def plot_polar_von_mises_fit( direction_rates, fit_curve, title ): bin_size = 45 spikeFiringRates = direction_rates[:,1] # select the spikes firing rates # the polar representation is like a circle, so we correct the data # in a way that the last element of the array if the same as the first one spikeFiringRates = np.append(spikeFiringRates, spikeFiringRates[0]) print( spikeFiringRates ) # compute the angles . A circle ranges from 0 to 360 deg theta = np.append( direction_rates[:,0], np.pi*2+0.01 ) print( len( theta ) ) print( len(spikeFiringRates) ) plt.subplot(2,2,4,polar=True) # plot the polar graph plt.polar( theta, spikeFiringRates, 'o' ) spikeFiringRatesFit = fit_curve[:,1] spikeFiringRatesFit = np.append(spikeFiringRatesFit, spikeFiringRatesFit[0]) theta = np.arange( 0, 2*np.pi, 0.01) plt.polar( theta, spikeFiringRatesFit,label='Firing Rate (spikes/s)') plt.legend(loc=8) # specify the location of the legend plt.title('Polar: ' + title) # add title to the graph
def plot_fits(direction_rates,fit_curve,title): """ This function takes the x-values and the y-values in units of spikes/s (found in the two columns of direction_rates and fit_curve) and plots the actual values with circles, and the curves as lines in both linear and polar plots. """ #print direction_rates # print fit_curve plt.subplots_adjust(hspace = 0.6) y_max = np.max(direction_rates[:,1]) + 5 plt.subplot(2,2,3) plt.axis([0,360,0,y_max]) plt.plot(direction_rates[:,0], direction_rates[:,1],'o') plt.plot(fit_curve[:,0],fit_curve[:,1], '-') plt.xlabel("Direction of Motion (degrees)") plt.ylabel("Firing Rate (spikes/s)") plt.title(title) plt.subplot(2,2,4, polar = True) spikecounts = direction_rates[:,1] spikecounts2 = np.append(spikecounts, direction_rates[0,1]) r = np.arange(0, 361, 45)*np.pi/180 plt.polar(r, spikecounts2,'o') plt.polar(fit_curve[:,0]*np.pi/180,fit_curve[:,1],'-', label="Firing Rate (spikes/s)") plt.title(title) plt.legend(loc=8)
def plot_tuning_curves(direction_rates, title): """ This function takes the x-values and the y-values in units of spikes/s (found in the two columns of direction_rates) and plots a histogram and polar representation of the tuning curve. It adds the given title. """ # yank columns and keep in correspondance directions = direction_rates[0:][:,0] rates = direction_rates[0:][:,1] # histogram plot plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) plt.title('Histogram ' + title) plt.axis([0, 360, 0, 70]) plt.xlim(-22.5,337.5) plt.xlabel('Directions (in degrees)') plt.ylabel('Average Firing Rate (in spikes/s)'), rates, width=45, align='center') plt.xticks(directions) # polar plot plt.subplot(2,2,2,polar=True) plt.title('Polar plot ' + title) #plt.legend('Diring Rate (spikes/s)') rates = np.append(rates, rates[0]) theta = np.arange(0,361,45)*np.pi/180 plt.polar(theta, rates) # end plot_tuning_curves return 0
def plot_tuning_curves(direction_rates, title): """ This function takes the x-values and the y-values in units of spikes/s (found in the two columns of direction_rates) and plots a histogram and polar representation of the tuning curve. It adds the given title. """ x = direction_rates[:,0] y = direction_rates[:,1] plt.figure() plt.subplot(2,2,1),y,width=45,align='center') plt.xlim(-22.5,337.5) plt.xticks(x) plt.xlabel('Direction of Motion (degrees)') plt.ylabel('Firing Rate (spikes/s)') plt.title(title) plt.subplot(2,2,2,polar=True) r = np.append(y,y[0]) theta = np.deg2rad(np.append(x, x[0])) plt.polar(theta,r,label='Firing Rate (spikes/s)') plt.legend(loc=8) plt.title(title)
