def feature_plot(M, normalize=False, dbscale=False, norm=False, title_string=None, interp='nearest', bels=False, nofig=False, **kwargs): """ :: static method for plotting a matrix as a time-frequency distribution (audio features) """ X = feature_scale(M, normalize, dbscale, norm, bels) if not nofig: P.figure() clip = -100. if dbscale or bels: if bels: clip /= 10. P.imshow(P.clip(X, clip, 0), origin='lower', aspect='auto', interpolation=interp, **kwargs) else: P.imshow(X, origin='lower', aspect='auto', interpolation=interp, **kwargs) if title_string: P.title(title_string) P.colorbar()
def scale_mtx(M, normalize=False, dbscale=False, norm=False, bels=False): """ :: Perform mutually-orthogonal scaling operations, otherwise return identity: normalize [False] dbscale [False] norm [False] """ if not (normalize or dbscale or norm or bels): return M else: X = M.copy() # don't alter the original if norm: nz_idx = (X * X).sum(1) > 0 X[nz_idx] = (X[nz_idx].T / np.sqrt( (X[nz_idx] * X[nz_idx]).sum(1))).T if normalize: X = X - np.min(X) X = X / np.max(X) if dbscale or bels: X = P.log10(P.clip(X, 0.0001, X.max())) if dbscale: X = 20 * X return X
def log_p(self, theta, resp): strokes = self._strokes s = len(strokes) A = self._params[:(s - 1)] B = self._params[(s - 1):] make_tens = T.Tensor in map(type, [A, B, theta, resp]) if make_tens: theta = to_tens(theta) d = {stroke: i for i, stroke in enumerate(strokes)} resp = P.clip(resp, strokes[0], strokes[-1]) temp = P.vectorize(d.get)(resp) if make_tens: resp = to_tens(temp) else: resp = temp lo = [0.0 * theta] * s # log odds vs par I = P.searchsorted(strokes, self._par) for i in range(I + 1, s): lo[i] = lo[i - 1] - A[i - 1] * (theta - B[i - 1]) for i in range(I - 1, -1, -1): lo[i] = lo[i + 1] + A[i] * (theta - B[i]) if make_tens: lo = T.stack(lo) lpp = lo - T.logsumexp(lo, dim=0, keepdim=True) lp = sum([lpp[i] * to_tens(resp == i) for i in range(s)]) else: lo = P.stack(lo) lpp = lo - lse(lo, 0, keepdims=True) lp = sum([lpp[i] * (resp == i) for i in range(s)]) return lp
def plot_mtx(mtx=None, title=None, newfig=False, cbar=True, **kwargs): """ :: static method for plotting a matrix as a time-frequency distribution (audio features) """ if mtx is None or type(mtx) != np.ndarray: raise ValueError('First argument, mtx, must be a array') if newfig: P.figure() dbscale = kwargs.pop('dbscale', False) bels = kwargs.pop('bels', False) norm = kwargs.pop('norm', False) normalize = kwargs.pop('normalize', False) origin = kwargs.pop('origin', 'lower') aspect = kwargs.pop('aspect', 'auto') interpolation = kwargs.pop('interpolation', 'nearest') cmap = kwargs.pop('cmap', clip = -100. X = scale_mtx(mtx, normalize=normalize, dbscale=dbscale, norm=norm, bels=bels) i_min, i_max = np.where(X.mean(1))[0][[0, -1]] X = X[i_min:i_max + 1].copy() if dbscale or bels: if bels: clip /= 10. P.imshow(P.clip(X, clip, 0), origin=origin, aspect=aspect, interpolation=interpolation, cmap=cmap, **kwargs) else: P.imshow(X, origin=origin, aspect=aspect, interpolation=interpolation, cmap=cmap, **kwargs) if title: P.title(title, fontsize=16) if cbar: P.colorbar() P.yticks(np.arange(0, i_max + 1 - i_min, 3), pc_labels[i_min:i_max + 1:3], fontsize=14) P.xlabel('Tactus', fontsize=14) P.ylabel('MIDI Pitch', fontsize=14) P.grid()
