored = kwargs.get('colored', False) communities = kwargs.get('communities', False) tightbounds = kwargs.get('tightbounds', False) bbox = regions.bbox if tightbounds else regions.minbounds spacing = max(bbox[0].length / len(regions), 10) if colored and communities: for region in regions: color = region.getdata('color') if color is not None: group = groups.setdefault(tuple(color), RegionSet(dimension=1)) group.add(region) for color, group in groups.items(): gbbox = group.bbox[0] lows = (gbbox.lower, 0) w, h = (gbbox.length, spacing * (len(regions) + 2)) rectangle = Rectangle(lows, w, h, facecolor=(*color, 0.05), edgecolor='none') rectangle.set_clip_box(plot) plot.add_artist(rectangle) for i, region in enumerate(regions): color = region.getdata('color', black) if colored else black plot.plot(list(astuple(region[0])), [spacing * (i + 1)] * 2, color=color) plot.set_xlim(astuple(bbox[0])) plot.yaxis.set_visible(False)
def _init_legend_box(self, handles, labels): """ Initiallize the legend_box. The legend_box is an instance of the OffsetBox, which is packed with legend handles and texts. Once packed, their location is calculated during the drawing time. """ fontsize = self._fontsize text_list = [] # the list of text instances handle_list = [] # the list of text instances label_prop = dict(verticalalignment='baseline', horizontalalignment='left', fontproperties=self.prop, ) labelboxes = [] handleboxes = [] height = self._approx_text_height() * 0.7 descent = 0. for handle, lab in zip(handles, labels): if isinstance(handle, RegularPolyCollection) or \ isinstance(handle, CircleCollection): npoints = self.scatterpoints else: npoints = self.numpoints if npoints > 1: xdata = np.linspace(0.3*fontsize, (self.handlelength-0.3)*fontsize, npoints) xdata_marker = xdata elif npoints == 1: xdata = np.linspace(0, self.handlelength*fontsize, 2) xdata_marker = [0.5*self.handlelength*fontsize] if isinstance(handle, Line2D): ydata = ((height-descent)/2.)*np.ones(xdata.shape, float) legline = Line2D(xdata, ydata) legline.update_from(handle) self._set_artist_props(legline) # after update legline.set_clip_box(None) legline.set_clip_path(None) legline.set_drawstyle('default') legline.set_marker('None') handle_list.append(legline) legline_marker = Line2D(xdata_marker, ydata[:len(xdata_marker)]) legline_marker.update_from(handle) self._set_artist_props(legline_marker) legline_marker.set_clip_box(None) legline_marker.set_clip_path(None) legline_marker.set_linestyle('None') legline._legmarker = legline_marker elif isinstance(handle, Patch): p = Rectangle(xy=(0., 0.), width = self.handlelength*fontsize, height=(height-descent), ) p.update_from(handle) self._set_artist_props(p) p.set_clip_box(None) p.set_clip_path(None) handle_list.append(p) elif isinstance(handle, LineCollection): ydata = ((height-descent)/2.)*np.ones(xdata.shape, float) legline = Line2D(xdata, ydata) self._set_artist_props(legline) legline.set_clip_box(None) legline.set_clip_path(None) lw = handle.get_linewidth()[0] dashes = handle.get_dashes()[0] color = handle.get_colors()[0] legline.set_color(color) legline.set_linewidth(lw) if dashes[0] is not None: # dashed line legline.set_dashes(dashes[1]) handle_list.append(legline) elif isinstance(handle, RegularPolyCollection): ydata = height*self._scatteryoffsets size_max, size_min = max(handle.get_sizes()),\ min(handle.get_sizes()) if self.scatterpoints < 4: sizes = [.5*(size_max+size_min), size_max, size_min] else: sizes = (size_max-size_min)*np.linspace(0,1,self.scatterpoints)+size_min p = type(handle)(handle.get_numsides(), rotation=handle.get_rotation(), sizes=sizes, offsets=zip(xdata_marker,ydata), transOffset=self.get_transform(), ) p.update_from(handle) p.set_figure(self.figure) p.set_clip_box(None) p.set_clip_path(None) handle_list.append(p) elif isinstance(handle, CircleCollection): ydata = height*self._scatteryoffsets size_max, size_min = max(handle.get_sizes()),\ min(handle.get_sizes()) if self.scatterpoints < 4: sizes = [.5*(size_max+size_min), size_max, size_min] else: sizes = (size_max-size_min)*np.linspace(0,1,self.scatterpoints)+size_min p = type(handle)(sizes, offsets=zip(xdata_marker,ydata), transOffset=self.get_transform(), ) p.update_from(handle) p.set_figure(self.figure) p.set_clip_box(None) p.set_clip_path(None) handle_list.append(p) else: handle_type = type(handle) warnings.warn("Legend does not support %s\nUse proxy artist instead.\n\n\n" % (str(handle_type),)) handle_list.append(None) handle = handle_list[-1] if handle is not None: # handle is None is the artist is not supproted textbox = TextArea(lab, textprops=label_prop, multilinebaseline=True, minimumdescent=True) text_list.append(textbox._text) labelboxes.append(textbox) handlebox = DrawingArea(width=self.handlelength*fontsize, height=height, xdescent=0., ydescent=descent) handlebox.add_artist(handle) if isinstance(handle, RegularPolyCollection) or \ isinstance(handle, CircleCollection): handle._transOffset = handlebox.get_transform() handle.set_transform(None) if hasattr(handle, "_legmarker"): handlebox.add_artist(handle._legmarker) handleboxes.append(handlebox) if len(handleboxes) > 0: ncol = min(self._ncol, len(handleboxes)) nrows, num_largecol = divmod(len(handleboxes), ncol) num_smallcol = ncol-num_largecol largecol = safezip(range(0, num_largecol*(nrows+1), (nrows+1)), [nrows+1] * num_largecol) smallcol = safezip(range(num_largecol*(nrows+1), len(handleboxes), nrows), [nrows] * num_smallcol) else: largecol, smallcol = [], [] handle_label = safezip(handleboxes, labelboxes) columnbox = [] for i0, di in largecol+smallcol: itemBoxes = [HPacker(pad=0, sep=self.handletextpad*fontsize, children=[h, t], align="baseline") for h, t in handle_label[i0:i0+di]] itemBoxes[-1].get_children()[1].set_minimumdescent(False) columnbox.append(VPacker(pad=0, sep=self.labelspacing*fontsize, align="baseline", children=itemBoxes)) if self._mode == "expand": mode = "expand" else: mode = "fixed" sep = self.columnspacing*fontsize self._legend_handle_box = HPacker(pad=0, sep=sep, align="baseline", mode=mode, children=columnbox) self._legend_title_box = TextArea("") self._legend_box = VPacker(pad=self.borderpad*fontsize, sep=self.labelspacing*fontsize, align="center", children=[self._legend_title_box, self._legend_handle_box]) self._legend_box.set_figure(self.figure) self.texts = text_list self.legendHandles = handle_list
addEntry('Car Battery With CFL', cost = 1.0, cpLh = 0.12) #addEntry('SharedSolar With CFL', cost = 1.0, cpLh = 0.10) #addEntry('Grid Mali With CFL', cost = 16, cpLh = 16/0.2) fig = plt.figure() axes = fig.add_subplot(111) for key in dict.keys(): axes.loglog(dict[key]['cost'], dict[key]['cpLh'], 'ko') axes.text(dict[key]['cost'], dict[key]['cpLh'], key) from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle rect = Rectangle((1, .017), 5, .07, facecolor="#dddddd") axes.add_artist(rect) rect.set_clip_box(axes.bbox) axes.text(1.1,0.03, 'Shared Solar With CFL') plt.xlim((0.1,10)) plt.ylim((0.01,10)) plt.title('Lumen-Hour Cost vs. Purchase Price') plt.xlabel('Purchase Cost (USD)') plt.ylabel('Cost Per Lumen-Hour') plt.grid() plt.savefig('costVsLumens.pdf') plt.close()