def plot_fits(direction_rates,fit_curve,title): """ This function takes the x-values and the y-values in units of spikes/s (found in the two columns of direction_rates and fit_curve) and plots the actual values with circles, and the curves as lines in both linear and polar plots. """ curve_xs = np.arange(direction_rates[0,0], direction_rates[-1,0]) fit_ys2 = normal_fit(curve_xs,fit_curve[0],fit_curve[1],fit_curve[2]) plt.subplot(2,2,3) plt.plot(direction_rates[:,0],direction_rates[:,1],'o',hold=True) plt.plot(curve_xs,fit_ys2,'-') plt.xlabel('Direction of Motions (Degrees)') plt.ylabel('Firing Rates (Spikes/sec)') plt.title(title) plt.axis([0, 360, 0, 40]) plt.xticks(direction_rates[:,0]) fit_ys = normal_fit(direction_rates[:,0],fit_curve[0],fit_curve[1],fit_curve[2]) plt.subplot(2,2,4,polar=True) spkiecount = np.append(direction_rates[:,1],direction_rates[0,1]) plt.polar(np.arange(0,361,45)*np.pi/180,spkiecount,'o',label='Firing Rate (spike/s)') plt.hold(True) spkiecount_y = np.append(fit_ys,fit_ys[0]) plt.plot(np.arange(0,361,45)*np.pi/180,spkiecount_y,'-') plt.legend(loc=8) plt.title(title) fit_ys2 = np.transpose(np.vstack((curve_xs,fit_ys2))) return(fit_ys2)
def OrientationPlot(OrientationHist_Data,BINS): """ Plot an orienation histogram. For use with OrientationHist function Input ----- OrientationHist_Data: computed from OrienationHist function BINS: bins used to compute OrientationHist Output ------ Produces a polar plot with the orientation histogram data """ RAD_BINS = BINS/(180./np.pi) ## Data Plot plt.rc('grid', color='gray', linewidth=1, linestyle='-') plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=25) plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=20) width, height = plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] size = min(width, height) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(size, size)) ax = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8], polar=True, axisbg='w') plt.polar(RAD_BINS,OrientationHist_Data/float(sum(OrientationHist_Data)), 'k',linewidth=4, marker='o') ax.set_rmax(0.2)
def display_deg2rad_polar_measures(polar_points): """ :param polar_points: [(theta, rho), ...] with theta in degree :return: """ for theta, rho in polar_points: pl.polar(math.radians(theta), rho, 'r,')
def display_polar_measures(polar_points): """ :param polar_points: [(theta, rho), ...] with theta in radian :return: """ for theta, rho in polar_points: pl.polar(theta, rho, 'r,')
def plot_fits(direction_rates, fit_curve, title): """ This function takes the x-values and the y-values in units of spikes/s (found in the two columns of direction_rates and fit_curve) and plots the actual values with circles, and the curves as lines in both linear and polar plots. """ #plt.figure() # create two plots in one figure (1 row, 2 cols) plt.subplot(2, 2, 3) plt.plot(direction_rates[:, 0], direction_rates[:, 1], 'bo') plt.xlabel('Direction of Motion (degrees)') plt.ylabel('Firing Rate (spike/s)') plt.title(title) plt.xlim(-5, 365) plt.plot(fit_curve[:, 0], fit_curve[:, 1], color='g') # polar plot plt.subplot(2, 2, 4, polar=True) # copy the array to a new array polar_data = direction_rates * 1 # convert degrees to radians for i in range(0, len(polar_data)): polar_data[i, 0] = np.deg2rad(polar_data[i, 0]) theta = polar_data[:, 0] r = polar_data[:, 1] # append data to connect 315 to 360 r2 = np.append(r, r[0]) theta2 = np.append(theta, theta[0]) plt.polar(theta2, r2, 'bo') # plot fitted curve data polar_fdata = fit_curve * 1 # convert degrees to radians for i in range(0, len(polar_fdata)): polar_fdata[i, 0] = np.deg2rad(polar_fdata[i, 0]) theta = polar_fdata[:, 0] r = polar_fdata[:, 1] # append data to connect 315 to 360 r2 = np.append(r, r[0]) theta2 = np.append(theta, theta[0]) plt.polar(theta2, r2, color='g', label='Firing Rate (spikes/s)') plt.legend(loc=0) # 0 - best, 8- lower center plt.title(title)