def _mfcc(self): """ :: DCT of the Log magnitude CQFT """ fp = self._check_feature_params() if not self._cqft(): return False self._make_dct() AA = P.log10(P.clip(self.CQFT, 0.0001, self.CQFT.max())) self.MFCC =, AA) self._have_mfcc = True if self.verbosity: print("Extracted MFCC: lcoef=%d, ncoef=%d, intensified=%d" % (self.lcoef, self.ncoef, self.intensify)) n = self.ncoef l = self.lcoef self.X = self.MFCC[l:l + n, :] return True
def feature_scale(M, normalize=False, dbscale=False, norm=False, bels=False): """ :: Perform mutually-orthogonal scaling operations, otherwise return identity: normalize [False] dbscale [False] norm [False] """ if not (normalize or dbscale or norm or bels): return M else: X = M.copy() # don't alter the original if norm: X = X / P.tile(P.sqrt((X * X).sum(0)), (X.shape[0], 1)) if normalize: X = _normalize(X) if dbscale or bels: X = P.log10(P.clip(X, 0.0001, X.max())) if dbscale: X = 20 * X return X
lines=file1.readlines() z=[] m=[] for i in range(0,180): linearray=lines[i].split(',') for j in range(126): for k in range(1): p=float(linearray[j]) z.append(p) for k in range(1): p=float(linearray[126][1:7].rstrip('\n')) z.append(p) z=array(z).reshape(180,127) m=z.T print z.shape ## print z ## pylab.xticks(arange(20),'0','5','10','15','20') ## pylab.xticks(arange(180),'7.30','8.00','8.30','9.00','9.30','10.00','11.30') pylab.subplot(111) pylab.ylabel('Cell Number') pylab.xlabel('Time') ## pylab.xmajorLocator=fig.MultipleLocator(10) ## pylab.ylim(0,100) pylab.title('2004.Nov.3(Wen.), 7:30-10:30') pylab.pcolor(m,vmin= 10,vmax= 110) b=pylab.colorbar(shrink=0.76) pylab.imshow(pylab.clip(m,10,110)) ## b.shrink(0.8) pylab.savefig('yokohane_a_11032t.png',dpi=150) print 'over'
y1 = y1[y1_st:y1_end] y2 = y2[y2_st:y2_end] wp[:, 0] = wp[:, 0] - wp[0, 0] wp[:, 1] = wp[:, 1] - wp[0, 1] wp_s = P.asarray(wp) * hop_size / fs i, I = P.argsort(wp_s[-1, :]) x, y = close_points(P.array( [wp_s[:, i] / wp_s[-1, i], wp_s[:, I] / wp_s[-1, I]]), s=1) f = mono_interp(x, y, extrapolate=True) yc, yo = (y1, y2) if i == 1 else (y2, y1) l_hop = 64 stft = librosa.stft(yc, n_fft=512, hop_length=l_hop) z = len(yo) // l_hop + 1 t = P.arange(0, 1, 1 / z) time_steps = P.clip(f(t) * stft.shape[1], 0, None) print "Beginning vocoder warping..." warped_stft = variable_phase_vocoder(stft, time_steps, hop_length=l_hop) y_warp = librosa.istft(warped_stft, hop_length=l_hop) # print "Writing warped signal to file..." # librosa.output.write_wav("warped.wav", y_warp, fs, norm=True) # P.plot(wp_s[:,1]/wp_s[-1,1], wp_s[:,0]/wp_s[-1,1], 'o') # x, y = close_points( # P.array([wp_s[:,1]/wp_s[-1,1], wp_s[:,0]/wp_s[-1,1]]), s=1) # f = mono_interp(x, y, extrapolate=True) # t = P.linspace(0, 1, 500) # P.plot(t, f(t)) # # f_smooth = US(wp_s[:,1]/wp_s[-1,1], wp_s[:,0]/wp_s[-1,1], s=.008) # # P.plot(t, f_smooth(t)) # # P.plot(x, y, 'x') #