def visualise(cls, sensor, sL=None, show_sun=False, sides=True, interactive=False, colormap=None, scale=[0, 1], title=None): """ :param sensor: :type sensor: CompassSensor :return: """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse, Rectangle from import get_cmap import matplotlib as mpl if interactive: plt.ion() if colormap is not None: get_colour = lambda x: get_cmap(colormap)(x) else: get_colour = lambda x: x * np.array([.5, .5, 1.]) xyz = sph2vec(np.pi / 2 - sensor.theta_local, np.pi + sensor.phi_local, sensor.R_c) xyz[0] *= -1 lat, lon = hp.Rotator(rot=(np.rad2deg(-sensor.yaw), np.rad2deg(-sensor.pitch), np.rad2deg(-sensor.roll)))(, np.pi - xyz_sun = sph2vec(np.pi / 2 - lat, np.pi + lon, sensor.R_c) xyz_sun[0] *= -1 if sides: figsize = (10, 10) else: if colormap is None or scale is None: figsize = (5, 5) else: figsize = (5.05, 5.05) plt.figure("Sensor Design" if title is None else title, figsize=figsize) # top view if sides: ax_t = plt.subplot2grid((4, 4), (1, 1), colspan=2, rowspan=2, aspect="equal", adjustable='box-forced') else: if colormap is not None and scale is not None: ax_t = plt.subplot2grid((10, 10), (0, 0), colspan=9, rowspan=9, aspect="equal", adjustable='box-forced') else: ax_t = plt.subplot(111) outline = Ellipse(xy=np.zeros(2), width=2 * sensor.R_c, height=2 * sensor.R_c) sensor_outline = Ellipse(xy=np.zeros(2), width=2 * sensor.alpha + 2 * sensor.R_l, height=2 * sensor.alpha + 2 * sensor.R_l) ax_t.add_artist(outline) outline.set_clip_box(ax_t.bbox) outline.set_alpha(.2) outline.set_facecolor("grey") ax_t.add_artist(sensor_outline) sensor_outline.set_clip_box(ax_t.bbox) sensor_outline.set_alpha(.5) sensor_outline.set_facecolor("grey") stheta, sphi = sensor.theta_local, np.pi + sensor.phi_local sL = sL if sL is not None else sensor.L if sensor.mode == "event": sL = np.clip(1. * sL + .5, 0., 1.) for (x, y, z), th, ph, L in zip(xyz.T, stheta, sphi, sL): lens = Ellipse(xy=[x, y], width=1.5 * sensor.r_l, height=1.5 * np.cos(th) * sensor.r_l, angle=np.rad2deg(ph)) ax_t.add_artist(lens) lens.set_clip_box(ax_t.bbox) lens.set_facecolor(get_colour(np.asscalar(L))) if show_sun: ax_t.plot(xyz_sun[0], xyz_sun[1], 'ro', markersize=22) ax_t.set_xlim(-sensor.R_c - 2, sensor.R_c + 2) ax_t.set_ylim(-sensor.R_c - 2, sensor.R_c + 2) ax_t.set_xticklabels([]) ax_t.set_yticklabels([]) if sides: # side view #1 (x, z) ax = plt.subplot2grid((4, 4), (0, 1), colspan=2, aspect="equal", adjustable='box-forced', sharex=ax_t) outline = Ellipse(xy=np.zeros(2), width=2 * sensor.R_c, height=2 * sensor.R_c) fade_one = Rectangle(xy=[-sensor.R_c, -sensor.R_c], width=2 * sensor.R_c, height=2 * sensor.R_c - sensor.height - sensor.R_l) ax.add_artist(outline) outline.set_clip_box(ax.bbox) outline.set_alpha(.5) outline.set_facecolor("grey") ax.add_artist(fade_one) fade_one.set_clip_box(ax.bbox) fade_one.set_alpha(.6) fade_one.set_facecolor("white") for (x, y, z), th, ph, L in zip(xyz.T, stheta, sphi, sL): if y > 0: continue lens = Ellipse(xy=[x, z], width=1.5 * sensor.r_l, height=np.sin(-y / sensor.R_c) * 1.5 * sensor.r_l, angle=np.rad2deg(np.arcsin(-x / sensor.R_c))) ax.add_artist(lens) lens.set_clip_box(ax.bbox) lens.set_facecolor(get_colour(L)) ax.set_xlim(-sensor.R_c - 2, sensor.R_c + 2) ax.set_ylim(0, sensor.R_c + 2) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) # side view #2 (-x, z) ax = plt.subplot2grid((4, 4), (3, 1), colspan=2, aspect="equal", adjustable='box-forced', sharex=ax_t) outline = Ellipse(xy=np.zeros(2), width=2 * sensor.R_c, height=2 * sensor.R_c) fade_one = Rectangle( xy=[-sensor.R_c, -sensor.R_c + sensor.height + sensor.R_l], width=2 * sensor.R_c, height=2 * sensor.R_c - sensor.height - sensor.R_l) ax.add_artist(outline) outline.set_clip_box(ax.bbox) outline.set_alpha(.5) outline.set_facecolor("grey") ax.add_artist(fade_one) fade_one.set_clip_box(ax.bbox) fade_one.set_alpha(.6) fade_one.set_facecolor("white") for (x, y, z), th, ph, L in zip(xyz.T, stheta, sphi, sL): if y < 0: continue lens = Ellipse(xy=[x, -z], width=1.5 * sensor.r_l, height=np.sin(-y / sensor.R_c) * 1.5 * sensor.r_l, angle=np.rad2deg(np.arcsin(x / sensor.R_c))) ax.add_artist(lens) lens.set_clip_box(ax.bbox) lens.set_facecolor(get_colour(L)) ax.set_xlim(-sensor.R_c - 2, sensor.R_c + 2) ax.set_ylim(-sensor.R_c - 2, 0) ax.set_yticks([]) # side view #3 (y, z) ax = plt.subplot2grid((4, 4), (1, 3), rowspan=2, aspect="equal", adjustable='box-forced', sharey=ax_t) outline = Ellipse(xy=np.zeros(2), width=2 * sensor.R_c, height=2 * sensor.R_c) fade_one = Rectangle(xy=[-sensor.R_c, -sensor.R_c], width=2 * sensor.R_c - sensor.height - sensor.R_l, height=2 * sensor.R_c) ax.add_artist(outline) outline.set_clip_box(ax.bbox) outline.set_alpha(.5) outline.set_facecolor("grey") ax.add_artist(fade_one) fade_one.set_clip_box(ax.bbox) fade_one.set_alpha(.6) fade_one.set_facecolor("white") for (x, y, z), th, ph, L in zip(xyz.T, stheta, sphi, sL): if x > 0: continue lens = Ellipse( xy=[z, y], width=1.5 * sensor.r_l, height=np.sin(-x / sensor.R_c) * 1.5 * sensor.r_l, angle=np.rad2deg(np.arcsin(y / sensor.R_c)) + 90) ax.add_artist(lens) lens.set_clip_box(ax.bbox) lens.set_facecolor(get_colour(L)) ax.set_ylim(-sensor.R_c - 2, sensor.R_c + 2) ax.set_xlim(0, sensor.R_c + 2) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_xticks([]) # side view #4 (-y, z) ax = plt.subplot2grid((4, 4), (1, 0), rowspan=2, aspect="equal", adjustable='box-forced', sharey=ax_t) outline = Ellipse(xy=np.zeros(2), width=2 * sensor.R_c, height=2 * sensor.R_c) fade_one = Rectangle( xy=[-sensor.R_c + sensor.height + sensor.R_l, -sensor.R_c], width=2 * sensor.R_c - sensor.height - sensor.R_l, height=2 * sensor.R_c) ax.add_artist(outline) outline.set_clip_box(ax.bbox) outline.set_alpha(.5) outline.set_facecolor("grey") ax.add_artist(fade_one) fade_one.set_clip_box(ax.bbox) fade_one.set_alpha(.6) fade_one.set_facecolor("white") for (x, y, z), th, ph, L in zip(xyz.T, stheta, sphi, sL): if x < 0: continue lens = Ellipse( xy=[-z, y], width=1.5 * sensor.r_l, height=np.sin(-x / sensor.R_c) * 1.5 * sensor.r_l, angle=np.rad2deg(np.arcsin(-y / sensor.R_c)) - 90) ax.add_artist(lens) lens.set_clip_box(ax.bbox) lens.set_facecolor(get_colour(L)) ax.set_ylim(-sensor.R_c - 2, sensor.R_c + 2) ax.set_xlim(-sensor.R_c - 2, 0) ax.set_xticks([]) else: plt.axis('off') if colormap is not None and not sides and scale is not None: ax = plt.subplot2grid((10, 10), (9, 9), aspect="equal", adjustable='box-forced', projection='polar') ax._direction = 2 * np.pi ax.set_theta_zero_location("N") # quant_steps = 360 cb = mpl.colorbar.ColorbarBase(ax, cmap=get_cmap(colormap), norm=mpl.colors.Normalize( 0.0, 2 * np.pi), orientation='horizontal', ticks=np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 4, endpoint=False)) cb.outline.set_visible(False) #[0, np.pi/6, np.pi/3, np.pi/2, 2*np.pi/3, 5*np.pi/6, np.pi]) np.linspace(scale[0], scale[1], 4, endpoint=False)), labelsize=8) plt.tight_layout(pad=0.) if interactive: plt.draw() plt.pause(.1) else:
def plot_state_dependency_matrix(model, direct=False, knockout=[], axes=None): """ Creates a matrix showing state variable dependency distances. To show only direct (first-order) dependencies, set the optional argument ``direct`` to ``True``. Variables can be "knocked out" by adding them to the list in the ``knockout`` parameter. If x depends on y and y depends on z, knocking out y will prevent the method from findind x's dependency on z. Returns a matplotlib axes object. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as pl # Create dependency matrix m = create_state_dependency_matrix(model, direct, knockout) n = len(m) # Configure axes #a = f.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal') a = axes if axes is not None else pl.gca() a.set_aspect('equal') a.set_xlim(0, n + 2) a.set_ylim(0, n) # Create matrix plot from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle w = 1.0 / (max(max(m))) # color weight p1 = 0.1 # Padding p2 = 1.0 - 2 * p1 # Square size def c(v): # Colormap if v == 1: return (0, 0, 0) else: vv = v * w if (vv > 1.0): return (0, 1.0, 0) return (vv, vv, 1.0) for y, row in enumerate(m): y = n - y - 1 for x, v in enumerate(row): r = Rectangle((x + p1, y + p1), p2, p2, color=c(v)) a.add_patch(r) r.set_clip_box(a.bbox) # Add colorbar r = Rectangle((1 + n + p1, y + p1), p2, p2, color=c(1 + y)) a.add_patch(r) r.set_clip_box(a.bbox) a.text(1.5 + n, y + 0.5, str(y + 1), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') # Set tick labels names = [i.qname() for i in model.states()] a.set_xticks([i + 0.5 for i in xrange(0, n)]) a.set_xticklabels(names) from matplotlib.transforms import Affine2D r = Affine2D.identity() a.set_yticks([i + 0.5 for i in xrange(0, n)]) rnames = list(names) rnames.reverse() a.set_yticklabels(rnames) for tick in a.xaxis.iter_ticks(): tick[0].label2On = True tick[0].label1On = False tick[0].label2.set_rotation('vertical') # Add axes labels a.annotate('Affecting variable -->', xy=(0, -0.05), ha='left', va='center', xycoords='axes fraction', textcoords='offset points') # Adjust subplot margins return a
def highlight_artist(self, val, artist=None): from ifigure.matplotlib_mod.art3d_gl import Poly3DCollectionGL from ifigure.matplotlib_mod.art3d_gl import Line3DCollectionGL figure = self.get_figpage()._artists[0] ax = self.get_figaxes() if artist is None: alist = self._artists else: alist = artist if val == True: if self._parent is None: return container = self.get_container() if container is None: return if isinstance(alist[0], Poly3DCollectionGL): hl = alist[0].add_hl_mask() for item in hl: alist[0].figobj_hl.append(item) else: de = self.get_data_extent() x = (de[0], de[1], de[1], de[0], de[0]) y = (de[2], de[2], de[3], de[3], de[2]) facecolor = 'k' if isinstance(alist[0], Poly3DCollectionGL): hl = alist[0].make_hl_artist(container) facecolor = 'none' self._hit_path = None elif isinstance(alist[0], Line3DCollectionGL): hl = alist[0].make_hl_artist(container) facecolor = 'none' self._hit_path = None else: hl = container.plot(x, y, marker='s', color='k', linestyle='None', markerfacecolor='None', markeredgewidth=0.5, scalex=False, scaley=False) for item in hl: alist[0].figobj_hl.append(item) if self._hit_path is not None: v = self._hit_path.vertices hl = container.plot(v[:, 0], v[:, 1], marker='s', color='k', linestyle='None', markerfacecolor='None', markeredgewidth=0.5, scalex=False, scaley=False) for item in hl: alist[0].figobj_hl.append(item) hlp = Rectangle((de[0], de[2]), de[1] - de[0], de[3] - de[2], alpha=0.3, facecolor=facecolor, figure=figure, transform=container.transData) if ax is not None: x0, y0 = ax._artists[0].transAxes.transform((0, 0)) x1, y1 = ax._artists[0].transAxes.transform((1, 1)) bbox = Bbox([[x0, y0], [x1, y1]]) hlp.set_clip_box(bbox) hlp.set_clip_on(True) figure.patches.append(hlp) alist[0].figobj_hl.append(hlp) else: for a in alist: if len(a.figobj_hl) == 0: continue for hl in a.figobj_hl[:-1]: hl.remove() if isinstance(alist[0], Poly3DCollectionGL): a.figobj_hl[-1].remove() else: figure.patches.remove(a.figobj_hl[-1]) a.figobj_hl = []