def plot_fits(direction_rates,fit_curve,title): """ This function takes the x-values and the y-values in units of spikes/s (found in the two columns of direction_rates and fit_curve) and plots the actual values with circles, and the curves as lines in both linear and polar plots. """ #plt.figure() # create two plots in one figure (1 row, 2 cols) plt.subplot(2,2,3) plt.plot(direction_rates[:,0], direction_rates[:,1], 'bo') plt.xlabel('Direction of Motion (degrees)') plt.ylabel('Firing Rate (spike/s)') plt.title(title) plt.xlim(-5, 365) plt.plot(fit_curve[:,0], fit_curve[:,1], color='g') # polar plot plt.subplot(2,2,4,polar=True) # copy the array to a new array polar_data = direction_rates*1 # convert degrees to radians for i in range(0, len(polar_data)): polar_data[i,0] = np.deg2rad(polar_data[i,0]) theta = polar_data[:,0] r = polar_data[:,1] # append data to connect 315 to 360 r2 = np.append(r,r[0]) theta2 = np.append(theta,theta[0]) plt.polar(theta2, r2, 'bo') # plot fitted curve data polar_fdata = fit_curve*1 # convert degrees to radians for i in range(0, len(polar_fdata)): polar_fdata[i,0] = np.deg2rad(polar_fdata[i,0]) theta = polar_fdata[:,0] r = polar_fdata[:,1] # append data to connect 315 to 360 r2 = np.append(r,r[0]) theta2 = np.append(theta,theta[0]) plt.polar(theta2, r2, color='g', label='Firing Rate (spikes/s)') plt.legend(loc=0) # 0 - best, 8- lower center plt.title(title)
def plot_hist(dir_rates): # Histogram plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)[:, 0], dir_rates[:, 1], (np.max(dir_rates[:, 0]) - np.min(dir_rates[:, 0])) / (len(dir_rates[:, 0]) - 1)) plt.xlim(xmax = 360) plt.xlabel('Direction of Motion (Degrees)') plt.ylabel('Firing Rate (spikes/s)') plt.title('Neuron Tuning Curve') # Polar plt.subplot(2, 2, 2, polar = True) plt.polar(np.deg2rad(dir_rates[:, 0]), dir_rates[:, 1], label = 'Neuron Tuning Curve') plt.legend(loc = 8)
def plot_tuning_curves(direction_rates, title): """ This function takes the x-values and the y-values in units of spikes/s (found in the two columns of direction_rates) and plots a histogram and polar representation of the tuning curve. It adds the given title. """ plt.subplot(2,2,1)[:,0],direction_rates[:,1],width=45) plt.xlabel('Direction of Motions (Degrees)') plt.ylabel('Firing Rates (Spikes/sec)') plt.title(title) plt.axis([0, 360, 0, 40]) plt.xticks(direction_rates[:,0]) plt.subplot(2,2,2,polar=True) spkiecount = np.append(direction_rates[:,1],direction_rates[0,1]) plt.polar(np.arange(0,361,45)*np.pi/180,spkiecount,label='Firing Rate (spike/s)') plt.legend(loc=8) plt.title(title)
def plot_tuning_curves(direction_rates, title): """ This function takes the x-values and the y-values in units of spikes/s (found in the two columns of direction_rates) and plots a histogram and polar representation of the tuning curve. It adds the given title. """ # create a new figure plt.figure() # create two plots in one figure (1 row, 2 cols) plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) # histogram[:, 0], direction_rates[:, 1], width=45, align='center') plt.xlabel('Direction of Motion (degrees)') plt.ylabel('Firing Rate (spike/s)') plt.title(title) plt.axis([0, 360, 0, max(direction_rates[:, 1]) + 1]) # formatting for plot x-axis plt.xticks(np.arange(0, 360, 45)) plt.xlim(-22.5, 337.5) # # polar plot plt.subplot(2, 2, 2, polar=True) # copy the array to a new array polar_data = direction_rates * 1 # # convert degrees to radians for i in range(0, len(polar_data)): polar_data[i, 0] = np.deg2rad(polar_data[i, 0]) theta = polar_data[:, 0] r = polar_data[:, 1] # append data to connect 315 to 360 r2 = np.append(r, r[0]) theta2 = np.append(theta, theta[0]) plt.polar(theta2, r2, label='Firing Rate (spikes/s)') plt.legend(loc=0) # 0 - best, 8- lower center plt.title(title)
def plot_fits(direction_rates,fit_curve,title): """ This function takes the x-values and the y-values in units of spikes/s (found in the two columns of direction_rates and fit_curve) and plots the actual values with circles, and the curves as lines in both linear and polar plots. """ plt.subplot(2,2,3) plt.plot(direction_rates[:,0],direction_rates[:,1],'o',hold=True) plt.plot(fit_curve[:,0],fit_curve[:,1]) plt.title(title) plt.xlabel('Direction of Motion (degrees)') plt.ylabel('Firing Rate (spikes/s)') plt.xlim(0,360) plt.subplot(2,2,4,polar=True) plt.polar(np.deg2rad(direction_rates[:,0]),direction_rates[:,1],'o') plt.polar(np.deg2rad(fit_curve[:,0]),fit_curve[:,1],label='Firing Rate (spikes/s)') plt.legend(loc=8) plt.title(title)
def plot_tuning_curves(direction_rates, title): """ This function takes the x-values and the y-values in units of spikes/s (found in the two columns of direction_rates) and plots a histogram and polar representation of the tuning curve. It adds the given title. """ # create a new figure plt.figure() # create two plots in one figure (1 row, 2 cols) plt.subplot(2,2,1) # histogram[:,0],direction_rates[:,1], width=45,align='center') plt.xlabel('Direction of Motion (degrees)') plt.ylabel('Firing Rate (spike/s)') plt.title(title) plt.axis([0,360,0,max(direction_rates[:,1])+1]) # formatting for plot x-axis plt.xticks(np.arange(0,360,45)) plt.xlim(-22.5, 337.5) # # polar plot plt.subplot(2,2,2,polar=True) # copy the array to a new array polar_data = direction_rates*1 # # convert degrees to radians for i in range(0, len(polar_data)): polar_data[i,0] = np.deg2rad(polar_data[i,0]) theta = polar_data[:,0] r = polar_data[:,1] # append data to connect 315 to 360 r2 = np.append(r,r[0]) theta2 = np.append(theta,theta[0]) plt.polar(theta2, r2, label='Firing Rate (spikes/s)') plt.legend(loc=0) # 0 - best, 8- lower center plt.title(title)
def plot_fits(direction_rates, fit_curve, title): """ This function takes the x-values and the y-values in units of spikes/s (found in the two columns of direction_rates and fit_curve) and plots the actual values with circles, and the curves as lines in both linear and polar plots. """ plt.subplot(2, 2, 3) plt.plot(direction_rates[:, 0], direction_rates[:, 1], 'o', hold=True) plt.plot(fit_curve[:, 0], fit_curve[:, 1]) plt.title(title) plt.xlabel('Direction of Motion (degrees)') plt.ylabel('Firing Rate (spikes/s)') plt.xlim(0, 360) plt.subplot(2, 2, 4, polar=True) plt.polar(np.deg2rad(direction_rates[:, 0]), direction_rates[:, 1], 'o') plt.polar(np.deg2rad(fit_curve[:, 0]), fit_curve[:, 1], label='Firing Rate (spikes/s)') plt.legend(loc=8) plt.title(title)
def plot_tuning_curves(direction_rates, title): """ This function takes the x-values and the y-values in units of spikes/s (found in the two columns of direction_rates) and plots a histogram and polar representation of the tuning curve. It adds the given title. """ # computes the width of the bars to display bin_size = direction_rates[1,0] - direction_rates[0,0] # histogram plt.subplot(2,2,1) # plot the histogram direction_rates[:,0], direction_rates[:,1], width = bin_size, align='center' ) plt.xticks( np.arange(0, 361, bin_size) ) # specify the range of ticks #plt.xlim( ( min_x, max_x ) ) #plt.ylim( ( min_y, max_y) ) plt.xlabel('Direction of Motion (degrees)') # add label to x-axis plt.ylabel('Firing Rate (spikes/s)') # add label to y-axis plt.title( 'Histogram: ' + title) # add title to histogram # polar representation plt.subplot(2,2,2,polar=True) spikeFiringRates = direction_rates[:,1] # select the spikes firing rates # the polar representation is like a circle, so we correct the data # in a way that the last element of the array if the same as the first one spikeFiringRates = np.append(spikeFiringRates, spikeFiringRates[0]) # compute the angles . A circle ranges from 0 to 360 deg theta = np.deg2rad( np.arange( 0, 361, bin_size ) ) # plot the polar graph plt.polar( theta, spikeFiringRates, label='Firing Rate (spikes/s)' ) #plt.legend(loc=8) # specify the location of the legend plt.title('Polar: ' + title) # add title to the graph
def rfr(new_xs, new_ys, roll_degrees): # Fitting max_y = np.amax(new_ys) max_x = new_xs[np.argmax(new_ys)] sigma = 90 p, cov = optimize.curve_fit(normal_fit, new_xs, new_ys, p0 = [max_x, sigma, max_y]) # Pruning new_xs += roll_degrees new_xs = np.roll(new_xs, np.argmin(new_xs)) new_ys = np.roll(new_ys, np.argmin(new_ys)) # Fitting curve_xs = np.arange(new_xs[0], new_xs[-1]) fit_ys = normal_fit(curve_xs, p[0], p[1], p[2]) # More pruning new_xs = new_xs[0 : len(new_xs) - 1] new_ys = new_ys[0 : len(new_ys) - 1] # Plotting plt.subplot(2, 2, 3) plt.plot(new_xs, new_ys, 'go', curve_xs, fit_ys, '-') plt.xlim(xmax = 360) plt.xlabel('Direction of Motion (Degrees)') plt.ylabel('Firing Rate (spikes/s)') plt.title('Neuron Tuning Curve') plt.subplot(2, 2, 4, polar = True) plt.polar(np.deg2rad(new_xs), new_ys, 'go', np.deg2rad(curve_xs), fit_ys, '-', label = 'Neuron Tuning Curve') plt.legend(loc = 8) return [curve_xs, fit_ys]
def plot_cluster_means(npmovie, figure=None): cluster_means = npmovie.cluster_means cluster_min = npmovie.cluster_min cluster_max = npmovie.cluster_max cluster_std = npmovie.cluster_std nclusters = cluster_means.shape[0] nfeatures = cluster_means.shape[1] colormap = plt.get_cmap('jet') fig = pylab.figure(figure) theta_labels = ['yaw rate', 'speed', 'slip'] for r in range(nclusters): rmax = np.max(np.abs(cluster_means))*1.2 ax = fig.add_subplot(2,np.ceil(nclusters/2.),r+1,polar=True) ax.set_frame_on(False) # set cluster color backgroundcolor=np.array(list(colormap(r/float(nclusters)))) theta = np.linspace(0, np.pi*2, 100) rad = np.ones_like(theta)*rmax pylab.polar( theta, rad, color=backgroundcolor, linewidth=6) theta_arr = [] for c in range(nfeatures): theta = c / float(nfeatures)*np.pi theta_arr.append(theta) rad = cluster_means[r,c] print r,c,rad color = colormap( c / float(nfeatures)) pylab.polar( theta, rad, 'o', color=color, markersize=7) std_line = np.linspace(rad+cluster_min[r,c], rad+cluster_max[r,c], 4, endpoint=True) theta_line = theta*np.ones_like(std_line) pylab.polar( theta_line, std_line, color=color, linewidth=.75 ) std_line = np.linspace(rad-cluster_std[r,c], rad+cluster_std[r,c], 4, endpoint=True) theta_line = theta*np.ones_like(std_line) pylab.polar( theta_line, std_line, color=color, linewidth=3, ) ax.set_thetagrids(np.array(theta_arr)*180/np.pi, labels=theta_labels) ax.set_rgrids([rmax], alpha = 0) ax.set_rmax(rmax)
def plot_tuning_curves(direction_rates, title): """ This function takes the x-values and the y-values in units of spikes/s (found in the two columns of direction_rates) and plots a histogram and polar representation of the tuning curve. It adds the given title. """ x = direction_rates[:, 0] y = direction_rates[:, 1] plt.figure() plt.subplot(2, 2, 1), y, width=45, align='center') plt.xlim(-22.5, 337.5) plt.xticks(x) plt.xlabel('Direction of Motion (degrees)') plt.ylabel('Firing Rate (spikes/s)') plt.title(title) plt.subplot(2, 2, 2, polar=True) r = np.append(y, y[0]) theta = np.deg2rad(np.append(x, x[0])) plt.polar(theta, r, label='Firing Rate (spikes/s)') plt.legend(loc=8) plt.title(title)
def plot_tuning_curves(direction_rates, title): """ This function takes the x-values and the y-values in units of spikes/s (found in the two columns of direction_rates) and plots a histogram and polar representation of the tuning curve. It adds the given title. """ plt.subplot(2,2,1)[:,0],direction_rates[:,1], width=45) y_max = np.max(direction_rates[:,1]) + 5 plt.axis([0,360,0,y_max]) a=np.arange(0, 360, 45) plt.xticks(a+22,a,rotation = 17) plt.xlabel("Direction of Motion (degrees)") plt.ylabel("Firing Rate (spikes/s)") plt.title(title) plt.subplot(2,2,2, polar = True) spikecounts = direction_rates[:,1] spikecounts2 = np.append(spikecounts, direction_rates[0,1]) r = np.arange(0, 361, 45)*np.pi/180 plt.polar(r, spikecounts2, label="Firing Rate (spikes/s)") plt.title(title) plt.legend(loc=8)
def reconstruct_image_with_lines_polar(polar_points, angles, dists): # print(angles) # print(dists) # fig = pl.figure() # ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # ax.clear() # # ax.set_xlim(0, distance_max_x_cartesien) # ax.set_xlim(-int(distance_max_x_cartesien/2), int(distance_max_x_cartesien/2)) # # ax.set_ylim(0, distance_max_y_cartesien) # ax.set_ylim(-int(distance_max_y_cartesien/2), int(distance_max_y_cartesien/2)) # ax.axhline(0, 0) # ax.axvline(0, 0) # # pl.grid() # xx = [] yy = [] # for x, y in points: # xx.append(x) # yy.append(y) # pl.plot(xx, yy, 'r.') cartesian_good_data = outr.one_turn_to_cartesian_points(polar_points) width, height = outr.get_width_height(cartesian_good_data) diag_len = int(round(math.sqrt(width * width + height * height))) # cartesian_good_data, translation = outr.change_basis(cartesian_good_data) for theta, rho in polar_points: pl.polar(math.radians(theta), rho, 'r,') # # fig.canvas.draw() print("fini ?") for theta, rho in zip(angles, dists): # print("oui ?") xxx, yyy = [], [] # print(-int(distance_max_x_cartesien / 2), int(distance_max_x_cartesien / 2)) # cost = math.cos(theta) # sint = math.sin(theta) # x0 = rho*cost # y0 = rho*sint # x1 = x0 - 10000*sint # y1 = y0 + 10000*cost # x2 = x0 + 10000*sint # y2 = y0 - 10000*cost # pl.plot(x1, y1, 'b-') # pl.plot(x2, y2, 'b-') # for x in range(0, distance_max_x_cartesien): for x in range(-int(distance_max_x_cartesien/2), int(distance_max_x_cartesien/2)): # print(x) y = rho / math.sin(theta) - (math.cos(theta)/math.sin(theta)) * x - diag_len a, d = outr.cartesian_to_polar([x, y]) # print("y", y) # xxx.append(x) # yyy.append(y) xxx.append(a) yyy.append(d) # print("cartesian", [x+translation[0], -y-translation[1]]) # a, d = outr.cartesian_to_polar([x-translation[0], (y-translation[1])]) # print("polar", a, d) # pl.polar(a, d, "b-") pl.polar(xxx, yyy, 'b-') # pl.plot(xxx, yyy, 'b-') # fig.canvas.draw()
def display_deg2rad_polar_measures(polar_points): for theta, rho in polar_points: pl.polar(math.radians(theta), rho, 'r,')
value_L11a_v8=[0.0022737603,0.0136363636,0.0154545455,0.0068181818,0.0045454545,0.0159090909,0.03,0.0186363636,0.0022737603] value_M14a_v8=[0.0113688017,0.0109090909,0.0145454545,0.0127272727,0.0113636364,0.0072727273,0.0168181818,0.0072727273,0.0113688017] value_M9c_v8=[0.0009095041,0.0018181818,0.0004545455,0.0004545455,0.0027272727,0.005,0.0036363636,0,0.0009095041] #250 ### Graficado angle = [0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315, 0] angle = np.array(angle)*np.pi/180 plt.figure('Preferred angles V2') plt.polar(angle, value_E11a_v2, 'b', linewidth=3, label='E11a_v2') plt.polar(angle, value_H10b_v2, 'g', linewidth=3, label='H10b_v2') plt.polar(angle, value_K5a_v2, 'yellow', linewidth=3, label='K5a_v2') plt.polar(angle, value_F12a_v2, 'r', linewidth=3, label='F12a_v2') plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.) plt.figure('Preferred angles V8') plt.polar(angle, value_E11a_v8, 'b', linewidth=3, label='E11a_v8') plt.polar(angle, value_H10b_v8, 'g', linewidth=3, label='H10b_v8') plt.polar(angle, value_K5a_v8, 'yellow', linewidth=3, label='K5a_v8') #plt.polar(angle, value_F12a_v8, 'r', linewidth=3, label='F12a_v8') #plt.polar(angle, value_E7b_v8, 'orange', linewidth=3, label='E7b_v8') #plt.polar(angle, value_E8a_v8, 'black', linewidth=3, label='E8a_v8') plt.polar(angle, value_K10b_v8, 'cyan', linewidth=3, label='K10b_v8') #plt.polar(angle, value_F11a_v8, 'brown', linewidth=3, label='F11a_v8') #plt.polar(angle, value_E7a_v8, 'lime', linewidth=3, label='E7a_v8')